Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 Nov 1921, p. 6

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1 FIE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDkW. T. 1URSDAY.NOVEMBER 10, 1921.___________ MIE TOO MY PRESCRIPTIONS; MEDIC IS FINED M. C. McCormick of Wau- Ida pleads guilty and pays mne of $100 and costs Wpeared in coufity court aI Wau- if Tuestiay anti pleaiieu auilty ho bhare of 'uniawfulis pre'vriiing tWtUag liquor witinut firsi bav- Made a medicai examination of ptient.", He vas finet $100 anti ib>' Jatge P. L. Persons. He thre fine ant i eturneti home. Dr. Ithd athe firsi pi> sician bo OM.ed anti convictiiet i clia es la Lake County. Mccormick la .egai dciias one be most proninent residents of moDa vhere he 1.> a inember of VUIle boardi anti is secrehars of lebool boardi. lwaing te lie charges made by 10 Attorney A. N'. Smith who - mn indictient again- t uiniI t>' courtlais-, Satuida>'. Dr. me. Ilek was exicernel>' careles It thre manner In hilch lie fssueti tI'bitons for wiiskey It is fsd tiraI If be matie any medical 01bationati al tiatI hwas af an omt~ly superfidial nature,.lu i ged tirat be voulti nuŽti hesitate w» two or more pres11 iptions 10 Ime Mau Withln an bour or two #Ah other. In fact it vas an in- Ml t f iimt nature iliat led to bis 'MeCormick titi not aîtempt to t ibe case. He simpi>' announeti MMare te pleati guili>'. !&MOB o1 issuing whiskey. pre- #JflIntcriiLuateIs v ; mti b8t Dr. Cari Pangerf. sîho foirmer- *d an ofîce in Waukegan. bul onr 's tisaîthuaried li.- e i. ,I monlis .uuo hefîîîe iiu-it ,-Was started igain.s:- uni. 1,' tiraI Panel 'v-ieaiieti uî N Io-' tine froîi in lis-. t inMiptIons bffore lie lef' îos' 000000000000O O VAUCONDA ci *0000000000c000i u. Mal-> Rziit-a ,vsen lu i.ih)er- 1«it Tnurstia> a i i.- 1-wili ià thre winter s iii frientis «k5 Roney retui-ned fionn ain, ý*tt Balurda>'. wbeplie siien i t.> É-buylng caitiý- M. »atiMrs. M'ater NMe>er anut Idaugter of Cai>. -ienti (nda> Sftlentsi n Wauconda and vicinit>' ,and lira. L. E. Oilting anti tangh. LisciIe, of Llbert>'s i esitent Sun VIth Waiîconda relatives. tsu ut Hasîke of Evanston sîent ,«"k end vîtil 11r parents in ibis Ma Murray anti nelce anti nepiew. 0 1jerlLstoýn anti ButiListon, of MMo, aPent Saturtiay anti Suntia> be iroMe of Mr. anti Mrs. Henry ry. Mi limaule Martin of Round Lake 4 he veek alliheborne of lier auit ýý ILBicks, r. &M lirs. Frank Me>yer oh Me VY visiteti Viancontia relatives on il ie way, jusI when is that sidewalk while playing football. He carne out WORK ON WAUKE- a g1 lesale.i, o h giwl,-1,andake 0F IN ER ST O HE FARM ER EFnllowm ie ogaivgiquls1 ànwrn' ncFadut A PMLTATND ARS in OF le aîion ak e 11w bîes rolrfit AN RD. 1S NOTABLE il eisintereating to know iliat Alpha ulolliei Filda). A IEAOA AF0 u ualGîiffln willi possess a new 'toe-watru aoie aig: POTATO CAS in thero;ationniake thobi-ggest(orofHttswinier. Y". Alpha was a win i wn ,, :.w et-, .,uii: h i thie Failli Buieau a nuii[l E 1 ~Iff ne A thfle ooàni th" M Iri 1-nard: "Quiet." nOis A .