_____________ THE LBERTYVILL INDBPENENT. THURSI)AY. SEPTEMBER 29, 192 1. FATIN Law ists religious and and govt. Prop- 11MLakte county lfis benefted bly and yet las been hurt gyIf the maltter of large in- guverumetu reseri stions. wâl ttis boundarles le ba f rb the sitation Is force- >b~scioôllis toenoies us t h" go labeing erected an jînversit>'. mais enection il la flot the ,e 0ftitis article ta mention co0'anes beeatose all tIoi cornes daer a certain part et the federal lm ulticitexempta certain bnes of' pruoty. Tisa Ares scitool wiii, in Utw^,,nme vititth iat categor>.. »tt tthe point la titis. L.ake trotnt>'. Ieife of lils proximît>' tu Chitogo àb emn îelected a> th.' ile for ao .,"y 0f these governinent cor posate àLuitutions that art exemped f rôi tuése under te law lhtitaI i lano *O"aer te burden of taxation iqlbe- lag diverted - t0 a sttall nunther ot property owners initetti o ititain itji; on îthe stiotlders of tflicentire PoIÛp asc î-la flic case a-if I the' îxverage tcourir> iti otoýglotîtu tfis The fedet-al lit iidi h.xeni-î tion of taxatioin loi ail rhturcitea. uchools. educational insîiiutioni and thrpropert>' deîoîeti excluiively In religions worship or, education. - Much li Exemptait Mer.. Now. then, vus-n you stop tu an- alyae thse situation un Lake county l yul not lait e i of a miatitema- ttcia to figure out vItal a large acre- 4ge i hl cotant>' has neen removed frell the ta% -book$ as a resait ot it béiu converted 10 goverrimeni or '-Pif-There la Fort Sheridan. --e-ay acres vese converte tu résemation peoperty there andI de YOui ' ,acuea" abody D'UMpd lb)m y b« om *Imhep yeur, aystem by r.gmlmwl talhag M~ wold's standard remnedy for ksdne.. W«., Widder end uric îcjd troubles. the owdiemof Ile and looks. In use tince MU~ AUl dngglstahes izes. qéà fer é" sac» ela Md.1 - ...,y h, I A~ HOTELTON « NCIOfTH COUNTYÏ ST. îserai Merchandise rAPLI AND FANY GROCEMIB ,Du 0003S.NOTIONS UOOTl ANDS E NAIS AND CAPS -,y Pmhç. Ioeght sd SoW - Phem 107-J U vu-A - NJO -7..'-"' by ýtlie gai ernitien t o liera i -ensxemp trom ttaxes. t Second - "lite -unît îlling iîapîieii' ;itf et 1a.50It wlite lîîîîtsandis or acr-ca are taken. Tb ird.--Tîten atlong .riiiie f als p L.ogan andtihei saisie ihling aîîîîiîeu there. Fourt Tises-c was Lake lFo-est U'niversity withit is man>' buildings aiso Iucluded in te liai of exp- t lons. Fiit Nov conmes fle big scitool «It Ares. ahicit wlll le added te itho' Hiat as viii asen iit-Tite nev Catholie scisool on Norlt SheridaRod lun Vsuicggn. Seiventh - The new Watiiegab townshb h s sciOol on Washington street. rhigiolloAdol Io thlia iat the sert. age Included tn the West aide base bail Park vbich bias Just beeu turned over ltelite Wauitegen iigit acliol board.sas vei as Nifith--the ciy Park whicb bas bien taken nier sog l'h.'ravines là Waukegan and tou rearlliy viii see visat a large sotitor properl>' lias been remnoved f roe inte tak. books. Accos-dingi), waili the iýes-ain aiun nbtracîed frontt flictotalift niteana tuaI vital l; left 14. hi-om-n onto the shouldets of lie bslitn->- ut thte laxps>eî-a. Coî1ts Individual Mort. Foi, instance, if 2., litrcent utfise tasaisie liiollet ifi. vitdli cil front tlle la>, bookts tlivt.glt legai exesîtp- lion., litIms-ans Ibat est-h laxiayer luis o gair t> ti î25 fpe tît aili di liol orns wis pro ratîs 4hal.