n. SoU- îiubiali- - 760 ax niq, slip- rvceit.. 72.0» Ilis we refer badk Cômmîtîfe of t»a auto for 1,658.00) mervices 100.00 4,859,61 i rezpectfully amib- MARtTIN Cbalrmam EGEfl 'r moved timat te 1 and adopted. nte being irad Sup- o0tlon was carried vote: e are: supervlaoi'1 crain, Crapo. Dl!. ge. Kirsebsier. Mia* artin. bMeYer, MdOna- i.Naber. Oh. Thonipson, Verta r tnoved liat th*. Smalhi ire lef't at ý -Moliln earifled rttow moled timat E. D3a!iriow ire ni- lI amount. rote be-ing hati Sup- r5 motion wwm car- a-ng voieý ye are: supervisera dnistteln, Itisldrldge. Ur( fuawman., M "-Pr. Obire, (toneor, )n. Vercoe-19. 'o are: Sttprr'1s0T ralow nuoved tiret e construjction 01 a e at thre Count? t he eontly Rend tandi t'ae CeolY witir power 10 &CI . wlotw Pt-emeuiisd tb. tbon mimd moved Its (')nlrsqr' ha% hemu truition of the" wat- 1. beinsg Stsue Ai& ginnfi, 'nt an iteî- [le id R1 ouule Nua. 9. )f Waur-e)ndu. ;ilicire art'p of 5½_ utiles. an iîes'iolwitU luý. lut ?h- %um et A'a ci nlrar, irCa c' aisirrtitn of thr. -nda bild bedag - cNo. if) a, nnrh'a mileq lu tire nortir iri N'e'-t Quai-rro INR. oï zrd r . E'r.a contratý irs lire cqn-trUetiGo or Ad tram lire Interie- Inelt)n S'rc"timn tirt. rî19 T. 15 N Pt M llin' - Noirerîy Rl- ii) ln iiii e rerý N 1.10r.u il',' Vil wil eai, îo lire Fux îad, adiàtiance ai FI -i ) tii ue imriîuv id W&a> 3q ile' in wirfl 'd C0eni 01 $3,IJOuI.iO 9A5. tii 'ie lris bi-ta fur lime la>i taa i ear resl ant i riniirr un. e, ne aurirolizid tu ire Contructiliion Gr--rirîji I in a rp-rIîuiiOt bhe - iii ti, htoard anti B lE IT Z-0LE. .Bo coliecre-tib ii rmn.i- liast and Bridge unid l.ý ho retircil anti a. munt of thea ta' col' mat tir' Finance COrn' tirits-dtu Bel cci uuh neccsajary, a, the work 7 tic bâahcit due, if FUIiTHER RESOI- $uin of sauo.OOO ire ait j ake care cf tire bille and tirat the COunt ie is iîereby autîtoriz- arrante on. the County pajment of aIlllla a9 properly OKeti- FO, H. 13AIRSYOW RED KMICHNER W. VIIRCOE G. MAETHER- y vote "ang hait Ssw- Lows motlon -a eu-~ olowi vote: g Aye are: SUpsVhsoro tow. Crain. craue. Pi- ugir. Ob«. Colit UnpsOfl. Vercoe-21. nime. BaIrBtow moved tbat .aneeded ad that the etz for srlê >.........Ili'W COmpsSY Uer UiV- ierifi for... -.. 1 ly fery for 9ta5I»S or .............. 31525 qy vote -hein 11AL 881' feiIwa ivell: %. w . e aire =U-V sto, 'rois C-e N Wa ~lis neyer j9# PAGE TEN SlîriorVércoe. Ciairian or the Fintqni- Colrialtsw, ,ibmtted the fîîllowlajj<resolutlon:,1 %VIIEllEAS, Ih la neceggtary untier i îi laiules of this Sale Io have an A ' e andi Nay %otc for ail appropria- i .0110 for ilumy. 'NI) WHEI1 tL'S. it-re are a greai nî..ny rîmea îbtat if becomes neca .ary to Issue wranhts ln laymenls ci bilu bfore tire Bord niýet4, THUItELeOIE BE 1IiEOVEI tat lire ilUm or0f 15O0 ire rlîî < hrateti frotiihicilffrl'i nile fa take crua re m b-gtnî> ilîlsnimîd .î-aIaric- a %lie-n (hi- égdiiatuIi ilie Counîty C(erli e rreby authulizf-t lu issu" Wairanils oi-bill, î--în i anti îîiorily iKe-d and for sal- amriets lin du-- ndl lia i i, ire iis r-brrtloi isj-îinv, lwine.rii AL' ard Na, tiWt beiiig irat Sup- ir. r trîr .t niion wam ctar. i l'li 11w l ic Illor'i nt. voie: A/ i! til-"iuv -rain, irmllîml luI I r ci Xtj c Me r *îi cr. Ilonairan. Me- SUpicît r o 5icket. Cliimaîî.ian of il-e Tirîli ijg &ourrfiittee. eubmitted lire m-i luir eori: Cîiînty tif Ll'.