'LAKE ,COUNTY INDEPENDENT VOLPME MXX. No. 45 T RIlEST 41OLD und Lake-, once. In Lake,. t1I Punly, Dec- 1 M. tpho. xving been i)rk of said iereby glv- bo. defend- .bove nain- 7usild bis surI on the. Ihat a suan- Sof said nansed de- Sfirsî day t Court of the Court said! Lake &y of Dec- law requir- pend'iug. 'K WAY, Clerk. 2, A. D. CommuOity Bargaln Day-s Wauke- ga4 cre-miln- la beyond toubt the -grefttest Bargabu day a! the entIre yegr. it Is a semi-sunuai ee-nItde- signedtot give the people a! Wastke- gan and the,.strrountling vlctnlty a city-TitO. money-saa-Ing-eaie demon- Eqtrating Waukeganls vsstly supsnlor -atvantagesas a strading conter. . il makes no difference viat sou are partlculaliy ln terealet in-cèloth- ing. sboeu, voinn'sreasty-to-vean. dry goota. gracerles. msais, jevelrs- storea. In tact svéry business hous -la tova o!fas- Importance. viii an Coasmunity Buagan May offer spsctat v*lues gecb asam-e Seor heard o! ai a411@tit tifs cilà. eas. MHJUINSCiJOOL MIICT NEWS $luie Bonites-wuva ut 3ù6. v, r-Ipie eventhh, om acat et'sitk- 'Tlit 1111.tolie *maklng paper tGLt r. U.Notina, visitéd weoot ,Roth Edvands had a perfect lesson ln spelling everyday last veek. Mns. Loy visited schooi Monday aflennoon. A collection of bird'a nesta for bird study is belng made. Mr. and Mr&. Rolland 1100k snd famnlty islted the home of Warren Hook. V. H. Strang and famly &peuit Sun- day afternonat Leslie Bonner's. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Whie vislted tho homeo0f Dr. Jamimon Bunday. Warren Haok and faznsltyvers Waukegan caltera Sunday *vening. Mr. and Mrs. Kassel and Bruno Kassel vere visitors at W. M. Iubol- lI' Sunday. Miss Margaret (Nbert apent the veetlnd viîh the home folk». Mr. and Mrs. Williami Means. vho have been visitîng relatives bers, have returned ta, their home in North Dakota. Mn,. -Pearce'r molie-M-.--. Aý Low. lias bfen spending a few days vith ber. "FOUR IHORSE14EN 0FAPOCALYPSE"ý SCORES i l IT PLAN TO au LOCAL'BEACH- AN "ATLANTK CITY" Chambor of, Commerce dis- casses taking oe proJect and making I:e tdion terminal TO MANAGE CONCESSIONS The. Chasuber o! Commerce le 'ep. tluatic aven a new plan tu couvert the Waukegan batiing beach intoa Great Lakea "ýAttantic City" or As- ba-y Park and ai a meeting o! the board a! directara lte plan. vhich had been-brouht t' tb. attenio by tise retail section,vau discussed aI leagli. l Il being consiteresi ta take over the park andi beach froin lie city sud put lu ail kinds of amusement conicessonss la proyide dversion for thausants a! Chcago, Milvaukee sud allier viaitors tbei expect ta attract. The [natter la being laken up vîlli the steammhip campaules, vho lia-s ezpmaesi aviilingneoaA Lùs inauvu- ate week-end excursions. Only prelimlnary plans bave bean tlscussesi for tise entertainmnt of excuraloniate .- but batbing, dancing. baud and i ochestra mualc, rost pa- billons places whero visitais can eal lunches tlsey bring, or ber. they can purcha food sud refreshanents are among nmoi.thIe Ihings planuet. The cIty 1 inlling ta Inn aoven thse property on tiseach unter less ta the Chamber o! Commerce, vblch plans la use ail lbe profits ta he te- rivet tram tb. enlerprise n further MINE IN WORLD -batie tow win 3,500,000go' . mine for bis cient OWNER DROWNED AT SEA 'lTe sateisf Captain James Atn- ander. ovuer of thse ichest gots mine ia the vont, and vho peise vithhi vifs witl thte sînkin of sthe Princes. Sophia ta nov