F'(AJR * fl-fE LIBERTYVILLE NDEPENDWN, THURSDAY.NOVEMBER 24, 1921 ,Jeti fli independent Waukegan Weky Sun Md A thse Potofflme gt Liletyvfle, Mi, ai oeconlClaýa l Ntter. 4 PRICE-41JO PER VEARq, STRICTL4i IN AUVAINCU. ,lo lelepliese NuMber 1, Lîbertyville Exchange. J, UIT. - ------...------ Editor - M T . ---------. -------- ----------------- - - -- manager et. 0. NALLEY ... ...-.. - - -. Local Manager ORGIA COL.E AND THOMAS *IJYDAM MARRIED SATURDAY. * BaLaiday e-vening ai 8 oclocit, I %riageof miss GeorgianCote, gitaeàr i. an.] Mrs. John W. Cote, 1Thomas Suydamnî. of AMr. an.] iL lobu Suydam, vas salemnize.] ty e . Chester C. Hlli. re bouses as decoratEd witb lsrns, 3ov chrysantbemumrs and smilax. Ne bride was dresse.] fa a gownofu fe charneuse, trimmed with sil- wfng, She carne, a Fhower get o! roses an.] huies ut îLe vailey. i.,brtdesmaid. Miss Zelda Dock, vore lYaey Play on Your Hem? Strings *Tn Litte Fingers mnd 'rom Litle Tou," U 5h. sdn6", muIl& 'Mu'wtYou Comhgoths Ask for Drsuug*h Recrd Now On .1 Àkv Pa.oos oub cm M 1fY, d5y and - Phtone No. 9. a gowa of tuit charmeuse an.] cairied a oquet of pink ioses. Carence Hap- lie vas est mati. Mrs. George Barbour. of Chicago. pianist, rsndered the vedding mardi. Foltowing a delicioua Wedding super, the bridaI couple tel t foi a boneYmoOn trip le Dayton. Ohio. vhere lits:.wIIl visit relativ es an.] innds. Onty unamediate relatives an.] f ienda of the :.oung couple attendto. the we.]- ding. Tbe out-ofltown guests wcre: tPe Misses Vert. Hansenl an.] Jeaisette Fondi-ausdiiOr. ,t Chicagu, Mr an.] Mrs. George flarbour. of Chicago, hîrsaGord- en Clause of Deerf eld an.] Messrs. George Clause an.] S. Ewald Wier, of Leerfield. SAGE-PFANNENSTtLL. A very lretty weddiag tooit plats :Wednesday mornitie. Nov. 16, ln St- SLawrences churcb hebn Rev. E. J. Bltyuite.] In manriage Miss Ida Sage an.] Abert Pfannsitstifl. Bol" young îîéopts are wstt known an.] itigiti re-aîected. The bride àa a daugb- teln of Edwin Sage. She niade a ver:. Leamiiig picturs an.] uns long 10 Le remtembete.] LY ber tri-ends. whu gatlil- ered alithe Churefi 10 sW es xmarne. miss. Churchill jlaysd tLe weddlig iarrii an.] iLs bride came in on tLe arm of lier fathci - fottowed b:. the mai.] oi nonor She was gevned an white canton crois. triramed n-ith rose bud& an.] sit rubbon. an.] vore s bri.] al vit. betd in place vith a wrealh o! aiange blossama an.] carried a sbaa'si-hbquet o!fviite i-oses an. ]lily o! the valley. 11er si5I5-. miss Mabel Sage, vas bridesmai.] an.] vare gr-ay ci-spa de chine, trixnmed wyu selle an.] aId rose wvts g'1icture 5ha ta match. an.]tai-ris.] a baquet o! tes roses. The groom vaLs attende.] by bis bro- ther, peul pfannentitU. About ans Lundi-e.] relatives an.] a few fri-ends gatiiere.] ai a recqplioti in their honor at the Parias RHouse that evenlig. Tise dftoi-Ltiis er. 1)f amital an.] rosas. Dancing vas tLs featui-5 o! the eve- ning. an.] at Il ù'clocit a delic10155 lunch vas serve.], aftsr vhîch the bride eut tise vedding cake. Tbey receive.] many beautîful pi-es- ente, an.] at 1 o'clocit the gusta de- parted, wJising tisa a very happy an.] proj.pei-ous future. Afler le brie fisoneymoon trip tbey vilI reside on one o! tbe Havtborn Farma. viser thse gr-oom la employad. Tisey yull be at noms Io iheir friends after December lI. This Is cali1 To, The WeIl Dressed Army Camping In This Town Get ready for the Wicter Feitiviti.. by being wel and waruly dressed. Dwmt . en the ciothing