LIBERT YVI LLE LÀ" COUNTY INDEPENDENT !NDEPEND.ENT VOLUME A>U.--NUMBER 48. UBFRTYVILLE. LAKE COUNTYS IWNOIS. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1921. ti ~fl P!'D WAD iii Is~ I "REBELS" TRY TO OUST VOLIVA B"VIGILANTES" Womnan form an auxiliary for purpose 6f combating rules on womnans dresses Zion City, the hliest tevr in AmerIca la tivitieà in a tierce strig, gle. Opposing each other are lhe rival factions of Chief Overseer Wilbur. Glenn Volîva and an IndePendent group w ho have bandeti mb a vigi- lance committpe of 1000 Mombers. Tber. have been Innumerablp craclced heads, vholesale arresta andi counter-sortes on the police byv igi: lanties. * Headîngt he vigilant$les te îl Thomnas il. Nelson. pastor Of tI(, Orace NMiasioriary chut ch, whom Voli va lias ordered out of town Wo men Organize The vigiantes have a a-oman's auxiliary tirected by te Missesl Helen PeterajessaleVpp and %Ïar% G.Wbeelock. The; vant removai aI style restrictions imposeti by 'Joliva, with freedom to vear siik home. shepr vaista andi short skirts. If t4Py de sire. Tbe mal. vigilantes have this platferm: Ousting Of Voiva. State investigation af bis admin.s tration of cty finances. Contrai of the public parka by thie people. iiignt ro vorahip as lhey clioose and recognition 01 praoerty rlghts. Refusai te recognize the Zion flag of gold. white andi hue Zion C'tv was incorporated in 19(2 by John Alexandorr Dovie. a relig- tous leader vho settled i vth bis fol- loyerb on a tract Il miles square Todas' the inn. numbers close te 6,000, lalf ef vboru profer alegi ane. te Voiva anid have th£ etige en their ilidependent neighbo)re % majoritir of 400 votea-s * Zonitu Lead "Blue Law" Life j A, true ziniiats lead a plaInlY& severe life The Bible ta Ileir strict and onlY code. Voliva. as succeqsor tinflpwle. le absoile ditator. He' hoasts thal ail Municipal affi cers 'are My men, andi do was1I Friction starteti about a year ste viten îhe 1ndependpntta increaseti their numnber throuzb tle arrivai cf flev residentg. The Zioniste resAn4dl vat lheyL termed "an rn. rc9hm.-nt upon lîly grounti by hP non-believers ri Zion tom. DurinL the year thtY have enset- eti a number of blue iaw ordinrînces. ail 5poorerl 1Voiva. ahitlitpro- hibit: Smoking within thp ciîy limt Public use of the parka. whicl Voiva cdaims are lis. Mndern dress by vomer.. incluti l ing wear of short skirts. Vaccination against communicable1 diseases. Moving picture shows, dances anti even snciable games of carde. Bazoball. asle nf ice crearisanti confections anti cperatian ef esaiir. anis on Sunday. Operation of tirug stoes vithiri the City. P'nlnvtnz Promulgation oftbîes. fdicta. the Indepetidents raiseti a 176.00 defense furiti anti put Rev. Nelson ln charge of an offensive againat Voliva. POT. Nesonsasys more titan $40,- M basiibeen oxpendoti payirig fines and court Ceosaftamviglantes vito rant counter ta Voiivalm police.. Volîva D.11., bils Assaslante Voitvaa hinseif, ln lis oxecutive - eadquartea-s atop te Ziori home. vitere le lives yulh hie vite anti daugitter. Ruth, lunieti titisdeti a bis ittacitema: "m rmien hem.! Tics. vbo do net vint te obey ny viii. vii lave ta gt ouf. 'Tua clly anti every Inlch rfils landile ceneeratedt a GCod. ln tle Mnseet our gooti leader. Dr. John Alexander Davie. anti I arnbis av- 1POinte ta carry on tle vomk by ceu- -ent ot Providence. "Titese ingurgents vlo are causing go much miachief are ail poaciiers. iThe grorîrit their lames stand ot,' le- longs la me. Ail their property'ba - ioit untier ieasea. anti I as avenseor of ZMon. hoidti hetiti. anti tee sime- pie ta h. land. 