Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Oct 1921, p. 4

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~beryville Independen t Coune - CotIdnemim Wauegan WeekEy Sm aot t the. Poatoffice *,i LiiertyviUe, ""' , s Second Clasa Mill Matter. Offica Tolophons Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. W.> MT- - ----.----**----.. Editor au . -r ...... .- . . ..Manager W4A& . O.NAI.LEY .. - -------------------- ----- -.. . . - -.Local Manager àA KOVE IN THEE IGHT DIRECTION. Tb# State cf Wisconsin seems te be awakening te the neoesity which en" in practically ail the states te improve the perai aystem cf eduica- t*ol Smosif the states possesa systemi that arc fuacflnng in a most uifdctorY inanner, but there ane few Ïhat cannot bu made more efficient. -- h'Wisconain, several promusent business mi realised that -there was mmsthla wrong with the sohool systea of their state, se they crganized tuaIves intc a coumttee cf one hundred and f ifty tc mnvestigate the Mst.a olucational machine and devise muais for increasing its efficiency. !he asures they suggested are as follows: Pirst-To provide sufficient lunds sc that ech sohool dua Wt mctay employ competent teachers and have the best build- âage aiequipsiet sourable. 1USeosu-To establisis a nuit cf taxation large enough te pxvilo for omsolidatol ichools ini the rural districts. Thir-To extend aid broaden thse normal school courses mc asite provide enough well equxppud mstructors to teana the yoth. of today te met the duties that wil rest upcn the ctisens cf to- S morrow. Fourth-To paus laws insuring tie regular attendance dur- ing fixed ternis of evçry child physically and mentally fit. Se far as they go. these suggestions are excellent, but several more improvements must be made ini the school systenis of many states before * hey will be able to function to the satisfaction of those observers who bave the best interests of the pupiîs and communities at heart. Sufficient lundi to carr-y on the work are, of course. necessary; a unit of taxation large enongh to furnish consolidated schools in rural districts is needed. .1.e broadening of the normal schéoo courses in some instances is advisable, Yhie compulsory attendance ]aws as împeratiu'e. as it wvould avail little sî provide 'the schools unless their use was made èbiigatory. Jesidea fhelicwse suggestions made by the Wisconsin business -men, it Would sem aisfhough fhey might well have included a provision sim. plifying the imposition and coUlecton cf the school tax, parficulàrly if the *'»SOadn recousmendations are te be'of ruai service te school authoritiei ta other statea. Here in Floride, for instance we have fhe cumbersomE Mmd "UatiafaotorY systens cf ievyi'ng by stafe, oounty "d district.A *tooug revision cf Uic 'metisod cf taxatm for rauinsg sohool revenue lbu bom deciarud by Dr. James I. Angeil te be one cf the fwc compelliss M" Olof AMerican education at the present time, thc other fondamnental Mil~ behg inceascd Provisiie for teacher traîung, both as tealt am qamtty. Two more compefling needs cf the Anserican educational system are ti.boa for mentally deficet children, and scisols-both xmght aid la] -e-where forcugaduitsam$ be taught Uic Englüsislaiguage. These ad ~tmiare .80cluch importance, aid would enta» such an increase ýbOtuio Pon ildividual counnunities and state, that it centa ebc a dut, MU ~lboit be carricd ot by thc national govrnlnent, and that th, uightbu relievcd of this burden