Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Nov 1921, p. 2

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TH-E LIBERTyvILLE INDEEDENT. THURSI)AY. NOVEMBER 3, 1921. JIfOND CROP Of RED RASPBERRIES AT DURAND HOME Mis. Scott Durand of Crab Tise dairy says second crop is befter than the first This le perhaps the best story of the day. IVas. Scott S. Duranti, wealtby so- v*Y oman, proprietor of Crab Tre S ryat Lake Bluff, the model dalry OfteuMiddle veut ln erving fresb = ,drsae>rriea on ber table daily- la , p.lusclous berris-andthetb best part of lit la tht she gathers lUmvi ou the bunihea that grow l i.voa on ber fan. Mr& E.Durand waa lateti today vhen eb exibitei part of a brsiich torm trou on Of the bushea. it vasIllter- à>I covereI withb erries. ,ne. la th second. crop this yeir," Xi. u andsd. "The berrnes are UMb uarger an fluer than thon:- *t came wltb the tiret crop. You "OMM aotifstbat t.he issues are tresby M green, sbowlng il la a bonatide Bgfld MD. There are unough or tbese beriea en the buebes for sev- mrai meali." Ens. D)uraiid aded that during al the years she has lived inl Lake COM.tY abs neyer saw tWo crops of tUSPberies corne . I a sinigle season. Other Odditie&s It WaS oniy a short time ago that tWo tannera living in the vlcinlty of Gurftee, Just west of Waukegan. ex. hbbted Cerry trees wblch were in full bloom. Thuy say that if cld wsatber boîte off a littie longer tbey maYget a second crop of cherries. .Hart-y Dierking, a Waukugan bar,. bersbop owner, is picking fresh to- Mtoues out of is garden dally and "aYs that the vines are covqred witb blos6o. He says 1e wouid flot be aumrrsed if lie could pick ripe toma- toes.on Christmas day. ***0000000000000000 0 DEERFIELD 0 *@00000000000o000000 Mis. E. P. Oseîmait elir,iainetl at -the homle o fiie mother, MJrr. H. Lange, ' aInt Tut-éday in tioncit of h r birtbtlay. Covers were laid for, 17. The out of tova gueula acre Mr and 'Mrs. C. C. Nelbuhr, of Highland Park, and Mios erace Brîclunel and af end iI ia Egrs 1.M. Hoe and dsug l a tt.wn. 16799 'lin NeW York Cty alone froutIi d. MW ytrouble kag year. Don't show yoaueuf to becoffl a -vitim by MWgecdg psinOndwahee Guard egeUM t ib trouble by taing 'M" wold'a standard rstnedy for kiddny, r. 5vs biadier and uric aciii troubles. RDUiln'. national renedy since 1 696. A dislas, thie izes. Guasntesd. &Onk forh.0s»MaGOU Od M y o e.,boa God e sue5 FARM ANG TOSAE WUKEANL.e PHCTONEE2441 FR WNDLOCANDS 54 ORTHRY AN AST. SPH NE 2441I«CEIE O OTS A N D StIQ E P ciAlSANO CAP Produce Bought and SoId Phone 107-J 1LMCAE VLLA M LINOIS1 "i dwa u v Nouice isd elicioua flevor when you amoke .Lucky Strike -it's ealed iby the toaaemg prooesa dolyn, attendeti the meeting of the Daugbters of the British Empire last Wednesday.. Mi-,. William Smelzer of Chicago visited Mtrs. Fred Christensou for sev- (-al days. .Mrs. Otto Heimanu, who died of birain fever at the HIighland Ilark Itos- sire 'o laite advantage of this fine mraning. kindl> spîcak 10 MessRrtockesi- bacti about îî. TEachers frc-m North- western arc conhucting the elastes. Mir. Thomias will preach next Sun- day moi ning and evening. He vas Sonry Io havt been absent asat 9Sab- bath but was calîcdt 1 the c urch of Wauekgan. The subjeet ncvt Sab- bath evening wiii be "la lucre a Hell. WVho Goca luecand Wby0" Tbis is1 immortality and kindred trîbjects. The Christian Endeavorera yl ilieet ai usual at 6:45 p. m. Ail young btols are enjoinetu 