rIAU.sr r s.KI st s ýl, UT SaiW isWaukegan. The distance la about M They pianned to maire but oe DIC E T RE stop. for lias, at La Creuse, Wig., TO about hlif way te Minnleapolis. TO BE IEA Li TheMinnairnFair la in progress ai 0F TUE COPFAIR by the Carys and Prices in Orr te gest state taira in the country. fienraly dclaed hat the Mr. Price has flowî a nthe Curtls ly dciard tat te mchines before and le quite au air events this vear will exceil fan. Mr. Price, since her busband rocfis irst fight, bas had'an han- j previous years kering after Ise air garnie andaet- Thr Lk - h ecordingly when lthe Cary" suggest, T - aleCôuftY Fat hli i0 ed the double machine trip to Min- opening at libertyvilits on September neapolis. fle planz matured faut and Sth-aid continulng Up te and lciud- se, tbey startedtilts rerutitig tug Septenîber 9tit. both day and eve- Ifthtie mten we.e enthirez over .ting. ls te be the usiner eveni of the the prospect of tcs air ride. the Lake Couty 'Assaociationl. Tiis fair women were doubir 50e. They were vili stand oui as the bggeât Aentfla ail on etige titis nî'rning and wblle, Illinois. Many interectItig attratIOns tise trip was in ti manier planneti have been siffed! whicit wtit Increase. as a race, te cham --eu were that the tIhe Ilteresi of persans aong flte en-I drivers, ail peppotd Up for the occas- tire Notht Shore district. ion. woid not stsy Within speeti A $200,01)lî Auto Show. îaluding laws ot cilles es tîîey passed over 'psasenger andi plessure ('Il- trucks andi tractor.a. vciilie),one of fle fea- tlscr. ture evens.Frmous e.dts oî.Lakte Se ic Wby Mr. and Mrs. ff, unt's hoicst atte %ll cmpee Pice ad o mre hougisaof being wiitis Soutteri Wsronsi anid'North. nervpus than If lbey were sterling rýIlltinois lherts. Fincy- pîouliry Out te Third Lake In Ibeir auto- frein ait av-enc tîaîe ha been eý_ they were soie ntense In tiseir inter- teltI. est of the long trip tisait tey could .The Horse So es a blg' hardly eait Ioget starled. es-en! cli he grale' -h-si es-ert iI- ye-sr. The iîw.1tisha: i. ý,'ate alfords hia, L'cn enu-qeti and s-t a speriai ai. tract on. .i!zhe Forpsl i4 puiit tocon a U O sE ý1L C ai. w ail of iti oln. Li addition lihest are shoin~ îg a c oitl exiiibit itl 0F ULD DOBBIN"I finweres andi vègptablea t Et ry aflernoon tilrwîeil 6e ttrrî AIII rt eý-t le on tof utie besr hiit.odedI -baetaI gtniý ad icý1ýraüi ili Fgiiegc oiilîed sy te Laike 6e on eci l plîtog. î'ît (t(unt> Ioarti of Rcs'lew shows Ihat l'le es-entî. ii i lei ,%i1 a wii i lete is an increastngty large num. detluI iipla' uofite wai. her etl attiotîtubles oone bs taris- iEvdrvtino e sas.utî t ,-0-1 iitilt c- ers In Lakte t ctiiy. lit fte t i ooks ailit> N luthltit!.pDC )'e oil %,if If aitotitîni ore tian main- i, isidltrit 'uw il I aitoui'b -tr atti taitansfi lierecord of an a uton forAvery itIs tif tlie f(ois ti t 1lt .