Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Oct 1921, p. 2

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; W0 "BAIN DESTROYED BY LIOIITNINqi; 100 F16HIT FLAMES Elmer Fuller and neighbors save home and other build- ings by hard work Ulgbtnlng struck the big stock and grain barn on te farm of Elmer FUI. loir one mile norTh of Ournee ai 6.30 bVelock Thursday evening, ire co-, pjletely destroying it. The milk-house 4100 wau burned aud severai holes Vwere burâed lu the, garage. A silo also Va aaged. Ugbt boises and a niumber of fai,., vers saved but 20 chickens vet burned. The flarnea were no MOi tbey attracteil peuple frorn wau- %«M. and Lbertyvilie, and more t aun dred persons rusbed to the Ben nautomobiles to heip fijit the fuMes. The bouse and garage were '.".. This vas one of the largest barns la tbat locaiity and din addition had twO vinga. About 200 bushela of vin- ter visat and 700 bualiels of oats, basides a large waatity of - hoy, the Mow being hait tied. ver. destroy- ad, aimo a stravstack nearby. The Stravatack ila sURI buraing. The. faim in operated bytheir son. ThOr@ vas $1,500 insurance on the barn adcoentents- but--thlff côVered OnlY s emal part of the actuai lbas. 0 G[JRNEE 0 George McCullough lias goDe To wis. consin on lis a»nal faT! buying of cattle for winter feeding. Mrs. Slaughter t00k her class of, girls. who are studying interior deco- ration, to the Food ExPositjon and thea semi-centennial celebratlon of the Clii 1 CagO tire last Saturday. Higli achool i gils of today sure have wonderful op- portunitese. 1 GUile. stillias a pleasant faste in! Jit MoUth. Wby? Dont you rememberV Iliat wünderfui concert given by the1 Bon Hur iodge last Monday? We are' ail hoPing that the other numbers onb th@ Lréeum course wili be as good. Choir practice is on Tuesday eve- Iifgs nov. This Is by order of Choir- .maser Willys, on account of Wednes-d day being such a poor niglit t ssii a youngci lady to sing.1: Xré. Levander and daughter, Lianea, ar viaiting Guinee friends.1 Dr Tounn, together vIth Mra Yonng J SLOW. DEATHa SAehes. pains, nervouaneas, dfi CUhty in Urinating, often meun l ernous disorder a. The word'a standard rernedy for kîdr.ey. iver, bladder anci uric acid troubls-e bring quick ýeitf4and' cfîr , ýsrd It isadly d--'r'es. Kncsvrr r- tio fflflr-Qy -'i A-1 ia.d f- 'rdu ,aczre. A.. dra.-g~r,1, ~ ARLINGTON. *IROTEL~* 1iil - P IED ORABBE AUCTIONEERINO L PAURAu 4ST OCK SALES A S"ICIALTY 57NORTH-ICOUNITY ST. S WAUKEGAN PHONE 2441 8mesrs. uaw.s. DudsésaCala R. WENDLAND G iW0CRY AND MARK ET DEAUIR IN TH1E LIBERTYVILE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1921. 