Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Nov 1921, p. 1

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LIB-EýRTYV :I-LLE LAKECOUNTY INDEPENDEN i'NDEPENDENT VOUME XXIX.-NUMER 47. LUBM<FYVJILE.'-'U CO(JNY, IWOJ, THIJRSAYNOVEMBER 24,1921 $ 1.50 PR YEAR iN ADv, B-REAKS 3 RBS IN IUTO CRASH AT LIBERTY VILLE 'George Bergeron hurt when his newiv overhauWe Car is Demollshe Were George Bergeron, of the Ber- geron Stock tai-m. 3 miles nortbwesî 0f Libortyvifle s suspicions man he. r -mlght suspect a plot in tht tact thai his automobile was wrtcked Wednts- day when il colided wlth a machine 2:drive, b) John Scherer. t the corner o f Second and Broadway. Mr. Berg..rdn receîved three trac- tured ribs and a badly wrtnchaj, His machine had just 'been * COnupletel - overbaüied In the SiqhUng garage at1 Lihertyvilie. anld he and John Suhling got loto the car and started dowo the street ta se. hiou it worked. Mr Suhllng uas dtiving. The cllfision resulted in the ureck- I ng of M,, Begeron's car. while the othar machijn. was not d8magped Mr. Stihlmng and Mfr Schierer In the other car uere flot lnjured. %Ir.Bergeron uaii talcen 1 ihe Fir-t National Bank, at Libertyvillie. wbere he wae cornpelled ta wait untîl Dr. J.L. Taylor returned froni Wau- kegan before he coulId get medîcal aid. He is nou gettlng along nicel>-. but ujîl be laid up for some time. LON iLAKE LOSES F1iHiT TO BECOME INCORPORATED - M.joityof residents are con- tent to go along Iust as Wb' they have been Long ka thring lbite coni n iy utbhe trme iWetern part of Lakce coalnty, ulil flot become an lneorporated village-at leaut net for sarte lima t,,t.t' Residents of the .comitiqnitv ht sfin )vrwhPlmirv taat.,' ,r (' ;i aspeciatle o- feu i', ste t" u- mainas t hty ar Thet mol aF ov*:v thrf-.-. o ont- ThI.t- i noas'- ollowm, F -oi ICie- a u:Puratîîoî :2 [lien. 1-J woitn to r42ý Again-' iirtrlorRttli. --Il1 men 4e> WOMen total 156. A, ti! , ,t --n- iitjit ILong ,a k- f0 ta t~ a.,, ' no i niaî,ulboa] provornenîn -t-tde iro, %%bar it, p, iden,' j:i, i;i. , pIflîri,)rît Ket--,nt Ijgît- otii Thoat- wli -ui tii ,lu,, ,'t i lt-r ltion 1t) tý'-' i gui, - t I l ' t he-e iInitt.. t ! t II.:' If ,,t ,,itt tu -,- itî 1,1wit protpositionîon f l U,-i1tion or o-,î Tlb'- îi.tîîii- ,r ii, ai ljtnk 1luhe i s, f ar- ;ni t lttpulttof NRS. REBA JOY CORDELL NAMES "&OTIIER WOMRAN"l Declares her husband was convicted ini Indianapo!is court years ago. Reha Joy ('ordeli of ZVon, this utti filed a i!! for divorce from Harold M. 'o'-deli, la uhit-hishe chargea la- fidtlity. naml ng Msmrrle MeNfichaels. ala't of Zion. in tht petition 10 thtcii-- cuit court. Tht wlfe also charges that h.. usa once convicted for, coatri4uting b otht delinquency of s minor cbiîd at lnd- lanapols. Ind.. In the juvénile cpurt before .udge Lahr. On Oct. 1. tItis s-tai-. (ordell andI Mrs. MeNt-iaptîls ere foun il guilît> of niscondluct in lIte Lake county court, and -t-el-e fIned 8100 est-b by Judgt P. L Peinsn -lTe Cottiell ltave thrt-t irildren. Es-ie,*-Rit-lard, andIHar-old. iEOl. KOETII, JR M AaIN IN TOILS Intorntation uasa led Ia thte.coqnty court Satunda>' b>' tate's Attorney Smiith, asainsI George Koeth, Jr.. -f Pox Laie, chars-lut hlm uit.h the un- lawut lsale of intolicatlns -Illiquaor.