LIBERTY VILLE Lake County's Big 'Weekly EImahtom Gremtbi. u t Weeklies in Co,,nty Comwine VOLUME XXIX, No. 40 d. day, oct. r, aind l'rcy' libfertI t-uit witi wiuîai flic- at gli, p. M. a] in Mîcit Watt laid 1<' t-y Wed-On- îigit 11tim sersing un tt tise court for at Kolli- tht- Prit liAi O with hi-r Je. tise flni ed the Jud Trîpp ad iton. Kan le dentis of enda for al n or lati- if our bIWs Magon. PAMILV pped. looliti ppiýd.- $450, tdditer, witis 11aulecd; ail se. wses-is: ire wheeiit Home-Made Fruit Bowi, if petii have uin lti ssoodeiî bosl lsut is mîit leactiva uyý. purchînsa Borne mlillag- tîtta] soîue îtbî lît, dît k siads arte t-irable idîîîigive il aI eut paint it-t. Wlc-t istouglly dry. t$bel- lac il. 'lie restil siili hi a vtry altrtc- tise fruit boîvhaif It OU Uderstsad be art of palting BcWiie- Orkg«idw Ia te unake pr-ity bos'deswîthM ilw-himk* -i-m yt in!iht ,WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LIBERTYVILLE. ILIaNOIS, OCTOBER 6,1921 "Ev.ery Little Bit HeIps', *-UUKAN MNÀ "FENCE" FOR STOLEN AUTOS IS CUAREiF George Milis of this city ar- rested foowing sale to local mnan of stolen car HAS ANOTHER STOLEN CAR Southi Butirick istreel. wa place&, ntter arresl by lise Watikegan Police titis nioraing on a charge et larceflY. He ia suépected by the Police Of hi-- lng n a'nce" for stoles automobiles. __jDt--$ptember 8 cf titis year iitlis la -larged wils 'Iavillr - gene tu '1ré.-d Metzger 119 Stewart avenue. w-boni ha lied ktown whfàn bot w-re antpioyed ar te Griess-Ptger tanner>' lnd solO bu ta second-isand Paiga cal- for 8400. Tise local Police got n t inca or thi>, car and found it lad- ist-ei itolan trem solZeechnamu, I"Outai-ntl and Morgan treets. hi-. r cago. on August 21. For 'aime hume Mllo lias bei-n ouI Of 1 Vv n but tise police have kePt watt-h !or hMni. lie returned houle issut itifront raboo, WiVs.. and wtt- ,ilattunder arreust Ibis mo-fl- Ing1 .Miii i ani- huiît driving a Jordan 10a11119 ùar rot -c monut eeof thse disttntislflhjg ti;aike itnd been Oed. Thru sîrifle la ci-ru- inlar lu tise Ope -îlien of L1wreflcO Iolitîle about it-ie menthis ago.Nillîs lid tise polce ho borrowed titis, car lroni a frienti la Chitago. lie gay& lie î,-rchased tihe Paige car in Chi- cagi, loi $300 anti i-en gave tise naineofthtie man trou wisom h. PUXý chdisa il. but couiti give ne address. Thi- Wsukegafl police have coin- uuicateil wiilitise Chicago Police depsrlîoeint and deteclîvea tram inlie auto t"-taîl arc expticedicoiutrive tbis tClternoOn and] laka Mille to Chi eago s tersti l P isoped hi w-i be tule tii cleatr p lise affain. Tise natj1es gisen lîy Misa aiso wili ho ch- kvdu uj SPAUDLINEi SCiIOOL NEI4IIBR1IOD - luNES NfTE S e- tirtedth ie 121h of Sel:- us itq it tw-o ni-w teachers, Mie jos.-1lilna Foser, upper grades aind mies s Sinsofi. lower grades. Eteryý- tirg mut iarlgist th irs Ora an d le-Ason-. were eay, but tise second day Wmik cameisut sud bhansY. Te ichOûi lias ht-n raîtecorated, bot on tise inside and out. ttCCfenl ay 11usd lm beîng cettient- pd tîtîni (;rand avenue lu Wasittng- ton thi-. ie work haî progrehssat &but a quartcr of a mile beYond thic s',itîol Tise part ofthlie roc*d whuIt ta sOfshis acotereO w-th bliai-k rt and wiil remain covered fer a ittnti.util te cernent ila dry. -Frslafl Kinne, a Waukegau. photo- glapier. took pictures ofthlie scisool and tupltîOeaday lasI week. 'st erai pheasanctsw-re si-in on th.