11/TIrTc~ MATCHIIJ clents reumain rut the store mver rightIU E u W INS AT HI G , For certain nighiT in lthe week cet'- URGE1UfTO IS1mS3 Tr COINS A 'F ÏEN 9'tain umen intîld 5vtay and tpend th e MC- FL ~ 1 COINS; A TRIEND ~ ~nigbt ut the store Tbey tookt1h-in lT OOEAE A 0 Uno orebtI eand 'ei aIT1.3 TAKES MONEY tMfOntCous eToit t hhecande pit >FOR Guuj> ROADS M o for the. hours To pass aaay sith ie lle Lu i V ~~~~~~nothing ta do. Cal .]a«ade«b '7R. T. Wilton, of &ntiocb, la one of the- Iargest dry goodreChreuM.H ye adeue com laia o te olie f COk and Rogers there workeda Lake County branch, of the cam st. Joe, Micb. yOUng Man, thoni 20 years of age by; ChicagoM trcu J the name of George Wlliams. VJi- 1 Mtr lb i The olloing ispach tom S. ÎMB wova aveiy congenie.) ch.» and Tht foboing diiacl frntSt.vol l ikoti by bis fellow clerks. He, Clarlea M. Hayes, president o! the- arri Joe. Midi.. tels of Ithe alleged exper- ikê- othe tle boys.,i-as made To re' Chicago Motor Club. and aîso a men t lvi lence o! a Lake ceounty- man in main with certain groupe several eve- ber o! the state advisory board, ad- "matching" coins vwitb twto sTrang- nînga îhrioughoul t he month and une jdressed the,- Lake CounTy Branct or!T ers. eveing hil tbe wer allon' i lie Chicago organization at the Cotin- lils1 eraevnin wulethy wrtailonduty cil chamber in Waui<egan Frîday nîght. nîgh R.- T. Wilton arrivei aithe union at tiie store lie brought the boys inadiin oth otri ro'La station Monday front lis home ai together and suggested that thsy 11nadditin ttht. mweredletos re Ifs Antloch, 111. Titere lie metta man form - aclub of sotiesort. A Bible'Wauen roT h and Pere deeioa who aaid that lhe, toc, vas a stranger Clam wurorgan*ized and hecame so p rent ighoi igLae Prs, Laer- M if iovn, and together tht. two men populr among the boys and youngtild. HigorhvoCdicak o r ett, Laite u st dstarted down Sixili Street. Aý mo- men that- tht. managers fitTed Up M ae a utrtre 'uta1 ment later they met a third man, lpre- a rotnft ih-r cleits te use for M-Hyshajs eundfo e toa s d , sumably a stranger 10 botIl, who nue- tibis special purpose. This vas the. Springfild and gave a tait oicth. per geated ihat Tht-y match dollars. odd fiînt rooitu lver used as a club ioom prograni for god roads. telllng vhat mon 0 ~man vinning. Wilton and bis frien4 - for -the yonng nmen. The idea of this bas been doue this year and vhat M ' I -age:d, andinl a short trne ha: won assoiation spread quickly ver Lon.le is Ptied for eit 3mai. He an. Sun T .ifhl$7. h third man then -staîted amn don and many oiher stores reqnesied 1 nOunced that the Liuncoln hlgbvay M vruet antod ta ih n oteteIrtieeo on nadfoiming vilieon ,t siipi by tht. vît] delicious Thre. parted compati>. Witon'a coin- a lIke grop. Soean the ideaspreadlirai O! Novembor. -ak panion saying that h.e vouid meet over the country and the organIza-1 Abovo ail tle speaker urged the Burley Wilîon ai tle -,station later amididl. Iion vas -ealled the. Young Meule close co-oporation of the Lake Co- vide the vinninga. Wiiton vent ta Christialnu. The Y. M. C. A. luniy branch vith tb. parent organ- Or fiavor the station. Hia nev frienti didn'T. varoiganlzod in 1844 in London and 1 lation ln Chicago, poiating ont tiat get So nov Willon lias asked the police staiîed in Amnerîca in 1846, wlth tis 'la the Only vay ta obtiain the 1,s OCeà you've To look for the lest friend and loci- John WAnainaker as one ai the pro-'idelred results. He foit that the yet1 dentall>, thb.