Y, ifafellow laakes en Liq teeth are Pomliij, y are going"-Yonkeg D WATER trom a Drilled WeIl. L FERC*ISON - ffl Driller. 166-M Mion, Ml. ali attentioni and onable prices. L1BERTY VI LLE LA&K-E COUNTY INDEPENDENT iNDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VKUME XXIX.-NUMBER 40. LIBERTYVM IELAKE OtiUM. IWNOIS, THRSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 192 1. $1.50 PMR YEAR IN ADVAI - _______---- ----'---- ---------- -~__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ I iv i l inmit Iloa" \ ih- n1i LI(Ili in thei is auid Lmilo'iîîg tI areIltl as var tllulîl.îea.am.. is the.vcai-ii 1i se heir Are '5 attractively v'ar- îInating. Thcy 'l'e iII rike to evcrv alluring Cantoli uve11 A'~ the want- juches that - are T IlE VES WRECK A TIIOMAS' E. STRONGi, MTOEN CAR; DRIVE 6RAYSLAKE, DI3ÂD I NTO PIIONE POST Ta deas-. Strog O f - - wltlaparalysi, mad Lii deaallu n-ultea Machine taken, f rem John Sunda>- He via- about 60 >eaas oid ' i fr aas - ar a ni-aident maf Glruldail of Area, but for- Î;t:iynii1ka-kmildISauku-gan merty of Waukegan 1ti : 1ueaSb 5in i ulit A-n ' a îî'înnîîî 1<- î.otai tii .Jo 1 ~ , tam i ta xan> (-ars iiJ -i t ol et! oa' .1 I litti. rli , nai tîat t li Giadaîi -ii-iaar at la ap'a ii ai i î'îsd Lta wili A.-.a. hut î i "i fe.i a X'ii an mri,. A~ t 10 ,'î loi k S.tiittl nîigi-' il, Wikîg I m l'. ' .t"qi ;' i a ial 1frG,' i . îL 111,ii ris %i tki,; otitc' ataiflourfic ing tliia ahi i -t an Os rlaind roadi ,fter.. iîîn l' -anp itia ).-d %î th-i At (Il,--'11t1. tu' 'i ssa.fauiad ai' li-v did ioagpd t île car1 îýated I îtimed -Mi 'Ike car Obone Po suniday hie cari inN 'îp the i-Mr1 Si-4;tai i lib- të ofIf tan, -been leui the fleq; fe the Idem ICHINA IS NOT OVURLOOKINO ÂNY BIWS lil,. ititie it vi ille PtIntensive drive to start next a att ii<î hothliecia h,- - Monday and continue for e- - Ttis tastlii- umerut week; appeal to patriotiïm t bui th'- taie i-eordti mdi,- bal it hlongêd 10aia main 'i lts iotarais.' practi.l>1<" i IConliîî of New London, . II jth- Lb. SIv&.aiiûe rmy a i t"- bad befn run into a belle- ' lune'hi-al in MWukegan aind~s 4 le and waii wrecked badly. couniy sîihin the e Opi les -o. ,y thi Waukegan police re Th,- inttwive da-p isewll b'- ondîî- trf-pot t from Geodail ittI- i had ba-en tolen. By check- il during i.- wea'k suartinag (c! b.' tle polie. die,vered ihal litid Fadng it-tobet'1. Te-n. i c whirb !1atidl bein areeked thi plan.. oailbhe rampaîge s- . n i 'lr i aIy li lO.Ingfî '0d 0111 oaf i a rme-ic ni(S I i.- a' i-. i> hec . maide aide ' ormmit!e lielîl ip jie -'Oufl ni attempt tua rî'ck the mas .1 Wal'.,Pran Monilay nîshi r whu-her tbey lo.,i roitrot Tbî eýxact amouint iîsket, i lit thei'pole' haw, noi yet SaIýation Alnýit3 t'. 