Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Oct 1921, p. 3

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ACTORS i AT ATTI- CHGO. MEN ~icago contractorB ~eement by paying ,ale of wages et situatiun in WVaukegan tticaîly unciranged, se- e statenients af otradi-s- tractors. clora are standing pat iai la pay more tran cale. wile tire trades- i*Ork for anyfhîng lesti @cale. Up ta tire pres- ScIurm have suffered lire .Jy~ aIl tire Iradesmen )Ie te find employnient cale Cicago confrac- JObs un otirer parts ot iave supplîed wark te, carpenfers. bnicklayers, Tire situation does nul aukegan eontractors. tire earnest solicitation 9o Contractlng Associa- Waukegan Assocuation Landis ýcale," one -,on- toagY. "Now tire Chi- on corne aient and pay wilci enabmes tirens to i thirer work. It leaves n confrators holding ni confident tiraI If -t"e ractars do flot close ivork and stick te tire tiré Waukegan contrite- de lu Pou> tir. old ecale. -ns to ire ils-- gwits in IESTER IERS SALE lie , M1 . '2 V.3,2l RS42 in Courir> Fair, an I àdb> a comitte e the county suh rdibor or a gil lo you bu> or fnt qABBE, Aucti onriCs Prices. Io,-assist in bringing ta do mv bit*. FOR THE NEXT $5.1 ar1'd , 'e .$2 fr0 t.. $6 1-' $$3 (10 U': cor.- 0î0 ut 'ire tlnst lirai takis 'S OLY. ss homs Market Co. omobile Re- u wvant the tnd Building ioie kTYVILLE, ILL mlith. Vice Pretideni ýnager. RUST CO. ES GIJARANTEED ILLINOIS WAUKEGAN HIGH LOSES 21 TO 0 TO DEERFIELD Locals showed up well in let haif but Deerfield peps up toward flim8h Ti'.folIowing accounit of the - Wau kegan-fleerfield football gaine- h rak.-n f o' M'nday'rr Wauke-gan Sun ~BeadIçng titia m innin.g ini. !) 'ý'roved tb lie Waukgar',, urlii againar t Di-I lid ittu:rdy a i j1_ land Park whe':a'the -loc al i nie? rireir dFlear iry il1, tuo 0.Th ir.-tinhiaif was a battis in et ery 5.-n.-i ofthie word with %%*au- kegan 1. Iioln 9 tihe-.'dg.-on ief- op- punFi-rin r, ailo t en r -id-, rn Thre baktield dld îii.-nt) of excellent fine lruring. îliinhdrrg their way op to I>.erh.-ldn 8ono- yard ine- oniy tai have the- i.ertl.-ld ine- too sturdy and tire bail w rt nier. The %Waukt-gan forwal 'i ahic1100field soidlilsand! amohni. mriany of Stossa't's andi 1ad1'r. at- lt-ai lin.- pIitngi-- Ini lact it!i i al it . nai ai wauk.-gan - wiio cii-ai s out-liayed Deerlleld. As çrIsiusiy relawed Waukegan mrk'-'l il' toI i i led .-one.- a id ,n - ,ranrrack iounc-ýi:,rim the tri- ,aît"îshîi'r.l.i, î,lungih , b I'n ti, ? t "îr llrvadai, i i:', Veuk gar.- ri,! 7aird lr.. ' t%-îl"i '-rru val fine.*- ii lont i ni-,.i;,,r .is'd n'r foi I-, Yait l but 1* w t ri p, '-. h ", 1 i i,- rînn.- d l strîgt' lt'~.' o n n-vv- tz MIT' * fI-5jrjlur uran attî-TT,t ic k 'iu- ,) 'l iî,ucliloati buti II.-. tim, fr.s f-- -'I in, -ni oitli.-r.1 t h. ia* stan,!' hiii- all a i-rt ns i- 'iThe aa-ach n,-ans- suc-s once wiren l'este-.r 1:ùk.-tirrougi, but couid flot fr.-i'i.- 'n'oo nîî- of Unewitz'liasses wjjir.h %aasJîst iryuund iis reach. 'lEhis w..- the.-ciomipar Wauk.