Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Sep 1921, p. 37

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- - ý - .., - % -% . .*. ,- -, s ~ SPECIAL PREMIUM LIST o LAKE C*OVNTY FAIR September 5, 69,7,8e,9, 1921 !âPPlaOXIMÂTLy $2,Mo ni culps, CASE AND MERCHAIiDISE OFFERED AS SPECIAL PBEMVME AT TEE 1921 FAIR. B ecal remumsLa, ben yn l eah d artent Ifournam 18flo ontheMat&ndyou have contributed ta the Speciakw, get in touch w-2th johný H. Rouie, lu-e±a, Illinoig. ê4 r. y' i I I UJVESTOCK DEPARTMENT $60 <00 LILLY CUP-Donated by the lalle CouratY Board of Supervisera, for G;rand Champion Bull et aIl breeds. Muet bo won two0 rarus te own. Only, Lake eounty exhiltore mal compote for thi. prise. $25 00 OUF Donated by 8. L Tîpp. Ares, for brut pure bred Holutein cov ove.r Ivo e e 1Li il2r00 CUP-DonatOd by the Firet National Banikof Libertyvilie, for the tient purý bred flolutein ftouaIo uder Iwo reiauet &go. CUP-Docated,,by W. . Osborne, 09 Agea, log bout pure bred Holstein bull thîre yearu otd. Muet bc won tbree years teowov. $2600 CUP-Donated. by the Laie Couatp£Natonal Ek, lbertyville, fer breedera jeune lierd of Holèteins. $20 00 CIJP-Donated by tb.eLaie County Itegluter, Làbertyville, for breeder'a cail &erg of Holuteinai -.W1 H ) li NTItAI)E-By Wlbur Lamber Ce.. Orayslake, for one Ipear o0W Bol- $10 0-lI)onated by Mlda RingiahI. Highland Park, for bient Holsteli biu six moâthu od and uander 12 monthe. $10 Oê-Donted by A. T: laruon, Highland Park;ai&" $2560 dSatei by IL J. Siuler, (Iraysablaot orboat t.@ puai CU Dobftla f1.1 $2 56-Donated by R J. Blle, Gral.labe, tor the boat tbree yenr old 00w. $25 00 CUIP-1)oated by 0. W. lehaa Lake Villa, for brut Guermuey bull, IAfY aïe CUP-D)oaated by PolirY arm for boat leoai. uorney. )£t it bon votiCO $10-00-tltuat.ibY Viluos & Obu, Waioga, 1dm bre'sreuatbord Of tluenmuys. $10,00-l)onaied by the l)eorfieîd Blair Bank fer bre.dir's callI bord, Guernorys $26560 CIP-Donated by Hawthoris Parc, Ubertyvlllo. for brut Short lira tomai. 3 rans li os ruer, nilkig «train. 820 00 CIP-Loutei bp lbertyvllleCommeal Club fer brut Sbert Bora bul, bref @trot& 116 00CMCEt-Do.ated by L. Te-nes,. Waukegan, for best mli atrain Short klorabbl], agraiue. $16,40 IN TRADDrr-L)onated by TibbettsCamerou Co. Round Lake, for beut two ye..r Cid Miii airain Short Horti eaie. $1500 U (AMttL~)Onattd by thle l'tople Batni of Wauiegau for bout Short 1-bmn tow. I37.-ara oid or over. $1 000 <ASH-Donated by the Feoles Bank ef Wauiogan for ,bos Short Hoen lcier 4 menthe old and ender 1Ilinonths. 