Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Sep 1921, p. 4

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rtyville Independent .a,~d.udnt- aubum au ny &4W F*ttfle t ~fl7U1. W. u fUoo i"ea I m =Mol st '-IjO pâli yE,, *TCTLY UN ADVAI4C1e. hom wm*wi, L Uh»ellile xo-ug1 IL 401TH. ........Manager .NALLay ~Lclmanage, ~Pe who hsye visited the lak. Ceuty Pair 4hia jear conu nol tut fuel the management put over a réel f ait. lu tact ve could moea "mort coiqJele oeunty li -thon wua provided tua jear. As jeu extered the gate yeu vere reinhdedI that an siraiiip vau fly- jeu hoIo uberd bonds on au aides, jeu miv an up4od4ate automo- *.# and then if jeu vent te the grsudatand yu bad the ppnvilege there, watohing the. bomre ndn incidentafly turu your eyea tt bombafie sl'trIwee tmis were playing at anl tinies in fun et tbt grundsud. FuYtkermore as the nu«aver. on, as the bau vr.preceding, vaudeille acta ver. given on the latfoiii right te tde'm stand and the covi vas oertanly entertained in every àmid, st the Ume tAn. along Mame the poniea frein the Ontventiu XiiiZabeFt on Weineaday and gave a vonderful exhubitioa ef high Wiag. hlles, there ere the amial inumber of attraceieiiaon Wel. wMay and vithal it vas a fair of which anyone might b. proud. One could flot think of askiug for more of a variety of entertaixmnt Ma wusaffordel this yeur. The vhole affir bas proved a great succeso and set a record for faira I gen.eral. Thé. clearing oeut of the race track this jear pzoved a popular bitg because people could see the races. view the ball gamas and enjoy 6 e fir much better than if machines were aliowed to park inside the Mand aidude the view. ii~ KILLED litandd ona caîtitgnard in 4M IU D S ch t wtt v ihai 1w tIi underi li RIE LEAPS FROM MOVINi TRAIN! whls t>f lie irai n anudil.I fta bodty tuit. îîickî'ît liib> itri nîutlen as -tutt ilsail- t l in2ine o voî t )u- .'topil l(. ADJUDICATION NOTICE Johin Dawson ni fliicago, xvi.* Public notice t., tereby gîxen ibat "nd I piees lae Suday ilite subseriber. Executor of the last Ïbundi to qpfi-]ta oiunayngih!-wl1and testam ent of James I& Lec. ~cn ie umpe frn, nioingCh1 deceased wili attend the Couuty CoUrt 4po & SI! Paul 'o t~e rain of Lake County at a terni thereot to bel ag Grayalake. Itoden ai tie 'Court House In Wsuke- Tbere ve.four, or lve hjersons in gan, in èald County * on te he tMnn dyof Decetuber néet, 1921,.hn n 0 artY vif h Dawgou and accord- vbere ail perlons liaving daims Ste trais emplbies thel bail beau sgainàtt aad estate are notfied and re- muu 10 aublct of 1ti i d us- quested to present thc lame vo said u As nm *uou Wbeq, the train -Court for adjudication. gwsae and hMd again P8A>KLIN S KERN. ww *an sald: "Wcll 1'm Hxecutor of fthe last viii and testa- das to aut off." Belom e le ould Ment 0f1Jamues 8. Lee, deceaaed rrestra.ilie leas>cd fr6nth flcWaukegan. IlL. Sent. 12. 