without, in any manner, partinl 1vua rigit or loing a part cf their sovereignty. At ail evenfi, Uic car Sof. the mentally defiojent, and Uic training cf forcign aduif s in the use c tihe Engish laftguage arc suhjecfs deserving the careful attention cf th; ýIest minds of 'Uic country. IIRUE COMMNES 0F NATe.4iUARDS FOR WAUKEfiANý »S~tion of state armory and moimental band here practi- cally assued Location ln Waukegan of two untle3 fNational Guarde, s company et lwitzers and on. .cempany cf intan- r-y bave beesi.authisied, and tise b- p f a regimentali had bei-e prie- y ue l wus annaunced F1- s>' tolio th tis brea dsdys visil me «colCe. W. E. Hemen4ray, cf tise Mr Illnois bnfantry. l1aW i a part et Goy>. Leu Smai's OMOsive state mi»tary plan in whichs 10 10bUclrdby tise faderai geveru- iieliti. mýhîi tationiiiof .the ri) muo tîantes conting tlîrought Adi. Gei Location ut a state arniory lu Wat kegan is aIs., beîng atîempted as th one aiready iocated ber, - l o ,vial tr future reequicemenîs. Ex-sers icenier, are signlng up fç lthe ccquired une-year enlistment an tîvilians foc thcee yeacs. Remuner tion iii St the rate of 1-30tb o!fha pay. for ecti drill and tisose ou il towest enlistment whli receive e teast $1 for eacb drill nigisi. Tisey wi drill an bouc aLd a hall. Tisey wi neceive two weeks la tise field Cp year ai the rate o! $80 a mentislit a higber rate of psy sccordlng1 rank, Il ta ptanned to boid a mass mes ing soon for tise purpose cf taikiî ovar lurtier plans cncernîLg enii menîs and backing tise. new armei project. Pirat in Laike County'-lThe INDI PIENDENT. -Will have a carload of BEST, Wis.consm Potatoes on track about Omtober 1 t. Price about $1.60 per buahel at the car. J. R. Mulholland PHONE 336-M Preaching at 7:Zo p. n~. Thought aol CR05 16D VC te Think for Tehmmeivef;.. This sel' vice_ will have the inoatin f-' DR P AM urChristian Endea%%'tur choir. TII AIITflE TO D O D M EMETHOOIS7 EPISCOPAL Prayer meeting Wedne8day, Outobe. SU T SeKE OS A Th>:cinew pasur.t le Bey. Chaile., l9th. There will lie adiscuCHUl T ri' T (T mestsage Sunday iîr.rnlng. Dr. Dickey j meeting. is a tberough-going Christian gentle- The Ladies' Aid Society will nave a:vu Atty. Orvis says report case mani, a guod preacher, faitbful pastel., att-dafy meetîbig at the chiuicitrO-jNe aeyg wilb ropdi ntig kindiy adininistrator. He is çrogres- Wednesday, Oct. Io M.. t q w saet gf i inventedl is ,Ive in hi sideas, bas the courage of bis ;iIase take notice. i foolproof against careless but "1propaganda" convictons and wilgive syrpathy There willilbe ne meeting O. uiflier automnbilis wheresympthy blong. We espek theBoy cof America nor o, th Mrs.. Bertha Smith and Mrs. Mac- for hlm the united support of this Camp Fire Girls Tuesday é.ening, Oct1 garet Strang. twe Waui<egan Vidows cburcb and the confidence of tbe coin. l8th. Members wili kindliy note thiis, Officilm o f theC fhicagc Noi tii whose husbands met death as a re- munity. His gond wife will acconipany annoticement. 1Shore ard Electric ra.lroad have suit cf an automobile accident in Ke- hlm on hb is ta appearance. Choir practice eacb Fridas eve'.i. ested s new .Sa'lelv g.-fi' fi te' nosha. are going te keep tUp their The services ut the cburch wiIt bie MIS. SaYre. o'-ganist; F j. Wrigil.' road crossinrzs wl,(i is, l . t i.E:id. fight te collect damiages of large as fuitova: rhcisicr. orr, ndiepb fCl ufaaitOecale s amounts f rom Kenoaba. 10 a. m.