à AýÀ»l- Vcrr WILLSIN EL MUST PAV DELEGATES TO ATV S$5000 DAMMiES TEND C.-j,, ýRETIN(i d &;premfe court refuses to re- 'Waukegan Chamber of Com- M view action el eppeilate 1ecemmbers to hear Chas. à court; no, other course ilefi ýegr-ch4b speak in Chicago M FOLLOWED DEATH OF MAN IS THE ANNUAL MEETING Conad and Wet7el of Wàiikegan The lilinvis Chainber et commerce muat pu; tihe $6,000 *ýrtict returned i ,ii hold their annuel meeting o« agalattthe tw yeas ao fr ýbe aturday, October lind, ait ii. Hotsl "th etW .ommeago f*authe Lallb lu Chicago and 1; Ate, apet- daat aiie.î C.ThoamuWb~Valedtat &bout fIfte.t bund"d Will ai, ra own Md kiled by a u»otor am. -tendtheLb l»CheIX4, ai 0Df&L. ietbI' mim .owa«d by! th dereadantm. thse te principai spamber *ni1 t. Thé »ý ws apMùedto te Su Certe. N. Scbwm&b Iocrn&ly i-mtor premeCo5~u. he blibtu tl Geaeral af the Ship. BuU in f the PreneCort.Th bgh out"a Unitedi Stateas bipping Io&ÀMd > stem by the toîîo)wlng dipaîch: -Sebwab la affectiosately knem. a» .Spia te the Sua.) Coalie Bchwah and for bis ubject Sprngeld, ELI, Oct. i*.-Conmd ha& taken "Buminesa outlool."- a W.tzel of Waukegau were todal Sotijeofithb, meinber of the wan- d«anlti rt of certlorarl bi îthe sw .kegan-N9rth Chicago Chamber et Pnine Court te reyiew the açudn of Commerce have advised Secretary the Appellate Court fer e "0 Clifford tbat they wiabed reserva* district la aorffing the judgn»M0« 4M l irn tbs Iuncheoa aMd nm o fithe - tb* circuit Court of tabe na ,Party, Wiln Rat t oPreidet A. I glvkg Dvid H. Gpeedaleft. . b"1104 IL P. Sedgwick. Theidor. lstraîorecfthie estait. or NoeaQC.1ýui*t*W. lF. Smyth and i Secetary - The-_&mem a tsest cf $5,W W fford. Bo f te other eeu- tb deaL0 b s ei . stm.et tife beade of thf large industries llbe Waukgaz Publie library. Thom. b«M '* O the tender couaider- àm 1 wa2 iding a bicycle l'rom > ation and in all probabiilty will be borne tbthe library on Octobes 8, -L tbe part>. 158,vien b. v as truel tiy a me- loir ambulance ofthlie defendants and Was killed. Chlnems Think LMIt et Wowu = Cas Fogh Had. f 0f m hit éaccoui je 'Wma Case ou~it Mar. china that a mther, il amked the aum. Conrad and Wetzel fouÉbt th,.C cee ber et himeblillrea, wiài protblby have cS the grourids titIThamsenwas out the girls li bim.rechoiag. la the i Uillcy of contriuuîory aegllgencé be- very gret a nority of cases the girls - eaus. he turned north at Washington re net taught te reed or write,, fer hi aad Ltc atmuecha vîthout glvig sol simple reaatm. as the tm would May, _ ladication of bis proposed action te thai a a uuiafoi' gris te leairu tae * the mctor ambulance. driven Lfv Cari rend.Alil the re.1r,tive (uçtoin, are Pick, witicit waE bieng dhv en enst in based on the idea liit WZII ~n Washtington street. jo a f'ia'r a nosu IMMa in Yofavoritedtotaic9r medn la wurgrndmthe'glim ~yotmng woman waa oi how to avoid 'nue" of tle dstiu and Pain, the dragging down of ner= h'ealth and stcength, by turxlingto the right rema-dy. Household= remedies were nmor-, 1,._ersally Used ini those d(a yý, .nd et Dr. Pierce's Favorite ]Prescrription was & avoietnerieyfor Young won, n just Pgssing' into wornknhood, W !ycars ago, as it is mrt. uatyear a aillioni bottie eeel o h on n thexnîdk-gedworen ci Ulis country. For the Voung nother, and for ieven' wo)nian at ail trying tinmas, ti"je I l înadtji :whiicJî [rilg a taid nd trengl.h. Md fAmerican r.edicinal plit-, witlloî, lcool t "Prescription" for weak vomen can 1 4. had of 'yoar nccilaoiiorod druggit., in tablet or liqluid form, or Tou crin srid 10> cans for large trial package çf tablot, t r Pr es Ir-ahis' IIotel in Buffalo, N. Y. BAT AVIA, N. -'- have alWIys been very tliankful- ffir what Dr. Plerceg Favorite Pecito i o e When 1 was a girl in my teens 1 caught a severe ccld, which sýen1td to settie ail tlrrough My whole "sytem. becatne bloodlem and I1wW,,linawietcdconditio- * weak