Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Nov 1921, p. 9

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z"! LAME COUNTY INDEPEN DENT. Lake, Coutity 's Big Weekly CfraabanGM"meerthih WeekeiniC oomty Comined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN. !JARD on, Iadmng of 1921 uaring Car, 329,825, 509350. KETCHUM?, îeld at lte Court an lu saiti ZUe Mondai of Dec' la by la, raquir- s still poudIng. Clerk. iNov. 2, A. D. citor. 1-10-1723 NOTICE se. ,ai. Couuty, Dec- D31. »DPort Risn, la davit havig baem the Clerk,0f said bfora sivenu tu the aeudaut as store. ameti Complais. ber Bill of Coin- on the Chancer, Mt a sUMmDous ddt Court againut lefendant, retura- y of the. tenua of ! aite Couuty. lu 't House la Wau. t Couaty. on lte uember A. D.'1921 d,. andi whleb suit Clark. .Nov. 2, A. D. ettor. 1-10-173 EWB OF LAKE & qIDE FOR THEe 61.50 A VEAR 0 0000 0 0 di List r Records Releage we soorthy a p Ubry El- . Br~t Max â1t4 'fl, Karl* baue.Tbso. IMàvte --go rano .. Dorhî lardon Ermont IS sa5ffl ..... tun W s'ou" ,Frlday and EVeninga. VOLUME XXX No. 47 WÂUKEEAN COLONY tN I~JN0NAT CMià,ORNIA GROVE Stratfor'd Tfiommýqen,- for- Mer Wakeganite. tells 0f meeting Lake Co. people 75 FROMSIERE AT SUPPER st,rat for Thonunessert. who nient t) 'alifornta osly recesîi,y wries an- tlý'i date of Nov. 13, from Pasadena, ('ali.,, about a big reunion of Lakte annysd'IllInois people heid smne ett g t Sytautore (Grave, Cal., ais Pasaden,'Calif. Nov.1 'o te Edîtor : C.reetlegs train Caifor-nia,Illte lanad of aunabine. w iamn iakingt bis lime In writlng à â S!1 thougitt you wommid be Inter- Mlted lu -bearlng labout te 1ilibis ni ~enu ybicb was belti yesterday aq ebcai*Mi rave, LsAngeles smi ~ore 04eoctlly tbe Lakte county anti 3Vukeusn supper, as vo are weil flireelted out bers.. Thiroughout the graveonouice differ- entiire«s vas' attached the fegisters oraile different counties, whlch made Il nice. as withbthe. large crowd tat wastt ier. one vouid bave a bard touÙe ilding tbeir friendsanad after we hati regislered at tbe Lakte coua- hyi ioutit about te ouyni fovlng nie ii ni as belveera there and fle sap- por' fable; being newcomers they grern *hIl ookiug for ztrwm froua Wau kren. Wheu ae sat danin ta sappet thetie were about 73 rresent fî'r lu su arud Waukegan sud te only tnings that vere mlsting were te isaîiliar land utaîkt andth te Dali> T'ete vete qulte a fen titat couid flot aou n.accounit af etter bus mesor beiu'g away and a fi-w be- of i tluesit Att:alettglioe thtti u,Ild ual culte nu r. 1E. A. ilaittîdge. a i, sîsed ltu be cunit'îvlcd a 11h the uildmazette. lic, ilu î eî <k ai bis !îiilý- utt ieit a gici îing tu tiltigou l i I aLe (-ot.lý' glt. %'t % hich bi t-,IL. King,a%%h o u lebid.-nîtiif i rong 1140e a lita ut duw i. t.,sut i -tîoiîî utaukegai scie Mr. and %IM i-Eng,.Jr. 9.