ini cOOnty court Mra. Antenett3 ukegan wer" li- hicago, Tuetiday. let Pauzer iand liter. Lucile andi r. arnd Mri. L. Mut is madttiyt [rne left 'lTi-tt* ,ek or ten da.> oevil Lake anti est la wisïcun nboue la vwtinl, son, George. ut: M on. Geor;e auto,. GeOrg-e au St., apraineil Lai nei'esaary te and 14. showed of Tngleaiilp 18. îame reai- 1 a ticenle tu l1ow yiur gopl yttUr liait pair lt«.gin 4iautîjlîl bne 793 n'ce -p 2, v. 'o 1~ ut rat- 48 you .,-ý j LIBERTY VI LLE VOfWIME XIXD-NJMRFR 31. ANTIOCII WITIIOUTf A COUNCIL AS FOUR MREMBERS RESI(iN Controversy over enforcement'ý of speed Iaws bnings sen- sational climax A ne to.i rloin l..t! aut - ýo. the Village tt .n:; ii iatii , it- %fni1ay i' to i 'ten tîtli of i iii ïiii meinser -ortiret u îti n ilt i-tutti int t rpri gned by Fending ti: i(,,etiitinîi- tie-nt Frani, ing. ji. r'sutdi"-i t esignaliont- i amt.'a- tti tna t t a n antit.s- pied i rît -t îînîtlrteu a.i.îni T rerr i ta iving !ei tAnt tort a tii, tai clatetv !,een li, ii-ha1it ,i ,si-idng iîrouiîh titi Iit-' Wht-iinci! i îgIi- r.1îandr tu f ii rtust '. t I. t î.t ,ii'n diaittarget o f1. Il ongîton, wit ta', bei-n th,- tts"intirthatliior titi' ,a. i tao t'unt ii' nd wa t t iti irit-i i î'o'-plani e a it T 'te t'tiuTi's t'- it't' 1h i- tiîi i iown ti' nIooritt '(-i t5 mit-, ..ri 'tOur*' %as Ma It t t i H tii-t,-as ii!a Ptediti--O tit-rt Lr i Mason Srbt-. 't The ii: nn înînîn wlimî tate flot bei-n liiin thie situa- ion arc M-i- . P.- and Osmnond. As th t hîtinîta iw tands the- vil agi- ofAn' i . ac->a iftiott a riT" i tounci ani ,ta not i position to iransact h- . ta i- t alt-gai wa'. ThPeforut- : truation t iot? 'îi tlex and u,.,i blat iltt t,' ieT- ne yet knO*l ii Je î'anti-iare thil a %peciat ' uth i .3i11,t1 Som 1 Anàaiiîi..t 'iii' a iita a ttlluion rTe gardinjs lit' *.ignxtiin ul the titt councllni-u ii. mnuîanent , T ofr upeed la*-;à - ilagnxiDn ionltlitet ruarahali-t i liefacis are- ti-',e blOme tinte a.,'theicviliai- cîuncit deo- cided tl.ti nîori.ii- tîtu>t abidi' bu the spead-i. , naitîtut'1,nîie- at itour. Acro tIiiogit Nithal Conurdto was in î t t i't i' l utit.M 11i go Oit anei se" ta.: aloiis-obey tht- aw H e dii osud tiai iilie t hîmgitt the counci ai-ahF hea a4tiid,i Nov thenu. n enforchng 1th- la% - (Coftiaued en Page Two> BICYCLE RACES.. l SPIRI TED; MANY PARTICIPATED rpST intoe t as mi 'Iown ta the hi- cy âoe1ranito e r.1.1 .tit'vilIii-Saturdai rifternoon L as an agooti nid tirne bt- nycle race wilbt the contestants- juat it'; much in t-arnî'.- as If the prizes b..