LIBERT«Y'Vi LLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT VOLUME XXIX.-NUMBER 42. uînnr mur 0000PROGRAM GIVEN4 8V THtE S£PRE E ICOU T LISERTYVILLE MU81IAL CLUB flI1II ~ The Libertyvilie Musical Societ> ASK D T RU E 'emciii il, egular nmeeting Mîînîi.i-. os- ning a i te Methodist Epiacoîtal eiîuicli ON TAXuDO îuanié home, terle sa i -r' 'îi and a>srE-c-iatiN,' audience 'fii, pio. -- ~~~grain Was one of thîe a-tine-e'a. LA Lake County appeals fromn de-. sc >lisgst ~'Sani cision of circuit court in case TPa, îii~ of Highland Pk. objectors %\i ,,l'in 0A la, ils? lin; i.î.iiî ILn" Wâh l., iItîuî Miif-i ilig~îil d P.,îk tti toigt'i. setit, -'iI1I0ii houri' rantios-h i."t w-on ', o>in " nli courit at wau- Dance, fi .<iTîiildi diii .n- k,-C'. ' i .ti c2" (,i' Ewa.rd" Mi'liltiT, lithi'un helî! .jTi 'i, . ,ii t 'îl'4'pay'ienl t CaI '.i.. Artlu ,u l' n , ,î'i . of :,itient 'if t!ilai i taxes hecause WinflOt' M rs. J. Gh T tih*,, ls'. f e.. pjui loto effect Minut. I'aîlorî'ski. Loin du bl, aý,;,ý- , l I)..îi fttt 4 %0 a.,'I5 lIdiid o <;Ili , i : Thi h -but" ,- it I be ii , î l ri: -(..iip. without l 'a iîi furt«I' i ". . 'l oriiioî. litougia COur, ' i " % itris ltactit T has Vtsur( a 1" lTii.', lt-tir'urt ý ~ WII <b T!'- , 1oiiine ii Il t hiowa 4t-baT IL ili. ; 't i ia~ ,- n fîheil anti i1 ben t. iunît'- ils i,enent: Tee TEST CASF ftFU<)PF tua-'Iralt l. t 4, uior emral'i-.i I tiatîIIn,'raliill' -, ,.î iiut ors cIlai TUF y rRÇEWF 0'0!RT ai"r'andi '.knd-tT i dvisemient s .-"ulit 1;I ..iaaltii'eal ralie of tire ' 'r(,un!l',f ! aklis >I, . B fracba-r couf s i illei'tiiaTnd exoffilo town,' 'Are consideri ng' case whereini *Co)Ileçlri oeieerfield. ('out) qerk effort is made to get rnoney ' Lew A Hentic. the S0rthi Shore wiedtfun hspal - Sanlt4'rs it>l'lîît, the TowLship of _____te _ charositi Dee-retd.t .The Deerfle'td Shields high ,nin school district. ichtool district No. The erintest in whlc: an t the 108,.file Highland Park east park dis' bping 'nadele 10 reak t'l i I i .. triai hic' andt he rit>' of Hiighland Park in lare fElizabeuth ('ondii,-'i. .I-Or'i the case In whiish Frank P. Hmwklns. ville, whO bequelicil $S2.' ",'r. I 1. eé i ' was 1tiaîntlff. in wblcli the circélt JJt'Ta)S>40! and t x,'ai il-' rni" clair- o rî Lake cOuntv lýssaed an ortie. i rru-si. t10 l- s.' u a.ii.. 'ii'.ni,,( i. ,: iniw restratniLg the pas nient of taxes in the'fiîunilarion ( ifi i ,.'frtin exceFs ut 1756 on achrli$10o0 o! am hon, a- 'V 'iitiIi.-ili (",ri j ;"i, -ing oseetvatuatlon foi lihe year 19O f I ioliail Inapital. lias reaclt:I lu- auof sa aIl taxable propert) in te-cit, o!fI îrerîîe court.,aa'orilin.1 10 'li.sacîr ii. ITi Highliand Park, ant i ore than 7" le r tram Springfield .Sa'urday In s cen of the amnount tif ail taxes ex, 'II I îIaîl >hî,bv ft tend"] lOn the a8-essor's book» for '-hait 1920 a lInst ail rea; .,t5ae ant ini I Sprinizflld Ili' . '..,- 1" IPeera th eretnin rn t iare i asv'at i The circuit courti beld tiat rtîe fact r . v.ý Jhn 1. T iii ' - j ltth t ax lev e iitnu,' -'peclfv T it'n.,rncrr or. in ir l'iOr varloU-' PurPos-4 an,! sni'unt., fo: 'cour; of il" 'oin-* a--. whilch te ievy was matie i tea 'o-lo ' .i-iis ili !o T htT and Voiti to thse alrt.