Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Nov 1921, p. 9

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LIBE.RTY VILLE LAKE COUN4TY, INDEPENDE NT VOLUME XXIX, No. 44 RARIE", PAULE IS REÈD, BUT IIUSBAND MUS GOTO JAIL 'UARY id to be a trial tmas egan frona le records se which ast week tek. There t as yet Lart, soute Il flot get flihe year. e aoxbous mas, but ni Sp:ing- -Records >ezzlement flater thls iior Small the $60. ff Mester arrested s band la es to face itate trea- triai Wi t pre imi- 1 belleved, .aY. e records dogst harlt il t' t... lin n or r ',t .1.)z 1-i-r loig, !..i tîî. - \t 11 11M t'I.i. .«IlLi Pasule,.'Ail UtJiuSrtlli Paute ut i-ouitI] Lake, Laktt ciant. cîcatica at tug a telitofut 21 <ayb iua jaiand 15>10; of a fille et o$i>j n a tiharge ut ieng an a(Ccesdul> iii the illegal, baie ut ýLitoLsLatIng iaUur. acrordîng tu an opinion iedlicere Ioda>' b> tlicAV- veifate court ut the- Second district. lowetiel, tflic iiîond, t<licnîiîon boids. muâtliay nuea aggrgatlng $850 and!go tu jaîl lor 21t) ùasýas ordrrer! b> (liciower court. *Joscîrl Piaule and lits aile werc convîcter! ut fIe unian lui baie of -lquor and aiseofut uaîntaining a coui- acou nuianL-e. le mas bue-u &VA0 ad s Wîî;iiJ-- id a iaason vactI o thie six LOOOt8. ittging mal. sud lned $*-, t> and i tinc-d lu a i for 6v) days on the nuisance coui. TIc wife cis ilntd $i{>i snd se- tencd t0 12v days. fic ehouse lm as known ast *Mariets l'lce" and if was .ctaimued fiat shmwaas preîtent un ef lessi oeue occasion sud posisibi> mure, wiien Iiuor was. soIr! by lier husband. u4at theC fct that.Srti. iPaule kilt-w liquoi mas ýoId ib> ler bustiaud ef ittîr hlit,ui- i :1 i,t inîtilue ier an acevssury. "Shii.,ado itowî: -andit twas 1,cr ln î 'sttsiîlu, i ti nt i ltu MtNi.. Paule. 'T,' i':til- c 5< t r - cit- i t- cri fî ii'- il 11ok and Fîiid w ATCIIFUL WAITIN4i Circuit Clerk of Lake tounty who is patiently waiting for the records in the Gov. Small caselo arriv here; unaccountable delay is en- Pountered AUTOIST IS SUFD FOR $5,O0O FOR HITTIN6 BICYCLIST John E. Brown, aged 18. says Sarkis Pilibas in auto drove his car into him Saikie Pilibasimit. 423 Oak Sreet. la defendant :n a il '0 amage suif fiiLd In f ircuif court lo1ds' b>' John E. Birown, aged 18, ,on o oràhn lBrown Jackson streef.» lecause lte vicfimi la under age the suit waa fled by bis mtoier. Mrs. Bertha Birown. E. 1'. Orvs s<l h i ttor"'v in <lie cabe. Tii' damages are- asis-ul as the le- suit of an accident <lat oceurred about flîcce monilia ago alien tBltown. ridlng a bicycle, aas run doan lty an autowobile drien bl i tiian. The accidEînt happen -I ai Futoteentli Stfreet and Dugdarle road. Blrown sui- ferc-d a brokea le;, u n Jlrer ain and a tiorn aide, ilswaa iemoved 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ h tthtila î-:li remaineti lise aeka. If is cliared tbut lit- yas ancapattid e-: Ontaiyîl ~i: >thc, prac(i lit.