.1 iE I BERMYILLE INDEPEi4DENT, THURSDAI N.OVEMBER 24,1I92 _ONE divorce. He said lie woudn't, se I left Inywsy. Hie tld me. to getOut; that' Shim aguin until isFMnaytgh. inrnu Wîth au unbelievab4e unsophisetica- U D9 DYING ien for 26 yesrs. Francis Bittuer as s~u~un j -le thouglit the- Waukegan mar-nage w,î1h Relimer in Sejîtouuber. 1920. vas flot legai. ,As a boomerang to bier own words, however, is ber admission thst q9dent on the Soo line .the pleadýPd wltl, Rohmer te get a di- id near village late Out ot a maze of couflicting fscts and excuses. however. stands ber love khraNafernol ';orGeorge Soer.--l "'t1- ocalla m - houey,' you knôw. Oih. 1Imu-get.,,ont Kapbln of Chicago, Who si teo-go t te l. ' rnwilliu., te ait tIvo. a train Despiaine Saturday 'or tbree yaart i _.L.the endi I cs. realiy dla y unaftrnoon. 'An- mrr im, el*5nt h. machine was But as née spoke she did not kuow minues imethat shet viii nover bave the chance rt to save 9g ue' i@to "go to hlm" or remarr>' him, be-- au axpresai train te OD cuab. bas decided te put ber ont "ds coat tbe life l"s.taPn- Jof ite1.. egom . one man, resulted in - êiad $ho Toid George fatal e rnies to àother sud 1i"ît vas s lie, sud one bdgets iuauy. Wlan té tise tblrd man. driv-j But Im glat i .1014 George the truth or lu. wbich the, parti' vas jiusnlly, evan tisongb ît put me bsera. This la a terrible place-I cau't ts> 4 Brolisky>. attorney for the1 here.' 1 wsut to go back to my little Kotor Club. residing at 3333bome, where George and 1 vera 80 i E§t.. Chicago. vas kilIed. happy. I liSe te keep bouse-be had Kisien. 3038 Aiuslee Ave.. bougt 0omguy pretty thînga." auffeored s -fractured skull It dattine for ber te go bacS luto t ezpected to survive. j the "terrible place." With a wet baud- a Morehlir sustalnod sevore kerchief lu the band that vore the. braises. 1. golId ,.ddîi.gbaud sud the dîsmonli ýo talllred men voie rusheli engagement ring. vîtis s slow stop and Mbie te St. ?lary's Hospital. la backvard glance. aie veut. zident occurred at s country le sean 1the village of Des- L of et bmen. representIng idepartueut oIfthie Chicago lit ver. basteulng to . Des- 4siagu suit. lu thse automobile owned by qtb. Ibe>'voe eatteiialg ho iUmÉe lbat on thse road. Il è. à o'clock viion tbey lit le clu. There are no gates rossing. but tbere les avaru- _Md ignal lghts. InvesUIga- lial ail wven u orking or-, si figer approacheli. Altbough WWê latins ta, bave souadeli le- It vas ignoreli. Tii. ton- he auto vas dragged 500 foot. KONJ) IUSBAND. îrqret about husband 'l Wm.es also about ithe in Michigan. mage Bcergal cf Miwaukee, aile. lu Waukegan a bitte kir ago bas csused bier ho b. r»b bigansd t1lbe repu- bodi buabanlis. nov regrets M as vili b. seen by the isP&tcb froin Milwaukea: eol, Wis. Nov. 16 "Yen I dili e&. -9bil boy Inm aufering 411 llglt cfheicoCLnty Jail toooge ld of ber dif fi- kupgtwo'buabanda at lie Wt-WIIIlsanF, Reisaer sud ngi,promineut Soutb ide àd buiMnssmn. MWof hf ein&gn lalu as over- b>' dia tbougbl, of wbat tise ber over lu Michgan wouid be knew. r iii go crazy viion she out 1h." sud hon shouldors [U10 lower. effgei for Divorce or toid Mte bed gi-t afttr me It marry im,' ssid tho girl. or bauds nervousiy back andi :didn't love himi.and 1 do love 1 begged Reismer to zet a 90 00000000000 "ui6"ised ita second montb L Our average daily attend- luar enrolîmant la 25. WMl giriq k.W gest doligbt in lent w... Tic> wssbed deekesud vood vork. 