$175. matera. Mr. Wanapiakei vas tbelprospecta are very hright. bot enjoya f~irsti secretary o! tht. Y. M. C. A. in i Commtiander Jacoba of the Naval w, toastntlfhvor**0I 0000 ***~~o*Philadelphie and la now the teacher 1Is=ôn lmided over the meeting o o! over 1800 men in Bethany churcli vhich vas an you wili al. 0 A N t 0C H Philadelphua, soclne nmeis of ! Orm ways wantià oooooooobeaoo Oo i od Y. M. CA. OOOOOOO 00000 0. me' MisJennie Willettîapentover Sunday ~LONG GROVE éo ie wjth lbei mothertert..0 0 o 0 oo o 0 0 00000000090 # C000, M lr. snd lirs. Ben Butte anti son of o LAKE ZURICH 0o o Vîcor Saui-t returtit-t home a-; S Waukegan, spent over Sunday witli0 00 0 00 0 0 rtk (Wi-tnt-sday> atTer visitinik a _________________________ Antiocli relatives. u. Ste-lla S roba:,k wsvu a caTit-t in fi-iwtelts wilh relativesr in Minne-rori I ____Mia. Clara T urner is spending som TUWoiv Sunday. lit anti lrs. JohnIlinOs anti iaugh- an M ndMs.Va .Ný Yu time wîth lier daugliter ai Norw d 1rt. anti lin. Saiauelii -t-as mîtd le'."IfaheT. m-fenii lin Itbrti ani i at lt. a ~rs one' Park. .-tutis Th 1fr. rjndri fsL-- la-T- londay for a trip To varieus Ipoints mstck., l It r. n( rs lr liiirr st.( iIi ini Floitia. On tht. way tht-y intendteTo Mi. and1 Mis. A. B. Johinson fenter. letnha(r ini u r i i d stop aitTht- home of lir, anti lrs. Lt-s taineti several iela$ives anti rienda M anti His. Alliait Hor-i t njoy-td ilrziihri-artiiliniy le licClui't at Indianapolis, lud. fromt Elgin Sunday. Il.-i -Pow rs Lake riunday. The hall garcit ilayerd Sutiia:bb Anîong pllier Foritia sojeurnersts ~ h.Atol hgshefobi e M ,. andi Mn, Lloyrd Goodrlch ir.- It-t-n Palatine- andi Long Gtov rt sinte, iili lie Mr. anti lis. H. D.playe ti t. Liertyvilfoetball teain il 0 itt-dUhe.sultet in~ a viclori. for th, laîtt-lr 'b3 Hughes and Clarence Shephurd. Tht-ce on the home grountis Satuîday afiet- horti Octoler 7rb. a score of six To fourl. fols psti togo ia a rgulr buse non, innn he ant. lir. and lits. Charieb Weaver anti Tht- Long Groes chool rerc-n t-n a foa olnTo sla ua os e-.winngtd.gin.u-u-lter tirove To Waukegan Sunnlay. new pup>i l ontiay. AntiaPt-tes bingt Miss Ethel Haines anti Miss Cara lMr. McGespent Thursday andi Fn- lit. anti Mis. John Smitih and tiaugiî enroileti. Nelson visiteti in Chicago Saiurtiay. day in Chicago. te-t and Mis. Norman Latitiof Joliet MIr. anti Mrs. Et-r Goosailier anti Misa Beasie Harr, Miss Emma Stu- Dr. anti Mis. H. F. Beebe have te- visiteti lasi Wetinesday with Mi. anti lamily anti Mr. and lira. John Ptl-t der, anti Mise Margaret Gilbert vit- tuitiet froin their nDrtheu-n trip. Mrs. H. Schaefoi. of Chicago vioiteti ai tho home a!'lit. Mr and lins. Walter Latin,. lits and lira. Albert lioldenlisuer Sunday. nesseti a performance of Grant Mitch- Mis. Maude Sabin sptent the. irai Of Luc3i Laun, Mrs. John Hun and Mat lit. and Mis. Carence Gregerson anti aei'aur Campo iIeCr h.