belng ttigfat- ed. The onty knovn heirs of Mrs. James Atexander,. vho nov reide ln Illinois snd Wisconsin bave retained Attorney Leake E. Wiliams, of Waot- kegan. ta reprenent tbem. Captain Alexander vas the avuer of the famous Engineer mine. vhicb ta ailuated nsar Carcrosa. He sas camçleting a demi for the sale of the mine for $2,500000 when bis sudden death cut shurthlb.negotiationa. Captaîn Aexander came ta Amers- es ta supervise the Engineer mine early In 1900. vhich vas then ovued by a Btlsih syndifcate. He slter mnet a M. 15mith lnPhladilphia, vbo be- came a close friend and parner of the captaîn. Duriug tb. manth of April 1914 tbe captai, entere St. Luses Hospital, Chicago. vhere be met. "fasbionabie"* Abus Williams. nurse. A veryspirit- rS romance ensuet. vtl&h vas of in- » asiZni concern, and on Aprili 33h 1914 Capt. Aexander married Abble Williams andthtey deparled for AlRS- ka. Il vras during their returo voyage tu tbs States in 1918 on tb. Princes Sophia that their littie romance ter- minaied ln their dethi. by drovntng la Ithe Pacifie ocean togeber villi 350> other passe-ngera on board. The bodies of Mr. andi Mrs. Alexander vers ecovered andi buried n Van- cou ver. Captain Alexandter. prion ta bis marriage ta Abbie Wiliams. had made a yl In vbicl be disposesi of alis praperty ta Mr. Smith. of Plslladelphia. and hat sîso named Mr. Smith as'beneflclary in bis Insurance plcie. ratued at about 8&00,000. The Captsin le 001 knogs'n 10have evoked ibis vitI or made nother subsequent ta bhis marriage. andt acorodlnghy. Mr. Smith si conteting tbe case on the tbeory Ibat ho shoulsi take under the yl for twaresens: Viral. that there vas no isaeriage. Mdt second. that Abbs WUUUama d t r AttaTue Wllliazms uasrts thal lthe legal presuiiptione are In is clients favor, aM df rom lbhe eviliencé. #5as able ta make out a primta facie case. sil Io kuovabovever. that tva of thé, coutrys teading tetecUive agen- cies have b.enu gstiering evIdence for Mr. Smith, sud be la further sçtrengthened by an amrY of teading tswyers In Philadelphia and Van- couver. Attarne-y Williams is supported by a Milwaukee lavyer, snd also a iaw t'irm In Vancouve-r. The case viiili e tiled this vinter. MEETS DEATII IN FROTff0f SPIEDz INQ ÀUTOMO0BILE Vaukeganl frienits or M' Charle jrke-oni. of.Milwaukee were shocked toay ta tearu of ber dealli there as th? resuit of an autonmobile accdeflt. A diépatcb vblch reacbed bers ta- day slated that Mrs. Jackson vas run daonby a speeting automobile Tues- day night and ber tealh occaredthiis morning. Detaila a!f the accident bave not yet beeu learne bers. Tihe'Jackson familylilved lu Wau- kegan many years, Mr. Jackson bav. log beeu a former member o! abe lo- cal fire departinent. At the preent tAme h. la enginering satesmas vils a large canera An Milwaukee. Ony lat week Mn. and Mrs. Jack- son visitedtheb.Thomas Krchnter sud E. V. Orvis familles an North Si. James street bore. They returned la Mlvaukee lait Suntay. Members of tise Orvis asd Kirchner -familles 1.ft fer Milwaukee as soan as tbey beard o!t the fatal accident.. Blealdes lier buaband rrs. .Jckson 155,05 thres daagters: the Misses GeaMine. Marioni and Marjarle Jackson. COMMUNITY BAR- EiAIN DAY TiIURS' DAY NOV. _1Il Cook TlIROWN 30 FEET; BREAKS lIS LEG Te Tbrovn liirty feet f rom bhis auto- mobile vien il vas struck by anu 'sWe vii bave a0 engiu n ouhe- E. J. & E. railîoat on Aay electricalMatter, a crossing tlsree