în 4ialo'ri n. , r > "i - t -i Per $1le andthàtuI i4.arof t, per tllie VilaR it 2he('If 'loi Il, - P Cent matie by flie lboard ti urevlew Is vi d, s Od t.sJ-ufma'r- Illegat is 14tThe e court prohb s 'trPile ' on bO"ir-f- andI -- - , joet 'Wlll da-cde tha- - ,a'the l),"emnberri i Mg'i"0 i ,,-i- :r~ti- dci T O N SHOTU eIrt> 5 le toi *,ie, ti'i- ,,Il lt-t' à flous.; and 1.I,[ ii at ITierhlî5 s 44.404 tuolie." niece lr,s Ufi Hart. ta. iiasing Iit-pedti0o' 'Iý T ID INJ!TRED IN l, ' n tp-i la- ;lint-, L A ES CCIFNT lisa iliai '.filed a con în<-x. ý _________ bSIo i; 'it \ %'auli aan an ,l Trio of accidents at Fox and Grass Lakes over Sunday are reported Thai ç-e accident., n the lakte rezions over the a'eek andi r sultttîin nt,0 man teing in "icýtirvMe)itial oý- pliaiiitt a'"iî seunti. s Foc L.ake -nerchant being minus Rn in- dcx P.ngcr. andîalic t~agistitan bas îng both îaw-bonea fractureîJ aien hic hIeariai e in40c rttacîwithii boangigne Huolh . Wetei, :;2 eats olti. 0f 22-.- Fîfteenthi strer. %Wilnette. accident .li shot himaelif lu tise muscles o! lis righr leg Suntiay afternora at- Gras Lake wiile lîndliug a shot- gun in a hoast, H recelveeth ie fula charge o! tise shot. Weltei la luntise bosiital au Waukegan. John Spicak. hardware merritant at Fox Lake, was i; enonsrralung a 32 u due influen-e ,' 0l'IotIilh, tiiçpon ha-i autia T,d i su zroundtir. H i',-.r- '- <'a .îîa nirv. iý- 'F e i c-;irir r .i raUi -p-' i ,or oif th, a"i'. - hlart anti thle iita-r 1a - wbatm lr- 'rrl. v ia uted th, la ili se I.'-,; a-ntire cotants for 'li;i, 'n'ai ISSUES WARNINGi TO AUTOISTS Y LATIN6 STATE1 Lake County'.s Big Weekly 4GaihdoaGoe"torthnoNrWeekies in Gounty Coinbine IBERTYVILLEf. LAKE COUNTYO MLINOIS; TH-URSAY, OCTOBER 2<) 1 92f. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA«NW 1AET-TEACI4ERS' MEETINGMISO ATT.JEP' HELDLAS FRIAyýOCTCHURCH, STARTING OCT. 23 1 Aitheregular Octobel tî n norAMsin odceby!e al, H AVE TO'STAND !r1i Pt.A., sIcedon Frid t.O-,1i 0 CENTS FOR 80 Ath-S' l pe i t oeh'sCt IAL rtiwng commttees Weil. IilT uos ii e n TbnGI loaraiiiiý lthe box " ru L ofwReligion" andtihle î,eachei COST 0F TRIAL cp T.'A.onO -;PiOUND CW BIDE iih-Ot0 igmncut iI aet Oi e or iP..A . on f)(!rIlanil:4eaecf he most jng iuin rit igamn conty ill ave ub'icn-iiî.-,.rs. M. brary , And yet he is obliged to pay amasses will be celebrateti 5t 5:341 ry f or the cost of trying 13. F. wooIrî!dze, Prof. Cr. î',' J 75 cents for two smail lissîon there wili ble the Forty Roui-' Gov. Smalf in Waukegan Hawk. straps; shows conditions ILevotion. which wSill begin on F[iday. ytpii %. MMc 2. nd..lcnlRn t'tl -- f hub- a Iiz.Anna i X :i: l'H. M ? i hi nblic i icordiailîr inviteIl t aail th, ce luring h 'r~o lI r i ' n'i oel Mrs 01,-n th, wePk i-ut, "t(ic li'i nî .:;,înnînt-Mri' A . . -l' il, .' iii'11, j 'r iz : 'i < S B N lý tf it Xl;rr nhaMi'-. lriiC. Morgan, îlîsu i nîl .O(4i.." ': . v ol4U. SeîBANSiHOME "l bei' lir, tF. H. Just. .T .lTi' ' (oio î. ti i 'nt. i si:r1, Lunch i Boxes- 1>!i '. A ]'.TTiietTT '1 40'.! 1' lii 1!roni vOniT., r, n.AL. Jackson. .Nil- iiil 'i s it n rif. alîin n - i.. Xi -John Lester. X :- .nM.