Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Sep 1921, p. 12

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-. W w K - IN CONDITIONS liro!,Waulc &au rpoep~ lalietiby visaI turiaorteti gt annLueunenuî p- a aChicago paper(t' tise t tisme la no bar toelise IN gallons o! ine su "homle for oîie'a eo use. js &Mistake to, priol aucli stgi,émeuts.for fit sa'suire »Omwo»uentb rouble. il la tbe statemeut May liate en tise trenglis o! sonne- .,Iverameul agenit mauy hav é, tbJàs coulti not possibly have ten tise searcis atuisci7urte Ilt0l is icaisgocs aiîetd ot .V1iegovernuient nay tdo." g statet mOttas nmade *Aitorney A. V. Snmith. ps'osecttor veut on 10 saY atise seareis aud seuzuto law h" baaieen amendedtiandt ltiit ý $ as draatic as viten iii;t 9,"I poatisely prehibitste itman- Wàtm5 et wine or any ofluer aIea- Imt jesr au officiai ststenoeut M» ontt thie effect 'tat 209 gal- jwo vinwle mtght hocnanfactureit CnVsitment -permît. iMany et "Opeple vito sere Iiiua nîisled "eftdd by flte 'sponge" squsti. Ik4a wiase sas coniscaled andt ie> Wo, subected 1 t t ifftues. W~ FLIEUT. WILLIAM4 POPE-O)N TRE. WAY HOMqE ~i who gave lîfe at Chateau Thiry ta be buried at MIliburn *$J. P. POPE'S NEPHEW -of rals'tLieut Wiliam gt to!Mr. sud Mrs. W'illiam H. oilbiiTi, bave arrIvetillia - bmb4N j<. .frgm ioverseas. viser. ise 4mari influenza sud vouuds re- -a, lu action at Chautesu Tisier- I*bul. pope.,viso sas about 27 i» 0, aud visareceive ishlmceint- bomaetFert Siseridani. Sixtis bat- ý ucouti training camp. vas ',at Cisteau Thierry sud et fýïliOpitS1. lie vas Irans!erred te O=ep andi aste t t be Permit- rttiru to tiselines. . eing stil ý,1wukeuLet condition ise became àizted sud -deveioeisthie lu- e wiehcis as tise immediate -f Mis deatis sai-ve inlutise fieldi aitiller!. joi pope sas a uephevof tÂtly. M . Pope, or Waukegsn. Theq mkWprobaisly willlreacis here tise1 ttr art ot tise seek. The Ameri-à %ýic5 post lu Wauitegau la mak- garrangements for te funeraL- wvekea- Interment vili be lu Mil- ita csnteter!. pDau~mal, 21, C4icago. Keter, 19. Libettysille. 1% ioogboer, 33. Laite Foi-est. -Mal, 35, Lakte Freset. mlkov, 38 Mlvulatee- »aes. 29, Milwaukee. Kaufina . Chiscago. Kêr.30, Chiscago. kHI.Rertlca.26 Gi. Laites. ceA. Brown, 31, Wasinlgton, '*m Katatsim, 35, iRacine. Kaipaklafl, 29. Seule. itarlu, 21, Rtacine. »bKober, 1q, Sheboygaii. J. Crwin, 27. Elkhison. Wis. - Saabo. 27, same. A.Zlameruuaîi.22. -C-Ilicage. aunan' 18. »ame. entflitis, 25, Ciicago. -Wlubaett. 26, saie. tuhbiis. 4d. L. Foi-est. P. Wthbers, 28 same. A. Wiloughby, 386Cicago. .P. Evanson. 23, same. #abrlaf, 29. Wavautosa. - t7ert ,19, Milwaukee. M. 3imr 4, Danvilie. IL Burton. 30, Glesburg. - &aper, 29, Waukegall. Kelas.32. sanie. Sceil. 25, saine. G.Reushav. 23, McilwaukeCe. aDengler, 19. sine. Table Cloth In -En9UnLaî la a* beautifîiily hanti woveu itis as i mdefor thse DUY FOR 1NCKJ UêERt 11E FAIR; TAX paoMI T (il VES TJIANKS The ilîird lnsïil1menl o0flle 1920Hed fFarAsctu e- Income tax mu t bi Headod bar Assciatin ext Sept. ~'l "5 xr cek e b"d tends appreciation to al lise rush havç been dellut.zedl by Col- who aided work lector John C. Cannon _ad wi Il rs- ___ main on duty until the lait person bas petid. Places for paying taxe. STATEMENT TO MEMBERSI are rffom 426 of the federal büilding, - ~4750 Broadway, 