<icuil ui ,ilA' ion lia. been iber 0ii ,sl av ii, .en Ii îiad, O ifili ,in eSl ýaflCpT!and IlaîIC ed ilti) %I,..sManwarring:"Cornee lîlidien. lutv nlediaiii bt-e'.en dl anu tuditierni1.i t (i., ounLt> ,lowint 1Ihew e stmait houis of the niornîna ltî,oroîfî> W,-sh: **Ylu're ton, fresi;. hurAaus in Ille jurcliase ni 200 cars ot I heir, net-d A nuîuibpiIComplete details of progress Ves indeed Gurnee was theie. and sit' uthie Swanson: -i dont want Io, ito[aivt--. 1 ait li ave> be-n iesed iit lun 00<need ivnonh, was part of Lbertyville and t-v-Oî.pari Erie- fla2nstable: 'Sbucks-" The bud,îne- 1 iau,.acted oi aniotint 1 linieto,if. 1 ivn n article writt.... - of Milburn. Ail in ail, evtibody wýt Muriel Potter.-"Ha! Ha! Ha!" to $150.000 foi lliv 125,001) lhusiiels 0of An application ni Itînesýon.> wiîî dol Spaudinig pupil 'sorry wben the nighi liad sIipjpe(ý nulI)cjndent Editor: Enuf." leoiatoe, ihal lias,- beer, puichased b% no harni fi) any, soil, but i.> needIes.> ,awy larniers tîîrouzliout tlie state oftIlh- expense tu use il on a sol! i Tar a! PracticalY.ail of Waukcgan Road, Afiong the Waukeganlteý; wiîo ai 4 noie., ready vontaîns pîenty ofinie. On a regarded as 'One of tbe finest Con- tended the bazaar wrere: Rev. Haward' 0000 000000 0 0 0 000 The A . h-, iaiseillia onl soir ou ust he ontaryh. ue. jv- îghways in the atate, bas been E. Ganster, T. A. Sîipson, Dr. and Mr..1 The1.A. . as nsste iiaiony oursof jstthp cntrry1, ru. ornpleted and Witbîn two weeks lhe F. B. Joliy, Mr. and Mra. L. N. Lewes.o S A UG AT U CK o tbe besi lîtaine,.lbe bouglit andi air- <fîetll ndbR lsure t -rem1îder f tie road wili be opened Miss Emma Studer and others 10 0 00o oO000 0000o0000000 ranged 10 itrotecci armer,. in case un folol wwieî-e a soit la not capable o aWashington Isîreet. flulierous. 10 mention.M.adMsVre n o iie latis are not up 10 reasonabie e>x- grnwinz legumles ,.uCccssiui) The progres orthis impo:tant fi- M.adMs .M Miafrftrd M.and NirS l. E T dions Sua d ietauîons. A vi creditalule teaaurt Il cosis now. delivered. $1.52 lier provement la given in an article Con- 10 Charnpalgn Saturday 10 visit Ibeiri .adM-.R .Toa udy of iis purcisasing pool i.> 'hat ever> ion. About two totus -fer acre on tiose tributed by a pupil in Spaulding sons. Leslie and Haines. andi Owen R. E. Thonmas sud.,Mr. HopI- lef t fast car of potanes so far- deliuered bas igi ilîin snot.> will make a big differ- schaoo, as followsl:1 enc i te ietd f n *ýrstruction work on .Waukegan Meaif. 'nie aunlvrstycelbr lo okday for Wcl li w ere a ie - wilr hten satiîfactory. en- nteyel lvlytrad a foi- road was started about September 6, aadyStudy okaIbreclîl iba1t- 0l~r Orders hase been i-ceîsed b> 1the la incr-eaàe in the yielîl of itrat-.3 1921. a week before our scbool open- Miss Ethiel Haines of Area spent tbel chaisng, Faill Bureau foi an 800 husbel cal, -0--eti. niwt on ok Mr. and Mis. Sulilng entertaine-_ wbib .holdarrse n ibetyill fdAONA FRM URAU Tbe contract for th1e cernenting was Mr. WieY sient-,Saturday and Sun- 1Company Sunday. about lle ie 101 of Nos ember.