0 n- tmeé tfi ii apparent tisat ainount C$7000jc aita 4.,!,lu- es dit! ne), gî ver> lar Le- offt licnirtgag' on titi' tî machin',- v aic sir. ikpd )('- ,~qu.ti r,tr ~ .i -- W55 foiind noit a - rît y fuai h aiti i ai ta iii l ". in place wL. -il it ssii - - i- a t in t h'i, . ti-'aiCiaI cc r cmne-ai reliel wuIcoîl iVi aiii , ito al l'aâils of lb.'coutl> A , i F's Fank Il. Keiclium. vdib' li - c - ------ that iti alvation t'-i -- AXE C U T ' IE M E M USiIa ai fûi îindaa but or-r r RL NnITiihn n ;a. TEACJIERS G1VEN Attorn.t-Eugene M. Runyard. Car R Cund a i-.ir'- t aBEST SALARIES i ment as Msterin Capnt-r -na al .Cid .. Coraano yeryr also explains that ~ ----------------------------------- fratoertrm - $1 brig sale n-n -a-t!.' n n . - - n - ' n t n - lPay averagies $1,427i a year,a according -o Blair iCAMPAI4N A4iAJNST IJOZE NETS LAIE COUNTY $31,OO000 State's Attorney A. V. Smith a 'turns over $18,463 for fines C 'PI'- ala IiI --t ' ..! . 1 'i1:report d uring quarter erpI ;nn'xilandaild lliaisli aiol 141aie t . i training i.'-----------"n n a- ' -aiiî itiaLake.î,l'si-tbe-n 1i rd lIrnn, fl.eai' tfiati - anI ' -%', it. ,i nidt ai> a rding to -'t , ta n iaî' a-uas a I - -o.tsuont rit 'au l:i i t a sra- A la-gi numbvi ator 'no la. n - nn ' 't ti aila:raic1f erst erIa - ta'îentcd b> McV ii t7i- iolriI llni a, c nnblaai'Y l% liiilts i hae al ceî'î la wr in.Tnel-ai Il' r" - . I n-i ou l'or ail.- vi tan t 'ir.net cl .-c \ r t cE i I ne k a' i olni-i a- 'fi ir - . n1, aaanfine ces'î h' iag' a naii aanti. aa. a in t II aigat !tic nrhj 'natatan nat rau'l 'ntn'n ZA (lio n t aa an buildain i I m afi 'it toii I lit n1 1:irk I.ý n i!îine.a ute tsin t'Iiniilaîtini<"(ik n fr'! E IU A IRk (knýaIl .nfrit l a imLati. an L'tn tbit ah,' naisy dîîiarimena a-as wilitng <tnîîn (o clvi lie luilding bt î tec in il'Il' III ik N t n ta naî i. k ina I la ii.ta t t i Iiî t i\ilt. t n i lt I în-aan t',lilr o eay edoteai'dî i 5E ST IINi ,, , -l 't'n:ea n seat t ' 'a C .. CL-dsstrds ,ilndas nnkat aataa a ililaaî7'î' jjjIiti5t n -weiî '.- casrs for irlii' uperi-innar tnt ~peî ai-.-dollar in tîsaîkie the deai î1, s~ ' Id'r -ts i.saaa befona Ptahisavoati i ua5-Ettt tM IRaînsîti iin nf - 'i'eanal utnn-aIiner-. gan ' wlnanann A T 9 SC ARi iý , ait liai ntifoia', tiit nnch tîaî'î-a ,-n atlaai 'an't Iilt't'iEai.ti. Plaii wie,' WaukI-gin. Nath Ciia('la o and m r h, l ilii w ea I.T n (i'll ld, ( ' ceaki unty dld tfor Le nmean n 8cr- ý iI .no hb - n wl a ikt i]ii, Iýilill ii vice, dttrllg Ithe war" Congrent.iin Matt and Mike Schmoiz and FPîîa a s n!ri aih.- <'itunt> St. e liit iia,,,'ota milta i L'aliti'.aai-cs t7hledblom asaid."leIn aking up the -Lf'r' !Qqt. iibliiidý n the dî'îiartmenia tait l iere inn any menunder arrest blit u sMarin ('.l[tckserl' Nt b)as bt. tI:n' s - Issuasatii'r. iti gantiblital. of these bildings itla. Lake en nflis. aîî aindlMike tami n DE SCEN4 OF À- aa, MIIother casa-s were finali l- I, arfiose rsdenta nul oniy opa-nétdl uiri NorîL ('bcorgo tnina'si-requartienr. thn wt ntei poe I pe rI led ioîîowing an automoiueratann. Bi ICOU RT M&RTIALIIILNTER IS SHOT mcI,ilamnnplaces of racreallon andi Pive Pointa Stînday afteiîîitni l ,iin - esauspment aed in aee that ta-y hadc L N Y ER I D -a i'ew outhie congorts of honte whiere dlthai ,afterward. 