î. Il.iitansd *atily, NIr. and MrF. %Wtddecoutuý'tea kuli.,u luttttlyte W aett ud Aus-'I Wiile 1 wav standing Iltre tltking J:i lite aiteronon soun te vaileue a1 b,'Iititih Ite and 1-tidllo etalIrat anda .n luokii aroundti ttre stwui Ray- l'd iler tn lis taaîlcî untia2i.a tJisqutte a biuaiîltu 1 Le hiii. 1 i LIa>sunt-vi;at ru :,tlbed %V'u'uA o -îtutSatulai a , ' ltpliuiilImeý ',,unît tas> footbal il"ute ut i andd'r i th ii,' sue,, taii.loai't "i nailors ftlu'ion saü liiegoSu V. I:iî nd ili' l4-t0i.AI '40-n,ies'i .i'i Gt> luiig w,,. loçcîl in lîtîtiu l .i wt, day. 'Ille liai y 's Pi, -A-I ' FOUR ÀMERICANS IIELD FOR RANSOM NEAR CHIHUAHIUA 1191-0,it.doI. Sou 2 Al'ui er- t s, t-qete alîtitd ivlu-. \j-iin bau- i1 iSîanta îiti 1-a "Iit:ialiaa tl mie nietitof ii SuuIîi,,eî i ad mm lî i io i milita. tule >- l ' , ii tiiieltt an- - ýlIçitet!totia> . T le i iî II d er 1'ti ei ce Max tandlMis. 1Etigar Butls atIl %\'cilaidBenhati. enilioyca of ttc ëAnsmtita Stii ing anti tlefiuing i)li jat . anti Mu MNai>v Long, il iit aio a fuiluAttit-immai con- tiianti fot $5,.l000 imtîotitn1'asi ii idt' but tîte Amttmcan sueie relea t I w tia tise oura a thiut lia> men pt ofite iusûm. The tusiler sias taicn îIilîy Attîcriman uhitc-alsi slîilite ,'mîe\Itan atîtotits-. 'i le saine badits onu lite saute niglît calitaret! Oscar Tics ina, a Mex- itan mnte annet-Pllî at tcei an- rof lo $5000. WOMEN TO PROBE VOLIVA'S RULE Scotis Bluff, Si. o.22.-Tii-et' a'otttu'.inemiters ai the >Iollers' cit., one ai tlaem an aliiernian, are cuîing ta Zbon City', 11.,.wnlere liîey stîll statiy Overseer Voivas nîcliîod ogliieeping people god. sî'oits Bluaff recently pî'olibitet! ' utsvnet' 18 frontt gaiflg out aller slîtr Tlîtse vuto aie single anti o e limt aig--ne lînit lu set-atual 1, aucutinineii hi'a parent. Tht. 'ooti- cnar Ilir dresses 10 Lit uteto >s. Iligli ees tnt crst iii' ,ý aiîu.e.lin do.ual soke, thtere are -no Stntiay sîoas' dauccu tit gant lîtg. 'f'lie teoplie belong tlaasu secte, bat lIte>' believe taI Voliva lias a gleal sysicivi. Boyasuden 21 neyer malie i jTwo the .- - -i i -tiîlttî'îl fI lltc-n - - sIwo b; i.-rie ln l te eateî., lU:Ëf e titi I-Isuiteki. tais. Ch"§" . Hughes.. Unita duotteb undoeula ad. as BIS1IOP M'GÂICK, FORMER LAKE CO. MAN PROMOTED Pope appoints him to bishopric at La Crosse, Wîs., fromn Chicago Diocese WAS BORN AT FOX LAKE lit. Rev. Alexandier J. MeGavick 1). fi* au'xilat'>' bishup aifte arcittiocese aI Chicago oeslerday a-as'apçsalnteti bth0ip ai La h'rosse, Wls. ihshop %lic c;aviciratl suceeti thý laie livtomi Jamnes Schîweitucl, who dieti during the aummer., 'Titis lsa asurprise ta me,-sait i S- shop McGavlck, wbeu Informed of te action of Pope Bentilcî lu presesltlng tais noms ta lhe cardinels aI a secret conalstory la Rouete iIr morniqg. "This ls the first 1 bave beard of .Il. 1 shal b. ihappy 10 laite upttb'e vont and do mi' beul lu mi' nev field.' Bishop MeGav4cit vas cousecratle" aaxilairy blithop lu Chicago lu 1899,. le bas made bis beadqaarlers at H1oiy Augela charcit on Oakwood boulevard. le was born at Fox Laite, lu 1863. Tht valîcan also aunounceti oficiall the appoinluient o! Rt. 1ev. Edwsart! F. Hoban as aaxiltary bishop of Chi- cago. Titis appolulmeent vas maiel ýby brie! several days ago sud