-of m lte 1.1 aa ied but Attorneyv (ris sa ' a hli ii iit ilt to l tote 1tu -t' 'tn uias Iil GOVERNOR SMALL WANTS LAKE CO. .ROADS IMPROVED Urges state director of pub- lic works to rush two man highways PLAN 24 MILES IN SPRING Cov. Len Smal[, alto lias personal- t>' travelied aver aiflicheîbglisA, radlatlng ait'Otf Chicago. ias sta'edj flial two of t1k- inost neciii ti impr-ose- ments unditlc'-tl state bond issue are -Mlwauke'î Itoad, wlîicli ruas flirougli Libertyville and Grayslake ta Anti- och, and Bel vitire Road f romn Wauke- gan ta 1rlilv -tikee Ave., and from Vola wesf lt'lt 'OUty lhue, extent]lng 1af1o McHcnrs' and Bonne couniies, and lia., urgoti the directors of the mtatý-lilgbway deparînient ta rush thesîî iip-osements wili ail possibîle speeti. Titis means 24 miles of oate bond road work proiialtly will lic starteti thue ftr-h thing next spîiti Or. Orý'-19 C(ta F:Ruz -Il, -cm> fîîtitng leit- t *Mr C. i Itlî, opsf ar -I. III Do-ar Sfi: W111 ysou. So far a a-roshile ah thti tittît-. adiIe nie asIn he Cpflan con. temtlated lit thlictia1(tfor tha imi- TrtisýmPnt tif roads lu Lalie coutnî for iti'yeir" i realizee htat you mac flot aI Ibis unfie be able ta fuil>' outtne your pro- graintla that respect, however, my re- quca4t tleprompfed lis-the foliowltîg realqfle: That the County mna>' more initll- genti! plan ils own next <casons work. Alan. because iti s generai kaowl- edge fliat tflac lae 19 planning an extensive prograva for neit year and man>' qiertions are hein; anked as te *hptîter our couni>' 1% fo get an>' part and If sa. how mucl of, the mile- a ge As you proiattlv know, of the many mtiles let in the lait few mionthsi.aitîr count>' bas not hr'en on the liai as set foc arîy siale bond work. Articles are now appearing la tho 'Chicago pt-ss wlich corrse> the imi- pîression tuat a large ainount of slaIe aork 1, tab le doue la Lake Co. 1hi5 ncxt ycîr: these statements are prohall> exaggerated. but we trust île-e Itisoote foundation ta ihtoi, otliewise tlîey will oni>' creafe feling airaînst tf@l eounty and cause conuld- erall local dJsappoinfiieflf. Nevprthlelci, liecaus;e of tîle îm- mn, neChIicago attd tîrotiglîi raffic wc receice sa tara.' aliare 15 necîleu Ans noiîiit onar lie able ta advanice in fluk matter atllli e tiorritghllvapptec a ed li> te popIe i Xtr 'King--u!. do ,Ias . I , i.t - ti-tagL .lleb l ,i t lirossFile5f t il lttg tiongi -lT di Sitl d<utr i i 'tri t t -tien , alit ofî iii itgit n îlt-i i'î i;le itîtul il,, ii - t oh ti -ttt'iI Lait.- ruîtî i is. .' il t-.,l i t~i ooltig Ibit, hum l'Iii-ý- y , s,>. S i 1.I l.,. 01 iquý î trît ii çi1it: iluion tîîîtîs - .,. d to hlSe t-l-b î1tî te r A t .t h, se ttr ti'!t-- lfi ce luit-el0-' aîiîttîl ttnl t ltutir a- Ilei' M S 'iti.' ll(t i e uC to a n) Is i îltît-.iîiig t: ii:it-- - ri; o lt tionaI tois!titi-lt masltt lIt I i ii i a tu halvi e- lut ietiinii i e -al!" I ti.1 t u ' n . 1 h-ike tolits ' renit sa ni a trial. inde-rlin opinion rection. Thie ti(>lt î rosie loIte Governer Snialt lias, iluricig tIi- fled fuIs> lv. te- Altîtîlaitei ît ut gras at tire $ideitf te -rouît! atd Ii, umutr. matde a caput study o! afil the Second tirtetIci -re &DLe i s aitu10liai e folloa- i andti iue triais radilling in tire salrons (ii Tire grand jety- of latite to-.tî - ecîasheiîeim uto iiii t. it s îIr-eutiîînsfrotnt (lCigo. litfaci. lie lias - tàluetbinit tîlLi lis, t Ii 2itbt o I.ite lad ilttai(iai ti l uî tîr- tîîî. ~otet.-tery ltitIX nIt i71_, ti charging 17 couil :-th ilr-t 16of-tîl i iiao. 5Stl a Si t - 'tip - ~iiî ticu 1 int u(i1: i tsat CHAtNCERY NOTICE il- tiair- t n Ii,i r o: tiit il o0f l nant tfi,-iti ir ilî ai kee-ping .tItIofh lllinoii.. GOtrno- teis ltorotigitht constutrot a nîîi-anc<- un i t.iaotîo totr tas- C ounie of Lake - -'int tSCtuscarry iielias. ' a uIsisaIlttiliiL'. triîtC ort f L L~cî.tt iuc"Utnob.!k taflie rtf ans- tiiil],, tac lie enteit-til a ostf not gîit hi in euli i ii, A. îî 19-1. Pli touinsg tcarst lînd fretglii h unitz flc lin itcîui ttîd -Ii .50~ Anna li>an sîlo-i- P.,.n. 