-tewe c. vey Schaefer spent Thursaa at Lin frientis visitet i a tht. William Unibden att- Saurdy. he Methodiat Suntiay achool bas Elrmr Robertson expecîs to lt-ave stock home Sunday- Among ther Chicago visitors dur- changedtite anti vii le heiti at 9:45 coin Paît. - Misses Lîllie andi lartha Saut-r re lng the wvet vert. Mis. W. W. Apple- s. ni., snd the. cherm icll iile belli fat tiseveek te spenti tht- ceming %%-inter! turneti home Wednestiay evening, ait yard. lira. Andeison, Esîbe Washburn Il 'ciock. Everyoue la inviteti to at Melbourne, Florida. 'et spending a lt-w tiys willi relative,~ anti Mr. Mline.. fes. services, Fred Hoeft returned frtet Buiternut in tht- clty. During te lectricai atorni Thurs- Boin to Mr. antiMa-s. Will Girarti Wis.. with a car leati of cois. Mrli. ant its. ISanders on Chicago day evening the barn o! Elmér Fuiler thie flrit of tht. veek, a so. Mr. anti Mia. Etimunti Prouty enter s-sied ait tht-Goetz home Isunday. vas sirnck by Ugltning and burnedt 10 aineti guesîS STr dinner Thursaa in. All int ad Victer Saut-i anti Heleti the ground. The biarn vas f ully cotv- H. J. Barteini atoredti t Waukegsn honor of Tht-lt firot anniversary o! Rafeity vert. in Chicago lionday. ered b> inrsurance. The cauntryside -flTUYS<15y. - mant-it-ti ife. ,Mi. and lira. Charles Henschberget. gathçred limâodiateTy vhen tht. at> M. M. Burt. vas in Wautegmn on Mr. and lirs. Fred Kropp ant ili- Jr.. and famity and li. and lira. Chas. bocanie ba-illl ightoti. Mr. Fuller Thuraday ta soe a spocialiat. dren s.ot-nt Suntiay wiîli Liberlyville Herachberget. St.. and Mit and lits wau ounaie ta, ave much of bhsaernirelatives.HnyTnevstdathhoe0 machinery, etc., but no lîvestocit vas There wil l e a carti Tpaaty ai the. --Hn>Tneaatt ;tt oeo destoye. Wodyan al] n Tursay f i t r.anti lis. Paul Schailenkamer Mri. and lira. Edin Roder Sunday. veek. Go music. As tile is the first- anti son snsited Sunday in Chicago. Laurene anti George Rtiners sixent - Tht. Searchlight Liierary Society card party of tht. season a large cîowd George .Meyer vas a Iiarringlon Wednestiay i-ai-ing ai tht- Her«r-hba r- presenteti an unusual> Irfiliant Pro- Ta expecteti. calia'r Fiiay. t-et home. grami Friday afternm. vd Gog uaplsetFia n It Ms. Kuckuck siarit--ti rra-titn eur Rt-v. anti Mrs.Kalkbre-nnfr ranti tam Two important dates To lie obseivt GogChaiicsangFo.ia o tstn lonîiay. ny t-etirniSuntia> aflei-norn r: Etu ýb ail Guinet- peope-Oci. 21. basket Ciag.Roeret Kasien anti Entiei ttBrandi huret. vhere tht-y 'isret i wr-hFibrr i>r social ai the grammar schooi; Oct. 28. Leonarti VanDensen is tioing plumin g va-eeomie oser Sunday. -ons, saho ar tte ttndinz roliTa-- i irs Warren Cemetet> Associations Annu- ing for lira. Vida lioorrey. lits Roser Sigvalt ant i hldr-n ci place.i ai hazasi. Mn. anti lra. Wilson lirGet- are Bariintton spfenT Sunday ai IN, John- Tht- Cemelery Society hl-d ias 1ententaining tht- fonmer's fathiler front Hitobrna-omo.0o0e0r n Il 0 o e o o lio o o'o 0 i meeting Wetinestia yat tht- lonme Of lMexico, Missouri. Sunday lihe Voluntt-s-t Un'on har]o MO I Mi. lrec WOly rFihrSaag peuevn charge of ihe service-s ai tht- Bapi 0MieiAV11LE Mrs Carnc WOle. aterSaage sen oerSunday -liurrh. Tht- Rt-v. Mrt Moore. a ir-0000 000000 o O OO o O O *Cit-an-un Day' m-as obseiveri