antimi1 alti ite transfer o! Btsliop mcG;a% ick 10 La Crosse. BRUNDAEIE READI TO SUE SMALL ON INTEPEST CLAIMS ( i i sîtîtuagainst Gos Sîiali anti tii it- forer state Ireasuters vite helti offi ce during tet period covereti by te siale intvect law, under nicli Gos. Smullwam inîlinted. viii be fitet! lu Sprungfield vitîtin lite nexl forgily- eîgltt houri-. Attorney Gdenetai Edward J. Brun- dige, vîto rersonatly laàiîandling tlIs plisse of te cames iuîoiviug state futis andti îeir lntercsl vent 10 q'priufield iasýt nightl ta placc is in ai 0. K. aiton the uecesaary preliminar- les. Tîte action, tI vuuderslood. iii af- fect te reftsurer and! ail sacelies ou their officiaI bonds. L'nlil the present stale treasarer, Etivard E. Milir, look office te cutlom vas for a state treas. arer ta furulsit a personal baud, wilt sareties rannlug as high ns ln'enlY, in soine Instance$. indlcatins are taI lte saise hhat viii be filed by te alate aI Sprinfleld wiii Inluide as defesdenla ail princi- pais anti sare-fietu, running bacit over a long periati. *"i amIn lving' for Springfild 10- ulghtî," Attorney Generai Bruntage sali. "The delalis of te cases that are ha be filied Ini duc course lu Sangs. mon cauuiy cannaI be disclosed ti atIis lime, Actioni msy be expecled dtiring, tlimenet veek, hbavever." I ttiti-I 5 u- iî,i tuderstu.usd 91 fondlimttiL.i te ir'liiiig lit Iheliî-î the" studt té) iidisliit'atlit betiveen gooti anti baill iteratt, luit 1 Iotiaîeuntot sa> blialif',te renîteir hIaîîot fuît' 1511lit ss'wLil'iî lîterîîî'elui ti lme Iu- dellittîllu- otatot hi g ss'îlî'î sse cali geti la, it %siIti res t-br lervsetleti 10 lîtî iis' ct leuluand a unatdiulel prteu.'."Ilitatî ilite lilediist, Tvtt .oui-e sauîl, "le vNa ltit 'Ii - ttiiS iî~ lî itttte t htoglît 55' lui thLe imatge 'la niatit imore itîan tiiy onii- itlt-rprclnlivtu." - Marltsa Dmir.ini. Excèpîlo.. t i laes.& Socîtî iii u-.uion te 1bright Milec huis a tiu.îré4intg effev't, as svheh otne gnzta It e sbiny hle of u~ ciitty pai'rtif tvouers.-Basion, Tran. niage paît! Rev. Ciarence A. Youhg ter carra tng lbe bot ou lb. job a* lte ew Latin achool in Sooton. H.! la one of a groap et mnitsers asitet Xeastadi' workLngtn's conditlouai RECALLS SINK- ING 0f LADY EL6IN IN 1860 011 resîdent of Waukegan re- calis article he wrote on tragedy years ago EDITOR WA¶tKEGAN 1.YALY SUN: I v-as ver>' mach lulerested inluyour article in loýsue a! Sun ai November, ilîli about te deatts aiflte lasI sur- steor of te "Lady Elgin", Adeiberl L)obitilo! Milwaukvee. 1 doutblif Iber are s cry many alilse today vita remem-> ber Ibis disaster or few taI nie uighl ast taIever itearti of il. In tIls con- necllon the story I vraIe saine years au for one of aur papers aud titat 1 have arttoug mi' records anti papers.' o! earlier ChIicago lu my relie anti car- lobs rootu i thoîtgiît miglti nterevl >-aar reatiere, la as foliôws: Ou Septl. 