~ hi-e bg ca-lt jrizes. Tht- boys rode for te' sport i 'mltes played LIBERTYVILLE. LAKM COU!ff, LIUOS. TURSDAY.AUGUST 4, 1921. DOG DÂYS DEWEY EiETS A FORTUNE FOR PLACE ON OREENBAY ROAD As gomerment closes its deal for property west of tracks, prioe is shown t'ncie saisilias startetl pa)i ng out on the landi taken for tliV naval sta- ltton vesi o! tht' trark'i ti rreat Tii- rdi-na for signing releases ver- sent ot on Juiy 27ti frontth i ioffice o! the Laite Couty Titît- ant i Trust cnmpany. Waukeguun. which handiedtheii-entire fransaun ion 'for tic governirmeni. Tic total ainount inclutied in the tracts orderet paît ait once as ne- celveti b>' pe Waukegan trust C' vas $441,23125. lna altii- amount in' voivet in the paymenta Is $646.000. The ciosing of this big demi. one of lie iggest i-ver executi-d in tie county. troteti quite a task.fur-'Alvah L. Rogers. secretary o! lie îtrust cot psny. for he vas thte ont- ato dri-w all the deeda anti othit -apera for tii- govermnisi no' handlIng the' ch-cksa for tie deparîtent anti clo- ing up ait tietahi.- toi taking 03crrthe on tht- gov-rnnet-t ati yît te> are diaciaglng mein rat Ihe station, tiers are Waadiziug the builihga hy uutthng tue ire deliartmen--and ail hicause theyre shotrt of n'on"e': But. hy paying Dewey sucb a inice. ft tioesn't gppeai as if iher are t'en> short. Below are ti' narwt i o o ers who are this wî.ek gttins' thei checks. nutîthr of tc sur- and axnounts: Robert Btahop. 71::49 acrss S5f.u2iî.î Chas. S. Dewey, 79.3;2 artse 192950.uO Wrn. NI.Duddii-îu. 37..9 a ...:Sl3.Lt Angela C. Gormujt'. : .5s Wacres...................".5v arren Herrick, 1-7 sert-- 1, -î0 2. 5 Geo. andi Warren tHetrickIl 34.71 acres....... 2.672.ý0 Chas. H. Ni-at. 15 acres. 2;1& Chas. J. Ni-ai, 4119) acre.- t2676,0 D)aviti L. Neai, 13.61) acret 368S7.SO Alfred Pearson. 14.04 lier' i#.'47.50t Schooi Trltee, .,,orT Chicago. 1 acrtý .. .. ,112t.-0 Kate M. Sheridan. 1-4 aut - iC.526.25 Total, about 360 ,acrt'54.215 As,. ongres approptaii'îl $546,0ti for cicsing these deais. it t- ctieni that orders tu close ui tht- tîianc wili foliow ebtrtis. but iti' rbote an'- ail included in ho tîî'idît -' eceivi-t by the abstraci comilan'. on %V'oîîhes- day. FORT SHIERIDAN IS arouti our.- or at cîcr. Ts bands, eâpecuaily ha vica' of the pri- vas a i'sry intiresti:g race anti vas cision tiihts-nîy,-îmnî-tî O JC K IT cloauiiy ote fr a tume,. Car iomta upun liti bantiitti urct transas Jneiz, 2129 Belle Plaine Ave., Chi. tioRa.. cago, finali> takins' ti-hiad. viti Dewey Geta $19Z950. T OWM.S OR L Wiilam Blums. 2718 OsGooti St. C'hi Thi- outatandingstofi'tttt-î the- rago. 2nti. Heiman Hoffman. 15,18 W. wiote dciii is the t- liaTt (tI, na"> ceni(rtul sttiet (ltcagu.2rdl. The carrieti oui the- plaîn otiiinînthl ('hicago biaIs contestei in the race Dewey plate of 71. actes. thîs plece As other camps are closed by 'Ci':- listing rititiin titeir wlti'ts containins' ti-ehuge ' tui'ict idene government many men will tt-' wtt> froint Chcag'o tu Liberty- just t outit ot Pive l'oints toniGreen- .esn olclps viýil,. TIiey iuoa'it 'aonuI*rfTl Ch bay road. The ave-rage tire paiti b ettolclps ti. 