-t-ofi l. Etery line ant acie ta laken off tise books. Y01l stand >our sutati ii oflv- 105 fle boxe., 0o W tisi îc-oage outntt. Itit l s"ca-te visEl-ot vil abig institution ila exensptef i lxia I.e& it nes-elY sus afiatisaIntbid. îiîo l' îIor. te asseasiteins 4,pie nadî- on a certain pereentage ontfileo total vallue of DproPerl.%,it (Iit - oîîîîî> ant te more voîîtl,e aia ilt, to, .?f %ybat ibjeft blas la Ps". Simîplelant le? lu tbe total millions and millilons. of dollars sortit of pioleri',. tlisat lande and Inpiovements, bai-c been taken off te tai books In lâasce i-onsn. ty titroue stise tatute s-bit-h gie 1his exemption. Ttrfj.la Il sny wonder thai lite buvdPrnoft atilon 4111. lcreaî.lng very xsieadil>' andl hc-as JIl>' on the people of Lake eouuiy? IIl là ibus seen ltiwhie-il h% an aivanlegelna sanie waMI-alohave thise' Institutions snd gnvi-nimeoî re8erv-ationm locaîed withîn thte con- .tfinesof te counl>'. in enote, va> il lmsaitsrds.hip on te people aho are actuel tresidenàts and a-lia arr>' it-e burdena of taxation. A big question which mîglit lie lnterestiing l it is solution vould Ile, 'vitich te iteggest advanhage---tai baeie be in te counI>' for tiserle- turne lte>'gîteailte minepr of bus- mness"or*. *"001 te _,hav'etem and tht, not dicerI flic birolen of taxa- The feeling ihia t Itise sjb-i ut Arisawvii h exempt fronu taxes lite minute JItopens ite lonrsansdl le- oei'enstudenîs. Tbs-j seril feeling la ttt imtil that lime arrives fit vii 'Bot be exempt because until thepJil hà aotually not au, dutiobl* tbtiêt-- tution. Ilowever the board of review viii baie te lft te -mattêl- very' gare- fuli>' and viii gîte-ig diéelsion aitorti>'. fi appears evident tltt tbere prois. ssbly lant a countylb.luthe Unlied Stlates vhIcltbas been "hit" or."fa- î'ored" vitichet-er von îsiy vislite1 deignate il au0 muet as lAite counnly iropor*lionnslc10oia realus- t iens.- Know Ont,ail Leait. lit wa-anuo Fas ensd sciool,.Tist test-ber bi.eîîeibielng fle î'iîlolren about Nisit'g nrk ond lise An, rIllte ti'veiiant. Andi teîî tue isske-, Ill e class if is> oais'kte ie a f ois thsor tork lm tise Bible.- lihe Lkîioiung boy, ît-ii .hadifeen, apendig.)lits eet'iîtngsre- bearsing Ciat'Itmt-irais: les, smusi, 'An. tc '.'rold a 8o,> ing :"-Londoa NAVAL OFFICERS t ARE FREED 0f MN SLAUVOITER CIIA@E~ General court martial at Naval) station ended Friday night; Atty. J . 6. Welch defended E. P. Kelone and illlut . Me . hoîh of St. 1oilis, hotit chief pe It>' litticersintIlte LS. Datvy. charged with manslaughtter foiowing Ile tirownins; -ilCairo, Il., on lune '15 of John B . Nonlanil. a felluv thi pettY offiffî'. 