- Koettbbas been arreated repeatedly, sun! is place la under United States lnjunction. Ne gave bond Frida>' nis-ht uhen be lumued that the Indicimlent would be -ue «Moi! stai linluthe tmuofai$2009. UKRAYSLAXE H A4NEW'I M&TOR FIRE ENGINE Tht Grayalake ire qeltartmîettt. uhlch la cornposed utfçtrlsat cliens. bas takea f romn Its private fuadâ the- moite> for the purchase of a WSinouai comhlnatioa chemnical and uater fine ens-une. 1: ta ltounted on aauto truck. In a reten t test il thîew a etreani )ver a tbuilding 70 feet bIs-h wltiî 11)11pounids pressure, 610V. SMÀLL CASE; TO START WEEI( 0F DEC. 5-EDWARDS Counsel for defense to furnish state with copiles of motions by Nov. 25 Prelimînary mutions tin fle -.cas.- of Git, .-en Smsll, chargeil wuth ln eheazlot-ent of sta funds. 'wlll î e ht-ard the 'seek or f leembs-r r, the rîtpenltg oftftle Deemnber terni i.1'g 1-lair-f iCEîiwa:ds d(eclared rod-ain ethe Lak, caunty circuit court ai wall- kegh-ri, w);k'n Assistant tH. t net-tEda-ard Pi-et, of Sangs-n-tn fI on- *tîî ad Sr;tlea Attorney A. V Siiitli, of Wttaukegan, and Aftî- t'erner W. Sctîror-lci aîd Attv. A. F Bt-subi-., ocas cîun-e i fo,- t h- tit-fen c.. t tiar litr- r,,se'iflIte date of trial. nilidr *!iaI worild he ittartoîl Nrtî hl2 anti rit. t tght lot be coocludleil by [)-r 5, but ut any rate. he would hepar lite miotions an the Smali case that a,t-klThe-.- nmotions Atty. Schrop rl'-r d.,clated, prohahît uould ct-qui-c t, jr .-- *iiîe and sould include mo lion-s tû quasI, Judze Etltî ards aise) deolare~j t tirt nStfar tof furnishng hoa addi tioal tft)th, sutriftta bond in Sanga mon counitv bad not bat-n discus5eil and hae beî would be -ut- ltwient. tine would conaider an> mu- titns concýrnlng it by tithtr aide. Atty. Schroeder declared that tnt defenme arulil urnisti copies of the Prtîlatinauy motilons tuo Stateas Atta," Ine% Mortimear of Sangarnncourir) not laîer titan Nov. 25. an that the liosectiion catild prepare ta b.. itady ulten the prelimlnsry motions a'e p)rec.nelt'*) t ite court 'ht' rtei-.of Both Attys Sv-ltoeder and Pr- de- cai cd lh,--, â(h1, id.. i. rtady At ty. -t o-i- ititit tha - ýbelieved the t. t.tbnod would be "ufficient but '!i iai.. ýgtve-rnor -'as - ead3 t,, -tie 111e! - tr-' i"lii, )tt iil r -1q tir Gecorge Nigg- iit-,t r, 'oi Fox L.tkt 1-,iiiin he rtUnr t jrtt. wtt,'- h, ý. i>iolt 1 bil. .tn a t-la ge of j .-j'titIw 1-ohnsn, Çtt.lakuo 'i t:.- irlhatittbast tlenianicd .. .... . , il rî9al tndî Juilce Ed ,A -rds !ia. c '- -.