-i r!4r 'i . RD R A~~T lit - til' T1.1JiMlSpeiliran. O', lR .n ' îlot .,S <4 . nAIi llclose of the busini- --sn n izo A ,li r 'fi.niiinj I. .. n, N'e 1, Xsi. ' l r Xis > ý- Violet Croonberg r401 teýJt.-rfoCi K C444 i- iO ii.. Fo [1., li SeT',' ~ ~ ~ ~ I,ýfc ilpiiO. i.W il si4'ik o,1 f Ms~ l' s riv Th'.i 'le va'.in jnisua]îlh lîrg, i Prohibition director forbids )ri,'l44j il ai. po! s1 a oligiand M. lr)iii, l('or .%Poieliinez cigiililil oud i n - n î'n III sale of "brew" rnaterials any 1'o '.'i'îo', sti WIîeStory ofPa-l- nuý -r iP'teal-lin woul'lc 1onr rlic coiititiee on publîiil *,andi ai' ;'l, liiiii !u* '104I 4flr. l'r i nlacain cou tr î,' tutu h boxesie% Wedfles a ,,n,,iîn If l.a !' lia i X 'a.hn1,n11,I 3 . P1 î to "l~.'f~ 0'4Il40'rtT . T loil made plans es outiined b airi nid \Vii i the .4 ir,, i~,n n c"- I-tas fle. otia4 frbade ,ale I 44W- T ~ Tl r P \r wil th, htesry cooperation otf'i.îi.-ni .îlt ii)( ker 1,' fariiioi ïSen!l' ai l)iT h nîk g, if om brw liîg - P b'- 1ak5n nijnds r, earnestly rekuesr,,1 104 44 iOlaeglie Tnho- T'tî~ietiStathoeb. ., ý Se( 1 in i il; Admission for eacb lady an-ttirI wlTo wani 40 knaa 5wiat itesc r t Poiiinef:ein îilje l, ,yli. 54 lH-fl a will be a lunch box. te conain lunch!nia ' h.- sîated that a hamte strap ' Prohbtines wî rceieîntorucios in niPri' %iProflie lias, jea-no'.tained. for, two, two cups and spoons andîlite ifron i ourteen to aixieco inchea lo', aid sat il usiescoienructhonsse -,er lon' aital usnescourrat nh el lis h é ourt ian hi-h the nma-e of owner of box eor haske,' 1ciiT' inch wide and witli a littie buckie mtrasfrtemnfcueo "c ttmetofal] tua' anost Coffee yl be served. ooane P .-mbo-er. andaillie neessry hre. To inscre the cbildren of 'ie giadea'FilThaechargdIi -cfrti ver e e a h p y e v n n , th y w l h avtemnt of ail cmt- ,t e , a rg e d 1 molf f, G o rIl e M a lt. h o ps , friu t su g a rs. b o ttlin g 1<0. ait <le ee..r hrgs ajy vnn.thxwl isete 5I~ li'sia1)Vhfh e a ppliances and preo tlsaej. an't eXpen'.eor tl1C counts boxes plaîfet in a fish pond andi willi Ped.eiti. hnof0 oney other than thecipd n arts undeatbseeerL! lr changirse sof d lenu.ut lgpay 25 cents te tish out a box They i,ixiy r-nt.- lie leceiveti for the bid e, ban. i s'. < 'tang otcne. r ~ow wilIlbe chaterofled and enceitanren Guers l'Ilbave to g omznî out .eso and'ncdent 40 the triap hRodset anda 'lii a-.iir"ie oeeuigprovitietiduring thse lunch 'iime'. -, another 40w 50 1 <an soit the Rd ee and cteCptalu asn- S;41Jàl ail :tiers of tue couit riad io h i s olatpi ii ae1 lie r g te. a py for teton tast nlgbt anti todlay. at wblc aid 5 ase hrch uae beenrr aid prvlge of baving tiseir boxe. auc oTi~ i eakd la-runt a, lichtie ri ironed separateiy, if the> tie.ire. elmilar seizures were made. r or,]'i hi.di saiti 'ouniv is lia' The boxes wiliibe autioned ant in-mMRS. dha fiIANA 1eigmtras ofcaso h n 'Gl "ajch hoolnt i-hait be dole n.itteea requeat that same b- madi ii, ,.UdU Il. lfrement butreau beoffcais of thedona fli Ilto b> ',-ridîlclerk. andi shen as attractive as possible. TONceanur eapoiersalst qsea '-rîined.shali'be