miles natie-ast of Credit Ternis arn Barînglan. William Saudman, a Lake Zurich. fariner, escapet wtb a irak- AUl work doue ià su leg sud other minor hurla. Hlm miles brotier, Esivard Saudman. vio vas lupg variety o tntaing t4e machine. vas siot injure-t kTii. peident occurret 'about 9:30 TOuteM., Portable Tla ocloek liis morning. Tise englue vas Z O N T Osansmati vas remaved, te Bas-inv,-- ton vi er b v s attende l by D r . Pou i hrWe 1)t 1. ih o vs- -_ à Stave or' Grill an Iephoî ror vigë rmaw e4r ln~ INDEPENDENT Lake Couîjýj.s Big Weekly CW«« mt " WeekintaCouciy ComWSnd WAUKEGAN. WEEKLY SUN LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 10, 1921 MR. AND MIS. J. F. MC DONO0 HAVE A vsry pretty eei10 lacuat eve n bonor or tir. bug En. J. F. Me- Donaugh's rold u I lpào aIt the bame of thele dauglite. Mrs. M. E. DeLacy. o! 307 No. <outy St. The event vas cetebrated 411h a dinner parly. the dling mol$ pus beauU!ful- ]y decotet Angolà and vbile, lbe cener piece vas a USusinolli ved- ding cake. The. bride and grom of 60 Years recelaet maney pieces o! gotd. Among the out of touvu guests vere: Mr. sud Mra. bNd .. Moonough andi son Arthur, o! Raga-S Park; Mr. sud Mns. Vau Auken, Iklvagds af Chicago; Mn. and Mrs. GeorgaValker; Mn. sud Mir. Freterick Kajianerer; Mrs. Catherine Duke, Mirs. Agnêa Jones, Mr. William Swift, Dr. snd MMn. C. E. Goultinf. o! Qak Park, Mt. andi Mrs. J. H. DeLaC-Y. Wiliam and Miss Helen Regan. a! Hubbard Woods; Mns Dootey and Mtr%. Hartr, Mlle, of Highlandi Park. The evenlug vas. pleasantly spent vI t c a r d a . a n d m a y s alo s w e r e r e n - STANLEY 115110F FOUNI) MUITY ON f OUR COUNTS !s third Urne Nb M- Chicagoan has been convloted for vio- lating biooze law CASE ON FOR TWO OAYS Stanley Bishop, 1419 Souths vic- toria street, »Orth Chicago, vas round guilty or vioiating the prohilb- itory lav on Ltiro counts lte Tues- day afternoon by a Jury ln the Count- ty court. thse Verdist being returned et 5 o'clock. This la the tli4rd tiane Bishop bau been convicled of moonshining, be- lng found guiity ln eacb Instance W' case pending la the Appellate court. The. four Cote ntsthlblait con- v'lcUjouam. hav'ing te bis, possesilon maan.etatn aà4kuengrfor sale. The case vas proeeeuted b7 As- sistaat -4tates Attorney AXbdr L. Rai. The conuts for the. defense verseM. V.,Orvia sud J. A. Jasiic. Judge P. LU Persoa sbas M&otpro- noussced sentence. The prosecution bas asked that a jail sentence b. lu- ctuded vitb a heavy fine because of the repeated violations or tieý de- fendant. Arts Ail 'Closely Rshate. t'sinting. sculpture. titerature, muic, ore mure ciûs.-i-y related than 19 gen- ernlty believed. Ttsey express ail the sentiments of the iiuoian sul th te light of nature. it 1l4 onty tihe menus o! xre.u iuhvary.-Eodat *Tlere le 'suîs.excuse for nearly e%7crýhiug, 'ý%ià aistnpro- equipped with [0-11E-MINUE CON VEN IENCE RT-ELECiTRICIAN8 to figure on ail your Ciii Systeins ard 4 Window Display Ighâtlng, -m Lighting & Pniping Plants mectrie Elevators, etc. Btep is to have your build- cly wired, avoiding ail er-. sg firse. You can then en- *r and tirne saving conven- Bath ]Eaom 401 Water Boiler àToaster rtable Electrie Radiators Eeadiug or Piano Iamps ce Zion 37 M»n OaU mmdadvÛte jou rogandig Ive an estlmato on any job. eU&Mbe Parties. *viti tho National EotrW floe -ruutixeson dl.p1ay, iladln Tronu, IONS & INDU"RIES rolman Yolftïa-> NOTED FENCE FEUI) NORTHI PRAIRIE