Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Oct 1921, p. 8

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THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPM~ENT, THIJRSAI OCTOBER 27, 1921. TIFY~~~~~~ane MAN a4HOore î'iuvenient ptionnIc wsj~'BA A good many peopie ht-temileilMr. [PPED DEAID ON Vusenosonil s chiiol lant N Vi~ i'Priribi ,rn -- i ,!wek- 1 Irr v n'~ î t L~.i ~' ~ "{ ' Mrs. udson M a-n il M-Ellaný isoîn stent tltn wee-nd eri n Chicago. Mr. Hickmars and son made a horried wed tôt be Sanmuel Eckilund trip to Indiana, Sonda>. galvation Army hôtel. en- Ellen Masî, Franries Tmwnser and éùyed at Manville Plant at week. en efeuu îeln mo wo rope dadon' Wa are planning oun - bird study-' e à&iaean bo t!moppd taino"a'booksanmd hopetahave theni wèll undér olôttb Shore lina sou li of Wauke- n thswr lut week, and wbo ion sai-eral' Our new flag nope bas arrivid and me à lay unldentified aItihe Wetzetjwîh ta Uank M. Buesching and Mm. Piterson undertaklng : nms in 1Mason for putting it up. gapmoved tuobe Samnuel ECk tooooopoooo 001000000 * Obcago and Waukeégan. Id en-1 EN Irma estabiisbed by William o M A D EN.S C HO0O0Lo ottb Washburn Botel, aa pri'- OB0 00 0 OOOO0000O Iredof tise deceased. the coroner~s inquasu heid mMn. and Mmi. Joseph Miller enter- WNiWY, Oct. 19, at tise Wptz,-h and jtained thein daugisters and many friendst r0ea estailsment il mas fonnd 'mnn bonon of Une birthday of Miss May death hbU resulted froi hraert' Millen, Suuday. m- It Waasbown tisat Mm Eck- Sundmy, October 23, Mn. and Mmi.s 'lad been iP1 more on tans fo ri ohn Vlezen antetained many guesta l imontha and bad been und-r in honor of their littîs baby daughter, NWe of a local physîclan. Sophie Patricia, who was cbistsned. b ad been at Evaantonn mîn-fa b Many icusts weme present. 04a Mater and mas on 11i3 way Mr. sud Mmi. J. E. Freernan spent haisn occured. Ted ihMr'.and Mmi. James1 bile Ecklund's homne ma.s inChi Tuesdaywit *bout 60 years of age.Her osnJridilngawl v.ý Bari C. Morgan, jns tom a eInts e Wilaiamiiling a weI 'yvllIe Preabytarian cbnncb, was er lnnn aetrti mad be car, and alnaaied firsu id iThue re anigt oembem 17.rin ltrckeu man. Tusa ihNvme 7 Mr. and Mmi. Jamesa ,uanin and 0 0o,0o00o0leo00o00 0 00 0:1cbidmn spent Sunday witb tiseir i mother, Mms. Mary Gleason west of UILLS'SCHOOL o: Rosacrana. 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 000 Agnes Guein, Delta Scbreck and1 bs-iu-Chief-Earl Buesching.- Evalyni Dalton of second grade, Mary1 Mltaut Editar-Irane Dushak. Victor of third and Gladys Mulder o ièess Managan-Paul Heu*er.fourth mceived five inrfecl îmarks in " dtom- Ethel Hickman.erlle salia _C. BueacýhiU gamd familyof Lake ' A Bunco paty mas held Toanday> nighl at the home of Mrs. b. Daugherty. Ma..,,,aîî.,5a 0.f.-.i-thistit. 1i Watd'<t~-' - - -i- nts are have ~-Irnv reilbargains Tise Commnencial Division hava an- nolnnced tlumi Cormnroity Bargain Day niill b.