1921. r platforu. i37 39 39 W.f.. iia ..O.. . i. . moU .h. --t. a 4b .. ' '-'- i. ~iiit'. EMUO or smd the coupon. Begin to use musc inthe sCF-emnbah nev way develeped by Mr. Edio.- EvwwiybMyd"matsa ies power to baniah unploaaat ummo ,roeme bligue, bing poace and Joy. But no one boami b le ,o te o Y whvicb aelections to pay vhun -afreiwhWieh en depreead, etc. Pamus peychologiste, #,p*med witb Mr. U9diasa, bave bosaa worhiug on thie problian for two yoara. They bond certain Edison XR.- cmuaTIoN8 hich broubî a&M those wonderful bmesits of moic. Theée tliey arraRçd er beadinsga aich ne*T Y ab OD Joyotue", iporor rem Em.rgy". etc. Omc mur MW od M e ei, t ONe. SIng or aed t* DECKER &, HELTON *Ei -ULBERTYVILLE. ILL. PHONE 55 $5j. ddlown & New y. -wiîh 3 da"cy i Uýbood Miair fi.. -mu udrs___________ ilbt con do fer YGti. u ià là...&î- d,.màodmi . do O o is c ovl Ti Ml"' isfaccttitn e tututtî utluel ci4î'ecns tii...b...........s.t....................- ...- ....- ....- ....-... -............ 4.. 64,839 1 tegion anti huniers ant pI me 6 e %e............ ....-...........ea....-------------------------------------------------9:16 62 hio vi s tiiie ai Total L.iabiiities .-................................ ............----.$199712 46: H A V E A C FR anilo ht' usi itsstfl i -on i.t . 1 A. J. Crawford, (Cashier of fhe State Bank of Lake Zurich, do soiernnîy i-ni tor the)(Ii .utuify or .si - îd -a wafItat flic aboie tatement j, truc tu the lest of my knowiedge and lielief. Piro(lmitation, liti tiug fila i -len ..1 RAFSKCashier. A J~ I aitticienii> conseeti. s ATE OF ILLINOISI Il la tlieîefoî-e ordedIi uaflicth COIJNTY (if' LAKE. ' rolt a :d %tr1tillbe Subticrilictiand sworn tufa efore nie this l'2th day of Septentber 1921. TO CONDUCT 1 a nt i tiinded ito as te)per-mit of liii- - _______E lîuiting ut taittwsatdeijolio-'OFFICIAL PUBIRCATIONIn eld, i. -tbirds ulion uhe uu-aîcns antI stuoteoW R.p.sfthe1lb.cendîtîeof n ulei ,M Foi Lake, afort-sutit. as uescrlbeod un PoeRon a thli original proclaiuîmitiion. ti ut« I epiember 1, 1919. betucen .,Ile A hr bou- f tvelite nuon andtifo 'cîuck DIEIERFJELD STATIE BANKM p: ni.. standard tinte. tltiing fie oesn - li iinitwul ~~U~. kil -Locateti at Deerlielti, St ste, of Illinois, 'at the cloi>. of business on-flic 6th I h tilb.îl daylubui.Of Septeber, 1921. as madie tu ftle Auditor u' Public Accouit of the Stafe or tiesi-oy, u iemil1ial il filino.lîneuranant to lew. - 0r dtil 1.oY, a n. %% ttr-fowls ort, ilioT- gsoacg bit-is uonlich reîlit-agt-ound otrre-FA R utge. exdlupt luween Ille luous of 1 Lutins ant islcounts ................. .........8.......... 121108 5 twel'.e o'or(k noio andti wu o'i'lock 4 Ot011r Bonda anti Stocks ........................l741800 HoIy Child High Sc 1i. ni.. standlard tinte. 