'norfmnt, n i'wnDYcA CIDETne ooSrdn te al ttilâ te nieddrvig li ohe cr.Capt. Ferris who wand htr BY C IEN ATY DRY AGiENTS; States would cancel the- debt of the "Tle' siî-iiîof the aili'a I .aclaa, at camp Grant i A L R i BYN D o»lpd couatrles, Congressban Chind- la GlîberIt iaisaa.residinm in 'Pale ___ mleelred that these cuntries willlpsy. Il ilsaleged Ihat iec wa-. t,iittedt ita 'taplrntliSata ti . unr Fatty Bruner of Hubbarde "Ibgland willl PSY." ha- aid. "and vo-b> MaittSmoiz. who t, elaa.ii.ed aiit I eiuI ht - uu" W os.tid ulba viell theteothler counitrie. hlt 11, ere-t îaving etruck hlm id- lite taci' .%illai-tn.tirils"a;ilaForti tit-ii al"Wd.tidtoplbot tFOX Laiçe Bluff, Lake and II Ille a question of tinie. 'Pliere le't aril iés. ,Mati Smoz ol7 tar b k i tlice.it leu Slti'îhîIîwith shntgun W uod rsIsyil ag - esugli gold tanîlet lIese obligations. with asaaUlt and latter'. llwtlli>'-n.nitnlas in tann an l lbal oacod eorsyel ag Parment;atiis finir' wýouId nrini t -r. ieSaîli ha-ci ai i .a itiavniga iri courtîl a1 iti>,ttlaahiquantity ofbooze these ntiion.',.Plier,- aie onlv three Jing driva-n an autonîobl, iî- LuI'-i,1fltY 'lal ( M blr1-io ways (hua> dan plyita n cash. inse- 'an intoxicaîa-d condilion .\Inh t-it l.,-care;, li'âidqtartetc Lhas" I hiniel an tintn- i ni -it un TeKodk.a rasort .at Fox vires and in aîî,.relandlae. We don't Xi Iîî-î-iiofPoic 'atlo.1 eif Ulîîctîtîîîknnwn :iday. daiana. Fa l an-Laîke' runer il..Ake. wanaraided Thureday by dry wanl (heu'is h eLcause we waet ck s Chi una-f ot tOhal N XlaJi.ît r i-Ni. Neil> - wliuwiIi anait ii le.a tintiIi, hont In i agents of State's Attorney A. V. te ki'ep Orown peorieworking. and Sunoîz la raspansible for tr- auto t;it a'asilg, listat - il.trial.wa-,!ha[si oii tintgun ai-ien 'lSmith. and a large quantity of bonze tie donlt waint their nierchandise for ii ýih iIz -he saune rêauon. crash. 1iii't'l ieni- tonoiiicslO ti, dti,-a a aîîin viea diselairgeil The' aaized. The propria-tor. Axa-I Suanne- ow'ey a--uni iÏiO0.00400.000 aed it- 1-aismax machina-. kti cmaii a'uck. mitie e ii'iî'sh SaiotI"i-a lciti-i-s iiidt iti i-. a clitand ;i, on. wIac placa-dmarier arreat. IF ail they cao do nais 10 pay us the in wlich were aar, liu wifi' and BeH. 11 t'aîmîî raiIconannde-r. iota i, a II-,ilesiton i"fortarni 'Two isîher places raided wireie h ffl,0,oooointcresvta yeaî'. everai c Ildren , wa . quit.' baîdl> IO tt-i-iu i. oitii larui,-H Graicataklastraa-.,'a a ltilehilil Artitur Nugent resort aiBluff Lake. «Nelher o w wan ther ships damgeell Itandtradu- or 1mad Chsarles Kranbia-r's ait Wauconda. Nphaet e d ro wn teir ip. The alla-ced pummel-ling of Hais.ma, lal i li" ittl ('tpt.uili b"m' i nmîl.. îîînt aîi'eatis-ry cin 'leboth places a large quaetit> of Reardint the sale of the brig p fol1owed an argument coser ariu was s la.il'illie'Intusw- targ-.One' A lai-gi-nutiî'er ot dneitta ba-rî' ki; boaze wasseeera the couaty Cangresman Chlindibloun responeuble for the accident, for li.iiiti.