b i wiîh lis parents ht-te. tmmcd iuîimsionarb front Clina. tas liMn 1-Heberi Na-I-rini-DriniIr thet Ladies' Aid atitht-eclnurch on lad I John Hema transacied husinesrn ain atidr-a. Tht-y ayedrla'ilhe Whn ilt-itids front Lîtchfilitila si we rTili-. Tuestiay. icagar-da. eyFarD l.Richards anti son. Lt-t. loto hr, Nr-lson i Euge nercC as Mi Wntes ir i sastihooesisenynga ac- A faunuly rt-union was rut-d ai I"nu famiiy fer an auto ride To Zron Cii' isaL-teoe sejyn a home of XWilliam .'Ptpper, St.. of Lates Suntiay atterneon. build Immedately on tht. lot nt.xîte tien frein the tiiesattht- postoffice. Cnin hre hlie.fu t M.adMs r h- niam the new HdOIt reaidence. 1Mr. anti Mis. Fitidler have puichaaeti wlom are marnied,. mil their familles Lloyd; aise lit. Gilbert. saent Io Wau Fientis a!tht. Huntleys vilTl e in- tht. Harrison Jones bouse on Spafford attendedas foibis: lit, and Mlis. tegan te visit sente frientis Sundsy. terested ln learning that tht.> have te-I street. William Vaut-e. ef Fleyd, Iova:;lit. Mr. anti lra Lot. Barnsiabie atiid centi> purchaseti a farm in Nothern . There yl le a dance et tht. Antiodli anti lis. William Pr-parer., St., Lewis son. Lloyd. vert-in Doit-van Sunday. Michigan. oeaboi n lidy Ot 5 Go e)[e ra. B. Wilkinson anti sons. Morris ta uenev>la aileingMcn.ranulira. munic. Everyone iavited ta camte. Grace andi Florence Pepper are vis- anti Allen vent te Chicago on business Joste eph Dada. D. sd ie.Mreianded on iîsrting witb Wm. Pepper. Jr.. and familY Tst vetet. h~gmtT tt Joep Dda D. ndMr. orel clld n el-in Wauk.gan. S. Wells stantedhi g ikt>e A spirite set of boxlng matches vasttîtves et Inglsde Sunday. lin, anti lra. Vance. afier a visbit in Gayalate plant ot the Noslt-s Coin helda et egarage BauiaY elreiiiii. Lust Friday evenazet tiie Rebekah Waukegan lefI for their lame ila 0i a jy the tiria! Ottobet. lodge a nuber of nov mnembera veronIMis. J. Billinga vas a Chicago vis auruite Gram Ar Saheol taien in tofelogeand a good tise ooo.,.ooeeeeeêeoîitar MoadaX'. Blo ane"ltsivet-more leva thîs van bai Refremme t e. erved. * GR1 'SL KiMr. and Mrs. Thomas Buinetie andi vtct yonailiger <~ he rogrni' i. id Ms. Atin s.i ,uduIIdaugbter, Pearl. callet an lMr. andi ve b al broardgave a vet gr anid Mie.WiDliamiKj sut ae tuO O O OO -0 a0 0 @Mm.iL J. Tveed and failySunday. lWdir if o, tienuastoatO! tiies: tffflOd b>.huem i.liortliUfi V6i» Mis. J. E.Sithienteitalind m. md 111>111M Nete. Usa.~~~~~~ _aiMa iog cnfuh i.Mpehorp and baby bave Mis.. Grant Luàatof Libertyviffé ist Iw r arn î maoe u Mis. Le.ou* Z , Ui. Robert Straag., retnrned bomne frod Chicage. Suaffay. everyday speech. W. bave au "Ain'T-.i r i,. WeS»als.Tver m t.-ere Lust g S, ý& *týda y ;or 3, isses AnaMel and "uta Wbltinore Boclety." sud vboeveiuses that incor- - on.