- "tîursrtay. November 17t1s and as tire Comnnunity anti rtising v-vents tisaI bavaeiscan Lieid tîniayear undar iha ausPicea nof lie Cornier cial Ilîsision bave bt-en successful in every respnect, il is eliavad tisat the Noveniher @vent wil! ha mucs lamgem tisan ube Comrnunlty Bargain Day in May. as tisa marchants natunally hava a larger atock un select frmndnming the fal neasan.Tise buying public. misa consider Waukegan as thaîn trading center. look forwamd wti con- sidamable interest 10tiste sale days Dot onl by tise Commeurcial Division. and il i., expect'd that many of our friands frani>tise outiying cîtisand county wili take advantage of ibis Comninily Bargaun l)ay ias tisev tmtt beretofori Tise Conirîea inchange of this rrattèr feet very grîteful for tise support tisaItisey hava raceîved f ror tise ratail niarcistnts miso bave, subscriised t0etise raising of lundi and tbey hava beau Cary conservativa- in lthe expendulurea, and haie obtaun- ad good result frai tise advertisinc mlat sas îlacOmi thI nougsuut Ille ubus ing (-t-iion>. Et en>ur-ctant gong intoti i t- ha., îîmîmîscîthIle 'oiiirittý tisai t on hîtmi lishi-m wtt mfer han gains iii nvt wI alilmei 0 ticthebu> in [Immnhi t 000000000000000000 o DEERFIELD' o 000000000000000000 Niate W J. Bueschîng and mn tenaio i itiz The Parish of Holy Cross church will uinddy.- give a Hti liîw'en party and dance at isof Mr. and Mr8. Dushek gave NEW IDEAS IN GURNEE Asrnblv hall of the grammar schio surprise party Wednesday, RLGDSATVTE Saturday evening. Oct. 29. 19. Everyone hàd a Zooii IGOSACII IES Mr. and Mrs. W, W. (Jurnsey and Next Sunday wiii ne . eighbor Day baby of Clif ton, returndd home Satur. Mis ahreddv-d corn last wek ii.isrnecurha1pln i day. having been tne guesta of Mr. and 1d 1r. 1 a1nnsen mctohv vryoycî Mrs. F. V. Spencer for a week. it .e4rd with n he Grsond fmilynîîdyelse tirai aiîernoon. It Mr. Krell, who has been superinten- kýenJ wih te Grswol faily.) 1iliat ihi'[,:an mill be a; dent of the Thornhill farm for several d Ms. Ernst Fry entertained . î..,a'e idea hcrnii to pro yeara han rented a farm near Buffalo UMss Glesson. Mt. and Mr@. t i.,ii i:uiii piî .rndto'Grove and wilI move his farniiy there , d Lillian Fry, Sunday. ac:,î,îiuajnei 'I.C eirritheIast of Uemonth. bd Mira. Hickman entertained *,niEndev'.r mpi-,îberi haie heeni Dr. ard Mr8. Ozanne and Dr. and a.field ud Mn. Em-ts Sunday z .1. -ý;'La ionicî ,' 'he VtiuiMrs. LinaofOshkooh, were gueits of m. rieiiti b,':i- foi one tunie and ire plan Mr. nnd Mri. F. H. Meyer, Wednesday. :- uii-ln douunlrng tin. a-tend1 v. ebeen very busy peparmng!. , Èt-metns The 1 Mrs. R. Kneli speni Tuesday ai kt social. Al the 9decraitro..YugiWue y ud everyone la prorniaed a:!ieoîii"- enio3 tbis plan better tranWukgn h to uer mecetingsara the churchI Mr. ad Mm. A. Klemp have moved to Highlaard Park, where Mr. Klernp Hikma hareturned to îhool '~ ~ ~~~~ hastaknaposition with the Bowman L UM. of two days. We are o0IN0E0 ENO0 NT-0150'a' **yEA R Dairy C. mm. erbad gan. o FOR ALL TH4E NEWS 0F L.AKE o The Ladies' Aid of St. Pau's Evan. bveord.radn@Wmapsof Europe a COUNTY, SUBSCRISE FOR THE c gelical Lutheran church held their Ma &W will haîe thernatp ecas 0 o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0oa annual bazaar last, Thursday night at weond Semi-Annual Consignment Sale -Lake County Chester White Breeders 'Association Lake County Fair -Grounds LIBERTYVILLE, IL41NOIS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1921 42 Head 0f Choice Animais 42 20 Boars - Uvéry aiqhial bas beeOn selected by the sale conmittee. . Notbing but the best bau been taken from eight hierds over the county. many of these are prize.wimuers at the Lake County Fair this year. The blood lines are ihe Lest in the country, Big Buster, Col. Wykof, Wilw<>od