- Bord of Supervisor,. September Term, 1921 dr Ciairnian andit, tci o'ncf the Bourd of i4tpervlors: Yeîu r <îi lteon Pul'uic luîil- Ing, il)tilîîîjart'. i-erreîi rire niai le-r tif nths,»eln i coit of an at!di ii' lo Illeh.- ii rt Jl,i'. rreiort W. ;i , errefl co-«nyiderédti ts niat,r -il,-i spieraI Celant v Spala, <rerlil rIIfr Ir.aui c îi I hat nni.tilrii l>ie- iufl tehue lrpet- 9 itli iîî-î .nrrrin fi)jIllii' îri o;: 'f .i --tie elltmateil cot o? jr h r ]sîiliinn li-ng 3250.0frlrr îriiiiysumiiiliî-îl, 1' A. FICKE C ONRAI) l-OLL.ST IN ýJi i>tînrr Kirstrireîmîîrt-i irai fi, iiî'hacc"pelîltantid iil. A c krell N.y yole iring îrli ur S iî- îîrhirsirnpr's mol in masr caru- b l-n vt thie ftîlow îng IIr '1<nii liing AAcaret: îî I-h Au' is ltatr-loc. ('lain. Di)lt-r. Eirclî lr -EK-r. EllogPr. Ficke, ltlcin lciii-.Kircirner. Macîlcti. Naw- i. an NI te. onairan, Mc(îiîîiurîli. ob, if nnor. Sara"on. Tirîjaiin. 5rriiurObee iinored lirat tIhe i.a,- i oh îajing lip finances byj I-irI-lth ie Finance 'omniittee 'r -r 141itailir e l)-emiorr leel- ir.g Mtion carripil, -.-îlio .er-re t Carman fthie 'ýners - <ommitee. aubmitle-il lie luhiîiWIg ieplOrt and lax le'>. S TA 1i OF ILLINOIS i ; 3 Coirni> af 1Lake j Board of Supervîaor. Septemsber Terni, 1921 Mrt ii rnian ;md Gnlmnof ';ie loarcI 0h Suiervisors: Your Finance 'oinmliec, Io wbom is:eai.,ir of acrainn flie amounat ui ieci î-qurred la pay the ex- ofr.cuniL;r h, ('outil for lthe en- - long î'.sr. atareferred. baving lrad Ile lirnuier under consiîie-raiofi, ttluîi -ioý l i at lire faloWing mimtuînr ,htt~lJ it-.irpri iet lia 1-aor iînî and Ci('iit'i i .m.rjî Irs-W.mrnis Foir ii h i Jur irai r For- Foreign Wihneaa fenca Foi- Court Reparurte ,ftes 1 or Nîi - ' enriion- .. Futr CrnesFees ... For Coamiolcners? Fea'. !',il- Blind Pens;ion-s lai- Eetlion se-- - Ior i aeislan-ni ltii- - Vo i rifl.( Iidingr l-r 'Ilri.rri(I 5il- Ol i. ii roi îijd Bridges l'o- tr. A,-!il lridA s -. 4 - ln1iris s rlo' h taI . ..- Si litOcUti - 7iet< itti 2410 <iii 2.tttOOii I .~-rr tiI l.500Oit so..i0 4 04>0.06 lii irrilîltO 40,0(>Ul(li 5'0ilQ-04J let riclj 04< 15 iiri(J.tJtJ 25(100.06 15000(4(1 2i~.ilOii liii LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1921 SCHOOL DAYS à-"- . the taxes on al erber certiicate Of levY for Town , Road and Bridge7 JI< flravelfi, City. Village, Sehool, Hlghlï Schîoi*, Park, anti lai othertaxes filId IN in l'id' office for tihe (ar 1921. l Aie and Nay voe being hall, SuVi ervîrtor Obee'rt motion was carriid by ti.tý follua ing vote: Those voing Aye are; Supervisorid Austin. lairstlow, Crain. <'lapa, Dit Str. Elciuier. Eger, Ellnger. Fit-ke, Iloilttmin.Holdridge, .Kiri-iner Ma- ?aur, ther, Nlawman, NMeyer. Monahan. Mc ý:Starts Vercone. Thonip.on-22. <îVrîng No, iînp. Suçervisor !hm the l ,1'~FAT tBoard of Rpveirw ý granc Ilin c lension of lime Iduîtpiunîîiîc heir work. Motion raruîî-d Tire Supervisor Eger mid-dil tirthlie >ealprda Public Buldings Conrniruee be aulir- tie Mai orizcd tu makean mii ntorsof tire Pouilf Court tlouse. Jjiil and 1» întîon afiernoo hlome Moi in liiti -JThis Supeýrism)î Bol.it. m i- ld Ieare A foliowing re,-îdiiirl!aPal e n RESOLVEll, l.t l-.