825 Dûu CU P- Donated by Hawthora Warm, Libertyville. for bout Jersey bord. $25 00 CtP-1)omattd by (iren A Co, Wauicgau. for bout Brown Swluu bard. 32500()tý[P-IlonatCd by llawtliors Varm, lbertyvie. for beut berd of MORSES 810000 Cul'I' onate-d by T. J StaLi, Waukegas. for bént Draft Chanmpion Marc. thrce pears id; muet be won two yeart te owfl. $10 00--Donat.dl by the- lluimey Coal (Co, Lake Forest, best stallion four yeri vihd ci over, $10 00-Donluied by tlhe Blanchard Cent Co, Lake Porept, brut tailion thire yf.ais Cid. $5 00-ljotiated by the l1"o Forest Lumber Co., Laie Forest, bieut stallion two jean nCid $5 00-L'onated bi the Labo e Ireat Luniber Ce.,tbent stallion one poar 04 $ 10 00--Donated by James yCmooe. Dorlteld mai e or gelding 3 roi okLd 85 Ol- lOD&tàd bY Andirews Brou., DettiLeld. lalIy or teldist 2 poars Cid. $5 00-3>ouated by Labo Vorout Beed Store, fily or gcldlng Crie yer mid. $5 O-fonaed by r. C. Scbumacher, Aiea, t19221. $150W CAOH-Doaqtcj Iby L C. Tours, Waukegas. bout drivingastud thret pa-re OW dtor rla bafrnes. $5 0IN CASII-Dcnated by J. W. >tl.ldgc, Waukegan, beut carriagi. tera. $5 0 INCASH-Donaged b7 iPaterson a Wettel. Waukegan, but single car riage borge or mare. #60W IN CA8H-Doatoi by P«eonuoukWew.i, Wamkega, senrtri inel TWO BOXES Ois CIGAJI-I)onaed b7 U. 9. Cigar Co, Wankegas. gente single drlving borae ormare. J'AIR 0F' SHOEMI-tonated by J L (lcodbout, Waukegap, for Shettant ipony &D Charnets. $5 00 M.UNTAIN PM-Leuatd by PsaWuo Book Sbo, Waukegai, for Shet- land Pony villa roder. $5 ou BOX OV CIGAI-Doiaattd by Lux & Nauta, Wauiesan walk, trot and Canter boerse, marc or geldtig VOT lLGHT-Donated by Tlbbrts Auto Co,, Waukegas, bout lOve-saltai herft sbOwlng tive gtits undor saddie, confomation and seality rAe ciaed. $65ëb- Doatti bY Wili Pester, Grayulako, btiît trottine btod brood mure tour pool or over,, vilaQuee or motoe0frlber colte. ALLIMINUM CEREAL COOKER-Dosatod by Brown & Bugbton Co, Wau- cou">dafor brut ladysl drîi'ing berge. $»000 LILLY 2U1-Donaled by Laie Coîunty Board 0f Supervisera, for Grand Chamion Boar ef ail breeda Muet bie won two pears te uvn. Onty Lake Cmnty ouhbîtonu uay compete ton dis priae.. $26500 <UP-Denated by L. II H maa of Labo Villa, for the Grand Chat- Pion DOW Of alil Itml. înlY Lake Coustp4 exlalbltors may compete for thl. prazo. 825 00 U-bDouattod by Wiu.. Weîes, of Wauicgan, for brut exibit 0f Chesterr Wblteri.Number of tabbonuswon eonsîdiered, $25 00 CUP-Donated by thlA LitCounty tatoSabk, NortI l Cigo, for the biret exhibit of Duroc e lee. Number cf ribbotèu won considerrd. $2500 CUI'-Dunatrd bY the Waubegau 4.mubt Co., for the but exhibit of Boiiubires. Numbor Of ribboas Won eonstdeed $26500 CU P- Donated t'y Pearco. Wauiegan for brut oubibit ef Hamplros. Nuiber 0f ribbone won contadered, $26100 CUP-Donaied by the CîUisonu iBanik, Airas, fie the brut Oxbt 0f Priadt!ChlSa. Number of ribbons won eonsliored. $25,001 IN CASH-lu offerei by W. J. Aasan, of Rouf ai La, for theo bout Kilt raimed trou a Sow purebauod i thie 1931 bog s»l. Tm e $0b. conaoerd. The fRoilWICg Prison aro donAtod by tho Wauconda Truugt & osaiffl anksitfr tbie brut SIl t cfuar breedof boase farrowed uince Jan. 1, 1921, type consi- ered. vilain a radius of i miles of Wauconda: jut Priso, 810.00 cash; lsd P,. 