-gan evër came t u scorlng. .Deerfliede Strongth Increases. The .- -r-rnd hail is a diffrenr stor-. C','h Bat-a ook guarri Jan- owitz and tackle Kiemola ouiutfthre contes t and put iichty arituar u'l Jereir ai tackle. Ilir.changi- evi dentiy bick.- thre unrry 0ou Wauio-gan*i attack lui thre louais neyer did get under sas .fl rira ast batf. A nu- ticeabli, a'.knebh in the local lUne wu aes'dent whean Deerfl.ids facka went tirrougir for gains varylng frornt fitre to fifteen yards until the)- w-r.- camped on WaukeKan'-s fis.- fard in.- They were staved off for two plava iut went acrosý,,rrn ý i ne - 1 tr, The goal was kir-ki-i Deerfield continued lier attack sic- Ioualy i the final iiteriod whie Wau kegan'. in.- gi-a hotu il o s1'i0-1.- Now it sas, iierii-li. ail iî. r-lid Tire auke-gan irack- s.-i-a.' out as a resuit 'if tlii ..i ,:il',UnT of tackling the3*-y rr.' I -i îiîU1i do wirerithe, lin- la,-i' orIi i.- opposing ba,-ks Il. s hol.- q'uar rer la a 5r,, . 4 , ui -*-ilnnof fi piungeia lor niiîl I.- iu Liss w ici) Lendeu itt. [).. ( î:.--ln. 'hei- cal goal tm.ti- and ki kinl. gol as rnany tr' Ouîtan(l.n'; ,e j 't- k, 1<-r J'ii. LYELL H. MORRlIS Attorney-at-Law LIIJEUTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Luce Building. Res. Phrone- 136M. Office Pirone 18. PAUL Mac GIJEFIN Attorney-at-Law LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Telepirore 33. DR. C. B. OUME Vettrinary Surgeon. Otfice at Reaidence Opposite Ree Motor Co. Garage. Phone 35. LIBIIRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. J. E. WALIM~. pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dies... of Wemen and Children a opscAaltï. WAUKBGAN, ILLINOIS. W. W. JOHNSON. D. D.& DENTIST Phone 841- 112 No. Gneo. St. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. DR. 0. F. BUITERFIED VETERINARY SURGEON Asistant Stase V$t@rnarlan. LÀIERTYVILLE. LLINOIS. DR. J. L TAYLOR Office in Frist National Bank Oldg. Hour:-l to 3:30 and 7 ta 8 P. nM. Renîdence on Broadway, opposite Park LIBERTY VILLE, ILLiNOIS. CH1An8RLSn R WIC teS wgs tire playing o! Plunîmer and Pet- ~1~~f taj35~gave a 'ai-rnIe" ruas, . 'ilEi'kI- ,tr. tr aStwr 1ofsreiI4I4 MNO UDANGER ,rnî Tiir- .vening wl. on, in-r Pester wA o1a1 sofnliohstradi-rgl JL u EInEdlsrious gante-s and i.- - funris, .Stewsart, liii 'î(oi-îi fgi-n to! D IL D A II Rrlli iliar;srmia î . Inincli jeauiors(n)rn t..i ie-h-di o.4tP.'l IOF IAPPL, P ILasi1ll)1)1 iisaIaMI, trie-il!)wi?1i7tv olin- î l '.' i .l'r-î'rd n d 0.alii'-:si-(l tiii' ". I i fer iwa- hillion a .n f,'-ii-rm II[ Ia EL~ a ir--.lli .--il --' i thlitougîî -'--',i aî tîî- toitr i ltvalIl àlrrut - d-~k a110 liwjVki fi" to, %, [,ýýZ:ur-N ew'Market outiets prevent ;raik tot,i%'aniinaIii su. Id ju ii'-i-ri hina-t, n PIl-ut:ti- . any overproduction of fruit aigrollil Aritii--'- i - i hua firsr foot ball. i., a . orring -- -:t!- n Illinois, expert says t Ilinis. Aîia Ne-uîtil i. iin m cari, sl,oIîi..h 1.a-t 55 il: t4-tir,' highe.-tt ratingin 0 - ,l'1 n ii'-'rîrijron. Mdn. rri- i,. . t iîi,.h. ' i-i i inAoitic Ami-ican hirsftt-. -ari tliroùglri.