and nu-rvous-and was not able te be out of bcd When I began taldng the 'Favotite Prescrption,' and it comp!etely restored me ta heaMt. , Favorite per tion' lis the best medicine a efl can tace when growir P. AUCTION SALE- I wiil seil at Publie AUction on the Carman Fart», one-haif Mile north of Spauldings Corner on Milwaukee Road, on THURSDAY - OCTO1BER 27 12:00 s harp the following described property: 21 COWS0 9 Fresh; 12 Heavy Springers. TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS Corn Planter Rock Island Sulky Plo~ 18 Milk Cana rodasReeder - OUR AN] Il Thewodertùi val througm ho . sti a Great 8&bAR g<ithé, h ruvest Sale Speciais Fr.. NUAL ~o~&4h fthSse rvest 'q NOW UNPROORESS lues that " is arvee Saleoffers ."".êb. supaod. - -I8--u h 4epr but from the Basement to the Thfrd JloO,-Ia»Mv mèe*am st ÉS ep fliment of your7U11and Winteramoe. ~- I - dL cam of then. mil- linery irretible, th* li.umý ing modela hme th-* d$Uigi fuI neason for tht,, you. lai a l adename iv OM oet théb esi mofte eta vemy spuimipàoia& Tb" g mre Muai botter vWBlà"la have beea mfered tbim @e@«en mi Drm PernleJ 36 Aâche vide. Neni désigne on listât secundo. I Sale price., yard ..........1C - WmnaadM~e'- All-Wool Berge - 34 Juches, vide. - BiaZay, brown anad wine. Splenid qualt,. Sale price,98 SUITS Bleached Muslit» D6tàwwgmsby 7 eir RÎci-. 36rciice asde, pure white fineamo brcAeH e quality. ti10 yard britItln cuotom nu fFbicAelm Se . cya - I~fCThe compietenea.of Our 812l p m cehyard 1 21 2 Cstocke is no w here m ore p- Cloeeiy moyen. very-attraciivp iitta nti aps p cùlor effectia. Chetris, platia and saofpew FaJl Suite. 9 S3ale price, yard ............25 pea OUtbo Flamea lAVvMd laie ibroe groupéeà«,ot au 27 tahes vide. Strlptd andlisg- vqaleai ehoomiaan" Vary spectally ured pattern,.- attractive color- prlcesd re sa. aew lts. That juge. ýie aî.......lcleY are remarkahale values laemaOur Fal prce yad ....... - 1C d lsy heu place lu thia aie.- - Huck Towels e'tfin Fubcaie if er i iiu s i Satset fane Velouts a MdTritoia - Sale paire ----.......121/2c 8.1k nd Nay nds.tIàl BOYS,'RHose andEmi ~A kne !ac nl.W radps $19. 75 Women 's Si1k Rose L 1 AlI5 the rîch Fa!! Fabrice arcý represented in this sale of Coate, and Wrapd Puis E;lik vith liU,'e garter to-'- AU the latest style tendencies have a conspicuous place in theme speciaally priced Suia- et fine Veiciurb, Slk llned, Piset, wlii te snd lite vanteit Rua- u lu it t> en,'acit dalis.abnfa.i rif aitlif dc. groupe. Whether you prefer the s]im wrappy coat or the generou ft Il -r- t wil Àutufaf s a akt n> i(-. va uet te 15U Siae price, rir -..... 98C s.urely find what you want hiere. In ei.chl group are coiata. Girls' Hose s$35.00 1-e i l;ucInab artk or Trirnmred with Luxurious Fur& ba ovi.j Group 3 Na V eloiir, Mouesyne, Duvct de Laine ad other ricka fabricba tlIi t ]dta rc1e.a SO ad. Si! '( , ..... 2c!g 'to ia rthe ta.tsof lte new modes, lr, adiataurito fui, snt beautiful efftccIraire obt4aiu- Puitq et fine Dt,et ce , Ç.t;Ir. Si 25c. cil o~~iîa r imiuaargm ucta a e ebroidery aaid t itrhuag. Sptiu.1-,mdmt iefi,.ii iits i M en's R sefrcl tI faine fui>, . i ts,1. 'tt-, '. MigLiy irerccrlaedlile îhread.- 5e u cIi mýac La cclor. Eale prce pir .t... . .......29C $5$97 Men'a Union Suite 1 . 2 Icerce litird, perfect fttlng. Made ao! select Cotton luea . 50~ u e m~ Sale prie.......... .le .....eî i .iri Girls, Union Suite FleedInepure. wbWeti Fine Are Y outhful In Uane quallty eottof yatne. Sale prite--------....... 1.6 Speclally priced for tliis maip -À,s a lot of girls' cets made of beavy veh1 belted sud pleaied back. Linral tlroughouht. izes up tn 14 yeure. w" en Ain te give gondi serice.0 1 alUe price, 3 paire ..r ...10 Women's Union Suite 'Costume Blouses for the Tailleur Medilum wetglat, ileece lanet c I.Boss asI bdssdlgte colore, have a aew and very becolping eeklie andI ntec, no leevea', or IDitrit neck, acliieve a sMonder effect that 10 enciaaating. Tuer are bcautifulIv madIe andI exullalte as otim- e bûw tleeve style. aa. 9 . 