8190 of 9f. I.nnts. acre .equitted fileFrida v.ifternooiototi boing Ia geritral rt uatltlia- a had been un lirtgres at i the rfai Lakes nax ai ii-ainiup station ail off, week. r iete io principal fines ot defense ace libalIltie body ot Novian.d neyer fias bee0 o'ecotered. and lthai do'aii ]Ii.iglit haie r,-sulted fsrontî ieart tatis Ille Ialtber 1 han Irons drowninm. b. idefte showe i thai N'onlanil ltad beffn tossed into the Ohio riter ilt Caire as a Prank raîhêrt itian a 1h ;'DY i&mternmotivoe. Nowiand's bodY *ank 1111e a shot and did not <orne o lthe surface. Thbe ssteî sas drag ged for iorty miles but astiiotiSu(-- cess. Tbte use ai dynamsite llko-wlse was unzuccesSiul. A charge i inli voluniary mfansauEistet sas sure- ltv-red agetnat Ilte lnt. otticei. and i ite. werc brougit 10t Ilot l i *e&tli t-ake-s.tation fur trial. Aifithe tousei martial tikey a-ev.- flta. Ieoi > laptain fisides latta soi, ai StI.Louis,. Ensign oiuraluof irei l.ket. and Artî. Jame-s 4;. Wccltos Waukegan. iltr.Kelone, Mi i and No%%lt, lanld Nvpi t- stationei un I oa.id lit t has, t ittel itappet-ildtu hi' dock rîl ait (airo aypn ,. i ing iilsyed by tho fasi lis an ien in their lelatîre momeants. 'SoîIo n, t-uggest.ed that Nowiand lieltt.i iti. fît. river. 1tf YOU'rib goiagto do litailv.%ou huid better lfae-_off ny eic ýN uvia nd fgi' l to have rt'pliedl Proint tiis hiR felîta itifceras Ihotîglit liecould salut and aithut any lie.staîlolr loaaed flîirtsinto llio' s-a er. 'rhe taclt t liai t, butl> tir Ille ticîlît, never vas recovercd niadt il piat-tical'>VittipoSa"ibie. btro t the chtarge againat Kelone and masi 00000,0000 00000000 0* HA LF DAY .o 0.00000000090000000S mmlii iiifsn i(ýl $l.25 an tîuuî i AID ELE~ý! CTRICL&NS 0F Ibiil' E ferorleanters anit i.n; ii CLS GI REAT FOUR-MGNTHS'Wuea r uta., l NEW WAOE OFFER to ait a ote an(]( u' ii,, nn Afr diOneOr Wlietlier tht' a il iq', s Contractors Form Assn and upos ilt(- Couitacîosa pi' lr.' lil Deterjle to Hold Out Even îîilan.sl iftewok Hated fon soue ofthe îld c I tfpis Pos"msters cof Indiana and Illinois Clearung DeCks ifer ftn ,,, HaFII lit Waakn e f the ' s, Action in Struggle t'O See W" Mi tae Shail Carry OffBlue Ail t Ilile electrIciaIIa in W'aukF- itoat abolit coaspîeaed tlîr:î ahi;, OOCI ii;an and Lake County are Out On a flit- lheY, likeeicr.î -oye Mlion in Total-Sales of Uncle Sarns Securities-Eaoh 1ir ik ai th resait of unwlllingïoesre willng to stand oui on ihl. [it State Confident of Vlctory if People Lefld FllIonitIhe part nt local 'contractors Io diascseile and provtiitC Ileic îî-ti do_. Support at AIlStages of Fiéht-State i>50 lle 1 11' 0(1 ,tale li $1.25 an nultigre.ite>' are ogoing lu Mtrotl9' un ; hot'.And NN'aukpgap lectrieal coit-lahul UP îhOP torlte lime bein.. ai Pride -lIsat Stake. . trmiu lva have forint? ait association p ib fr i wne antonit lhe;gselva and liav-,e tted just ltow this electrîceai ma'>5 lm uitaiimousiy te adhoýre; i, flie La1wnds gong lu termlnate la yelt tu h,,,ï BIGB OM OA T EASJRY ~ VI6S C RTIICAIS wge acale of $1 .11) ant ltu.rfoi- ait alîto ugh the electirlcal Cont -lti- 811 0àFATRA U YS V SC R IIA IS el1ect rician. I sa> tat fiteojeanu alîerballx. Tii> local 8cale ulituk ltow liaiti'en for' thein tui accoolit file .1 îîdre at1 ý$.5an hour. The union nieii.m rsitsioit. New 125 Issue Finds Much Favor With Rank and File of Oilzens are unwîîîingtead ytl Lni Seeking Sale and Profitable lnvestmnent Bardains--"Big Fel- Ideuion and accordlngl: the% have DUICTO iNTC lows" Counted on