-itai grand .jtti-> fur No%î. 16 tir in;-- igalo e w cai)-t ii tt - r ial or \(v' 2S. w I 'ii EXPECI SUMMER COLONY TO VOTF ÇOR Residents of Long Lake who were defeated in play to cali another election Résidents of Long L.ake uho have set thelr-hearts on having their com- munit>' lneorporated foina village say, te>' uil fat give Up ht-cause tht>' lest ai tht spécial lection a few days ago. They, plan 10 hiîlng the nMtter to-.a vote ai tht earlest pas- sIblý marnent. Next tinte, hoaever. the>' uilI stage tht tiection ai sucit a time that the wt-tltlî> Chicagoana ubo spend their suntmei-a ai tht lake in their beauti- fui somimer cottages, ilil be able ta vioe. Practicasla ail1 of tht summer colon>' bas lef i ht lakte for the sea- t-oit tis >tar and ta ibis tact tht lîrnlot, rs ofthe tncorpotated villae- plait attribute tht'!- deféat. Tue>' pre-, dlict tintt iL aiil be different next lime - t'nler imahe present condition th'-rt ls ne provision foi, improving t-ie -oad a, would ha dont in an incot-- Iora.îm-îitown sand there areclione of (Lie "ntcesttlî a" of the. cit>' st-h as tasttr .t3ttm. lectrlcit-.ý, gas; ttc, Mlail i-t ret'etved through Ingleside and nticli of lt-e trading litdont at Round Lake. Thosa uho defeatedi tht plan objeti lathe taxes ihat uould accrue for a police force, rosd umpievemenis. ef e., in anjltcorpoated taun. NAME POSTMASTERS AT AREA ANDROUND LAKE C. Q. Brainard of Round Lake.litas been 'rt-ap'poittd sostiaster of Round Lake. il uas IeRrned fada>' Mrs. John Hodge bas been appoint- ed potmistress of Ares. Mrs. Hodge succeeded J. C. BaifIer. Ste base'al-, rsady assumeai tht duCýs oruth@lte-a âce. DRAW VENIRBEEN WHIO MAV TRIYTRE 610V. SMALL CASE1 Twelve men to try the gover- nor may be selected out of 36 names drawn The panel of thlrty-sjx venirenmen selected Thuraday at Wankema to re- port ln circuit court December 12 rnay inelt.dt- the men uho ulill W selected 7o serv-e on the jury which tries Gov- PnrLen 'Sniall when he le placed on trial whlch it la etpected wyul be ln December. p!ovidlng Circuit Judge C. C. Pdwards dots not quash the lndlcrm..nt on December 5. Ef he 1denips the motion tn quash the court says !e wla I pat- the case on trial as sonn fter l)ecember 5 as possible. 01~ the-!itirtv 'tir topo drawn for- ser vtc.. oleen are. frontWaukegan. If th t-ast- doe. flot go on trial un flafit-.- Ihp first of the year as sorte ;iî',er, a panl ofut enhremnen draw.n iodýla>v md ordered to report Januar> :i-at% itý- u..ed in makîng Up the- jury fiiý- î'-r mîle en on titis an-l. *,rý W-rr±ke,.Pan men on thîtz pane!. W0owing is, a lis!t ftht- men drawn n *panels: Ducember 12th Pani H EXTON Vt ji. breitr, Jamtes A. Hai-ker. C IlKvett-. tett-r Noteboom. NW PORT Wîl'ian S. Denman, ýrthur Kelly Frank Sheta A XTIOC H Fr-d tiîou n. %Valte: Chinn, Ray CRANT AVON,î Hanson. LAKE VILLA Clart. Shet-wood. WA RR É' Ptnivd Fatulkner. WAUREGPdi Fmil B'ade. Chas. Breen. Chas. Colt- K-nve. R.W. Grenleaf. Arthur Petit- clair. Edw. RoblIng. Arthur E. Stripe, E .% Sirang. 1B. C. Turk. Chas. Wer- ac", (Chas. Wllierton., celiELDS Fred Green. PREMOINT C A. -{apke. William Porteouis. Tanît lowpll. I. A. Huson. Ra-iy Passfield. CUBA - ELA l-da <nihdienstock. VERNON r, Utibdt'nstock. DEERFIELI) Sainqr fi, Nma1a January 3rd Panel l I t'unt, Alfred Saunder, NEWPORT ANTIO('H Xr it i.1fnie- Grat Nels NFel- GItANT i-,tit- M .arin. t) A i 'ia rît - lt-n Reiieltan. LAKE VILLA Wtilltrtn Walker. Sir. WARREN - Jas, Campbe, .Ney Lambh. L- a aunuan. Arthur Blanchard. * E.Ditnlwina, IP. R. Dunn,.