'n 's>ai a aaarp. orktil -spro- cettiti i1 Io '11. i t iiy Cou lin.'r til.CtanceryNo. zs2 rtea s-etv-y- taei în pralcalals all 11. %:s t - le- i bt a jury aittiMtais ifý h v u>i tliitýlIa igb (nTh 0 eni, tf i del 1,l) oilns an il ,;is court. nottct -tilýteretoie gien <o lite fiHuit Na 21froitClit'igo tu nt i,,i1 de-t ii I-i î-n-1h ii hil b sittl CI-ahitltpil lîsan, d- toîtîlaiit a., 5fLie- 1unre ofIi ilimosl imiportant unes tiit le -anti its.tid thi- -l iu Iiii;ti- si d t ltlt t fie aboiec itatuîoîlCitiiltain- 1ma 0le foi tt u t,i io nt n t nftraft te 36,bultîtt l u .stnîîad (Coî1 t ri tulie Ciîann--u îleîiîîîî es-et utile of thtti roulie plu 6.tie i ,ltî. ',titlel il'ltre de tiii' an f a a suitinonst ibltu dtrin, Illi e a-tit i . -i 'ILe tt -Ou cutl ii iititi uc het tberenolntofid Cort.a .: - at iai ristiiisRoule No.-t veritrs sas ltîtuniIn ttlas, affi r ne- 1 f1"rbcor aîîs to,')111 WaukegriuîIo Woodtoek ilt qui 1itut lu h t (I l îti n u t ir f lt ti bto utitian d --h ,ndan!,i ioIn itt îanti omr ]igtitsay diisionti. U ouil, it, ur culnrti. t-leucon the ir- utc ttiti> heliteerîîî0 t lîcen insfýrîuîted Io10gîte prompt a:- eîîeIl cntict iiilm ai mantaining ie icutCor f -e o t y lt enlion to ihose tsvo rouies. wltha iist' liqrlic hl-d 5f Ithe Court ieuose in Wlu lsieof(,(istructtiona'iitfleo otr1lic "'liittce i1) siiga;tl< tut " kegan in salit Lakea Couint.s.onfi lihibiule,0int epossible date. If First Monda>' of lieiniler A. D. 1921 "1 underu'tanî tîtere la somne ques- "A single llegai C Iibulle llttias la by Iaw require-d, aud ahicli suit fo nfi ilto s'bl-e t fus " hI mtnu sisaco.una cn ind helasf111 peading. berlysille and Anliocli. Is if nott pos- ulnerfic uisnce cunta bn s lcLOUIS .0. IIROCKWAY, suie for you ta persofaîlly give ibis closingof ahe oult ellnfîl a bond r5Clerk. yoîr attentiIon by Interesi latflicpeo- give." licî-out lt-I tua tire aukegan, Illinise Nos-. 2, A. D.Iple o! Liliriysiile dole he aili co- was no esîdence fla antione lad 1921. riperafs with those hefteen Liberty'- bouglit Iquor at Iliteliouse. . James G. Welch, s-lite and Aniiocli in proi-tily secur- The case atas reveraed sud i-e- Compiainant'aS olicitor. ing fhis riglit of way? mnander!. aith instructions for a ncw NWkty Nov 3-10-11-23 "As somn as fiat Is tarken cares of trial on the f wo eminIs on sehlcîtsec are ceuîdy ta malle a survey atong Sheldon wasa coirvc-ted. Sîtldon wsa CHANCERY thie une a' escallil afier our hear- 'Tstlresellted ly Attorneys Bflockt sud State of Illinois, îng la Chicago Juîy o!flba year, itfh Wietdircfit Co'rt of nkeCounttyfLake 55.a îiew of beginnilng construîct ion just NIE.ýll MUST GO TO JAIL. CiciCoro!akCon>.e- as soon as sprbng wealiîer titI aI- ember Terna A. D. 1921, loa'. Ottawa, lli. Nos. hi-Jolin Nuenii Chartes E. Gebo "i-. Edif h M. Gebo, **I sun ver>' glad ta conîpty wath o f Waukegan. must go f0 Jait for six Ini Chancer>'. No. 11682. >'our request b>' givin; >'on this Ini- -Monflis sud psy a fine of $800 and Tic regmîtsite affidav-it liaving bcen fornmation as Il atiti enable iearfy co- -coafas for conducting a ganirlling filer!d i tce o!flie Clerk of sair! operation betateen flic citizena o! bousie