-%in& oi-dm'ita îsuied b> ai d. The bImira wcti' sie 1Ibid, Ngntla be rrse s-e &etarmé 1ha1 the naval station's big 'The defeadants were arraignécd antpilrli tirPit. iand lii' 011ei ofI'theiic Uer,' nacriajinetair a"ta-în imes on charges or vlolatleg the ttc~k r~Iaii un~c~ f tbg;aia laIn .î Mndàr befoe-Untk- ab i. a&ýimndurt tnbî'-oiuiàam teg-i le'm. --k--J-lnt ir1l'f- PTbttO7W. eet. hicb asa put to mueh son but lte case was continued te Bell Reticent on Case. -irevd two éa-bots on tlhe tigiti AU thres wero aiTaiguisé befors foWnae repalring the dantage, âpj Cive the other two occupanI1, o aihle .%skAd Ahai spa-ci cua atonîI aek. bul the)- didn't druàw blond. justice H&M yHoyt ln Waukegan and C ~ sdeIgthis and other oxilosses toSunoll;car " tetsober up. will lir made agaulrtsiltaiptailn Fer- jConslderable eomtilaiot Li% reca-*cd. gave bond for 82.000 sOaCb. %*Wbe Shooolty wau lit eeavy mlissme states Attot'nà,ey . ' A. I -neal Bell sailda " T rauld ttltIhere ai-e mai»' "lll"buteee. stato'a sAterne>' Smth hua>' fusé rerma t toi hat glvtag'ths 6" Smit1h la taveiglatiag ths' ...cis. -alenol dLactias ihat i opt f atouts of'tisa-m apppetay ons roung flnonles lsenat Shuanesa. Ne- I4li ile C ttitY wusthe bail 1kw dtermies wbehpr ta lâmup Iaart 8 llS b.charges arete intii'h"ameafs QI. .tue thie-an> tîtaiestqwlttq a gii Or gent and Kraaitrlsta te couati ~~Ju..m p~Veblunlesry to grand lurg evtlos. oUIz n-sse iiis a."htlMiiisi1114-0"'a..hif ]WIJOLE VILLAGE à n"ràts4ào n à ln 'pel AI IINDS PAKTI "6JACK99 DURANOIS ON PAROLE; PLEAN Th. ixill wddn anierii GU16 ILTY TO CHA Ml Barigon Il,' ea elebraîî'd b) th ntire Ipolulation' of that village Caq flr dnn a-*îecera'ion Sundaý Iy iiia th,_Cale o aceny do» tat ' ingion 'W E. churreh .pnly wMen lie pleads guifty te, .%I. Wintpi %waî- borltta a (aîipton. I t n eln N, fi, N'o .. kt, .tzcýt ansporting ad eln i.IhiCago atî S4. vn:-.-siera 5.'aI-'. * :l 11, manger of th.- . 01,1 aulr ".Iaek lau: i d. a loci sobriquet la oî.i'-i' *hiedi atood on iie pre"nent site ' Lake - I -,liait a boy." did fonts- l liChaicago and Sîorthwn.terrn lape reot irci when bis foster mtI, .ailwa.s-tation. -le ws arrient ci'( ) e' i r, McSeotr S. Dlitrand., proprietrelu %-- ltaimniv Atella C aldwe'll of Poi of ('rab Tre t airy. ait Lake Bluff, the abtîn, N,'i n larringtton ocOt tuodel dans î:fthe swtatte. came te *1961. W'nlkegan Thurs(iiiy afîî'rnoon aUd t'a-r t a a, c î.,aj>afi- t t reu'ainy an ttrreded w ithiithle ci aitesattornleylbit arte li ed t[Ilue iago. ilien aîort'd ao h a-. beiaif.t".aek *was ressiaed ouà 1;aiiingt)n aind lhavi' livedither- i-ete paroi- affti-rlie iLait ileaded guilty to i T ii.' îr'a' chldren. twoi son- aindcaii tigl- ot iiaving transported aad Iilitigfait,-i«.