Prince Shearen, Monder, Wilim A., and others, in fact most of the best bours of the breed. Maay of the cofsgnnets are winmers at the local fairs and their sire and dams winners at the sdate fars. EVERY "'AIMAL IS GUARANTEED TO' BE A BREEDER. Sale WiIl Start At 1:30 O'clock P. M.' CONSIGNORS, W. J. AMANN. Rounîdi Lake ' ,A. HUEBSCH. Ares WILLIAM WIRTZ. Arta H. E. FLOOD, Grret JOHN WIRTZ, Arcs M. C. WIRTZ, Arcs A. H. SNYDER, Aras H. K. VO~EOE. nnee A UC TI10NE ER S Fred Grâbbe ASK FOR CAIALOG the cornmunity house with their usual 0oooooo0 oo00o0oo0o 0 0 0 0 0 0Mrs. Lamnb, motored to Bloornington 000000000000000000 success. The net proceeds arnounting Sunday to visit their daugîrter, wlio la tvi $288 with vemy littie expeas 0 A P T A K 1 SI1C o .ttendiîng normral school tirer. oF ORT HILL S C lO O L ý»nearIy everything was donateui o o Oo o 0 o o oosrCarear.len ewe0 00 0 O00,00 1 Ilmis Madeline and Harley Schmridt of "it. althtie horme of Mi,,; Erurna Studerti-(J h slci 'ortsmouth, Va., are visiting their M i -id M:. 1'.î i,ti î idIiil i1i .in Waukegan. i'ti'îti'Ii.iili',loi sunt. Mrs. Williaw (,il'owav. '.'!,î mn isMrla a mnsaletF i ilt m 'i lttgidsw The INfiss'amrt Ll.creîy (of the Pr'v- .., .AIJ' Oit t Li Iooi %tiIlîmt i .;in l i -, i i ie lhomeeof Muss Luel la Strang. istrie ad oii'iof tli'-rit a-ver bytenaischurch were entertained by li paleenîirry 'iday eerrine M i- inLny sno iigrt .' [-Jrs. R:ass Sherman, assisted by Mr$. The- job ofirîdli Mi hii. vreti rnhtrsiing. îAnna Sherman. A prograrn of carticles ware hoirse la nv-aring g Conijul u hr crrtdthtL .Mî rsIThere liildr"ri ivimo ia me1-1,i11tihtei read on India and Alaska. Slsad FakKned fLbry i- I. îld trei Oteslt b t L."' Garnli.eriaHonorItou lfor good demrortiflent are: instrumental music mers enjoyed by fiedli riends one day laut wme-k. brcnlay1 rnCrtne.Tn Ruth Lunk. Ernest Meyer, Florencu over twenty ladies, followed by a !ociatl The out of town callers at the- J. N. 1elîort u'annot be verified ai preserit. eaumannfi, Everedl'Toib, Eh" Wi time and delicious lunch. Busch home Sunday were Peter Iduscli as Gut.oe people are flot certrdin that . ill anMidd Davis, st hnr ai.9 Fred Vent anrd mother of Emigo Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pitzpatrick and the- deal has gone tbrough oce FLloranceDavi, ster adLur lg III ,who hve ben viatln M' children, of Arlington Heigbts; alloGoi.lrneWglradDn Vana. ef o rhaethen i omi MMni. imerofMlwuke. ,H-arvey Chase' returned from os onCurran. Vn' etfrterhm onday. r.N imr fMlake Ange-les Swnday evening. N. F. Busch and fanxlly entertained, Several fiolrailis neigliborbood a, Mr. and Mmi. Roy Ilutchisonof Portage a number of their ity friends Sunday. Wilil Patterson spent tire week end tended the Holstain sale- at Llb<-rtY Park, weme the guests of Mr. and Ms. Mrs. Ed Glss visiteil at tbe borne il witb bis sister, Mns. M. Thorne. %file lait Tburiday. Ray Raed 'a Sunday. Mrs. $char lait Sunday. Miss Mainwarting and Mr. Howard William Arnaln recerved ievêtra kiMr. and Mns. George Wh .itîeomb have 'Mns. AI Bimion and son, Alexander, attended teachems' institute at Liberty- head of full blond Short Horn cil rnoved onto a farta, ocar Lake Zurich. . also Mrs. j. N. Busch, motomed to Lib- ville Batunday. ftromn Wisconsin Fily The Ladies' o!. the Presbytomîsar are ert>'vlle ossMS Maix iler.wo Edwamd