defemive amy kmger. Preteut a brave frontt t. the. captisus trifit Who would assail your appearance. We've got'juit the articles of c"bng you're iooking for.' lley are cr.wded witL style »md priced t. meet thse roquirenuta of amecoimoem pecketb@e. Me' AU WoilSits and Overcoats, made $2450 to YOUR meaure, up foa .. ...... Fit »JmdSatisfaction GUARANEED. -.Winter weight hncd Velour Hats Iere a only. .......00 .... ...... .. ... .. ... .... ..... . A large assortment of Winter Cap .s s oc at prices up from .......... .....-- Our stock of Men's Cravats is up-to-tbe-mMnuîe in 2c syeadfabrics; priced up f ront.... ........... 5 MEFS ARE BUT A FEW 0FUTRE bMAN CLOTHING ACCFSSORIEB THAT WE CARRY. WE WOIJLD RE PLEASED) TO HAVE YOU LOOK OVER OUR1 STOCK, WHETHER YOU INTEND BUYINC OR NOT. lieuse. Lady Vert de Vers-Verna Morse. Wlld Nel-Maie incutter. Handsome Harty-Rani-y McMabon. BABY SHOW Negro Baby-EImer Ruth. Cat-Someone-s catl. oiig-Di-. Tayl.or's dog Peter. Football Baby-Football' Dummy. The, Football Baby recelve.] tis, pdlze. 1DUTtM DANCEý Dulcis Boys-Jeanette Rlelfar an.] Helene Oampbelle.' Dutcis Girs--VeraMorse an.] Evelyn Hull. Gladys Eger playe. tise OccomPani- ment.-l'Oh Wbere Oh Whêre Rai My Lttle [lag Gokel". R4)$WIEO AND JULIBIT Rumeo-1t0b5-t sayeié. Juiet-Winfi-ed Wilson. Romea gavea a vnderfut serenade- an a tennis rocquet but ie hoad his spirits darrpene.] by a pailiô! vatet'. Rom0a soon returme. vith anttunt- brella. SUJUSA'S BANC) Thi- Laind] îia:ed manY ai-ring î,iects wî'h tLe aid or iLs Brîtvicit. Fîsnituin Licfe-id vas s yery 90Ad Sousa. Followang Le 'odvil by tise Sopha, w- va ra -cit een, eoonlsainuî of.,uit- bretta races, 'etc. McCormick'a orchestrastritck up the netrs by menas o! littie turiteys-on visicis ve r itten. Jliggs. lggs' Pal- ner was Maggie, so Maggie muet fin.] JIggs. _ Mis Russll an.]Mi. Tee.] led tise gfand marcS. Dd't disa Russel 1~ Have Your Coal Delivered Now. This- is the time to have: your, winter Coal put. in the cellar, *hile the wea- ther is good, m*aking han-,' dling easy. THE',PRICE .WILL -NOT BE LOWER. THIS SEASON We are ready'ý to Serve you1 . I., follows. 0f Course, cases ofý long -standing, even in children, miIl not respond so qui RECO VERS IN FEW WEEK ' My ltI"le oy, aged six, veatrou- bled w -L bedvetiing. an.] Sud n con- traiol etimsîf. He toit chiropr-actic spinal adjustminnl for tva veeks an.] the, trouble vas relieved. Today tLe bo:. shows no signa o! a retura o!fise îî'ouhts and vs credit Cbroprat.'-i Findiay Waljsh.Chiropractic Rossai-ch Bureau Statement No. 128711. WHEN HEALTH BEGIN --When heaith begins de- pends on when you tel- ephone No. 26 for ain appointiment. Consulta- -- tion is without charge. CHUROPRACTIC Pi-YSICIANS Speegaliita-Cerrectipn of Defoarmities. Net-vous and Chronît Dîseaie., Hours: 1ito Jiand 6tS 8. Suindays fin.]Holiday. biy AppoIntm.nt. --Suite 1O11-Newcattbe, otel 418iEFtrTYILLE ýILL. fl mssun eu ON HNL TiffFOLLOWINORMAE ýARmS HZlIARI - STOMAClI PANCREAS SPLEEN KIONfYS - .APPENRI etwSAOIER* slowa fil RLINOS Tote LowER NERtvE UNDIRTME MAGNIFY- INGOIAS$ 15 PINCHED IVANISALIGNEO JOINT. PiICO NERVIS CANNO TRANSIffT MEALTNPUL IMPULSE& CIIIROPRAC- TICADUSTIIW REt- ,'6vi "aiiPRES#UUlý FxEEMSNAmT!NSLe e - ' s ý 11 . 1 . 