ý gai 4[l t itt i trd fannter in fle 1'. S. as deterni- lb aîtendio.c tise Fair. ined biy fedeitial atistîca. ý'lite floiiitu tisîtalchitshows the ýtînet îi h iti s jil ovver te country AI MAon (lite pa r: of tarners t 10 cr PAJÀMÀ PARTY OF Oi t)oltbtîs n jrhseats W~ashinsgton life down on te flyft ~ ~ fwriti" tnla onerosis as Il cas TWO LÀNDS* THEM in te oH ,ola.a,arconding t lgue nmadle publie lotiafhi, a censua bu- lAI! au. slowtng ite nunsber of farmi INJ I ELL i Iodera conveeniences such as - lighis. (Cn tne rom page ONE) In 192'.). 1.979,564 tarms or '30.7 lie r cent of ail fate in the United ago they engageti a rootil on Sinîn s4ales Itati automsobiles, the nunîber Idan Roudi. Arcording 'oaletelvo ot.'ars being 2146,512. More titan King, Oison rald tii.' inîiiat villis!onehaIt tlse farms in Nebraskta, tbey were on ilîein lone>tiioofl. anti Iowa, Soult Dakota, Kansas, Minne- , tireat the corni lip iieti tei ilite sota. Northil Dakota, Calilornia and rouges iearned i h4tninlîe trouùlite Illinois aie equiiîled cit fisetra. nmilkîtan. The Hangrave agt'n'-î-ptt Motorr îucks were repoted on a wotsan delectilie on tlitei ti irtl. 131,551 faims lnU 1h20. Thse nu:nber Titis deleclîve tuopt al-i l ir ires c%- as 15ý9I9. wiih PcnusylIsania lead- sel- aid beau. uuicttuI bite îng cli9 7 wornied iliesself ithO ii' ýçitd-nef- e Tliree anti six lentlitsper- cent of of Miss Cassi(iv andi 'i rrst Otitfle tarots s cc erereorteil as iaving the couple N i I ett rartors. Tiis is ab)oul une fsrm In Jail Ail Ntgtt out nitev l enls eitl. Illinlois Miss('s-'tlv¾ otte is Pit-headed te list dIts 232.2 moulu. N il Tho weu-!- et]ea-o Teteplonea wtt-e rettorled on 2- l *e7d in Uihîuagtt on-J.3 oh 2 tandtiroai .3,02 failtis, More i itlia Ital t he tiere trsiicd t LeW sttiucina(Iilituin file iolloctng Iletel1ort- 'ra.Tire l'ai(]i touwed flie irir- cd telephonoes: Iowa. Ksnsas, Beb- ai t Ms.oluîin Wiîuesui h asnaa.Illinois. Inuian,%ifui.$ tdar alto acote 01t' a cariant fori, o..Minnestta, South aoa , is- te aret-oittf flitecltnp- ftilewa fier cou' iti. Vot int tinit 1egob naurn beore Justce let ;es C. Cottl- - Unablpta 10gis e boit I hcoîlTriu' spetliti iigislfiii lite t-s)untytai t Tttcy %erpzic jr i teit itiry. tii lo inlsanîonit lt ea' j i'lo(.k tatnd thil ictse cois îinued.uîîiuîuîull~WLllItf CIVIL W AR H ERO. (Continued fron page ONE) deccdtng iîc.t, winntng ilýite tuc.il wasssundown c len tlIcey .' islitoî andthie grand slaqo.t I i utettuti- f il fleite lntith. 'L'ison -L iit îotîi il1liar thse citeerlng for milsc Il was %Waukeguun andIl le rst part of the eouîtlv againt Nleket-r coutl>andthie ce-I t' i, ofLake cut Heaof !Many Btis Capt Swanbiougii w-3 biiea ti East Otto, (altaragua ctnt*N. Y. He enlisieti in the 9.1 tt ilit. lt. Co. G. frois le county Aug. 9. IS62 aI 4 'Wauke.ge, uaIt the age of 18 ears. m"as in thle foiiowing balles, aunong otîsers. Chicansauga. Lookolt Moun. tain. Kenesawe Mouilaun, Rcsa. Daitôn. Buzzard's Rta os t, Alaita. wlth Grant and Shernman. Aler te BaIlle of Alanta lie cas promotedt 1 2nd lieutenant for bras-- ery aid merilortous conduct chile carrying te