àxsel. Ly- teck., Ait-ed Mpbeti.- Lawls 'Gâter- flan- Emtli PaI6W-,A; M. 'Robin.3ohli> Wysnosky. - ý-SHIELDS Ernst -Cooma. flermn Evîtstan. .J. S. Walker Jr., Stuart Wataon, LIBBRTYVILM19 George Burridge, George B. Masoc. D. A. Young_.à 7 -1t WAUCONDA Ray' Semour. R. 1). Daîziti -- *ohi. i R. .4 - WE8? DMBURLD) John Kîemp. NichbolaLmnb. »)EERF!ELD Joseph C. MCreight, Wm. Vtter. ILLINOIS -(IOLO . IS ONLV "FLOATte Trht vîtu that tht Pearl City quartz, said (o yleid $11 ai ton, s part of tht prehistoric "flçAt', brous-ht b>' tht gi-est continental, sheet frotta Canada, ls held hy P. W. DeWolf, chief ot tbe state geological su-vey, . 'Like se msny tones8 that originate froni tue ta tume thrgugh the tate,' Mi-. DeWolf sagia, "Ibfis ontet-airies uitb l no~ promise to commercial valut. It la (ruetaI asgllpuggetts ofgold sud bouldera conbalning- s-aId, have been tound occaaionally. but al oi these proved 1teha rnerely glacial 'foat.' . "1Not only gold, but copper andi ather minerai found la tht Lake Superirar ie- s-Ion anld tht ai-aste, the nortb, uere brougbt to a nois .la this uay. Car- tainly none ai thé geological forma- tiens in the vicinjty of Pearl City give azy, promtgeWhatmoevr that they com- tain' saId." NEW'C1LT 194»AN OPERMTS SIIP FLEET Tokyo.-Japar'@ neyait religion la the Rel-chi-gaku.. or 'soùtii-îs.iect. knowiedge" sect, wbl Ch arose re- centiy inlu the ghborbood of Yoko- suka. and aow. * feu mjont,, alter Its foundation. 0"RS &94d OPtrtes a f leet of merchait u»Mon plying )Ut of Kobe to China porta. The shlpplng company laurined by the new sect in the Tenrku Yoko. a .jew weeks old, but airmait, sai t to , a eomnpetttor in the China that la worrYing the Nippon Yumen Kaisha. The god ut Yokosuka. as the round- der of this sect la cfled. was umoi a few brief monthf ago Watanaber Kunka. ubo worked la the Kokosuk.i naval ausetàlant"t humble capacity of clerk. Not long Stace h" launcbtd out in thé i-oie of preacher arj proh- et Of the t-Re-Chi-gaku r-elgion.r Preachlag a doctrine of %t r ýwilit out regard, to woridiy giiir -I Rt have, been the resuit of 1,1g 'r3 of intensive meditation. So-in c u Ihimrelî at the bead oi a la, g_ nu"m- berol ardent disciples , n.i is chure l., possessed da .. î o DEATH'TAKES WELL KNOWN "SMITIIY" Frr ick W Schîli, loti blacksmiîh at Wilson, died Tltursda- ai bis home on So. Park avc., Wauke gan* He had been a residen- ot Wau- kegan for 15 yeai-s. haiig z-ii'-d. Mi-. SchilI leaves a wîf..,ti w ujj tel'. Mi-s. Anna Johuson, 1'ow.-ll a,.. WRaukegan. and two granticiil Iren Fred Arnold sud 8tibhen Bulis. He w-as a niesber of -I.e -ta, Woodnîen lodge. Funerai Saturday afte,)ttn ai I., o dock troni the borne ut ht i, jaugl tt-r. and ai 2 o'clock front tht- Ger- man Lutheran churcb, the itet R.. O. Buerger. offictating. Interment in Oak uog4ctnietery. The follouing obituary ws read at tht- services by Rev. Beuger. Fréderick William John SchAh wu bora in the village of Scbs.prode, on lte island ut Rugen, in the Baitic ses. November 2j, 1855. At the age of 15 years