6 Ranking Houe."Furniture anti Fixtut-es------------a.......'5'uti8 M %,otice of tlils mtodificat ion ot 7 Due frorni Baniks, Cash, Eeàqtnges. Chiecks anti Collectioîns.......................8,5N rt4Se anendinent ut ite- ol-iginal lîtodla-9 8 N r h S e na lion shal l e giieti îy in s i'i'in Z T otal R e acurces ....................... ............ ....... ..... .......... at r-oy theri ot nt',' n il ew stiîip et tA I IT FaW aukegan , tof geh er-alI t-ircu lalitoli pli hIieti ii tlhc Village of Lubei'l>ville. in Lauke 1i Cf' taihtit5l ... . ...............................-................... -... -........ "125 lt f)t0 Cousît- Illinois, anti ti-litar notices 2 Surplus ........:_............................ .._..... 2,500 0)0 pen st.Sept shahi aise) le iosfed in eonsîîicuîîus 1I Uiudi%-uded P'rofits (ntc)------------------------------------------...... .......1,628 98 I plirccuu surrtuinding suiti aesi rotinti 4 Iepasits----------------.............. .. .................. 3. ..444 91 u uîsada n -or refuge. a uisadalm Plal tiSptringfildii, Illiniois. !lit' uti .ailte--------------------1251 u>Weekly boarders wil 31st day o<f Augulsu. A. Il. 19-1 1, P'aul 1i. ietcz, t'ashier tif the- t)ertielil State B4ank, dua sî,leuaniy waixr i'TATE 0F ILLINOIS that tlie aitive ,,tate.,enÏ is frac fti th esttif my kni.wletigc anti lelief. [i îw.LiAVISON, P'AII. M. Dîs:'nz. Casher. For terme and furthI illrector of &griueutII-e S'ATE F: iILI.IN>IS japyt h ee N\IL4A4M .1. STRAFTON, COt'NTY OF' h AK E Subscrulîcit andi swou tfo tefître bne this I 3t1day - apyt h ee i'luit-I Gaitie itnd Fisî .tile 1c Septemlter. 192L, .5, 1921. APTHUR' J. ENl) Fi. Nutarv Public. 'I VISITORi S10 RAY B0011R iC,3ur0,f uta IS TELWELE N GIM POMM AP ANDCLINTON, COONFER .WERE SEWING MACHINE FREEI METHODIST EPISCOPAL MARRIED AT GENEVA, ILL.1 C.F.Keiaue, ato.W ANT ADS1 The lRay Furi 0111;filtîtJ'assis -,îît. 'UundaY Schooi nîcets ai 10 i. il.A_____________________________________ ,t11ot*1ou11vli. tganized l iti t t tîot tfoi Las( Satuî day mori ng MisslE'.i i l tamu a Waura eeîig fS f t<.icel% age. Wheelei and Chiaton Coonfer uent fur %VANTL'îi 6) t 1LiI .cl-s . ilndw"'tTHEG ATS RAI M one 0ofits(,larges. fcrwfo t illteil. Mining Iv'trhlett ai tlctak. -tan automobile ide, golng to Cerseua_ orîwthoutbuildings; must lic an EGETS AGISE *lace of business on Milwt'aukee axve. 0100 by ieepsastar. MI., where they 'were united ltn iri galioad. A. H-. Benedlie#. 227 Northî OFFERED IN USED CARS: rthat lias been In tieîittag,'fotai tlaîl> t7 1). ,t lie El)Nortll Letîgue -*age, ilie Rev. H. A. Snyd'er, paster oi' l'lieua Si.. NW'aukegans. 