aîllings lnjured his right Mr. Pitien, f romnt urtb uf Volo, hi îpending the lisat Wednesday l qieii rh agrpean hu an na onshede auma. rented the 8tratton farta for the ne, of each ronth at the Dorcsa Home, matie fever. hnsaarontanrow ye. aasiating Miss Artes with rnendingafil The Hait Day boys ware defeated by Whnsa1ro lo narw er sewing. the Aptaklsic boys Sunday. Score of 1 When it s a star. <Exaanation next Dr. Schaffer of Grayalake %ças callei the gama 22 to 3. [wet o tht- Willford Grover home Tbursdî Mrs. William Kiat bas retumred frr .t Ga n aniyvsue a nsetairlittMia son, wbo iaccident!: month's viait witlr ber daughter, Mrs. wood friands Sunday. 0 0 0 00 0 0drank a lot of lodineý rRaymond Chalaien of Spencer, Iowa. __________ l rOlncy of Libertyvilie was inu tbî 1 The W. C. T. .U.bheld their regular a-) o o oo oo oo 0oo o oo o o o 0 S C U L TZ S CH0000L o 0neighbiorhaoou Saturday vaccînatini rnonthly meeting at .Ute Cornmunity GURNEE 0 000000000000000000o hogs againat choiera. bouse on Tuesday evening. 0 0 0o0o00o0o0o0n000 0 00 00 Peter Meyer and famnily wi're vii Ralph Hosenga0f Eveett, waa takenj aktsca Mr. Wiidhagarr and son and Misa lnginMilenay Suniîl seriotualy ill Thursday nighFriday a Urbaktscl was a great suc Wildhagen aDent Sunday afternoon at d Craanlirgnmoe 1doctor was called and diagnoses the csinMont ways. We did fiale as the home of Fred Krueger and family. En urnnnltng nooh ght' - css I Y*went to Chicago Friday. Edna rttnt lcase appenditicis. He was takein to as mucb as lat year. however, wc Misa Maybeiie Keiler attended the cd Sunday crf-ing, and Grandouis rt sthe Lake Foret hospîtal where he was lust expect baskets do corlne down birthday party tof Miss Freida Steliing. rnalned for a ionrer ýirit. irnmediately operated on and Sunda1v with the et of tbingn. The prograni .Jfryadwf alda hir 11.adMs ar hta u Awas doing as well as couid be expected. was *neerningiy enjoyed by ail. A delay L-eee ndwf aldatter Nr ndofrHighard brgtan th Mrs. E. Therrien of Highland Park, rsain a asdb hednt ar brdyriL.iV.Lusk-n n Hrrtlr ark afteri tL' was ha uei of m. ran Patrso uîarance of Kernnetî Strang. (Gues IMn. anîl Mri. St. Keller and daughterf ukIon-Stra fcmor wsthutsdayf. s rak etrsnstage lright was ,thrercause.) Il'i iceili, 4Marvella apent Sunday afternoon atl M'-,Eu Baill on .i Is itSuantl,,ili Mra C.E.Denan f îllrîm, as rthe sali- tillgtawlrmr ireirlcthe home of Mr. ai _Mrs. Fred lif i i MsC.E em f ilun a avictrola KueerMi.andl Mi- 'îîî ,rî- the giiest of Mrs. F. H . Meye-r Thurs- Mfi. lr> . r I,, amii. IIml it il gr.'îl Viiî-iiii gai ,I:ti' riw-- day. young folks- liersîst in infloyitiiiîiii-i Mr. andilMr'n Julius l',tm fInr and p.i .mîî .nl Mi_ - I ' CoiiîsîEasgton s in Billings, Mî,it.,l ll? Sonir YOUng tllkis 'ti i childmen mitent Sunday afi -rimIonat the , tint ii.i' .'.l m workir.g for the Economv Oil Re"îiiery. did tireir bestinb trying fi)i jîni-vni iili home of Mr, andI MrsA'* Vois andda The social and dance -if the M'iln1te' rn noyn iN iorrn Vt ml I] iIl j-' . ý! , , n, S* schooio l travrt on iamilnii,ý '0 1sn Mr. r u lNri alrg- rcg'r:ndî'i 'IMr, t m. î attandeil i-ui- iiititig tiik- Y;' , il m 1i:Ii chrîdren sp.-lt unilay at it-h, Oo- M sacs Viol a Rock enbacb, 1 oÀls ets? ln ? ilid . odi m. rel lensitaoFOR ALL THE NEWS 0F LAKE tHui r Amelin and Aines !mrî,îm itmn \Worian'iClub concertil il tri Relativesn frîn t he-cit,'ent i-unda>-, C0UNTV. SiJBSCRIBE FOR THE Iattetuleil t-e county 1-inla,. 