Waukegan kce G. yý mpany, Dealers In WHOLESALE AND REAIL Natural and ArtificialIcke Pure Wisconsin Ice HOIJSES - PADDOCK LAKE, WIS. Office 121 Spring Street e45EC1kL LAKE'COM-IY PAI EDITION. DANM FOR BIEi4iST FÀMJLY TuT À#M, IS FAIR PRIZE ~Largest family in attendance at Lake County Fair receives T' i E 4 E 4 E 4 E E ~r. I I evary persan ln Waukegan wiii at- tend the fair as airnost hait ef the officars. and promoters are f rom thîs *Cty There will be firea'îrk3 erery muent of flreworks ever brought ta Lake county," sald President Grali- be. "and theyr. ail going te be abat off; nioue are golng ta be shipped back, as noo ut en la the casa lu some instances. For Labor Day va will bave many s ýpaclal attractions. and )I > be shot off. They wIII be god every 'i ay thîngs are going now it willI." SCIIILDREN'S IIEALTII CONFERENCE WILL BEj À FUATURE OFAIMRi ODetails for the County Fair1 show special attention to be paid babes and mothers r î8ASEBALL SCHEDULE OUT1 m thie chiidren's health cînfer _ ence ln die rest rooZO e'carnnatiOn Of eidren under 6 wiilbe conductei by the nurses ln charge tram 10 ta 12 a. nm and fronti 1 t 4 P. rm. on Tuesday.sept. 6, Wednesdaï. ,et. 7, Thursday, Sept 8. AnnOuncelnent of lhose scorinz te lb. ht wîll be made and qwards given on IridiY a. ni, Sept eL-er &. The Fair as.eo- ciation offersa fIrst prize or $25, a second prize of $15 aud a thirdl prise of 110 for tihe childrpn baving thel I~ ~ ~~ý in stsoes uaddition 10 Vils Sa compiete set of Vanta babyv gar.* menîs la offered by the Ear"nili wB IKnittlng Ce. for the bigheat scor.4 lng Infant of SIX nienths or unde. NMobers desiring tuavaOida wait niy have their chîldreli exaînined by appointtient. Appoîntment carda carda may be secured at the reSt reonn ans' time after Monday noun. Wilile aithte County Fair lie sure tacouie te te reat rcan Swilïichwlll l e harge oft he W. C. T. U. You wi Il Sud l a pieasant roomt lu wbhie te sit and rest and visit with frienda. Packagcesand vrapi nî aY ba cbecked. 4ablés may bO checked and ril ha cared for by a practîcal nurse. The W. C. T. 17, wishes ta h eip you have a gond tiale witie aI' tendiug the Fair BASIEBAI.L SCMEDULE. jMmiday. sept. 5. WaukegaauAU Stars va. Hait Day, 2:00 p. m.S. tand- fS t4'me Tuesday-Faflsteel va. Antioch. 2 p. mn., standard time. Wedue$day-CelTtraI BowlingA- ley va. Guriiee. 12 noua standard tme. M'odnesday-WallCefla vs. Higb- land Park Eik, 2 p. m, standard lIme. Thursday-Great LaItes Va. Hlgh- wood 12 noon standard lime; ville. 2 p. Mi. standard lime. prlday--GraId Biliards vs. ' Ope ka Start, 2 le. nM. standard hie. rA~àL I ~ -.~-. v I E 4 E 4 E 4 E 4 E 4 E 4 E 4 E d :EXPECT 1009000 AT FAIRI The famlly wlth the largest nuin- be o cilre taat ends t:.he Lake cutfareeLverafie hSepa. a tar9.ewilFre Greabbfinpesîdeut aud a John HoPrd Ge. bilclty madngerand nouneed today.4 ji"We expect 100.000 ta attenld thia Sfair," declared Mr. HodIe, -bécauste Il will be the greateet ever lieldidnu Northern Illinois."4 IPresident Grabbe sa>'> it wil i e an imprvemn.t verailformel events kand the prge ta bas been made4 in thîs county la largeiy due ta the4 hefforts of the fair assocation toa 'bringaevery actlvlty ta the hlghast sta;te ef perfection. You wlll flnd Ithe leaders and boostersi for the fair j usually are the ieaderi In every ý'neigbbhoied. 1l ntlnatid Capt. Daniel W. Wuitt.haugh wii havethe ae exhibît at the fair that was showuî at the Pagean t of Progreas,, as oi alsi the Chcago North Shore & Miwau'@e electrlc kralroad. This railroad i3 Puttlng o ut 16,000 ada in ite Chicago loop and nortb shore cars ttî advertise the Sfair.4 Dr. F. C. Knlght. who) hai one of the finest SbortbornL Durain droves .o cattie lu the mld41ie weït. ba% en- tered scor b is rlze af ta1N. 4 Fitteen thousand dollari ta premi- uma wiliib. given. and there wl ha $2,000 'un the spcali premlum list. There willi b. ratas and basebaili gamas every day. in the horas race. &joue the purses willi total $7.800. thero belug a number of 81,000 avents.. The fasteat horseg lu the country wili compote. hb  tate quolta Contest vwli le beld Wevery day In front of the grandsad under direction of the Lake CountY P arni Bureau. The wlnnars wiii compote in the glati chaxnploushiP. ITwenty-savan cuWe. ranging la valua tront $20 to $160, wil be Sawarded for varlous exLibits. MY PLATFORM: If elected I plçdge myseif to use every effort to Fair- ly and Imuartially Enforce the Iaw. 111 Fîurth S-ti-(eet Respectfully, ]Edwin Ahlstrom NVituîkegatî. II. \O LME' './COI $1 Canad a~aêa~a~.aêa e e h North, Shore Tailors 110 W.aîhington St. Waukegin DO YOU KNOW? ( THAT You can get better value in clothes made-to-measure kieLe thanany where in town. *THAT Wqolens, shown here, are guaranteed absolutely 1000 ail pure woot' which insures their wearing anid tailoring quality. TUAT You will get worlcmanship of the highest standard and trunxning of the best quality. THAT A custom-tailoxed garinent niade here is most economical becanse th garmeéni wMl hold its shape, look better and last longer than a garnies et inerior mak. aNh4t4B.*Oe**e**eS**4ee*e********* ~- ~,,.g 7 I'r. '. ý , 1 = F., A TO THE CITIZENS 0F LAKE COUNTY- Iwish t-) take tlli..,0opotunity of atillouU éili . imu aLkd1îiLt-, f'r î -' f fiee of SHERIFF of Lake (outy, sîîhject to the Prixnarics of the. tpuI~a PartY in AIPIrH,1 1922. l'o ilose w~ho are uot acquaintcd with me, 1 wtl riefly say thar I1 wvas born in W'aukegau twenty-eight * ears ago. 1 answercd îîw counttrv'& cail during the receiÏf -war. Arn married, and engaged in the Eteetrical lbii- ness at 307 Washington Street, Waukegan.. IRA E. PEARSALL Now Deputy County Treasurer REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For County Treasurer Subject to the decision of the Republican Primaries, April 1922 Waukegan, MI. Phone 91 " r "1 s j ---------- Afti& witIi Dcnoerate ha tle fotight: fi the F.e 1