1evalues are, exceltonal. i_ Sale prie......-. - 1.0 Boys, Sport Rose Reduced for Gemiance Ma&e cf Fu me Ua ~ lieavy huit, wool la ater. Valuici la a large lot of vhite valata mcade of Thmee bleuets et.Ue Georgette -are trimmed Io là. ai er voile and fine batiste. They are lace witb lace, and embroidered la beautiful rat- sale jante, pair..... . ..... c tiaazud and chtoie 0f the I ot, 8 terne. Thuy are ta bchoiad lI white, ~Q & a *fferet aoiv nt ....... ................. ...1emit aud otber iJ&staia. chile $4.98 Blanketsaand, Housewares At Great Reductiont The wonderful values in this -section caxutot be too strongly empbaBized. Partieulax- attention i directed tO the low prices on Blan-- kets in this sale. Many are pie cd at less than one;half. - WOOL ]FINISHED PLAID BLANKgI'. Potabe~ beat cthatling ele- BHEAVY COTTON BLANKETS E pull sire, beautiful celer effects. Titis l8 a blanket Ibut sold ments. 5.14 at f011ô. l07 a sold eclors of grey or tan viii pimi or blu. borders.A À lant year for more tiaua double ibis. Sale prie, pair ..........Se pric e ........ ... 05 remrkabie value. Priceil fat belowils reai werti, pair -. 21 ___________________________Oùl Heater Nesco perfect heater. omokele. Cto a Hesvy DIan ts Spiendid for chilly ]rail3 5 :GofresCtnBat- Wool finish>, largo ise, grey . or*jdalà. Sale prie.....-.3.51728id;sln le erlt 719tahfulcmoe h. A d ii 4. 9 Pi ~ 5 and st tched l a attraffl ¶m ean Cotton . a Àg u lm:Wio.nm d i : 2 5 evi ll aisî . 2 . 9 8 s o i e i,. -9 8 C aipar ...................aluminum. Bala price .....oÈ7CCibBlaaiketa Feather Pillowa 'W00 Xied Bankts oile Paer ade cf*eoit Elderdown In lapni Cftered wlt bheavy iicluing. Sali WoorgeiaidBe.nketu -Toile otPa el al. - orbide SOudOz:0 Jcbez. pr9c ,c .......................... 1.19 E Extra fiue lity. Large aise- Sale price, Sale prie.. .....5......... Cieatly reduced fer Ibis 7 , Srellestîr ..............-3C .1 ,* Mattmeo Protector salîe at pair.............7 5 O'Cedar Nop r or fulielibed, qullted and Wecil The beat mop made for dustlng Good beavy quality, bimcW'B green finielhed. Extra FieMM anetor pollag -g . G cood sie398 sale prie-... ..........29 W"] lfinish cotien blanket,et ai a Benkele Clothes Hampers = taartavt av IP cldgrYGodalealumiaum kettie, fitM arge ofsie hne cY edage, 5 9 o an vîtit retty bar- c~ d designa.2.9 Readi mlxed. MIl coloraLar55 1ise Sale pire era.........r . Sale IPrIceipair . .. ale prie.Sal.r....alln.....ae....e - We have a few Thor ElenTrlc Washers, uzed for demonstrating purposes te close out at a reduction. .e....................... ilIm iiI*taià1 U fui goo FSpeci RECOI FOR FOR FOR smt POLITKU. Picking ot executîve's dop WAS LOWDE (iov. Lûn Smaa vito have flot t fri'e5dehip for ti trous tb. bouael 1w«Mem sappaaea forte are made t surfae 0f Laie te Clilcago Dail Aul over %mla Puohmaloaal aMd ed ther alpyglai CtouLty la the elt fier or the state. tatbem morn a surprlaintah.cri sialrs adaIsers. cuUionameffe tta chuargesassginat Iambcne ut, a à Lamke eoUty fer 1 raeognized as ci Mmd Most loyal Marvel t politiclans alac close friends of afflar satimfied pOS'oeced affl pri=re«. They oInat luri b.itind viklci the goveni b.d at Ithe apport trial to a county fcargreasional diu Attorney Gex.erai Inated the indicti and.AmR.latnîAt berFerti. who., 1 II& trial. -We Ifci 4hf5-gtci the Sepienaler pr by delanit la Id vag «se of th, t Wmubegan Piarmi oui tofte bg -rb1ai accunta 1v CouutyOrganimt better thancours Smal casf 40 pe Ileau primary v( tand acttûa!v,-c, «'l ew nhar fo- renoannatict Mavpithb.City 4 But hMimeitox the warm up , iucla &( de axai hing for t do anuch igainat Where Km' Flg.ara*- ua.; raf.rf(-d Lake rai ttc j r. aident'îal 1 l1O -ýurala r s 1 lei.i- .hanl ulier r, for craie effacea veiipsttaI the