'ani'e anti e'n itiikPit iii i'itîg i.utacre lor ail teland ilis tbout $800î bat'â..afierithe rau' was- %ir an acre, suit. .'lloaiag l)iaiu¶$1,000; Tutu seiondi îvenî wtt,.fuît buî . 16 an acte ahd aîibtiautts' the $79,0Jo l'aFrt Sheiridian t uhs islack i. yearssand ttnler. l'or raT 'limeteid' for I)ta's atîndl trot iii sale Pic it.- uan At oneflit,te tas regard erst kept rclose tîguiter luth t-erbei'l of $192951ti iL iasi-uen Itut'sta - etas one tof the moat hnportant Kopmieer front Tîttrul Lîtkt- finally ttt!cit ri, ilo' hne arnuupos4in tut' ttount3 . Tien came tok te iad and ti t lfor tht' resu ie. co tea'i'huit it] i'lphae in a 1ttnit-,whF'n il as tratentahiîle- o! ti..' laps. V('lthMlniuali aaa see que-stionlivnt'a tî'a 4'1ing. anti ser t d here vair airons' TaIt of oni..Gettrge Htrding, iIJu.îtian St. lit cd tîînu' I ttorîiieiîufoî'e tienbanuontng il entiru'l.t :trti. l)inziet Arnoltd, 71l6 N. Gin-ee Wur 1 ;hîtoi.ttît. lie tic ited in luring thewait ita an s eti as a Si. 4l1îthi- havI. was contmissioned it tii-ut 1rainîns' caînît 'for tîffluers. Since tht- 'hthiird cri-niwasa f tîe-inili- enant anti watt onnecteil ailti 'apt. aar il iasa ht-e, uscitas a iîospihal ta-i'otpen tii Lake Citunty ridera. 1-. Nftfftts' staff';il Gtiei iaskeiuunthli tatsi t or a'oîîndleîi solîiens. Riglut , ilines. 8"' ranit Atenut-. a'aste ari lstice- am i-gneI-it Prior To O io a aîuiîeau' titat tefuru lis'. Chiarles' Meti-ns. Laki- B.luff. living on Gri-enha> iîttît.,tt- itet Itn long tiii acthvities ai the local fort 2îîî' . E. Hanlin. i110 N. Butrick St. Chicago randîl vlti ii, vile-. nasn tai aît urpess anything in ils Iistor>'. 3ruh, David Itanheta, l15- Harvey Ave,. ment hn loit tiishore'society. 1 fDue ho the Oea' arit' urden ciosins' N. 'hicago. Pi.u f'This bis' iouse iha tbout lai ntuuctu sevenai camps Fiat Sheridian lits Edwvin R. Gobîeciît. ou-leir f the inu- tqinavy purposes ,ts the si-coudt faimtOe bcorne an Important pont Watkt-gan V. NX. C.'i. lii-dtheii boys laul of a cal wouhut lue lu the ovni-n with a lange number ut sottiien'a sent top for the races andt îok a greaf Itirt-i. t la bis'.Ilu iiiftar avay titi-e front the- tampts vuich are to iit.ý-nt lunseeing iliai i-i-îrything vent fri ouices' quartîrs rnt isl un- lhe loseti of' wiThotît friction anti witttnui coln- avalable for any Itpui e ecupting . Frofit Camp Grant is tu, corne a ba- f Héon itati, ti¶'ne Ii'auien as tIse as a nsuîîence andi t o0 bis' andt 10 taillion of the 54Th ,tnfantny. Front boyF rnindel'thn.i itithoul, the "ar'. expeusivi foi tultT. Ah pres-ml a Camp Shterman. Ohio, viii tome- the al ie u- aa ihit Peîryhot- iy iutl nenber theI -utdicat staff ivea in ai-coud tnfantry. The fourtgenth cav- 'tîiîae but h vwouldta lle as îuch coal to alry is ta senti one squatimon t hem- Mesaera ligginbothamn anti Doug- luiat il asuiitidos 10 eat a big donr- frot Des Moines, anti the eightY-flrst bar, wel-inovn bicycle anti motor- i nyete men of Waukegan dinh lltîhteî'i[tory a iii-e station proper. Futr- artiliery aI Camsp Knox vl senti one coult tIotnake he races a ut stcless.thitimnre, il la rt the extreme weat battalion. 