Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Sep 1921, p. 10

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M Siyficid's euh, Waukgan, WD 82400, TMN4 lER CIILDEN %m .Chistine Millet of igoh-, tud Park ciôntains inîunc- tion mit in local court SFOIL HABeAS COnPUS ACT'N A motherse batte Q keeP ber bus- bod rom obtalnins ber cidrebL mader a writ Of habeas corpus la to18 la the. divorce bill fSIed lu cir- eut court bere today ny Mrs. Chris- ttis Milledr of Highland Park agaluat ber bsbnd, Peter J. Mller. Judge. Edwards granted au Injunction r.- &tralinn the father froru obtalning possession of the ehildreu. Joseph W Freund, Aford H. Pouse. 1D. R. -Joilyn 'and John Brown, wiio, ac- Condina to Mrs. Mler are leagued wtb ber husband lu trying to Oh- tain possession of ber cbldren, also are rsrained iîndtr thiccour't Or- der. The MillFrs wcre married May 10, 1905 at Jobusburg. iII.. snd lived o-1 gjflîer until Nvlbr1,3g1W. aE- cordlug ta the wite, became s habit- ual drunkard. She ,says thatt wben i. was intoxicated he.became qnîar-1 icisomeifand ilireated ber sand the chlldren. Becanse of Is fallure to yack suad provide sufficient for thie famly Io gt aioug she gays sbe îaund It nicsarY Ia oblain manuafl labor. ()n top ofhils otlier faults be de- .eîted ber. she says sud 10 heap for- ,iber iudignity sud lhumiliationi upon lier î,ubislied a notice in a ncws- paper uiting tIri aller tiac..he would not ire rcqonsîlrle for any of ber debîs. The %jijjers; ý%a'.cfour cblidren: *Rgna. nged 17ý; Albert. aged 13; Arhur, aged il, sud Euinci. sged 6. Rcenitly, nccordliDg ta MIS. Miller, ber husband was couvlcted of fali- ure to support tben. To get out ai ibis dlfficulty u1e gays b. now tirreateirs 10 take tbe cildren from ber sud bas started hbaes corpus proceedings. Rather tIRan90go0thelîir father the cbildreu. sire gays, have left bore nesd arc idiug front bim. ]ieauwhiîe sîje la cniployed as a du-. me8tie. lu addition ta a divorce sud the custoy. of the chlldren M". M.iler ta support her sud thec ciildreu. PUAISE FOR THEF WÀUkEG&ÀNFIFE AND) 'DRUM CORPS <jEN. .Waukegan men at G. convention rnaking hit 1 lne or march tmihtoa.i crop imprav.mnt Srvic&l rondcrack.sud splite for lick o!r..ï In building a concrete rond.thers enforcIng. It becomes veyncotly to abould b. no compromise. We blave keep It lu repaîr. It le a rlumaY ex- lesrned ta our sorrow that those crm- pedlent at beat to pour these cracks munîdles wblch bave coutructed a one- toit of soitasephint. Ttiese cracks track, thîn slsb of concrete hÈve been wll contantly widen unlees re-en- sadly dlsappolnted snd it la dîfiMeut foi'ced snd the rond» sbon break up te get entluislem lu tbt n ucglbor- loto chuck boles. baud for more concret. ronde. **Prbably h nMost satlafactoi7 When w. buld ]et un bulld the best metho< inl point of eficlency yoi de- we know lié*. Lt us Ineure tliet our vfaed for reduclng the uumber of oh- grave! rends will be so graded sud jectlonnble crucke la concret. pave- dralued that the. water may never ménts, le tint of employing steel ,re. stand lupnu the surface. enforenient," says the offce of pub- ,A enient rond con best be lid over lic ronde ln Buletin No. 249, Unlted sgood gue odwhlch has Ilînil 115 0 . ........tus'ê b.d poonfled down for yeprs. 