1 2Bl MWAROOJi AND -WHITE ýJAS. MUM9 ECIVz FRIDY'S AME akea cote butterfi>? (We wice site IH4IYAR VETERAN, On a ; t orm'swcpt field L. T. H. .tîad si-es.]ber wings more). U N liih jîuzzlang shifts and] versatile aer- What a gay company it was. wilh DIES AT nHOMEi- ial It'tacks defeated Antioch.18 lo 9. their many-colored costumes. Libert:.ville minus 1he1- star back, Helen Campbieli '25 won firat prize Voeiker. accounits for the sniall score. for, the niost artistic costume. T1,he Was formrct raue Libertyville kicked of. Aftîých'sprize was a box of chocolate. He len rnrcut raue mlani was downed on lis own 40 yard was drefted as Senorita Espanola. an se ed sjutc fo Une. They then bit the Une for a first Walter Englebrecht recelved un number of years dowjn. But the Marnons bld for Eversharp Pencil for the mont original down.s and the al en ver. L. Tcotm. alerpeene luk. James Murrie, one of the few re- H. S. wit5i a driving attack caî-ric-d the Ellen Barrett receixed the prize for the mainlag civil war veterans, died lest bail te the "Grey's" 25 yard tine. There moitt comical-prize box of statJonery *Thut-sday ut 7 a. W., at bis home on iheybeli. ncemor Anioc tiedtll'D wl; retaedIn ongskitshig Washington Si.. Waukegan. H1e vas îh~ te.] Ocemoe ntoc atie.] le a resdh og krs i 79 years nId, and was a former county te lienetrate the !une, but to no avail 1acie.] govn, a verysamaîl bat with a treasurer and for years servsdl as a Final.:. îhey ivere force.] to ptnt. Then large ie. feaher on it. Cecil 11001<justice of tbe-peace. witt Walrond, Englebrecht and Wight- won ln standing broad grin. Cecil re- Several wesits agit he sUffere.] a se- mtan alternating the bail was carrne.] ceive.] a large pumpkin as Le vas cap- vere faîl and neyer recovered fromt to Antioch's 15-yiid line where ai pass tain of group 1 in the track meet. the'effacts of It. He vas one of the Porteous ta Hook , was complete.] for Groups 1,Ili and IV receive.] taffy citys best known resîdent s. .toucbdown. regtmeyer misse.] gc.at. apples. His Obituary follows: The ceaI of the quarter was evcnl: di The .a bout, ot dancing followed. James Murrle vas born in ltifeshlre, AntiOcha'i territrY. 1Itwo corridors and consisted 0f cocos this Country ut Ile age of tn years Th ecn qate pee ithaadsnwcs.tec awsd l c ctIng ln the town ol Newport. Tisesecod qurteropee.] ith andsandich. tte coos ws d lîc- H e Joined the Army. 96th Iîls. Co. C. !oea, p.iesing combination, Porte,,us to o usty hot. 1 know. because e ha.] the when he vas ninsteen ann.- serve.] Englebrecht. Time and again this5 good (?) fortune te syill some on my tbi-e years belng wouaded at Dallas. short pass. over end, was completeid. I self. H1e vas promoted Corporal May 25th FinaUsy Antioch bal.] an.]îaxtedl out 0f Everyone will igre9 that the Sophs 1863 an.] to Sergesnt Aug. jet 1864. dangrF. Once more île bal vas a.]! I v a Ssll Party.. The SoPhas have He served four Years as County Tras.- -anced by Liberty% ilîs bact.s Inside ltle' the honor of being ile rst class e tirer and Justice o! the pence Uni il 111 20 yard ine where again ihe unfaitita' give a Masque ai L. T. H. S. the peace- until MI healjb campelled pasa ot Porteous foun.]lits waY 10o Once mor«e-Yea! Rab! Sophs! Yes! healtL Compeele.] hlm t creslgn. Hook, who wa.3 waitl'1g inside the goal j Rab! Miss Rtussell! 1He belonge. te, the G. A. R. and] 1lîne. Thus n'îc another touchît H. G. P. '23. Maionic Lodge. 