cotors Ilirougli aitlte baffles his regioent wcas in uP le lte titie of promotion. Was chie! of poli, e oh1Vî':utkegais during 1905-6. J. 8S*anbrotgtt c tai tîiain of militia. Comnyat A, Id Reas. I Nat. Guaîi front 1887 tO1890. Yesterda), he cent ti) Warren,.!il moils. Jo Davis-tasCiunly Fair witere he ta srting Jîidge Oi lb" tore races. On te fair guound et. M, 1 19stsarting jutige lot.a:.. it lias been recaiiedtinlit tnecunpit ti it-bi otti regiient %,s,,ienitîetl andthie). vantped tient seopr;i ceeka hrrtol lIeasing for the front in '62. Tise Cil. oft lite regiment Tisor. V. Chtampion. Final Surgeon Citarlil blartiandi ('îapliilJ. Ni.Cienden- hng of the nid. 9ithitenhiste-tanid canipe iclti teir ctîxxudes iin tiî fair, groundile thre. MR. AND MRS. PRICE MR. AND M1R5. CARY ON BIGi AIR-TRIP Two Curtsaitîttanes -lotît tff' tram thte Curtis fieldi titis utorning coniaitting llîree paqseungiýrstecatît, thse ico cross-cotntY Pilôta tutti Mr and Mr&. Carry. Mr. Carry ïs jouil manager for the Curtis CO"%- pany. Mr.as reMn. J. L. Price Mr. Price le Ci ofat t he Daiy $Un and Chicago nuwepapel5 s.. 'l vrers tseded fon thNinne(ap- School Hosiery Our. Hoaiery - section.- is well-known for the -uer- viceable quality houe we seil. Specially priced are:, Boys, Hose Ileasy ribbed, black offly -25 Sites Up t .11, i pi 2C Boys' and Girlg' Hose InbWk b wehile on roc tine rnb- beul quality 29 Specially prîreti at pair - 9 (FIRST FL0OP.l School Shoes Celebrated Make Ineluded in pur stock -o! serviceable schooi shoes are the "Rcd Uoose" niake. Tiîey are gtu'lran- tced soiid icather anid fit and wear exceleintly. The prices ai-c vcry Iow for sucli sple'îîtid qualities. Children's School Shoes Sizes frou tîts 2 2 ~>up Prîced aI pair .. ..... Boys, Schooi Shoes Are prîced trous. pair $240 - (F!rRt Floor) School Dresses of Pretty Ginghams A group of dresse-s in iiiiiistall.v ntat to give excelIlenit serN-ige. sI7.dfldid values at....... Others priced from $1.49 to $5. (SECOND FLOOR) For The Firat.Days of Sci Girls Love to Wear Nt The wel1-know~n I>u Joues"' Middi, quality whîite jean with detacliable cîi] serge. Ail si-zes 'u.r girls anîd misses a t .. . .. . . . . .. .... .. .- ... . SPECIAL AT $1.00 la a isddy nsade or ciîe Tewill Jean of gooti quiu' btaid lcimnsied. A value n,' o(ten tb 6e had _ at............... ............................... .............. . (SECOND FLOOR) Boys' School Hal Dresay-looking S8tyles Boys' hats intist be amade to witbstand lut yet.5hold tlîcir shape and appear neat ata tiiose kind of hats ait lieie ant, ,'iey ares d frorn 89e ý ,1.45 A NEW. For Sehool Is Anti the (lispIay ied tijat the îuost c srie to be iîleased. feit andi 'velour in ('cIiAos. -A large lini Ptitt.Iriccd $ (SECOND FI Cam c4s are made for Men. who Think- for, Them solves r Such folks know real quality-and DEMAND it. They prefer Camels because Carnets give tbem the srnoothest, melloweut smoke they can buy-because they love the mild, rich flavor of choicest tobaccos, perfectiy blended-and because Came!. leave 1 CIGARETTY AFTERTASTE. Like cvery mat who does. hi. QwII tbinking, you 'want fin tobacco in your cticarettes. You'll find it ini Came!