1.00 cesh: SaIrdPrise. $8.900 cuh. PAIR Or MENS DRIMS SHOMB-Donalcd by Rav SmIlà,. Lbortyville. for brut litteror o prlnagpigeuof aghg or Mme.. IIAT1-DOnateid by J. IB. Morue, for second bouat litter et spaSn pige. SMEEP SILVER CUP-Veoiabc boul "Di"laetf-1hog;mt have $8u*hmopte0 guirf. MAL? 808W4 SILIllOSU-l)ontei bY Ma'su Clothlng ShogiWankegau. for second boat oxhîbil ofshop. 86500 IN TRADY-Donated bY WiliIKalgo,. etAsa. lofeaum à ifains or ca-or. BOX OF CIGARS-D.onated by Sddly'u Barben Shop, Armea, for yearling rain. »Or 0WCIGARB-Deafflby W. H.LE"les*, Am, earocmmlaul. $66W IN TPADEI--l)onaîd by Eaudtttrs OGarage, (tyslaho, 1 aged ove. VIVE GALLONU IMOBILOI-Donated by Jesua Longabaugh, qraysllabe, for yearling evc. $200 IN TRADEý-DOUatId by B.EL Hock, Grayutlkc, for ewe lainh. $5 00 1N TRADE-. Donaled by Carflold, Grayslakr, for bot tvo-year Ohrop- Mbire ove. . 1 SPECIÀLPREmiums POULTRY MILVER CUP-Dona>e4 by fusils Jevelry Store, Waukegsn, brut display of voutr; rbbonu W50,eonîdcred. ICELESS REPIRGERATOR-Donated by A. G. Schworinsn, Gihnor, bcut dis. play of poutry outoide of Waukegan. *ONE TON OF lIARD COAL--Donaîod by IF. Bairetov, Waukegan, brst dlsplay ùt PcultrY f rom Waukegan. $10001 CASH-Donated by V. B. Loveli (Co., Lîbertyvilîleu ttVert of White Wyandottes. $2 00 IN TRAD-Donted by Waldro's G(rocery Store, Lîbertyvillo. brut cock i soew. $5 00 1N TRAD-Donated by Shaffei'e Dopt. Store, Errapstake, boal Leghorn cocc, any ýbreedý $5.00 IN CASH-.Donated by Bihop Lumber Co., Liberty-,llIe, brut dosen sggs. $10410 IN CASH~-Donated by J. H. Patterson Lumber (Co., Wuuconda, best dogulay of Rhode Islands. $1-00 IN CASH-Donated by H1. A. Watson, Arcs, brut diluplay et Wyandottes. (Wlîile Wyandotteflt to coupele for tis prise.) $10,00 IN CASHI-Donaied by hluey & Weber, Lake Vtla. brut display of Roks. 55.00 IN TRÂDJ-Donated byR. J. Lyoni, Agea, bout display of lMangoeai. 15.00 IN TRADZ-Donrîted by Brandestetter Auto Sales Co, Orayulake, beut dhsplay of Orpîngtonuý $5.IÏO IH TIADE-Donated by M. IL Smith, Waultegan. bcEt display of chickenu flot covercd Ly cotier opecialm. 82.00-Donated by P. (C. Norman, Libertyvitic, secaîni test di4play. $500 CASH-Donated by Orsylae Times, for Lnt pair duckm. $200 IH CAOH-Donated by C. G. Fitzgerald, I.arc -mtct.scond bient Pair of docks. $500 IH CASH-D)onated by Round Lake Batik Round Lake, N-st pair geemr. $800-CASH-Donated by the Roend Lake ]ce ('î.am Parloir, Round Lake, secon4',bent fpair geesc. 