10 bcr P..asnt. Tbe cburch vas complttelY tillcd last Sunda3 evenoîog b enpoy the lirbt musical program of the see:s,n iv toc choir' The vont vas af à sery higli ciasi. Mnt. eBeker and Xikîs Bieder- stadtlnray vieil be proud of the higli type of music whlicb they ai bringinC; t0 iurn ti le city. We were favored b> several selectioni froni out of tOvi' talent. Miss Chard and Mr. Bradfordl front Libertyvile and Miss tssger from Deerfielti vere especialiy apprurlaterl tor their fine worlt. We are tu have anotber fie u ca truat a veut frîom this Tbursday eve- nlng, or Tbursday. Nov. 10, in thu Grammai' uchool auditoriumL. The Gle Club fnom McConuick Seukir.anY *îll bu with us. No second lnvliation wil be n£eded for the village and surrounid- iog countryatiftein ability le wide) known in Musical circles. Ticlket ,aay blieec.ured fi olui11Yaay erber of tlle choir. pitai Friday night, leaves a busband and ycar oid baby. The tun'ýral va3 By Rev Martin Luther Thomnat. lield 'Sunday aftcrnoon at the holie in Where are the Saintet deat? Tbis lu charge o! Ru-'. Nr, Thomas. , The re a uetin which challenges Oun huit nains vere taken îo *Michigan, ber hats What becomes of theufather, former home. toi buriai. mother, wifu, husbartd anti cild which Ezra E. Fiin v.t as a brîies ,ý passes out? Do thuy pass immutiately ilo01I tiirrke-tratm mb what te genurally spokun' o! as] Mot ,IS..Heaven or do they remain in an ini- Ti;, -r(ilti-oftihe lecîl Si rstermediate state? The latter iu thel Ilîg;rSli0 sc rrjrr.Qr,ýçl r HaIlr lo ai n tuth. The church bas taught and r> ai hte -ciorîl Mîrndlur ngl rightly so that an inturmudiate state pa u xistu between the uarth plane andi the 'i1u E. J. ElnghariîifA lArntPs final abodu of Huaven. Whun the dis- visited lîvi tîtîrlier MNonday s:îlution of the body takus place, hu Nir. anl MtIc Ezra Fristchî ailas spiritual forces of Goti take charge of lhecm Sundlîy gu",sîs. Chai-les Tatge , te soul or spirit o! the deceased andi tirs. Eînma liresselhaus, Mr. Caro. carry it into theuunseen worlt. Scripturc tint Ear,,,rn i pri Mr. andi'i N'le secins to tuach that conscîousness _iWatrumaînu and to sorte citent at luast, Slîip ad bby o Eaensoo 1 knowledge of evento are known. Ibis OOD PLAN TO PICK 1000000000000000000 SEED CORN IfA LoL0ô0 O a0 0 00 Nelson Converse, Joselh Sykes. Mil dred Davis. Florence Beauuiann and Select Ears From Plants Whuch Elma Beaumann vivre cîther absent oÀî Have Dons Wll. itar<Iy froiTi Belool last montl;. The jWe, bad a Halloween ,oarty Friday Sowq Charactenletlcs for Farnier teI alternoon. Several of the moîhers St- Keep in Mmnd Whon Maldn. Se- tended. lectien of Beat Bond for The children decorated the scbool Next Vea'.Crop. ro orUcHalloween party J. H. Curran spent Wednesday in Tbe bet wsy to select seui corn Ila Chicago. . býout the standing 5tflks. Whl 80»J L. V. Lusis and sons atiended the cause vu can cboosu esrs trom VI#intsa Duroc sale at Libertyvilie Saturulay. whiCb bave produced wvuElà computi-, Fred Converse bas returned honft tiol vlt nelhborng panta tr nom a trip to St. Patul. tèecorn in eut vu cannot telli boy It Mr. and Mrs. William E. Snmith of Thîy a h rao wysoe0f»uGrand RItige, Ill., ta visiting the Pbiliîp best suui corn growera gWagne faanhiy tbulr fildls as uooo as tbe ears gr Leo Bruwur bad Uic mlsfortune tu ripe ad bord and bufore beavy fronts get is bandi in a corn sbredder Wed- or autumun rains Injure thee orn to nesday of lait