't: N~ftTq 4SNESEE e ST*EST Pat~1setWW, - hoppeiiThurs. Nov 17. Wea 5ýa, b . AwUi f, ' i 5t .. uant Ym~rseIewith this extinsvestab- eIl 1, Ib a adw tldt i tJils invitation to. edsee our stpre on Co>nmnntty Dargain Ife'#lea 4ta ThiLs vill be a mout opportune lime te W.4.5ArUIiWintet appaml needsasa. tocks are ait -il C4.wâtye ak of completéees. ad prie«s trm -, . , 1eviQM bec~scit is abvediand ;badmefyend lit caw'rte Wool Dresss For Dainty Misses Valuesup to $2 Materials-- Poiret Twill "TicoStine IVelour Berge $1150 Metal Beltu' Hand 'Emb'dery Beaded Dresses Braid Trimmhg Eachý Distinctive la Style' lýeautdfuI Dresses «. Tricotm& and Sege f... V. oni mm]vanit.oe-ethe â1oiaast ye t èem5iaewon- deI'fut ttylep .a*ij3ii é for q4h a low price. 44 WI]Fin h&0t véflowing WiVth Good E#iaiîus Àin- Winter App.ue1 T1V1SIDAY, NOEBE 17th KE OUR *XNDOWS' COMPARE OUtR VAX; ~O~EAT 830A. SHOP MARLY TIlt CThemuity eOfkDay-thIe "eatDa The argans~ fferd InOurCoat 3ec W* Ar Incomnparable- The Mate&",,sAre -.Richer ThanEyr Fur, Trinimings Most, Gorgeous and, Workinianship Supreme!* G004B.eC.U# oweats of' WooI Velour and Yalogm ta abhade of bliÉe and browit. AU l ii. L oo.e back and atrMbt lime modela- orewth tut' 1teu Couts nt $4750 ]dater"ajaof $ Jmia u ea that wiIIl icnn'ia1weleair Mt r eie uec- e4 mioppers. ,ilsitw ýSPllyamhA.' ECrmile, Panvf.fu, tvtaàmed wlth rleh fum Onp.ta -L -- Coats at $25 Bell trirm.d *ud lUI Mtutmmed n4 laMmclfabriu 4à Norman- dY. Dolviall 5ambua. Wool Velour. C truae omrtnt Rulueer, Nvp' a"d blsck. aot t $67,30 triuutd Vi U met ftn à -Uear, etoirrel. NSl.Tx Asgl ian - Opossm. lUbIu t th*vert' ZtI at-I a mal.Otatb'us vl ýb. tôp pooud IOm . 41 à m s. t'67YLQ0 coýats at$pM0, 97.malis f I~urouafatales. pu. Coit et$7 5 caste ce tii. "*wy iebut ebut't noter. Wrappy oeabtfa traeefuly lu la-rid.; wu* workrnumki»vuu aw 11*4 ~$75 These Are Tie Qreate;t iBargairn 1%eTIuC"oiuly -Wome ns' a;Ee Mi&%s tee 4 ecal! them -AGASbemaunthéy ttag CANTON CREP,> POIRT TWLtý Lng.. Waisted Uneven hein BLÂOK, ýNAVYI, WBO~ O 'opes f Ipore4 rea 1nc4nis O.f cwhoàodn Q -E "o j,. -. '-t Ifi14-tot 2Q m8 NORTH it ltg rt if B.I t f .7 tri=i W-001 tom ls $075