-Sunday Scbool. S&batb Schaolol kradtepb 'vll(O"aanttecaûe i At any rate tbis ta the content of'Il a. m.-Morning worsbip. lic generaiiy, are invited tu attend the tumnotile driver who now andti h.n a sizziing tatement given u by 6:30 p. m.-Epwortb League. Sunday Scboo Iconventien heid at the drives through the uld !aý,ione 1 ther atoney E.V. ocfut 7:30-Evenlng worship. Methodist cburcb on Friday and Satur. ,wnod -1 gale and ivake, uî aitb F, kegan wbosasys that the suggestion day. October 21 and 22. Frlday eve- harp. that tise case wouid bie dropped is We wish te express Our hearty ning, October 21, the speaker will lie. The new gale willot Iet an au- "propaganda" against bis clients. thanks for tbe many courtesies ex- Rex'. Shaninon, pastor of the Centralý tomobile pamB. i[t le tcnhected ai Mr. Orviî la the attorney for the tended te us during our brief residence ICburcb, Independent. Chicago. Dr. each end witb s4tout irun piltaim snd iestate cf the two men wbo met death cf two years, for the loyal suppgct, Shannon, la a man wlth anI nternatlon. liftts and lowers tike an lc~ io and lie evidentiy bas net been great- especiaily of tise Epwortb - Lastie. km'al reputation. and itlal a rare privilege' Whe i down. if an autorncxiile runm ]y Imprescd with the decision cf the and Sunday Schooi workers. Aise, we for Lbertyvilie te licar sucb a man. i mIe. it, the gaIs. gives severbi feet supreme coqt ofetWisconsin wbich wlsh tb acknowledge the fine feiiow- an int latY bounces the car back heid tsaItishe Cty cf Kenosisa was ahlp of eus- coleague, tbe Rev. E. C. A speci ano-, wililiea put on aI the like'a rubber bail. net directly iiable. In bis fora Morgan, and tise encouragement cf tbe Auditorium Theater next Monday eve- While Britton 1. Hudd, preoident ef staemet i-vs sins battireae business maen cf tise CoMmuIiitY. ning, Oct. 171is, for tise benefit of tise tbe eteyated fines; .11. J. Ieroc, gen. bave been mkade te make an expos- - aizn fund. Tise headline picture willtion and D. J. Palun. generai man ur&-wofanme of ised auti ns 0 ise PREOBYTERIAN stueTom Mocre in ,Gùing Some."' ager, looked on two cars wer.- sent ment thbo reled ut a in ets Eari C. Morgan> Pastor. A good comedy wll aiso be given. again8t tise gate ai hîgis vpead sud tbe a sret ofot ontes. ee Sabatb Sciseol at 9:45 a. nm. William Twi.o shows wlii ise given ai tiseusuai bounred. th Caiut !fise ourtsnd.11 G elSp.W tiefor a tbor-i prîces. The management hopes teu1Il 15 t)roliosed Io put n.-w gale( "This propaganda bar bcen gcing og nweg fteWr.Awl ,hve as large crowd te belli the worthy; J aiSsci u Evý r<'. ugs on 'I.- un ever since Ibis case wa.q slarîed coet1al cause. ue and hav becme hactiy sîk or Preaching at Il s. in Juný,or congre-'________ and 1gatien. Topi hofrtie msrniuofmessage.1 the methods used against tflCse wid Loatio.Ticof Me A in mnutnber oi: memis-rF outht(tLiber- Ti,e ,osbibilît;. of :i,e t. c.n : uws,.n ohan,' atdAttOiv ( Christian Endeavo. al 6.:30 P rM 'yville NMasonir t.adge we'nt tiMIlte I'icefil undae &F weil as lower vis vin lus FIatemen' l . On 'rpîc 'ssone Froun the Patriote burin Saturday nlghî and exemplified tîntes for oîbkî iced dishe- willl, be ie lsoccasion 1 na;is 11 fl1 ih1si"eaadet. WiliirLiirfll<ie .'ork of the Master NMasons degres discussed a i te,annua1 conveulsî b% certain peuple inierk 1ed m I'in the Nlllburn todge ,A fine stijpi ruofthl(.enaiional associati.înotf Ili s l'il of Ktnosli', aili (jc. llwiias secved. and the t.îtsrri'vil- hoy. 111,Il l1la LU1a1li f, i ,- v'li i ( Lo; r. -1 illît tie Daie.