'fber, le o frrnof ondan conmle ansd A seel fabiîc ili streigthen n ce- It la prnctlciully good for ailtînume. If etrn tesm s et- the foundation la good -end the con- tmng wlll re-enforce wlre glass agalls crête mixture le rîglit.' brenaege by tire oër other causes. steellbns anu sffity for concrete, thielit la sai that thje eddltlonal expense tavo prncîlcnily expanng and ton- of steel re-euiorcepîeut ehould nTot b. tractlng equaiiy. The greaient combl- more than 5 per fent. We conuot ai- ntion for permanence le conciete and ford ta go ta Ilue -greut expense of steel. Ths le proven ta rvery une's building a concrete rond andi omttlng saifaction lu bulidg a concreto îow- tlîle very Imporant detail. er or bridge. .They are lnyarlnbly re- Let us do It rîglut lu lhe tret place enforred witi steel. ' bmituse It oilbc difficuit ta oei bon ds For the saure renson a concrete to muluntain or recoustruct tint rond hghway tous; be re.enforced. If n If It goes to llecea. *MARRIAGE LICENSES* .,Stanley Buresh, 26, North Chicago. Victoria Krcugel, 25, ratie. Valeutmne Szymoczal, 31, Mltv'au- kee, Vis. Evelyn Wrighut, 26, Bureau, *Iil. Simon Wettsleiu, 23, Miwaukee, WIR. Mary Wood, 18 sanme Tony Auaaazzaiasso, 25, High- wood. Chistine Bueciarelli, 24, sanie. .10e Birtic. 36, North C'hicago. 3.aryoa J .opt-ly, 25, sanie. Martin Uncer, 44, Miwaukee. *Helen Ciasic, 34, sanie. Alex Michialahi, 32, Ml4raukee, Wis. Ouste Palas, 13, anme. Marvin E. Mahoucy, 24, !uliiwau- *kee. Norma Daly, 23, saine. Norman J. Williamis. 22, Chicago. Euulce Patterson, 21, same. Harold C. Keysor, 28, Allance, 0. Ireue M. Bell, 24. H-igland Parki. Chasa.Ci. Piper , 26, Chicago. Alice E. Shbibb, 23. same. Albert Baartz. 32, Sircboygan. Jessie Beraram, 32, Marion, Wis. Walter E. Trusdale, 22, Cr. Lakes. Alice Drycin, 18, Miwaukee. Walter Lewaudowske, 21, Shehoy- gan. Emma N-(-se, 19, aime. - Ciras. H. Buî kback, 35, Milwaukees. Lillian Frey, ,30, sanie. Ilines \Ieycr, 40, MusiçXegan,.%Býb. Alma Maboney, 24, sanie. Alfred J. Vib. 24, Waukcgan. Joiothy E. Sluter,' 21, Maywaad. Harvey Ilcbî, 24, Higiland'Paik. Julia Cardon, 23, sanie. Ernes.t C. Bode, 22, Milwaukee. Mýadalyn Haase,. 18, sanie Heury J. Hueckmn, 31, ýChiûlago. Esther Jobnson., 26, saine. jWallace B. Raymnd..24, Fou du .Alta M. Higgins. 26, Mcdtord, WÎiE. Ernet U. Ho.rf, 25, Fou du Lac. Hazel A. Harielson, 21, Hovelaud, Minu.q Reinhold G. Suesanii, 25, PIY- moutb, Wls. A. R.l along1 ARMY OFFICER PRAISES The Lilberty Fife snd l)aum Corps, of W&ukegsn, le making a resi hit et the Ntonal Convention of ttus Grand Ar-nI in Indisuapole. Au offîrer frim Wichita. Kan3sas, ýnamzelacJtyjre, beard the corps PlaY and8 tien ruebed Into theïr circle sud made a -speech, deciartflg It wa lbe best fil. sud drum corps be hsd beard them ail, frour the Atlautic ta thie Pacific coset. Meityre bas a 35- year *iDy service record aud hie lreat vas coveied wlth medals. The. W#ukegan corps le lu comPeti- tIon wlth corps front ail parts o! tb. county* OFFICIAL LIST OF REAL ESTATE> TRANSFERS Furnished b>' LAKt CO. TITLE AND TRUST CO. masonilo Temple ldg. Phone 4 sept. 15, 1921. F W.Sept. 24, 1921. BýW. a3ngs ani Wife tb r. Diclason, lot 7, Blirrîte sîb tand part lots 69 sud -,0, <rginai Wriucor.da; WD $5,000, stsîup $50. SWaO Swason and i ie ta J. J. Scbmidt sud vîfù. let iu Village of Fox Lakte; Wl)$,,, ta.p $7.50. Rose Kranz sn uitIrîband to J. P. MeGrain sud wrle, lot il, block 2, stsntp $210. Harry Nielson sud wtt. to Rdward Bakeret ai, part lot 12, Kreusers Sub. of Ragle Point Foz Lake, W. D. $1,700. Stamb $2.00. W. J. Kiingenberg sud wife taeB. J. Itead aud avîfe, 10 acres iu NWV 14sec. 34, Cuba twP.; WD $10, stamp $5.00. Mary J. Ronseveile et al te D. VW. Rogers. N 100 ft. lot 3. block 35. Hlighlanud Park; WD 110,500, staml) W. C. Cremîn sud wife to