- wtiittn farni w-cal of Waukegan. -TIo-ýe sio have hi-an on lh ies - li-i atre. Wesley Berry, haVi-rn Aitlanis ttnd Chatles Mart-tns. -FiltNeavilte and CharlesAlSar teletFite new pupilts. *MîIllred avis. whoiîe parents are bcarditrg at MrLa-iiam Wedges. Grand a-nue, îiii lea,.e tise district. lier parents bave bouglît a bouse on Ctita aIl et, Waukegan. -York flouse Cburch iseld a Sun- day ucisool picnic in Goutta Woods. " It was weil attended and îverycne enjoyed tise vienie roait. 'Mi.Edwin Spaulding entertaifi- tiI Mra. Chas. Wagner of Chicago over te week-end. *John Bowma and] tamily motored te Wisconsin where tisey spelt tise week-end. *The boys and girls ofthtie uPPer room have conspleed a and table. Thes ubject is a 1o9 cabia In the norti w-ods. 'Aing th ie viilors for thse past two iseeks were Supt. T. A. SIMPl- son. Mrs. ->IRasmussen, mis Eva Letwin and Mrs. Petermen. Tise lat- ter, who lives la Peorla, la viiting ier mother, Mira. Fred Joisnson Of Grand avenue. 'Si-serai fae-maofthtie district have ebangeti bands. Nick Adams tnmiY are usoviflg teolocter Knight' farm. Charles Gustattions have movedti t tise Maynard far-, A. Anderson aad -faa.lly have inoved frontishe district lu Hickory mîeel, Wnukegan. *We ail regret lis e alh of Joseph Kerenin and exprcess our $YmPatisY te An4 who la in tise sixtis grade, -and iieour rOOm. 1'La Ru0e Adamsof Gi-ieun Bay Road --feit. cutting bis knee, it w-s'necea- sarI lu faite sevaral tilcise@. V MI. andi Mrs. Frank Staisi of oulli Chicago client tise week with Mîr.. E. P. Spaulding of Grand ave- Inle- DIVORCE MILÏ IS J 6iRINDINfi OUT DE. .CREES IN COURT Five womnen obtain divorces "Mhile you wait"' in circuit court here today AIL ARE UNCOM'fESTED ]Divorce "Wbie You Wae'. w-me tise onder Iu circuit Cs*~. Fise divorces wet-e b~ short order tisaI l was ii~a enougis 10 maki- on's hbidsa w-m. Ilt was quile a coincidence tisat ail lise actions w-re brougist iy w-cmen against tlier busbands and lu at] cases te isbanuts did nul offer a denlal. Jctdgi- Edwards indicated tisaI tisetiicri-es woutId hagranteO. Mrq-. fBertha1h Uibert oft Azitcis, tastified tisatlir husisama], olke Gitbert, would carne home tlrunk anti break Up liii-ficnilure. Mr. Rutht Hamilton of Hltandi Park. chargi-t lier bushana]. Moutue Hiamilton witlh dasartlon.. Drunkenni-ss vas the charge mnade by Mra. Hlda Niemi nfi Waukagan lu eecklng n divorce from hbar hus- baud. David Niemi. Mits. Dorothy Kramer ti-ufifea] tisaI isr huaband. Htroltd Ki-amner. w-, crtuel. On oe. occasion aise says hie jtusicd lier againstat spiano slool ana] broke ona of litr rîbs. Mr, . Pt-ta nHardt, 1(0w-ofN! 341 wutttkea. testiftea lmuier hi-iîttanti. Witilliatm Hardt degarîca] itr. 4INJURED WIIFN FURNITURE TRUCK WRECKS AN AUTO MMTiI SUMM RESORT IS BE] BUJLT NEAR]1 ER 1MAi IlEDEI BILRL Big summer hotel, golf links, etc. are included; located mile north of state line WILL BENEFIT FARMERS V', Il*We liai heen uad oflthe nw under wal O tc John Penny anti sssocites et Ch]- cage, purchased tiseidO Weyise farna and are selling offthlie laite frontage lota. Tise plan sta l enct a large smn- ruer botl, golf link~s etc.. and make Ibis tise summier resort ofthtie tortis shorte. Someîising over r2O,000 ln lots hase alneady beau siold ant I ndica- ttons are lisat the proihelers wiii realite iandsoneiy on their invsa- nient. Kenosha i-a quite excited oser