1214 Noeî tiAsand avenue, 803 Madison atreet. Me.E. * }red lrabbe, preaident <ofthe i7t stee, ad 72 est63v ftret.County lFair Aesn. lias lseed this If7the 7e st tîrda 8treoft stternent relative Io the receut If te ti l pad S auy o tie countv fair, 0 ces thé bill must 'Îlelrouklit iT filie P *bile: 19 paid by mail. the bill muet h-e j1 lake Utiis nîcan', of thanking ,iauliJed witlî lite relitance. everybody who sated lun rnaking -surcestul the 68Ih A. 1a Fair belli ai Llbertyville Sept. 5-9, 1921, Art Il It, Recrtation. Esperial credît la due Mr. .10e Ait, prni -iy S) Lt',; riai recren. Reuse. Fatrn Stperintendeut of the flou;. ift-a ucuot Ih- l'o iii ni t tsîare 1Wlawtlîoun Fari nsdliît.s twent y-five nloets or %" J v l i fi 'a, (25) ablte snd wlling men, abus with îîo tuui~i>eîr bi. Il t njilianîl. clhers s ssisted Ii gütigthe big fir 'zi raii Its re- lent a etc. mb oplae of t lilnîorning ler l" 11w p .viii .'iu it i' ls <f Sept. 5th. Thsuk arae cdue ihose be î':iceî uzt cuîrîtetîii Wlo offered assistance aud helped iu ou~t. 0 tutI it eî.-duuero evey way posstie. ers." ~ ~ er dliiî1iltî titu Save Vour beasen Tickat ers." Johj Aditî hold ers of Season Tickets F. Bairstow Co. Monuments 128 South Genesee Street Thtis monumieentnta ksla une of tise urgeet o! its kinti in lthe tate sud enjoys a lai-ge clientele. Tise large nuiober o! ita monumnents thia one iqeCs daity in bthe cernetertes shows wbat thebeflîte o! ibis sec- tion tinit about lise monumnent works. Tise ieople tif hua section ai-e Iu- deed tortunate ilu iîving luntteir iidta scba ilarge monuunt vorits as lbis Weil ituowv Brun itainls. %'isen one gou, te tisir vontisop yot viU ii But&aHtise different styles to select your Btoee rain. inciutilug tise lalebt lunte monument Unes. Thsis Brun la strictly up-to.tiate andi eserytluiag you May Vaut lu tissu lins u b. upplileti y tisent. Tii, ai-e gise able tb carry out auy idea tisaI yeunuay bave, so really. taken ail lu ail, tisis company la mast about ~eadiluarters for anytising lanthie marbie anti granite linos. Tise P. Bairslow Ce. are tise dis- tributors ut 'Laite County for the famous Montello Granite. Wseu tise gusemumeut caileti for samplcs o! grànite for tise Grant Toinh. Sain- pies o! tise Moutello. vers iuciutied anti among ail others tise Montelle, vas icitet by 'tise goveruimeut geai- ogist a&fier It vas analised. Tiss atone la prou! o! tise siaperlorlty of tie Miouteilo. lu is business reshev ve tale giest peaure lu refe rring ail o! our reiers te tise office oa! Ibis 1.11 tnowvu company. We assute thein tisaI tbey viii get value rdcevd for lsd, rmoney. Durkin Ice Cream Co. Whoue Interest ConterÎ at 209-11 Sprmng Street, Io One of the Most Model Sanitary lnstitutioMi in This Part of ttie Connty, Whose Superior Producta Have Met With Universal Popularity and Are ini Great Demand through Ail the Surrouz*lng Teritory. Thsis lee cmain factoi-y toi-tise Production- o! pure Ie esin la a usodel sanitai-y etitablismeut lrausacting a large businessi anti ls an iustitution at btaitolped te pro- duc. one o! *îie paradoxes o! tise biais coal of llvug. A tioatie go ie creain vas couhidereti a delicacy snd vas oniy te hie useti un Suntisys anti isoiltisys. Totiay, whl'e everytilng ei,. ahong ths lin. bas advsancedi lu prîce, tee creant bas rennanedth ie saine. wîtis