veek. He was taken to vick eut th eir sued for nuit puai. lb. Waukegan hospitai for treatment andi lu gettlng aiong as well as couid bu expected. jThe ieatb of George Potts, son of Mr. and Mns. Ernest Potts. occurred lin the McAlster boapital at Waukegan Tbursday, Oct. 27, about 2 a. ut. Hi& team ran avay the Monday previaus bus v as takiag utilis, wbieb threw fi rom thu wagon, Causing a hlood vessul ln bis bead to burat. Durlng 1bis ilinesbu bat the moat.devoted care and attention, but it vas Imnos-- intoSave bis ]life. George Pottîr was boru April 10. 19171 and uied ai the sge o! 14 vears '6 ;monihs and 17 das. the third chilti o la iamlly of nineý ThteItineral 1 vas h(cld from thc bouse. flurial ln ilie Lakie Zurich nMmf.t*ery. WANT AD' GETS GORS FAIR ~'EPARTNERS, P woî ,..d r,-5;rn .ci L.akes nit aing -.,;itniiirw be-n tlýiri g In' ng And¶ o la-i nigh- w a.s fixi-ri for a hig danm' in honni- ofI he gr ,Iluation of a ýquî i Soiecting Seer Corn Under Field from the aviati<rn .sect ion. Conditions. Eut, sinre peare was ucae l girls seenito 0have torgotten 1th(r- Tue fior.tas hcld an alls'a nieeting luada us t0 the next thought which Soute meni mark the selecterd stulks, Th 'Ibrday to finish uor the %,.oi. juid naturally, follovu, if consclouseus but do not eut iheni natif after the Tb iiaku- liltialarangjenments for the an- remains vihat of the occupations In thu fieldtilf eut. (tîiîrr husk the selecicul cd nu;] azar(0be held Thî:ri(ay .' intermetiate state? Charlus S urgon ucrs before cuttlsîg andi hapg Ilthe gol Mng, ile zst -it onuit os the great Londonreacher sidthat he U toc naOc hr hy%-1 i niag lir, it, r crnnunuîr buse expectedtel, preach the gospel in theUptoneIafric ireiey'llgi MIr.and irsIrIa Gardnes u.otor-ed lu flext vonit. And why not? Certainly dry quickly. 1vu Peoria Friclay returingneSîunday. conditions there are rinot tatic, if theru The character5.tîcsý to kcep In rîidthi ThtE C. E. Son ýtyhari a ieLci;,tful is lite, there muist bu growth of some In slccting corni il, the fielil are: A S t lime ai the Hlwen ity aith kint andi what would bu more noble turdy, tîprtgbt lilk of mediluma hom o M aloacn htthan that a mother shoulti bu given a higbt ido thlcklms, vîthi short joints, E hanti Mrf -M"landiirirr childto tuach and train vbich she lbut andi broued leave-,carrîi'.vell doxwn. Nionday ev-entng. in this lifu. 1The chiltren muit bu '.hicb stands in an average hoi] on I Miss Eltrýeta Knaak wbo is attend- trainet and whom would God naturally average soit;a trwl ing Chicago Universiî ty. sppt iia-eei' cal ipon than upon the mothers. Or,1 ncrwl matured and 9Pt ,nti at home. it migbt bu that the cbilt who bas mate 10v set, cf fuir size, vith straigbt gel The mîusical gi'. rn by rîr' Pnesb. gruat pro gres in knowledge woulti bu rows and fairly 'aell-covered tip. with terian chuicli (boit Suil.>caleletupon to tesch the parent sorte- deep unlforma grains. having a mecdiuios wai horoa4b> eijoyd b~a rn i,n- tht ng ofthe great eternai trutha o! the sîzeti cote, a rather siali uit, and a ýwstOOgl liýdb crua-del universe. busis protectlng te rte;: Uic car hlti;g- lotir-t. After the guea] resurrection tînt Ing oliver "O as to'shed the rain. AI- Chai-les 'ai souls andi solii liuY ' 0; d ement taRes lace, thun thosu *bougb soute straîns o! crn lave beca Haggern an. ldalîo. aire 'isit]ig i flevitn nthe intermutiatu statu pass into dvlpdta edtepour w E. B, Jordan home. t1e final place