- MEETING. awarded te the R. T. uonwav .Coin- Mr. andi Mrs. Farwell returneti to --0- 1Tfhe oliies for the Farni Bureau in i n 0f Chicago, tbe -,Onstructi(in anti day wifb a f riend ti athe University of Chijcago filât week for the wiuter. RAILROAOS TO I4ELP LEGUME 1922 wiil bie deterrn<ned 10 a large cx- grading b>' surv~eyor Hastings. of Wisconsin at Madison. Mr. anti Mrs. Mack anand famiiy mo- PRODUCTIONlent au the annual meeting v Watisworth,"Charles E. Russell, coun- Leslie Gillings vIsited friends initoîcdti 1 Powers Lake adLk c In a lai-ze perdenlt of 'be ares, of Illi- Aniericaii Farrn Bureau Fetieration, to .YSielledn fhgwy ue-Rciat etr i. aiwe. ny udy be belid in Atlanta, Ga. Nv v1-3 ised the entire work. white H. J. F. Joe VnCce ba lstretuncd .rom ntnp Mr. ndaMr. aeunsnttiei nois ant i n sorie parts of Lake cofntyN 213. Haueman served as inspection engi- oVicnbareuedfntarp:M.ndrsNmjnsetrand legurnes ilovers anti aifalfa> do flot Many Illinois county tari bureaus viii neez anti Robert Conolly inspector 10 nortiieri Wisconsin. conipan> Suntiay. grow~~it asoeniud nacuî0fîobv ebn ers i e nvenion m .durinz constrUction, Frank Gripton attended a rnilk ineet i Mr. ant irso. Van Haecke and An- much avid in tie soli. Wiîb oie anti one-hbertiini!! ion nernly- essers ROme anti Kaye of Chica. lng in Chicago Tuestiay. The iulk drew went ot Everett. viere tbey vis- Lirnestone wili cooi-ettacni br n4.te feierationis and nal go were responsible for running of producers are anxiotis .0 oranizleIflied friendut Sanda>'. lion andi makle the growib oi clover on 2,000 fan- bureaus. the farmers' na- the mixer andipacafier. seemns Ms akge 1 cg vr the bighi«spots liat are getting Imthi naoaitonIse easiO plcthwekb aretuksw iis Evelyn Dinsmore visiteti Mit,.Fridtia' utalle lreatilent. 10k orti lkn hevlvednti .s u ind aginultr. e'eaws a1 te fil- capdîy of six tons. afler bringing Meibra Fast of Waukegan Sanday. . Mr. anti»Ars. Tbeodore Vantier- grondingagicutue wrepasedb> heîh maierial thie grading and culvert The Junior choir sang ai churcli on Wkerff anti famiy vlstted Mr. and Mrs, regLrthaeaddm l congress whicb adjourned in Augnaf. work vas started, tie grading was Snnday morning Tt adrWrfSna Frîgî at,.tî'e ddd atrlîl' This is tie greatest arnouffni ofleg- acornPlIset bypsai slIp oi lrn V ileock bSuad ymifru 10 lie cost of lmpslone. and un' il re-.b lw an slp1Lr>Iiocladtemfru, centi> on ai; railrn.îds 'sa it îen equai islation of benefit to fariiers since scrapers. crda-.rlfoce Gurnee Grammar Sciiooi Notes 1 o fal Tout of a lree anti cutlis hp the coi i ni Il ai the Ile irai congre.> T>ie-.- aws ee Uien Ttohewholîad Iteieriaiienfnorbac, tth sto h-inestone a teail advocaieti>b> îtîe Aniericab Farim .ngcI1. 1te Cpnwa> mrachiine:' wras Tfor se wtunflialni Ov-',f ateîud Lily1ial> atHaceS ii- o lî y uea eeaio.TeIliosA :ý;Ljjrfront Grand Avenuie t.) hei, h nth f el: ,iý iai %-> an .