lie muved with bis parents to the mainland, to Jankow, ùear Straland. Ater bis marriage to Mise Christinana Losarnan, tht> camne to Anierica, at lirst rnaking Chicago their homie, la 1882 hie began work as a blacksrnith at Wari-entoa,aow Wilson, and enjoy- cd an enviable reputation la that pro- tession. Afler 25 years he decided to takt- thinga someahat casier and moi cr to Waukegan, and lhan sincti resid- cýd tbei-e. hus home being on South Pakaeu epassed a:way-Thurs- day nîurning.*Not. lé. al ter a pi-où-tu- '(d illnt-,ýs. Tue neat relatives uho itou-n lits luss are- bis wîdou, 'a.daugh- tîter. 7Mrs. Anna Joliason; four sons, Dianiel, Robert, Joli naid illiam; thret- grandclîildrfën. Fred, Arnold and Steven Bila. anti a brother uho resides NEW DIST. MARSIIA IS APPOINTED Robert R. Lev>. chiet deputy to the clerk of the criminal court and a drug- giat at 331 Est 47th street, Chicago, was nomlnated yesterday by Pi-tai- dent Hai-ding to be. United Statès mai-shal for the northerm district of Illinois. In 1916. Mi-. Levy usa a candidate for the office of short tIi.e asseasor, but usa defeated. Ne bas beld bis pi-esent office toi- three yeau.. ,- The aewiniarobal ip a mason and a rnember of tbe Chicago !ietaU Uro.g- gista' association. and the Illinoi Athletic and tht Hamilton clubs. He bais been a resîdent of Chicaga stiie TO INVESTIIiT SLEF.P SICKNErcSS An nxpedtion rttttd ,by te Tropi- cal Diseases Prevention association wiîl saoo leave London tô make the tirai orgsoized attenapt to lavestigate on, the spot thete i-e(tmeiti of sleeping sickness, is distinct firn tht qlues- tiÇon of tlIme oit-transmlission or cause of tht-disease. Tht cýxpeditlon will he conductedl hy tourt,îtyicians snd. a-O veterinar>' scientis and il is expectied the uork catile Tilt diseasea bas caused heavy aîortality anuong the natives of the 'onga and Ijganrda foifltany yeare. 8 CIARGED WITH BOOZE VIOLATIONS Sies Attorney A. V. Smith bas filed] in tht couoty court aýnuniber of Informations agaloat alleded viola tors o! tht prohibitory. IaW. Tht de- fendants In these actions are: Alfred Benson. Frank Pethkavsec, Ardrew and Michael Banko, Tfancei Mdhls-' hi, Anton Cerk, William Leonard, and' DECEMIER <1RAND MIIY IS DRAWN; REPORT ýDVC. STII Panel'of pe tit jurors is drawn; wilI report Nov. 21; several cases to try _ Tht December grad Jury'for Lake COIDIîY bas been drawn and tbose uho bave been selected as members are receiving notice Of the tact. There la offly ont Libýerty-viIIe man on the jury. Another panel of JUrOrs for tht Oct. terni Of court alto bas been draun. This Jury wl! be calied upon to pass on several of the cases wbich it la expected to try at this term-ot court Agala only one Libertyville nman lias ht-en draun 'on tîjis panel, uhicît r-ic portail for service tfas-t Monday. The grand Jury which ull convene -)ecemht-r 5, ù; made up as follows: GRAND G. W".Carsle Louis Mitcelil Ray Ferry W. H. Osmond Chlas. Poules DSel Townsend John Thain John Clevelantl Thomas Mogg C'harles Ingal M'm. Schwartrz L. A. Doolittle J. C. Strtng Eidwin Bui-geas Charles