'Titeyll nover drive us ou." ho ,conlinueti. ZMon ta an olernal city. It yull alysys endure. 'Eut ail thLs agitation is a siguofa e tJie res-île unreAt nf sex anti '.tltiens. "Warnen are ailîle bttom cf tIL Tbey have steppeti fi-os thein place ln tle homeasvitere they rigllfuliy belong as a iteipoate cf man, anti their vilti pay le blringing disaster. "Why, s00 their immoral clothes' TIcse trigîttul tdresses, those shame- 1.55 aiik tocitinga. anti ail those otbr dstuating lui-es vbich lhey nis, 10o drag mon ta their ruini "We- de net vint sud la Zion. We * iii net bave vitl a unelean. Tiat'a I*by -vo ili have ne medicine, -no ritft o amusemients lipI cor- "My police are on the guard. Çver>y diasenter shall ho thrust back' into tii. worid of sin. Zion do"e flot belong to the world.". Independante Dony Volivas CIlaim R egarding Voliva's assertion that I h. owna the town and ail ita land. the independents rise in a body, and put In beafed dental. In addition ta climing the entire, town as lis rightfui possession, Voi- va does own ant I n bis own name i the principal industries of the city. There include a bakery with ai road force of 18 salesmon. two news- papers, a printing and pubithing plant. bi hotel, a candy faclory. a bank and severai mînor estabih-i Mente engaged i the production of aprosis and miscelianeous wearing apparel. "Yes. 'm a multtmiitionaire. If you want 10 cal me Ihat," Voliva said. "And 1 taire juet and honeet pridel I having accumulated ail Ibis wealtb from a jumping-off spot with 83 cents. *Some rae-eh< fi e <uealoned. Desî,tte ail his claims to riches Voliva maintaîns h. lises the Simlie litel with a a z "S"adl lse- only $270 an monti k.,.[, hjmýejf ,Indj famils. W'lEile ih, talked th,- oserseer c as t frequent nprvous glances toward thý door. Once or twice leie nspe-cted i hi' heavy arraý of boîts and loesk. "ive got enemies-many of tem" lie exptatned. 'The.yd like to k ItI me. tf hl aItachance, aipppd along Tie-refore l'a rfui- LAKE CO. MAN MAY RUN FOR CON4i. AT LARGE Friends of John R. Thompson of Libertyville are urging him to run John R. Thempacri, veli knovn re- aident of Libertyrville, may beceme a candidat., for congress-at-targe at the April primary Hts frends are urging itun tu aiiow bis namne te go onL the tic- ket. Coocerning !àr. Thompacris qualifi- catons lhe Illinois Stàte Journal of SPrtngild, Ill., hadth ie follovung te Ray ln a recent Issue. John R. Thompeon, chai greeery anti restaurant ovrier anti farmor, la beint urgeti ly hie trientis te permît tiiem te present his name at the April Nir. Tlompson vis oneetfîle leaders1 i Republicart polilice 1n Chicago ten > cars ago. As treasurer et Cook couri- iT- he establislitet a record for toterest on public money turned m inote Ireas-l ury when tlIe. as no,lav requirtott il, thal attracted videapreati comment. MIr. Thompson voluntarilv relireti front polies la tevole himself to tle large intereste vhlcl demandeti hie enlire attention. He la a native efIlilirni., havîng been berri near Filhian i Vermaillion enunty. viere le grev b manhooti. Me stili ovrie a fsrmn theme. vich i- cludes the olti homesteati, anti aise a Irit nsai- Lihertyviile. WOMAN DIES ON 81ST BIRTIIDAY ANNIVERSARY Thi furie' 1of M. aJacoh Savage, ioneer resideni of Antoch, 100k Place Monda1. front bet home, hurlai betng ln Hickory Cornera cemelery. Mrs. Savage