'iiii vei werc Mr. and MrsiI,în t nthe hbîrt- if Mr. ai.'Mr-s- to NEEJET$ crAVA conven.tioîn au Libertsv I ýFrilm:. .and Mr. and Mrs.NI'î LimbNu \ti .rrîîM 1 i Unger lniI I ii'ily. NEEDN -15 '^ i Saturdaty. Normnan Browin md IMr.Wllî 00OO 00 00 0 î;îirrn"i-cllu eni tn rass',"Frintil vi- .............. ~ .. Deerfieid Preabyterian Church News. ning 10 the basket socimal gico lî'), grade achool i Weil, banc we anc aganndoing the j Mu and Mi.,sI saugli, .E -Nr i same thing whicb we drd lînt e1c andl[calf adMissna WilAeN '1? A D S *the waek before, viz. îmyung tuiinform dleate d Jth urneeMîilnr * you of what ta going vin. Kundl attde te mo b. und ac hrcîr mitro1ý11. rmenmber and act tni îind- ieSnaySbo Ioe Were y ou one oftrhenfifty which were1 tion au Ltbertyvilie Fildandaitt i present Iset Sunday evening to hear day. fthe addmess upon "Heavan"? If you I Mrs. Park Smith bas heen in thi- ?OR SALE Black miarc, 6 >ctmrs old. FOR S;ALE- 1917 Stuileb:ikl-r Six, rI were. then you know about the bîg aiCk list. weigbt 1400;t.brci! Black hors,- buuît. newly îtarnu-I. Bargaro musical to be given next ý1undav aven- lDr. Foley was caled ro attend Nia ns 40wiht10-4icd t , l aena4oc138.4FKrea ing. If you like music, yoù know Ray Saturday. At prescrit ghe ls nuclilHenry Wi,-n-r. Volo, 111 4~4 where you can find it, tuiiited., ATÙ rIdt-igdn-Trr We wonider if the peopîle of Deerield Tbe Warren Cernetery Association WANTED-%.eD nOr ,women to aillie or-.'tiflur fieettidecît Wi WNla t repm.ize that within the confines of aur nmat at tbe borne of Mrs. RobI Strang diers among friands and nelgbborm Tceîîhonàe 152 J 413 i village thene is a big orphanaga of Wednasday. for tiri genuine guaranteed hosilery, foty chiîdmen and that two womnen Deouty Shanjîf Wesley Gm a s ful lfine for men. women on childmeil . FOu SLEOR-_RENT Nmd-n have ail tha meponsibiiity of mending, callc-d ta Fox Lake Saturday to assist -Silm[inaIea uianning. We Pq 76c:an rOOni iouge. (on E.l'Park ave t>A patchingp aig, f itfing. baking, in arresting NiggerneYen. accuscîlOo trour ihnlIte, or $36.00 areek for Newsour. Ljhcrtyvîltî- 422 one trlunge. A delegation of Deemfield Mr. and Mr$. Ht-nIey. wiih Mr. and Write International StOcklflg Milîs Wa N Tî ii 131 - Winchtr para p womeri expect to go evel Wednesday_______________ NrnîonP u l2ug nilii,7 Aire aflemnoon about 2 o'clock ad bel n these - - nII11:,7 dde Itwo wornen patch and mend a Nw of --1---- Ol .Botx 262, the bundmed stockings aud limita tof OR AIE FOR SALE-411t ~.fIl!muio n close undemwear bafore the cold winds and nange-tif Viaukegan, gc.od 5 rouai AN OPPORTUNITY snow comtes. If you are interested, call F O S A IE ousie andi tther buildings. nicelv Io- AT Mms. Becker or Mmi. Patterson for iie antI ii.lett i iih nnie of cul . hEI A gotad IlVi-d'-aln-r,in Laki details. LAKE COUNTY PROPERTY tvmrtn. tIwoî Il ti4a nonncm-,ident. NVe courtrY 10couperait- wilîliusi-n th About tan of our teachers in the mi . ,c'1 i),s..miî* atmpt-it naît-oh loîulan 6 e> auIinîb cborch school expect to take an eight FARMS AND HOUSES '"zm r. hiiai ca-retI latrlslestan$ti AC week course ln chili psychology and "T j s: i colîtlîth tiîne 7thati stisit.l sagu a us pedagagy whicb the Daerfield township r, igThelurchase ofi a