I BOZE ROBERS CASE LS ON IN -DISTRICT NE WS LOOT DRtJiSTUE, CIRCUIT COURT Miîss Zusanne IMIck visited at Gît> j Of ALL14 Wanzel Conneti has accepted a po- Boozeperfumes, cigarsom% Miss Lillian Redlinger sung sîtion vith the Brunner Dairy Co. la dies, etc. to value of tl,OO# Jacob and John Henk follow- Kenosha. Stdoto tr ing alleged attack Rey. Ainatutz spent the week end ~ oto tr Mr. Usherman bas completed a ASKS $4,000 DAMA GES driiiing a well for Spencer Crawford.M TRUE Many farmers attended a meeting TTR RUCK WAS Uf iss Lillilan Redinger Bat luth at Wintbrop station Frlday night te Circuit court room today while a sell their milk. I oz obr h iie jury was bsing obtalned te determ- Victor Melville vill b. out of quar- Baarbemvavstdthé 'A& me behe Atlawotb S.00taantine ln a week.1 guat Sutinen pharmacy. 1033 licAti hae wo en ut awth $5r00ate rn, Mr. and Mrs. R. Koasafrom New eAv hav tw mn pshther lst InoYork have coule te visit their rela-teAv. Tuesday nlght, made a ricà her eyes. Paddie ber with a stick of tAveqs Mr. and MM U Peterson. haut, gettlng avay with many gaie formidable proprtions, sqaueeze ber Harry Long went home -rida- Ions of choie qilours and- grain 'al- Adams apple and knock her down. night ta spend Saturday wlth Pis 'cobol. Mr. Sutinen today ptaeed 'Ie ail Of wblch she charges Jacob and parentts and attend bis brother: I... at about $1.000. John Henk. neighbors in Vernon Clarence'l birthday party. o township did tva years ago wben Tisere vas choir practice at Mr. J.I Foilowing la a list of lhé artfet [there vas a dispute over a nfece. J. Goulds Saturday night. 1 taken: miss Redliiger and the lienka have The Ladies Aid Soci*4 met aI 6 galions of Pebbleford whlskey la resided on Milwaukee roffd, near Mrs. Sam Jobnaun's Wedneaday afler- plot hotties. Priarie Vew belveen Wbeeling and noon. 2fv-alncn fganachl Haif Day. John lienk la a son. of Misa Nancy Simmons stayed with 2fvealocn ogriacoo Jacob Henk. They were putting uP her grandpar.-nta Mr. and Mrs. P. B. 5's4 gallons3 of port and sherry vine, a fonce vhen the allegeti excitement Hanseb. of Zion. from friday night in a keg. started. until Sunday afternoon. 3 large botlies of perfume, onu, -John->Ehrlin&. s. seati'.e -af tl -Mr- and, _Mn. Will Scot -and- faîuen ti-5 flenks. apparently vas inter.ested in ty spent Sunday wlth Henry Smails tlmItations Of Armement$ and.while famlly at Truesdall, Xis. - 3 Weslpbail kodaks. the alleged battie wasSin progreslic The Melville, Crawford and Sim- 2 camera cases. - lossed an axe, bammer and vire cut- mons familles vent te Pine View Cigare, cigarels and. candy. ters Into tbe Des Plaines.river. cemetery Sunday afternoon. nrcet th dugoewa Miss Redlinger charges that as a Miss Koieve. Mr. antd Mrs. Will nrnet tedugor va result of Injuries received she vas Petei'eon and Miss Ida Peterson all gained by breaking out a rose viL 111 a long time and suffered great of Burlinglon, Illinois,- spent Sunday day. The thieves backed a XÉet4 .r pain and vas compelled ta spend with Fred Pfleger and family. truck te the rear door sand carste< seea hnrd olrsfrdctr Ms .Cafod r.B .Met-tetatuIbrghtedr ie seveai hndrd dolarsfordo o ville. . and M , r.LSms wen. thel otarog hed bills. I... «. Pid .t. ..iIL Mrq-.AI,.. ad been bolled from theb. idi. 1»b The case vas tried more than a yean aga but the jury dlsagreed. sund at anothen lime t vas noue prossat but a new suit vas startet laIe-r. ptoof of