- luaili <il and Elh Siperv iri of Lake ltie ru :.Illino is "'ian fol c. tFnd Io 'ongrd-ýýM;oI Cari ('hin1 drdi->cor blor thpr Ihnks nd nown for ecuring for ic liid a huid CagO .1n ing 11,-0:0Lie-ai Lailse Naval Train will b. !Dg Siaiin la b' r cd ..î i ire <ounaste ty Firrin . î i u' i' i i ndliav -h ll-oîlo tc cpi -t il ati rl adapîcti and that te lre tik turdwarrlIîî-î a eeîîîY ta tongressman (hindbloni. Ilolio<arrieti. large si Suçîcruicor Me>-er niuîed that lire 1Illeil] Cotinry Cier'a be authioîzed and dh i- ulber rpetd 10 dsaw warranta on the îni-i-s Couniy Traurcî iiitirte severai cern in clnianiru for ltce s' i. raI amounts anil ait aliawed at ibis meetîn-- Moion car. Thre ried "circles ISupPrisor eree iîoed tiharIlle agu it FinanceO ('Omrnmjlee be authorized Iol othpr c, 1921 fax le'.y to psy idinari- andi n-evcsary exlrenses of Lake liî anlîl lthe taxes ra lere ti A>e and Nay voie being fiat Sup- eî visor 'uercoe-s mîllion tvas i arried b> tifie ollowilg Nte: Thare tîng Aye are. Supiviso". Austin, Balrstow. <Crain. Cr810. Df- ger r. irlilier. Egir. 1lnger, Fiuc.e lilîamlâein, Bid ife Krsatinci-, Mac- un-r. Mawnian, Ile-îr. Monithân. Nic i îriougi. Oie-C. i(iieeS i Ilînuio.vercoc 22. NVtaing No. non". hlîmrmnaîtPaddoick jI ii fl-îrîî o the Siale Clintnion 1r SuIs'rt sors. Counîtv Coîmair 'ris ni . lilniy and Proirait (eu- u l D. i airstow. l-'îke anrd F-i ii f'ounty(cWi k ltî-ndee. Suliervisor NIeier oteti l, jouirn. Moion carrîed. I'A XF~ OF 11.LNIl\ls (O. r'iniand foiii - c - .. - rmsineIl, i. 1-r N Iii olfe t he M-tti b-ai I- lîr fi ii r*, -oius randl "caithereof, do lereiy cer* Sr- lre j.ti>o>rify ii- iuregoing to be le trie. pel ii iifect anti camnptet-a npyon ire fpr- l'or ,tatioinc'ry rndtlsupplie 1000000 'idntti<o th(BiIfi For Specipti Bilding Fond 21.0 «0i rt ors of said (ouni> rai I1-I' r " ber Session. I-or Approrptriationn L take- 1:1r < alr~lrmi ireIn10 l'st huron>- W hei - 1, I hure lit- -into set i-iîrranî iff rjýffist d - f-5790U<tire sealini' >aid Coiinuy -aI arc office Foi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i niecio oseibaWakgan, in saidCounty lhins debîcrlne-r-,aîtiîionaul - ieo-27tiday of Lept'. AibeNIi.E1.l121 jeor Iaj me-nt of bo-nds. atdi' L)A.IENII: Cîhr. iionral---------------------5,0iff.0l1(sA. Fo ie.entinIomne ,.... 1-5.0in-ih00 rcer Maintenance of Sate Aid Iloatis not yet SP- Total-------- . - --48790ilt)t et. e bave estlnraiedtihlat tlire re gisilts of the Counly from fets and otirer sources amaunt loa Ftrty i'iriatî.id Dollars. VouI. Coàmuittee would lh ierefore recommend ICet the 'Suiftof FQur Hundreti Férti Set-en Thousanti Nins - ifuadr*e'd- »d An»J100 Dollars, hein& ilie balance btween lIme amouuif a> jraçiritcd and lthe amount recelved iitri otlier sources, ire levied on al the rmal, personal railroad. lelegrapir ant ifllelioe proverty ln saiti Lake CCUtiny. as asueasemi for the Year 1921. anti traitirhe Couty flerk h. eireciedta îoexletld sa faxon the PrOP- J er valiimtiOn tliai VilI obtain tire .