>-.i Ir'ls i-ro- - !, r i-irî-In îi ul tiand-i,%%-w 'xpo'1 StAi-suiiandadw3in Th, , iahnnpI-h piiçetrtg îni)- oh eaf% La r ,Eda Naumnarn r-eil i 1in '-ading and bittons aiiIl-ri t ii;i Ilin lias ntii-, bP.-'i - . lanIh' 'of O()%liProduction of [a t t-ni Sch and.r!in.,[--- footbal and aiready Is 9: ),,-ne- itantI p--n h-- fi' manM )Pas t-) cour'ic AeShad eý, i iirial riise brighitens tiei.-linesisI'n sîalit. ,roring tai W.S. Brock ren in geography. fntxryear's isîuad In, a gri-a: .A x 1 i-tIPio lîPiiali-ir in ior',crnlfur, ai oéuoftire laugloabl' inari - w's. diii.- ail [ilaed seil n tîjeinua' .i-ijeld 1 t'ndt irarl i no r dbein îr tnIi. - - t riod tins. at r r, il'b Iando taieyinobably oulî ave bae abit onjis ne on lt92 r- ue -ordbgnwt a~iI lauche a orppri at,,i,. psus Tir' decreasp in tire nuniber o! "Gi-t soun ihorse off tire roi)' tlniet aln.- n rs t'K in avlrŽarid p[ucilirnes in tire 'nftted 'Tiro days of tire wea-rIl -ii-1.1 --.iri tirelas irit.StatP-- as gis crsby tire 1920)enrmss witlr capital jettera. Stewart. tIhe uucir taiki--i olfr-culot-itaost starriing esen tri those wlin- ed star. didn'î do ano muci i i t ~5 have hAen most famîliar with tire -it- 000 O00000000O000000O e-p-itPois r O Uriull ii' iet hIaeririon' -sai]Profi-osor B-o-k. h-r-n -aid in las-run f tro.No flashs i '"Tii-nuniben of hearing appleti..- -0 R OS E CR AN S o hlpi'0iiiedron.,. e-'r'!fl ii'n' 1l"2-' as- 115.265,î-29as- cinipm,,l 000 0000000000000o : O -e.--lIs gril lrr,'îting irl s i-d i W ir hi S 32 I 4, n t i. I - ecieaAo,.-ai jinlrOi i- î rr lnihioIrit. :e07iI n 2'M.,. -i i.nuii M and M ra. A. Dix n n il M r. and1 wa-r.- miio.t s. 1iiiil - mu tiio.ýei-c rî,îbehir îo; vrng 'r.'.-- ar tiio-.,' sîrirliMn. Lon Benne-T' anid -ýtri:'t:iî, -. . i' rt 5.t naries.-oirng ambe.i-'- ss i.cil mi e-.iti~.*-------------~, giser, i"2617i6'4 a 'nçra i- it, Bel'ide-i' oa-eêk 0Kag-i" 6 57.4'tinr 11 T ,-.z.-figue-- nd Sonda>. ti-.dit-:--i i 'y.,.- , li. 9, ha ; n d Ml Gard'-. F. i ,:i i 1; - *- .rti., i - Peic --n' îatailiu s iti-d i-li'rs-e, - - t ST'...' 55 TIi.- nul,'-, f,.-ai ing î.ar T.-l, M i- Le-na Winherri ,ti Iit' 1 .'rg5 , V 'lii'rct-e-irgMn-lIrori in:itir. ai ' - %v* : sn92";wa:,.>h1î(rtîs inaii.E2tirer.ur-'t i --'i fi--iMi, aid rsNs. J. 1). Na.-N, NýI itpi.,li.t ý . ýý rt h i-a h- i1,-n r rdA. Dîxon w,'L- i 0Wau Ne-it - '2 trZ- w-,-21.-,jitS roirsîard i- Wth i n iiision us, - of kin rron husine- Wed-rit' thA local i-r .1" r.* inrî i4.bai, .. e4. we,'. Ti.- lo-a g llrui f . lii i i4 Sc, i -,-o: ', Ninrr--l-- i-n Mi-dai and Mi-- Mil- - Il' Waukg.-r Th ~t , lui,,:- - - Tîh~tinul.r I apIr -- i u-'i iLoioni-tr-d Mn. and i Nt ,l!t.i'i i1-- 'an ,inte-rrstrîg ron., - -i:n(ling - T- -rip--Iatw-1 Notes on thre Gante. lili, i- "an 't-.-f4!arg iR-s NM!uHarrison S--ril' i- ('enter Kenyn iof Waukt-gitti w,1 t -ai h.- home- rt Mn. and) M - E lid-]a nain> nmarks 0f thumgain.- onrih-s !e.-Tr-- Baiing si-ik ago last Sunday. for souni.- tîni.