r--onsluntur wii Sui unda chool association t'pttng Itilt acnes 2- mil". rnoi own. r 1/.,at>ui oo ot)mi u Io utt oi-tanteOto auaaiochocr, 1nt2 milesino lat The classes will meet in Highland Pr n- 0rrlacol - ie t ai ne-i- Now ta rliete ur',Atm tsi us, a beginning naxt week. Eacb Tesay lrahîladtbrb uul-atrasvî u, t' an ta iii ne' cmx ing plticu.rr ngrlilnt ' evening milI bc devoted to thia o ttridesIrmni (Chicago. itsiof black ml m,- til suiialoti grilnerlt etr- sulling eut.s Tht- soiuîm inaetn -ork. The Northwastern 1Ii.mi14,1iaresatrledadind cultiîated. i i. iiVtliii 'i mii' ,Iine t Niittlt2'? emnXi.i ichool of ReliginsuaEducationfia furnisb- 2actue-,.-xc ietnpiastunu-. nem IL-ledei ciî and ..îîîiillk iiicago Illinoîis. 42- ingi ex perts to lead the cassas. ,Ne umonul miou-i . îît-miconibinatrion itfirse failli ij," 1 ilhigli 'îe. shall be glad to have any young mothars aînd Iirrlun, t6x72xl8. toierno; a 'iIattiri ndi muling ii- lilii nu who came to registem and go with us. lagc silo and oiher outhuildîngs tu10 i-iiieimititi) Iicilluiiin t iii. FOR RENT--A tiiimci 'în-i We wili anrange sortaemeans of trans-ucim ii îpondî c-yeas> rni f utlai' jI goot hI lîîta bot i30Jlîlloo-1 be! Ciin cooraIiiîui' at Ar,-li'a F10 portation.nent Tîmis ion0e (If ounbeast Lae Rhode - lm.l d 'chickenm.. ail fI.'d IHardtng, Arc-a Ill. Pilonc-1144- We wish the mothers and wrves of Ctonîy fian n ill cuinsl - on, e and citmipli-tte --t rat farnil t ooli-, îmin 421 tha village would' kIlprod vcmy climue imnmîtirmsi layrînenî cwit or 'ciiikn.tWmi gently thein illustrions huabards about ___i-uinî,.i: in t t1)l11.-1Ai.ESIE SANTEI> $8 to $1 8 ' l c ,n 'l l S u n d a y m o r n i n g a n d 1 1 0 a I Ist 2 m le s fr o n t 0 ne t o w a d 2 3,rite i( ,'i ln t i " I i a li n gii ril iiiti 's b m lt i-î n - in , ramind thani that a merln Bible dlasis rtoilcs hot another, 46 mules f ronttatslcs.tltatce is meeting in the Vllage hall at 9:30U hcao 80 rada from rural seltool; lutt inula iO a. mi. and that their presaencea lesit-i. nn t rile un cernent roltd. Ail FORt SAIe. t; EXt.IIANCK-ii f E 5"-e drc 1 osue essential. This Bible clasusun- sectarian and undanoiminationai.a. good l ack land. 80 acres trîcîl and %\'scon-,itins iim %illi n. arm L.arge dnîtdtnt.sqtead> rt-licti Thomas will laad tise meeting next cultuuîat-d;, 20 acres of large titnuber house. bain foi- 201 headtl fif - 1ea rftan emnn rp Sunday morning. The subiect wili be wic il l iicnt 500 corda of four-foot 5 borses. ati ti-oipIF fed niions. - ý ' et. -Exlîncirence and capital n001 n I"Booze."IlA mnin atereat9 scb-ect.wood O0rdrnary lai-rnbuildings; or- weiis tid îîtmtr a high i-; le of iiiquired. A sltendid opportnits' fo Ee. a oa n hq foecard and fine shade about the bousc- nation incl'riding tire fnl<îiin (1 tu t -g int' n - itil PientY Of "pusis aud Pp' i Year oïfaga and upad ougist to set C ultiiaicd land wilîl reot ifor $12 pem ment. 2 gomî ruloseis. 1 coit.,1is Rt et inrI business for tieseacve, solide, Thursday,nveiMbem 10, as the acre. Owncn ta retirec. Smaii cash 0f fine caile. 18 bead oÈ c'roice l.m , rite today for fui! particulars an ed letter day of the year because thse na) ite-', balance long tune at 5 pet, comilate set of fanr aclîincny. p, enecure your htîe county. Heberlin Glas Club of McCormick Theologicai cent. Witt consider somf trade bib tis1 ticaliy new, owing tc, slckncss n si Madicitna Co.. fiept. 