'u .rthea building vas Ead'ecoated, eo tic girls a*0v their apprecistson b>' eUam, Clarence Aiiigrim la ai>' et bis new job.' V40M bhas made us twvo visita re porcisssed Io dictionaries. wei $1t a apremim from tie t'ubt A"tuansd esch chilli "wtutasdieuenougis i ei.e'dctionaries. = don cf oui Bir4 Bcoka "ilunAugust sud received , m .Tis biook vas modIe tu« was neither absent uer * *fort>' days of achool. *Q pupils vere absent becauso 16.M tise'ere: Merle Sturm lu Aiigrim. *.utz viýited lu Chicago severai dhme'had a succesaful sale MY. HoeawlI soon move to M4 bridge onthe Rand rt-ad in mat. Zp féom tise Rand road are thefadryh ere. IGréver is.onjuryat Wauke- P*lmn anid Chas. Ulents are on thse Ernst Pahiman farm: AJAIsirM vent f',()'hiçagôo n 'w litasm avstn atte ber btodmiîn Plt ne. .eaiaonterting ber sisthon unst of r neighoniood ai-o g am.The>' bave dom- voatse jsoneeof Mra. wimaa and irs. John LUYSTER hAVE ftIMSELF UP TO SAVE luS WIFE Surrendered in Omaha when îpolice threaten to indict his wife for conspiracy. Cîsyton Luystor, vbo occupios s ceipl the Laite Couuty jail, facing 'Ne, double charge of arson aud ois- taluing moue>' under ealse pretenses, vas ciptured lu Omaha, Neis., ouI>' aftor bis vUe bali beau taSsa loto .-ustody b>' lie autisorities Who tisneat- cned te have lher Indlcted on s charge of ceusplracy for faililng te eveal the. viereabouls of ber husbaud vise vas a fugitive freul justice. Mrs. Luyster manageli te couve>' hua message le bier huabsud Sud lbe appaared et tile polIce station sud snrrendered hlm- self.* Thisvas afler 'hie antisorities isal -made s valu effort to locale bima; Mrs. Luyster lias s sister sud broth- r.--n iaw iesldlng lu Omaha sud lie *cal authonihies believed liaIt ibs vould lie the irst place Leyatel' vouid go alter jumping is 1,60t) bond in Waukegan. A delective- viso veni 10 Omaha found- that Luyster sud lils vife vere liing lui two lîght housekeeplug roinis. Luyster vas empioyed on a rauinoad. Relatives îold the detec- tive that Luyster vas tweive raites 9ul of tot'rflasdwville tise dtectIve vas b hekt gup onibis false tup Luysier vus goupuaonicated vithisby -elatives sud d suppeared from sigbt. il vas wveon hoecould nel ha locatod bat Mns.LuYst-. logetisersi-th ierho sisiter snd b!otiher-in-lav son- taken -r.lo cuslody -. V:ue police aud were detaiued uutil Luyster gave binsself Although Lu>îsiej, isaid to ha#, in',! the poluce of Or.aha ta liehonov- or vould ho bnoughteback to0W'auke- gan alivelit- lias nol made, asu> ai tempts io takoIiigolife and isa r}îng 10 figur*e outI low hlu-carugel mttlof t îredicasent. TMI DRIVER IS CIIARiEDWITII BEz ING BOOTLE66hER 'rwo soldiers from Fort Sheri- dan. teti Waukeoan police they got booze hère Antois Coi-k, ged 22,0ôf 1120 Pros- - .11 sîreet. North Chicago, vho oper- 1- a taxicab lu Waukegan. bas been - - ced imider ar-est hy thse Wstilegau i-'lice ounIthe charge o! disposing ot rnoousbiuo vblskey. He lisas beenr e- -'4ed lu bondi of 82,t)00. Meanwhilo 'ie Wauke&an Police have- tirned the 'atse Over te States Attorney A. V. Tise ar-est of Coi-k vas bi-ughf about hi' the statemeut ho the police bY 1two soldiers front SOrtSheridan.