Kaiser R. Fl. Rouse Gea. Bauer OIe' Erickson John Surma Austin Wolf George H. Sticken Louis Berube John OXKeete JUTtV Ilenton Benton Newport Antloch Antloch Grant Lake Villa Avon Warren Waukegan Waukegan Waukegan Shields Shields Libertyville Fremont Wauconda Cuba EIa Vernon West Deertleld Deerfield fleerfleld TULE PETIT JURY. Ne& elBaendorr Carl Nickum Chas. Lux. Jr. John Siantan John Hart. Bd Parker Walter- Swanson Aar->- Alatron Wa E. E. Allen W James Chambers W Chas. Hlarter WE Abert Haese Wo Everett Lauson Wâ H. W. Little W. C. A. Von Netiman W@ W . A. Slrang We Walter Spoor -WÉ E. W. Tobin We Harold Dunn Joe Fagan William Hoffman W. G. Huntoon Sr. Elmer Larson Eugene Luce LihE Fred Obenauf1 A. E. RansonF Earl Ilroughton W& Sam Heinridh Ernil Wienicke Henry Thies John Kruteger Elden Jones West D Ernest Huehue D Chas. Raffeitz D H. B. Segerstroni D R. L. Umbehouli - D Benton seàta Antioch Grant Avon Avon Warren 7aukegan 7aukega ýakga4, 7aukegan 7aukegan sukegan 7ukegan 7aukegan ïaukegan alahkegan 7aukegan Shields Shields Shields Shields Shtields bertyville F'remont Freniont Vauconda Cuba Cuba Ela Els >eerfield Deerfield Deerfield. Deerfild D*erfleld, LAKE CO. OFFICRS TO:A'I1'ND 511 STATE MEETIN(1- Probate. Charities, Correction, -other. organliations in united convention Tht alled conference ofr('ltaittt-. and correction and publieutlzît îl e- larîment. uilh Includes also tlite uîî- nais count>' and prohatt- itiriccaas- sociation, the probate officers asso- eialian, couni>' home ýstperinteîmdents associatioin and representtîtivr's ot.tht' variou tiastte's aitornpys association. wili conter Rt Peorla tht- fit-st a-tek ln December trîtd a lai-ge ntmbti frani lai-ke codttl,' ill ttc in atiendtî lt-t. 1Aiitong,-lIment a-Il! bc Jutlgi I. 1L Persôns. ,o*unus and pi-uhate jîmds-e oflicet Etnr'st Il. dl of iiigltla nt Pit. k. -îtîî,l atlult îprobation otricerl. tnt ot ilIt e couni>'detention home. t;rg ea-r ttt 'tIlougli of ('urnr-i- r-la ir- nitan rtf tlia detr-nlion honte -tunîmit- tee. andi otîters. Judge Persanss a111 aItai on "('ounty Detention Iona and ln te getterurl conference ron baie litesponglbiiutics, of Ju'.enile courts.' Miss Polmeleer. uhwla ispresident ai thtefilatProhatOfficers association uilli bs-te charge af the progrrn of Ibat orgaaizatioit. Juaige Persons usa president of the State Chaiies and Cqrrection asso- .Ciation. 500 SCHOQL GIRLS WILL STOP KISSING South Bend, Ind.-Five hundredj scbuol girls took the pledge today. Hereafter thev ulîl: Use no rouge, keeping their àtocklngs rolled up, ban kisslng, stop Writiflg love notes and daub on mast enough powder to keep t sb1ne off thoir nos«. Teachers expect these vu-tues to show-'on oext rnonth's report cards. ôi ARE INDICTED BY SIPECIAL 6RAD JURY TIIURDAY George Niggemneyer, of Fox Lake, hit by true bill on murder charge Six lndictutaenta. un e tontiituri«Ari, a-trt- teturneti laI e Tîuradat .