fiaîit nite coun- A social hour front, 7:3é, io DD l5: 30.d waceping atie emaers afor st bsa- s hl' ~Jl.iidciien o nfrwben a play will be.given unti'r tue cep1ngad> tiemets er uchar on wac tound Il the county in direction of Mms. F. H. Jusi, which 4inanwsdrce i eto.1 h th- tial Is hall, ant ilaItfines isrsIascea.Mscat aes AtDSUT !thention wtasd mecdtelctio 1 aeed and dtl et n the county wuîî round out the eveiîng. R"" 'UI O hesahh uVofl.oadetie ýr the trial ls hati suail bk paiti manufacture. selI, or possess utensil, r1t the county Mn whicht tise I Ein ~UAI LIM.~côntrivance. machine. preparation, ment, ot, informnon vaas bond. AIU l'OR llIJIIL11iDU veaitIy L.uertyville woman compound,. tablet. subetances, formu- !S%7en ai ot apjury oei jonc I. ho sued- for divorce noW la direction, or receipt deslgned for aSS ra o.'e Jîy tl 7<' j D R KITM~EDflV~umativertisei or ltItended for use In the Yî4 3,L.egah News Eti .1)*,?2.t P 111 IJIIRLO DILUsues trust company uniawful manufacture of Intexicating liquor.' Mr.Gorgiana F. Prest o N'wife or The 'snatcbing away of home brew RLW FECU S LA NE B CTY Wiliamî Preston. prominent resident suppisb federal dictum wli wlnot THDflAT IN (ii onrruhîoim Ia2 Ikh )l. rfoot llealty Company, Tuesday Chicago ,,'.,,, ,.,.l,... AFTER BER TRIAL ed at city hall; mayor to appoint a committee tti- , I resiini Itardingr'- etnferencp Josplililnp Perno. 17 yesr olti sife oop. ancnTjih0nit'nT. an i'iierg'ancy pro- Jack l'omît. a Great Lakes Nasal1 gram wa. oathineti îi(îrieet the ho- n fi lTratning Station sailor. lasheti her rntsiate sirratilio n losalcommnuni- *, !';_t ' throaî ' and arists wiih a safety rar1 ries bis llacing the rosponaibillty o! i-n, hiatie Wonday' in a ceil at the Soutit leadershbai on the nia>ors in meet- ,11,- i ' ik srreet police station. Chicago., ing the emergeticy' of unemploymient .11 IIj Surgical attention was given wtisout in their respectîse i'aninunlîles. says ý 'dea anti ber condition la saiti not theHigitlandi Park Press. t toi ' Iibe aerious, The ba'issof hetI' rganlaaton in an Mrs. Perna anti ier ituabanti bave Ht-ighland Paîrk il i e the appoint- Ilîstd ocit. otiter arrestetiseealrme and tiairtaurday rnight iti. aîeste ment by Mayoi Hia'.tizs of an emer- quarreîing with hum on the streer, au.' igene>' cormîttoe. repreeenting the otiser sailot interfereti anti a figitt en- sarioaas elirinntrin tite colnmuultY sued. Perno rau away'. but Mrs. Perno Titis cotnittee- silI develop andi car- anti the wouiti-be peacemaker were ar- ry trougis a ciimifty plmn for resleti meeting thte einergenc>', uslag exist- Monda> Mra. Perno was flaed $7 ing agencies *anti local groupe as far anti costs b>' Jutige Rewcomner aItishe as practîcabie anti register aIl those sarSouths Clark street court and il was deslring work. 1 À %Vw he'sh wai, s 'ataknI,.., ,t., s.... ,.i t ,at Tise emergen,>' ronmlltee willi fur- 14A I calibe uav ahCintic revolvzer te a rus- iilsvBî lmrSuaday. Hie pulledt he trlgger Jui . B* , new state inves- la eîîow bownit worke hI did *. Mr tigator, says he wiIl prose- SpIcaki n mtysit-i"Index flngeitif ctealniain lai. ef' hantict l voain