- Theje soidiers veére plcked up by tire liolice -lu sucis an intexicateli condi- lion tisat tise>'ves nable ho stand. Miue next moru lng tise>' One nues- i ioned sud adnitted tise>'Purchaseli lhiertilquer hreugis Cent. Tise>' saili theY asited i ii. vere tise>'coutl g et a boit le of vbiskey sud soi-e tobti ('i k couldi' obtain it for theni. WhoneuP Coi-k Is alleged in bave dii1veu 10 Norths Chicago inluits taxi. 'rie soldiers say ho returnel pi-as- ently with 7a quart bottie of hooteis vhicih lai d hem lho lied purchased for $6. Ho cbarged thons fffîy cents' for bis trouble. The soldions posi- 1150h' ideuhifled Cent. accordiug te the police. CORNED BEEF FOR, SEC'Y DAVIS IF TURKEY I 16 H oV -inî'n.- if pirot-i s boo'i ,lie Irirs- ohflt-ski- loi-Thanksglting, t ');IIPhe yb-esuug crnai beef. Secf r-ral- ofh.a bor liasis uiged Iodai' Although rareti as a uillit-nairo. Mnr. Davis saisi cuinued bëe i-fyl race bis_ os-n table if iurkey goos. to 79 conts aý pound. bsi tuhe sali la probable. HIEW SOIu URGEQ-ý. FM CUCJMDERISI Certain uOseases That Affect1 Vines Live Over From Year to Next in Ground. ROTATION MADE AOVIS&KE "W hite Pckle" Sleiieved ta' De Cased a àVruse ndla Sproad -by' Strlped *etee--Sprsying of Vnna laFaver"d Certain disesses that affect cucuns- beés live over froni ou. year t0atthe next bla thesoU, Investigation b>' dia United States Departmeut of Agricul- ture shows. A transiter to nov loti oscis year ln addition te aeed treat- ment and apraylng of the vine 'in founuialivisahie 10 offect diair con- trol. Tiie ornempental ufidl cucueiber vine la a factor lu over-winterlng sud spreadlug cucumber mouie or "white pickle," ont of tihe moot serions dia- ease.Moualc cucumber fruits are oflen doformeli, mottieli witb green abli yellow, sud have numerous large darS green varta. The. leaves tura yellow sud die, 1i-eaving sfretcises of Disease dosnot01live lu lie soli, but le tkeileved t0 ho caused b>' a virus whch IlIve over vînter lu the wiid cucunîber, soot and las preed b>' strlped beetios. The cucumber beeties fead irst on tise diseasd wild plants In tise spriug sud îheîî Si' to the cu- cnumber fieltds. The eradication of the willi cucumber is therefore recom- meuded. Cause et Downy Mlldow. Downy mlldew la prevaleut in' dia esateru, southeru, sud ho soea xtett iu the North Central statea, west ef Minuois. Itlai caused b>' a ngous Parasite, sud can. a ciseekeli b>'tisoue aud diorougis spraying witi 4-4-50 bor- deaux mixture, Angular lai spot or let bligbt la causeli by a bacterial, parasite sud La carrieli by thesemeli. Il cam hocons- hattd bust b>' traatiug tha seed inlua 11.,000corrosive aubilutsaf olutiou, wsshlng diem In ruin; gwatt? s~tar varte sud drylng lmmediately. Di- rectioîss wlll ho sent on application ho the departmneuî. The. diseuse usa> live t-ver lu the soil 10 n sligbt extont, nîaklng rotation gfivisahl,-. -Cucumber naniracîsose, recoguized b>' brovu deil spots on leavos sud sunken areas on the stems and fruits la a fungous diseuse, which lives over wlnter un the sou sund prohably on tie seeti. Seed treatusent andi rota- tion are reeoomended. Scabla Fungous