> the Snndsy seb.oola of Li oWyspeni Monday la Cioaga. Inc amgl i at otianu an emdt enjiy lime PrOgiam Tel? Fiant Shérwood ofLaitLla o aady Dr. William LOTIIt agient the. vOek list We arteatdeavoilg to teep oui n. D.Mnoo ilun iie b end vitI friands i8 Cbicago. mmies off t U it as inucbas possible jGuruse os-mmnar Icboot notemait h a l Snnday #e - . Mi. -George K£rber is e8tsrt".lZn Morris Wilkinson vas absent Mon- tii toical successor to Carpientier and vi ber mnother. Mis. Jo. àMsa et Ci- day ardlfhutaay of last veet, becanse Dempeer are LiVera Iixon and Md.' m vhBihi nde"gtelepbont, coo. ibis veet. of a b.d cMd. ut i Giiag. Ton sbonid ee til: i-vork cPz 4w fr pMjeqv Dr. and --iMr%.. E Wtehe Fiîs. eogrpy1ulasbas fin- boË T Xti ém v ra, hokegla"5.11tiroir o ihdsn eifmp fNorth Amen- saittuad Dca-la Heary have e-tofe f thet ricyde ome day ltwe spout lant Sunday et the L. . Ladel1ca. Tbe t. iss mouttteb.maon i turresédhouNorme Wiscnsin. WT RW th. in rh ospe. tif! cardboard adsud mi-up tii. monn- ailW tu u euaronsck.lgcase j < oeo Mauice Muarie and fiudly moved liu'taîaa viti und sud Mucilage. ~,. ~ bolb Sqtrdays orneeion the lover fiintaf the C. 0. SMlt b bouse 111ida Tvet<ad Lloyd Atysl l ad bave ya mcasiade nev footb. t Ws.Mndit s t aa ho perfect edfla' spelling. Ur outgeu"îaw otDr. M. F. MSier l am sasot hall Igaturday. Bo ail the boys taamed L'Ise GeogeTilotean viuttd in vaoeion viiirelatives laBIdEt>, .-.10000000900:00,,600 06 out Mcnay to latilate tt ev bail. KOMeba lait wtii. Mise Alice Btraagloft Wedmtsday Onuee won s great »melfit0fbase MssAgatePedOt ie jnt a fev momalu for lhe Uayo Sa-M. îcuitaiO ElL L lU iN bailflatua-daY. W11003 "_the dotent- dà»iof loft eektvf er idate-, M& la 9,ochesier, Mlin.., wvitre . ili O0 0000000000000000 Ad tesai. We do flot vii tu emarasi Cis Paulaen. tate treattientis ila te siitiU. U'r. snd Mis. George Btoens b ave tht Wlson boys b>' piBting the 0-nom. ttTilosn asI eosa u. larry Geai>' is sPendingt he apent île paut veet et Rochester 1,ura Stedmm andi Lian.aJohnson MritT vwua eoh eek vttb itiativtla nChieffl. hmin. Mr. Stspheno bas bern aial vert afier scboli ters Tnesday aft-visiter oniTuda Tht. Ladies' Aid Socety vii0 Men 1tTramnt ai île Mayo Bron. bospîtal. ernooc. Mr. and 'Mma Rogierse Thonapeon of Thnratiay afieraloan vith Ma-s. Fredl iaRb llnsi iiige h Wbat canses slgbs, groana. appi- Buctingam,%Iwa Mr. aidEMr& Win. Hucter. 'rhmissf ruby Gle, ga is aiin aIntt Isu. Tbmof Waterloo, Iova, sud The meinhersansd friidothe M. homobe r niFe Gligi Cari- Wm P Thommson, Sr., of Hudeon, E. clnrch. viii give a farevlil recepi- .Gurae AasMh Carda! Iowa, arrivai e b omne cf George 1uion to 11ev. and Mis. I. X. Judd lnu -sMbeAdm laon!Tes Tes-rpot -r-sani -en crd.IThisnaenn rSaturds>'. Tht>' pmentith. la proaWenaiy v-~ visiting ai the home ortlber uncie .. lrcel-alilî m GoTti Inlays or Fillnngs. atcrrding lu i sic PIiss'ba, Itiunîrantea- you üc ai ntcin îrf thebm--r- tAccOrdingtoTi naieraît Trealment. nerve tîlieti anti neet tillhîti .. $2 (rfi tri $6 ru $3 r-t, Ur 15ý0(1 uv Andi remnembîr, i wiil not huit bu. i use mî-dicine fli-si îlr.t taks away the- pain. TIIESE PRICES ARE FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. Dr. F. FL CORLISS 130 Washington St Over the Thomas Market Co. WAUKEAAN, ILL Auto Rep ir Shop WIEN in need of Automobile Re. V'Y pai r us if you want the best. Now located in the