to Take the Larger Denomintions-Contest all,1,>e cae onern fturlub the l uk te Reaoh to Every Nook and Corner of Two Comnmonwealths. !oui are' Warner' and Contpan) k A. li&ePubcnoie laExeulî b iip ( A. leccrte sud.. the North "horP, Fîx îîIl.esaet fJnat ffdiana and Illlio.qolu aAug unit 1.1alike, nUl he ma 11hlis. wlicn tIf tureC (orpany. deceased wiU attend lte Coutl .'ur( wlll "bîook up" In a governutentsosa- te sîste iirlilo'. w'uaIf tiskeour Iito i I h, 1 l~hat JudMo' .,iiLandsof Lake Count>' ai s îermibereoi -a bc Inpconent whchwli exendtu e-offte uji..fth 47varetis. in ixing h e selowered* fis le I(holden ai tihe Court iUouIio in W Atiko cenbe otet, veictwoahictesd loie- Ofluras> p euhal hlolipir ig taritie tr&cians scalti front $125 lu $1 lu an P an. in aaid 'ounty. on the sir& ,moi, baverudlu hesewoerfuia. wingls(r ovu t eco i ss thoir hl tesud t. hbout. il Lvag expêcted liaî it ris day of Itecember next,« 1921. wloi and hav mae scb oodrfu aovige f gt-eîsuoqo ic. îrlêeasudlisy ould bc acceptedb>heuinnn hr alpron halg lin. lu the purrhame of gos-erinoontganvingm wsnt mure and umore. heir appplite or0 sukhaNbt h union n 'en ' ttICO' a ai t pldesna artniiteg ds securitles from the iclime they acre hi. iutot een trhetlo'd. and 1 IntiIscon.* ,rt ci onIle eniployer-i b itl , ttîee Il present tthe ',sîme . 'aoi lirst offered tiy file 'resaisrydeliart- lest lipy 'are gblisg fi>.gel Ia regîsar not d so. l'ourt foi adujudcation. ment, arenatursal Insîja l[sv slius. Wtth *liIstîtî lw l.e cFm? Tiw iPubie e ic .'< iîîn i>-FRAN~KLIN S KEYfN tng Ibe liciter fI uîîillo . In- 'lie> kilo% tmi uditingm so l ie e t ,'> cnul employ union nien ant i to-.ftri'i.-tutsu it FIw'I n duane, hoteîsr, ai îtroseîsl blm ledlig tent--iiiîltIîl cott-itis te luInvet fl ii,'ihell. s nul :îffo-ct-tlFqin i limiicnuqt ot Janies elot oah tlie fie to- a ail > f Itle Set euit h l"dra I ment for'v rit-lt and poirair s ike thr .1ielî-.ti t situali tm. Il is aiHil i it auke an, III Ss,î 12 t92: ileserte distrittfileIa iatto'r id pur- knw that I.it-re 1, tttlliitc ia'ter ltsit a h oul. 35 'lien ai v off.-, c l atiti 'liai , ~ 2 ehI b poe or o hit.ler s'ittttî tig heltoag guvelrsli to.i, lt ~-"-ilriit- i..m. abtt liai litaI,> in .tîo . t-i ut hetter tla liaîs t I fliiiM'ti.4-tît-Wt "L1et tit,,s o, i.- tI oll oal. tituî. wOi conitan sd Mloll,soalit -ter milite's leli f.i-1fiT, tiîli oii- tilt->i.i.--avo. îo,-l1 u i Ft IST IN LAKE COUN7Y T #,- oh' thte ohiN rîct, o-,ooiîiitei ris t îMie, î t - iii uît'v-to iii, i tt I lleti,> . lie, .tai, independent I uigt elii.itî tf la .-î Y s> iclit or11- l .iistt ,Il îttîî muent -siothelii' to- î.t1,118it- litose iti Nt tht f,-tiî ai iiiîîîiîîsiîs Tndlatiis ns 24 veto-t,-qulîîf. t.t tiat .f fer: IlitinliS. wetYotrk antid ttî -tiit 'oî ltiik- i.i, i, ult î,tittiiteI." . gstllllt the ' liv sii.- lî.