a genemous lielpiug of your choice o! nÙmorous fiavors. It bas hicorne 1tehe recoguizeti as a fQoti aud not a tielicacy. Witbout question Ibis !actory ls one o! the cleanest andtihie nuost saniary. aud bei-e a grade o!fIe ci-sain a manutactureti that la equal te auybody's anyvisere., T iy gel tiseir supply o!fcrain f rom mofo tise bealîisleet mui, bet cows lu tise. couutry, payhng tbe tai-mers a prie for tise creain tiat enables thint te teeti anti cars for tiscir stockt. Tis le creamin lanet pnly itealtis-protect- lug, but Ieati-giviug as veil. Ouiy tise Pureat o! creau ndtifiavoru are upeti anti every precautîon la taken te makte i.producltidelîclous anti bealthiful. The macbluery la o! tise latest Isodel anti strlctly miodern anti Üp te date. Tisey unake s speclalty o! furuising crint for tise tratie sud do an extensive vholemale buai- usas anti are prepameti for parties. wetidinga anti banquets. Tise management consist o! tvo ýloung men vine serveti oui- glorlous country in tise îorid var seri"bug vitistise thirti division tenti ai-tii- lery anti ve visis tocompliment theun lu Ibis eviev ou tiseir splendid business revival since returulng. North Shore Auto Radiator Works 119 East Wathr Street This ' la ludecti an cge o! speclal- taits, anti vitis uttor cliiven selicles becomnug more commen cacis yeam. the ueceaaily for speciatss10te e-ýp fhemin l preper runiug order hie- cornes moi-e evident. We bave tise motor expert, tise battery-elpert, tise ignition expert sud varinus otiser ex- perts. l'or Mauy yeams one o! tise muet essentîil eatures tf tise pruper performance of an automnobile vas given. very litle attention. We reter te tise ratilater. Aitisougin your muter b. lu perfect running order, the oliser parts o! Your car be lu tise beat cof condition. If you do not have proper circula- tion for lise Vater tise car ta soon eut o! commiisalon. Ceusecuueuîly tise ratilator expert lis coring Inte promn- ineuce. lu tise paat, visen tise radia- ter shovet inasof beîng leaity, yon pouret-inlua fev isautfuls o! flIax- aeeti meai andi thougist yen isatioser- conte tise trouble. little realizing that lte greater Poîrtien oethtia meal voulti be pumpet i mtiste englue. Tise firaI Ibing yonu kucv your car vas overbeating very eisily sud you couldnt understand vinaIlite trou- blei -vas. Witi tise atiseut of tise raduator expert IL la a very simple thilg te base your radiater permranentiyri- pairot inlusucis a vay that insteati of dsunaglng- your car yeu arei-et- pi-oing its voring qualities. They mate a speciaity of recovemlug anti i-builtilug >our nid radiators. visicis duoes svsy vils te expense et get- tiug a nov une. This la visy vs are glati to roter ybu te Ibis Birm tisaI mates a ipeclaty of rtilator verk -anti auiy te tise tinti et von tissy eau gusrantee. We vouiti uug- gest if you are isaviug trouble vits tise radltaor on your car tisaI you laite It tu tisemntsd taire ativantagel o! thuir expert service. Achen Motor Co. -lu. 217xoth Genesee Street The Studebaker Home--Service and Sales for Studebaker Wben a persani decides to buy an Tisile n ot tise ouly teature of!hi automile tisey bave lu mauy cases car ns tise Initiai coat la very rea- dtsermineti lu acha ls Ihey wlIl purchise, but visaI car lu IbIs cossenonable sud thre coet o! upkeep bas l altogether