îartdead I "oudi ttoiveting liquor. rnder the - - -ruling ol Judge Perr> L. Pîrsonis of 1517therounhty court young Durand rWU )mï AGENTSeMAK report tn him on the.firtt day DRYAfi NTS14À E o eah îte.rni of court ia order thît ho 1 y determine whether or flot the Y oung man i-a living or)to 1thle terme 4 RAIDS;- iET CON- pa i A.V SIDER IILE ><) Z drop the charge of larcefly og which young Durand wais bon"é to thegrand jury in bonds of 86.000 attepr a19ihtirlng before Justice VickerWUfl. Two fully equipped corn i s foraMe Forest, only am~ -~ key stills with muhMMash he plead vail ty te, the chane of0< na foun ner GIfl~ portlng and eelling. He theni uséalt - rngements were made for au imme- agents operatkig out of diate bearng. States Attorney A. V. Sinith's office Mrs. Durmad snnounced ber tatou- -erp kept busy Saturday, nlghtand flou of eending ber tostor wsone a Sunday laîding boose violators. Quan'l north wooda on a traiipfg eod~iIt titis o bozfmas an stUs erethie wintor as the yousth long bas at- iile cfhooe. ach nd ttu We5 îrî'ssed 'a preference alons 1his 11mb. 6eized. ny fgetulng hlm sway frou bis »m&ê' t'niiowlng la a Ilst oft'he raida: clates Mirs. Durand hopes thatih w1lIà t'RANK LKONARD. Spring street. ipvelep loto a better and a»i t Waukegan. As the raiderseseter.d bou %-mninded chap. bhis place (lie hartender la alleged folî A rneuîl Smfi-h. m have poured a quantlty of boole talut 'al rv becuitot Mhh I atank. The rai4ets wore, lm Lek, I.taks, tbi es bewever, and succeeded lui getting a Under the Muni of the courtlit L sufficie-nt quantèy 10 serve 'as Pvi 'ibleie ips ltne4 dence.flurand at 5fl3' (lne be shows su ence . linatinn te fai1 back loto bis oh .IOSEPH i"AI.LBAiCHER, Lake j habtits,. No penalty will be oxacte# tarie. In ti t rort tile raider's oWh owever, as long as Ile reports t.to ho aineit a truckload of -ine and heet court regularly and keepe tlà the but werî anat-le to find anys whiskey. 'ieraight and- narrow path. Th,% y id finit ii conqideralle qtiant!i 1%, ofard eider bowever. fA11 I"ltT KASPER OT'T. near Gurnea' ltiii 'WARK~N INATRONS1 ied laark of 011's hlonte (lies d!Fî ri-vred tIwo large siua. They '-sarti- apablh i utiurslug out a gallon oi UOr IL FR bont i-. n iaiîuC Th., sills""-et e SHOR av; :ni %%sn Ille i.raidersa-ti'irî-d . t> a A&Tiff t: t aipt in t t lia t liad tîerire a -(1 IdC RI'S tate i.ýi( Ilnl e it- -ilc rtinning le lie gaIlutiton hua t'-.ia hi*uandal 7. gllnr coalrna nia, Pays for room with what a@- "il ls l!I- (l iiic ixtr-aiela a-. pears ta be $10 bill but is - ii%1Izovu ,c': iei ala- lti reaIIy $1 note Iln'. 1 ain- In aîaatnaiitiir ia'-a.cî ,.nt.esc iviaire'warned te" ;-Ittf li~t ct!, 1ait ioîîi, - - ,- - ni .tta î-îl d looking yotung til a Ut, 'a-Patsini 5 ,I'ana' a Il I nbîtti-Nvýsanmd dark n i ita iiat i aîaî .sliîk ai ia %_t '!.. '-lai a n a n k eit 5- nhl.