Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Sep 1921, p. 33

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MPECRIAIa LAKIUOUUN'L'Y f11A[R EDITION.___ s lImve Art-Mrs. 1M11. Ri1ler. yStore,-.liss Otea llIas. -J. R Shermtan, iJraysak.e, tîtfon >fq h pretrtiarn t tiat 'an ofter, il ly tire Pair ai amnumbtiîr cfrstieciais are et- yiriivid iis as wei I as bis- misýes la ail pats ufLake lire value totalllag nearty 'his addcd te regular preta ave mentiontd, equals $17, 1Laite couaîy viiigltl A ?Thuraday, Farta Bumrcati rrangements e aireiag emade aermers et eacb township lu a central place and caee a Prlday Nii]b. one cf. tire acf tireVMir. me not told haifthtie story rt readiag tis article. yeu as enthusiatltc as did tht ment of tire Northr Short R. R., vhet.,.teid or tht' As 1 unutecemsary fer us tei the material ativantagea te Pd by ail Lake county An thte zatien of a sueceauful colt ork-b'ae for produce anseve, ng luolowiag a successful fair aistupport and cooperain fIe Pub- aeighboriog fairs. The ffuperlntend- Ornant, :OUNTY FIAIKTO sowbd'Cer popt f lde rve, year At was decidc'd toeAnflculate the llngencralotar:LlMi logbo conveyiog te the 3%'îng peo-li riln ih ivbodwhhIIBgDyDeoa D IOM ~ CO IN i oge etassirahifl vith ew blnd iich Monchy, Spt. 6,"î.at<r IPv, Sied - t C. Tyw a, Wakg:în- Decory Pte of the land the true dignity of Winuid tend to in'ill tl() I t new lite. Tit vSept. 6, Wukq n..11Enltcl taînilln cnCt,0('ionl - (;eoO nt plain bard Work, which 1 la lillY Plans were li A ig n \Vtth .Wim s(day, Sept. 7, ;, , Gii.Lîk't'vile - an tt, IDnd irete actn, ut ptor 'isyirs "ir8 lrvl fYWmr' a , iarm ia,'fi. . .ADU'îîcil 'iw.O I nc n a the setting amide of a day or a par County Fair ln fie county and' auj I VoUkican D'*iy, fo i 1, 1 ,ny Presilent Grabbe In letter to wth thre birtb of Deerge Washingtonl eclîpse anythIng ln Ils line c'er at- 0Of pi7 ning the t,i!it ,lk, 1iiktn-' S$2500 Wt ctrt.T this paper telis SMeOf and Abrahamn Lincoln, Ile kti'.intiigte rgrrim t i. th etrsand Festival Days. Taahs and ollng tmtdi elc"iY -ai) h'te!mnînctihy the maaagull 10 re vee1 S Clte r D l. fumea Atibc0 the futures ~are for the day cet amide and ve jota fastest balff-mile tract tlnte country, prrttniflî'iretthe'; ,->f ll.,t,n.. ale D I MnoAt.60 tlera la the caicyment et sports aCq and belng newly eîî,dwîti Dorw Wii."n'H Day wîll be (cftiîI i note AIlof pastîmem, healthful recreaticopa 1and spaclons buildings, the Fair ( lias laii'dy beca n 01 . 'Y1 itrn, Imerlious, tc.. Day. ie Tcthlifo rievr ep n etmena, those Wblch are dolng bcrG"adaetfileycnir vdît e lth rpnc tctl Von teïîg ftle Let d onu 1iy lineA' -1. olA , oliuî(1.'r, forthA Mahn bylof your de p n the eretmucb toward raising the standard of eM,'Rie ruti,an orwhlicth the pub, frils ie' on carthr. and îl.