-in tortu ui-i :12, 1'friifO'-àNI, sri d Mls F E. Ht-l n n-lti snîasired nosear nd a ml-'- î- 128t >.9îîfi,627 4Sliait.. niturnned roin a li --k-' 'l ')adlv di-coloitl ee5--oa 162859 14.359.672 htimirWcni tr-in .27,St6 55,764821 If. Ti. -e 'e 'ta-a-n ," i Prohrahlv tire blgg.--' ci ilwJ .Tu .- Not Beaing Th.We-demtas ritiisai-- ,b- î)n. Wauicegan tans es-en f0 4o joan '-o12" 19>,-ie Dteeraet tna ibti gari- w'r.- n n,- 11 25,886 2,54S,301 281'3if Mrs, 1 C. C.nmak. sîrndnce Saund>-to se-- thieir Mi.sou:i i 585S~s2.833 56.2 Res' Mn.Harrisonn wa, -~rii- tdl .fae Indiana 929.161) f961.974 526 at tireironme ot Mr. and M, J. Stro Tire cheering of ah irorhon- a.,iran. Sr., alat Sunday. quile sPIrjte-tJ between ialvs.--u 11. -000 00000O000000 00 00 Miss E. Nelson ur Antioch isiýsitinc, MAel-i tudenis gatirerëd in a m,.up in hAU t ~5er nepirew and nlece. Win Ni and (ý thP-- entffer of tir.-fieInld ,hr.,ri-- 1,) 0nn S A<> (J i A S S.. o E. Gehling, tris week. i-ai 'tudenr,.-xr-rîrad isn-'n anv.' 000000 00000 000 Ms Certifaitentertar-ci ht-r moth v i-h finrsired wir 'hu.A rk- The IreMt>er anrd Poregy girls en- r and brother last Sufdfi arijunsl tir. iPrnl.<1 1t-Joyed an outing at Gage'a Lake- Sun. TireMount Reat l2ernehr-t: A,socia de-rt i. A te,-s r4-ts I--1sfD: 1 day afternoon. tion will give a cilcken pi.- su')per and rnatrun i-- ir-n ans) i.- s'i--r- bazaar next Friday es'ening. Otab.'r dilibaid.-d ton tir i.-ude waz abs-en' ail w.-ek 14tir. at tire Newport Communit> _______________ h-caus ut r15 yesbuilding. A cordial welcni- .x'.ndi-d Wauke-gan i .'ative-, 'îî'cPd the-%"an ho ail. NORTH C ICAGO lHa-rkpfarrli'.Sunday >e Mn ans) Mrs. Suirling entenuaines) Williams Scirool Items ER y Suoda. Our- scirool is golng tri gis'. a ha-ike Tirer.- s a l a rbas)au'tomobîile-Social. TEÀ I L S mahil îonfli-rvidi-r-iroad Sunday. W.- are preparing two oi dpIas ThI'- Ti s h:.- v-'- n- Mrt Va a-kma-ecsdtake you hold your aides. t -t! wa-r-fi t 41.riI P -,ailTue-da>, as hneit rothier made -a i omen. please bring baskets.Tire - i iî~îj -nil...k.- r..i s ît tri th,. dentre' social wlll be ireld Friday es-ening. ,j--i imejr tihgiIid , -i' Sî:rid v ui Mrs. Mack we-nt ta Chicago Wedries OctOber 28th-tire FaIt Arbor Day. Ev- t.-,noo wliwn i.--No! ir-i, ",a4tI 'la> wh.-re air.-undera-ent an ouiena- erybod.y welcome. i -ail il - lt-a---- *l-!,I ' - li on SMr- Mhck -,isited hie-r Sunda> and tOur afiendance waa gond during tire ilub:n iPrîi- t'.- -uth! lb-ivPo, i-i elc-îriiîîori a -ati.,ioctoir,' montir uf September. Thiteen puplis lu':-,Trhu.-4-ode-lat tai ., RobAt Thiormas arc uego mari)y btas-oft he seaenteen still aîtending wene 'i.- , Ia' T lui-ti -0 aihiains.' i' 0,Sn(las ans) becaorne s -ry -ick No neitirer tandy nonr absent Ii-iTi- 'à:;, - ii'-- t, i -Tr,- dit bîanan toui lin iLast week rrfi itour second grade 'l ii- ia~iti r-I to I tIr'-Maud Lusk and] oui'.r-pupila. Leonard Krteser. tooved tri frNo~rt i Chiicago :u.ioîî.' îri. ntamn i l, ss.~ e]t leHERacine. leas'in g Aiex Smith alune- in I - o, fing s1inz flOTlotrras 1iiil> SurI.loys the.- tiss 'lin 5 - mal-tsri 'sr--- iiin tnTlea nj d h-r' TliiOv ai-i.