vas a sister efthîe ftler cf Davidi T. Webh, et Wauke- gan, anti dieti last Fritiay, the 8sit anniversary of ber irlh. She lad been a resitient o!f Lake counly ever ince sihe vas l'ive yeas lti, anti liveti at Antlecîs practallaiiy ail e li11e. -ier hushanti la iii anti vas unable te attend the hurlail ceremonies. Mrs. savage lsaisla su rv is-ad lit Iree saris. Austin- Morlimer anti Lee Savage. one daugbter. Mr. Éd Wells. ail o! Antocht. anti ancliotiier, Almiont D. Savage. otf1-ihlandi Park. forrnerly s i-esident* of Waukegan. Mrs. Savate lad been 111 for a long lime, andi fir death was causeti hy a1 ierital breakdewn tiln ealili WOMAN SUES FAIR. 1 ,ASSOCIATION I Catherine Hogari ot!Chicago, but forneriy a Watiswertl residient, las tiied in10 re circuit court. thîough hem attarney. P. V. Orvia. the prie- CIPe I a $2,000 euit for 'daiages against the Lake Ceunty Boarti o! Agriculture. 1 The pfaintiff, il la unrierstooti. vîli atenipi la pros-e thal vhir ah tthe Lake Counly Pair aI Utertyville, ah. vas sittlng on s grandatandsît eat when tle structre celapseti hecause et allegeti fatlîty construction, ca-tg ing 'ber ta fali uper. an aulomohule. .anti ustainbng serous Injuries fromn vhich aIhe snot uliy rerovereti. LENA CLARKE, P. Md. ADIMED TftEFT; INSPECTOR SAYS Alleged slayer of Fred A. Milti- more on trial today on 1murder charge "Lena Clarke told me on Aug. 12 tn her cell tri the Orlando Jail that sie stole the $32.000 taken from.the mais of the West Palm Beach postoffice. 1, alone, arn resPonstble for the robbery,' she cried" This was the testimony ut Postal Inspector W. B. Brannon today ai the joint murder trial of Leoa M. T. Clarke, former Postmistress and writer of poetry, and Taxter H. Patterson. automobile mechante, who are Iccus,(l of killing Fred A. Miltimore, Postal clerk. who formerly lived [n Chicago and Waukegan, . I The jury wàs taken out of the court- room sbo that te judge might -Jeter- Mine Whether the alieged confession 1 stas adosissable as evidence. The court ruled that the inapectors statement Shouid lbe heard by the Juror3, who Iwere then brouglit back. That evidence of the robbery will be Ibrouglit out i detail by the state wben the trial is resumed tomerrew ln an efftort ta prove a motive for the murder of Miltimore vas shown at tire begin- ning of the taktng ef testimony. Pour wtnesser, were' Placed on the stand by the state. They ver. thre. pest- office employes andi Carey Hand. un- dertaker. The testimony of tiie untiertaker per- tamned to the Position of the bodiý of Nfiltimore when it wais fount int Miss Clarke'-s hbtlroom on the night. of Aug. 1, the nature of the bUlel vorint, Iand the condition of lte man's cloth- LAUNCII MOVE TO M viitates«a- UNITE ALL LEGION - - -POSTS IN COUNTY MAY IIAVEINEW FAIR GROUNDs- ON THE NORTHI SHORE, "CONFESSION" 0F LENA CLARKE IS MADE EVIDENCE Negotiate with government Court admits confession, to for 52 acres at Camp police of woman charged Lawrence, Great Lakes with Miltimore deatth ('00 v- i t'aOl, -of arnt î' awiet ce, 1Orlandotis i., Nov. 28.