-.bot e amÉolnt. flot ta exceeti. bow- e' er. ffty (50) cents on eacir one irundre-ti dollars asaessetl 'aluatlofl. as pmovitied bY Law, for General 'outny purposes. amtdonot to exceeti the tates providemi by law for bdird- ,d ndebie<tfess andi Interest andi De- tpsppecfitllY cabmittpid, A. W. VERCOE AL.FRED G. MAETflER FRE61)KIRSÇI-NER SuiperNsr-ar (bee arovedti i.at tire report ant ilax levy be accepted anti adopted, and ifiat the. County Clerit ire aitioiizetl ant inlslructed to ex- tend lire taxes at a rate traf wil ob<tan the am=gnt Of tire levY for - <msa~ txes aR that h. aIea bé PLAY FOOTBALL -TEAM IN CANADA Waukegan lads defeat As- sumption college at Wjndsor Iast Saturday Waukegan itudents ot Ilillsdale college. HIsldale. Nlich., aa usual are Proving fienselter gciqual tb any task ta wiricir tiey are assfgaed, anti luit Saturday Hlladale defeatet As- smmpion college ai Windsor. On- tario, Can.. by a score o! 7 ta 2., Daniel Drew anti Hymen Poi-tsky bth of'Waukegarn. went tbrouu:i Ille entire game ait ackle alnd shlowed up very fine. Nalcoltn payed ai endi part of thre lime. Moore waa one o! the six subîtitutes vira matit 1fr'- trip but diti not play. Coachr George Renfle. also loi mnerly of Waukegan recently bail hic misfortire Io lose dis automrobile iv rire. if waa loially destroyeti. Ren- nie la in charge of tire atetirfled- ptrtflent of Bilîsdie. John Hayes of North Chicago, iras been electeti preident o!fluhe Piely Knob, a players'. dramatic iioclety. and lie also la ln charge of tire re- serve football team. andi is as buay ~as a rootheer petdier.1n prohibItioni 19mîr, formet- cuir rihe B r~ 1coîIlipant - tif ortir <lricago.,iWE 11% muer qkidnror e.formner credit itire fhicargo Hardware Foin- mpriny. Tlrcy are baià w-cl n W.iauligan and Noir h Chi- il i t ir ne w buS ne8la VI uur. tr-tifil islett ,are entI:nrisiflg >aung mle0n ce ilas-lica! experience. The' gtlîey occnrpy irai bcen cxii n- rh,,ce ennadeIIeýil a meet thirîrns est er new- concerr.lire J S. rrîmpan., f Chircago. long 111 N. sed tirai. Wlîicir une .-lin a pace l ire11,Termirnal, t Niei-t.t 5n tîmeratibn lvi th ir, tf îfNo- rand tirenecessar) inipi-ove- Çan are v.eli indu-r xa%.Tsîr Con anufactures er-namenîrl ire ra 1kîndrtir cfixirres. Induetrral eil urion in fais as v In Waukcgan andi North ( hi- i mucir ieter tan linimair oGmmunlt ifS, >%ef Tournsg Car $355 r. O.S. D«7s-au Go InComfort your famnily or your frends. Enjoy the boundiesa beautieàf nature, the pure air, a lunch in a shady wood, a &ihing excurfsion, a-Test by aoeol lakeorlstream. You can in a Ford., Millions have Iearned liy experience that to -own and operate a Ford is flot an extravagance; tbey have learned that "lue many pleasures derived from a Ford, takes 'the place of other pleasures, and the saving thus made often pays for the car and its maintenance. Let's talk this rnatter over. Get the facts -and figures. WILSON & OHM Waukegan Libertyvle ISURE GLASSE3 AGAîNSI; BRtAI<AGE Doctais Tw.o mýCU, service! 