85.00 CASH-tL)orated by the Rellable Laundry, I.ib. rtyvllfe, test pair turir-ys. $2100 CASH-Doeated by lie Vakln Waukegan, second brut pair turkeyn. $5.00 CASH-Donated t'y B. H. Riesé. Deerfielil brttair of Bantaunu. 82.00 CASH-Donalt by Le"aI.& Malett, Waokf, ao, second beut pain ef Bantamu. GRAI AND VEGETABLES $3600 GUP-Doaatei by (bou B*uWîto., Wuuktîganfoc bttcihibit 0f vegetablosol gtrowu hy pr.feinoona8rdener. $10.00 IN NUMMUY STOCK-Donatod by the Ravinila Nursery, for bout dis- play ait vogotables. Sent Boubel Sprlng Wbrat shown by oshtbitor 11.00 #a traie-W. ]P. Prunac, lbortyvillo. Bout Bushel Wa.r Whelat iShows litorbibitor-$10 00-Waskega saun. lest Bushel Oao-$b 00 la mrclanils-711 E8.Pdlman, Wauefoda. Bout Bàel Barey-$?.S0 spot ligU-Res Ifoton Co., Llbertyvitle. Brut Bumbel Bar.Coin, 1921 trop-$10,00--Làberlyývilleiladtpendent. Brut Mall Bushel Laie Potalo-$850 trade-,C J. Brainerd, Round Laboi. Brut Mlat Bombe) Marly POtat0eu-115.00 tradt-. l'ruininond Giocem, Rd, Laie. Brut Dmplay Plukaîloaa-$5.00 trade-Decker'e Drog Store, Llbentyville. Beut Dsplay WaterSelon--.HaBt- Bd Wlrfu, Waukin. Brut Dlaplay Tcmatoe-$12.00 in eauh-pring'm Restaurant, LIbrîrrieî. Blst Diay Grapes, anomber of ,arletioî tait-n lnto eonsidoratioa,-S$500 tg trade-L. A. Murrir, Arra. Seul Dluplay Apjle-Travellng Bag-4Çooe'e-lazrtnn pShp, Llbhort>vl.lle. Best Dluplay Pears-5 poonde Candy-Oecorgte lii1 ianan> Derfield. Bout Dippîay Squaab-OB$.O0 cu-Mryeorti Garage, Area Seul Diplay Pumpkins--$2.00 trade-Area Garage Bruit Diuglay Cabbag-C&rtof Uneeda Bîrc,(uate-O0 H. Molidor. IÀber-tyvifl. Brut Dispiay Svrrt Cors-Boi of Cigai--J. E. (Coudail, Area. Boul DIpplay of Pop Cors-5 pounde Candy-Cleveland, Round L aie. Brut Dimplay of JParu Grain adGrasà in oshrwf-fipot lgt-Brovn and Boebuer, Wauconda. Brut Penn Diavlay saine as Lot 3 ia Pnemium LlisitCase of Caard Fruit- Iloated by J. P. Bld.nger, Waoirgan. Brut DIOPlaY of HaIt Buahel Otionu-$6.<0 InTiaîdp IÀberty vile Garage. Brut Dioplayoet Beans, varletiru 10 bc cousider- $5 00 an tirade~-Donaird by. Plagge Lubo CCo.Labe Zurich. BruI Twrlee Tomatoru-II2.00 in 'Irade-Hemn Lun a Ht-mn. Laie Zurich., rut Display of Beets, rarletiru 10 b. cmosdc-re-- $54Où0in trade- Donalrs1 by Fa-ohm Hardware Co., Laie Zurich. Brut #fLa.aCucuumbrru-$5 OC tu tradr--Hook & (Co, ,nituFumninbaasgn, Gm.Laie. FLOWER Brut Dmplay ef Asters, aumber of varieties to bc etunqiderri- 13.00 an cah- DOoat.d by Thomas Russmeil, Aiea. »eut 010111011811 D&Wlaa, umben et sOrieties to bc considered-$3.00 in cash -)onated by WIhaam Brandatetter, Grapaîke. lest Dimplay 0f Ploveru, tiuber of varleties to bct considered-fitudy Lama- i2ootet by thre Publie Séîvice Co. Brult AiraAged Basket aiF lloversu $800 Piclure-l)onatral by George Largos. Waubegaa. Brunt Dispiay of Feras-HMai! Douez