lise proptosition ana]te Wisconsin Gss and Ligit cotlîlany is extend lils electric powser line south frein Keni- osaato tie state lina. Tisis w-i benefi( tise tarmiers along lise rigist et w-a>. Property esvners in tise vi- cinily ef the ni-wtrnct, whidti ta calîcO Chia aukee, are being bente- Olttedan sd lite trulis of lise saylng "if )-ou boy propîerty on Sheridan Iload beheetiNlilwaukee snd Chi- cago nnywher1man sd hold ît long enoughifs il w-u show- a bandeoma profit ri-gardîis ef thse price paid." VOLIVA'S DOGIMA ON "FLAT EÀRTH99 IS aaman ana] a boy rtcîvea] umnor utj A SN M CIT L an l ouriug car was wrecked short- iy befare noo4 Monday near Wauke- New York S un says statemnent gan wheu a heavy furniture t ruck equals that 'of Rev. John ccasised mb tiste touring car et O. B. tiler, et Casper. Wyo., en ioute Jasper: 'The Sun do mnove frolâ Chîcagego 1Miwaukee. Tbe Injured were: Mns. Fran ces Uiiery. wite of Mn. DISCUSS IT EDITORIALLY Uiiery, probsahle InternatiInjuries and fnaturti b,.Under tise caption: "Copernicus Mis. J. K. Uiiery, an uaI, Internat andi Voliva." lise New- York Sun ays Injuries. ln an editoial: D. H. Ullery. culs andi bruilai-. "Oversi-er Voliva ut Zion City bas Rtobert Uiiery, 13, Culs andi brulses. just Issued a gi-net ai order for te Tise Uliery car was drivlng ln tise falît1ul, îouciing lise eartm, tiseSton. rear of a tuck belonging to tise Rot- te Copannican systenié et ail. whch man Funiture Company, 2839 Mil- it will pîroiatmy ia incumbent upn waulîee Ave. The truck was driven big toliowers le Indorse. "Tise eartlî by Jo4n Urbea. 2730 Richmond Ave. la filot" says hi. "and I canutiow-n amy Accordlng to witnesseo, lise tour- astronomer ln t irîy minutes" lng car was about le paso lise truck "Carr>'îng cnpaclîy of tIie ralîroads when Urban. apparentiy flot obserus- 1w-lu îoubîîess bhastraltsed by lime iaglb tse, hcar, attemptea] 10 turni hostg uf astronemers teapina 10 lise off lise road withoul warning. Tise, fray at Zian City. Not evan thei- 1ev. leavy trmuckamasised in btise tour-itJohn ja$es ameus pronunelamenlo Ing Cr. tisat 'tSéun do move' was qulte on The women were laken frein the i definile a dogma. wreckage and carried 10 a home 1.1I "Tise Ras. John Jaspèrs contclusive lthe neighborisood, where pisysîcians. argument wss taI if tise sun isad not wcre summoned. bei-a moving Joahua coi-Id nol have -commanded Ilt I stand silil and have bis order obeyi-d. Olti man Voiva t-bow -~ priidbases big conviction upon cutiultestt Ti,-folsutt-rttadcl, e nti aturai pisenomi-na andti hlousanti Tièefrods o aFh ovr utIlpassages of Hoty Wrt. Ail soer liscy IAutii the ,-rilt, w-lera liîey roOt mlnded men w-tii perceive tise Oser- tud fortu ni-w iiiltS..siio otitir seer's manter -senfe in Ptonulgating ternuitccaiontlly priaduceanlfhta lunscihad finIle anti positive a tenet titis wsiy, but la Iis specles il lua aet faits ss tiis, Intead of wasting settieti habit, Tue ni-w plaîsta grow lime ln arguments upon tise insigniti- up, rapbeniing te lrocesa etfualklng, canI andi rapidiy iesaening texture cf and satan tise originel plant le mur- .p@ck-a-boo wraists anti short stock- roundeit la>-quite n colony ot ils 0w-n inga' offeprsmg 'itiloul thisevenuction eOf- spores. Tisecectionsiuubeiweh-îtii Watu, Cengumptioi. gre 4tdw te dia, undsti]l la nol bitusual An average Ainerican towil us fi te"t rtue tour generatiosaLIked &Ilip, o