known as Heavun. Jeas deloulhatndfpruc to -s ai ith b ilt nh-taught, anti certainly the early chistisn lcara f0 thu stalis, one goti car lit ail -N'irtiUsMariaîst ismi l> ci sin.theataught, that Heaven vas a place. The ve uboulti expeet aber, 1the stand isl ý,asiu Eatonlam-ly foisiVelaicharacter of thu Greuk word useti in thick enotigl. Il ts achuetetter tel oh- Ytsrs. dîrd til fancer n 1)ce P4lineqduscibing' Heaven in the fourtuenth tain one iood etir Iban tac ,nubhInq. Thuriulsy anti sa.. buid aliat rae chapter of St., Johnn gospel leats us t0 Anyotie '.iiit ake, an lnterest and Satuitray.blieve that Jesus understooti Heaverý prîde In lis cornrîîili fini] prpllt ansI Mir aie i ti.En ixnaiiiand c:illier' to bu a place. If Ct is aaked wheru'satisactin nfieldl 'a-ltin. uespeclî if Iloaners; (;iuse 5Irfft th '.ct-k i Heaven la, wu cane only ruply that il wi~bMcaT. LKnak. ,n ight bu al of the steliar systems and ]Y If Il i.. felîrr".hi 01 for su-veril witi T. . Kaak.the plencets whieh revolve in space. yea rs. Nii'.- Lrruiý r E, en (l r ic,,I)lINî Science teachus us that these bodi ane '.55- the gue.- a lî.rV'.r -j cooing t a vury rapid rate andi are ACID PHOSPHATE BIG FACTOR ~-.rtuî ils. - laite certain thrat the planetMast____ Tb.RylNtghi iI %ll t e cpresent time can maintain evenLag Increasu in Corn, Wheat and Royl eigb(i 1s ir;i (j beilhuman lite in lta present form. Thusu ClaevrHyOtne hi Oet tiiîeting Trîtetia> igiri Not.. >Ir, are but huma conjectures, which may CtvrHyOtanda 11 li,tead of Thunsday, N&,v. lut h. or m0y not have a reaflity. Hovever, Experiment Station. Tiié P' r. A. wail hli '*le 'ixi lmît] onu tact of which vu are sure and- îng on the eveaîng o! Nov. 111h ru me concemning which the Scriptures speal Tire Oblo station n t-ntr tîanunu' selrirl Ti, e Ilira tir, au ~ in no uncrtain tone andti 1181is hat sn<i trrtili'aîns r Ica 50tcirrl ir svr(,riicî' t1ho.Tll wl ý )*0"hl n1Heaven ex tg and hat il is bing vct f~n 'cI r-iîî,Jrun ,:nrl 'lownor the peoplesi o! Goti. Our .frrr i if.crn o t7ti iticri ier .1 huul Glad , ad ilortne,-c iCatertlsus t bu 'e goesto reparefo21pirrat nen f15ht- lt-*I;inti i nnib»r if rinoslitil aplace for us" and hat if e gous cll v-r rvr'r t hi- lli ivirerirîrncone ii i f tî., r' ir 1 r 1i j,,WrI r n'l. andi prepares that place bu. vili corne orn fentil.ier iii, ht uen-i. Tir('-rcornn NtI- i 'liliiî tci î,anî',lr- i entertaintît again anti reruive us unto him. WiCh cr01 îî Ns rrrI%iir lia ri iitiunr iif eorn. riri rUti Mîttins luh~' rsuch assurances of the future, nu man '.'.leand Io"rv-r. Tire iniriîirei rît er nrrrrîr 1"rtirrra' 1or wofnan ecedtuspair of Ibu lite tti plied in titis Ca'., ail eit 'îsfr lia> iri týlir> i%* ,, ii,' gu"'.t ioi he univurse to ake cane ofhose who nti tiri- ttt0a, 0 l rnl - lit, r Giltkrsî Suriay .place thein trust andi hope in Hlm. I! rein IsItat-per ntor iraiiire. te- - Eigtit fors. ver, appuiteth te clu'.er ntori teiai suinter ibefore il ws'.