- (,f iii ,ý !Cf. ,LaOILt5 Ai's Ia report a.îcoud lime :îrc ils , *:,î îa. lîî. folurtcd liat lb.- ilý' Vourd i nu:DTI Loc S hort Items Mrs. E. L. Sayr Irtu, lu Chicago Wf Mrs. Chartes La were Waukegan v ernoon. Miss Lillilan Kol oftfriends and celat tira' of the week. Mi. sud -Mcs. ja alid Mrs. James Dla ited at 'hi L. V.Lî Hill. .as ,,sn la.>îe(l ,îî .-. î.z , ;î c . utsltrin brinigine thIr:. 'N", ~,visîîoi, alurdi - li- h 1.en ai] o<.l-, ld 0 lb.' chiir.' e Il,, and ,mi- I;la I1ro-1' mimî' .vpmm'.ure lise ~ - . .11 *î011ï- 't:'. l t' il Ilbere ii, ar hall laitî fmî ' v i -i eltile. ot dispostion t te 1., ir N.. j Nilsi Cken m i ja Le' ( îLanr * rot be-en ou our aide .1 t 5Vî! 1 Iro iiln i, J Ire .ented by anyho.; y e kvot ngNIt oui I ît i le, le Ou:r case is mach s. .aL:(r Ihan . o-. sGlace U1. 11 -. .nut ~ . was before sud if the'.- î ]mn1.oent Sunsiay wîlîih ils %iSêle mii nds pression that we could be bluffed byI- le any qf the persons inîerested inlo M. and Mo 2FîsucIFi'fiIp 'e - D à waiving our igble lu btd lite city weeiî end guesîs or ftrond- in Elgîi eaccountable for bote in te street lthatubad been there for tnonths and aud Joliet ýg illid ip witi s oft mus b ush le ul d Mr. snd tNi- : sair> Ii. Iton and [ ____________________________________________ out witbln an heur or two, and the tamily w,-re Waua'-gan vsslOrs la-m = cool ractoi, wbo dug the ditech, furbid- den bv tise taws and ordinances to ce. aud> ptace tise saine. by continually put Mis ablSg- sletrul f ting aucust uffin the oewspaptic and Ms aelSg ibldtied.1 throwiug il îin 0cr face and cisargeîng Chiagua teada a ndte I', l'n O bad faih then tbey are figurnug on last week. a~~~~ rrn.teyM a ndhMrm. Jc-seph is lson enter- tained Mr. sud' MrF ýC . i tlson. 0 d fIDNAPED I RL ChÇ('icago Sunday. HELD CAIVE IN isHri' oisneItak= ctober 15 and 16 UWVU 1AY pent several days witb M!.'and Miis ig WAUJPL AN B3en Clybourne lat ____________________________________________ wte 'e -isDrlyScueano 'f. aptors held lier, in local kMaiss Doîontblie wSchnxn;,, îî ie rooming house while they Veî,~m'wîçe fd"laud eville at 'the 1 sought ransom of father Mîr'.t. NMiiilen si-d i "Eh: I -Aie-r' V i ndal-i i ni ; i i îm'il Mt a'nsd Nrs J. E. Smith,. mül l r nifiý m, lot il. ibis state, are cejoicing oin A di o iuT h at r n. eh. return of theii 17-y.eaî i old a-d to r daughter -Lucilie' wl..i.,habe-n anî u- misalog siiice'Aug. 4tb. Laîst Augîtt M-I J. n .Li. . te Mc. Smith, sybo is a wealthy tarnie' 11 .fInF i'D( t M i l, nk .Eieriid i î Il1 at Milford was a victîm of attempted *te.- Lar' e, îî N;I ,U aîli a ford o n 1., hlackmaii hy men wbo were aithila;i;,,tlurdav. ucr tille thought to he nembers ofa id gang opecating frons Chicago. Mr. Mis,- Miii. Woiricgý lg m}.io j l ra Smith paid no attention 10 repeated uý nnh c'siiCicago spent ~tca l l 's dmadsfr ony hcîwa t c ibhear ents, Mî .and Mc- B. i D 0 1't forget d te -' c .15,16b daugbtec. Tise matter.-was duyr- FtrNilgano Wauconda isj Cb ported to tise officiais wbo, tisough 1 here visiting bis daugister. Mr$. Hagdv r o e w l n o h s s o to eery effort was made on tisaîr part erîy. Mr. Numageacti ha' been il]. te lodale tise missing girl, sera fore- buttais nreving. et-d 10 acknowledge defeat. I On Sept. 2. Mr. Smiths went te The Ladies of St. Lawrece pis co-I v e y b s va dile mic- ,Cst cg-n nlse ieai fts pal cisurch will botd their annuai suip- SCommercial Detective Service witb =adbaarTesaNv.