Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Nov 1921, p. 6

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______________________ nRlELIBERYVLL n EPEioe<r, TURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1921 TFEVER [SES CLOSINÛ 0f 3 SCIOOLS t Gilmer and Fairview sols in Epidemic District Pc scitools Of the Acea neighbcr wffe olQoed on accouai cf scarlel sO4Cmlc. viic bas takten 1011 I Ieand caused a number of on tu b. pasctd under ur- w cols tisaI vere closed a veek bi.Gilmer andi Falrvlev. Three .4 bnovn lu b. under quarautine bmof Nerman A. Sciswerman. =kr ir1e itedld'ront tise jI oveen1.sud visose ý are 111. Tise H. A. Eggeca lue visicis tiree chiltiren are W4 thse George Hap'ke famhl>'. 'Use biRd bas tise disease. Re ticre bave been tan>' cases tht feyer ln Waukegan. mat o0f ýb&* iccu mild sud it bas nat --- ta o la lose an>' of tise Stiare. Tisere bave Isecu no »Mrepoftedt 10Cit>' Physician lWe$y tu sererai days, au mndi- th0f tic epldemic e ore hsub- 5- ase have been rcportcd lu AU of the localachools but lse>' 84«' castrot . Tie have becs Sthse Immaculate Coucep- ARASCI400I.NOTES Rh> Plt4tn, *Ibn RuâJI, Asistnt Editor lime Kublank. DeoaIs> Dolton. love Kane. Berthsa Zerseus. Ralpis 6. #tartisa Zersen. and Elizabet deutir e acis received 100 lanlise 4 lltcilu test given Tlday. dette Kublank, Opai Kulgge, P. Ksiblank. DoraIs>' Dollou, lRueli sud GeDevieve Kane ac- WWie MisNelson sud miss lalue 10 tise lecaciesc' meeting b Libertyvilegrammar scisool. "rOlever>' iuchisnterestd in lihe a kadà uf work ebowu. EadlUg Circle Books for 1921- M à laercelved. Tisey veré WUl vilistise mone>' obîaînedi blé t. lait receîved our pîcture1 00 1. T. B. B. as s revard forj tickets for tise pieture exhibit IJean and Enset Ra>' vere ais- Muzoda>'feno o coa *eye Wells vas abseat Mou1 lWwansd Misa Suisse echool. sud -r 1 49 tic GlMner acis6oo1v slted1 IC L OLNEY m«* , 0.Garage. BTYLL.ILLINOIS. J. E. WALTERS, tOICIAN AND SURGEON. »« of Women and Chitdren a speciait>'. WAUKEGAN. ILINOIS. W. JOIINSON. D. D. S. DENTIST ke 841. 112 No. Geneace St. *'AUKEGAN, ILLINOIS ~ .F. BUrI'EFIELD- 'UW ARV SURGEON lélit at ae Votenîinarian. PURTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. DR. J. L TAYLOR 10 Frila National Bank Bd. 0.-lto3:30 sud , td a p. m. M40 -e Broadwvay, opposite Parks IDUTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. ,>ARM SR. WICKENS 4-9sCount>'Sîs. Phsone 1892 WdUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. <le Accouniant and Auditor. ils.g Cysterns, Audits. Books POriadicid>' for Firms visa OAed a Permanent Bookkeeper. 16 Houas e 8p m. S. NIXON & DAVIS INractic physiciaus Wt-Cirrection of Deformitiea, VUS*and Chronuic Diseaste. ke 10-11. New CiatiHe Hoiel. OERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. F. BAIRSTOW MANt'FACT'rI;0F ARBLE 'AND GRANITE MONMENTS i"teY Work off Every Descrption. MUMONENCE SOLICITED 16i " iLGenou.St. WAUKFGAN, IL lthe Are a citool Pltidait afternoon1 Miss Nelcon and Miss llait.- w untt te Waukegau Thut-sday. Ethel Ha> apjent the 'seek end ut Liamond Lake. The Misses Ester and Berthta Zersen wei.- Waukegan %stiors Saiurday. Mr,. Bert Chtambers was an Accu visiter Mond.ay. Franlk Dolton spent Sunday at the R. S. Weiis home. Minnie Houghtielling îtsited in Ne. Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lake of Waukegan vts- ited aitishe Joe uorler home Salurday anld Sunday. Frank Vickecy returned home Sun- day eveaing aflért spendlng a week visiting relatives in Chiscago. Mrs. Alfred Neatis was a Chicago visitor Thu.rsday..1 o00000000000000000ý 0 HALF DAY e 000000900000000 Oý 1 Dont lailtet attend tise big pisy ;dat- urda>' evening at 8 sharp. aithtie Tovn Hall. Decide for ypurself vhetiser niarciage is a success or failure. Thtis 1is a nwro-houc pinay andti viii e yort te admission fee. Besides yauvilii be contibuting tovard .our churcis building, as tise proceeda go bthtie building funti. Be Ihene sud you vca't regret IL. Lait Thurada>' sud Frîda> tise men put lu tise cernent floor lu tise nortis end at tise churcb basement. se that the furuace nsigt be instalied as soon as lis l dry euougis. Tise veatiser bas been fience. bOt tise committee la de- terluinedt tisitise vock goeà ou sud lise building b-" completed as soon ai possible. We congratuiste the Reverenti sud Mrs. Woislead on ihéir 8% poueboy,> w ieo accived la3t Friday mnocning . 'l'bey' vilihave compan>' Dom', ven 10e> go- to ludis nexttMLu .As a resutith ieý. lstitute lasI Fr1' day tise offîcera gcaded our cisurcis 77%, but tise Rev. Mr. Baruet tanti tic. Wolated inaisteti upon giviug us 10% extra, malt.lg Il 870:, because our people, are sewlng suchs an ag- gressive spirit. Sa nov lets show 'ern va are repaid sud ventS lise ratine given us. Tise Rev. tir. Baruett gave s ver>' chalicuging sermon tetise gnoup visa Came out te bear hlm iu tise eveuiing lu spite cf tise rail sud storm. We bope ise csu vîsit us again sometime. Mca. Ernest Schroedec and baby vis- Ited lu Chicago over thse veek endi. Harry Neveul bas lef t our commun- It>' for tise et. He bas a lister La Pens>lvamWa. lir. NeveU bai sivag been a faitisini churcb ani SOuda> acboot attestiat. lHe bu as l veks m*e sve e4 bave, b ve reaibil1 la deservlng of credit. *e aré aorz to se. hlm isave sud visbhlm aucceai. This in Tbankigiving veek. sud ve hope ait our homes vili have their turke>' dinnera. Anotiser year isaz gone auit ve are read>' for tise viater. As ve ait at aur Tissukegilng dinner tables. von't ve irsI tiik of those who have Dot sucis comforta' Tisuka-. giviug la Dt a dai' of feastlng atone. but aiso a dedicatian of ourtisarvest. Are ve tisankful? If so. express it vitis acta as veli as Words. Chsoir practice Frida>' at 7 p. m. Boy Scouts Saturda>' ai 2 p. ? Onkie Dietrich says:) "I notis dete -speepies in dis lier conîmunity wot ink adot dl" Sunda'. echul tas no gut. i c>y niake, un von fi. i aiso notis dat ,ese sanie. peepies liav no respec for .nyding else voL is gut und 1 feel bet lr We vil try to make dem better. Illwever if youse'finds de Sunday shul wi de churi h ciosed or de iown bad why doani we try 10o make i butter? Why shud we knock. why not aii hoost a~nd heip our ofrn selves aiso. If vu' ait bad dings inake dem in gui dings. liti vil mak we ail hapi'> andi dfor buttîer dlngs.iss u a knocker in von gret booster?' The Vernon Ccmetery Association -,\il met ai tise borne of Mn .Iphn >icLaughIin Dec. lis. Mrs. Mary Masun b, visitng reia- * tes aI Chicago omci Thanksgiving. Mrs. Citas. Kruger sang a beaulitul solto at Chicago lasi Sunday evening. These extra nurabers are enjoyed hy ail. Who shall be nexi. Firut In Latte County-Ths INDE PENDENT. DR.- WM. LEVIN DENTIST Loeated tn Merchsants end Farmers Bank Building at GRAYS LAKE ILLINOIS. -Office Hours- * Fi omn 9 t o 12 a. nm.; From 2 b 7ilP. M. Gas Adminisîc'red and Nerve Biocking. THUIRSiJAYS AND SIJNDAYS 1W APPOINTMENT ONLY. ELI-IANAN W. COLBY Office alt Home, on Cook Avenue.