Victor Records-Donaîrd by OSbes à Bidiagea-. WaukegaiL. Boul Diuaalay of Geraniums, number of varloties to boconuliderd- Ladices Ilat -eiuated b, Mlitmus& BSasbroogh, Wauiegaa. PAJNINGS AND CURIOS Brui Display of 011 Palnttngs-An Uabrlla-Dbonated by W, 0 OLindberg. Wauiegan. Brut Diapaar of Water Cotoruq-5 pound box of Candy MuartaiSchlimmnel, Waukegan. Brut Dimplay ut Curlos-Suit Case-Donaîrd by E. W. Parkhurst, Libtrlyvillo. Brut Farst 011 Loup od-Reur Vlev Mrror-Donated hy Acbe ot eonCe., Brat Collection ef Antique Novetties-15.00 In Meal-DJonated by Gerge@ Cair, Wauiegas. Brut Collection of Indian Relicst. 1 00 in Moa-At the Plana Hotel Restaur- ant, Waukrgan. Beul Collection of Cons- $1.00- Donatr by Mirs. John Faubel. Wauiogan. Bout Collection of Stampu $200 in Candy-Broadvay 1cr Creaun Parler, Waukegaa. Brut Collection o! Natural Cui tomities-1410 Engi-aved Carde. SPECIAL PRIZES ON SCHOOL WORK $50.00 CIJP-1)oaated by tbe Klvanam Club, Wauiegu, for the bemt uchoot exhibil. To bc beld by the alnîalnig uchool unli l such lime an anOthbmr tcool hait a botter exWiai u the Faim $6.00 IN CASH-Donaled by the Gr,î»liake Banik for the bieut ubibit made by uny ose pvolI. $500 1INIJASH-Doiiatid by a FrWt-d, for the brut eahibil of vork by a prIvate uclool. a WOMIEN'S DEPARTMENT ,(Entrées may b.csmade in thia deparmnUtrneol raîucsday Noce, September 16. Judging wilfbegin on WednOuday.) COL-FAC COOttU( .-Donatéd hy Selianci 1-Hardware Go., for beut exhibit of canned vegelaleso, variety and quaiily to lie conuidered. $256400 VALU-Tes-quart National Steam Cocher vlth Iisert, donated by Burke & Wright, Waukegan, for beel dlsplay of cantird fruit. LCONIOLEUI RUG-Donaled hy Luce A Son, Lib.riyvllr. for the brut diuplay of eanned fruit pet up by a Natiotna Cooker. $8500 BLOUSI--Vnated by AieIin Co., Watkogau, for bout varety of illtes anti Jamiau. 81.60 SPOT LICI8T-Doziated by Nivard Abiuleou. Waukegaa, for thebu ot fia-e pof tb.ouey in coubt. $5.00 1H TRADEý-Donated by Mdnas oa.,, cf Libertyvili., fer tic secoad bout five pousidu ef beney in cout. $10.00 IN$ CASN-Deonaled by the )M. H. Huatiey & Ce., Waukega, for tht but daruepeumda of home made botter. ÂALUMINUM COYRI> PoT!- Dosated, by H. B. Ueor, Liberty^ville, for the bout 5 poands ef collage cbeour. 86.00 IN CAgDII-Doo.ald by the Bishop Lumber Ce., Libertyvilîl, for tir toul dounes . $8.00 IN TRAI>U-llonated by tie Waultellaa Doeramsg Co., for thoe Oud rust doues egga. TABLE LIGHT-OQiven by the Delolglat CO., for bout eshibit cf 18,11011 Couds (Il bnda cf brrad, 2kiltduetfcake, 2 kîndu t ookio, dougtinulu ad Pe ) Lamp uap be used by Delco Llght or Public Service. $1000 RO0KERIt..)onaled by Paul Rtay, Lîbertyvillie, for bout loat of broad saade by a country vônnan. 