î txit î'5antI Mkit . unw frtef tltou 6by Anureal Evet théour Parthe people fron ne stage of advance- o lc U ls )nyprtd.I ii llio n o f wbol a I 1 Waigî.tctl et tgeves me great plent f ure tair ment te anather. The IAke Couinty Fair t"-uot a avake city te tie if (i Iotm 1 siet t>la(sSe lonnhr. l,tke Villa a body. tiafcwIiretlg at trub aa DywflIeprbb the thing ceouLined lu tîne tiriatl Lu..ty. tlitve this Jut eAu t sanar IIte It i(dso.Itttl 'Oi'.lAtkî.big days ger apr hih a tslfa reîttagrcatest day ef the Fair. but an expoattii.n la wvhtclîthe eîlotJtlttS>. lu ju'liy nliIl.îit i I Il but'aler ibs ounty. ilc dItefacrdtt There will be speeches, band con'treNortbern Part cf Itlinois ti nr, lntbat can te ,ig igtp Tl. lolr iîrîsI. ttî,W*btat Il'h I rat Mnt iay Anthécnt r is, raclag Pregranre. , fre atg, Southerg WiscowÀrn tallk tŽ ittantd 1ii"'i'en t y e oreta t'lil rî.7j, r , i7 l .t'i'..f september l1aNaioalHoliday, bsbl.adarin fns ua'pride. Altirouri' he tlicrgiullurIl '1ln- itîDettro<it la b tîn u!0 ý aMi iînl illtiit a o,, î, Kiiio. imaen rankina mîllal wth thre ourtb of dCa etr pnigo i riisfera tonttiakin tcr'~it- 'tilfor Detin lwatira "t,' iti tiltpiane, if July. Menîral Day, etc. on tbla and nshowe. and a succeraful prograin Fair fltee laI e l 13t111%-i' >rti ne.ailî,I lSL -'iOi.stîM'tiiEete dray, tbe vt'ry istenccetfwicb la Ifs assured. terent la thc e l f ittcaaithe f tieLtake Courty l'air. Ii. il i, ij 1 M lu~n oit t depeatlt'at uryn thre Dlgnty of I*bor,' Program etfilarnes Races Labor Day 1evna ibis year a',iive a t0 lhe rîvu-i mincit lV titis a'-ociatltn hlu i :' tvitr'I)tîncatie ini'cî- iis 3igîts b: gine w<rk l1- ci l by play. SSm n :4 To , . . . .$5)~ dcfentofthre ruîlî e i îîîrîieit' Vauk'gttn Day in il t oti t .I l di iteil bait aîtly miiil 1ay la neyer work,I 2:10 » Trot . ....------ ..- 600.00 'lht'reforc Il ia .' .t i ;'I i n toc mnnir Ili i.;i; a'n bîiff lii"riglit klnd et Work las play,','2;25 Pac O> isl ae <i'~ ~ttiiti nt it n t leti ig ui lît ;j ___II____________r Thre great arnîy ai people viro Runruisug Race ..... ....... .......... 100.00 tcrpriiie and as mucSl uc"îiE b1l <îing th,,tt "Iali n citcby. and la bono taer ,î ti if; cf brght îytl Finitih- w o tinrd Ilt,, ,,,y 1, w aoridcrr lCity, together ý li tci Itcr frein1day Sept. thir i ,he ,u at e m c ut'. ~ nty pîihliîcity and h i a f i y Ufhll ît :i:c< b "' V At your Service II1l47rrîferlf ii ,Ila: t, t ur id F ar L it.ti hti<re fr w it ., t i(i fo,_________ gülli ~; t , l rpata' il .1 i! The ReNtxail Store at Waukegan is always at datî5e' itski. îi IL your service. We aim to always give you Is]cti a l * 'l.iit ( and aWertli ' i , x '"T>he Best in Drug Store Mercha!dise" * k t.IA uf ii,rg blam <ltmk - ',i-ý t- th ht jtf.littd Statut ' , "'iJ, 951 peciple "vio bavc niovi I . a'1i ." h m e st in Da ug tore Sevie.wili vieit Lake ,tJ h - AJ1~, k¶1YI.~~.sesui c ur Filir. We solicit your patronage and w~il be glad to to tt dthr: O 1VIýa1kýiýflii serve you. -islowof yrtm finete i ltrcoluba* fieMc cci I . The B s Fred Orairbe, Ir(t' tînt. j> 4i A "Hav.ej had wcîrderful ser- 2-2,9R ice fromn my Essex, pur- be PACKARD; ch4 ed iom ourn January. 