Anraresu-Rîser sas opeialing ri bopt i'qulpped wilt an Eveuruleé ni, 'Autoi'tt wtao have been able 10 toi ' .a utla> afttnoou on tisetingle- i~sde tht- iaw wlti respect 10 lacense ,hIr',tof -0 L.ake, i-e starteti the mo. I!aatea due t-o tieeftact tithe>' have t0. I ,nrh tihithieti as lie craukiti il. j'-er able to es-cape te attention of Thie ja5 ba.e 150 escit ide o! his sTtt ýautoinomîle Luestigators. would ite,' aq s iactureti. seselai teeth b"tteT, lose no ime lu foilowing tise wcte knackvdi oui ant i ls ieati hatly ;egtttstion.3. Otherwise they sili be eut. i-la-sa .ken to Chicago alier, liiosecuteil anti fineti. lie tesîies., foi-tî'esnîenr. Thi.s was the waring given out to- Theu boity of te son-in-la-s aif ,>,,. tav bv ljustice o! tIse Peace tulius Para>of! a'04 t.has iteen founti . t" aîi. o! Waukegsn. selin ias jual 'Thie yo:! iin sas, drosu-ucîlilen rcei dfroni terelary o! State lis I at %venlttso. tt' l'osn, e1:jt' tj Ii- jL. Eminron the alpointment hi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a 5"TiO4 Aut<to Iie.iierfoi, L.ah:e anti NIù'tIei y cîuries. Il v.ill 1e Sur. '07,'i'd', î Io cck up on MI auto LONG LAKE SEER S ïillorus Iunte îsao cuil "Il liais catie to ns>'attetion tia a ~ 1iiii!r .-e ar- susse tit-aers suno are esati TO E ILL GE in( heT' law hy' using but one license 1Wtti on a car irý.stati of hsving ... ri~'~ u i n t Ile frent ant I nlute rear." Mr. Tu BAVE ELEP.IUI Baiz i-aid.' "Il> using but one plate - on asp-car tIes' nah - an". thcense serve l'ortri'o .euar- andtI hua escape psy- Iotii-l'e ants to become at 'il. iet of rîta x on bot. Titis praicice on lai'"2ti iond. î' in ilie e-oty i>'r.a-t ct'ai-Cand tI .Il toîr10i,ne lpa zeoii Iv PL. Peisons t,'colser ,s':ninc ariil1111-tnie thaTi 1'hall a '. h 4 tk, fe iiaite nitîbel' I î t he is "t" ol f :1111 silil'lt silalot . if-r' ndl g:ancd tIse pray'eî 'Tseale s-505ri-ialter tlings Of '.itio'r-asking t:(t ubes1e ' hIan it-ihave been lax aboutt(Io- b ; -'i: -edi b incorplSate. !in2. 1 dislite Inoske 50v inrests J'î "r .at osel \'ov. 12 rT;thsIle bli i if I1 tîn arrosa tliese violatilons il ti,îý't .i pecial election and ap sil he my dut> ho humite marier pi le- -,î<loýi ir(]md ties of election - ntîr itht, shales attoifle> anti as- i-Iai-is lucatet InbtIhe ex- I 'al'- him ir. tIse )i-oseuion." tt-erni :t ce 'ri part o! tiis cotty.'Ir. Baiz assertl thitI n carrying beiug on ttîe Chicago, Milwiakee + '40' thie dueso!ntis new office ite St. Paul îoalroati. soulisenar of Fox sIl oiabout ii-om cite to city In inls Lake. in Grant township. tuI-ta-"t anti check up-on violations. site traed 10 end ber litéfe PLANS 14 BOUSES ' ON FJVF A(R1FS IN Highland Park la 10 have tour- reen nesa housea. standing en lots fro)ns 7fx2Oft up lu 110x250, ase a resuit o! rhe piîri-itse of a fis'e acre tract W- the norîluaas' con-'.î ot Ravine ,trd Lînien avenues b>' J. 1, antiL F Hisris o!f('hicago. Tise site for- i tucrvts- u-psîar-t o! tbre propert>' of te 1 Non ibsesteTO Militaîs' acatiemy, antfit %Vas. IMtiîhaseul frons Col. Davison o! thTiT schooi. 