- ex,, W.-are kee-ping warm n spire of a o,; i x' tuse- ri u'iî -<oI Tiie-oday ut iast broken grate inn on fornace. Edwanrd 55rie- Ji',- oa,-î t5.e 2i-' s-.-Aintoatt'-rd the golden wedding an- Jaquz lisfirernan. t fo- uni.nilvr-.aii-u 'or treir gandparents. Mn- Teacirer- 'VIro aa-iKosciusk? t'~'-I le-t vis., o-- .n I and M ' [hron tour'. in Lîbetyvî'll-. Pupil:-'A mn 'hiue-.- Tire- ir,-' ronitî of -cirmnicloses 55ll,'l ",ki., s' îi------Tucida > , sîthuit'iretn absence>. 900000000000000000 andIlosir rgirt 11,-n- 55-ne- auneenneithr-tardy nul 0 CRI DL EY S CH OO L o Nr-xt Sundaý 'h.- iiii.nd Park 1 absr-nu Wibun Mack woarasentf rmeer- 0 sii,0 0 0 0 0 rean wii timîcirh hrsesirues at North: ditsbar-t aeek with sor-c tiroat 0 0 0 O0 0 0 0 00 Chîcagoa A sihs-i'r cup wilt ire civen Tr mhrouio cro ao-- lire ~ ~ ~ Q. winru ietire Oo o o o o O Op O0o O OOOO O O oand we have a fine attendance record. 0 F OX L A KE 0 Twenty-elgirf »upils have iins fer bei-n DuratoletoThunder. OO O000000000000000 O enrolled. seven of wici are In the The cilef factor lu thre prolongatiorn Tire Won's Club of Fox Lake wî elgirti grade- and ses-en in the tret. Mapeal Out tiUader La tire diffeence ioid a baker ysale at Landrs.A- Miss Keller is our teacirer again thia Of-tlme requlred for the sound lu travel uno wahngtoma scme Andby ridyalrno a petmkn ta ltse Observer tram different point. tresir home niade cakes, pies and nice ciay afdravin 0flav 8et a Nr alOU thre polir of discirarge. cwir dach dougirnuts.r Ntur mayb. a mile. or perhapase»verai. Tire elgirtirmeeting ut the Parent- b5tfi ,Tie irldr naest bro Ugirt - miles. la Ieneh. Under nome cou- fTeaci rr' Asociation met Sept. 23, at iruterfe.. biareof ne ta mIk e i ditonos reffectilns of lb.esound roca which irs. E . P.Sayles swaa elected oda o.t. hharutgatiepl eis. bgI& Metc.urtirter proiop tir héoi-au pro term. A commttee vas a , oert ouga fkh.qkýo geai. polnted ta revse the contîltton and i-Veilbet Dougcla af 1h. OUkwtu ________________________by-Iaws, wich irad been found to e e goûts for lhe wlnter. - lnadequate. Sylvia Tirumba iras been niell for the DR. W M. LE V IN MaryPolmsteer ,WnUI sek Bx Mis Mr. tadvee.J.Kslradamy DIINTIST deay, October 14. ai tire regular meet- ali. nt lia. J. elatr a homein> Located in Merchanta and Farmeas ig.Ail are lall.d. I1pet]LÀa«attir lttr' brn l Bank Building ai Sunday Scirool every Sunday mar- Mr. and Mrs. P. Barre aai famluY GRYS LAME ILLMNIS. ing et 10:30. Everybody welconie. vimted relatives at Evanaton Suaday. -Offce Huri-Mr. and ira. Gus Sloerp calies i a Frani 91000-a.911.;Fro0002016666 ,tireWilliam flrockman home 1MoadaY Gaa Adminlatered and - o M ADDEN.SCHOOL o eeI. Non'. locking...0000000000 .o000 o00 Harold Thatcher and wtfe.vhobhave THURDAYSANDSUNDtS ire cirol mati asdd Otobe 71recentil corne over frein EQlImd. bave THURDAY ANI SUDAt Theschol mnthendd Ocobe 7.moved on ta tire Oakw6od Farm. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Tirose perfect ln attendance were a Arthur Sebar han bens buey ail tire !ollows: Enslo Guinnerus, Richard paut veek taking picturea Of tire girls F. IAIRSOW 'Mulder. John Haleurs. Rafael Gum- i at sciiooi. MANUFCTURE 0F nera. Harry Hais.a John Epker, Clif. 1 Many peopletramntirhe district at- MANUPACUREROF tord Hoyer, Edward Shresck, ]Edna lended tire bail gaine at Long Grave MAll ADGRNIE Stoîzman. Maria Scirwandt, EIlIY Sunday Tire gaie vas pîayed bce- Schwandt . Gertrude Schwvandt, Gladys 1 veen Palatine and Long Grove, tire 5H»EIUENTSMulder. Annie Vict or, Helen Guni- score belng 3 ta 9 In favor of Long monl mmens, Helen Scirwafldt, May Victor, Grave. ce.mtoy wok of EVer7 Berthra Victor and Berthra Scirreck. iTire boys of tire aciool bave argau. 1Tirere vas a blrtirday party given Ized a ball teani. wth Arthrur Scirar as a t tireironie of Mr. ans) Mn. G. Hutf-'p~itcier and Arthrur Peglow catcher. on Wednesday, October 51ir In Marsirall Tiratchrlistire star baller. CORRSPONENCESOLIITED honor Ot Lydia Scbwandt aid irer; Watcir for tire annouiicenient of a lIS Sooth ErnE SOL. s< TyirDoad ucopatand tie vn-!in tire al tu begiven at. tire cirool lire a--k tri, -----lancheywail aerved. arartrantedan-Intee fur. It took, YEARS andEARS to develop CAýMEL QUALITY We worked on Camels for years before we-put them on the market. Years of testing-b1ending-experi- menting with the world's choicest tobaccos. And now, EVERY DAY, ail our skill, manufactu'-- ing experience and Ilifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making Camel the best cigarette that eau be produced. There's noihing else like Camel QUALITY. And. there's nothing else like Camels -Nonderf ul sm oothn-,-rss, fine tobacco fiavor and lýRELiDOM, FROM Clt;A- RETTY AFTERTASTE. That's why Camel poupularity is -growing faster than ever. A better cigarette cannot be made. c ~ 4 ~ We put the utmost quality into THIS ONE BRAND. OUR WANT ADS.f SURE .RESULTS_ North Tirains Traja for the M. S' oppmg Tnp Leace Libortyviiio 5:48 a. ni. 6: 18 a. mi. 6:48 a. mi. 7: 18 a. mi. 7:48 a. mi. 8:,18 a. mi. Il: 48 a. mi. 12: 18 p.. 12:48Sp.. 1 ; lep.m 1: 46 P. . 2: 18p. ut Every 30mi" thefîer until:- DowC TsWn to 4:48 P. nm. 5:18 P.M. 5:48 P. IR. Theatre 6:18 p. M. Trains continue ta run at 30 minute intervala until 8:48 p. m.; then 9-48 p. m.; 10: 18 p. m., and every hour îhereahter ta 12:48 a. m. Mai scghdusi. is operafed on DayligIst Savisg tùsse. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee 1Re R LIBERTY VILLE TICKET OFFICE PHONE UBERTYVU.LE 74. A R0 ~areI. i ."nDi TOU= e, os m....é&.uC.t Shoire -Fast-and -Frequent Ls Bluff 6:03 a. mi. 6:33 a. mi. 7:03 a. Mi. 7:33 a. Mi. 8: 16 a. mi 8:33 a. mi. Arrivein oemo 7:25 a. m. 7. 55 a. m. 8:25 a. m. 8:55 a. me 9:38 a. m. 9: 55 a. nt. And .vry aif hour untl 10: 48 a. nm. 12:03 p. . 12:33 p.,a L:03 P. . 1:.33 P. . 2:05 p. a 2:33 p-n 1:25 p. m 1:55 a.m 2:25 p.. 2: 55 p.> 3:25 p. a 3:55 P. a 5:03 p.n. 5:33 p. II 6:16 p. . 6. 33 p. m 6:25 p. w 6:55 P.. 7:31 p.. 7:55 p. n,

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