îd :îe.uîît, -tî; V.n qu iIIni r>. BtilAsoia icura Federation T'Oineofitheg l- - corne .Tht- nz.,ciin,--n. un lhtiîolle> LaVeru iHum nBernic, Iiso. as _ ~ ~ ~ ~ mkn 1ji0, a 1 iri so-.iof u f11e.~..iof twentY one-ton .- fgmoure. Ruthi Jobnson. Eaîril iii.ih lt îWf-: iit %-ie- îlcî f t - ai ltnli or aiene f ia- .veledinnakn a trongest y ni l t;-ult-"iif,.Ntu. wo ceinen' mnixer- and-j one Fa.ik t ednianllowid Snilth Muîi ieee aaeîienîsviii15 raiiî-niti-lii 10 eniin2 toutd-legalei enil,sv-ed 1ice. u.uî,Ptenriî av-kt-: rfi k.-. Porter. Es dcli McClure, ien,5id N .nîe;,.,.î-lieisiî'i I>mi ait-, -i t-iieuie H ithi llfl iiieýt,ln oe liifi înii- f. lii. i omiilin, - i n h% git,î-o nt-ý î'.:Nutuitii E wîtGîin- Uîh,- 'l, :;til il kitunî niake *lit- icductîin. tifl nos Iil inrv- h'î .> < , . fi ,î e-si oi-n A-RobeurtIa -l-nSraf~nDoli n Ru1 fias, Cavei nu -t- -'Mi m,' flhifi-, f.-f1 iai î l , iîi 'liiiu.ia> 1eiý cnii . îîî b:'tu- .~.. --,u-- ,Aust in. Robe.r' tcdin hni fil . ia. t i Tan o. ilee inai.>ente; Lake vounft>1USena. en-I lo fie Chicago & oi;ia sîi n and 1ii-t Itu-> i.îyll e 11 liiiii. Kc'I. i-ànI. I. :1 'fîi l Elzîn. .moliet and Eastiern. 00000000000000000 0 t.e- î i.- sas De t-ucBn-i. Tii- tedueclion ailit-"ifliti in pro.. 0VOL O 0 i1hi,'i t -x sii îGunees' O>i ali e i ii ,t *' t0000000000Ô0000 0 sa"rji sfo- n - n by ncxuil 1 ,,hl l:i hlîIil it-.iiib 1Le - I -.Lli ' '1-t Iýastuida). (rîuur2 Thec Go n- c i cnliil i ,îIiîiuî . id):'nd Mti-lpar i Vsa>.- t-l fi - ' a.,,.tiialflreiut, f ih-- mi>n H A V E A G -'ut. 'at-a - Pilînii. - iivet, boiy. s.ho 1u11v-fed te): ii h-hi An- 'a> - iiî,t-îtli, ul i- u-î i il il i fOS t Mri.,anti >it - L,, î lweli eu . f ' cl' t'" s-iN -'Ail it inl~ fe Gain-t- won fi> a 4v-oie uI;14 l,19 f>Yt--, U T luuîine- îlîî-. at-'t t - e k at Xi- foif,îssel lb>- -'use- julgalit- aii,- ,pery Ot - ii .%ý, liicre i a. -iniii1uvi-- n soi i] ni dii andlo tli p(j thl ie ctr-' ; uitinds n !lis >IocaIit> i. anilMi.Let- Husound d jtugli r t--ifg . v-lut-are 10-i scasùn, sole itti llnsilcul!b na,;, >,isi>iiwiýIn1Or schl l ias>un < a' f unew TO 5J'&JÂ1 I i i4iit-% iiii li!-iicoiib- Lav i!)ltfi uiis 5fii"c I II)I <s . ' .a. -.a -lBrunswick,çuionograp iii rlh Itie bau i t-unit-> eîii jnt as Wetil bt- soilu Mr. and Mi[s. Pet-i Engein ene, The foiowng noininz di ý as> <t social nîoney, leya a ixttF eaivsIbdvtrosun and pav-kcti i icithe asork. Ve are nuw isiuuuritiina i' î fl in~ .îxmonfis o hi s-i a, si î~îned elatve, i6udayThis îîrevenîed'liîe un front irav- ls.auiilni faitl iait-.W, iîîuîe I li mi iveeks. as is tflicrase wa-il or iordi na ry Mi. and Mi, la Thoip-ion of Northilf)ig thle cernent. p t- 'h.t- tii Inineand uni:- b o-ok, Ingleside., 111. Easture n ecrspov h Chicago and nMr, anti Mrs R sFiivî A otilrr ureo H.igs sPhone Rouind oiWaukegan Wei-, Sunîlay visiior-. .1 and men scrapeti off tbe dirInt i EreBrabt i' uî lu.i auEtxa*er Ilot e liaI r, , jll matie tbe shoulder. al antb-wshi hrda an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~I :saurd-nai-vib -not~-h-fun-n iadMsf:iln btwo weeks il jiexpeciedtheti 1.