îfr noon b> te -pariaI grand jur;> George -Niggenmeyeî - utîl knîtun rpsident of Fox lake, usinîlherl for t ltr-nui tiqlr of John I.. Johnson. tii aîga Hardware dealer, P hlelîtg charged tirai he interittinatly shot tiie lIr(0<o îeath ; itita -t gur s hile hunîing îiucks on Fox, laie. Wlllianm lngoîd. Zion youth. w-as ln- dited for rapt, P being aliegeti that he atîacked Melvetta Kober. ageti 16. 7ioa girl. Juiy 25. 1 Demosîhenes Apostalakau. init ed foi non-support ot chiîd. Frank %IcGee wusa ndicrted for burgiai->'. h heing alleged that he broke mb afrei-hIt-cara ai the Cliti cage & Norîhuestern Railnoad corn- pan>' On Augoat 13. of this year. Stanle>' Moan aad William Van Nat tht latter also s-oins- under tht alias of William Harnes, ut-ne indi ed la usa true bis, burgîary andt lar cen>' leing chargeai, It la aIles-ta (bat on tht night of Nav. 9, they burglsrlaed tht atore ot Auguat Sut- inen aI 1023 MeAisier avenue, steai- Ing a large quantîty o! marchandise, QEO. NIfIi EMEYER tALLEIiED- SLAYER "1NOT 4iUILTY" His plea today when arraigned today in the circuit court, here George Nîggeiîie>eî tii Fox Lake. alleged sîrîrer 0fr toha I.. Johntson. Cicago oterclil Ilt. trday wai ar ra ignPeti in te i ci t i -rît rt htfor.- Jtdgt- (lait-t-C. llwai-r d teîreti a î,le-tof "No,,guiIt.-- Ilii att o I -. WillmA. Itein, enit-retl a inttrii-t o rtîal andil tge Etiwtt ds ,atthe îtniafietr tois rgut tnt Satîîîday, If the mtion. latieîl. I t- craste -ilgo tri trial Nov. 21S Statle'S kltriet- A. V. Smitht lelng ii aitl h,- î.îotec-uîîon tf the- JOS. MWACYRA PAYS FINE. In thte cauni> court Ibis morning Joi4'îth Wacyra îald asfine of 2160 and cOsts. amouatlng ta $22.85. atter ite badl served nearly a.mnth in the couniy jail for failure to psy tht fine, atter pleading guilty to tht charge ef aeîling latoxlcatlng ]iwaeX,, Judge Persons order that un tas acyra Paid the fiue he shouîd he requlred 10 uork mit tht fine on tht roadsata the rae ut $1.50 a day. SEVERAL REALT DEALS REPORTED P'. J. Shah! & Comptany report s aumber of reait ' deals as follous: A fieu bungalow 7 î Larel avenue. belonglng te J. %V. MIarshall, to John Klingma of Ares. Anton Saîmi iesitl-,nce at 1102 S. Jackson sîreel. 10 I - rity El, Ntttris of Hlhgland Park. .Peter MNerz. 40 acres in Fteîîttnt tow-nship tn Ignatz omt i t ?Cli t-sgo- lgnat-t lonîaîîski resideîcr- on N. Springfield avenue., 'ChicagoIo1 litni-> L Ensuit af Ares. A. M. Panzar. 50 at-ie fatat i in Pte- mnont tow-nsht i.0iipI ln r>- ti:i',-t-t ('licagro TOý SELL OFF FORT SHIERIDAN BLDiS. rhte- aite-kîtg of ta tnit Itmîiuatng'i anti steha i- tFort Suer- irian. wil tfollow the saet" ftht- atruet- qres hy îpublic sution, uhicb lîl11be held Dec. S. Sealed proposais ai-e he- Ing received by tht quarterniaster ai the Post, Fort Sheridan. and aiso, at lte beadquarters of tht Slxth ariny corps Ar9a, 1819 W. Pershilng Road. jChicago. WILLIAM SPELL)Wi PIONEER, DEAI;' lIHERE 74, VEAU Was born at Libertyville la, 1847, ived in Countyanl bis Life- William Speilman, ploneer resMw- 01 Lake county, 74* yeara nid, diedIË- tht borne of bis danabter. Mu-s. Rjd*py Krlstlan. North Chicago, Wdiiegg November 1Oth, at 4 p. ni., fo*1tg an 111fl05 of a year. Mr. Spelirnan uas boru on a fum at Libertyvilit, In 1847. and liad iwa a realdent of Lake county ail bis WMh6 belng uel1 knoun In thtentire me ty. He ia survived by four daughtq»g and four sonu as toliaus: Mrs, Umay. Sheridan, William, Robert sand og itl Spelîman. Mirs. John E. ReadMON, of this clty; Mrs. Kriaiian, North Cb%- cago, andl Mrs. Harry Mullholland, gt Museda, Wis. and four brotbers a"m one, sister, Timnithy, of Nekoosa, Wis- Patrick, ef Evanston. 