1litPlione 417. odCuoe rn ne.iens.1 'uinctalt formfaer leaguers. hresent flic Geneva Methodist clîurch, 0crser- rd ; state; a -quîiew.demoti wers. I he airIst wek i ta>iîembers and iliose otfteague rage whn fnrniing thie ceremqny. Tliey weî-e ac-,- 1920 Grant six; looîks tike new; f je gave oui blank cards and bad tlie vis:hâtie nof as yet allied tlienselves. The coniPanied by Mr. and Mrs. Charlies i IlE.MSTITCIIING A N 1) PICOTING tires. $725. iflors to bis bont otbf0 f111ln the spiice"progr-ani As An charge of Stewart Smith. H. Jarrett. Whio returnei ta Liberty tahn.wrso I svn i aeEgî 91 -isînc i vifli ftlienaine and address of ilie re hIlwill lie unique, intereating and hel-ville. The newly wedded coulasa tstnsac e 2. erson al ecks fOm ni-;Vod gtieliti9 Cr ak- li cîpeint, whieh was lîanded back ro fui. Mugic by the choir. Ail former efi froni. Geneva on a long autonsoohule eta IHI MI RE OaIte.82.0 t hose in charge of ftie Ray bonoi. leaguers are requeated 10 conte a bit tour flirougli the easteru states 1Bx 127. BirmîngiMAI Ais 3-Of T nwo te$n825.00.ies * il Mir. Ray explalned tirai. aome one eariy for regisfration. lb will lie Wortli The bride for some fiie lias' heen cars7.Bimigamaln336t T o Stvnsw;,iardlire quip. ni filliug in the carda wouid be presente5 ' your whlle lai reglalter. The fetubers a clerk lnIlile Libertyville postoffice. $1ar0 ali.Itke; edtione.-qi,!-i witli a Brunswick phonogi-apl ant ia of ftle League are awake to their re- She Ja a graduafle of i3eKalb Normal WALNTED-Men or women to taille.or-$30eft.If'kna ne fine sewing machine of the Weil known rsponsîbillty in fbis comtuuuity and are achool. and tauglit ln the i.berfyville dfersa mong frieuda and neiglbora SEE US SEPORIE VOU BUy. Free make. One condition was ftiait measuring up in fine fashion. 'orne and Waukegan echoolis. lisselias a! for- the genuine guaraateed lsiery, ILLINOIS AUTO EXCHANGE the peirsorta t receive the phonograpli and sec tent in action.. . large number off rienda ln the viIIageé' ful lfina for men, *omen or chuldren. 21 Bn âe aeFrat aor aeving machine must lie as the1 Wednesday at 7: 30 1). ni. Pi-ayer Mr. Coonfer's home la in K<ansas. but 1 lminates damrng. We pay 75e0n hîkLn. aM oc 1store vlien the presentat ion watt made. and Bible Conference. John 13.2,20 la for morne years lias heen farnsi in!t hour miaire lie, or $86.00 a veek for TO$I Pon 1134. 1 More than 800 ticket9 were givlen Elie lesson KCansas. Aobut a year ael lie sold bis, ful l Imste. Emperrence mmeer E CAR D EA LERAS out and they wvpre ail at the store Sat-1 Strangers always coi'uially weiconi- Interesealn Canada and came to Our WrIte International, Stocklng Milii: Haynes Dlstributors for Lake C..y urday nîghf. alogether witli several of e(l 10 flua cliUrel. village. vhere lie btas been working ai Norrîstovu. Pa.- iheir frienda. The village officiais:E the painters trade. _____ roped off thiemenace near the storeluPRSMTEIA The neviy wedded couple vili milke lFOR SALMD-Chosce realdrseuce iota on co tirélent Frerierick f.bat-,-on,, ý 1n prevent fthe par king of autos. Misses SBTEIA their home la Liberlyvilie upon flsilM)'et emtOeoftedj-u Violet Coonberg and Ruth Hafemnio ar C. Morgan, Pastor. .1return front their honeyrmoaton tour. ai. UC]KIbley Av.s. lira. Grimes. 