îne 163 J. LIBEI1TY"ILLE, ILLINOIS, MARj-N'C. DECK-R 315 Waislngton Street WAUKEGAN. ILINOIS. rîî1-Phone 848. fleý Phone 1100 W LYELL H. MORRIS Attorney-at-Lat* IA3ERTYVîî.LE ILLINOIS Luce Building.' Res. Phsone 336 Mi. Office Phone 18. 1Bi LS SIIOULD E WED AT 20 EXPERT ASSERTS Dr. Wînfield Scott Hall fixes 22 as ideal marrying age for men Dr. Winfiei4 Scott Hall. interna- tional autisocit'y on sex bygiene urges Ifatiserýý and motisers In be "pals' of I tieir sons and daugisters up Intise limne ihev reach mranhopd and worn- unhood. The latter should enlight- en tise son as tIntise pi tfalls visicis confront a boy apptoachlng manisood and tise moliser ahouid do tise saine wilt te daugister, he saiè. "Educate your boys and girls ln lise ejgreat principles cof lite and social re- iationship," Mir. Hall said. "Teacis them tise Ideal relations ln societ>'. iMNost of lise trouble in our social rproblenais l due to ignorance. 'i edidn't knov.' lsaivlays tise answer of lishe boy or tise girl viso stumbies lot 1a false relationsip. Itla htie duty of every fatiser and ever>' motiser 10, 1guard againat Ibis Irgorance. Tise Dduty of bringing tise son into slrong. tvigorous msnhood and a perfect un- derstandlng talle uon tise fatiser. It 1la tise duty of every monther to un- ,fold tise same Inormation toi ber de- tveloplng daugister, guiding iser witil stcadY bad to isér posWUon af Idéal tuotierhood. "'Il taRke eigbtj)ears for tise devel- opmlent Of a mnan tram a hoy' of 14 years and tis estor>' of tisat develop- Ment viilieb.lîke a fairy tle 10 your sonIf ityou viii ntake bit your 'pal.' telllns hlm tise Mnaning of sucis step. At 22 tise youag man shouid stand in ail tise glory of Perfect manhood. il la at Ibis age tisat 1 visis every Young man couid ntarry. Tise ideal miarc>'- ing age foi a gitl la 20, but tise son sud daugister must be carefuily guid- ed and instructed in tise years ap- proacising lise marrying age." 690000000o000000006 0 LARE VILLA 0 0000000,00000000000 Mr. and Mca. Howard, wlsa have liv. ed in tise in lise Gibson cottge lise Past enuamer, have Moved ta Wauke. gan and Roy' Meacham. and fsrnily wii OCcuPY tise cottage. Miss Baiter, director of reilous cd' >ucation for tisis district. apent lise week end ai tise McCloskey home. Thée Busy Bees viii meet vith Mrs. Msalaen Wednesday atternoon, Nov. 23, and vos'k fùr lise Chsristmtas sale of Dec. %th . A good atteadance la de' slrqd. Iliig >'our needie and tisimble. Tbi"taià' Aid viii isold itsaunuel Çii'itMas sae at tise cisurcis Friday Atls. Dec. fth, and a gond assort- ment of faticY vork, auci s "d ê4scIa. dresser scarts, dolles. lnh ciothanda upku»,saWeil As a"rffl, tou'al and infants' Wear viii be for "ie. J. J. Pettyjoisn Of Minneapois, made a ViSit vifs bis $Inter, Mrs. Jas. Kerr. and isusband Suaday. On accouai tis te stormn last Friday tise social -St tise cisurcis was pont- Poued 10 a later date. December 3rd and 41is an Institute wili be iseld at tise churcis here. and tise speakers, visa conte Trom Norts- Western University. viii speak along lthe fines et religious educatlon. A banquet wili be held alter tise firsi a-sslon Satu-day ,nui lie evening ses. 'Ion viii be held at 7:3.0. Tise speak- ers are specialists in tiseir uine and a tieat is in store for ail wiso ci.n attend tise meetings. Set-vices Sunday at tisr usuiai hours. S. S. ai 10 and regular ."'rvier- ai 11, vils an afternoon ses- -ýion A 4peciai invitation to ail tn our owanand surtoundinq townships is exi i ended %Ni- are railiet lai.