-. ho ., t- n.ltme it',- itu-i n : it - - - - -Tht- nany irieras îîMrs, Rlvliiid 1roati wil be opened for iraffic, ,onîe tutuit- tuie nti se are suie iha iali mho tSa iit,ni nis lime a'il fie miroe tua.n anxious tu attend the' nexi Tua>. t. A Nin,,-eîin who lias been quît- ii a; 'lie honme of ifstiaughter, Mu'. g,: rtzi: ai Lihtry ii- . 'it-aiL ' v iirî'metiandvcampc oser lui sî'auv-,înia Suntia> t.' vaH on hi.> nit -Y. o W Play' given nndeî te auspices ;(W) 1ii'io at-i iori a- t-t-k> b. Ladies of Transtigni-ation lasI N1,... ValittBang., o nicagivto -uit-ni àftida>' evening vas largel>' ai-î.>.. ý .u- kent-gîîht-i .,uîe î n - I. wlsas a four-arh vonîý.,- -. Ou:',', irauto o .-iiinu. LieMoves' anti -as gîstn b> i nt- ioiiit- i-. ad Mou i , Kots.n, ktï Young Ipeople *of St Nians , lIairi Kira ir' f s i n.',j,-t'n h of DesPlaines, untiert Tht-li iiniiia, ndi t.iyusai fi-it -a IM dt Tios. J. Flynn. a pîui-ssion -iftlif-n- % i.> Uîî'fi R: i)nriun <il W'auku, bUCtr of man> years t-xlerienvt -. n -peni 'i!i.- at-m-k nd aiti- nie-i, IL plage. Tit-se amaîuîe cirieu ',cIn.,ioh.- in 'fî-. isiilat-. jbei iparts likt- IuofessioOaiit. 'tIt- l*Mrand Mr-i W ,J.Saut-r ant ioni VaU Most enl.,eraining tri>ii ('hiicago sî.insFrida>. MIh antivas, iîeaiily- enjo% Pd b> LailJaujso)n andl a irient imlii Elîî, hige gatbering, Theic teipt, -ius icmh t Sunlifa ihWauvtini~ ýt.ata nearl> $200. vhîlvlî wau.- lative'. bd aven to fie pastor. Rt-v Fathii Dan Nes -:i ien Vît-a -iienî t I-ek eni ahi.>borne here. lit f Mr. ant i Ms. Jous Tonîisky ,nd îîîvîî tW.the playthie draraîr 'rool- iugbl.-r.NMiss Lucil.- of Ciystal Lak, -OUVsdiwtir a fie oyatec slipper uenitiheveek endiai tic borne of li Dese St-tnce Moon. b9 the I.r anti Mca. C. L. Pratt. 0 « the parîsihla apprectalion olfi len-ryMaian, Jr.. visited itlativ"-. r g90tuy ta comig over ani su- ' McHenry.4tils eek. Càthe play. These Young peo pie Mn. anti lras. Frak Meyer oh Mc- '"e obectai copîmendation. agrt as l-earY 8aent Saturda>' eveîing at tie l ;ae of lir$, Alice Gear>. - -bias Marie huiler. W-ho bas been O ' îaklng ber'borne here vlth bier grand- motierlira. Alice Gear>'. for tie pasi - vo yeans. turingvihiime aie bas been Digil operator at lie lelephone nffice. reaigneti ber nosithon Saturia>'. .Mà anti Salurda>' lef t for Tuala. Okia.. wiere aie viii spendth le vinter vlth E an Joinaf on, vbo residps viti bits ind .tîenls on the Joinston fai'm 2 mile.. West of tavi, met viti a ver>' dia- agemble surprise lait Tliurstiay s-ban he went out to tie barn ail fount i u Fontd3edan mlssing. Ha loolteti arounu tic Yard anti saw tha vicel lracks led Out lu tic roait. Ha iimediafely tele- - lionnurj luWauconda anti other eigi- boring tovns, but up to prvaentitni O»E di, lens .6d n- nîllîng bas beci bearti -'i the car. OBITUARY 4à" 510pe, W Chariles Gruber oie of tic oldest hCU aes« - . h reaientà of Cuba township, passati s.itlwsC tldo sli. tu1us an i i. borne vo îmiles souti of A ise igle of eebeU. Wauconda Saturday, Oct. 15, afler a toteM bù y tu.tss lngering illness. - obedd mmh ds wumu (haulte-iJoseph Oruber. vas bot-n - Iecenibv-r 14, 1843. In Mackir'nburg. Cd"Coglo Nodà Cr-nil.,us-anti dieti Octoben 15. 