434, Bloomlugtol Serninamy wili ha in Deemfield at the deal. isacrafice ait once at $7,500, ternis linn Grammar ichool, ay rtiacosda aarranger! 10 quit 'i t1AN INVESTMENTI NWFO UisGIeClub tisa hst iar tiseUnited 5 acres, 1/2milan front Arca.De8tStahu & C.omparny. Phone 2.17,J;,, 1.t States. Wa expect mnal people froini of blaîck land, ail cuitivatc-d, close tii 23'W USED CARS 15 LIKE PIJTTIN surmouuding bowisa will corne tbtiiher cburcb and ichool. on gravel oad. A- YU OE NTt AKA thern. The price per ticket ta only good six-rooni loune and linaesBadm FOR RENT-Famnacm lrcaucd modernm U OE NTEBI N fifty cents, a&0iack upUne pIe oWeiltadaxnted un truck gardening or ooniliaif hiock fri business dis- DRAWING 5 PER CENT ITERE have badl faith anaugh ota inge thehe çoutry aising. Very eas> ternis. I îict. on Milwaukee ave. Veny reas PU men berse with the punchase of tickets. onbe;as grg a"aneadrs LU H CNE CEO Ail membens of thea choir hasve tickets 50 acres nean -auai Lake, t1nMile onahlc;336 laage a e a ddre43is for sale. f rom Ares, oDlaiund i iIal; n um 3 Mlakeria iAUTOMOBILE. buildings. Very chcain and t'as> pdil ternnnis uvllconîlder tan cxc!saoge. jFOR SALE-Smali coai range. in goci!' ur . ag lwprices whw TOC I S IO S 5are,2 mlsfrmA-a 2 condtlon. Inthuir,- Indexendent.432twe have placed for reason of TE TO L U S ILO S 9 aces go. Bmi es ci[ea 41 ____ ___our large nsed 'car stoc] O UT IN TRIKE l, b lance 0 arestiled and cultivat-IFOR SALE Ford îauring car and yua tmbln in ga, including deep ivll and alla. Tins'lion; gIl boy. mnow's Auto Livary. mat a price yen wii be able to Sd fni us ncnted for a terraon Yeari-ai Telephionc- 306-M. 42 fit ON R IL O S $'50prace Wl el n eý i same for 50 Per cent (or more' terni or axcisange for ather t i -t of like value. I - oiotnt oinfignPoiti h ing.u fRf-ports raceivad in Waukegan lait na rucwm.laif~ilyNc 1917 Iaodge Touring; $34500. Tnesday wam a t r oîens iad bean tcany otimner üccln bangauns un 4 atimxiPhone Lake Bluff 214 îUslog tdnnfnarda 'di'i'i îttu m-t aks us a ari lands. Tisis thlInatinse to tîturitOiv-r'iaulv-d- $92o. 'r itl' Srio I i 0tain- att ren ru kciasefan land, botfor occupani> I91s l-layoes ChUlunsrs> Jttndtî-c mwil f ' i).i' ait-mnanrcing rotlii orfor suc culatt6n. The fact thsat tiedeil'OR Clt' ,,I t1,t' SmmE ' O W I ' ic oi î ni-i- mi iuia lii - ni n i ortnectlon willl Ith lands arc located 80 favorably sytili1nîuas illIi:uih ome, ofliu- rîtstoue.mua; ýS45I0. itit tmi t Ie aticifedetit iol1mm nufemeci hcgo egennt P t. ro..mdrî -t-', (mî !!1>1îut ak'1-0Eli.Sa i-_!..,i 0 0 s 01 ae ýy ey it> tal id li- .0 lit oe ke hf il., (OLUME XXIX. VtE«ED DRU, STORE toi SEEK À Ioncharged wi brove they were e IrATE HAS STRC An effort 1teInove Can wdo by Jacobis tol usal: and Theodort 'W Son trial lu circuit« ~guon a charge or' go the. Wataom dmug 1 g the nIgist f sept. 24, »t cigare.,wlnlskey .az bgadis. to the value 0 «u4a1uts are seeklug bel vert tu Glapa Viei hIago ou the nlght Scolmimtted. Lhybe tetlflad that tIr .t drink saloon iu Gis î pool sed carda wltl W, a maan mnnad Knag 'eipekl ta emnoru lug W e, tre te gon on a &1h, bii ueanly tise foi l. Knager corrobonat lent. Kregam's place la bout twenty-two mIlan fatzon dnug atonee lu A On tise otiser band f sated stituesses stio kre youutg men wst linbuck' autfomnobile bottas 