'I'ey liieraily dotnat od piizes. in- endi ofthelietîy whieb lias gone' With these varlous armny1 orzanlîs cungafifty tdollar &xcelstior. bi- into disuse. Andl hn any i-vent. tht'l thons Font Sheridan vili1 tati- on iyce. price of 1192000 là consitieri-d by. quite a wariike aspect. Il la expic- The jutiges vent' Cari Aterbi-ny.sRd- people gent-aiiyAsa a nighty big odie. edt tut other dotacmenrts aiso wl Use W. Crott, of Zion. Thiinari Muri-itart.i bous as if Lieut . Dewey he sent to the local pot fronturne .99 ad Mnr. obreeht. vas able to unicat a vitleelepiaii fa lime. ]FINE TIIEMSELVES IF THEY SWEAR; IT -4jES TO THE POOR HEN<RY HARVEY DIED AT HIS HOME IN THE VILLAGE TODAY iln~ Ildrve9.h "t-ha,.reýidt-d on %Vs Park At enue-. Llberty'. iti. for Tian9 ear>. dieu tbii-(Thursday) 'ift etnoon. aftter an illnes ot about ttîr't aeek . Mr. Harvy wa'tabu 411ý s ofutagi-.anti his condition bail INýDEPENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAPG SAVED BY TIIREAD AS FAST MAIL ITS PETESON TRUCK. James Petersen and Manley Whittier ih.AniracuIous es- cape at Wadsworth I taîtî Pter-eén. ownpî of the Pet- À îî ion Auto Tr uck conip)an> and Man- le, WttttTter, heu-eé hat th%, AI- utiglit> inteî-r.-nid to Siave thofl fruon being kitteit in front of a fast Pxpres>-nTiieSt. Pault Rairoâ Sundat niornig at !e::1) Gocock at ilite Watlsworth ch-ttising when the truck un whjcb ttey were rtding wtt'. oniplet-ts* %tenmtushed antd evefi ii. clistion on the apai on whlch the au hn hait teen Sitting vias jerlk- ýIIilttort muet t tCient as th- train col- itîed wji hth,-it'îtck. t tow1ttie. -ueaped wittît it-eir tives; t' liard tiii gttie out. Thpy beilêvo ta tit utasai- tt ting athorttir a mifr- trit.i' i I l.t.ii- ntt venTton ior Pri'- tiini'- ijî, inabtp(t iîeiito flot iut iii tiiis ; aiit ient i Itl ti- hole ikin" ît-îik acte aiuazeil Co inul that bot the men escapei bping kiledg. The tsurkin Ice t'ouiîany hadt sent Mt, Petprtien Toni;age's Lake. Roxad Laudable purpose backs the coTbenrnsiderred e tila. Hetw e ,t ' ran <uthtebuci% il wair a nd a ineu holy name society in the h i ifu Libërtyvillt' Pos 4,A. tl. A Roma Caholi Chrch full ubttuai*y notice a ii be tirinted Romn CthlieChuch neixtweek. No arrangemnenmttsiali hein i> t - '4ciet o ut t i n g in -oing t o Jîess. t ak-î and fit u ti t ountie,, t ontibii i-l li c e nch isIninittoi îalefrth- nrlUof ii to l ';bithng aneh1 i:veýWADSWORT Il PICNIC a rtal ",ienaneIot.tiott WAS BMi SUCCESS Tt s 'atted t i' ttutoy Nt.nîci- il tN andlo t iihouit ri'gai-dt' tr its i etigiou, 1't1w atllouat otTig andt tt.ti-t lire- ýetes, i tl tit ,ehadynitti-itittat 1Wifi i re to Ltake' CountN 't,onl-'t Xc t i to i o- ne aWi i nid [, tti t iltirati a.iociatiun. bei ni Ntt I( (tt'tt tgh e n ent ofî,î att 1ttthY .