1hl'as east of t-be Irmeks. Il "We xlîict Io have a fesa reatiy b>'.' qt"in.'aidî 1'. P. Harris. "andtih-e îi;aiancr coroieteti b>' sommer. Our tei.t.lti'.a mlinsimlum ipruDe is $15.000. wilhi a probable maximum of $20,000. Thes tamii iras-e from seven t-o nusae ro0nas. Part of te fise acres la wood-1 eed anti is onis a few blocks from te station" PICK RASPIERRIES FROM OWN BITSIES Illirai L"ýk of itert lita ia-t" lus n sphîîl-rîlesira inteliai o!oftnuqual lhinga for Lake c'0001>. încludiug the Sisual trial andtih-li horst' that eahs soap. Monda>' nigist he anti bis wife ech ad ai shiatof fresia raspiterries for, sIIPPer. thte bern-bs lîaving just iseen picîvetifions bu.lie s aI lîelr home. Ihiet suit in lthe .ake counts- circuit court at Waukegan againar lier hus- bandt andtihie C'ticago Title & Trust sonîrtan>'. chaiging mtni wihfrauti andi nisrepresenîation su'îen they in titîred hter to sien anti acknowte'ge a trai-n agreemtent concerning some saluabie piaper-tsin Chicago in tavor o! tire trust company. >115. Preston on Marca 21, of tiîis year. fileti suit for divorce ln the Lake count>' coutr charging a stat- utoi> offense anti sîso cliarging druinkenness. Artthe saine lime site fileti saibillfor paritition of propert>'. ln tire bill for partition two actresses tIhe Misses Kattiryn anti Saille Hol- lins of Austin. were matie defend- ants. tire sisters laia'ng purchaseti a reaitieuce tiiere from tite Preaton's. lirs. Preston un ber new bill aims Chlicago as ber residence for the 1a six montits. They formeni>' main- taineti a home in Liberty-ville. anti sîmilar materials and utensîls for borne brewing. Tite flam sella ingredients 'oSaMC>'o 1.00r, persons a day. he saiti W'hat is irUie o! Chicamgo aiso ta irue of Waukegan. ouvi>un as amaller a ay. Local dealers dispose o! large quantities o! home brew materials. The>' are looking for a rush ta boy up their supaplies4 before lte new order l'a put Into effect. 75C NOW BUYS FOOD W09TH $1 A VEAR A60 Wailngton.-Wliolesale prices In September remaineti uncîrangeti from Augusat levels. tie Labor department renortedi odayhbut rafet ai f rites LAKE CO. WORTH, $38,629-1I40! SOI RE. VIEW BD. FINDS Assessed value of every man, woman and child is $524 each s î'o 00 0 the trial 0 T lit 0'ùioewèaith [. sý T in'-..' a!..0 ather r M1, î , r. r.. - -ir v r ir0, Inisibles 'lie-btoardof o-"î--,cmîleteti its s or k Fiiay a~nd îlîeîî figures show' ili îî.îflali-lue or ail property in coae ,un'y - 33S,6t29,14, or $524 fri) i 1 eo i an - waiîiin andi citli. iion'bl'sli',tt-dIo: tri cd wh'l:i slir.l ,o-n1, 00 oe car for "imii il i 0. 1. 'j gui io4 flasu iisfiîrt Tese p l' tn hat one- tlird u!t ile faniffies, iae an automo.- hile, a recordti hat probable cannot be dupîlcatid in an> ottler ihouaty ln tbe sate. There ai-e aniy 364 more autos than carniages anti wagons. If times are bard, Lake rouaI> res- idents are going elaewhere to bock -iseir jewelry or are redeemlag Iheir overcoata. because Ibhere iail't a pawa- broker tin the county. This seeme oddt in view of the fact tisaI Ou1y 127.832 wortit of dianionds anti -jew. elry were listei. Tise eue no longer is able to h Id Its popularit>' in competition xi: thse golf stick anti bail bat. bec. - tisere