-ýn liie rtt1In'itats t inia li ar'i n 'l [' , "Ir. n vSirii btos I r lait. turfled tîailad Iii plac, h, 'ftatla ' a. " l t ltgt -na~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~l '11i1aan atr-eii i felCl) - n n .%' n-utc rotlaccepts the Al %Vis eV ies Theas a ata lile. a bIc a a tt'iaand tîrosenta wat adnut.. 1 t ic tact a lat t bey flev. riiiint aîb,-a $ l) itll asadvauceg n Iaii n anitit it't .ý1 aarchi Ina lc na ut1i ll oi thle tirs 1 week. - - ~ ~ 1 j. a- ii atk la tit li e Young wom-, CHARGES IIUSBAND na i i cî asd1 - ne.il ta' w, iîrhing nortlaern 1U- BRANDED BER WITB a i.1- , a-.nlais ite aes a n'nifî itttandiadles and oPeltei :, it'-iilimese atieen the boumS À REDHOT RON'n a iýit.. aîeeording te PolIce (- - . D'P 1 lîvt. of Qqlinci'., ;who, Jack Perno. Great Lakes sailor y lw aiginîf etIse expectattêl 1 l ' 1 tan rtcll ot-t bisC icty arfber faces serious charges pre- 1---aatia(iinry unîa- iferred by his wife ail.0- mialle andthbll11 takes an the Chage.îth tî.1 t. aat iine-r in tLe systeni ('lu-g-. lat l" - - ta ciilaits'iilby flna-Young waunan. tTnc»ý Pi't'tiî ili aitloia i i 'n tt Saint ai, t îry desirqui; ot gattlng 14s Naial :itnnitta. 'a n ln i' gi tal atil 11 cia-lva-r female. ieti alai"c i ' . aInia Polie ;t 'h h ine (î.. ai n ttait i It.ti' OM N IL LI Accodi o9 ,I'ill,:TRAIN; N U f Pect- Idn t0tn ans naih Stre-et un ttllicgo ttiwra 1trm'ifE~> S N etI' Nortiî li.aanlnî-tbtIln a itait1:0Young womanfaîls to see.W "JtYack coîîîî ioly icontei l n , il itrains on Northwestern; urday nighîna andl Sundsys.' '- ' steps in patti of one said. "The- second finta - hi' i.. Irouglît anotber saior' itlanna t 11 ua oi îîî IL,-thecausa- of AI inidniglil the other nmatiii n!lýi a.,;-Ila iI MissaNl-,tr% Hin.of Fond an ai ocj hia'tie jacklwaiti'iit'ml ~liit.w W'ts.. wlî ' waîs killed b! 'a' tron bar- reil bot and putiot a -t'iii iiaiin,'IL Wrtrn lt trin At my chest uniil il smiikad.1iai-n th- ltgha N oriath a; Fia lt tbld me: I.îles eîIil lie. aî' ict t l ite aha s "'I1 ve brandu iyou lli'I tuao-i an kiitcîl a, - a ult ot laving failed ollier weman. ainîlnu mailt a llasaito tii ,;,Itatn i'onineïInditsau oepo' you becausI- ilaey'll keliai sliiai.f, teinon a i l lmhand lPark by Cuir- minea.' I ete'ulîîl'eion atc-r sie lad etepped Yesterday she saw Fa-mo and aft- (tanar Ji "ioi f t.iba-rtyville. twoote irLqa inuL '4.i-- ,e'i -t n.nco.red anno- acaused bis asrest.îlie dfni<'d brand- site theIi.'Lotoior aiced and culil ing ber. rallroad met, ti,, h,'ing a foott t , "But l'un tlronab wtli lier for' a; i htin0t. agood and aU." he salé is* ftnn . wm , aý Ister Ot Dr. b. i11lOe hima tUlnd II.I ollo, litn 1 frq inam. llighi et Park Ppwl yto th@e eG ofthe worid," ibe <irl Iciaie, wfllh whou, ait..WS4vison bride declared. ntai lbrime~. Lake County's Big Weekly QmW. WmoooeWeekimmant.outy Combi $109000 DRIVE TO n BE PUT ON FOR SAUMOTIN &RMYj 1 1 -4