11ansis nanied là said Bill of compLhni, presided ai t te awardlng of thie valun-Sabath School at 9:45 a'nm. Sep- 936 Miwaukee ave. ~ and f0 any and aIl unknown tl ut j able gfla of fli C ompany.' tember 25 in Rally Day. Let us boost -FORlfSALE- 5-rooni bungalow andi Margaret A. Bararon. deeasedi -a The sewing machine was fhe firsl 10 for an overfiovlug achools- garage. well locateti. f'rlcî $2500. the above named Complainant..r ble awarded. The Damtes of Mrs, W.'t Preaching af Il a. mi. Thouglit loi- DDE laid C~I 3 eleLbrtvleli 4.j oort Ofl teed lier 111 f 'mii.-j Staanlitt. Mns. . J. Pope. and Mrs flic morung sermon, "Stis. WliatMust, H. .INI Il LUVIlyvileUMS34-t d ort on ie Bilanfcry aie :.î in Josephi Kohout vere called. None of 11)ie0lai be Saved?" Good miusic. Jun- FOR SALE OR RENT- 280 acre f saim of, and that a suisnmost threu.I il, these persona vere present. Then theloi- ocongregaf ion. Strangers and i is-'bidigstockon ifronai ryatroad Ad sabe tof n am ed utanî rctur namene Syantasi ed, andi onfeelof e.AT GRAYSLAKvaEbuildingst ocek il or t airvfan; Ad.ottseti f a0dfdanourft ain it lcwas a h ieie n medaeyîCneeeo h Young Peupîle ai Idreasr Mrs. H. S. - Huributt. Lbr> o the firit day of lhe f tobei. A il clalmed lie achine. 6:30 P. . ninflic churcli starlorfs. We - tille. 111. Box 128. 36-2t 1921 Terni of the Circuit Couti ft ic, Tlien fthe lrunsvicli pîlonagrs.ub was arc golng Io oufline )us- faitliîrograiii A quiet t ading %vait eleliralted 1-1f 'au1nit. afoaresat.i . îl i brouglit out. Miss Florence Carolan. 'Von aile inviteti. ;t ftlicIotnie of ?Nir. andi Mrs..Fred 1FO1Z RENT -Ftirnislied mot, alnql1, 'tin Hou , Io Watkî fnied . fi E. C. Washinrn. Mrs. Rose Aikoffer. W. Prweching at 7:30 1),ar. Totiforlueker ina(Grays il.ake Wednesday %wat eser. to'a in. l'tJaune-173 J Lake ('oui). llitnnisaon tfir- îlin 1. Collins, Edvard Savuscli and, Mism. uIle'.vening sient-mn. 'A tii'. of Twel'.î- Sestiettiler 7itî. wbcn their dauglaici-117ila.,n Ocfttlie. A i) 1921.;a p, Henry Boysen. Jr.. were offericî lis fates" Enitea hecinthe Ii~bride of Harold , FOR :ALE BoIle.ti.- t,' ii tui Wu i'tiuiretl. fine instrument if tiîey would taise i ' ednesîls> , Sept. .21, l-'is>t-î-NIe-i urge. 'lite ttc'.. EN. Judd iin te . W.i'lia ukct'a n, Iin iiii' At lt-i 2 le siay.None of thesé persons tesîtonul ing Thils ser-vice hegins 't-etwot presence- <f saifeu tîcafl eu ltitivi-s t'cari 'ttiini. ttiltttf itl.ft Iti [i 1l2 cil. and ilien flic naine of Miss Heien w ik f înîe Irla-ltiii~ ii taira i rittt'.îer bbhl. E.Seilt,-, i il, t il i r.