are onty 21-à pool and billiard tables an lthe rounty. A large perceatage of people miii sbun banka as money not In ban»s totais 81 542,.942. wbile titat ,la banks" la oLly 144,630. Due' t0'the rapiti deciae in the price- of farrn produce. the asaese salue of grain of ail kîntis la ouly' $97.430. The total saluatlons as s, ttrned titis year are 3128,560 Nleu t'han thse total asseseti value on conm- ty property for fast year as returasi by the board of res-iew. Thseaee> sors returns fille year were lower b>. cause of tiseicrease last year. wblch ws knocketi out, but esen though, tise board liais year rmised tisefiguîs $64.645 over tise asaeasor's figures, the depreclaîton In thse value of aIl kintis o! nierchandise. stocka bonds, personai property, lv"tock, etc., the valuationt'a $128,650 làwer. Tise t. tal valuations as rerurneti by thse boardi &o not include railrosti, tel., grapli andti elepiione anti otier Pro>- erry assessed hy Itie state tai com- mission. Tise expenses of lthe board th15 year were 8465 leas than a year mgo. Tise board consigs of Ray Paddock,. Wauconda. chairman; A. CS. Maether, Prairie View. t)as'id Whtite, Grayalake sud Robert E. Pearsali. rlerk, and Miss Marian Persons. assistant cler.k. No. of Acres Assessd or Lots val Unimproveti landis -68.203 $2121111 - 'Impnoved .... 198.270 5.040.6a, Improvements tisereon 8.364.418 Railroati landsi.. ...367 3$t'no lOutside of rlght o! ay)' Totals ... ... .266,840 810.574,1M her canvasa ýanti organite tise coin- u.mmu T JEE ecreased an average of 11 per cent t.nlmproved lots .. 29.899 13447.4x Tunity for opplorrunil>' for employ- ULJIEN AT SJIUI in fry-one principal cities. Tise net Impros'ed lots.. , 11.602 4.763,11 ment anti endea-ot' to fini!tise right 25 retaîl decreae sace September. 1920. Impî-ovementa tisereon joh for the righi man.Iii EMEI $5 is 25 per cent. Rafiload lots - 50 311 Pendîng te Papîoiitmet tof itis *JOB F IELm9 comnittee. an employment bureau Totale......... 41,511 *16. wili be etabllisbed an tise city hal for O D R D ~ ~ ~ tise reglaîr>' of tose seeklng erraD R D W YJ H 6 R W ' Total val. of aitt nem estate 128.415»* ployment of enaployes. Total val. et off Persosial Were two of tive men alleged WILL PROBATED rpty.........1, 1111 MAIS T SP ED o hvebee hied e kepTotal val. of ail protuent>' 38.429,1'4 ~1AILS TO SPEED ta been hiredThe keep of Jo'r.' : : a! ofHigh-v:i'~"; a.ktssWts UPN W PA E S How'd Kappler anti Ai. Horner, anti Mrs. Wilhelii"stla Bown was Averages AUOea b.ho hcgMontiay atternoon naineti e'ecutrîc. r 'î!On.: holng Numnber Value V&W The United tiSale. iilaý are to were arresteti at Ares on chargea o! fixedti i$:h0offl ( -. iî 7, tlini t, île- ttovs.-,.202 3635 *298.11 be speedeti hp 1 itnsutre blmpt de- carrying concealeti weapon, !ohowLrg1 ceaset la-lt an estar- - 'il :Il 'ail,' CarrI 25.35 19.37 48.21l liver>' of dally nespapers 10 read- a atrike at t-le $10.000.000 ('athisl tsar amourt.Mii,, 18il 22.32 411 era. lii nes instructions t1i ail postal achool construction job, 10 sairs ... ... 