îtlg sliP,. e Il 1, :1 ipi-*irfiî t.t Iot lidanasa roilm lath It ut st111.if, Itit t il.,.i ti ; t jl-l *.go f nois leidsII. lssft o f il,*t, dîsîrittIn lit î iîî ittt Ilterinîsg ti, u i i oî ril goveirimet sat Iligit e irtla imi ft--t>lylllîîg lt gî%t-.' le alot --r note, sîne eo'etýiiiber, 1917,.lias pur- 'reflitl ior itl iti iî1o'donc la i' o'hased sppruxlnsately $75.000,0W --of ,tî-'îî,'î atlg iiit-. and 1 gios' ise soctit<es, 'rise *l)Ie, lr oite 11Itii e tielli i lit aI>'HUY tuaInill'> n2eit wltb S4fl.OijO,OO. fise loîvats sien ilooîqnelsont our Oi rrement ishuiuîgi wlth Oým5,OOOO0 wisconsltt nenti o ti-t 11ii rctld otsfinî i tis -tonl cal l S40OOgO andMo icitgamn 180 I tb gohog til,1111 liq-fitll f ltthé lîl i os,. 330,10000. jos1p'too.li, io.cîbrlgaI illa Th.e ronteit yUl ite vooduîted b-v il, l nt, imtn-111 mi,,lra i tilt tite potmaei's of thse tluMts.. and lier, amoli themaire osany ofI lt o e 055 0. f"a. e rg.i,i o- liar slîcote ur Birîh or '-te' peiet lit tile girl irioen lie theihon sfor te gey- liase'-s of i' ro 'ut r - S.attg»91crý around" te Mr. and Mrs. Erneait ismlneti iviir, mtnt i lfietes of $L2, liooînit$10550 e- Scitros-der a veut agois at SaturdaàL et tite spirit of tbe f ,tng cou- nomlîosîtiiot, . ist%%.e ire going to. Ilt We ver.' glatli sao manin d 04tut i"aylbesees I hie foUovhtg 4the tolkla of iuU osto1-stos t lhIooe Nt Haîf Day pétiole vito nov Irive lu LI saitements b>' posbtunterm of tieti wo Isle $1 alnd f oi-uiî'i ulg erty'ila, Area, ald4surrnndlng tovna, colnmonweaitiss: ieleio. 'lTri.te 521.Tri-itr-% Sî'llr' witit us last Sunday and taing part >' an 1ndina'oeîtmyàer: Cerllii-oae shourdi lriot o'asreàil o'lsr Il ln our corner stqlM selviets. ýt shows "ThiietfiSuS 4sireasbQw beyesid liais -ousbo's. hIl oitI eipi.onal filto-le triait mani people are lntereited fa our IoubtI litililiolw bu, Il oIt us lnithet îonlnisiloii lot altiil os sflicti'rîk utuiol work sud uanlt teciturc tg lbe a ue- mater .t populationi. but flitr erauni s file of our Iîoîosple anti hic otîooîi lil ces. Hov mnugismore we efft i ry tb thing It tise boooks flargines lier an>'- adosîtooges eli liiitl il,o*iCiet make gond thse responsfbittty viticit lies upon our sitoulders. We t hanlc httg un Us J'à deterntIn ati nd igist- Thisfolk«'%%itfi tlii itreIanîti iiic uar neigitborg for their continued lit- lng qualit>'. W.'aregoIlng lutteibis ot the ro'at oîfu« îIi%titko' tIti- trt tereat. and veiconse is-m as i ey cOnteSi aithiiontloiu-os,'e bort utofrorecales tf turcoért.î,îiîî -i comite baek 10 us. present leaîiorshIîiîoitIll i tic ttttoaf "'lir îo oai -.r îfit-i *You îiay sup)eriorltu thse liers.on per ospîta îtrctose o'goiernienl he lt i lle1i i. ttf'r Ile fliti. lît tur loi whono yoü are talking, buh itite saflhi t',-irll'o.'e havse t>o -lsckle uian't lig i.-<tWi i..Iltjot'.'t~îi lieigit fof fili iteeding te show t," who'ii %%p >.us loa r o- ou r itsic I; t vtoIIi tIst ut . .> ii i -t ii lit-t% as't Bs-n Couk lias îrads-d h-, tddca o,sv fi ittoft ur oîcgltiirtr i flic %utts. 1Intti a -<il fîtilà: t1L i r i t th . - ft ,t an almost nea' Fard couie. Thaî's ii-suppse lliîîls tilllitt'-t-vrtppitig tad, bts'i h .1 ii IlI. . isi tui ot tloiflcB. IetHe la ,iaaua nins-ne ad but tbliits Iusu ttli tu-O'watt .W'.' -ai trot i I IIi.