- ' l~t iitt<~" - veks ol prye pielaiiiot% o th Ile lla *it" -c'eIin 'hlîne '284 J I 37 a tiarîling of Area. was announcetl Nas'aillanti Ninter îîragi-aiiitrtittisa' Thie-coutple îua%asi-tli>aiei i _h ______te prescrnt. Sbe tuas. analnw ftice clîîhl. The totîtir iti itii-îna"li-s,- NliietI Sut -e ;LatdPercy Fl-)tttîîk ANTIýl) ia oriing ;îI . i ii,e i T11;0Oittt.:t*E > iHai-ding famill- owns lis pondta t ai.. Ttje Kinaltili QI Failiand l'ratyer .ttiittti)If <iii'iýf l-tIldegiîf,iaî tiliit NIai ilXi ib - .î oh(E~ituttr Ittm tit. lt tachine as can be round. iiigte olwn t x t i'iuThtti ti tt.t tiit ib'rli I-IIiioea ,1n. 97. 37 i /attîî Ifiniint * Mr. Ray il much l Itri et i i iti) iitî e'ai- *rservices, on 'ieta>-Selui 27. >.afi"a ;"Id geft1*g-îiî iIhei- iiid,itiaidl interest saien in bis itnhicii- ltt r 1 is tait again on Fi-lia> .' h(i îîitt-'ati i ii t'Ei itg tlat'.-ici tu c d. -lih-ier tINie iltî iiik. - i i i i 'lait aiut ftt.- fair,. flesides geting a listef- itis <-lîreti is iniensel> attîriiiiat Eu tt'lt i-airtiedl funk rose.î i a ll it ie ie - - .tiaiî- 'i, * I ,na tAT AUCTION m ailing 1sf. a lot of folks in tetli -fi .rîainiifient aînd imopularas, iiial liaie. Xfi' ti aitttli' diti- ttttristesf u iitti-e, a,iltli it u. ,, t i a '*. ,,- . , t>- were tmadie acqllaintedth thIle %;a ila -«ondar> tplace .-tirelie >iun i- i ri- tia)lîpcîit- iFft lis '- mtn ilaislE: . -EýE7.i' 1, rlty of gonds cerried by-ribis tn, r camte and help u. liseree llhis' 'îîi itt ttitut .-ot n itt>tti ttîtllf),iIris,- naIiIta, 'ii.a1 brsiog firmi. Tîtestia>-,Sept. 20. telin'.Scouts, afttiti î uti Iti-> 'tli atifît-ta l 01NI) AI t.iiiititti I-t t> '..k TUESDAY O0CTOBERllith - - - TrtofiiNo. 2. tu-lItselecti n uIle tlut laonfi ria<Grays. Lake<- , ;Igitit bracetle t oun-il tit> t pt!ti t, ii_ WM. BONGARD AUCTIOM d. tuni ier tbc dir-ection tif Foreps s <ti- f1ialling at ia il.' t- fit ittt, ' , : . Frida>- affernoon, Sept. 23 the (s'al, PRIZE WINNING BABIES AI THIE i i> a itî :in- Wi.u rsd. ept.22.lf oaiock tî. e Fire Girls wilfieci foi theiirts ikiiCOUNTv FAIR LAST WEEI'uFtORitSALE -flotus, ilm kt .1a1.1 iat,~taîît~t~-'l- tion on the Mike Raup fofart ln Buffa -!Ii llu mitiiaîcIy aftcu sclioo.tlsflalliiifin.i i t-, ,, .~~ Iv, .1;o E Io Grove, thse foloiug: ('hoir practice ecdiFrida> c'.eniotu7t:LESratlenhue, a Liv. Stek-team back mares. 27001 F.. Wright, directifr; Nirs.aPFiora lu x la Veine ioscîîiiine lPaddiock. t(Is'uF fase 54)tutit6li-SPRINGSt Fil-aial't ibg.. and 10 years old; bay mare, Wl rand, oî'gauîst. filtrofNI i-.tandlMre. Owe'n l'aid-! fotideot f ci>1 Y i -et,3-l- CRYSTAL SRNSFR: 1300; 11 bead of cattle, 8 militera i fon-li forget tlle Haivecii Honte. lie. tact. wion the '$25 brize for. tht'.bfie., ttlione 134,%V, bibit i %.% liii-37 2t ,.atîî.ztl1vtiti. es,ta - -- ingSabath. Sciat. 25, uîtli Rail> tiali>exliibited tiairbie ctunt> tair ' WAN'i'I-z 'o BUY j'saiîlut, 'ala ie -Ctl titt I.x.tifl springer. 2yr. beifer, Durisani stock anil onnatifi ucig.fl.Liberi iilie. Thlis bahy mi i-îoheîrct-ofî--gitabîtî1I . 