1921. endLaGipealI li>i-.lî,oîe Ht-eoiigralt-tito ihi.> in'& C. I, tL oIIn~. <tOry 'milti hi itai-ents ai 1the agé ol F"er"Md onits " 1 7Ili, Oas inarriedt ciMatiltiaJoin- tusecnds. ag qu&vici W "l! 1hii-' ia.Ht-]havt-;Io>0 na.ii éodcwmsis Céd. iii- widow ant i 7ciildu-cn Rd 'alti i li lî,îittant i iieuan. ah hoime. 0 tliédbsbui.g M. ilui- \V' H Itepper otf Art-a; Mra. W'. ,aiaujisas, U.ii1etîi-iof Blarrington- 'trs. W-t- ci5-n-lAlgonquin, anti Anna ofi A#Au »C.. i'liti. i-,n rintciltren tuii6to ais- ,iers ai-u rvisve hlm --m Sophia - îtogizzensock, Arro. Minn.. anti Mrs. 0. L CM -OP* M - ý Jacob Bultmann, Nier 1oug., La 0»Tht- luncîal vas cition Si. Pauls Lucie un v-bir.iîol Barcington. Inter- ment. in thbe Lutberan cumterýy Tos-isenti wcre grieved t lureaifi i ii-alli Tlunîstiay at hier home. Sue lt-ave a husbanti. ont- son, Eari, anti one daugbeî. Mrs. Ira Snîîh antin gland- vhiidren 10 whoîc. nur avînpatii> i-m ex tendeti in this hour Mis Ufarie, Parker u.}i ) or- ýLake' wa-t ai)itas an t riait oîai <the Ladie-. Aid! ie-ine at tht- îîniýtofni i t F:sli-i on Tianstiay afiernuon -Nir. Robert Sution anti childien oii Etiici aid Park. vert- s itorsaufilf >iL- iiiNs. A. V.Marin on Salu, day. i0 Vasey Schooi Notes. Etsifliti el, i on..i tDoMeli oi olt ;1n1, 1Ilazel ltilfion Eieatnî,r tili..n mkd Arîhur Martin at-le put-->iin aI i--ndanv-t- for the nîînlh of t>' obcî. - h. ia Beulnuîîi-e scil on iiuniicv-î li. cent ini spetllingi ior tht- lîm wt-ek and %Vllliani Martin in aiibmetiic Tîn- -ightli gîai-l.- inîms are makîin iî-ir books for tht- scinol items Mn. andi Mrs. Heuîv Kruger anti sons of Wanconda s'..iit-d ai Lawndale Fanm on Suîday. Arthur, Chiarles and Williaim Martin ,'ucnt-; Siturtiay afîcînoon at Wancon- da. ý.r . and Mrs. Fîcd Doweil ant li iîîîî visiteti their lttie dtigiter Bessie ah lie Lake Count>' Hospital Sunda., We receiveti our wînter supply ofi coal Fitia> anti aie nov rehd.y for lie long colti vinter. Washingtonls Marvest of M«&s Du ring fie n-et seition thie muess trova luxuriantly o0n thie roofs anq linterthie eiives of ilhe bauses ln Seattle and liat part îof Wasblogton. anti 's'en lie dry seasin arrives ibis moas becOIIP» go flntlanimable fiat It Offers a greail ire menae. ItleI *tcessary ho icar fI awsy andtitiis la doue witi tbe aIld of a iong-handleti bDol sornelhlng Ilike a rake. In illnn Cammunîties tiere are laves vhi'ch Metke titis remos-al compulsor>'. lb miakes an excellent fertilizer. Warta In Alaskta. Altbotîgh lt-as heii hirty Ilegroes frottaI lie Ntihuiole. tl;e tliloate or BOUth central Alhîskaiî i i uil. 'lie zero, a>s-lî îi-i-iiIimmi iiri zîit-. "'lt-i vi i ij t i tîîoîîu tinlîtci ltire for llriîiim- i W il isii . iii id laIs liry- ehulit tlt- i1ct.cs i i I-l . -tîî l i q sîiniil- i . ii i 'i- s.iii i sels intil Iliii 'lid ,tl 1111- Gîlf 4tf Alaska . An Unriscssary Addition. Citei tt-fsilonî.ti titzen risesla e. mark thut Il is noi nece-ssar> fiar tend 'i ltlell talêe-tht' lis-c ones ar'e bltlintiîl agoodi iverage.