anather stery. Ift tisy astouiaised roany purcisacers. It lsaa are looking for a ca of universal car that la not bsard on tires and tiIsi value. they do not have far 10 go, fer ridlug cointorts are distlnct.vsly visen tiey cem# ta thse tudebaker Studebaiter. Tise steerIng gear sud they are t 4dce satlufted. Thtis tise gear siift are very easy 10 oper- sou* Iike a -a tler broad s tate- ste sud ibis in tise teson that you meat but-it la *ue neverthe1es,« for se so mauy vomen sud chIldreu if one la contemplating tise pui'cbase drivîng tisem on the streeta every o! a car tisey alwayg tell tiseir trieuda day.- Tise are sonme et tise reasons sud arnung thelr tricnds la ahways a that th. Studehaker bas cornete1 be Stuclebaker booster who: pever_ talslaooked upon as tise leader in lte to telu the unany gooti pointa o7meclanis, sud w auando no btter tbsn 8tudebaker. te roter our readers te thla popular Tisis wenderful car bas von Its concert.' relsutatlon by Uns actuai test on the. Tise'management o! Ibis ageucy la roati under ail kintis o! road couti- lu tise bands et a man-vise la a lat- tIons, funti thbis isere the rosi test. ter day businesa inluevery res- ef a car cornes. Iestiug its abtity pînct. anti bis saiesmeu.are Courteous to teand.up undc-r ait kunda o! treat- sud accormeodating aud vill talle expeet togIve nMY car auy isard tical demoustratlou ofwhit thse U»n." Tisai aIl nay hie lrue, but, if Studebawer wiii de. Therefere ve wa iII stand up linder tiseisard. tako great pleasure lu t *14 revie*,la ktud Of use possible te gise it. dreettag thosetot aur readqru.-vise trW i kê e gea dmibotter ude. are ting oet purcisasisa lu th1a le esllg Ybar, vhIsch isiib.Ih Fu thie lllaae sf l.iîe', Security Titie & Trust Co. With Offices in Waukegan, conduct one of the Ljeading Abstract Offices in Illiniois, and can. Tell You About the Titi.e of Property Whether on or Under the Sur- face-Complete Records of Lake Couanty. Thts abstract office bai attained à lis nt given the inostpintkg weil merlted 'reputaltion as being one attention, wile tise bictory of their io0 the inoat e fficient and weli verseil business op .erations shows that they have always been 80. Organizations lu their special field nit People deslriug touiturchage land in endeaver inufthle section of the state the county cau commuit no more coin aud they have a large clientele. Peleut and reliable authorty upon In t%@ brut days of the selement tie tite tu their Proposed purchases of ail communities, the question of thanib tis Biri. wblch la oue or the tîtle to ProPerty always causes a foremoat concerne of tht. character. certain amount of contusion. White ,la additioj, te qakius abstracts ei thia Country bas had itn inning at title tis Company le organhxed and this teature et settlernent, today tis qualified under tise isws of Iiltn&j ban ait been dons away iwitis througb te issue gauarantee policies ou the thse efficient service of .modern a- title tei any ruaI estate lu Lakte Coun. straCt compenles that specialize lu ty, thua insurring you againat any ibis business. Tlsey have at their Ions îy veason o! any defect lit the cemmea ~all et the data and in- tille of your real estate. formation on the varlous tracts of In naking thi4 review of thse on- land Iu tise eounty froin the days Vard pi-ogress o!flise Country in tbis of thse eariy settlerS clown btiste edîtion we wish lu recommend thein present dey. . 