Court, notice la flierefore liereby giv- Lake Couat>' sud ibis ricparfment. Thiis licheroin; o!flice AppeiiatQ en f0 the saad Erith M. Gebe, defend- Yours ver>' trul>'. ecourt o! the Second district. In an ant as aforesairi flat flic above nana' (Signer!) C. Ri. MILLER inion lied foda>'. cd ComPlatnant herelofore fitcd lits Dicector. ~.Z mi atas indicfer! in fthe Circuit Bitl of Coniplaint ln said Court on tlie -_______ out of Laite couint> for 'knoseingly C(hîaacery side thereof, ar! (liaf a soin- UnI> . -.c Pufis. kad lunlawfuity pcriiuiitfing perlions tonions thereupon issued out o! saidli Itecentl>' Ittnk, lige eiglit, Itenie corne fogether f0 pis>' for money at Court againat Ilie above naner! de- terrill>'ie-k qîîlte suddcnty. irîi fur a gaine. conlrary tra law.'le was fendant. returnable on flic firat 4<yaY î)pnrently fis ressort. Hbii îotirer Ldicted on 21 cntfias and waa con- of flic terni of lie Circuit Court of Irtesi ei-y o-rn>'tu learn wshat lie bar! victer! on four of fflcm. H3e sas flned Lake Count>', tei be hetd aI flic Court beera enfing thaf rourd ihave causer! h.$500 entier flic firat couttaur! $100 House in Waukegan In saidliLake iisuîri. iîiyl afins'tr ea*cli of ftic second third ad fourîli. Count>', an the PFirafMonda>' o! Dec- litsr1esi! - ai3îiila a faillaitîsioe anr!ordereri jaiteil for six montias. ember. A. D. 1921. as i8 b>' iaw requir- four î- - s(n10t 2lreoeil i1I1oake Nemi clitged lie dii flot lhave a cd, saan hîci suit la stit pend fi-ia;. o ligavt 1iik t in triat, but flic Appeliste coîurt LOIS 0~ . BIOCKWAY. e -- t-'t 1nî -W0da lilial, ail flue evidence tends f0 Clerk. ;t'a the inIlit flie defeurlant. - WMakgan Iillinois, Nov. 2. A. 1). A I at. l 'The sentenc-e imposcîlNsas tle .. 1921. . ut n K--If ttieiaw permittdcîlionra co~n~- .Ianes G. W'cnl, i itlsi. tvrl -itS on for a second offense.', lhe ('1opliinaut's Solicitor. î - " r i i ui" ns îst ~~ - ~W- Npv310-17-21'Iii INDEPENDENT Lake County 's Big Weekly Circulation Greater than other Weeklics in County Combined LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, NOV5EMBER 3,1921 BLACK IIAND KILLS TAXI DRIVMR 36 Mafia took toit of another ~ln Waukegan eariy today, when Paï- quale Coscatrelli, 36, faxlcab t: tr here for six years. was found I.,ing an the porch of tliq place.whc: -tlhe roomed nt 409 Market atreet. ib. chest being couspleteIy pefletra I 1b four bullets, 1lie carme here frona Napie. 1, ýy, whcre lie l' as a wite and flirê,, i1 rn . 1Mont y in lits pockets î,mu toucheid, andi for thnt reason j ifeb- ileveti by tha police that the 'it ,k liand" m'a.qreoion3ible ta the in -! CosearcMîo .itaxi wu8 park, 1ii fron t o f. ihe home of Antonio vi:o, whiere lie ruomed. Birds Do Voluable Work. 't~he total nuuiiier of ne't b;lriq. lnthe taFtéd State.i 1,ts'l. mated a'. more than 45)>î:,> Each bird mnay destroy as niai:y 5 100 Insecte a day. :u h. 'Goldeni Rule. ie i owg worst enemy i srge ly beas i d o ob er S ud hh od ul i.foele sei~~ thri laigwcr $1.80 PER 100 IS MILIIURN SCIIOOL WIIOLESALE PRICE DISTRICT ITEMS 0f MILK OR NOV. T, alw'netranin n Tlîusdy eenng was well attended Milk Producers Cg-Operative b _aensad reds. The progiamn conoisted of cecitationa.songs. snd Marketing company give outtdilogues suilable for Ilieooccasion. price; is slightly higher "-Thp Tlree flears,» played by anme or te t irdand orith gadepupils, couard Fa great deal of merrimeut. 