Dîase.. Oucunsien scab la another fungons disesse, knowrs. also as spot rot and pickle spot, wlulch occufs maiuly lnuthe northero cucu mhor-growlng sections. Stem aud lentes aret'îtr.,rktd, but It l- u.ost notieanbln on the- fruit. nle dispose llvm ' over ln tie sol, sud crop rotation la recoronded. SBii-terial wiIt la caustai b> bacteria wlIlcltlite lu anti log the water- cari-sinz vs ss otf the Iplants ond i -î'h'î P-, Tii,- îl!'ts't se i.ong Utan Gucumigi-. carried oven vinler andi spread cisiefi>' b> striped cucumber beetlea. It i.> be soniaviat ciieeked b$' Puliig aund burulng or burylng aIl viltel I plats as accu as die>' appear and b>' spray- lng vils 4-4-50 bordeaux mture sud arsenste ofi leali (four parts>),11isa, spray acting as a repllant sud poison ho the beetles. DISEASE CAUSE OF LODGING Corn Afflictcd Wlth Root Aliment Csu Dowvusin SligisI torni-Poor Seed UIàmcd. One reason cern loliges se isedi> le that tise cern ts afflicted vidi a icot diseasehviehca cuses Il t1 0 godov aven lu a sligbt eterni. Exparimenta have shevwn t didseisse la Irans- mitted aI loatpartI>' direugisthedia eei. TIse United States Dopailment cofAi- culture urges tisaI seau ha Selli-selaceli fio. bealth> shaiks. IIGI4EST PRICES FOR WHEAT Faruners of Nortil Atantic States Re* oeived Moi-e Than Trhose of lte - Other sections. Nortis Atlantic farusors received nibre for theîr wheat per bushel b>' taen-year avarages, than tiiose cf die other Sections of lhe country fro; 1866-1875 ho 1896-1895, sitar wvich tise>' bed second place sud lie isigis- est prices' ventiote S. outh Atiantic COMMON AILMENTS 0F SHEEPI Information Given in Farmars sulf& titi to Inshle Owners to Recog. nixe symptorni. (Prepared by the Usited States Depart- ment of Agriculture.) How to recoguize sud treat the. imort important iweases and common lait mènts of seep la toid In Parnieri' Bulletin 115, itit issued by the Uni- ted States Department of Agriculture A Shéép P&isate.-Baelt Vlew Of F& maie SuMng e bodyLegs.(ielgy unitred.) Wile the actual trestinent cf disess la primaril>' s matter for veteinlarisiia die inforacation given lis lte ew bulle- tin wilii nable sheep owner to recol-. nize symptonis a eri> lu their devêlop ment and tbus. avold - loues 10 t isit fiqcks. Altogether 57i kirsd@ of diseuses and ialImenta are diacussel. DISEASE-FREE SEED CORN TESTS BETTER Important Riestits Obtained by Plant Spgcialists. Pianted Thickly in Hill or Dril Row, Plant se More Susceptible to Ail. ments, Than Whoti Abundance of Spao WasîOlvenIt. Seed corn that gave 100 par cent germination but sbowed Infection b>' hamuful organisme was zmatched ageinst corn that showed no Infection lu a series of tests carried out by plant apeciatats of die. United Statas Daptrftnt .5)C.Ailculturt In moop nation wlth the Indiana expertist station. The dlsesse-free seed gava an Increased yield of 10 10 30 per cent abOve INs coinpetitor. Furtiier resuits of the test seemed to prove rhat when romn ias plantodl too tiekyIn hUll or drill row lit wax more sus4ceptIble ta disesse than when btter sRnace iii, givten l. '- In a s.m- lier' te«. j. "'o . thetiFs- Prim. Sampa cf Beed Gos-t.0 The. abeep Iuduatry of the. coutri Ye-qmeli gave au increase of 23 bas suffereli severel>' from