0 ail o! our readers wisen tbey may Witb acces, ta ailtii information b. ln need of service of tise higisesi ai hand tIs organization lias placed character. Tis well kuown and re- the lîraclical operation o! tbe con-. hable business and progressive peo. cern in able and competeut banda. pie upon wtuose Information, advice Thoe people are pecuiarly eudowed and service you rau depeud, and withti he analyticai andi car4 taking they are loyal Supporters o! aIl attaininent and redders them, safe propositions and pi-rmote tbe pro and cofiservative In their tuaking up grenu and expansion o! thse ciiy andi Dabstracts. There la ne detail that countr>'. Grif fin's Garage 1s Operated. at 119 South Sheridan Road; bs Prepared to Bender a Complete and Satisfactory Service, Inelud- lng Every Feature of the Garage Business-Special Feature is Tire Department. The tact that Ibis, garage bas pro, bouse ilu hiasSection tItan ibis Veli videti for tise pubie, aud render a known asutomiobile e.ablisiment. complete. serviceý, ualues their place Tborougbly eonversant witis every '*The Home of Good Service'"tin tiis leature o! thtebu inluwhicb Ihey section tW tho ssate. are rengagea tt quite naluraily toi. When it sated in busines u in iS lows ticat they woutd enjoy a large establishsment tIâ is rindetermined patronage andti hat 'heir establisis te have tbe best tisaf thse market and mtent would b lis e riendezvous for ail msodern science afforda sud liere la pc'rson'î interested in rosian sd rue tno question but that il has aucceeded. automnobile values. Then. wben weli prepareti, it atocked You Bee, the secri t of the succesa the eustablishmuent vils a fulllfine of of thus fBrin lies lu, the tact flinatlis tise higbest grade of tires.anti genüt rmanagemnttasd lis cenployes know lue auto suppliPs te lie touud lu this t-he automoble buâsiness frein A 10 Z. Section, lu the repsir depariment Each is tiuuroughiy tainiliar witi they enuploy only able sud efficient every festoIe and is a maru o! bon- workmien snd ticeute nîsclîists are îcty and integiity. Each in a pro- t uruisheti wuufulice lateat sud muaI greaisîve booster for lice county a sientifie modern nachinery for the courteous sud accomuuodating sales- repalriug and itumptete rebuilding of man. aud in mnaking this review of rcars. No tiler wlîat may lie wrong thse onward progress o! our commun- w itb your car tlipy are prepared to tty we wiuch tu compliment thein upon utaite care ot it sud turu it otît ln their modern and upt-bdste estabi- t- Irst class shape. liahmnt andtihie admirable mauner r Tiser. îa uo more popular business lun wbich they couduct it. Waukegan N Genesee and Wa Tia-c i3une ot tise stroSigest haut- iug instiuutions lu Laite Connty. Officers anti dit ectors are among tise ment proainent anti progressive huai- nesa men whus are willlng at ail tintes te lenti evey assistance for tise promotion o! every meritorlous enterprise intise couuiy.*' Tbey are business inu vose busi- ness iutegnity is a anliti vali beiid their association; tisey are mnen Whto lusse isepedtiat buli up tise tovu anti hase asuiste inlutse promotion o! tqxm anti live atotait ndustrie. as_ veli as tisose efthtie city, tisey arei in etfigis business Itisala Viso bave iselpeti ta uiake commercial, lu- sttutions blosotusud.