1-is dealli occurre.] jown for L. T. H S. TegîtQ(,ea once o--0- aI 206 Washington st-el, at seven o'- moremiseilthegoa kik. he uaiNewDaiy Pogrm ock tis moi-ing. He leaves Io nerors ise.]tie aran kichat. Tie î e alyPormmouru bis loas bis vidov. Iwvo dangt- ter ontiue. to e a exoang ut ui-ers. Mrs. V. H. Walldan, Grand Ave. bucks an.] end runs Leween te tV , :55i. m. SQIîOÙi Building Olen and lirs. John Duncan. Firvlew.Placé. teamts 1to ie advanlage of neith-il, S: 05-8:35 Müi-ning Study Period Waukegan on1e son H. J. Mun-le. Se-. the. teamas. .5.40 9:20 Fi-si Class Period ward streeî, Waukegan and] several Tlic third quarter Atoch kiclasa.9:22-10:02 ,,-eond lass l'eriod Grandchildren. .aI. Libertyvill&'s man wass downed 10:04--10:19 (enerat Asseta Lt:.PtFeral, Services Mondsy ut Il oclocit in bis tracits, on bis oivn 25 yard line. 1 o: 21 -11:01 Third lass period at White and] Tahen unemal home. rhe:. Grs:.s secmed to show a trcng 0 1:3 Fourth lass Period, Rev. Ruilier ford offîciate.]. Grand comeback. Thsy heid the ?.aroon NO Army in charge. lnteî-ment in Rose- whi was foi-ced to kickt. Once moreI12:17- 1:17 Fiftb Cia,. crans cemtfery. they Legan ta smash the ine witb tel 1.1ý9 1.59 Sîxtb Ciass rific,, plunges., Antioch advanced 10 2:01--2:41 Seventb Glass L. ~ ~ n T.H a2wyr bisvere sa 2:43--3:23 -Eight.b Clasa Churo/z J'ervrcges fumiste by a grey bark vas scOOPe.] Hei- is the new lrogram .Ws ougbt ___ up Ly 10o0k. That spoilEd] AntiachI- ta Lest- ine Rabts f rom Groylake for, FIRST METHOIsT EPiSOPAL tii-st chance for a score. Then the LibeýrtyvIlle. Weve iried te compraita Cbarles J. Iijciey., Pastor. m-naroans" adyace.] te Antiochs 25 ise afier'oui- usual amount of contre-FA y.ard ins vben the whistle blav for vertzy an.] Graysiaket wias for ivo 1~~ . udySho the quarter. weait. probably for ait the :.ear. Il a.m, Pubilic warsbip. The pastor MAY LOCAl On openlssg of last quarter Antioêf. We expect te see y00 Grayslaite, ait MllPeahOn"Naitha", thelifrsi of bel.] L. T. H. S. They tissa punte.] out. 8amilse, theaws îwo since you can asre rbeesrnn nThos. The -Gies" aganrc' ee h bail live on a better diet, as you gel Your Whotn issufi LovEd.' Gond music h>- One o! tue -blggest ait on ~ gi aeoee tubehu e i gi ybin eso ie.,ad o'lsil ate choir. u1der Ile direction ot Jackitatries in te worid i, r enafubebt et lagi b eigroas ntie, n yuIlsreymot Bfi rd.pisct ei land tisai-Wat hçld for dovas. Englebrecht lien improvement in your studies for youll d:30r. MEwrhLau.st hyhv pave.] the waY for another touehdova rmach home much sarlier, it means, 6:30 planim Bpvodrtb Leal pant and su. ihY a'c when he smnashe.] thi-ougis the center thatmludh more timie for sîudy or :3t.hSar. eitlb.îe of Ilile;.-tî~e for forty-five yards, belng dow-ned by steep). Meanvisile Lbertyvitte wIIhoi, « - ad ilier 'aient, a.s *.1.î euî:îî t euil 10 tutoi Antioch'a afety inalde tiseir 20 yard have a chance to incease ber spee. 1111soge.]. towa' l'tl(aiootW:iukti an wv. lins. Porteaus then pretending an end if's speed fellov ve'il nea.] at noon PrHyerRv hrlsJtinky - 1(,bE n w e rua, qtickly sidesteppe. ant Antîoch novi. Payter-eChi-lsJ.. is. The itews vahbrokcnr. end]. tured an.] shot a paso to 1100k SC-DSTI -- A LLNAntbOI,"CelChiga. es- rd ,,edyb eiet vhe istape.] aboyatise mais of AntiocliSCNDSRN A LENAE oo, HClandHrobhg' erf id esinray by aagrigest players and pulie.] it davis for ILs IAst Thitrsday afternoon the second frezglei li tgeigf- third and lest touchdown. Porteousi Teain Joucneyed ta the Allendale Anthem--cboii ____ _____ f hen trie.] for goal, but mlissed by a Scisool at Laite Villa. Ti-Mus ors rg n alight margin. On kickt off Antiocb h Pia lathse Sis! year of football forHezg began ,te complet e pass aller pass an.] tLe AUendale boys an.] tbey werse e,- A.tem--Chir. gaina.] consltently, but t.hey vers ly defeate.] vus à score of 26-0. The Solo-Mrs. Beskei-. or Deerfield. stoDped in thse rush by thse vhlstle. hsavy fiel.] accourits for the low score. Athein-Choir. 