0an en Wauega I OTIJERS FLIVVERS : I'ven't spent onle cent for il." IN COMPAM ~ON eta oter assetx on u Cicaçjo, North Shore and John Finnigiin Ce., ' Milwaukee Electric raifroad Shrevtlport, La. three AL __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ giving valuable adpp $ cf'W'W W " have owned a number show 0F FIR $3of0 highcr-priced cars,. but and ICOST FFI S$000 have getten more matisfac- C j ad 9 taSeig ut serby j tory service out of my Essex Ne M UThle big Laéie ('oaty. IlLlas Fair Sedan titan army other car 1 U ' 0atd9in beytilu SPut emnrby a5,&uni- S ev&r Uued. Have driven if ber of peolpie. beeaded Ly the effilcers jdlireios#ni] dmivtisVion uperitnd- _______S up er-____________tEts'r ith ther people t l'zr in lai1 *t oeward and are the meet entbuaîas t umll tabucL2 its C( 1, la a filpre 1-tlritioto 10put e' er * I'lh lei ts nuat temore thuin Vý $ l, U eo î caa Py (ltthssI-1have previou--ly owned I figar o iia f if1 >00 Fit ta * 14 dîl-lercrt makes of cars, gsep. Vhý i are ntbi iti10000 Fari'la i î tt»i.îî in:îa liabouil î1rnging Up 10 $35ci0, IHave cver3 i M. tt:cia', have le-ý,nd the wttik st in all nlt à N ow Saves Y ou a ' t I. ,I DtUr fther'luabt ostofMy n$ ior îî i .me t 111111[ 01-1 i" i U t * îc'l mîleage is 38,5cI8 rniles thtt Hudon 7O tI$9 5 î't.;11 n Penacook. N. H. $7 0 t i1, ot rm itj'i l itfn* IIWA ud lso sîfy a s indluded in that smnaill oup, wLich nien ceriscieusly or : j~he on \Iw ' i.thn.a c II But do y eu ever tlink how m uc b lets H udson c csts t1an its - m p ni:;îerîîct nd itî 1 II cuîr * Do >ou realize that even when the Super-Six lait year sold for $2600, it was pic il)( cIa tditi :,uair -i Tire from $1200 ta $1500 under-priceci for the field in whids it rianked by pesr- *smm ItIO m tt' Aeulia"'eEnex lia always been ance, quality, reliability and distinction? ane lIýthe ialt ilrEftoîelas gis. stainaalrg value tmy ta ,cmy standard c ul avu itulir r talîuable Gasesit' * anîd quality comrparirson. ani. ae ;ie guimîg n guo alrad lman-ti Scemifs teduction of price ti ~ Prce eally ttim Ydar. Our gond friendag, A Ditù*a ti*v Prie A vantage flue Northr Shore lne, wll show- tare is evn tlirere evident. Espec. their exhtbit which tirey hall!at thte teresttîng now is a price toi price nr Neye wa Huson' prce dvanage NowwîtbHudon t th meium recet i 'nealit et Progreme ini Ci-A' nient of the Essex against cars yc Never ws Hudsn's p keý advntage ow wit Hudso atth meim cga our Fatr. This atone la regarded as comparable ta it in oer cars of compar he quaity- .0 price of &18956fdllesany higher-pi-iced vorthr coul me m'Ilesth ee stuiin as now. It U» in ail r«ects car offer q u a 1 i t i e Il té>warranIt theïr Àvna be1ingan tad tne as great B car, and WIin Bfly refine'- vas4lyincrasedprice differentiai? We ave tire equal ci any. Al not mente even greater than laut year ls And -of the cars in its new price thre Lest, flair mie track te he jetnd! S$2600 it'outsold ail fine cars, as it Wad dstaniy aasociated with Hudson i Worth of concessions and exhibiirs' done for five