- govlu ai tii voutiertul oasis of tise,-great lsorthweat.' a amotw TissBIank lias tai s avil- iational Bank ashington Streets derfuî grovth sud ils succesa la due te the tact tisaI Iiey bave at ail times given clos-q anti - -careful, at- teutucu to eacis anti every cuatomer. This business, bora o! s true feiîav- 1ship for tiseir home people andi s rtiesime to »etise cornunity o! thLeir icisoice proaper, bas won for Ihein a Steatitast fnientii) auuong thissu pa- trons tisatill endure for inany years yet te Came. Tise lutei-esting anti ssluabl..-fea- 1lui-e ls a big safety tieposit sauit 1 wsicli thia banit bas iusbmlled, il be- Iog tise largpgatua(e._deposit vauit lu Jtise clty o! Waukegau. Otiter récent )imltrovementa base lu tact doubleti lbe capacuty o! tiIs bank, mating. lb lui addition te belua on. o! .tise bstrougeat, aiseonof o!tise lai-geai Bin- anciuil Institutions o! this section of LIllinois. Tibhits Auto Co. Wîth Garage at 205 South Sheridan Road in Waukeî Is One of the. Forémost Automobile, Men in Nôrth Illinois, Being Distributors for the Dort a.nd1 Cars and .tlle amous 4WO Speedwagon. Tisere la neotuer. popular bualues*g styles ant'ilt yen saut a fine house lu thisssection tissu ths ieli tise 0closeti job la nou theis known ' automobile establisbine., cairsat aI y price tise mator Tisorougisly conversant vitls esery recognizeti by cveryone aitise Meature o! tise business lunvisicis ibsy lug motor ou tise markt today. are engageti il quit. naturally follo*a Tise Ueo la tne goiti standa tisat tbey weuiti enjoy a large patron- values- in autos. Tisey baudE age andti iat Ibsîr estabimnt Ueo ai-s*a ndtihi e uotrucits vouli b. tise rendezvoge for aIl per- Spèsti Wagon."' IL la a leai sous lutereatet inluresu andt ruesauto- litaclasa andtihetsselection o! mobile salues. 11 cars reltccts th inovsconu and tha la1 luxurlous and, gises you came iha& been reapousaible -for tiseg .Zd ceifr, la ully eflipped andi et tié I.r. They operate Th otcrt eedbecrkýwe&,o o a au presents ,tise appearauce o! a car day institution upen vihi e »ellln fer a mucis- hilber prim . tg acominttisent$ad titl Xbag u t a »-t-4,« u 94 M vbiCb V lsMAX §ALI. Yeur possession of salt selson PI "N RA E ticket ha8lise oty evidence o! proot O Li A1555 ('O. Pair ABSun, 1921. T E R .S W Aa3suring aIl of our- spîreciation o! yuui-w gotisyul udtucclpat-itîsîu Cluldhîood î.emances wviicibegin Truly yours, vils Johnniys iugging Marys boots FRED CABBE, Prs .ta at-bool sud crystahize wth-vweddIiug annotucemnenoutise saclely page ntay hie looked utpon isefiguly lu Ci-i Namq cf Labrador. cage. Tisey duttuga dltfcrtulty ou Tt N blie-î'ut Lat1 .brau1or wnu.5se te norti shaore, tlf!lbtl "en -cThte forty boys ani girls froni Deer- bîiudle'isc'li uus'îlti5tefi14 visa attend teleifei-hihl Ihioîtgiit li e o - w-î!1 ' c odhigi s chool lunlHighland Fart in lise iauirei-~ orbc'uuîite(tf lt' l Itr e- -motor bus et Rudoipli Koat encouni- qtUit-ectoluàiitke a î;î tng tisere. Thec tered 8egt-egatlon wiseiu tiey set off famu lineCaiteuîw-itte tiltS;111- forumClasses Monday niornlug. Tise leli naittt for litati-. 