Wasington'i Home. Tic. wooa siogie roof on George We*îigîlonm home nt ijoanit Vernon vas reliired by li in1-.85 ant vai Doct again repalrefl until 1860-a life o! -5 3r-ars, says tise Anîs-icun l-unetry Magazine o! Washinsgton. Tisane have be-en may Instances fountit here sîle. gis roof s bave lastet aaîlsfacloiliy for 50 years ant esen 11.0 y3.ts. ltIlioa et li unreasonable tl itnibute sucb s lelietla oce-tan w-len vs cousde-r thal tit,oht sarcoplsagi lu vhlcis soma. o! the ligyptian kiiigs were iursied 8,- 000 years ego are atillA fuunt la faly cousit condlîloe..- Melvillte. Ray Ferry and G SImmons attendi- ed thie banquet given by the Rayai Arch Musons An Waukegan Pritay eve-ning. The Royal Neiglibors met ai Rus- sell lasI Wedne-aday aflernoon. Mia. G. B. Simmons. MrM Wiil Scott, Mrs. L. G. Bennett and lira. G. Connei attended the meeting Teating Atmospherlo Pollution. Autonialie record% o! stîoosî.tseriC pollution are kept ln Englarsd by means o! naair filts'n sshilhal: the sud o! every fifteen uminutes draws a knovn volume o!fssirthrougb a Piece o! fine blottlng pape-. Tise darksess of tise circle cf depoM4t.4?ft anittie paper lniicatee the isîsinunl of sus- pended issaîter P,'s air. i -I j Irscks of thiitruck vers vîbisewiiW ' ' lie police arrived ou the scene tblsr mornlog. Juat boy many cigare and i cgàs-e-. vers laken tbe praprietar itas nul ystt been ahtee b determine. Hia stock o. narcoîlca vas not toucbed as, the i Ileves Beemed ta be beut on obtai= ing ati the liquor sud took liee tlter articles because îbey vers budyr, ', The liOUai bat been kept ln a U»* net. The door la ibis cabinet vuW broken open. The robbery vas not iacovered until Ihls morning vben thse cler1g aivadt b open the store. The Latter of Human is ndnéàs, ÏiKtI Englsts Pnper-P1'in cook vsMtýd for tise country. One wbo caoilka cov andi s Chrstia.n Prefseds*ý Boett.n Trascript. NOW IS 3 YOUR ____u OPPORTUNT ~L To Purchase Land With Options TQ BUY A HOME BUILD A HOME BUY OR IMPROVE A FARM BUY OR IMPROVE BUSINESS 1PROPERTY .PAY OFF A MORTGAGE AT 3% "PER ANNUM On Easy Monthly Payment"-ust Like R.mt. Nearly $5,«0,006 worth of Homes Purchased Over '25,000 Satisfied Clients Nineteen Years of, SuccesMfuI jimf4mû, Do you own a Home? . if Not Why? The 30/ Interegt Plan of The UJ. S.1. Realty jýo. plish This For You. -, Send for Our Bookiet - It Tg Oit BETTER STIL FEn SHIEL & FERRIS ..DISTRICT AGENTS 223 WASHINGTON OT. 3 % Opàe! Eenniga 7 to 83M, WAUKEGAK, ILL 1 dÊbw LIERTY VILLE The $1,00,000 production or «The eeom it Pour Harsemen o! lis Apocalype» anred a vonderful succesa liontay nigbt vien Il openet a veek's qen- gagement at the Ellt. theatre. The MS UDEN'T liERE IS efectiveneas o! thls truly marvelousi film slov vas increaset by a tenL Piece symnpbany orchestra. Tenvi WINNlER 0FSTATE of vhicb Iblispicture la lhe cre-en version, vas wnIten by V.icente Bia Ca fbanez. The play has been de. ESSAY PRIZE c1arod by experts ta mark s pavi- epochin tise bea-sapinent o! motion pictures. 