2.149 2.70 S,'ýl empînyci- tiroughisat lte Unitedi place Slîeriff ElmeT rer. f Wau9- ti.,6654a 4.43 29.41 States, Posinsaster (h.aeral Hayes, keaun. anti a nunîher of ot'irer offi: . il li V-i1i~a trd ta-i directs crer> one o4 it e postal ser- cers were calleti w'Ien ir teareih.- ..1< A45A ~sea ... 217 2ý.67 8.21 vice payioll iito epedtle hmndling f 13are1Y.83 ae lc hten ~i ... 45> IU 60ý1.71 ers titroîîit h' tmailîs. Hesasys: TssertiY non-union carpelâters wDIVORCE i-a .- t,-- 99 " A ins îîîurj'Premeîuentîy aru saork lai Mouutay anm ai lteun- 1XVtcrr t5anrdi lhing t ra t a iais sanIs saien Io ion t rade ru un qu itrKaîsple r and Iot-toi l y T -I Luligi cci las filpcii ibihll r'kt.s4. 7.0?, it.6m seatisi.I i ciithvt sale fat is chargd eel are hireti to hiro- for diiso-ce fi-ont ('arî Haligri'o. rs ii.. S9 lt 56 7 10.70 lac M wt ilie - ttua, iot want It at- 1 le ise'rike hrealsi-rs. A clash Izi.4nlininliai si(s'. as onlv 15 yvos,- .- .320 34.12 11.m al. Il isli ) t f tî' i-1 -e ltat he gels ii4it'ti i< lrls .u lI. îîj a i. ii'ts i' ee or.> s 4 :M'.~r 0 s ' 1, liii'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~%i; fa.44iu-nts fap rpoîl1' a ac. ialiai tIennis tâmbet<r>' h' - focir-wil anfit iat isite di !nott bas-e Fil ý iiiT.1-1l'. ....... 5» hi, avriepiiî y', al'Po l ii, iian tohan Lscri crof Liber- I Tileî,t'ns-nt-0i of l'isr ar Tit i' hebill D1iiond<iand isrlss r>'---------- 118 tsiIl,lo îî'wi'l T in'ilie 'other tîrel sîstes thuit iiie sere a' issarîlMa,,iots iiin1,4.i- --. 44AU B OO ZE LA W TEST - nit'n. s nii netas,- s wî nutlteas mcd,- 21- ,!t Ils, rThobIisu-Tus filtis! i MoncI tot iii i nks .. 1.343.111l O N AT SPRINGFIE LD 1: 7îîasua rehi onti, riff(ic-.i 'ii: ttt r At.tat," ' 1<iuc l-. 0 - le iion '-'i ('tiltl beaeitTt'.' lit s 4 fuse oati TiTccehir Juilge îIl[e. hl i Sut.l ;gen. a resident o!f ir-<' 4iir'- - . - 299896 111- t Ocll i Il i. Orail ariu- i.nîibs' atrin Ighland trai: k for îhlrty years, tiieti roîa-i'rr( i.' êt05eiittig tnüitns in au t -.,e ,-,ti' Lz g e li i l , r5 ap1441 r -ant iîlot ne'r %,vie fin00,1$25 ai his h ( ,410e .i:374 Laureli2Av e ;;, re'o...... 9.09 of Illinon i-su îA rîuhîîliiIsn actrt am vh sîfi utiP. d1). tubbaii-il aIMonday Plr. Bergen. as heato! i of i i'i !1i rrilituri- 780» magiue beftavle ra'suap'ieecourt 1ieiv hLi'ta'vihbe'ant orîleîed bock to 'lihiila'nib Park boardi'of he ' ,Ga In oh .41 sîtîl lod:iy Tin ri]w inof ilt'-nesv iii - Ciicagu. Justice Ilubiard remithed 'isîed un buildling lise Highliandi Prk AIttîît- ci is.' '.. .0I eleclaiting plac-es inig iquotîo 1w, iam letfines, on *tlie promise o!fte de- hnospitllanti sas îîuomlnent In civîc tltof<'."ti kof SVtt"or n nuisaînceandum pruviding fili thetie tcives lia leava- the count>. Tlaey wr-ifare' tf tire sulbtrb. Tite funeral Nit -t .. 01. mas- be cioseti onan injunchion wu'Zh wseni ho Wsukegan in 8heriff Greefl'asas hel Wedneatiay afterneoon at 2 atii- ",in HitI"i los- i f . out trhial. sia7 ti'e irs'in questioen atl automoilhe, anti fronn titere wefllt 1tiste P'.esbylerlan Clîurch ith alsbunial Torýil s l'. i-f ii't'40tAI jpnip- issue. Chicazo via Nortlaweattl. In Highland Park Cemetery. ".V------------*1.5. on iNDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN 1 1 t 1