Dumand Building on South Milwaukee Avenue. James -B. Wetmùore Res., Telephone 36-J LIBERTYVILLE. ILL Shop Teldphone 367, Theodo. H. Durai, Preaidont W. a. Smith, Vice Pietideni' F. W. Churchill, Secrotary and Manager. TEFONE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE' - TITLES GIJARANTEED Capital: $125.OOO.OO WAUKEGAN ý ILLINOIS r atKenosha, i-as in thr h (T riT- fr5.n Emat illige, Wle ot johnCONTIRACTORSl buNer Ema GiliTh s r iedofJoh Straflg, died Sunday afternoon at ANGRY AT ATTI- onia. Her death was a shock to the TUDE CHG.u E dglborhood, as many did not k.ow___ ýwas Ill. Funerai Wednesday fore-.'tatr on ot 10 o'ciock, at the bouse. Assert ChiasCgo cnrat (erge Strang, of Marsbfield, Wîs., violate agreeme nt by paying, me Monday te attend the funerai of odaae fwgs '4 aslster-in-lav, Mrs. Strang. odsaeo ae Mrs. Cara Anderson of lola, ICansas, rived Tuesday for a visit willi rela- The labor situation in Waukegan s and friends in tbis vicinlty. rernains pracTically unchanged, ae- -0-- coîding Io the staternents or tiid'5- Tlie Chiristian Endeavor Society beldlimen and contracters. imontbly business m eeting Friday The contractors are standing pat lit at the home 6f Mr. and Mrs. on their refusai to pay more thon *yd Wetzel. Garnes were played and tire LandIs ocale. white the tradles- iny refreshrnenta vere served. Ev- men reruse te work for anything lesti yont' enjoyed themielves immensely. thtan the. old @cale. Up ta the pres- Mr. and Mis. Dentitin tii. ent the contractorsl have suffered the kagemeat bf their daughter, Manet- most for, aearly ail the tradesmen t>enman McGuire, te William BOn-, have been able to find empioyment rboth of Milibuin. The yoUng COU- ot the nid scale. Chicago contrac- ehave been acquainted but tliree1 tors with big jobs In other parts of ontbs.1 the connty have suppiied work te, lis. Anderson and famiiy spent last, Most of the' carpenters, brlcklayers, iday"in Waukegan vith relatives. plumbers. etc. The. situation does net Madge Strang spent the week end satiafy the Waukegan eontractoîs. th ber sister. MIsr. W. A. Truax. oft -l vas at the earneat solicitation te Villa. of the Chicago Coatracting Assoeia- lion that the Waukegan Association About Dlosa,.. adopted the lAndis ýcale," one -con- One o! the. fooî i noions young mon tractor sait] coda y. "Nov the Chi- 4In that the. boss doesn't kuow wiat 'Cage contracters corne slong and pay going on In thé pluanit. %%'P ni-ver ;the old scale wbich enablea them to have Rnown a boss who dIdn't *in- continue with their work. It baves )w manage te know more about wh-h1 'the Waukegan conîractora holding t[lu t(jl , ,o i, 1114o. trri i riîir ;the liag.-,Iarn confident that If 4h. *-Trplî3st. gî~eInn ci-thicago contracters do not close théeripý,t-sgav Iin eKlt ordown lheir work snd stick te the. r lý,ji iitti Tr-vay: We've Landims caie thé- Woukegan contrit- i-ér krrom i n il xuli(:rise th ie t orms-nil 1décide te pu> the. oid scale. à% f il m-itter titrdr-r tîte ii- - t.We don't interd te i tri- goalinsr t dit lié I-rwîrrkrar.-E r.tge. 