'l'leLuld- girls were taken ta sellntftrst; titen couit il-tus4tiseoi-ei.'4lu u le Totîivv-u- tMr. Knaakuitreurned for lise boys. tory iuy teit, tise Niu-r-ma. iîtiti 110 e_- Titeri vas lt- stime setuedote on the iuloirttiu-c Scre tiutle. t I-tsiîglqitu botiewaril Jeurney. dLlucoveretil isî-4w. îy ýhn uti uiu. îE- - t dont tnow wlîy llty have been pl.ii-utimiii4fattis- -i,,! s vu- i-t iide Setlarat ed," sald Principal Richsardt nuil t 111.nlsul i '. tiatiîd Sandw-c.. niglut. '"Lta mot nîy i uiung. l)êerfietd boys ai-e perfect -genttevuen 1 quiyloe Mi-. Krtaiu ituc Y/baw;t 'uIiip a ol : .îsSasyl dsuo-4li-iowil about ceedue-tton" Yor uck si- îult-ru-ý,'îel nI' ~~ lueruAlénîrt 10 nou.111, tif, wittg wc cn Dance.With Arme. Ibid te lrenthif1r nte uiv.-is 1ltc Sinth Ni .lt iill tut Wtîit RitMI cîuî't htive ail ilîit butitttea.-W:Iâh. down t ttont-e s iiiIsi j i ce teipr iugtoii Posit. HOMES TO LIVE IN-ALWAYS Thse longer la hornes, the more se become maiached - te Ibern. and therefee. bus una-ise It would bis net te mute lmprovementa Il-at are peris, Hlow easy il la le malté eues haome cozier andi more attrac- tle ail the lime.. Everyone bas frlend, ise do detiat. aud what gond tolks they are! When puttlug tu a lîeating s78 tena. oue's mind snmurally turna1te Tise Hoilauti Furnace -Thse Heart of th. Home. A tew o! tise reasons are: 1. Cicu air tu breathe. 2. The Stroug Guarantee. 3. Fuel gariug Veaiures. à. 4. The esazy shaklug grate. llielleortotbeiOMW VBI-Pb aat number of ast- ls!led tusera. HOLLANI>PURACES NAKE WAZ>!FRIENS. IE. LAIRD, Branch Manager aie Center Sireet Phone 1014 WAUKEOAE GET ACQUAINTED SALE FOR ONE WEEK Our stock o! used caris 1a iimited auif e voulti like te place caris useti car duriusg tlis sale vîts a buyer wise hP getting acquaint- eti wl oui- ornpany wiii become lu tise future a buyer for! new car. Every useti car otfered for sale wiil be guaranteed, by Oakland Motor Car Company te be exacti,' as represeutei. ' Our prices are _mariteion each car lu plain figures andi w. are la a position le kuow tisat tisey are at tise prie@ quoteti the greateat b&rgaina that this Couupauy or any aîber Company bave ever of- tered. - W. wlll refond you your transportatien te Chsicago iu case yen boy a car. 1920 Rebuit 5-pass. Oakland Sedan 1919 Rtêbuilt-4-pass. Oaklalid Coupe 1920 Rebuit 5-pass. Oakland Tom-ing Car 1919 Refinisbed 5-pass. Oakland Touring Car Stueba~r5-pass. Tourin' Car Maxwcl 5-pass. Touring Car Chevrolet 5-pass. Tourixig Car Other modela rangiug front $20000 to $1200.00. fluring tis sale fer one. week weviii equip -lrçeo! coat ever,' car citi witis a new spare tire aud. busuper. é, Open 'Evenings and Sundays Easy Ternis OAKLAND- MOTOR CAR COMPANY CALUMET 5310 2 # 26e5aMICHSIGAN 4v». - CHICAGO, ILLINOIE4 "A review of the city of Waukegan which reveals business nmen and institutions, which have made this one of the most progressive sections of the Middle West." J1RU1SED Il CRASH; 116 Large damage bruisesand * < year ago OCCURED AT 'l c. - i J ti 2ilt ii îtt t o i lt ( I - u A tutu at ' - ik - truk w2s vt-!- iea a. il r Th.l-itia- lund jiat tiai ali it c A Hi-eshtti,al tln 1(elad. Ar!â Itr c-c-in iouli drv m ilda ltut n, anu;,tillon - Ille >i-.i- t n l duc r btil ltoi go Iitm:lii lu i i ai W- i- ttl utin ii il <u i -. Fi i ls t ili ut tti- L.5 , .ir, - Ec Vuui um(Whl i ut t I.- -',i cîg dlig hIf-it itilin e ti fla to 89sg--uln »nti. a ,t-ig

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