- -'ille l i.fitOU Niglit up t o datetlou'i %iui t "t-- iî i r ti cal, a ' r st) *.iii -- L.. iindslromtand tamil> li.tie bis-n Itfi' pai \%.u- h iltt Ililttl i lnois itiý. iial.iii îîl it -,- quauantined the itaslt sek. Their- l i'itoii ioileIt res Il lu t tI i' i'isttttltt-ittii lie daugitter. Francs-s, bas tIlie scarîci Isle b,'sît lait is lit lsr aistI'r-adv t lo asiv-ili. ut, fll >f o -aeit giig.ri- î ia fever, but la a nl case. and ute hoîse flike oa c . t . îîîs i îrasiuig. 'ves- p Ste iastit %Ill to.a litistooter ft oti"itv t+ban iIIbe lifteol again ânon. otu ioali, sud tic knolu 11adRIat>"ifi tuila.It MIitstî isflilih, roiîh>-I., à. andma Stancllff la .spending flelaite cite optr ltiforiiers sudl ity 'folik tiike Hs yils gau n iiAugii't ]Nt veek it ti L. H. Krueger and tamlly. .- - - -_ _________- Titursda>' oh'last vek twve ms- n . utitTne-clso r-tutng sot erai sont... paf suismer. ftue 111> o t)Cmioniii voIunieered and came out to help dit- and Ils-i Mflonald of Area.tetod lus asi ble obser'ueul.aînd tinteu ,lbi the drain fretnute chttrcit battement ln prayer. w-îîîliec ni icf-dI o juin tise c<-isî -l. Ait dovu to te crs-sk. Titsy gaI the job about hait s-ay completed and expeci Let us hopte that each one tof tUsitose alto ai-e planning lu loin a i tis te finish il next veek, sorte day vîsen ceived sornie good b>' atletoding titis s m hul p h at' s1024- te rush of vont is paît and flue çavm- v ice, andl maoite decision lu aUPPori posesilt ec le issitorc a otul5 era have moretinie. Aiynne vito de- any movemedi for a gond cause andipssie. W.' arie ihning Chlitstitel-e sires ta do his bit In tli ne of' labos- the u.nifting of nur cnmpanlfy."Boulati'erwahipl. nt lboriCrs please maite yourss-lf ittova te L. I. Instatio f inoctng." Titane ua a bs-spowi Krueger, chiarm n h'l~a evdmore comfoton d consolation. lnif t. Henr> Ijoose asid lami>01 t'hicago au 'h a Juil l'>' b natandl Mr. Ollendorf and hamily Irom s plendid dinner. and son% daim il utiy fot Mayvnod visiteol the liprehitergel aboofeW'$rti te pice o(thî vork William Herts-i old oui hua stock o aillries lasî îlNioil. titi>' 41. s ilin uit have bien gèod. grocerleas ut auction tat Fiiday afler ________ Certainly a amolli ester could nt maite mono. The Hateasareoplanning to go suct a allaitement. te floridla b>' automobile te spend te Mr. Wulu. C. Jones, tite churcit arcisi- vînter. EL S CLÀ1M BAIE tedt, "às vit us kunday, and ha vas A panont-Teachera' Assoclationt bas ver>'rancht liaased vitit lte vnrion beesu urganizeli,i> vtit Mms. Wallace A T If A~ 1 lte new citurcli building. Mr. Joues Locithead as preaideol. Meso. Peddon AT1 lTI A E matres a speclaît>' oe churcit building vice pteuideat, Miss Au« Qentqrt sec- and says lueI as bus>' as cahi, retary. and Mm. Mande A. Kiioli triai- vhicit voul Indicate a revhvml ti tietis rer. Sereens have alIneil>'bien Pur COltpl.fýTE U ES building of citurcbe< amd n.licigu chaisl andlput 1 inte vîndova of te __ wolt. scbool building te kiep lte files out. 'Te ttim ln talcsiven bh. lite Wats. Altitougitva tiredisa>ponted, as and a contiaittes, bas bien aDPOlbelsui ko-gan ElLe mdz' ait he isIatr s05i of otil speakers, aiso theè arches- to bu>' a Piano for the sçbpql. 