- tn announeing i le marriage ofItrv ing Pester to a Young lady Iron Elgin iisree weeka ago. Tiseisappy couple viii live in lIgin. WVe extend congratulations. Word recenîty recr ived I rom George l3urnetî. viso i avitis bis cbildren in Pennsytv.aniae states that be la very Abut we itou..'fot- a cisangiý for tite isetter. Ina anti Mccc>'Ktllogg andt Io bro- ulit-caof Niles, Micis - areis ere for- a % isit beiore guing on ',ith t15cm mois- t-r 10 thelr fture home in Eugene. Oregon. --o- LAKE VILLA SCHOOL NOTES The prlntacy ciildren bave enjoyed asaking thSe animais, cages, clowns. ,te., ton" their cîxcus parade. Thc sundt able lante laimar>- roonu ha inhIsbiteti b>'tise Pihgrnis. e1.cestinie i inîrstour urc utc î'uu'i s crovticd arounti tise santi table dis- cusing how man>' carne Iu on tise Mayflower. lielen Wiliintson necelveath ie hiigit est average In tise fiftis grade agaîni thîs mentis. Jobepis Sernaifo canks tirst in ratîi acithmetic luis week in tise tourîli. hUis and aixihu grades. 'rime: fourtelCn acconus for liese ix tables. Loy Alcot ia itusus tgain, afier an abat-nce'f uvt auiui twt-ksdue it- fi, ,ichnt-ai .îadî titis cctk. Hont- work in pelliing i-e t.cuuui ia o.s% t k iniiin ttein tuttit ruytitt -1t andt 25 ii io- usteî'havt- atdut ui mi oua p.' rfct et .sauns to tili-eiî it. tîttît lutiti ianti sixiii giardes aCi, zolttiignc itlsit i,iUt Isle fientih POsters.- T'l'u tPils in Ilit- gratsstsar grades hi in a iterreci attendauce loi OCloý ber are as foliowa: Ru>' Natir, Cane lin-' Peterstiu Lt-na Sebora. 1llancise 1 Mrs. B. J. Galiger snd daugister. Macy, veut ta Wirukegan Saturds>'asd stayed until Sunda>' aflernoon. Mr. and tirs. Walter Alveli vere catiers lu Round Lake Weduesds>'. Mr. sud tira. N. Staffeniserg sud sousna.tar>' sud Lacs, are vlsiliug tir. sud tira. J. J. Barustable. Mrs. E. Hook bsas beeuig II, but le feeling Setter at tse rescul vriting. Tisose havlug a perfect week lu tise spIling vere: Hilda Tweed. sevents grade; Grace Sullivan, Mary Galiger. f iflis grade; Lena Nelson, 4tis grade. Tisere bave been a number of ab- sences tisis veek because af tiseliait veather aud colde. Tise tisird sud tourts grades bave been, hattling vits tise multiplication tables Ibis veek, sud are vluulng lu tise figist. Harr>' Statienburg of, Forest has eatered ojir secondl grade. iccc>' Animal Tales te being readto un, at opening exercise perlod. W. Atveil bisildà our tires for. un. s0 the acisool bouse la niesuad varm visen ve arrive lu Use mornlng.', Tise fautrth is. 11ansd seveuts grades made coveca to keep thisor composition. lu. We made tisem front cardbosrd. book-binditsg ciotis and leatiterette paper. tiary Galîger'tas isad ber eyes test- ed for glasses ant i vii soon Sie vear- ing lisern Chartes Stîlîngs vas in Round Lake Wedniesday focenoon. 00000000000000000 o,îVERTTSCHOOL o Tuesday Mcr. Sneuhden sisipised two hoads utfhee to tiseCiticago Stock yards. We are gatiiering veetis to paint for a basket for scisool. Those viso vere 'berfect In spetiing tise psst week vere- Geor ge Yore. Etiz- abetis Hastiai. George Lunsant, Lecu- urd Lubeck. Helen Piiips, Lincoln Seyl. Harriel Tulle>'. Adolps Van Lau- duyî, Heur>' Heuzenga, Genevieve Lu- beck anti Bessie Kbstiai. Rex Lunisan, a former pupil of titis scisool, dieti Tut-ada>' mocaiug ai 7 o'clock hn Pasadena, Càtiforuha. Hia bod>' vas cremated sud tUeseaies vîil Se isrcugisî b Chicago. He vas eleveu years old. Tise Rain Bow club la glvlng apart>' and dance ut Si. i'atrick'a bail FrIda>', Nos-. 