years previously. &rq wanted quality? Impact bas fielan old. lPeiy maales Y et artogcbite Will býe esibied. V Machiaery mev mii be a bttsy place Sedtî 340 -. -- or-ekenwîIb la go. Tourir1ng - - To munlty tuovemeat tounad »oachM bruad lUnes. I'rom fariner te cdlv man, ail wiiA bsueikt.and ail abould give titeir support. Support memas titat the fanner taires the beet ut bis live.4tot k antitarro. produce; the héuseN'ifeut'.te best of fier preaf'rvez. fruits, cotîkng and npedle work; tirat thte villave andl cîy people JLb ln the exhibit.- as îîîuch as posible; that the .hidi-en be interested tu the school exhibis and ln their pe. es'.ta' exhibits and that everybody ,Poost for It to tte litait of their abil- Ity. Then the dith Annual LakLe (:ouoty, Illinois Flair will tue a U&> ws .sad a forerunner of even blg- ger anti latter Vairs, tujure Osue' cvre"iat ili bring benor 5»è profit to ail of Dur comtiiLlitieO. YOîfrs truly. FRED GRABBE, Presîdent. Nth Degree ln Something. if siline mten acre as tuasy about ctî'îg a %vile a4 tic, &e ln se- ýÇ-î 4 îlîl t ictUriit the divorce courts etjý uoc ,tîk off aatt.'av ateea. .......... ,***.**4> old price iers said: SCar LIEver Owned" Do miles, nnd havcn't iwjthout the use et it ntirc day since I bought rP. HOG, President, Eagle Saw Works, Chattanooga, Tenn. [avc pmeviously owncd. ýo t her cars of very dlai make, but Mny Essex wcd me what a properly Swell designeti car i. OTTO W. NELSON, BIlson Tool & Machine Co., lac. Newark, N. J. "The Essex is the seventh automobile I have owncd, and by far the best. It is cleverly designed, splendidly buit, economicani etof .l fuel and tires. I arn very largely lintercetei in teach- ing the theory and construc- tion ef motet car engines ins my werk." EDWARD H. GOODRICH Director of Science and Autotiowie Dept., Technical High SchOOI, Sprinrgfield, Mass. [ued it far above ost, then- ...Te sum up I arn pleased with my car in ry "paticular that I de know of arry make wiîh- $1,ooo et its price Class tI wcold have an aref' Ice te the Esi';x.' R. MuCIANAHAN Jcnca & McClanzihon.r, Shreveport, La. " . , . I do net believe there is a car on the mnarket today that will give the serv'ice the Essex car will gi.'e for $îeooe ncre." N. D. NAMAN, Namnan's mc.,, Waco, Tex. t v I WiAI yeu today find any car that even approacires Essex in qualîty and ability, witkrin hundreds of dcllars ef ils ceaI? And doesn't its low cost with such quality appeal ta judicious buyers, whether they are considcî ing a car slightly less in coul, or have bene seeking Embcx quality in sotie much ceatlier car? w 11375. F. 0. B. Detroit st Buy in Motordom edster dan ,riolet -$1375 2230 -1880 Sedan Cabriolet Save$ Velu $420 -420 0oW Auto'Sales Co* WAUKEGAN, IAMOL an out- of price i advan- cially tin- ireasure- 7u have quality. pass ctual -esist wik are E not ffort n the a re- .You iffer' 91 tel~ you save $420 r'ou Get Such a Value? dm, Àk ÀL W, ,ýw 'w 'w ý 'w ý IV -

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