9he cluib, Thirdbfaite. on à5usiso> "'asa Ira could ne l e vltb osa4,our corner comtntteas have bain anpntida,iau cçeisi-s[n ciiry orespect andl whtbc atone Ia>'ing services lantitBodi>. nev- thte association 10 qêtehop nmate il( tIielnsance . vas sot nulle as lai enthieosa It vas a decîde4 succeai. on racbool a botr Oe yMê-a aiiil'.I One hundnef &bd .Nrt-five dllas si ngs are pi 2 bt, litinu o200. va s Gk» 0phAa4scoJe~-Ms~4st Ccoot andlirM. A- Li<> 1p hall pgarni.vas -on.'ofni ti ett tion of $5p. .Dr. Lajdg~U. upt. oir Pmltegbacit attelafied the W. C. T. t i fi.' aspogii h Ciîcgo CIl, Mifslonar>' Socity,. readît n e onygWDat LUte Ïlutt Vniday. iios0 i. tao o'&i.Tt lte scnîpture and ottered ppryer. Mor. Beçt mmmllimitât te Chicago mondaI- ti vain ieadati by Russell EdÏýards de.- Wlhgam. of Libertyllie, oaa. o fliete 10at*5$d "0 u~petng0 il, t soted ao d 12 5ite l'..b nid pionesers or Vernqp tovnshlp, toîl jproducers' Aosoqlmti0s. lMe rePOrts coe cf1-tse -m about lte iniaasand the q1d 4 ' iw taI fotmmach vis beisln 11,.Ie'l'li re--r'ntitterous Isot-ssic sudI vays of lte 'Obuioc. Bort BMsfl ?ezt.Il na>' la Ral>' Day aI Ou~r'il.t,; i bing contsalawhicit ptoved tarI- real thé btisni'>' of lte Rifil Day p.oPltO.ton ilm ihimide. Th.'inîereîîing. churcit front 1836 tIe tlite resaat ilime.goi'bsfutn n enspreia- siiy galion- of cii tns cowder wae C. J. Heracithirger reamIabrief sketchb1t.8d"500 ilI bel avardeandsthfle ban- SI. ut noon. 'Thobeciambaite pib nf the vont of ts' buildig commit-;n ei h ie t ieclm isulite .otels îoocntsdlt tee, tas demi, offcei vas organisedt hiuhs- tla-res-olltage Of attenîmnretansI - lit-t iing nlor tfront Ili'e smlng te date. John tBalardDf LWIarlYvile. 1 offantas. There vilIlte spacisietfxer- isters, t-itckene. ihaistnd clama. another Pioetear onItila movna ndso: tiss. veryitdy le welcoame - ring u 0Ieto il oaile n vito formeni>' Ilved ut Ifirai s>', gave your nalgiabors. s fOOt 10 tn.eolst he lîoIaties snf anmle Interesting facîs about lte old Tise- lýadlet' Aid meeting for Otlber s tl-or.vetdlieapttia h citurt-e vwicias liulit lun 1976. and, ilIiile hied wltlesM. Betismail on ia I l hl ts-y a-ie in condition toi counîr>' t lite do.tit il Itcqc. Tus-te tia a a'hole conr ngeneral.. Saturda>', fleist ostter for, crs-t-i-ancio i tlçs-nuied Mr. Kettîtan. the pasior. t-iad 1titeliai Mrs. MeLaughlin and Mm Mca Mtyitoad'lilo'taa tl w ,re of articles vticit vers- depositeil blts-el4olst are at Plymoutht. lid.. ina spend a wunia sutet ayn i i t li tsevr- carnenstone. andSi ave somte ver>' gond vs-sk vitit frienols. aa oleetounlI fcc> mîvice as; ta ustn g titi bible as a cor,- Chitor pratctice text Friday ai 7:30 thn sln o ftlst no one went 50555> ut- ns-r atone in ellr ever>' day as adi asý p. mn. M'ilî egin the songs for btthegr Crs-tIlt la due Io'*Paddy NVerl"i religions lire. nOr. Landtian thon pro Harveel Festival. lier-oo.s-d tuaed b .'lis. laitt tIu caeded to deltosit te corner %ften, as- pIlnng services ai 8 c'ocne. SarI 1rcvas.îipas « ho-hu.Ueelth austel luy te chirman ofthtecbuidinir mon tsubicci. 