-Hoit fiîingu Newîu'Ens. 0 GURNEE 0 Mrs. Eti Druce of Grayslake Spcn' Thurstia> aI tht-borne of Mrs. H. How-- Tic Woodîncn comnienced tbeir ;tn- fluai t-reu ut-oni arolparies anti dan(- t Frida> .vening A faîrl% large ci mis d atcnded M'.Gui-n. t- 01k.>at-nf in tue Mill- iîuîn ci nch laza.u îFi ba> - Gui n-i-t 'aiishiionci .tilfie Eloiseu< pla v-lnriî iathndcd tie cluuî cli ialt> gis ci an the' iarialiini-t-Ne vtnesday ci cnung. Mr. and Mi- W' have îîînî'd imb t-e Hughes. boni- Mr. andîlMis, Glt-n Miii-. of Chicago speltei unda "y ar the fhnome of Mi.antd MNrs. B. K. illt-i Mi. antiMi, Stabi aie i'ejoiving user th i îtiî ni a daugiler Tnesda>. Mr. and M-.Hughe.s have soie 10 Florida Schooi Notes Ruthis Swanson. Editor. LaVern Dixon, Asat. Editor. The Stars gave a part>' Friday nigit of asat veek. The Arrows enjoyeti it ver>' iuch-veryting f rom the progrant 10 tic eats. Be prepareti for a gondi ententainmelrî froni lie arrowa in a short lime, Stars. Earl Barnstable anti Hotte Litnd vere absent f rom school Monda>'. 0-eneeieve McCulough and Hattie Linti sang in churci last Suaday. The>' are boti membera 0f tue Young Peo- pies' Choir. We bave a new elgiti grade pupil -Paul Bloini. Mir. Simipson anti Staf e InaPector Hôffnîan visitet achool Monda>'. The enlire scbool bingo "ci sentibie" Wednesday. Idr. andi Mr 8. Unix entertained Misa Maînvarring anti Mn. Hovardi ai a dii- ner part>' Thursday. Tic eeventh ant i el'ti-i.rades' are îaking "Courtsiip of Mlles Slandijiî booklets. .Monda>' ve batiour liraI anovatorni. We alil Iougil of everythiig front Chisitmas to "The Fîret Sîovfall." EtivactiGillings saiti, "Snov maktes me believe ln Santa ('lIana." %V'itn's a tî-av-fuv nol a leacher? (lt-ceiveti too 1ance for. lasI aeck) The annual Warren demetuty bazaar wciich vas bt-Id oniiFrida> evening at tht- M. W.A. hall 'sas a great 50vceas. 'Pic ladies serval a tieliclous 9uumpeî-. wviv-l was enjoyeti by over- foui lioin îlreul îîînple. Tf--. îrogia-ti va;t nalanti unique. Mies itiveli e Mii' Mehlinîla Selinda Stlakespestle IL-etainl> apreati progoganda for a nev aide- walk, viren sice requestedtfitre Higi Scbqol boardt f0 caablisih Inthehigi school a chair of shoe cleaning ( by North qAME AND FISII DEPARTMENT IN Figuros wliiel li wial the state division o i Ish and sanie saved the state $L50,000 ln the last four years, as conipareil wilb the prevlous touir Yea rs. were mîade availabie by the Publication at Springfield of the financial statement for th1e year end- Ing June :10. 