IFrOn f 11W0 gilleas49 ~uAI1IIi~AI j ak ltin six Indepen.dfil, batitti thi ni 18 ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~YUILA1111 (tfor $5o bond each g aii IeJAIL FOR iliOSt IIERBEINTWASIBUIN The incident mark£ the finit at- SCftOOL BOYS ARe cour' ingince Judge Sburtieff WHIO RUN T1IROUGII1 FACES CIIAR4iES VF of Lise circuit court issue I an Injurie AT ZI ion restraiflifli nterffrenete f rnm 1RSTU AT DON publie use of thse parks. But laieI ROAD ARCK ÀCN RLR RESTED ~~night tise police de:iared that the DB R IA E A 'N U EL R Charqe of ptayîng football s where aIl the pr at wnrh ig" Engineer ofý state highway de- Waukeqan young man bound preferred against them; In. bail dlappeared to aince t 1e orllf atethr ops hr over to grand jury foflowing dependents are angry but Party re plied tisatishe Independ- against violators freight car robbery -replied tiat Ifwhathle sali bhe lruetMEANS $100 FINESi COSTS HELD UNDER $4,000 BOND POLICE UP FOR CONTEMPI on obtatth olc cdn* ut___ thcrn Up again. .XA number of accidents have te- lierisart Waaçbborn. a young Wauke- III Eghten bos wat ar Whel ttiis affair will bp lild as~i sîllefd becausi- of tise praite f >gnmasreitgo othCut Zial,-- henby ee ar- contemIJI of ft-urt or for tal. ar- aucon6ilists breattlng Ibrougis the a 1.1,tsdn ir ot onj rpeIied atiZVon City y-'sterdav wheu rest. ha.%flot yet been derided by the barricades on Wauklgm road nortis Si.. l.4 in the county Jaau on charges gt théy atIempted leo play foot-bail nluia Independent lawyers. The cOitylap of Eighteenlh street, àituthreats 01 Iarl nd t-b urglary, tollowing hie pened flot tu have an ordinance arrest and hcav, fines aire lteli.gtrrvat t L 1keeéive Chas. M1vera, of public park. At 6:30 la-sit night tue I1 againit fotit hall as tisey du have madue by road oiricîttla as a resuit. the -E. t. & E. railroad. and two de- bdy4 ont n u- Ito itoh Park Iol against base-bal+. So flhnt ihere wlll Il.B. WigIa. reqiidettt engluesr tv e of the St. Paul railroad, IL be- praclîce su tisat ihey miglit have ai ha nu cone back of lointiîng tilt cIt> of the glatie ilgilw,wss ils-eg d that a tle l orne mer- chance lu gel a place on 1h.- teill d-ne wt a ag fail ofwc1nstîc ca i-is011oi tSt.Paul frelgitt car Waulcegan Iigis achool monte tîmin ion work in tItis section. whefl in' atfti ot. InSpectal Atention. tprvlewed by a Sun repiorler Ilit Waslhburn hia-. tîen iseld 10 the th e future. A il tise boys arretc ist - ,. . ni a g. e tt l lies-ar ii i epeitil - n ih t d elar e« ituaI W aukt-gin road gran d j ry iimlei bonds of $2 000 ont tend the ligis sciool in Xaukegn lssilet Ethl. i 11.Il lttn tr iou. will it cHen lfin i sh sireet 1teudÏ i turi-. rit- al amouint of bond and i ost of tiem are sophoîttorî-. .b"til ittniyii-Ig,te 11 --t-Spe- wa-ltingiton itiriet ln tatbot a Wtt.t h,11,12 iloitt. 'ai ii is unabte to The boys arrested are as foii-ws: z- cialli.î tutdIu1it-htavise t tI* - sju-ihatnd that il isi itow barris-adee]. gt - Vieo. Mudgett. 1113t-l Ig'tolte.xpert -,ile r-. Si-t uti tavelittka tîtroiti ktit ittis-g iller itt eh stote soute I lartO Nitaon.l til. iii hi-a ai 1I.Olt t ei 11- hart c-ai ;tî-t e otni te , u grief.