h Mf ôtii o db ehoor theaotiser coir whlch or Infections sud noninfectielslma&991<a I3e.d for hlgb goraiion esses. la addition te the. 5cieitHIfC oniy« At Hoopeaton. i., the differ- -naies. the bulletin giva the commo n ee, ineasured in tons, rauged fram naumsab>' whicb thse varions diaesss0.01 te MI tou la favoir of the seed e knowl), A qonvenieut armai:qe o" a btiifoi' iigh sgermination sud llt « e ause. smptous. pot-ort* fremom front disa". aperace, diagRouis, treataient, sMI Tii seloction wus basel on the abs- proveutiou makaslit posaibe for Ilip souce of discotoration tla thse Sexels ownera t teanaa practicai kuowl =o d co s sItdcatinsmunlnea..Dia et Uic bst meai for Preveuting 4fe«» la indicateli by bro;wn tilacotorl contromgsiaekama u in.e 1!, jt tha e icbutta of thse ears ai4 Numeroua lintratices alilte 1 thedia emal i lpi sud b> decstlà- the elearneas of thse discussion. oe As s coupaulon bulletin te0 'Disoases Wf Sheep," thie deparhment la dlstrib. CONDI MENTS AR E INJURIOUS ntlng al..o Formîer%* Bulletin lI5é). en- Effecta on Egg-Oroduclng Orlafis Are Temporary and Undermino Health of Fowla. Thse use of condiments and tonles sa to be deprecated ratiier than en- ,(,,,Uraged, Uough there are tu.es with allg fol when s tontc wlll tonle up the qyqtem. Condiments undotsbt- Pdly stimulate thse egK-produclng or- rans, but it ta a temporar>' effect aud ___________________________ the reaction wlîch sets lirnent oni>' la iipgatlve but tendtelt undermaine thse Aduit Sheep Foot Loue* and 9gg î.lysicel health o-f the b ird. It la Weil (Eniarged.> to remnember tst lu the egg-laying 'onteqts tonles andi condiments have .ltlod "Parasites andi Parasitie D'gsases n lceIrhe -ln aios n of Sheep.' This bulletin explains thn or e the fi-pt-dingratos n msethods for .-onlroliing various pestae- n ortt u-s athg eod sud parasites Iliat attack sheep sad are attalned without their use. Se- p~lns ou tht adintags o~postr alied stimulants find their widest use rotation. feefdiug frein racks, and tirb>tinoiel ntrfrmn;te useasures of value in pitrasite coutrol . 1eperoetced breeder generally lets LIQUID MANURE IS ,VALUABLEj HEMP RAISED IN WISCONSIN Nitrogen and Potassium Bhould Soi Badger Shate Cuitivates 7.000 Acres, Carefully Preaarved and Used Haif of Total Produced In for Improving Crops. United States. The liquid oscremncnî ronsfans anImaIs contins nasearI>' balftise ni. trogon sud potassium voided b>' liai sud shouldbd h îareiulty preserved. Wben ateera are fod op consent flons tise.value of lhe manure preduced la more -tisu $4 per year giester for eack animal han wicn a l on oart i bora Open barnyard manure la about eu,- boit as va luable as stail manure. Th@e lesat ansount of itrogegvilI bbe ln iro. slored manure if animal@ are Sept on It or t is Sept in a molgt, veil packed condition. Manure uneli In lConânectlon vIls continuons oo pingowyul not maintalu tise maximum yleld. hýt visen usl inlaconueclioa vltb crop rotation il increea tise $'ild of aIl cropa grovn la tisaI rota- tion. Manure used lu conjunction vitis a 'complote fertiliser iilgb In piso pisorua vill give botter raturnasdiae visen aliher la ýuned alaise. MEEDS 0F OROWI*B ANIMALS Pros. Thnivc Setter MosIco Crn and Gu-wmastoAifa i Tn asChapcd