8h, 1860-Chicago nias ap- palieti by te vreck of te aide viteel steamer 'Lady Elgin" a Inia loking boat taI vas rauimetibi lte scitooner Augusta during s ibom sud denuse fog a feni miles ouI sud nornhit ? van- s100. Saine oflte large excursion' pSrt h on boarti ver. saveti but severai handreti vere drovned. My falter a comuaanding offîcer aI t et4 quartera (Chiceaga. nias arderedti 10Igie s de' lail ai police anti. Paîrcilbhebeacit fer tweive illes norli tîla ssiet thoso tutnglus 10 vreckage sud 10 réacue bodies that te u6Qth aesat ind:w as vasbihg ashare. Tha-deati ver. laiton te WrightI andtI tcClure'ig undertaklng esalihtmentl-on 'La Salie stieet, " op- posie te court house. CHARLES E. JENNiftJGS CHIICAGO, ILILINOIS F,w Seau.a Rerin fi. 'tIi'> Sil lie t n ti iîul r lt ,ilit e 'Orteati ttttft loss kétîs foîr bliut- talîittg greal pIeu-cire lt cîtttiinit. Scîne Say that te ititlier iifl,'tt' sitops on 4ler baick %%-ilhl iii. l tiî >liv-i ed btwt-iit' lier fare feet.$Site AilB i nvs,ýeir t ber yoting, andtiSite k-episthem et'hler ide for mtore titan a yec, Tuhe ik-irts are à t-it il bstre -isnti'.t. ahsrtikleid iser wlîim glis.lonltg vi'uyhtaicu. 1tlen la n' <e ft teîe ap tirt ie ite l-I- tutti y. i nraI,', i hirlti'li' LIBERTYVILLE, RLLNOIS, NOVEMBER 24, 192,1, ÀOEiI3D MN FALLS- FROM 1 OOI COMa POUNO RACTURE Both bones of r*lgeq broken when Chas. Humphrey fell this morning HIS CONDITION IS SERIOUS Charles Hamplhrey, a:flti 71. o! 220 W5dgeland avenue. îffeîed a campoand fracture of boul, bonesaof te rigitt leg 198t above Itelînee, anti 'Posslbiy Internai injut-iei nlieu hie feul frou a sroof aI lte ', J. )av'son homte, 322 Cenler street, aboat 8:00 a'ciock ibis moy9n. Mr. liumphrywho n'as engageti lu Painting lte bouse, ituticlimitet ta lte roof. lu nmre manuer lie l bis balance andt oppledto tahie gîcUint bis entire veigitt cornlng an- ls rlgitî leg. Bolt boueosnsaPppd off and! pro- traded titroagitthe, Iiesh. À felov vorkmin aummondeti Dr. F. C. Knigbt anti an ambaacel and! lbe lnuaret! man vas removedti bthe Ilke Coanty Generht! hospilal vitere ite rectis'ed attention., His condition is quit. serloas. Titsis lte secondti ie ltaI Mr. Humphrey lias broken s ieg as te resal of a fali. 'The otîter accident Occacret! cîgit or nine years ago. At tatCulihe fractured lIls1 leg. WAUKEGAN MEN COMPLETE TRIP r TO CAL IFORNIA1 W. .L Ray and Charles Law- son drive 3400 miles in auto on 175 gallons of gas Th e Sun Ilias juiot eceiset! Word tit W. L. Ray andl Charles Lawson htave campleledtiîîr automobile lip from Waakegan ta Ctîîfirnia, a dis- lance o! 3,4110 raiJiý". Tîîey aset! 175 galions or gasolîne wsiir-bta an av'er- age o! aîe- los iii-s ta the gallon.: lu bis letter ta tue Sun MIr. Ra., 'We art iveti ai Dallas. Tex. Octabet' 1, anti stayet i vtit ny biother, Thom- as lRai' four day'>. Left Dallas Oclo- ber 5, Artilvet!laI El Patta, Tex., Oc- lober 9. We ilew four lires ounltaI trip, We sta-eti there tece day-s anti leOt Octoben 13. arriving atISait Diego, Cal., Ociober 18-, afier saine trip titra lte Arizona tiesert. Siayed et Sa» Dego three daya, We t.oit a trip oser ho Mlezîco sud sav a few gressers. "Left San Diego Oetaiter 21 at 7' a.n. anti ariveeta