- 'Ilr. ws le -.s.antttber of wisiellwere rne Haod eso .tUsi t,. idti ttla iii r 1.41 ý. W itI su'ii - bdt t.' ms dlu e oiv c-tii -t t he. tii- etFcl . Kertnott Licisîl. cpiew nuIihlltl oIý1 l ,een kei pi Ili iou1i at. if îtva lits p,i luin-at%ianring tocîk place Harold Lichly. (>it ii,ý Lra u areula ttttora rh tît,,<fi-nIimit %di o ii ie-an it Jaitt ie %Valerr Taylora ,icout. H-enry Sayrs. arl1,litiana]d Si-W-hi ctuiat- i., being lirobeti. il HaralO Swank.ti ______________ii -aie o! f t0Iil, sii ttt i - a 11- 1 1. 1- , ii-stnd juîryaiich Haraldlttnîki t ii li p ii tic- ,tt lisa- i.ý ,ýi n mW tlsasal t Dlan Ray. lit) iii, * licatgl, tectlue bureau. Siasen Drury. Thrits tir a i oi, f-r gtls Won v rime - ittiîigi î i i l Sierifi Eiîttte-r tircanguI hlia Dan Owens. t'ls> -lîu IIItitlte li--ttMr.tu tii-tort, I uIt W'î(Ifith James Due. ii 3et ci t itti iài iishor nts-itrti on ttt sutk ia ttiof i It.-Zion taoditi i i îIit i ni t. t tha Lake county Alax MeCormîr k t t littiIlcthetotd, i t-t alaventeiantt Si îtilleult1tîî, - F.arl LeRol. Sir WVolter 5,11, tuos seittg eta a jit or Watiltegatil1. Paul LeRol. j 'nn(Ititsh it London whta%%,att fr ittg Don RIce. lo ia rîke a liglitI withouta i tk,' fnit A D firent Art. solomnon's Portumes WibertCuiller. IPêeillthiteinki'ttî tgasu PIPes wire Tise fartct at . s9uîntla i An ronst Kitig htoleetînoti tade 10.000 golden Pautl tockafeiiar. I 011.a] uitiî ire, sppr-'uvched thaît i tIisber tiiglibors lIs ttC cvtdeliiu-ke Of bh perfîuîtry oli'r for tise temiple 0 William Bil etet. l eiml Witisin an heur'after te boys ware fe.îî't .s*,h tthl r q4t ettls This 15, a Studebaker Year For the rent eijght months of 1921. Our saies of Studebaker Cars,. were: 411% MORE than for the saine period of 1920. 101% MORE than for the same period of 1919. But our sales of Repair Parts were: 13: LESS than for the samè period of 1920. - 3%, LESS than for the same period of 1919. While the total numbers of Studebaker Cars sold were: 326,000 up to September lst, 1919. 375,000 up to September lst, 1920. 442,000 up to September lst, 1921. Summing up 116,000 more Studebaker Cars were maintained ini op- eration with 371o Iess parts business than two years ago, which con- clusively proves that- Studebaker Cars are standing up in service and staying out of repair shops, to a degree unexceli- - ed, we believe, by any cars of whatever price. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION 0F AMERICA A. R.,ICROKINE, Preuident. NEW PRICES 0F STtTDEBAKER CJARS f. o. b. factories, effective september 8th, 1921 TOURING CA~RS AND ROADSTERS: COUPES AND SEDANS.E Light-Six 3-Pai. Roadter .. .............. - $41125 Léight-Six 2-Pais Cospe-Roatster.,..... ......_$1550 Li ght-Six Tonia g Car .....- ............. . 1150 , Light-SiX 5-Psu. Sedan ..-.....- - - - - --..... ........ 1850 Special-Six 2-Pais. - Roadster ............ ...._... 1585 Zpecial-Six 4-Pais. Coupe .........- ............n Special-Sta ?ouring Car-----------------..-.......... 1635 Spectal-Sîx 5-Psu. Sedan .... ...... ..... .... 50 Special-Six 4-Pais. Roadster ...... ... ......... 1635 Big-Six 4-pass. Coupe ................-..... 2850 Big-Six Touring Car--------------............. -.1.. 985 Big-Si 7-pais. Sedan .......... 2950 -Att STUDEBAKER CARS AURE EQUIPPED WITH CORD Tires. ACHEN MOTOR CO, 217 N. Genesee St. Phone 568. .Waukegafl LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDE NT INDEPENDENT dong bhs bet to balp out in daddy. a London policeman. ln the one- MiAnt5ir-of---- -Itisherecent athueUcgCarne ai Walthamatone. EuKian&. WENTS. ust làt of Forest. ht. ounty L y--.-:- 1 1 1