25. Five Itundred sud cuchre viii bie piayed..Everybody w eiconte. Frank C. Bickuase vlshîed scisoot on Tisursda>'. He tld us a star>' of "Tise Engine Tia Titougist ilCould." Sat-uî-. YNov. -9, tir. Swift sisipped a car loati of hogt Sud a car of cattie Ia the Cisicago nmarket. BETTER DEAD - v.,-4 : iody a- a ,;,ýr,-ir f., h. - 'd- 4lo e -,,bc TJIREATENED TO to leave for Roseland, is., Taks DVDR LR ter Ihece.Tiseir frienda visis tisem lleasant vinter in thse soutis. IA I KILL RAIDERS, hre ln ettefrto atCPUE;JRE veek foc St. Paual, Minu.. vhiere lie ~ UE;JME CHÀROE; NAB OEtvii $eOOBn 1 Anýti-cis viÎlth*relatives. Pete Petersonl and dangister. Miss Myrtle, vîsiteti over Saturda>' sud Sun: day lu Chicago vlh relatives. Miss Jessie Ruuyard, viso la attend. lu gscisool at Cisampalgu, speut a tev days isstwveck aI lier icmq hors, Um iseVrginla Radt1c., w" ohas been lu WesieY isosptai for ueveral Veeks. came hsome Pciday feeling mach lmt- proved. tirs. Fecris entertalact tise Ladies' Aid aI aualil-day sevlng St hec ihome TI*eàday cf tis a eer. tira. Chsarles Pullen viii enlectala tise Thîmbie 8e t ber borne Frida>'. November 25. Sorensen, Pishiip Simnpson, Ma-y Eliza- beli i Vliianson. Harriet Freernan, Chat-les iliainson, Lester lHamlin. Nortna Sebota. RaÇ'SeicersILenia Se- STii tgratde i s aieafoi tihe ,oc lth f octî>berî Bei-nies Nadi . 95 ; Irene .Eatltes. 93; Anna Huford, 94; Ruth, *Ritoads. 94; tRuîth lerry. 92; Ruth1 Av-r>, s>; Wiliianti itoads. 97; Vang.. Burneti. 81. For lthe monts of October Mary WVil- Hiarnison receised lthe htghest grade in te ses entit grade., tnd Norma Sebora in lthe cigstis. 1 Tise coud starting fr-ont Lake Villa,i 1running east and vest, is 10 be eclosed for- the next ten days as lise> are get- îing ready for cementing.îhat higisvay.t Tise football garne between Allen-$ dale and Lake Villa spisool vas for- feiîed by Aliendale cancelling thse en- gagemnent. Tise Lake Villa bcitool boys are focm- Ing a basket bail îearn.à L Tihe followlng pcograrn vas given4 ai lise Lake Villa scisool Nov. 111h:1 A Lelter-Laura Freeman. 1 Tise Soldlers Brave and Red Croiss Maid-Anlonio Sciacero and Ruth Av- ery. Uncie Samntyls Soidier Boys Boy. of latermedlate grade. Origîn of Tisankagiving LJay--Caro-t uine Pettrson. Thansglving Song-.Girls of Gram-t- >mar grade and isigis scisool. Pilay, "Thse Return"-Higs sciool.1 "Hfop Mother Annika"-Talk dance,. b>' primary grades. Dear Old Plag--Song.9 American Creed-Wilbur Mafiso. Firuits of liseflars'esî Drili b>'tise Gramima.' grades. la ihere An3 Betler C'ountry Thau tise U. 9sA.?--Glcls ci the Gramrmar achool and higis scisool. One stanza of the Star Sî.angied Satiner -Ai Sos,.., .@o..o 0000i o MONAVILLE o 000 0090000 00000000, HAVE A GRADUATED, AUCTIONEER TO CONDUCT YOURK SALE ERNEST ROSING IngleIdli. Gênerai Auctioneer Phone Round Lak. 38-W-i ~J ~ini~r-- w Speed and Safey on the North Shore-Une Electric locomotion, excellent road-bed and effi- cient maintenance of way make possible a high rate of speed without dlscomfort. Alert, highly specialized employes and up-to-the- minute mechanical safeguards insure perfect safety. North Shore Trains tahe you te ttie heart off Thse reputation for reliability which tihe North Chicago, convenient t. hotels, thseters, banks Shore Une enjoys Las been merited by its and butiness houses. No long walks or street strict aditereace to schedule. Yen wiIl appre- car rides. ciate titis feature when you are in a hurry. Plan Yoùr Next Trip the North Shore Way Know t'he Pleasure of Traveling on This Road of Real Service Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee.- R. R. lASSENGER 'STATION LIIERJY VILLE TICKET OFFICE TELEPHONE 74 4IUILTI - O0. G. Nelso napeut tise putt vcek Mrs. Sophia Woznak seizer witit bis daugister. Mrs. Ben Výan when she attempts to pour iBna Deuzenate o eoh out barref 1"rain waterp' 1Tues day. Whe' diyagens frm t#Rev. Pollock and famiiy moved ta Wise dryagets fontIl5 Office Of Palatine tihe firnt of tise veck. States Attorney A. V. Cml rn ent 10Mtuon e Bread111 tise bomne of John Wozlak. tisey star- M.adMs o Breadltl ed m tis te barrel of a big revolver. I son af Waukegau speet over Sunda>' tisrust tbrougistise door de sontebody wi th, Antiocis relatives. swltcised on tise porch islgis. tira. Perey' Hawkins and son left Tise oficers. nrmed witis a searcis for beZ home lu 5hermaa, S. Y.. after warrant. rushed mb tiste place. Offi- spendiug a wee kn Antiocis viti rela- ce rs Deibert A. Weaie and Ira Cliue tves and friends. attensptlng to captuire atsd disarnt Wo- ziak. who. il is chiaged. threatened ta Mun. Geirke la vlsltIng la Ciicago shoot Officer C. A. Brune, but ise and Whitlng. mnd. escaped. Mrs. John Spafford received word Hia vite. Mrs. Sophia Woziak. was lait veekt< tish er aister la Canada busy pourlng out tise contents of a died of pneumonla, leavlng a large barrpl. and site was tipping another faml>' of otihidren. isarrel, wben Otticer Cline ^ atopped Tefotaleinwt LetY ite: antd 3aved about hait of litse Tiefotalcemontt-lbry tenta> Tise oman deciared l wasv Ille Frida>' 10 play' a team at tisaI raiD water, but tise ofticers lahelled place, and vere defeated. Tise boys It "mass." cet'taiuly bad a great trip lu the ralm. The wona as brougist betore Jus- Tisere vas a meeting of tise Sunda>' tice Morve>' C. Couison, visere se Scis'sol board aithtie tethodlat.cisUrcis vas iseld under $2,000 bonds and sent Monda>' evening. to al. It vas runtored tisat Cisca Edmonde Ses e eeeoe soo * ,*and C. R. Wentvoctis vere mars'ied 00000 0000 0000 00 ast Bunda>'- 0 ANTIOCII 0 MissaIlertrude Hueker. viso vas op- oêêêêm000000000000era eratnin in aCiago ospta three Tise Royal Nelghbofý and Woodmen v<ieks ago. la expecîed to lbave tise held thier card part>' at tise Woo dmeu bospital tise iînt 0f tise veek. &ise hall Tisureday eveuing. Everyone hadiplans to speuti a fcw day-s la Chicago a good timne. Tise next part>' vilI be before celurnltin" b lier homb bere., iseld Tisurada> eveuing. Dec. 1. Every - on. la Inviteti. Seslng Waxt Etiquette. Leslie Crandal and ClarenceShuil-Ina tise laya visen ait correspoudel tis arrived home fron thUeir nocthern vas sealed tiiere vas cliquette about deer-bunting trip Frida>'. snd nov tise>'tise uaeofes lidg vax. Royaltyw oul4 arc eatlug venison, Sud also treatlng give tmc favorite courtier te eelé tiseir fricuds., MgisI 10 une a certain coioned vai. Tise Ladies Guild held an ail-day aud ofilcers of thse state vouid eacb sevlng part> aItishe home of Mun. At- baie dlstlngulsblng colonti,Ln much fred Case Wedneedsy of Ibis week. tise Urne vs>' as staff otlcers of tise Ned Heséelorsve aDent iionlay .In ains vear colored "tabe" aowadays. (Toc L"te i Walter Folette, resident oi:Fox L dicd autide2l> ha C Fox Lak eait peso f