&. And, mird you, no flashy package just for show. No extra wrappers! No costiy f rits! These things don't im i)rove the smoke any more than premiums or coupoit'i. But QUTALITYI Listent That's CAMELSI v âmd IL J. aCYNOWLita- ...C. WE HAVE TAK.EN OVER THE JOIkDAN Agency for this territory, and' will at any time convenient to you demonstrate the superb 1922 lime of JORDAN CARS. - We will allow you the most possible on your old car in trade. JO-RDAN PRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED $6 50.00 ON -TOURING MODELS, AND) $1,000.00 ON THE.EDAN.- THE JORDAN LINE 10 ONE OF THE BUST MODERATE-PRICED* CARS ON TQDAY'S AUTO MARKL. OUR LINE OF USED CARS NOW IN CLUDES THE FOLaLOWING LATE MODM AT RZABONABLE PRICES. 1921 Chandler 7-passenger -- 1921 Cleveland 5-passenger 1919 Chandler Sedan* 1917 CAdilLac Touring, WSk new Jé 190Oakland Roadater .Msomany other amani cars. Cohen.& Ser.lin Waukegan, Ili. 1 àe S.Ie1 Read, thé, ndeipenderit O)Lè ~-OPEN With only a few mors days tu which to outfit the* boys and girls for school, this announcement featuring extraordinaxy values will be welcomed by parentz, for it affords atimely opportunity to niake substanttal savings. ]Boys' K .nickerbockers ,jBUILT FOR. SERVICE -e ity les. 'iT-y (tiît fuit from aIl-wool materials in dark mixtures and $1.00 striped patterns. They are N'ell sewcd, and are certain tgive excellent service$12 Ail si'zes up to 16 vears .. .............. Another Group Priced at $1.69, hool (SECOND FLOOR) àiddies -Boys' School'Stlits ni nade of fie With Two Pair of Pants. fla ' f ilIY Ma4e of ail-w ool in- e34 tet-jais ini verv attrac- tive bû'Itedmtst'Is. Each 'Y Cut full snd sulit bas tivo pairs of $1.00 Kickerboc-ker-s. AIlsiz- es froîn (6 to 16 %.cars.- Thev art, tritircenark- tsaîulievaltes at' 8.98 Another Lot Noted. tus of haîd lise These are suits far out or the e cumunphatie la style nsaterti aliitties. Ju't aid talloring. Mlade of fine ail- ~î'eial~ nio'-wooi mixtures in beiteti style wt16 two pains of knickerbock- ers. Suites lit give the great- est amount of wear. Sizesà 9 t-t 16 yeara. $15 t"-19.75 HAT (SECOND FLOORK hf-u isi var- Boys' Blouses For S6looI F3iial ioned offThese Are Unusual Values ai -11ith brighlt Ths.e wash blouses for sebonil are cut o!ffine perceaie shtittg stripes le tif Tains ar'e pit-nîlfîl suppiy aid ibeite are rernaritable v-alues at ....... [150 andti111) Others Priced Up To $1.98. 'LOO R (SECOND FLOOR) LIBERTYVILLE lNDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1921 - IIIREATEN ;n prucis c MOI ,ÇHE QUÎLOO A i'>tx t -'t i7n: ;nir ut ..r, uu"dihCo il ttttî "s. wîa s old- t:. Maniy Fart tip ituMet attruu jar.'z..itcn. utty .xneîrding te Roi t.<n 1.-sud vt u fu:hvit',ntIM ' li me' U-Ahik it ttu'-tu. -t- -i C"~r tuilti i c a - . i it "hi!jt. 1101 l- t F anluat= t'