- gtoî t-. Madsaolt hSil la.. anht att retigions tie- tnd] da>. atiticsst t i'tit . tOit te .ý1*ýtil b. - 1 it-imbler-.- or; rit i. grot e a ai tacked a i t h pi t tu. t onti tloi, Nattnt- octets t'ompt î-, n1 ýni l, 1 ai ti- t tie tou t>, int %-1i l> iii,, taitng tii tiit iRoman tattiotit' ntanY t eltt t1îaCft ii i ti n atîios, i i. tipti-t ttî"iîtî',. iwti' i akt.î uti, .î ii I n t1Ii ttituti, a grîît rtetitî.jI'ttp ta I tirai 'ttîît- i t ...,' t: t I iffoltt t,, i,ý niii u .t itnir tht' ti - -~î li t ftle M'au kl gais North tý zi' ,îtQnIh- wtt-n *tti'socte etslin iiitiaco (iambeî ot of tîe eAtt'. t ti, î ur c i p taipai en Johtîn 1i.S P Ille. ttep. %\'ti ,t" Pisse, i aoî k t- toit ach man. 1o h' ntàuiir t nt~ a tt-ti ii i ir e socitt t't h Otiruaiî. ut.N0ad.-a tit IM 1:i ttt "'t tnult ici take t hei-ne lit att eut t tes îîînsî ie fit îîîî' c - î *1<"ake'à«nti iliiiher places ii in elier le iiw i t. n tain" and To dii î'i.'î'sofuthTe eenT. being Ila itete- waoîki-t Il ne ,tit-iciprven otitrian.Tht-s tskt-d lliToret5 tiingiî-~iîi- iilîevet mTen- li-n ilit-hait' ofthe- organization. antld ii(,T, -wr f Vutar frotnd îiîng nuo le pi-dat-s iitisi-iTtoTins' a great anoTtiT t ftiittih, ' othrerryo\anti swtht>apahe 'i tn 'ai-e hi torgi-ts andi swiar-' tîangennenT of ti-eiiroi!Tittfi thTti-St. Paul TraCks tfroni the- veut toraa iil penatize ttinsett tOC Or 2(-nany we k stb u'te a îddi saIos n i'ii lint in thtî aittunT t i îtlîr W as .at4o a fIag iT ut soihe i-es uoveni-r aWhinae and 1 toutin rtuich liii eter, iti'ii stIi--4lotl cijiltiren Thti'grute waa- ji-u w stin. stackened hi ptir Wh itfults decorate(It aitil ttags anti tîlipraîiv The ackds c anduly inda hIleetniiwhc.i unti . .The liari bt-rlT onîommerce apoee h rcs cuiul. io-nt lia.ttcae 'ied ndtaatheit Iii oný lfsfi-îeprpý le thoughititt aas cIiar andi started est inu .-townhn i n-nof the dit Zuat he lruc-k as otietii-trai-k fi-rt-ni îîarubstîi. htit' tereatiisg th'~ ~ toth nmen saw the tast express heur- note lha the North Chicago parîali NI E L KECOng dovn on tileul. Peter8en about- han% t00, ler cent nmhership. In t-d "Stop on the g.." iani Wlùttiqr BLshort. eîery trait in the North C(hi- E did so but it vas toc, tati-. INcQ R ago church becarne a nenuber oft EN R INlNQ À The enginhl atruck the rear of th.e do» hen athe Burs wa paRinn otor truck and hurled ItL aromd, sudND ltRbase ben cie o n EinceCAM4P Camp, W wit gcat force, turnlng lit complot. i SA In admitteF NESt sarredo reANT NOW ly aromad.Thtatbtli totâ, BY IIU LTY PL As dcrs prd acice aoeng euUo heSr.Camîp Grant. Ilinis.lasibly hein; bifrled on the track. men hn thi- romtuunity where the no- EÂo hSrg h rc a oeo h & i Fines range from $100)( to