Loo Angeles at 12:30 p. mt. One hunudredti tirty-flve niuiça Iu 6% hours, Il vas attre a van- derfül trip. W. aveti 175 gallons of gas aÙti caveneti 3,400 miles. The ouly troublë vas tire trouble. At preset 1, a aI et rianit, Cal, wvile Cha'ries Layvsou lsaI Friaco. Regards toa ah. -W. 1. RAY, Ilîibanit. Calîf. Gep. Deiveri'. BARRINGTON FARMER 'VOLUNTARILY BANKRUPT ,C laming Ihat lie lias been payîng etu tt»e prices' for farmw labar andf feeti anti thatlite vas auiy getllag pre-niar prices for stock antd pro, jducla, Fred Kline, a iarinagian farin- en, yeslerday filet! a, souit4ry. pehi. tou lu baukraplcy lu the Ui. S. dis-t trict çoui:t.t Thte iianktaîthcy farnier lîstet ists assets iai $700 ant ieisliabilitleas e i $15.000.t «Tlhought Worth Ponderrl,. Tlt l sSadi seakl1ps- Ini lis, afler hi tî'îî tiim l tIîî'lîl .)f«a litîtti tiîth huit - î'uit 'iti' t 14' leit iflîe ivere flot s tiel oo.-George Eliot, DELBER T A. WEALE RES16NS JOB AS, PROHIBITION AGiT. Was one of State's Attorney A. V. Smith's most -active -enforcemnent off icers FRICTION IN THE RANKS Deibert A. M'eaie. fornmer ron-table, vito bas been onfltfIhe moC l clive o cert luaStates Attorney .A. V. Sutithas prohibition enfol cc-ment sqaad. bas resilhet!. Titis neya camnezig a surpise ho many l intis comînuîy. Thu reslg- nation becante effective Monday. Friction between ofilcers Weaie samd C' A. IÉrahe la tiaidtu bbe respon- sîble f«r the resignalion, as il vas .bintedi for sanie lima that lte vo offiers bai disagreetipli maltera concerulug Ibeir methods of vont. IVeaie '.fr mauy yeas as' a cou- stable,'an~d wben defe tet! at ltepri- mary last lu. b, vas bîretias a apec. lai officer and bas been wocking as an euforoement officev evetsave lte electio. o! Statte'aAttorney Smith. He vas regardeti as lte most active and efficient tuember or Ihe dry aquati, Sud be partllpaed in ban' dretia cf raids not oplyIn'l Wauitegan and Northt Chicago bal every part o! the coanti'. SOffifficer Weale vas shovu as a fearleas agent and darîng lte year's vonkthIere vere no serlous clashes betveen lte o cer and moonahltters snd bootleggers sucit as bave occur- roti Inmani othier commanities. Brune la a former Zion constable and b"as be e ployed by lte states attorney for aboaL six monlus. Weale bas been succeededi by Ira CImne nwil10has been on te it! ng squad a shora tie. WADSWORTII SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWS Aîiine: tli si nîs aI 'i elicolthie pa0 t vei c re hîlfipheu eashtioi e anti Es ci>n Lux. Gi ace 'tIielulu. Gorge Lux, hlifton Lux, Alict', 'utlittîeis', andi Miltiret Lux lîad lierfeiL upeliug lessons lasI Tîte boys andtigils -are makiug In- dîsut anti Partins»cci unes andi are plann ing a Titanksgivlug psrîy for Wedueuday afleruooir. The people luntis vliniiy 'eî'e in- terestedtI; eurt ite marriage of Miss Lec Rilev loJesseeLoveilethe ou Sal. Nov. 6 gI Caî'y, I. Miss Riey tauglît scie-ai tenntis Inlte MWats- woitv'iîooî elanti las since laught la te St (':,iaiîeu TriuiLng Scitooi for beys. Mr.Lovelluteieluemplo>-ed la the anie Jiitiii ion. "icy liav e gone ."U tl on an exindill sîedîliag tt'ip. Tule la t 0or a i , i!lf ice card pai lu-s i ssiIîI it Sui.'aîrlck's Hall M'elln' ads 'eu eaitg. 