192l. Excess of receipts over disburs'- rmnts totaled $40,499.12 for the year and more than $90,000 for the quad- renniuni. as cornpared with the de- udct of rnoie than $160,000 for the Pies-lous four years. This record was Lmade by Ralpb Bradford, wbo was Sale of hunting and trapping il. cdenses for the year ending Jane 3A hrought the division $181,317 50; fising licenses, $31.764; fpes for vifolations of lisbing laws, $8,07705; fins foi, violations orf sane laws, $13,230.43; sale of wholesale licenses, $6.675; 8"le 0 permits.11,910; and miscelineous 'recelDts. $1.074,93. To- tal recelpts, $244,048.91. Conflicieted Ssii distributee ainor state ana charitable institutins amou ni mît10 66.894 pounds, wbiciî at 10ý cents a Pound would be worth $6,689.40. Expendîtur-es for the year were di îided as follows: Salaries and Wages $118,488.84; office e«Penhes, S5,221.- 13; travel. 128.582.66; operation. $21,- 595.72; repaire, 86.370.46; equiPment. $17.263.74. and permanent improve- mnentis.1027 Total expenitures, iand 'i, Schi ev-k ook Mary Nlclnty-e ril) k ti taùin. ,w4iere-hmi moi ber met hé. ,nti sok liei back [o Milwaukee. Ni'î irý.i i , of l-.îb-vaa-n a sure 1' ti. t ian .IUI (1> las XRADUATED IONEER T YOUR SALE ROSING General Auctioneer iLake 33-W-i .Shore Trâi'ns Take You Right to the Meart of Chicago Around the Elevated Loop, at. the Doors of the Leading lb- tels, Theaters, Banks and Office Buildings,, - Trains Ieaving libéetyvine at 30-muante iiter- vais make connections at Lake Bluff thmt take you direct to Chicago's.duineusditrct. ALL TRAINS NOW OPERATE ON CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Chicago North Shore & M ilwaukee R. R. LIBERTYILLE TICKET OFFICE PASSENGER STATION TELEPHONE 74 i ~J PLUME $1.10 W RETI Carpenters which hold Iower îuiillt rm, ond' ['ountu fi a slu havp e rtînc voiinlaîil vag Th, vannoun, olse<n he brlt.klaycrs 1h th1e $1.10 sa-at The carrient union ti st-a s ing oui for fi hour. Tbey lb present limie lu la spite of Il knovr. liai c ai Fort Sierit Itin isstated f working on ti slly ai A rcs 'fTe v-citpenI 0, tbhecarPcnt-r Wating ilf lfomrc Ih..->ta 0000000o 0 0000000 'tIr- F 1;;, n - : litit it- a, t nd titre. Mi .andl %II it, tsun-hda Mi antid î Richards Su ndaty 1Mrs.W.F t tîsler, Miss Frit -Mrm. Arifiur Tuesdut> sut h lt-v da>e witb i Libe r1y ville, NIrs Herman anti Marquibstii wiii Mrs. Kram Mr. anti Mrs spenl thb, st-t-k t t ives, Mn- Geourge ier n.othFr aný ai-I week. M4n- PICSi % i'-ioi salurda> 'gr antiMcr- ltors Io Wâukc; Nirm. ftt.îrl Et ilaysin i ';iau Mr a~nd'tirs. tamiil) w' rtic i ici1alives Sandaý MVr.t Fri-t i Arlinglon Hv-igh Mr. and IrMs. J0 -Mr.,.Duwalti go0 visitol Frida Miss. Anna r t.ppnding a fewt Il A Watson. Mm. Kita, Etit ing a fev da> s Mr. andi Nrs. C'hicago apeni S ers motier. NMr )dr.andI Nrs. I day afie«noon wi Rouie. Mr. andi Mrs. il>' of Liberlyvul Mn. and Mlrs. Ge( ernoon anti tver Dean anti Ru spelit the wceki Gco. J. Smnith rici were Waukî eveuing. Mr .and Nirs. J erlyVille speni ! evening wilh Mi Voelker. Mra. L. WeD Lorraine, spent relatives anti fn Miss Rhoda Lake vas an kr Mm,. V. F. Bae are spentiing th- Mar. 'anti Mrs tainedth le folli Harris, M179. El Mrs. Os-orge 5v-t Haroldi Wells .Salurda>' evenin W. D. ltoiteo, leous, Mrs. MOt d.ughter. Ruth. 1

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