ciety operates. The contention ' Thei- sa n.'juna" t,*o the C(itizens' publicetModela ant ihait a çaetton $200; everalnew inorma- that îuweaî'tng dons nobody aiiy gond MiSayaining camp ta now tinderThtoaseiasheprOSv t and that in rder t overcon- the vie. Jul>- 21st vsntecnites report- eiyaifthdbonpani.aU tions f iled in court today luhbtteHl aesceywe h addna.Ya fI albe lne.j to u h ith one Nainecil eh- Pdant i vll enti n Augfust %th vien intrause aM Itmay' seem, the eucnbhps _____ wactt launced ithtofoe rinplth' they tart for htomue. The men in on which the two men vere sitt»U Tlie- bthndphggi-rs savei ten -t aeytîlu vronn h attentiance 'tr' enthi3aastic about the vas cloyeriy liftetiout front beneuSfu selves iront r-ceii-ing big fines when habit. tratnlng tiey are recelving andi hc-- hem andi yot they tive. tîe ap>peared In countY court ibis In Waukegan thi- churchues aiso lieve that mafly people in their home Petorson andi Whittier fi-el th« mornins' anti plesiiet guitY to the bave a gooti memhership in thte Hoiy towns voulti ite know soniething thoy ove their lives to the fact lm charge tof settins' ntoxcatng tiquer. Naine society andi the membuirs ad- about the camp. Betng front the dis- Whittler citiras tightiy tb tiie vhn* Hicause of thir actions they f0- mit that they have noticeti a ve'riy de- trict serveti 17 your paper andi belng and Peteron .vhen ne saw the t ciiveti machi sualler fines than vonît cideti change In the mati-r ot swa'ia- a inember of the camilI1'arn enclos- lision coming. stal.i d Id haehien assî'sii-edothervise. Of ms' in their community. ms' nolIe uopy concerntngthie ocamp vind-sbleldad cllig ttiht wlos *P ]ate- there htavehi-en a number of hr aalreiehnhpu h in the hope.- fiat you wiiisi ftt mPc are aaeto case, of thha kind. boute law viola.'Tet isa are mvbrs p f heee i tOimpc a e car therasasMf lors eivdentts having learneti that Soctety among the mi-n of St. Joiethas publistuiIl. ro rmthcatecai g it pys o pead uily tan airether curc, Liertvile.t am noting beiowtise mnines of îhoy vouiti have- gone under p it pys 0 pi-a gulty hantak thir iurc. ii-te f roni tilr district. vieeta of thi- train. The train' mi chiances Ati.the tianîla of a jury. Cni't udl 'oio. tat point huts uDr aap'e i abo* Those vtîo tîeaded guilty toiiay *CadIat atdi iO, anti a'ere Zinpil weri-: an2 Co.ii- 3tii- toalion. ~ 60 toi 165 milea un boum. andti in la I Laddlic iolNo. Chicago, 111. Mary Tomala-$10an ens COS BA DHarod Wilinson, Waukegan. 111. that vas going tuliy that faat VIff' Loout.- Viala $iiooand ceints. Elion Kitchen. Libertyvilli-1. ~'this accidentILoccurri-t. anti c('tais. TO CITIIDEDaFdNcos RobertIL .Ertikine. Waukegan. iî About aitlthat Isla e! t Ofthe "ký Star-s Attorney Smih cniiy J F Reonard Ciihert Waukegan. Lii.' la Ienoo h.- t-utting oltînore work for himai-If. Raymond Durst, Waukegan. 