10 PCT. SPREAD FOR OCT. Thue sc hoclroom isas decoiated wt jtack o tanterus, black cats, witches. browniea, autuma leaves. and flower3. A sliglit Increas in the wlole5ýale The pînceeda amoîînted to $42.05. pore of milk ks notici d in tlie alate- The fourth, fifthl ilxih. and elghth nieut juqt tsent out by tic eaecrefarvy of giraslîad the stui ot lairds for, lie Milk Producer Co Operatis-e Mar- Languge( on Fîid.y. keting conîçany. Dealetsq have flot yef Thte following pupits have ha! a as.'erted wlietiier or nlo, tlie will be ppet- attendance îc for iwo an>' change Inithie îet:tll ptlci, of monls. Ralph NleGui:te. Etel Ni'- milk for Novembe r. Gu ir,. Kenneth De n nan, RthîliEd The seci etar> 's urii a f,iliîws: s'ards, and Warren .iiook, N oseniter 1, 1921. Alie Kuboitis, Rob-lita Iiook. 1f'ar- Gi.ntemeu:ry Johînson, RthliEtiards. sand ',I try After careful conside:alion or the Clark Lad a perfert lesson in spetting îîreient ,situation, itheExecotiie (omioe or> day fast week. mittee of the Mar ketitng Company an- itsý McCartliv!tas juC t 'otiinei nounàces ltaIItie price 0f fluti îullk itant ia wiska it at Rittiionti(*en for the iionfli of November w0ll lie'-rWiscori.-n.i. $1.80 per hundred potinds for 3,5 miik. 2rIr. and Mis. Jih:ttis Delîkà 5< Or diliN redtu tohIe countir>t e s ng,« Mithurui caliers Sunday evening. i ant, tIti, price suider t t o fi e 4c 1cm ernireid An na K uboit is we e az ptoint diff,,tent l for eticli one- IVaukegat ivsitot8 Sutîdav. Jean lion- 1î'nh of a poinut a i taîlitt intekiut- fier andlEdwinlu K tîs have lieti toi fat test. absent frotît sélîool alIithsee:e col' Condensed ýrlce. $S f)i per lhundreti Mita Lola McCartluy and Le-lit. poundi for 4 lier cent miilk on direct Glilinga motored lu fllcliiand Conter. ratio. Can niilk iS gai )f. o. h. Cuira- Wiscoînsin ou ýTbursday. go, arrived at by ftie usual formula.Ilaia> John4on vsitîd at tho honte, bascd on the huudred puiifd prîce. of Joseph Clark Thursday nîgîit. The spread for October. lit per cent The annual bazaar will ho Ifid St of the.grosa value of niilk at Miarket. Milbun chut ch Frilday evening, Nov. ing Compîan-y price. 4. RoassIclîlcken aupper and an en- he Very trul>' >ourq. terlalrnent will lie given. TheMil Prducrs CoOpeatie r. and Ma.Josephi Getz anti son MarkPrdu etinCo. erîl e re v isitors at the Kuboitis bomne T. R. KEENE, Secy. fast Sunda>'. Richard Martin enîertained a'ýhum- ber of lus friends et hie homi' Satur- For Giory. day affernoon In honor of his elgbtlî soins wiii aiwa)s li vîîg f0 rule birthday. anniversar>'. L t laI only f0 héeAr t he lirnshad The s'nung people of the conimual- puysnîI h.'Ilrc rsussu olead. ty held a Haiiowe'en part>' at the pla nn th *'hre nsin rlppr.»Masonir 1-all Saturday evening. P-POhi oaleo s MODIFIED COURT WRIT PERMITS THE OPENING 0f BLNI Rittner building at Libertym ville, closed on booze writ, opens witli another business SAME APPLIES IN HERE The building which was ocnupbed ib>' Jolin RuItner, of Llbertyville for r, a long time as a dry saloon, but which was closed b>' an order of tcourt after fi wss shown that Riltnei' hadt persisted in the saie o! intort. cating liquor, bias been re-Pened b>' .fnoiher Une of business as a resuit of the lifting of the han by thle courE. This was done witiî the consent ôt Siates Attorney A. V. Sraith. Undeit the