and GOmund Fe"d, Bur cor ansd greon aMti.a meet % noids of -groving plgs baer, uad &l lmcaecut.tdhan ebepped lfflasad grouud cois andi corumoal. Ttse sUirs Mêeiasd cois meal are botter sultel to the neada of sboep «s catte. Tise> eau bandie more Ibsindigectibie moter tissu plgs. DISOARD INEFFICIENT HORSE tndlscriminste *reedlng of Smili, Un. »Utnd, Scrubby Animal isHgil>' Unprofltable. Tise - ight, lueflicient horsa la un- doubtedi>' deallned ho be discarded a sfacter In Americen isusisant>', sud tie Indscininate breadllsg of maBil, unseunli, cui>' animal is v continue ho beha bgily unupretable il pssistd In. Kérntuck>Y once l'îl lu hemp produc, lion, huit lins turuet-ti oepoial ci-ops ani roliuquisbed the leati to AVis cimsin, accordlug to tht- United States Depai-Iment «f'Agicultutre. Tise Bad- ger sate cutîvateti 7,00«1 acres, lhait the countzj"'s total thls yesr; folbesved b>' Mnnesota, Michigaîs,. GisI and Cal- Ifornin, vIls Kentucky' sixth. ;BIG SHRINKASE IN POTATOES Average le Titras Par- Cent or-,200m Pelunda PeoCuob Whsn Shippcd In Buis. "Shrikage" lu buIS carloads of po- talons averagas hdires par cent. se- cerdiug te s surva>' of marketing con- ditions made*by tise Unîleli Statea De- partient of Agriculture. This amouta tg 1,20 poandî par carloali. Tise "abrinkaga" la lais viser. potatoas are sacked. as dia reducas pllfering Sud rougis isndlug to dhe minimum. QUALITY OF WINTER WHEAT Cro of 1020 Soruewiost Above AveN- lit le EatImated b>' Grain Handiera lIn Reporta. meviat aboya the average Inu qMUt>', Uie vlnter viseat cs-op 01ftdio Uiloli States harveed lun192, Il Ila ettipleli b> grain bandtera lu reporta tà & busreau of (tiop estIllises, grades approximateiy 30 par cent as No. 1, 42 per cent as No. 2. 18 per cent as No. 8 aud 10 per cent below No. 3i. HEMP USEO IN-SHOE TRADE Wlthout Ausslan suppi>' There Wouid Not B. Slufficient Suppiy De- manded b>' Trade. American hemp la, nov useti oxten- sîvely. vitis iieIn sisoe tireali, tii. United States Deparîmeut et Agricul- tul~e Suds. Wîthout thie Rusas ltsnp- pi>'. Sax ianet avallabie lu suSlcient, quantites te suppl> tise denisli i WANT ADS WA.TED-Men or womau to tako or5-RE AR iders aanong friendes ad nelgbbos 50 RE AR fur the genuine guarateed bosiery. full line for mon. vomon or chidr. îfo ato ledn *,ImiuaLes daratat. We py ..r.fo e su -laI« i hour spare turne, or $36.00 a week fort to recoer of 1921 Wrt nentoalSokn il&Maxiw.II Touig Car, Norrlatovu, P. -IFactory No. M2,825, FOR tiALR--Ford- touring car ad Motor No. -350,350. roadster; good usechanicai condi- tion; good buy. . Snow's Auto Livery. SD E .K T H M Telephone 306-M. 42-tfi SIDNEYmm . KaETCH Ué ?4 IIIR R3T-A ecmpecoly feribdK5 O ME b evenudi ffhWsoet Azea. P. M. Hfarding, Area, 111. Phonel143 _________________ LaeCounU. to b. isolda t tise Court HORACE BULKLEY, 905 N. Mlwau. Houa. itu Waukogaa lla sald 3àke kee ave., Liberti'viile, II., Wili paYlConaty, on i'h--Pirut Mondai of Dec- cash for raw furs. 46-t f 1ember, A. P, 1921, us la by law roquir- WANTE1>,-Abiout M00ac-re farniw fuîy 1 ed. sud whîicb suit li. mliipouding. Aquipoed. to work on shartis for 3 or EI . RCWY 5 erlaf- it 20 cw, yexei- Clork. e armase daWtb byneapdsn- Waukegan. Illinois, Nov. 2, A. D. Muet be under high state of cultIva- Js19 G.Wech tion aud good buildings. HaS.e no csp-j ComPti nànts Solicitor. ital. but want to bu> haiflu terest in 1 WkIy -No, 3-10-17-23 etock aud machiuery, as farni wiîl ___________________ ford to nay. Refereuces exchanged. Inquire at Independent office. ..46.2t CHANCaMny NOTICE 1 Stato ofIlilinois, F O R S A L E-Pure bred Toulouse' Couaty of Lake s. geeee. H. A. Smith,. Prairie View, Circuit Court of Lake Couaty, Doc- Ill., or phone 269-R-1. 