- Thte atate etIeSI iîîig of 5,arestrab1',. sceredtihîe tiret big poitith e trial Naval 1ti.iniug Station, ito t a fair ef Miss Lenia Clarke, chargeti vith 9rudanti estai.tîshing a Northemîlhe mortier ot F. A. Milimore. vIeil Illinois sate fair associatiori, is ccnonfudessio. ndrwcIMis rlark. ta ah- tlemplîte intriaction lalîcrbi everai oegesioa he MissoCiotkefPlie Waukegan anti Chicago business ee ohvaet he fplc meni. vIavse taken îptp he malter Vstal might b.e admitteti as evideflce. with Congresmnan Cari R. Chinti- Feiloving Chiot VestalPa recital o iticîn, who ta negotiating with the lhe visit of Miss Clark. to hie office nasvy departmnent fori-,te Iranafer ai anti W0iallegeti admission lttai ae the roptrty.killoti Miltimore. counaei for the de- Cahe Lrarene e tois ns. 100k hlm tI land andi drew lte mantleti but the large drill hall antiasrinsn a oreaddthrwr seserai other big buildings have been Inan. ietil a iIMisCak loft Intact vith a viev ta using them i Bathralr ath MiWeatlaaie for exposition purpeses in case theine Bxe cater. vlotie wst l fr faim proposition materiaiizea. Bmoi- taUfrlaoo ugaroe t. he r Titis ta regardeti as an ideai siteerb. trlad onlirreti trtw for a fairgrounti being iccated .ot he O is aredyamcrredit h tii principal ratîroatis anti accessible by Misplad. e ar.fittns tinsathe itii g the main nethern Illinots concret : pbasd, be iig red an iwhich -site higlvay. ore on L e automobile trip Irom Lewis C. loves. Proprietor of the Palm Beach 10, Orlando the day Matb! Waukegan Ide compaoy, anti veterari more va killeti. came iato CoUrtMat race herse tancier. vbose, animaIs boit ber place betveen lier .ttoreliya have boen entemetilu ail 'the big on tle on, hand, anti ber par@bte, R,,. races in nit-west circuits. Fred Grab. and iMre. A. T. Carkte, anti. hersiaster. r e, presitient cf tle Lake Cettnty Fair Miss Mauti Clarkte, on tlecter. associaton, anti several Chicago Hem ftler, a former alinister, 85, men arc pramaîting lte project anti anti hem mother ta 79. The igeti andi have taken lil up. iitt Coogreasmari ebue couple ver, paipahly dimmayeti Chintiblont, who is satti lelle enthus- at the attention tboir tiaugiter attract-i tashic os-drlits possihlities. eti SERKS Tê-REAK PTEÙ BECIOf IS WIFE'S WILL ,-GRASS LAKE 1IS A petitioti bas leen fileti ln the cir- cuit court by John F. Hahel aat Dora C. Rîtsl anti otiieta. for the pur- Posle o! seting asidete lyl of Mr. Habei's vife. Mrs. . Lena 1-abel, vfiose dealli occureti July 18. o! ihis The ot hir delenuanîs ln tle case, are Marie Pauling, Atiolph Hoecke, Dot-ta Ray, anti Niclolas Krenner. leira. anti. legai tepresenltatives ot Mrs. Haliel. The isili appoinleti Mr. Hahel edec- Ilion witheut bond anti vas execuleti June 19, 1919. On Dec. 20, 1920. Mca. Habel exoculeti arioler Instrumenit ln wiicl aIe souglît le mate a trual. namlng Dora Rust. fier atter, as truq- tee, anti Erenner as executor of tle purported viii. FOIJNI CiUILTY Andrew and Michael -Benko, of North Chicaqo. on trial on booze cha rges ' Peler Becci, residingala Grass Lake, Who vas on trial britise cOunty colrt en char~gés of iaving ri lis possess- ion a iarp quantity et boom, vas found, guilty by a Jury. vhicl eturo- eti a verdict laie Tueeday, Nov. 22nd, aller a tvo day iegîl liatle. Assist- anI. Slatls tlorrey Alblert Mall ad charge etflte proseculien.' Me vas tounti guity olly on ene count-unlavful possession., Enthusiastic m eeting at High- lând Park Friday night; to mâke up old deficit Plana foi a unîfieti Ameiteati Eeg- ion orgailization tri iLake coity were forxîîulated at a meeting licî tia iligtlland Park îariday niglît. James iiarkncss anti Bradiford West ofthte Waukegan Letton, anti Secretary E. l.