1 Archie Schwartztraube, hîgh The pcturo vas vituesteit W' s ce- Paclty audience.' lla virile sud full schooth journalist, named by of tense situations. Thse photagrapby State Supt. le Oplendit. Th. cast l, mare thasi_____ capable sud lb. aceao affects are In- mms coula teusMM a llbie pli. lare, Posi:intm«eha trp an thet OD M D L 1 ematiu. AchieSciwartuts-suber r. !ZIo. a "Th Por Hrseen"latheoa-etudent in the townshblbgit ichoal promo expression of the Great Was. at Waukegsu. viere he la a member Certalnly me novel bas stirredtheb. oflte calosIt journall.m. bus beeu universal appeai erctet W' ltetnamed as tise vinen o! th prizo fer Ibanes materpiece. Readers a! théltse best essay written by a city boy navet yull recaul tisaithe. stary opens la the state atending the Boy's State an the Argentin. ranch o! old Ma- Vain risçool. announcement te Ihat et- taniago. vboo territales are as ex*. ete being recelved Ioday by T.' tensive as haose of the great Ind~e. Arthur Simopson, supeintenden o! pendent barons a! feudai tinës. And achools or!-Lake counly. frein Fran- Madartage, rules vtth feudal paver, ris G. Blair.,etale aupe-nntentent. te- A rloting. royatentng tespot. io 1à parîment pub lic instruction. fitiet vitb Cailillian prit. a! famlyt As aprîze ho yull receive a goît and yeanmfan a mate chîlsi ta carry I mesial snt a $10 goîsi plece, ta b. an is traditions. Hle tvo'ausghtens presenlet by Supt. Blair lis tiret have marrlesi ranch employes - one French and theother German. night of the opeoing of the State Fair autlKatiy ta liet er-ingfielt uaext fat]. man ion-to- w bings a v t i s- . ~ Ha la a son o!fn. and Mrs. fBen 1k for is VJslf.Oerman gransichil- Schvartztrauber. and lu the aummer- dren., but v ten a son la boru la lhs tinta works ou a farciaI North Pral- Frenchmau Dsnoyers, lbe oit man rie, lu titis way ho bas carnet finis is drearu realizat. The boy. enougli 10 take hicsi trough twa .Iulio. la sciectat as lie hein ta tise . ear' èolege aftur lie conspietes lics huge sate sud la brougbt up as a higli sclitol course. spolet prince cf the real P2. As s young man Julil0 bEemem the cont-, panio! ofMadariaga in bis s ebauciesi -ateentures In lie ilueno Ayres tango nesorts. Wth Iis sudten veatti. tbe tva familles leave lie Argentine A ey uw l for Europe. Thie Desnoyers eletlu: Parts, sud Juio anauexpert tango THE IVIUs' UP-, tancer. becomea the sensation o! the fashionable tance halls. He meets a ELECTRICAL fasinallng littiesaoclety wvaman. Marguerite Laurier, snd the tva o! W E ARE EX1PER thern are mvept intos deaperale love alfaîn that takes no account ofbMar-, aDd shail be glad t tuerte'i eiderly bobant. Their but-i J.ECTiRICAL IN terfly mentaities do nat even r e- Houseoraco W ig spont hoo lb. firat abock o! van thal rFcortn breaks about tien. Itlai 1914 and - Power Work of AU i.Kids the Germns.ans sdvsuciigtg aant1Burgisi Alang Systents Paris. Maruerite la finit avakeniet dvaoTlehn te the reaUisation o! tremendousi rvt eehn ersuts. Sb@e Joins tb. Vreacii surs-' Anunciator C lng farces and sacrifices ber love for SaBo= Jutio a b ader ta ho the constant coan- panion af ber buabant vhbu a beau bildet lu baie. Julie, loftviout~ tie stimulation a! frivolauattrac-i tions. hears ths caU of! suy sud en-I The finst important5 lista In lbe French srmy. vian. boit ing carefully and -proper mees sdeatis at the banda o!fbisefGer- main cousin viien the tva face eacb rors and danger of causin ote atien n hgarapin.lbjoy ail the modernIibor four basmen. spaken f îy St. 1 jences, stich as - John In the Book af the Apocaypse- Electrie Washing Machine the. grlm figure o! Canquem, War.j Waer -eating Dev-loe for B Pamaine sud Death. -' Seving Machines Mo )Ut, Dec- sing be-sn -rk of sas<l 5'-atrr- of qt om- -c ni ru 's ni. r-turo Couc5v. lIo A 1). 1921 whict, suit 2A D> 3 Do you owu a Farm? Do you own ]Business Property?. 1