'rîa,nînîd lie.'ltie atîntt bll.i 160 dhlekene. Toola Deering aintemriiganth vnn1 *Iinblpic. ýih ao fea harveater, nearly new; Deerlng corra e vic it h a speaker- [ront fle icc. tv.i ti0 ad is tout ant ilauflaitr>Y-its. (i. .J - a. ne strasa iatcttaistii'. AI aiii ttttj;,-, .atu.t.n itarvater.near>' 0e; cou plater cdnesay. ept. 8. te S,'îîl nntîa l-i'deu>-k tliei.i'r enkin. so iti îiî rdi-. GoSantat.aî28.k-Ille- itib'n itnttl tn ianlt, sontlaitE, vifli check îower; Deering motier, Congregationai Meeting anti SalbatiMit and Mis,. , i Jnis.ii -Idoine :14 112.:1731 i buiilding, leai Ie itrot neaiy0e; igr sedrnerî fctober 2. ln the rnorning Communion. Miii ('nîuit. XVukëlzan, won St A itiitia-ai.îtiIa la t,'i, Berly suy iaor t ur;anti in Ic eveninga iroarigît-en i-Il'tii$15 %%'li a ii-aiscreort4.ALei bIMT 'r aît galil bttnî lîtt ia-lr- i te qitaîrk lats ii at t.tttd. vtira, 14-diac pulverîzer. 2 sec. har- ttndes- the direction ortifble Wonn', tnt- andtliait aa-t it- air- gaulant]. ini-ii t .,. jtiid. 1U.. itu,, 'Atît t ýut na- nov. new; Deering hay rakeself Ii tanr- oTe> ite ifiiiqItpuisse. $1 . u.-ai- wottihi tt'ik-k Suiial he n it . nili tiuitn tMta atntl ti -litig;t;il t.,,ein- 1 dmpt, afubble piov, 3-loch btruck wag- eS ll tne> 'r o Raiit ef-use, o n Fetii N>,i i, i la sif.-m ib a ti I* 7 ' t' ii mtlti. ) u . iîla . a on. ov;2sea agr.~,souieigs,1 Tire $25- sil'.'ct'cup, affre b ii- tini98r.7., ;\;t llîîliîee -a daM F-O'-~ï~Si.EA ],-w lis» utitdil , it littiatattat. z-anti t'-tiEl. 0ev aî'îîcr ob cmplee la>- ibcrt>-viile ('ommiercial Club foi, Illei>.tf7 Aîî ltii tll't-iiittt -ia-l E.îîat grintistone. u-leelharrow. dat-n shellet-,t best Shoritoi-n bllitlfsui-ain. was Ail t1111,- ( ~'t IIA.» tt,<-, l iiioN'. 284 >iî'iîîII 'i ~t'n-t - t 1;I grlass seedei-, lawn niover. sel do ublejavre ufi )kiolSakPre ildh ie a] hfai-neas. 2 bot-se hiankets, galva(nizeti a-ta IT iciauioîSok aii natii A> tItitit, --iii at lEt-a; a'î puitii t ttWi'- file-r tîongh. 2 iniik cana. pails antid,> ~"~ 'îti- a-iilctiat' .î t ' "t tt ~tii strianer. ralie stoiEe -uoo<h 40f)> uhti lcs o o ool 0e o n o ttt-i six Itititali- tît ;agiit t t Et î: tîi n -t ,on Nt %%ta-at ti titt E .i' t ' ffaIs. 51acres drlltcorn, 10 acrets f et, - oFOR ALL THE NEWS 0F LAKE 0 1 a .- eî Iîîîîiots, >-Iii iii I l it-tb i1i' :.;7t ittfti, t~ cwien. tons lia.- in barr., 150 fi îatrî a COUNTV. SUBSCAISE FR THE o alnd isletîiSitanaI ilStt 'tîtit t 't'i t aiat td. h , andît fiitoi-k and i sitc'as ioktta'. c0oINDEPENDENr-.150 A VEAR 'm t ,tti t-e -,iT'a i. iiet.l1ril îF 'lEt SALE .1.1 1>1-.9>> t; ' ~l ' self tIeaiinz alovP. tatlt îtuý 4 1Lli 0 O t t0 O O n t 0 t0O -'î n. t - ' i.u' at i,- 1011 t-'-'rli,. a'- G.ond lunch serti atauo. i' tit a 're'-t-. Oxer $10 1i est ' iit-aiw ult it'tî Aflt.'