0t sept. 24 a id bottie of sthl.key gara whiicisraison offas been stolez frou Motnes.Tisese artici ad, boreirhi. osta priva Tise - defendanta ex kms boulies 0fetbisin igaMi mare glven tc Îtom-obitist stborntise 9a ditci. Mué REMUS F LAWYER NM RM CONI :George Renrus. forme Mkyer. vtile defendad a i men in Wanlrcgan ,,th tiseZion booze 'inu 1vo years agir and ru-ce > bave pnrcirinmed a d Ininiutî a t' s 4lsibtnrî conîcaîleimocurd t gents Irons Tirmunmns1 rist uinoar atliamni Gallairer wma a r't. ythic liainmivnnl police la hmneynnoori and 1< ras rrans1iuli n aîtal t (t.,,cage. ihi ic td t ,adeC r-girlatii « , nI., ilti tleand o li iun Ille le lilpncale-ininnc- a-c fCincinnuati. -otuit- Of % tn amrebt..1l1ti- unfonim ltc.d in tht- catura fgallons ohlIrquoir. Fedaral 1'naibition i tynes bas gone ro C ty. ;ORNER WÀUI WOMIN 15 i Of ÀA ,NEI .lanet. Thiias Van îrk. tretten kno'n in ary 'Thomias, a si uanies G. Watrous. liai book antilaed "Bet ttte Gitmils tha Birg ýet lier girllîood in'n faendad tisa local scliau 0» ber Oast book tise sw bas been stritteot Betty Ilarker Is positu muan and lika bla 11111 book nince Sophie ray froni tisc-unreal Iks for littia readans ll Imimortal "LittlIa P a many quastions, M; d bas disappointrnenf ilmeiick. buti la so b: id loyal lu ber frienîis ta unireansd morenafoc iend Ada. msorni se el vison poi as wli r owto iy a vealtih kucli lu giving lffe tc ràa cao noeOuate maad etty ia laIe at acion iendiflg a stray dog ths rin frontr laughung w » filosu iocety lady Il lce of Iletty's mothi mmced ai f11e âme lim m~nenit couldnî u i "- s Wr nie c!f ih 'k on ny aor to es. id ng n. 4G ST UN cà. re- à )w rd iti 't'"-, '-eerrkinz1topreveni iduce Marln hctie World, h.,antm alinc mBlurr IlIil 'i trkci Fotrest;$4,0 YIic"îiiii "i.. uaI ilat soutu ootha îverlokn-, î-ttecI Nbîorcc1918i imuet. 13h 1911 Sudebk-r ounie; $2000 avecr ln ITîesrlay by COmmaomhr jiatty ln tîrese limes of extî'n'neî> litihi 1921t Buick Tourins;-.ln good condi- hl,; F ni it. i-xpcluu i -le-tjc i il frelglut tatesa. tFOR1SAI .1 Wismiconsi n Fnunnu -80>acres tiono; $8000u. h"Im, iî mCaihii "duîm W n Ilae o ai nston i-i,61j acres ctetîned 2( in The above cars carry Our standard meteeit i' ;iit mnns; ~i is aos ou-r-:ttn fic' "Om. n and u.smuctin Clark counî> uaed car guarantee. Cash or Sur !epo te; ap hose 2 o rom 0weýaon, n e ttv rigot! buildings; nînne timne psymenta. 'X i'h, .,m mii salil !0o ' i ni t'W im n i hiusfe ; one 'six noont its a ( antih c !o s ; b a t!U ,1e p n v nn stl 9 n i a ori ' - -oihus. I Lbr,%, 1750 emu-tir$8>.0(î Se Diirnholl. Sundayý fict, d,;ýo-,iilu'i Iip% !1.d rv, i1o 1 )a VtrnoIsalen, nio... Cluicagofi e43 't ILan NOunSsAUTOhicXCHANGEi i nn ,mt n onncoi la gi, t homou&zil numde rn. ILNI UOECAG Wi'llt salIforitu on c m uonthii> ' 211 SacuçLàftai. -,Lake-Forest. X 0 X 0 Xu x 0 a0 o 0 x x oaaoa o ta>oenis. F014SALI'. tampshir- srrm. yaunceepoe 1 -0 THE INDEPENDENT ts thes ci oai (i1 ' el;Fi-rnis 300 stainTephe13. x most widely read newspaper In s. F. M. HARDING cukîni i'ConuisRhoude Ishandl Outibutora for' Lake Coun'ty 0 oLake counfty. A U'P 14JR-lcoci:,., yaung geene; lfonti, TI4EHAYNES sXo0 X XO X 0 eX 0 X eX 0 sX aXe0 A a, 1MinoisC .iPhm'84- im Ce . 1 inn'276-Nil. 43-2- 'America'i Finat Car.,, L àua ben Li 22 Gilts CoL Satre IRCORDING DONE FREE

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