111. Despite thi,'tact that many violators A 'i Oierdon M. Hicks, Waulcegan. 111.c hae ledd uit, het.sil ae HIM DEAD IN CHAIR HaroldKo e akean,11. m WRIT BARS UB %frs. aniesF*teuiibrk of ARE NMAKING S(>L.I)ilRS LC B TIIO (i< t' iqurto e ifnato, 1sa RoundîILiaki' aukedti îstiue iront Soidihersaraei'agaho in the îmuking at Th-lsî u tar noîta os aaiorchuoftlier honte about six tiiciock C'ami)1 Grant. Illiinoisi. at hiast one go LY AT LON K A. Wibui'g sait- of hoote. Thuri-da> evertins Juiy 28th. i-tic In- lui-ae the houtetInilrcnid a ndies- Ni A fottov a ju--aee biz. ete s ho itte mmanstorAi Plui Leando'ak-mae ofboou. endeîi callins hi-r bushandti u 5iP- the- riyThiic ninvements of hundretisAremntira JonLon ie -ae of bont.zgeeen- eched M~- nonLavet' -ase o ote. i-r. Site saav liiasittîng ini the- chair ofmtnngoins' Tiumugliuthe phyttical et. Ahbe Satomstak " ng anti aitru lie liait bei-n for sorti' turne anti ercises-or the long Unes of khaki-clat terested parties whichmr.I sale of booze. as ahi- approacî-ti ii. site bld himni h iiing itut tine anti ouu. i* temporary iniunctWo p'oit'.i-r inspection ri-t'iais ttal these If Frnk ePet kot'a-saIe of booze. hi "i n n 0 upeatre vu'young rnen. full îf enthusi- Jente et iiri-ksal othooe. She'îii gn t gi-t rieaton.-it' nas . pepi ant Iilei'prtov'erbial Aini- A' teinpomary Injunction bur» Sti-t-KîtIi-otfu bonze. quickty iteppedi ito uhlm. He ei-icml irîlit: ihet' ttc offi-,'rs in the public batng in front of t Practicaity ail O! titise tiifendants ed ssii-i-l Site cali-ti again-hi- dit rnaui'ng. rhey arit' idilrii" enrolet subdivision ait Long Lake wau are f ront Northi cl'ago aithougis two net tnswer. ' in n- th iizrent, liiT'raining cd Monday Iu circuit court by or bn-êe of i i-n re' troi Waîikegan. She siuook bum Even thuefliiiendalle 'tunit Etiards on petition of Fred W. nu situnof noticing ber. 14. then tii OV(1ie, ai.untt1 t oriutwioo os siverai lots luIbis -. not tai- ler long ta finiti Iat bu waa u-t 'ail at., i. t ctitliGrant. division in questin. Undfl ,h i îtlet ihu asrssl itfý..u froîn an it uititi tin ltof ternis of the reatraining pr4lt HERE' WHY HE. Wlitiititi, .tuni-n oniy pt-opte vin may use tlie H R ' W YT E Hll de h m i t h aitI 6tirir ii-t, irt-i ýi:ti ic, titixtIi lng eharte FARMERS JIOLLERI h' dfît 'l r lt ot i hlînes.- but ii' u- d IXini'uutoi-tt it i it Iltlois. in the hawsubdeisin iaOSf1 hall bien in fini'e tteltuu.lia itliaiti)n.'ii , t riik'hî-'I~ nt 't- Irti iki' un ex- iit fouttiri n iti itî i it uie.,icii afTht- pi-tihol fie n O f Occaitantty iti'tîca, tante- I 'iIi ttearong' MnO for hl.y A'sjýra. îîtî'î titiltet A 'tIîIhîs't uiidirecteti againat Q.' A. Ma"î, p= counîtîlain at liintt ut'hg onîppelletibsud-. i.duluarasitk li 2l su ttitty affitttti- 1t1t't' dtent of the Shaw SubdivéliIon i. tiddei.i ir t itî'titilice tii', it uti tI).pitvenuen tAssociaton. and seM airnost g'tî c ti-t tîi'duce avay and XIr. " -iiil1 î'.Att-t rî'î fî t Tti iit-iiî' tuitait iiil i' Iiii. I l tii'Iotters.