109 South Geneseo St Genael S t. Waukegan, 111. GOOD WATER abe had front a Drlled, WeU. T. IL RGUSON Well Driller. Phonie 166M Zion, 111. Personal attention and reasonable prîces. Shop At rhe Globe and Save Money. For Saturday We Announce Another Record Making Sale:of See Our Otier Ad In This Paper. By DWIG SPECIAL1 i l iy e tz, il -llri A - , a.indI T.ke l n Vicory ltM rI 0 al u ,ii lol>ig a unting aicir-,ni XXîj LSa irning on ti- lletiw i. "" Sý" - Detzandhia brother. Mur r r", r lbJTLwalkng na fieldivh-n îlei, c sogunw s accidenrililyii'Irig aIxxTjg cIltire fig tiI-laliir I)ez jfOtnt. whar h ounid waï cIr,e-ei. OFFICIAL TO'TELL O F $25,OOO000 , POWER PLANT.* J ~~~t Publie. Seivce C oilanwil in \Xatiîmiafl lits a re-ak er at - ie a iekly 4Dru" -ir:Ile Koar Mir. lir ci ili , i il 0r com- PanyS plans for *lecCn,lrucIoi af of $2r.Ooill00 oelc< c power iplnton f-. lie fiat-t northeast 0o! Waukega- is ,li)niîrt , nt ,la one of t) is e t ir ni polrtrant cul.amy In tire lilutof tlie coinpany but onlire North I' Sse ane, wýIII be an epoch in the inusilal [ OPERATION IN lran MOUII Pale r,. MfEi. TERMINALSI 1a i tbm:k. IIS arîi IlktIleVte egan---ounury company (Ilil unr ý- '-iii.. 4 r work; Heath company vi i ntan-mniiirifmy . rf to start Nov. 1 . itlilc14lo.11 i îcri.,r .IN MEMORIAM. )RY OUTPUT LARGERI Knox, Wm. H. Knîox. 'Iodav- ica-ilîs %ad memo r,'m 'W.ul,cgan Foirndry ramý&ny loi cd îOne gone to resi 5Anî ay *&neî i p for busine'" lnwlo tliînk of hm toli!dai, rufaclrîi cr"'c rmiînal tire flrst",o rjeluie imm beat. r0f nseraaiîingplace la. helre iid ii ,192(). en. Vio IX uioîng wife and n.~ ~ i-i a ls.! I oc, lrn and en2lt ii P. THINK 0F FUR TRIMMED SUITS AT THESE PItIES. St t II iiit S(, itrîic ai >t-IîitiailIliug hlg i w ill lh4 i instIajt iy appre- -ta i lv e tC .t h î O~wuiaî clii t hi ifî, in tailoIugiiîeed ini 41iI- lii a il t lî ai-t- isii .11-v'i l I<iîgaud tt-tyil s silk-lined. For i lI't-ii iil-îîkiiîg s.'hv-t-ti-rittnt Iîepestuîlning fur-triînuiîed iuodels ini 111- ('î ' .ltiidgi-tups.'!'lity i -t t-I epitl (ý' i\[ism-, Paîn-elaiiîe, Ya Laina \'îloill., Tl'jr~tiiS-giooS. t Ii-,it'iinti w ith lavelel te, Sqlii'rel. Aîîstralian AutMn' sSnappiest Coats, Suits &Dresses AT PRICES YOU'L DELIGHT TO PAY This Event Is Especially Attractive To The Woman Who - Desires Individuality In New Fashions DISCItIMI-NATING WOMEN WILL CARRY AWAY THESE FROCKS. SILK PRO CKS Sa rig4ür Silis i-iocks ilalIhe levere.et niodu-be. D)et eltîtiet li Canrton Crepes. Charmeuse, Tuf- fii, rip 'itle de- liinc s airdi Salinîs Wondet fui $ 18,95 TO $25,00 CLMOTH FROOKS 'Ilmi iig Autîîîrii rîî Dîcaso! beautifui Ti he- Urcs, TrVcotiiuos. Pfquetlneii, Poiet Twils and Serges. S tyles iliat trilI alIpellti e.em-y conran. ipecially prieti ai $15.OO '0 $25.00 A1 Won derfui Coat Sale Acoat is sollnî'thing v-olîîl.g refly g6-(iiîg to netd and lîre Nvc bring yîî the opqortulity to select a beaîtv ait far below the regitiar priees. Evex.y .Coat ini the display is faullessly tailored and charmingly designed witb many littie incdivi dual snxwt touches aîid uîweoînnoui style distinct ion. Tbey ore of the iuost waîîted Autmun fabrits iii everv new nmode and coloîr and nmany are I' tiniihie(I. Ail are Iiiied andi iîteriined. You lîaver't secu sui coats at iai-vi-,nv eara these priees iii tasailyr. Thrce special groups at 19o7 ' 2É80.0,7 - J-7 3- ý" I r. i i I i I I i. r 00ý-ý