terms of the original o:der the building was closed lao an>' 1sor t of a buslnt-sa untîl a $5.000 bond v. i ieposîteti to guaranîce that liquor never.again would lie ,oid oit the p renmises under penalty of foir. feltlng itie hondl. Titis orîlor li b-en ioiified to Si an exient that the owneî' of tlLe tlproîîert> a-îw 1< ahle 10 refit it. State9 Aitono>' Smitlh expiains titat sinilar. action has been takeiL w i regard to one or fao places lit W'auksiganaRtichi acre closeti at tirst tn flic sanie way. lfesays iliat.wherl 1u0 anti the couit are assured tliat the lîropîbetor of the property lias no Ini- tenlon of allowlng the law to be vlo. lated there again tiat some lenlemicy la sliown. 11-e tidlnks if wouid b.aa injustice fa kcep the places closed a&. hitraril>'. sacre i l4n.f.' Bookiteeper (10offtct boy-Doê'l be discouraged hecause the managu CIlter! YOu' a bcôb. I'nt ead bd keeper now, but 1 starter! la as a boo%- tue. .I . a A Dominating Coat Event 1' r imfportantt emisidci atiolts \iii iîituce scorecs of w oueil of LIIiet. s, le 1uid î icilit'.to ptiridi ise I iii (oats it THE, PARADISE SIIOP SATURDAY ' LargcI shipontieit.s of the verv- lew- est M'iîîter'Coats NviIl be added to our stoeks for S;ituird.iys buisiness, 1- Selection embraces ail of the latt'st soft, velv'ety fabî'ies i li uwî' olors. MATER[*L Marvella Orlando Arineda Panvetaine V'elde te Pollyanna Polo Chat h Boievia Vetour 3 We are lios showiig at tlîis tinie ovet' 200 Cloth Coats, fhe nost -we have liad at any one tirne this season. 4 Ail Coats are priccd at the new low- er priees, w'tlii reacli of every pirse. Prominent Among These Are hilait Orisuida (0sf t-hi Squirn-el coltar at $ 50.00. Panvelaine ('ast aifli1Wolf collar sad cuffà ut $85.00. Ileallier Polo Coals aitli Racrootu coltur at Si1k Muscseita a '0sf i ilatrge fiquirrel col- lar ut $175.00._ rruiîiiiie Coals Sit1 irîirrel collar tatdr! uffà f $19 . 00. TRIMMINOS Beaver Sijuirref Wolf Mole Raccoon Black Lynx Nutet Plattnuna Wolf, Opossum 0-~ -À. WAUKEGAN WEÉKLY SUN Ce o. Sheldon of Fourth Lake Win$ immunity; appellate court gratits him new trial NIEMI MUST GO TO JAIL Décisions juif lianded down by t ie Appel]late court at Otawa, Ill., arc 0f keenIt eFt te F% elrsy remident o! Lake cnuI> Srs. Josephîl Paule o!fitourili Lake. better kniown as "Marie Paule" es- capes service o! a terli in jail. sud paymnent of a fine under anc dci iston. liHer liusbafld. bowever. riluyt mc-rt.e bihs term n n ail and dîso îîay liiifine. George Slieldon ni Four tliia ke, winsa nefltr il ile Jiad recticc.d a jal at-ntc-nee and liiiand i u., lîlace orderc-d clos- i1 t..o a rwisanct' Johin N!-nulA, lorîi. r %Waul,- gzn po- liean andqfltttt-itlliiti tt mutpay atca !n- ti t (C La t. tui in jail on ash t ~'of galublîtîg, asthe tt Applelate Cruti1111 it. cd f îe1ci-0 the action ofl lite (.it t cotit 'I ie isiue uî.r iiîîiiicet t -il Li the ;-t 1:,n int~htio 0t11m Tir- n ila 4 1;, 1 i. t-.intl - 44 If cnet P'ark Al,) loti i "nu'- F. 14 if ir Sitx ce ia rgain if KIi-hîtu-ir. 41 4t y or in Lalsa us in tlie .01 iaobilt- A car r t.i 8e-Il. l'ati0r wilit akîng bus- Visl' usi 5f rdijng >tîur 42-3f on Diivis- 0.41-lt $o 10 ffler watf cines, ex- es, stock suiner on y repeats. t emiploy- ai flot 'e unit>' for r! pep" fa emselves. alars and fleberling tamington. F -j?

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