'I lere, nus a 5 'i' ii,' ii7cflltietv'Georitge Ctash- tii,: i -e 'vi Ille gi mtfll lioiars. ' lOin 1Lut ilu li'ilulAve. andu Jlohin D.ixof A-h St. s I ie(d a it i'ge igc ix Suitdai - M r.a tiu chi les Dran'leit NiIsîi lia îîlýast s e N5 it Mc. and Mi 7 Joihn Lux ntid NU. anti Irs 11uY' Mrt. W. luiina h Cli uluuuîuîi:g a fi Iý', fi le W-liu, O. .ii .\ i \î'i i îCliliuag0. lts bmc n t mung Ilu"'- coutl1S> tuila May' O ilt 'ui' lii'No i.-, tlIe nîitiage of tillti tmH î,- IîIîtt Ciuittiy w ztu 'MilitîiiuinutSt Pal rick's m'Iiîrcll. Rt«. t. Il. roi, y ollcimîing. 1Matico iliii ig of W' si-lil it \u'lîi' itu er Sunlas'. O ln SuilaY' Nov'. 13 Sr.andi Mis. Join Slimca entii;iimI a, a dinner pait: 'Atîtonit tue gOdlO Spteseni wer itM. anuf Suis, cf Waiikcguin, Mr. and N ira.P . il lieiteYýer anti MsI llîzaeh ichl o'ss-io'cl' is iîing nîtît liei,i'cnis S'.andiMis. i-1. Scfiossîer. 1 . b"D. Vccier vsi tiiil Saiurday anîl StndiY w1tfi 1v-s nil li 'lii-agit. Mi. il.titiit, uorlI m itisiîti Sanda>' ssiîîîSMr. andl 3fs. 1F. i.. faY. AUTO CRASHES INTO A ÀTRAIN AT WILSON STA. Et!watti Hurvi andtI larry Dierilg.. tIw a larbcrsituîp îtrojetors lanV,'ttuke- gin, ltat! a close esýcal)e frntiiluri' cari>'titis morniug vîten Mr. Ilurdas auto crasîteidijtoaiv inclut tain aI lte 'Wilson crossvinc. 1'IhZta-otutu lefI Wakegana active tîi' an.a itou- ting expedtiîtn. It n'as silil qaite darit anti the niintIsuieIli 5ii5clouuled"bi' heavy mtîtIl. ttaîiloweti do*n anti sîapped i liîc rmiiîoad crosîng. The two mîenî loalmet! lu boltdirecctions but sasi ne apîprtîaieing trini. Titen fle car nias etarttttiandticravîteti mb a freiglît train s tîli biocteul lte cross- mng. Thte car lîsti teojroceet! doss' au Incline andulthe li"ictgittsdit! not ils- eus on tietinta titil il n'ai loa lie Ia stop. Ont-of tiftmefiront viteels of lte nuoa nusi toirit vi'. Accordlng la the ioCal 'nieniieru- svAsno n'aruing Ilglil or bell rit tule cro'-ving or ont hle train. Cme Wîm iiîg l frlîtitîu stua>'tri iulet a titi' 1( 5 gistite tics iuaa Mrs.- Edward Waiiee wlîh Wu Li et the Newv York Chow Choir show .Wu Lu inaa"Lulu' or a cbow. Ho sete that funny naine because thi -Chow la au imigrant froin Chin. :. looks like a cross between à Crizzly andi a bàboon. $410,000WILL 0f WILLIAM RÂCE 1S FILED TODAY Wealthy retired Chicago con- tractor had beautiful estate at Barrinqton TWO SONS MAIN HEIRS Tle wiii Of William Grace, Pioneer Chicago cçntlactor, wlo retireti 15 Y eats ago to bis beautiful 1,000 acre estale at liarriugton, was led for heuring %~Fonday in the Lake couny Proisate court ait Waukegan, Invoivlng approxiatzîaeiy $400,ooolu n'ai andi $lll.U0o persanal property, tl execu' tors nemed belng. the Merchants Lutin & Trust conipany orf Ullcago. 1lie bulk of the estate being- leit 10 lîis ta sou' John %V. anti Hairvey E. t'race, 8i28 l'ine Grave aveque, Chf- cago. 