014KFOURTH BEL. FLOUR-Donaîrd by Trigge & Johnsoa, Libertyvitîr, for the bout laftotf iread miade t'y a town vouas. $2150 1N TRADE-At the Baie Rilr.Libertyvil le, for brut difipîaY Of cOokir i-tt res thiantfour kînda). $.'0 IN TRAD-At tht -Batte Rite Baiemy, Libertyvlhîe, brut Devila Food cal, c TI:A KETTLE--Donated t'y J. W. Chanier. Aies. for brut angel food cake. 1SUlRY SPOON-Donatrd by Andrev Huas, Libertyvilte, for the brut cuir. 16.00 BOX CANDY-Donated t'y Cots ACo., Libertyville, for the bout dank tiuit cake. $.50) CASII-Donuted ty Suilîing Garage, Libertyville, for the second Le-4t il; ritfruit cuir. ONKVFOURTII BBL. VLOItR-Donatetl by E. H. Corlett, Lîbertyville, for lite orut Sunuhine cabe. 60 POUNDS FLOUR-Donatrd t'y offiaan Bnos., Waukrgan, for tire brut drtughnuts. 25 l'OUNDS FLOUR-Donaled t'y Finniat' CoOpcmative Asn., Waukegain, for the bout chocolate cake. BliNC O4HF BANANAS-Donated by thre Laie Fruit Co,, Wauicgnn, for the brut caramel cake. ELECTRIC IRON-Donated by Ueo. lierasr, Waukcgun., for the brut three boaves ofhi-cati. IIAT-I>onattod by Mdri. B. $lyen, IMillinery, Waukregau, for tLe beut "of cf nut lim-ait. 6EWING ON4E DOZEN PHOTOS, valut $12.0041ionated by Heitmen Studio, Waukegan, N-rt extaîbit o!foMainand fancy îev ing. BES*PRED-Doaîgi ty W. W. Carroll & Sons, Labertyviie,, brut exiibit 0f fan.-y Suri (caochet. latting and embroadery)., ELEIJTRIC IRON-Donated by Wtllyis Light Co, Waubegan, for brut exhibit of lao.y vori (pair pilow caEes. uosntl conelr vier. 2 towels and a dresser acarl). BLOIS-DIonatod by Sld 11<yuasi, Wauitegun, fer bru5t iighl govn vîtb ta ocheted joie. $15.001iN TRAD2-Dotated by Andro Purin, Norila Chîcago, for the brut aLpplîqued led upread. ô POUJND BOX CANDY- Donated by tht T. & S..,S80".Grill, Waukegan, for lie boit applIqucd curtaînu. LADIES'tILE SCARPr-Donated lip E P. Bidingfr, Wuukegaïs, fer thae brut oll. on rkPatch quilt. $500 CASH-Donated by E. ScLhwartz & Goý, for thc brut qolit arie by a wouan uver ?0*ears et age. CORSET BRASSJER-Donated bp Sarah Shoveru, Waubegan, for the brut intites] lied spread. PAIR SHOMS-Donaîrd by Charles Jacobiu, Waukegans, fer brut uolld em- broidei-y center plec. $5 W0 IN TRADE-At thc Kornu Miliinery Bstore, Waobegs, for lb. muet làatly mode bousee nes. HAP; DOZEN PHOTOS-Donatoti by Hemmaenau Studio, Waniegas, for the bout home made baby drec.. ONU BUSHEL APPLE-l)onated by the North 1Siore Priait Co., Waukrgan, fon the second boul home imade drers. 8 llll1101IN BOC(ANDY-Donated by Geo. Gorgan, Wauiogitn, for <Le Ibout made hitcbeu MIrOS. JUVENILE DEPARTMENI STOCK JUDGING CONTEST, 12& 40C1'loae liy W.A. Brtwrlon Libertyvtlle. fanal premsu in ii hg judrJgn eîeu. t25 001 tCi'-Donated by W. A. Brew-ton, I.iburtyville, tret preiut 1 I caille judging conh ('if. (Assy Laie tounty boy or girl undtr rîgliluen nîay compete in the Stock Jtldgitag Conloof ) $2510 2ASII-Duntld by SamuciluInsol fnr the beut Pig farmowcd rince March 1, 1921, raiîtd by a boy or girl atundr 16 jean eo! age. $1000 ÇAtI-IDonateti ythyîe Highland PaiklPressufor second Prime. $6410 CAtII-Donated by Edward Bleroutil, Do.tlleld, for thîrd prise. 