Jack Vsccreom on fcOrth à hunIer c of ta. lake. tir. lna namli duck te lbis rea a nog ad Reimas itdmore titan msnaged la tie as aro e- mniula inamuchamanner j te bt d-rovncd as nu». Wr. Fbrim e. 0-V f the il ht in suuocdtil et Pos L"ekcbas c Ibo projaMtion thew ag fferLmjin, 1 1111r& hWbuoe- brigc Thuada>'c Frox t*0 . ci botindigs a brli4r boirded ti enoon of tii. tact tisat e OUW vici ~$ s Th e. bu rnut Leave-I t 1 . Igav Eremcr bai Ct4teg navy aI Ima ins. Jo. Frana prsed'by a part dg . Tise o=01to antle Ulm pritt>' sud uaeful Miss Fran ces 0 front- Waakegsn s borse of ber pas F. J. O'Bayle. Tise pcv suni PS hb u tis te John S je coýmpleted an( pleasittg. lira. Trumnan 'W fortiste week.en ' Mrs. Bamford of Mn. snd lirs. R Clark ai Yack, dinner of Mr. and Eait Fox Lake. tirs. Wmi. Strat y5psg félics lti acie frot Chicai Marchai Ernst i tise putl eek. The P. T. A. have aimosî comp 1 Detectives who trailed Fox Lake man prevents him from committinq suicide David R. Clork. self stylsd "King e f C.atiensen." Fox Lake garage owti- or 'lndicted b>' tise Lke counsty grand Jury %t Waukegan, on charges pre- fenred b>' a YoUtistul travelng cont. panion. wiso testified Clark bas mis treqted hlm. vau Captured tu Chica- Oro Tueida>' b>' letective James me- Qucen>', of tise tcQusen>' luvestigat. l ng agency viso saved Clark's lite, visen tisa1 *sten tried to lump trou 1a bridge n,,ec the Chicago & Norths- v estern r-ýii1l--ad tracka la Cicago,* weat aide. Clark iunip(d a $5,000 bond atter being lntt;cted hor. isad been sougisî b>' hie. i.smnsa. Joe Oltuaky, viso crled for Jo', vien ise learned or- covpunrl;:er had been apprehended. Bino ' 'e' ing Waukegan Clark bsat been Irgi l-d to Sprint Valley'. suit otiser ' atate places. sorie montis ago beovas given a sanity hiescing in lise county court 1but vas found sans. He communlcat cd vilS "spinits"lan tise courtroom andi la dependlng upon tisen tl get hlm out of thse couat>' Jail. vhore ise vas brougbt lait nigist b>' McQueeny to avait trial. 0Orn t tc fool notions young mem lot le tat tic ba on o't know whae 1 l goiug on lu tise plant We neyer lot ba"e known a bou awio dMesme- 1boy mfnage 10 kuov mort about visat *Ri golng on ln tise 'ýoteM utisuran of thc employees gave hlm credit .fer Or' to put It anotiser va>': Welve neyer kuova a boss Vto raison ti& psy of a airker unden tise taise he- Fox Lake m. lare Quan goods il guilty of violatiz in tise count>' col tise verdict lte silx hours delibe court. Tise jUry prohibition vent was a considerai t'bine of doubîful John Pridel o trict, Wiso lsIo Grase Lake, la t lense le tisat thi possession vWha ft Albert K. Evp f ied tsaI tise vi cent alcobol b>' v 0.0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 F (l 00000000C lira. E. Sayli Grac., lire. iiran two amnait dau 1 Dunuili hefI for F lira. Jackson o lira. Gui Landr Jackson vas forti of a box part>' at in Chicgo lait W MMr. Horeji for quit fil iat the ME vise thaie unc 9*r gal tonesý tirs. Fred Wt eatertain.d St. rai tirs. Treismn M Willey vere tiseIl more nt lusicieon Tise P. T. A. of abhueartYvat tic a Fr ~vas el coejoyed a gou Mir&. Isabelle H of lira, Biddison: Kenoo lsaliers f lir. and Mir@.' mmra.Wlhkinsoi resident of Crabat p5550d avale car Nov. 14. TIsebu, The Koetia placi Smith as men F% hÇewpU Koctis, hb rip in Ce -------------------------- --- ------------- ------------------------- -------- - -------- If

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