111I'; Thomas, ïai Chilcago: Peter Spelimpn and litr. Margaret Yager, of this city. 1 The funerai as held froni the hc%" of bis daus-hter, Mrs. John E. !teerdq#ýý 434 Coi-y avenue, Wataktgan 8trlr wlth Interment in the Catholle "o-~ tery Ihere. IIELD UPATTiM POINT 0F A - UN. DY, AUTO BAN WIT William Welch of Norl« 8IM Gas company hatted near, Crab tree farm To have been held Up at thetbd", of a gun b4 a mait ubo apiee be an automiobile bandit u-= Z, perience Thursday aftesuoor- t liani Welch, of Waukitganm and main foreman of the North Gas cumpany. Tht incident happlube jusi nulitof Crab Tree tai-m st Id1, Bluff. -- At thte tinte MIr. Weich uas drlytý a roadrter heloxnging 10 Manager Rut- of the gag cornpany. Suddeuly &ai. autsomotbile euatalningfour men duaaf e.i almeai of his car coming toa a it threntiddle ofthte road ln sueh a, way. i tat it. blocked hAt niachiMe stîped andna le dit! so one o it men leaped out of the ailler car appe.rclîr-t Iim. pointing sa u- Vs hai ihave you bintht back Ati ytiîr machine" the man derande. ',I dont knou-ihis car belofga té, lie na iager of the Northt Short G ,, conpany at Waukegai" Weleh rat. plied. -- -0plîen itie covit.- and lts se%» tiîtan ailh tht gun dtntênded. .. 1 cant-its Iooked and I l" ,lie ht-y," Weleh .said. ..!M- "Break it open.- tht other otÏg' "Break it open yauraelf f want ta sOt." the Waltkegan said.. .-4 About this time anoibtr attosUbe came along. Th-r-- r.tu in the car. This rnachâs#~ .i conpelled- o stop. The mmi i other car exatiid the coiktfe*t4 the machine and thon ordefflÇ"Ç "IYou dan 90golo ne af dmeil- tbld Welch. PIiEfR SAVS F- Frank Leonard on trial county court on charge et sellingbooze That h. uaa beaten wiih aclub a coerced by the flourishlng, of a ai tht- banda at States At Smith's "dry Squad" wul theé4& i-aisedtl oday by Ftrank LemArdu as an triali i couflty court on -hai-ge of conducting a blludptg. - Letanard charged ibat be Usl in place- a bisinlesuhen tht two cera des Pnedd onait ul. nau w0 and gun lie intimated thitb»114W 1 seek redr-es, of the ottîcera later. The siste's uitneBBtt cotead*a4t taI wuhen tht>' tntered Leoflar&o place Ihe>' ucre obllged to us0 forcet ta prevetit Leonard friI potIrfageM~ intoxlcaiing liquor atjid tb.reby de- stroylng thme evidence. Tht case went tb tht jury aboLk Mi hl Md Parker Flned 41Ifred so0f Hitbland ,PK appesrad ln county court todW pleaded Sgtt bbaatFIU - liquai- ln bis posse8sibai lU 9.""U had il for medicinal DptsOU*î us fined 8100 aud cobta. Ldake County 's Big Weekly CuémGu omIWoeklesGoty Combùwd WAUKEGAN. WEEKLY SUN -i L 1 1 - 1 1 Mt ke.. Mt 0- d d d ýt Ir

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