16500 CASH Uoated hi the Wauiegan National Bank for tht bruit cati raised t'y a boy or girl under 16 $1000 CASH-Donated by the Waukegan National Bank for second plie. 6 POtINItS CANl)Y-lIonatod t'y John Gekus. Wauiegan, for third prime. SPECIAL DISPLAYS PAIR 0F SHOES -Don.%tfd by joe Oltuuiky, Waukegan, ter bout display oi Vegetablesi lit boy under 16 jensitesg PAIR OF SIIOE-D)onated t'y Jor Oltuuiy, Waukegati, for brut dauplay of home matie candy liy a girl undr-r 14 yeue f aueý <Girls coaopotng miut lie untion 16 years of une.) FAIR ROLLER ISKATES, $5 50-Dontiaed t'y Sargent A Tordoff, Waukegan. for the brut dresurd dcli. BOX WRITING PAIIKR-Dorattd by T. Hl Butter, Wauiegan, Ion the bout crochettrd joie. BOTTLE TOILET WATER-Donatei by Dmueo lr-ug Co,, Waukegan, for fancy home made a-res. $1 00 latied by Mn. Eý Wirfu, Waukegan. for bout dresser scant. (Boyu coalveling mueut bcunion lé jetairset ago) SIX VICTROLA InoconD-Douated bj Schwvartz a Prsllure o.J,. Wankfigne, boul dlspIay of manual training vork. 1ELEVTEJO PLASLIoWr-Donated by 'Warsàer A Co., Wouiegan. second bout diuplay of manual training vork. 12.50 BOX CAHDY-Denated by Bd Saain, Waubegan, fer the bout diupoy of meIsI vonk. . 12.00 1H TRADE-At the Codfrey Dr-j C.codu Store ai Grayelake, fer the recoud boul dit-play of mearl vonk. HERDSMAN SPECIAL 11ER1)MAN 1SPIIGAL, based upcn exhibit, noaties and genéral Afflraaaeb ef caille snd @allu . uring lhe fair- 2 Boxnes !t)Du(LMa§ee-l)olaated by 3 Meyer ef Waukegan. HIISIIAH ISPECIAL. liaard upon oshibit, sneatnti a d Zonerai aplararlace of horis.and stalle during the faii-100 C*ian-l)onalrd by Chas. WmeWff, Whouaiag. IIERDSMUAN S3PECIAL, bati upon exhihit, s.atnessm and general appearassco cf bogeasnd veu during the falr-100 Cigaru Duaated by Sarteunamne, Obermerville. SPECIAL PRIZES FOR BICYCLE RACES TWO MILE BICYCLE RACE for Laie Ceunty ]Resadeual:- lut l'rite, $50.010 Bicycle, doflatrd by tht Lake Couunty Fair Asuoriatlon. Pire. f-elonalîm barrtd, There mut ho five starters, 2id lPrime. 5.00 In lad-Caliaast Dairy Go., Waoiegan. BOYVS' BICYCLE RACE. under 16 peatu cf aie; rare te hco ne mie:- lut Prise, Sweater-Deuil ttle A Wbytr, Waukeran. 