îs rlw'ed Deeruftu Id P ru byter ial, Nes 1000000000000000 0cowni tir Cornn. .. L l irle ltirndei ion r.e- corning o M O N A V 1 L L E 0 îîTh (xr'rIîmentq show ibat manture t". . w il iyour hustan i or bru - O OODO0 009O O o O O II O ose'. tir-ihoutlits !ertilizing proper- j ics 'ihet i alowed te bcle eachiti, by irer ci tathe bhailforriIonon -)ilbing i Mn. anti Mrs. Sorenson andi chilirun, rafles, talinîso tes masrc ur retis ne- one- u ilie itteii<ttcu nalriattefttid' Blanche, Howard and Harry venu visit- enfoncî'iiiett nth phosphorassunbe he Conimunity Bible cltss in te vui igat hu L. J. Tweed anti J. Sorunson, motfffective. Fremin bis apiplica- ife liall ast Sunday ir.onniig? if no homes Sunday atternoosi. ion of riantirc ont aciti phosphate you knoa ail about Cis live, organizaa Mns. S. Barnustablu, Mns. C. Martin there bts aise been an average in- t ion. Tht big burs made a sîîecîal taxir ant Mme. . &Gaigur vent to the R. N. crellsi'e! 15 bustels of abeat antid cail aiaclihome. then ilepositeti the A. meeting at Grayalaku Tustay. 2'0Wrinuntis of doyen bayv erenthe occupants srfely at the. cbutch uoor. i Fritay afternocin wuhalaHatiowe'en untreatîrde plots I the notation, the 1ev. Thonmas wl i eiul the clasa next paty. We tarkunedthu ichool mram îeat and dloyen followins the crn 1 nuit Suntay. We exelo.ct 2ù iloua to be andi lit Jaek-o-Lantern. The chiltrun vithout any fumther manurlng or fer- on nanti. enjoyed thé *anut hunt andtihii su r- îiî Lu od> vnn ur'ug~ prise Miss raIh bat for them. Wu iiig pie met al the home o! Mr. and M ru. ilaet nmeS ni a er o atteroon.TC HANDLE STUBBLE FIELDS Wut. Sellers for onu o!f1the best HaR ai ihin s va' absent ThurstayS love'un parties given in DeerfilIt. o lsitwk anse o a severu huat. If Cultivated Crep A re o ol Tlei'e vas isaethingt doing e'.ery Itai- ache. Good Plan la flt Listand li t o! tmre. The home vas mout DesJmsiktaiCnfrtW on sPsib. arnltically decoratuti with goblins aniivod aesertist. fon?-eSln sPssbe pumpis. lbhefest lisonu hat viii1'nd,? 0 ld not ble forgotten. Mrs. M. L. Thom i Tboae baving a perfuct veek in Onter, fhe beut 'vais 1 bnt r eling wve: Doris Barnuatablu, Hilda sluittefields o dry'tedslu to disi anti Mis Grace Rabbins took firut . Ived seventh grade; Lena N4elsion, tbeenstile as souri as possible &ir anti second pizes, for the ms oufon-j Lloyd 'Atwull, fourth grade, Hazul te croie s removed, acc'>Orcltîg te landlsb costumes worn. Tweed, hird grade; Frances Martinis, Professrr Kezler, Colorado agicuiturai Our hearis igo ut in ruve tandlsysipîrsecond grade,. colhu'g..If 1the lard Is t e put useR atb> lug Otto Heisîliab fi sd t.Ilcliv oer - . Ifitull rbent. plowtn.g ubotidbe tIrtue: lie untùmeI> durtîtof is heloved i ai 12,MAJK ODI DES r imlI;ltly.Thi ecarlier tire pluiwinhi wbo tuidlast I"iiday in thi' iligîland, Fîmnk Hodnik. six yean oit for out sl don fic Ir uetter thei chiance,'c ' rt wet Park bositla lie'lune rai s r'. c, r .v.anti Ntlr. John Hodnik. - mut!; ting ir rrrp. '1'ls u tii,ue h lit look tplace at lio,.brne 1'last Sunday Vrisi r' thCiAve., Nirth Cii i cri t r. ieu tliai un lire re'iuires soiiiv tini' tri aftcr uoont. %%]it r i hr!ta iOir lii',uing. *last tigbt foîiowing ant ililîtes,. tiIl pii'I) '. te te]nu unomact thiese- inul Mns. Becker 'iniia. T'r, m aîiin"e'irl .eckcFn neîîrît lt ic lic I.. i h wrill h.- taktst r r'in ui arii, ;trîtit, Mottiî'rîof Goti ciiii cli. Fcitiy i I îrrtubbierlanIiiris to he pltiii l rcfi irntIt iýt m . r in nitig; intei en i ii. '%fi. OIti'et ito eilti\ ied l i s 1the toleowiiîg yiac,, Le.i ui~d.>~'. ~ ~fl~lý entvte'ry\a girl i,.rrfttiittitg)oltuw andtia cr'tiit bel trftt o eur ',i lu J(),- ilone il lu use1the tIser uta ssoenor ils l',rr k a iIi r' trI..r'gin ait ' g!tv R Atvetures of the, Sout. the' grair la off if poussible.Titis tci i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o a,- liir, ,rîgr s ,t li 'rî1irta~1 i'sbrrltao the iicihei'tîi'st rîctoîls <rfcoîtrol grtinid Iclrii.r'> The bil;i rLus abcr -' 1w ri triires rîf is soif]l ittong ma& ~litit rr it(] itir ittiurg tirc land in] nc î-r'l ili. 1 '; v -'- w î, r tr'.