'tlIteqvniing thte fab- blt uuef. I a ooone t cnuimittee, L. H. Krnegir, abter wvilc-bith." itIevr lte onogrigalibn neturnel te(lue Tonn plans are iteing made for Oisut an- inf t c lte#,atiair ivas srithnosur' Hall. ono ir so.ent clourcb. andi lisianed vent Festival Day.viticitihaN ab.zesa t iis 1eposssieiits ' ka loule.' Ils a, vary beautifui and instructive sarvedl Oct, l6th. Beurdes havlitigalnîîy decide. îos mate-iît annîtIIIai al- Feeînion. iIvetopi' ibIle Ret.. Llsd- euiibl t of ts- fruits ofu' it vrt tlie fait.- AtBack To Pre-War Prices. Athis. time evervone should do their utmost te ausin briaging picu es oà normal level. 1 amn tryiug te do mv bit. NWY PRICES ON GUARANTEED DENTISTRY FOR THE meX l0 DAYS AS FOLLOWS.: Guisal ,u tsnsý ., i Soansie", tmoî,-aiu i'roittit. l'h i-t T. -i 'i 'li î' ti. fsii i \'îîll nîît hainze i îlsîî f;ult ltlt. oiIilinrs, a-<-ith tt.a if. l'lait-- ;botl ,aiiiriteý t sou lfi it i-stn it!I lit ti, $5 i. - rîl ~ 1' it~ "i i .OocodiDn fît ialýi.- o Ant ifu-ns,-sib.ti i viii ni iturtl )ou, 1i tî i ntdss-no- i -- TRESE PRICES ARE FOR 36 DAYS ONLY. 130Ysa Dr.uo F. E. CORLJSS !i10','ahntnSt Over tahe Thomas Mai-sel Cc 111 WALKECAN. ILL. :-' 4. Auto Repair Shop. W HEN in need of Automobile Re-.- pairing try us if you wanît tE- best. Now located in the Durand Bulldîr,M on South Milwaukee Avenue. James B. Wetmore Resý. Telephne 364-J LIBERTYVILLE. ILL Theodore Fi. Durit. Pretedmnt W. 3. Smith. Vite. Presidoe F. W, Churcill. Secretary and Manager. t TEWMIOE Si SECURITY TMILE & TRUST MO. ABSTRACISOF TMlE .- TMES GUARANTEEIJ Capital. $125.000.00 VAUREGAN IL11OOL~ Hu R RY! H UR RY! Spr-ing Chickens, Squabs and Eggs We specialize ln Spring Chicken s, Squabs and Egps. ani w,!! pay better prices than you can gel elsewhere. We'are ahvays in the market foor ail kicls of poultrv, and are within leas than an hour's drive fro m you. We pay cash for everything we buy and have îwo tloneës al vour servie-i 25-W-2 and 156-M-1. Cali us up any time,, 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. Wheeling Farms, Wheelifig, 111. Dua naines Rivera âd Dt4deé R ad. EtaWusaled 14. t, __________ E b fisonnairnnit main mpo& FORESTERS 8 1IBERTYVIL ONESID! Sw&e Was 10-3 kegan Team Wo < Come-Back" o (13y HERMAN Ti :.e loI*, sgar b, tub- tait Sunda fi- ft1 hiisd Watluog'n aI t [> Fair. i-ti tti.W loliioti f itzi -î t ti'- îarl c'ru Village '.11 orsr lt tell .rua-, wi1lî svten te 't' l -a11. i'ts tarte u, ut in . fit .i afts grostondet. uilro irt 1 ut net' < 5 f' ranzen' v:.sl Lcd tsi a; tt uadi-ar oo iarit aoii , cored ni ros . r,-ingis' t ko';,an -, I'ii filic run orie Isice l.i a batie I.,R) eruor. î,t1wil]mue fl, 4ebpn!oi :01- ood lu Sa saI"- q Iilttas fu setfni r-it E Sirabbe's gis-actirîi uriev' Si toi "Iglit tiilt a c tiaie s' 1( ,r la l, ru- .tti oght .'lcwuta in a.,il h UI lias "vtIl ,fit' initF blt fJ- 5n.- lait ait ta n cd 1 :1 -i u 1nu u n 1 I.hi.io 'tnt - i îîî ld o ha- ditsr h-c,bas an r u d . fabt, ait - U l - luMIt 1 fmi j-- TI ti t in.,t t Hil-to. 3 ioiofdinger. .en 44 t P st .t--, , - - ' ir Ilsifa Ilsnoi i Ine --n vi h i ntdoteS p irant t 010,11 o I tn a"tuiit tl - - i 1toit. IL E.14 "2-, Bildi PAUclfi' LMacdiGe 11wt . -l! lii( u"Isaeslof ip.ou 1'i WAtGN ILI ia~r a o 841 upî. 112ei SNoa bol i-l-Ki, iii IL n DR.L0.H. M lue- tilit V DR. J. B. OL f: a-in Z-i-ude Cio P40: uin1t 3:35a L.IIEIiT)VILi.E,