4-4 mbor Torm A. D. 1921. AnaS lys a 5RUpperil ysa, la FOR SALE-Late model lgtsix 5CbsacerY. No. 11683. passenger Mitchell ln very good con. Thse ReO<iiiite Affidavit having boss dition. $37500. Telepiione Highland 111,84 la the office of thse Clork,0f laid Park 120. 47-lt, Court, notice la thoreforo gtivonto the laid 1Rupport Rysu. dofendant au afore. FORSAL-Stdeake Si t suid that thse abova nainel Complalu- carin gSALE ontioebake20Si. uriug snt herotofore filed ber Bill of Con- car n god ondiion 820..Over- plaint lunsit!Court on the. Chancery land 6-passoaiger, $150.00. Chaliners 'side thereof, sud that a sujamouja 4-passenger, IW6.00. Telephone Hi1gh- thereupon out of gaili Court againat landi Park :Zl 47-lt the abovo uamed defondant, roturn- able on the fîrit day of thea tarinof SITUATION WANTED.-iy married the- Circit Court- of lais. Count>'. t mn; farmu or dsiry.' Experienced. b. beld at the Court Houa. lu Wau- Address P. O. Box 684, LibertyviUle, kogan La saili Lake Couaty, on thse 11115.0oi. 47-2t Pirlt Mouday of Decomber A. D.'1921 _________________________ au li.b>' law requireli. sud whieis suit FOR RENT-Six room bouse, eom- la s5h11 peuding. pleteiy furnisbed, wUJ, be reuted for LEWSO. BROCKWAY, four mouths. Address Box 365, -Liber- WsCle.ilios.Nv. . B tyviie. ii. 7-St11921. fOlR ISALE--Choice goose fealiers. Phione 261-R-i, Libertyvile. 47-2ti FOR S ALE--iZ young ewes. grade ox- t1 ords, J. P.<tuerin. Liber> ville. lM. Telepion. 265-M-2. 47-2t. LOST - nsel cseac.Thurida>. betwse ilrluIt-uns el 5and 6. shictu cutain t and bi ffld .rres3pondeace. iindly no[if> Jolin A. Gi-een. 3644 Mapîel Squaîet'ltCicagsuo. Il ar.- 47-lti FOR1 REN1 - Garage, electr.-c llghtcd. ,half blicl lut-m business district, un Mle auke.- ut c Iiasonabie luquirc 336 N. Milwaukee' Ave. 45-if SALIDSMEN WÂNTED--8 to $10 a ds> essili' made hy bustier vitis car sellung l-ebeiliug's modlcines. ex- tracls.,-sces. toliet articles, stock remiedies. eIc., direct to'consumer ou farms. L.arge demand. t-adi' noîeats. ibi-railprofit sud permanent eu.pioy- ment. E'.îît-nence and capital uti e- quined. A splendid oupotunit' lt-t lmetn wirli plouti' 0f "puai and pep' to gel unt- business for 'ht-uses-l. a Write todai' for full particulana sud secure you non strttcours 1>. Iitb Medicine Ct-..it-pt. 434, fi&onsîg.n., FOR SALE- Fsarn.- buildin,'. buvsi-' p lace 40x'lc it-,ti and lot V ;x5î located o auMtin street.it.ud Lait'-, Ill. Sold clteap if taken at once, lu- quins- Joe %nmann. Round Lake, 141. 1921 Fond Cotupe,. as good as nos, ailI squtpped. $45t0.00.i 1915 Mot-n. in fair t-ondition. $85.00. 19 18 Stutz Roadster, vire vicels. al equipped. $800.00. 