'Ilie "falilui lohusektepei,' Miais' G. Friank 0f Ilarrîngton, te- ceis a iî the ictelrnis of the Miv *(Cate'scourîti v lioet tu kn as I rîace tivi-i andit ii itiUîetiut llne iiie. 'Ille ssii a., exectid àMi> 17, 191b, and l ta i tiling ms lc. 1,. Wiilî lie t Orliif tuliuiai 4> 100 I in ash lu a ScottC Qi t ca' tlt s, a utinibici'of NsIklitti e t il ul 1,anti Matît liester, LEniglanthlie i uitiaiider ut tIlo esait Le oLau1i lt e'.ttlots ta le hlid la trist, aid ti 1, bwi i Ol. il teteise ditiiiili î.iiigigitIutît >s$Gu t1> a e aî sri l lt leatii ýLt,' ii itutMayi 1 i, In Ir«01uiLiiu I le ii'iiiiuittiof lthe iiiiîitiî's uti tl ii Ol the aMill. 'l'lie pi oi uii oi i tht' II tii e aS lulltivs. 'lu John î ttt anti liai. bru E. lace,()Il"- l2i 1' Ille Uîvv lîoîseiold goodîisluiii îut î, jeu dry, books and p îýUîvîes. MarY U. lîatîk, Bartingtun, 113,ugu foi, lai Lital set itts. M\ary Jane Wtîigglt'vwotîlîi, sister Eou, Eiigand, ictor if dult eiltail> bel s en lier tht ce datiglitici'. L.oîlotisa Bou',-3*, qist t'. ut il aIl, 'Cihas.' Fiaucatie, Siaiclîesiei', Eîtg- land, ileîilew; $1100., lNary*'Dohtri>(3, niece, iluil, Shli Laurence Dliîeîîs .ntliicî. l, $1,509 Alite Xiigtsio iniece, iluil, Berîilia W t l-glezii*ai-tii, nitre, hlli, $1.500. Alice, I liaile, Eldon, La;, $1,500. John . sItit' on $4,000Q. liar-ve% E. iltace, son, $10,00. Th~o'rest ua ile properîy fa bp- queitthed t1thlýitMerclitits Lonn & Tt al' Ca., airi. iticilgo lutrust. and lthe C0tli'lttY t luPay out of-tite pria- cillai $2,500 tuecti uf Lia gî-andsoua, WVm, Il., and Robert E. Graco aitltté age of 21 and lthe anui-lies ln monlu- 'IY instla1ila ni ita ci. cauliof the beLleticiaieif',I befote theoterni iflaltui lirte trust, lieu taliu as .'r r tttp vuli.hpittblt ton agents follo*lng lb. arr"ag V &ay Jane tgîeso It î of Dr. AUgqât Rosit, apbyaiciisIIYIlst bouisa tutu-t 1> -$010. aI .128 Lîncain avenue. Chticago. AP- Joh W' lIai--, oi, or sht i 5paraittiafor makîng' lb. vbuakey &ad syluush uu.300 gallons o!flttgbproot spit-tha vert. lOirs ci'E. ('race, $ o.r0; a Ilsur seizet inlu is itQme. - s sigwitiow $1500. -Accarding ta John Kjeliander. p#ri' itiblîlon enforcement off icer, lt» vitisteF vas matie. Liutom 'd1545S, uaoou-stine.put throagb an isgeiag 951s 1relis o! Cyclris aMoveme*nt*. "rceas lastiug oul'vten ty minteS.? TI'he trc-eoiuuti luaitt In. vhigkey vas, put loto, a o=tatnsoe Iîtv'uîet foi, deterkiiiritlik,,tiie tior i it hi ver. altached elecîrio wlrgu andi titscntenla -o! 'a laspvute-touýe ygýn tankis. Tho electrlc tolle-- frîuin. observatonts at .a aingle place, iage lte vblitey, aI lit..*aiàen - as uts sîtîipioat-i. . ringiung a quaitty iy et ilte , AFIER KNOCKIN4i Wi 'tbur Dahiman. of boen Jones held IS IDER .$2,000 BoNG$ Zio)n,' 111. - %ilbur Daidman, 1811 iti'brcia Avenue, City of Zion, ie lyt îig la a etihticai condi!IonL as tihe ?a- suit of a brtlal altack aliegete le é bein raade on Iiiip by Herbert JOess. a lacemaket' at the 'Mârahail, FWe* lace factaîy. Jones vas one of the~ seixteen menaliegea la b. ýimpilctaq ln the burnlng )f .elgbl balletin boird*, nt Mion s few vesits ago. and 4 10 la stand trial at Waukegau for thp offense on a damage quit brougabtW^, Wil1bar Gienn Volies. I , In Thurgdai' evening iast; 115* ý mian. a man about 30 years of q s 'ý veut ta a garage nexi ddor owueti W 1.