Sarah N. Powers. lot 7, block 2, Proctor'e add and lot 1 Proctores sub sud strlp »of land adj Grayalake; WD Ile,000, stamp $5. T. J. Killisu sud wife te M.. E. and J. G. Weinh, lots 17 sud 18, bloc , L.enox sub. North Chicago, WD $10; stamp il. R. R. Yeoman and vIte te F. H. Anderson sud wife. N 40 fit. lot 5 anud s fi. lot 6. block i, Faon Laindsys add. Waukc-gan; Wl)81 Esmp 50C. Sept. 23, 1921. Est. 0f S. A. Ford ta Neilie F. Oakes lot 1 sud Ely, '1/ loI 2, block 2, Second Addition to Wauconda, W. D1. $4,000. Everts Wreuu sud wlfe 10 F. W.* Rubly. N. 60 fi. lot -14, bloack 3. Wreun's Addition, Highland Park, W. D. $1250-00, p $XSO. Louis Walbaum and wife te Sam C. Kugeiman suÏd- Ïf.If~i -19 To.-1W2 ta 31 uiliman's Sub. Lake Zurich, W. D. $4,000. E. W. Butterfiefi suad wife lt Reiu- hoid Pellake sud' ý loI 28. biock 2, Chancl Lake Bluffs, W. D. $10. StsmP 50C. Besie Odeubreit snd hUgbaud 10 Newhall }llmer su d aîfeuS loi) fi. lot 2, Sub. of Block 1, lAe lil uf Htigtt, W. D. $10. SiamP $T:so. Therega M. (iallagher and busiaud te W. W. Wagoner sud wife, lisr 39 sud 40, block 2. Lloyds. Re$gîb. liîgh- Wood, W. D. $10ý. Stamp 8.0 WARRING FA MILI( PRO[ WILL EN] Assoiain goes 1 ~ I - caring egal ¶ meetings of l MEETING A El Tueedaya de legate 2811k Produccre,' aqs Firet Iethodiet churc agaluat tic execu t 1 v tbe marketIng campa, bornmerarîg. Faver Price $1.6e Thc gatherlug passi récoriîending ta tbe lîany that the prcec te from $1.65 te 81.10. te-mis o!filordeu's a lîuy milk ludependeutit 4g tCompauy vere dl lay . Bordoens mlasmald a rix moulhe prîce of lu a fiery wiudup. * ilunisîs sccured r. mieeting tirat mscriveoeî Prmiden t lt asd wel 1 of the a5'-CoC'ttiç -r larefit figlit lasn4t acin u et<uIng tira declaring ifge] edIn încctiurs (,f dlrèrtc At fti 1" . tii çtgae th( rrdLpi n t r srrI iii id n Itt f u4à( t! le at, . li I Edua ilçsck, 21, saine, . ~----------- j i i. - IF Il 2b/f& brices, Reduced 300 to $500 On An-,Models Touring and Roadater $1145 Coupe .....$1645 Sçcan. . e$1845ý P.0 .Lansing We are iwW sole distributors of Oldsmobile auto cars and trucks for Lake County. Coen &Serýin 114 Water Street Waukegan, Ill. Cail orPhone 1678 for Demonstration We also have a large lime of ail models and makes of used cars - Touring and Sedans at greatly reduced prices. VISIT OUR SHOW ROOM BEST ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD CAR IN TRADE a lu fN.idular hi r czp tdk.ueIr yafl F(;rtî,n, m cing ti hi. mrrirîiing courlp fýff ira i ii k ~rdîe Occlare Meetin The . 'aln n Ir. g gi i fr. <r d a loýt >'. Th ri ir l a i-c at (i Il I i I. -rJr.u Io, i,* F ,4 nf a, iî~ i r. ri l.r.:rndrkein,.a!,I( i . ir. h l , il en. <T igTi o!VCrTf idoitd Iimuilan fie ayrtroe an E leTutu S hv f0 d(A h cMi - -uaiu .r r T I. j. :4 1~ i 1*1 a I 14 HOMES TrO LIVE IN-ALWAYS The. longer we live in homnes. the more we becoine attgched - a to tbem, and theretore, bow unwlae It wouid b.ot to malle - Improvemieflts tbat are perma- Haw easy il la to make one'a borne 'eotier and more attrat- tÏve ail the lime. Everyone b las frienda who do tbat, and 'wbat gqod foaM tbey are' When putting lu a beatlng il& * temn, one@ mid naturallY * tira sto The Rolland Furnace -The Heart of the. Howe. à tew of the ressens are: a 1. Clean air tw breite. 2. The. Strong (Juaratitet. 3. Fuel Savtuz Features. 4. The, easp sbaklng grate. 0 rsow 5.Th e at number of sat* b l! ed user$. ]IOTJ2 Fl U ACES 'A WARE MFEUMS I. E. LAIRD,-Branch Manager 31j Center Street ]Phone 1014 1 ýH

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