1922 Ha> nes 55. vitb front sud ni-ar Biflox bumîten. Simples auto lilgt. ex-I tra i-05i tino sud cuver. This car bas i-un oui>' 4.000 miles, lu use as a dem- onatrator. The car canuet b. 1010 f rom uev. $1450. We Buy. Soli and Exchangea ailMaIres of Cars ont 12% Commission, iLLINOIS AUTO EXCHIANGE 21 Banik Lana, Lake Foi-est. Ill. Lalte Coutl Agents for thse Minots. ,Open Day and Nigist. CI4ANCERY Siste Of Illinois, Count>' of Lake. us Circuit Court -0f Lakte CountY'.Dec- em:qr Ternâ A. D. 1921. . 1 Chai-les E. Gebo vs. Editb M. Gebo. in Chancer>'. Ne. 11682._ Tii. regulaite affidavit havlng besu fileli tn the office of the Clark Of aald Cour t, ice la tisarefora eboai>'gv- en toe isaid Editis M. Gao.edoftend- sut as atoresald that tise aboYa n- ed Complaluant berehofora filld bis Bill ôf Complaint inu siliCourt outhie Chaucar>' aide Ibereof. sud that a susu- mous thereupen lssued out ofrsall Court aginst tise above nainelido- fendant, relunuable on- he ire -tday ,f the,«term of lie Circuit Court 9f Zain.. G. Weieb,- Complainaut's Solcitor. WkIy Ney 3-10-17-23 o 0 00 *0 00 0 000000. FOR AL. TH-E NEW: 0F LAKE " COUNTY, SUSSCOi18 FOR THEe o INDEPEt4DENT-61.6O A VEAR 10 0O0 0 0@0 0 00 0 0 0 T £BEtbllai,.d 106 Philip L ttesaion i>res te PhIp. aegers,-teIAsateton giva. aHM Mutton. Veai, Poultry. idas. etc. Aise Butter and .ý. - ,General procavretd. bth Coxnmission bol'OtruseP«&M SMalle lsnu11 MA bnSa'Fulton tt oifimak. £VAr5hant8GAAL.IL WOMEN TCI VOL] .,colis Bluff N e isomesn, li-emien nith, ont- of ths-m £rtihg toZion cil %vii! siudy Ovet-sot ,tg keeping people -.tis Bluff i-t u11itner 18 fro -uîît- Tiîsse w ovt-'fh t i D--o ltolilt'îu Wsar tht-i .site toi >s, l is-l ai,ý waiot. Ms-n dý are -no Stîndai' s -a nu bling.' 'l'lue people bs-i lIt-y beieve that' aîatu.tu. Boys uind f.jTwo UEt titi' -I Stateki. Selected List Mdost Popular Records from Recent Relsea 77#&.te recordi are worthy a plac.on aasy Ubraey 13017 («d Scrmha-Vlolla So1o.. ZUMWUOF-To &.o. I5r. 11516 Ana"hies. Mv...o;-4o 00 5Asilla - lSopao --' i 86 . r m. lont .uba ter Ilo Ma .-ltt eue Mr Old Ews 4 'Il yvx ..-....., .. Ninso su Ilutop ..5 $ose Base ta Ai PMU og~ THE RAT FURNIJRE AUD PAINT*STOP£. Open Monday, Frlday and Saturdsy Evenînges PhOne No. 9. 21 im r- VOLUME X.N ' Stratford Tfio mer Wàukeç meeting LM~ 75 FROM IIE1 un f aliforula only d,-î dasteo0f Nov. t alif, about a iii çDný ind' dilinot Pasalit Tu lte Editor: reetiugs mroz lansd0fsaunslsiue. ihIam iaking tii 'Wlà as 1 tisougit uleli lu i el amei ghovte .¶cut ire« chas i w- th ialyti Tsi-hrouneoutth We diffrete tyi isice.aboutb t tis e Oua loe t *ludoing tfl li'blleti eabout t 1dli gs a baîee lamilar lad a tIti-tee were abut iflot- uteson.t-sa. l 11,ul uttcol 'L w- l ,,used tu lie i La~ke t014.l3 t IL H.Kintg, .\r, ofg tîtose . m irluusVauket .'lîi King,.'Pr. 9. tii y, lIr, and M kulitîn laur>.th, W'lffle i was Sa r:î ris-attrnon b,-iltirue ansui n ktl'.okinxart-un. f it'â iuitra sui iL.î>sut-uew i., o .s Satuu da 1,,, tiit Frit> toc and f51 l4 t-I ii' a'. îleý lI- . ' Il-tle FOUR ÂMýE! IIELD FOI Xl .iu-ilii il ie niglîi t rNi ai -. -ce l r. ips l9ie Anit titan Suji iL, iglis-îof a foi :A (uenîund for lIl idt' but the Alu t i w:î ii,,tmo Lou oi iClitThûf. Thl l'y At-st-risan \let.Itan autioriil '[lie saine liandi n1glt caî,tured On'1 it can mine t-w les q vofilt-I i l' 1