- therefore rtiy, olis a'il give iar t ho bu. itouis t. tout dama s i 'la(t lI ii-t- tiiautu iiiititttiio(i -r i t1 t1 t ut! Att..indicative of lthe at& itremont Pritchardt. of Miwaukee litil ii tr-îtnt towinshp.Withi îý . hn ita i'tttrgoii reltht ht-me ha nu r-ml trouble ho avne atNfnaAg , ito fiti' ii nov-stiin tlii iIhuiu'tti -int l ioii.itiii .hît itd.ji i I'J îîu tii- residents of tic Shaw mau Aveue.Lait ona>' Au. , h- .00 fltuat-itan Inactive liii' afrte'iong I(loui usnîîî i ittilîtrel it ttîi 'uev thi- restrainting r to Waukes'an ainarket bskefu- si-ala work on the tarniît Ii'--r ît iti' and l iii Iteti îj'andti 'iIn stan tdat a g oi'dOr e cnntinhng one-ibirtI of a bushel o! éacina r-n. tir titi uth i.r u't y 'ti't> iîlin l cucuihers, anti a cal!ýpeit. H i-Ftberai Monda), at-9 'îiock iron t ii'-'rttin iepti'sented '- reahdblenal ate cst~ Hi tr- eii-Catholic cdurci ai Round Laki'. Tt C p ýte is o ii , C td Under lie tertnis cf thi liijumt ceiveti 35 cents for' fh- cucumbers with'hurial In St. Mafyia ceu eiiya i-- îîtii'uinn'(autt i couithiny poltic bea r - anti 25 cents for the peit. F'îsu 'etrOntund'alttf ,,n Niiir-TanigCm n' rn atigo h ec The cucumbers are thi e tht te i-nteTh ! . li'rer ert iii utimui- kîaî lie "lied Camp"rak outsiders. Ouests o!f SS si-il oh the local marktt SI front 10 foulai in ube lirenioni ('enter ni-wttu9 "î Olzn a' Mitr Taua'win residui in the SiaW aubdiVU 4.0 20 ci-saeach. The- 60 cents he anotîtîr page. neaati- corcap.konepat esti, ilee i e enoet r-celveti vas justienougi 10 but a- - -ai uit'canpse reepeias ed, whteat: Tie Shaa, Subdivision tozeùtenltions. Fakloao nic. attkntmei1 hu rirnmtat nnent Association la takIn< 9,a Durîns' the var Pritchardi receivethora n oshanof pîtal, as Salda suesied Intheorrs. Ti-amps are In teesat in affaira in *$t M4A 11 as hilah as 90 centsa aPoundi for cal! Weî'hetbu undervi-nt an operatUon 1fO ut-utfor the purpose o! training mien iordaal mrv m i b Ve ipeits. a vhole skin velglsing front cancer. Mr. ltogtin in 69 yeara It, andl to hi-corne rpserve officers o tii- Ar- sevea ilovtofhbbpu' iigit ituhien pountis. Ibis is the third opefation forihm. Mia îv. Thc eut dcampînhll-ches iha' iuileScludins' tie gralrelling ot 9011011 '-The average Person," M . Prith- 1 son, Ci A. Rogan, la a resident o! Lib- of' privates, the wtte a mp thlseof Itheii- uproveni otttO! the ard salit,. "woutt stanve t tjeathert>vili-. antivas lu Keilosia the fIrst non-cornrntslottidi officerq, andti icbeach. Oscar Le QuaM ib.> skinnins' calves for 25 cents." of tie veek tu sie li a tber. bine camp tiosle ut lieutenants. o! the crganizatiOUL t:. LAKE. COUNTY INDEED& Lake County'Ps Big Weekly 4màâU mQIi@fffWS"kisinCouniCombiud vq 1