2ud Pi i-jr $800 pair of tire- llgganhotbam Douglas, Wauakegaa. SPECIAL PRIZES à sas galira irre of eider, donated by Dunkin ce Crean Co,, Wankegan. for tie neateet and mout attractive gtand uelling lunches BOX OF CI(iARS-Donated by IL -H Dahmu. ot Waoeoeda, for thec atairi stand seiling cr ta eau. 810.00-Dotated by Chas. Jack, of Wsoktmgan, forrame. $5 00- Donated by Fini Garage, of Waukegan, for races. $10 0-Dctiated t'y Welts A Gaplîhenne, Laie Feront:- - $5 00 for tLe boul exbabit cf ratibilu. -$1.00 for second prime. -12.00 for thlrd primer. CA1t-Donated by Hlai meus Bairry. 0f Wauirgaas, tor bost eahibit 09 other pets. $6.00 BOX CIGARII-For tLe smout courteeus police officen on duty duri lte pair. Ilonal iby E.LPemiietein et Waerling. 10 GbALLONS GASOLIHE-Donaed by Standard 011 Company for the bout embibîl ef fartâtmacbinory. 12-POUND IIAM-Doaled by the Chicago Mariol, Waubegan, for tibo largrit tamily eoming touichefair. Haur cf fauiiy and numberntcf callrenasmuet le toit ai thc secretary's offIce. SPECIAL BASEBALL PRIME $2.0-DIOuated by Lie Viret National Bani. Waukegan. 826.00-.Donated by the Seormty 43avitigu Bank, Wsubogan. 86.00 MEItCHANDIS-I)onated by Leu WiIe, Wankrga, fer lthe ithor striing out tbemutt mnan any one game during Uic pair. 85-00 CASH-Doxsated by Aies WLan, Waaîkegan, for the catcher gotng the meut lits ina au one game durang the Fuir. $6.00 CASH-Donated t'y E. Schwartz, Wataigan, for the fireI baurmailngel- tang the mutbite in anjy une gaine during the Fair. 15 00 CASH-Donalrt. by D. 0 Grady, Waukegan, for tht, second buiesa gelllng the atout bite In any one gane duning theO xair. $5.00 CASH-Donated t'y1T. IL. Bout, Wauiegan, for the third basetman gettlng thescouit bita in any oe gaine durang tLe Fair. $5410 (tASI- Donaîrd by E .LMura-y. Wauirogan, for the ubortelcp gettang the souit bite an any orie gante during the Fair. Foi the oulfarîde-ru geltlng th e tits bite in uny one garce during the F air: -loI Fite-IS 40-D)onatrd liy T. il. eCann. Wauiegan. - 2l'I ize-$3.ttO-D)onated t'y T. 11. MeCann. Wauirgafl. -Brd Prize-$2 40-Donatcd t'y T. H. McCann, Wituiegan. $4,OC RAT Poatedt ty Tý E. Gray BiatCo., Wauiegan for tie tiret home rue. IIALL BAT-t)unzted t'y 3.-mironsi Book Store, Waukegan, for tLe second tonîr Zain BALL BAT-Ponattd t'y J. I, SCIEAIt, Waukegan, 1cr the third homo .rue. PAIR TENNIS SItORS-Lîcuatrt', y Mcdii Clotbang Store. Waukegan. for the. itielder citîJlteal with the leatit erroru durtng a-dp one gante. $2. BUIASIE BALL,-Donaled t'y Louis Tromtbine, for any piayer stealing the raout base during any one.gaine. 8 0BASE BALL. MITT-Donat.-d ty G. B. Walrouu A Sono. Wauirgati. for île outîlelderai maising tLe leasl cyrors during any one gainte. 11.00-Donateid by Lorraine l'ciaron, Warakegan. tor the tarittsie lait matde ;il the Fair. t'y Ilîien ]Riinget for the tarit pitcbcr Whio geris a istnake cli 10 hi. credit for, :gn len, of I 4 4 .4 4 I 4 4 t.. I i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i

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