'the itTuaTIOn. LAKE COUNTY CHESTER WHITE BREEDERS CONSIGNMENT SALE - At Fair Grounds Libertyville, Mi. THUR$DAY, NOV.-3,'21 Commencîng 1.00 P. M. 42 HEAD 0F BOARS 42 AND GJLTS Many o!fTtse hogs were prize-winnersata! r Countl Fait, andt many otbers just as good. Tht-y have been lnckc-d b> a commite i rcai hog men. and are of the béat bloodiines in the country. sur-b,. Big Buster. Shearer's Monster. Wiliam A. and others. This wlii bie your hi-sT chanc- to buy a real hi-rd hoar or a gilt lor sî.ring farrow. We Invite you to thl- sale. whether :,ou buy or not COL. A. G. SATRE, Stanhope. la., and FRED GRABBE. Aucîroneers. Back To Pre-W'ar Prices. At this time evervone should do their utmost toa-assrt in bringin g pie oanormal level. 1 ams trying to do mv bit.- MY PRICES ON GIJARANTEED DENTISTRY FOR THE NEXT a30 DAYS AS FOLLOWS: Gir rraw 2 SKfîaîrlî -,s $5.- r 1rd$i'u i r rain (Ctrowns. i ivotT T' -t r Trurf Iiti r r r i 5(l WAUKEGAIb LOSES 211 DEEI Locals showed Up haif but Deerfiel toward fin TIi(- foiiowing accoun kegan-Deetfield foothall ftO0' Mintisys Wautr-g, Bemigut> a saur prveiToie V'auti-g. aganntTei'î i-Id lItu: laid Parkwihre - t- te 0. Tht- firtsi lai!w, kegan holinmg ihi- -1g poritnt irir alIlt-rutmr Tht. bac ktilid IiTIent line- lur-ilng. trîrungmnt- te >I)eerb.ils u8 nr- yard hase the- I)eettiplîtineTint tht. hall Wr nî ritet T n'Mtoh' -rT rnntny rut S Bal r n'. ati iphts at In lai-rf. r- fits!rlirait v Waukegan - ilro clia As pteuisuusly rt-li-r t-ur . rr n aaac Tt. lin-rrrrijarr îhirlT Tlunt-lig hlrm itzr Dllnvai- 7mard lrr.. - r ir-t rl-li fit-e * - fr- rrDi ni n t)ir c u> P.s- I r fo i1 trie , mn, rlu n iriafi, - mrtangrTrr .rk-rng fer¶rtu u ir an rit tr-TiT triOUT. ,,- rî,rl .l,- 1,la *vsa n'!uf hru rali sar- aliachu wàe ti-arl Y surce 11,-elt rrr r- itrough 1 ftr- r nr.r onu- o! un whc %iii sa, u irribyoun 'rhis ias thre niomsT W camtu Toscoiing. .Deerflide Strength The t. -cond hli s »tory. ior,afBat-a To( owltz anti tactie Kiemc contest anti put lchiy Jenel i attac, le. Tinn. denîly btk.- tht- untyn atiacit lui thter-oais r under sau intVina fast ticeabft .ikn--îtttins tt was tvident vIt-n li-t vent thicugli fon gains ive ta fitteen yards un campeti on Wautt.gan's They vent. staveti off t Iut vent arrosa ronr The geai was kir-ta-i Deethielti centinueti lv iousiy mi litrie kegan'. fne i- gt-VIoîii Nov il 'tas Ta-etl-Ir. The Waukt-gan liark- eut as a rt-suit rof tir, of tackling Th- ,.-r do vinen the lin-- laij oppasing barkm- Et. t-n fi trr rf ur plungpia lor, niri--.. abi ended ti .1)[r.-i r(r: m-al goal tm. and T k LYEL H. MO LIBEILTYVILLE, Il Luce BuliIn Rea. Phone- 136-M. O! PAUL Mac GU Attorney-at-L LIBERTYVILLE, Il Teleplione 3 DR C. B. OU VettIinary Suri Office ai Reaidence O Motor Ca. Gar Phon. 35. LIBIIRTYVILLEC, U J. E. WALTE PHYSICIAN AND 8 Dioeaes eof cmen an WAUKBGAN. ILI W. W. JOHNSON. DENTIST Phone 841. 112 Ne. WAUIUIGAN, [L1 DR. 0. F. BUIT VETERINARY St Assistant lit5e Vol DR. J. L TAI~ Office in Frist Nationd Hour:-1 to 3:30 anti Residence on Broadwvay, LIBERTY VILLE, Il

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