2~ Ties tk'a. of thse gain'meves ook,8 The second string bai been a great Tri>-Me-ssi-s Morist. Briagg an.] Porteus an] Bagebre l seest ve succesIbis season. It bai besn a, Herzog. I foi-gel sandfew o! t h lnsbuntegt-teady and faitliful teain, Every nigisi Antbsm-,Cboli-. maygeraed afsplendihe mnaT sa- lt bai put up a good Ilgbt against the Benediction-Rev, Chas J. I)iek(-). tsi-.' Hagerty at end] boxe.] la te o- i-t." The vini' and spirit a! the -S5'5i5fi-se; public invite.. posngsn lmeaadlie gan.Dal- second string is unequale..- O_ tan n.] Lanimandgeite aea ivar YEA BAH! SECONDS! ST. JOHNS IÀTHERAN. braciusg tLe pivot position vhite Parker 0o-Rv .fure.Pso an.] Swan aI tacitîe vers quicit oin On Muaday mai-ning Mr. Waikers Speciai Tbaaksgiving day seirvices ?i/l rusbing opposing passera arnd punters. train vaS deays.] Lacause o! engins un the Englisb tanguage vwili b. bel.] Wigbtinan and Wali-ond ai the bockt- trouble an.] Eldon Kitchen le.] the tia Thui-sday morniag at baif pait ten ai xp4u7u'141 fiel.] vers tva of L. T. H. S'a main ansd second bour sping classes. Mi- St. John's John'sa ynagelicat Luthe-- Uina plungers. Walker cama in la tinte for general an churcli, Broadway an.] Park Place. ELDON KITCHEN '21 esmbly. .Ic*ai ELDON IITCHEN '22.. BIG FOOTBALL GAM E - -O.- Wanted-Someone haviag snougb in- on Everybody nov. Nins Ra's for tbe fluence on tise Chicago Milwaukee and.]eryFil Soplis! Yen! Rais! Miesa Russell! St. Paul te purchasa naw machInsi-yLieyFit The cause1 Without a doubt the Sopisomore for the R. R. Company. Mi-. Walker on Manq5ue wilI bs rembere.] as one o! the woudi be grateful If lie migist i-scb THANKSGIVING DAY ligaments of ci most enjoyable of tise sOCIAlseason la scheboan timile. L . T . H . S . _ - -L . T . H . S . u c r e l t a Fifat tha audience vas enteitained hnsingRctefo3:1pm.v by -odi" os -tngo. W- Wednesday. till Monday a. m. ait 8:40. WOODSTOCIC justments. Wh ndiaa-Robert Groner an.] Wil liam _____________________ __________ ________ Akofer.N )BL.ADDER TROUBLES IN CHILDE Heal$h Tait No. 4. (B> .Chas [t Nixan, IhC. Ph. One of the commnonesi a cbildrem is bedwetting. Insuf f control ai the bladdr outiet in cases is the cause..- Sometimes' ened kidneys place an undue b on thse bladder and the child 1 capable of control. To punish a under such circumstances is lutth REN among icient many weak- jurden is ot' ichild le Iess lies in the spine. and the muscles and childi-en are so elastic and flexible, that are noted under chiropractic spinal ad- len the pressure on tie spinal aerves is -al control of the kidneys andbadr A i~ gr( tak for Ionj LET l c arg La] wli pei LOC Ad OUR 1 TORY JURY DISA@iREES [E HERE IN FRIDEL CASE altom Il , ;- fie The jury ln the county court dis- riiiî.trg for a! agreed in the case of John Fridel. Foi Kuk'gan 'r a Late resdent, charged with hffeing il- ht.s'~n legalposesofo a large quantity or fio inr, o 9 wlewhIch lie claimed vas for bis !his . on cm iown ue 71 1 . -, : ut. a ~ Muet De Peculiar Feeling. Sympathetir Frlenà--flangetd NOn? 10 ý. - 1 1 fIngê'r? eur nme, t tnt *. iriii 1 ai.- ma] .adi lwnys thinit that hurting 4r s inger ,oW the shock. set> np* esteth on edte ait down one@ bock.