ý Albeit Citrislenson. Joues met hlm 1klà the doorway of the garage ai w etrseti him aof "squeailng" <on hlm* taking part lunlthe burnIng or llte builetin-boardsx .Joues la allogedtg, 19 have alruek Dahiman 1Ilb.te Aî;ï%r first. and, baving knocked hlm n4ew* la arcuseti of klcking hlm 'se,ýerslY. l>a h Iman stated later lthaI he dlut have a chance but was brutaiiy at. tscked and klcked lunlthe sbdomfelt vîtile an the graund. Dàhlman'u mother overbeard noie&,"j ousîide anti site lmmediateiy cailafu foir Earl Caspersan, a constabie-g a ipecial policeman. When the otftcg î gel on litecnelthe assalant -IêàI1 sklpilcd. aî'Id he found Dabil~ j Ing ounlthe graund and cuver t I~I al.lIfe watt in Intense pain. A3 a resaîl of lthe kick. Dahlmau' cent]dili.n lv very criticai. He hain't..ý eaten or diunk anytlting sincée the kick anti raunot keep either food or wate1'r on his stontacît. Jones 'sas artesteti on a warrant andi le m"a s h unul oîcr la lthe grand jury on a 201 bond. Sbouid Dahlman, fait lis recovei' lthe charge may be u'iange,il tetiturder. 1l'sides beiug kio-ked. t'laliîî,în hrecels etia rul on th , face anmi as a res;t' of lthe blow leI iat coitatnt rihltgng l ithe cars. TAKE FIRST STEP IN IMPROVEMENT 0F SHIERIDAN RD. North Chicago vacates high- way from 22nduSt. south s0 state can pave it RELEASEO TO TOWNSHIP '1ic"e , ln4.i'for aitoniobiligs btîecn ('Iîî-i.o 3ilwaukee andi 'litnet i i" im tîtat Shteridan Roand ftoîti 22ntil si-et, Northt Chicago, svuli. alto knoatt as lthe Navtai Sta- tioti rondi, lias beem vacated by North Clicll'4o, i being î-cîeLtsed t0 Shields ' tow ushii î, ott i t caît bc intîraved ltO,r rt'e sîiîî' ai proieIion. Nortit Ciia4 cuStstounti'il la, t nigîtt adtiaed a reuîiîiuî' i -Ia Ig itahothe lown- Tlhis 1. i le "îu iiiit" t nd beiveer. C'hicagoî atdtlwiîaukee', and bas beî'î a ftiibltttî becaunse Nor'th Chf. pioie II. alter it a'as turned bae k by the gos eriiiai 't wen il vas nu longer a! vise lto the Great Laites navail training station ai Lite clos.e o lthe wat. It la a part of lthe ruat be. lween Noirlth Chicago anti Lait, Fo%. est lthat lias Vten warrying Charléa E. Ruassell, cuun3' suierlntendent of~ flliiway a. Sapt. Russell annoitne*U toiiy tuaItute Cltictlgo itotor clehl and îie ic Wlitegau-Noi-th Cblcsgs Ctanîbet' or Commerce viii 00w bh askêtuihogetbhiiud lthe proposit1i" la gel lt3 scatal1 inprove Lt, bi"ae siltion Mlat il la useti tura h saae sud Caok couuty atitomobiliIg: titati Lalte couny traffic. 0-H-HeH, BOOTLEGGERSI HERE'S HOW TO GIVE *îAQ>l TO -dOONSHIN1Eli St tente pt'aper3 used lulathe af a -'bootlegger," bas beenauhil.t tamn ahead lthe bande of time ant iob gaetchre *'ulvenO' -year rîid'iw.blikey 'in, lwelly nminutes. %b-ý

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