-- 'niou( 'Frtance. stîs trirct ' iiiiisuu.t tai$(,iIs a very Mood aay tu coutrot btcwlog. ere~~ or lerh tfair îair iiiý le dancing -professor' vas appu-al- 10 tC>He ali'.erladvertising. Tt;- obs lnserîed a -Wenl ail, tir; u irI yesterda, Y,.. il mrr: orked. There were 185 g,;r i ped dr own way fiorm Chicago tur tir iltion ani bacis. 10 attend the a.. ngnsUse TIird of Mimcd Coal. Ahut tosu-tlîird tif aIl the coaI iiiiu n ti. Utled Stattus is retîni nu 10 thIre rîrt ry'.-,iiI rotve Back To Pre-Wak' P Rices. At this time everyone shouid do tli utmoit to asaist in bringing prices te a »mial levl. 1 am trying te do mv bit. > My PitICES ON GUARANTEE DENTISTRY FOR THE NEXT 1 30 DAYS AS FOLLOWS: Goid Crowns, 22 K Seamiess.........--..............--........... $5.0 andi $6.00 Porcelain Crowns, Pivot Tetth, True Bite mould .-....... ....$5.00 Porcelain FIllings ........................ ............... - -.......$2.00 to 16.00 (Wîîî flot Change color) Gold Inlays or FilWings, according to size ......... -.... ...... .$F3 00 Un Plates ibat i guarantee you eau eat-corn off the cob . $15.00 Up (According to materiai) Treatment. ncrve kiied and root filled ......-..... ....... ....82.00 And remember, i wiii flot burt You I1 use medicle first that taises away the pain. THESE PRICES ARE FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. 190Wah Dr.nS F. E. CORLJSS Ovrthe Thomas Mrk et Co. 1M asingonStWAUKMtAN, ILL. "JIM'ÇS"P Auto Repair'Shop W HEN in need of Automobile Re- paining try'us if you want the best. Now Iocated in' the Durand Building on South Milwaukee Avenue. James B. Wetmore Res.. Telephone 364-J Shop Telephone- 367 LIBERTY VILLE, ILL Theotiore H. Durst, Preaident W. B. Smith, Vice President F.W. Churchill, Secaetary and Managel. TELEHONE 81 SECURITY TITI£E-& TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE - TITLES GUARANTEE Capital: $125,000.00 WAUKEGAN HiLLNis q - e e ?4DTUR CAR It is owned by many who cari afford ta pay anything they wish for the things they use. It is always bought because of its knowri value and its afte econornes. The gasoline consuunptlen le unusually lau The tire mnileage i. unutually high LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE J. N. Bernard, Prop. PHONE 202 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. i ______________ U. S. WL TRAINII AT i "'Economy"9 Seretary Virtual Mca ni-nlt activitler Naval Trainîni liv Se cnetary "Tbe pçolicY c.uit trainintg Sain Francisco economiZe bot ,,A:Denby vît SalIor's The rni ,,,-ifg coli lis? li200 anc r 'Owitig tr;Ilt -iders that Il, ca-cunt rat' Ii ample tuî]i Ilvtnalntaliini ln.t stations foi able for rtuly otîter sniPn ' To Keel -Tht id-. i f c L NI lI:u an ,iK w. h M1 <i ilike Mi,s Baxter. Briard of I trin of tir anrd Mi ilsayadI ii The nea fini, tal<'-flch.îrg eo clîased f rom R ELHA AtIr Office at Ho Tel. LIBERTY MAKI Atts 315 Wi WA t'Ki LYELI Att, Lu Res. Lhoî11 PAUL Att Tt DR. veter Office .st Ru LIBERTÎ J. E PHYSICIA. aiseases of WAU KI W. W.JY Phone 841. WAE KI DR. O. 1 VETFRI *Assistant LIBERT' DR., Office in Fri 1Hoùr:-l t Residence on LIBERT' CH-AR[ Washing!on-C Wà UK Public Aci ~ .Accuuntiflg lpost*rr l tîric do foilticed 1rlioni 26 p a Il cn fi il v 7i

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