. Il 1 . Xl ii-' - t -a a Johan J. XVi-k. Auction' et t Report of lte condifion of I lt il EtSin' t o , f A' 1ý,iSi ttinke, f'iî ak. = ='E i - -i . $talc Bank of Cake Zurich bl l-\ -a ît>~It't ~ îtttdt. -'.. L.i. lte:,ît JLake Z~"ucîu-lî, state lit"I lianin ,i th, aI< l, i, thet l , t t ttl '- t Wheviias, riltIlle Glial ait of Siît t 6thday o19iiirlîr t21, n a unt- thili Aiaiittr -,'fPlujir .Xf(itunt-,f'iatht, x CHA.t iNEYNT)ICE ttE't~~.Ett tf A-giculit-e otif he Stittale IlUt T FIl -fai-ttnlînti'.Jttt.anîli ua-i n . pos t y est11) gicui t'ursl'o Lie tt-fii 0 lit,.ITtti Il .li ;e i i t:i Ii'. tt. rlati al tit,litr i ,t - lîaîns. and i.-iscunts---------------------------------Ili, ea M44 r iAt Ill192is n T'litt,' ui. a- Ot iîît , E iiiI,%fîtiait'. id a,, ;trtti sui i etol oof oo l.alaiinl2ti-et titis ........ ...r................................. -....................................i13 t2E A ile-tan Barrots.Com plairaient. " Ilite C'iutoy or Jlta-aindlSialt,' il i t ts-3 .. i'.ernment tIi-cstmnes---------------------------------.... ......12,171 00 %.S. iXlit t'i. 'ltt-at I.i i'i'livrt)îtv -tittolititat ,lai111ti11 4 0thcr Honda anti Stocks----------------------------------......... .. 12669 30 Ei.-ia L,111,î - tjl Wliii 1 111iih,-la'Illa<ti..,t tIttný'e-lci i iig, of~ f ind0k ltimti tiiatt5 anking Houile, Furniture anti Fixtuires---------------------> 0 00 E i'ond-t. an n.andîV.AIt t n n E. J.- tt't tt h nai raeitoIn Wiý01gk.tma atl 1>'It7 [tue i'ront Banks, Cash, Exdlange.,Checks& and CttIlection*......46.977 ,40,tii-t. tind aigatef A i-ro nknovvn Maliens -Whiai a, i --tiî i l: - f>Il.lli', i 7,falifesources-----------------------------------------. .... .$199712 46! rt fendants. I a,0oôoôo o oo 0o0o o o o le ctji( .uiîiôitc i clip tst-aitt tAt.TS-ln clasn't't> Generat Ntinilî-;r 11431. o FOR ALL THE NEWS 0F LAXE3 ha-atîa înlitei-ýnilil Itît - njurî-17wlii' qu-isute affidavit Itaîing hein I COUNTV. SUBSCRIDE FOR THE Ic of i l, %ciie '>, ,ta i atIlr ' 3 niiied Protits (net) ........... ...... ...... .......... .............3,936_______77j_ - TH' AL The sava The cdei Cîvîlized elothing, tect hime sity-to esi 10 enjoy]1 1.41V fi ili o Ail c Ev e î c'oad 1 10 Sali o pera chooseý DID . Now us 1 have A WHITE Makes , e r~reu W. Havi Screens For Sale 4) Just The Tbi For Porch. t ADUATEDI )NEER YOUR SALE ROSING General Auctioneer ake 33-W-1 AKS" ' hool for Girls ridan Rond i, Mi., 12, 1921. nited Number of il1 be admitted. hcr particulars rend blocher. Loc Short Items XMima, iennu' K cinb Nilwaukef W. W. (CrroIt I *4 Miss Liilan K( ¶ endi wti red Miss Florenc'e fIteti t.lcttyillc MNiss JatýNc .- Artbut llancbitaîc wt'efk. Miss L'illian Ki the A.Ilot-li ttis veek. Mrs Ëunice Mi MaiaKL.or Wauke ID Libertyviilli' Mr4s Susan Mi. t hi-en be-i" 'lht. ('harle. utcîi r ulinltlu-I ni NIa l ll u

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