-9 n offices ln Soutis Chicago. Operatîves peradbza ussNv 9 i Iron tisat sgency were sent te Mil- Tbus-sday, Dec. 1. -~s r l l a e and follewed, to Ch4pgo sud f rom MisaLilia itebut, isa Eizabeh = thtitîy te a roominlus in Wau- Aikofen and Mrs. Rese Aikefer were M tregan. wisere tt vausardt at the gueste of Mr. sud Mrs. Josephi Dada =s1* -irl bad been * tatea, W Miwaukee, in Gurnea Priday evenlng. E n u~U uath l &Vs. Tais>' Mr. and litre. Smitis are MNî 'fK.IIK i ~ fJ happ ma ten Amasfther- L ttle f l s W üli it, t= hipy oer iseretrn t tsel jMre. MN tl eft Wednesday lot ber- Detecttves lu Mivuakee whiei-e se io weeki witb ber daugister, Me.T. u e . ,..1 ..£1luv, -Operativua ci tihe Chicago Detet- R. Moses, and famliy nortis ot town. i u v j j I v I ~ fIu w t1ve Agency are now working upon, ete' =r fen skn w Information aupplied b> tise girl tisaI -tire. W. B. Seybcld aid child-ren re wUIl leai tiste appreieaalon efthtie turned home Wedne"adleter end-0 entlire gang. P, fi - ing a week .Sat tle isme o! bier brother. Tbree y«er ago ai-. and lira. Willim Wood, and faUniy. in JoUet difficuilesaiat wici Lme Mrs. Ms-. and lira. Edward Cas--ci entai--- Smiths went teo icago but was iuter tained as lis Sunday gueula Mr. aid reune o e bsad thruhev:Mr. RosTaylor aid dasigiter, of t41AJI)J-VLLIS Service. legai, Mich., and Mrs. Clama Taylor, of__ According te tise story'*tise girl Waukegai. se wua held captive in tiseVAWaDke- tan roomtng bouse by tise gang Mn. aid Mrs, 1. T. Lassawortbhy, Misse_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wbicll bad kldnaped lier, tise deaIre Mabel Jolisnse. MisesUiveanor tsu hein& ta bcid lier. untit ber fatiser bgrd, Ifisa Lorraine Hubisardaid Mies=E weuid pay a ransom. Sise was spirit- EIizabeýhs ngbam motored t ODeKalb:~* i- ed to Miwaukee wisen tise idnapers AT a T H E iearned tisai detectîves were seeking Sunday and. visited Miss Stella Lang- Zj tiseni lefe. wrli3'. wio is attending scisoo i a 0e7f~1 iregtcar bandits who tnoted FME M U M M M M sigit mrchsdiecac un Notis Harold Thacher, residing near Aiea weterni road train, bound for ;.îîl Wil5 arrested Su-nday morniug hy Dep- waukee. near Upton, atlisctothing and ut;. Garni Warder, Keî n. for huni 91 ssoas. sortis over $10,000. mio-rdin'--1 i Wthout a ,ce e s'as accaigu d le a report Frida>' by Chief Special1, B3'ealsIng tiese gais and foccinu i Morris. -svho. ii[i.n a pies -oh gtiiiîy !)bD rt l il , c o e 1 n 6 ut-. n -s-doors ofit ie car*; ahile t ii ttcj! iîr tmloss-d a fine of $25 antid train. 's-a. mos'inCoufeulerates arairess, totaiing $305. The garni' iarden1s heil ccd lu. ha eP tilloI'. cd lu an atîit -at-e k, lin1, .i atp lokout toi- viola- d ls 5 ;C id,2 c lodpccus the lt0. part tonuttiga.-las.ndisitluAd t,5 c;C l re ,2 . of te -tdýe.nmereisindise was, recev-,! dnsof: itir( gielas ndit WÇII ie «1P imtise traeks. nl-rd ocnpymihfl as Youn@ institu the us We st '*homf MER( affalP lu us. of lthe Yst,fn t., oifl d'e i WE WILL SOTA POT Spet TI-ESE PC WILL BE FORE YOI The Club Phones 24 DON" GET col .-Frc You' SALT SA TIiS WE 2Bbl. LIN -TO ON CUSTON i R, Electric Plant For Farms A T lower cos: than city curreht, WIllys Light junior bringa tu the farta benefits cf electric power and ligit. It la large enough for ligutsanad amali power mu and is run by the wooderful afircooled Auto- Lite esigine-generator. Ca» and ses itis Plant. DIEU7 MOTOR CO. Telephcnv 8G IBEITMwVITI 'F ILL.

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