ý Clifford of the WaukeganNorth Chicago Commerce, were thie delegates front this cit3. Ttîere vas a big delegation f rom Htighlandi Park. Alttîouglithte friendlet apirit ex- itt lietween tle sarious Legion îtosts in Lake coîînty, it has been apparent at limes that they do no1 aîways puli tla the same direction. Itlmis ith a view ta hringing. ail the poste mn a large unit wititail Interest tln coos- mon. thal tle meeting vas ielti Fn- day niglît. AIttis meeting il was asserteti ai- sa the couniy legion viii geltegetler anti maWe up theteteicit Ihat occurreti ln the Foui Il of July cecebratiori 1n 1920. This viii estallisliîtle Legion on a firos inanciai hasts vibli unlim- Iteti credit. The nexl meeting cf the county legion viii bc helt i rtLake For est next month. SAYS MAÀN FIRED SçIIOTGUN AT 1IH1M Rudolpî Jensen et Liberlyvilie, Friday asked thte Waukegan police ta cause tle arreat et a Norhl Chica&o man whem h. saiti hadti ireti a shol gun aI hlm vile he vas tiriving fier. on Thariksgiving. There vere huck- shot ti thea rear et the wageri as pi-ceft he statement. The allegeti attack teck place on Beivideme street, near îlhe oldl Iady scîteci. Ne ar- t-cal vas omde hevause Jensen hati ria proo t lit te tian lie stacti ireti the stiot.- S EINE BUFFALO CARP FROM FOX Coîttoiet at fish ermen heve stgnedi a Cou tract, w-iti thte tate filahcommis- sion te remove csrp anti huffalo troos the Fox river arid are novw seinInt ti thal vtcintty. Wartien William Spen-, cer of Batavia las beon asignedta t the lask et aupervising the job. and untier the agreement oniy the coanser spec tes are emoveti, ail gam. fiait be- irig returnedta te e ater.. The seiners commenceti operattofla near the source o! tle river ant iyl vomit seutl le St. Charles. STRUCK BY TRAIN, DIES Of PNEU14ONIÀ W.illiam Santiman, ageti tony, a res3 ident of Palatine.,tiied ta the Palatine hospitai on Novembor tventy-fourtb. as a rosult of pneumonia vhich he contracteti prior te a serious accident viten he was struck by an engine on the Elgin. Joliet and Easterni ratîroati near Barrington on Nevember elghti. It vas beltoveti thal Saridman hidta good chance for rocovery op 10 the time h. developeti pneumonia. FREED ON CIJARG OF SLAYINGi RAILz ROAD DETECTIVE Harold 0. Brandt freed in cir- cuit court Saturday night jury out 3 hours Ater a delilieration las! ing rive hours a jury in circuit court Saturtiay niglit at elghl o'clock returned a ver- dict orf net guilty aat Har- oldi Brandit of Chticago whe vas on trial on a charge of murdering Maurice Leahy, a delective ini tle eru- ploy of the Chicago and Nortîvesterri ratîroati. The siaytng teck place on the nugît cf July 23. Accerding te the evidence brougît out Brandit anti an acquaintance. Hem- bert McCarmmend, aise of Chicago, were heating tbeir vay te Wisconsin on a treight train. They vere look- ing fer vork, St least lIat vas the contention of Brandt, vho vas repre- sented by Atty. R. J. tiady. le knev what tley ver, doing. In an ante-mcrtem tatement tle detective saiti the tva men were tampering witit lt Iack on a freight car dean. According hon Leahy's sîstemont, bMc- The train stappeti aI Blodgett sta- tion near Deertield andi bath young ifien get off. At &bis junctune Leahy appeared on tle acene anti densandeti Cammonti ireti and tired ti hlm. the shot taking effect in the stomacit. Leahy titen grappleti vitit McCam. mnond and saidt iat in tbe course cf the ericouniter le receiveti a blov an the heati from Brandt's revolver. He fi- nially itroke ]ase anti openeti tire itlt bis ovri revolver. Pive ahots lit Mc- Camnionti. causing lis deatî. Brantt ta clargeti vith lavlng -taken lu lia heeis. Leaby waa removedt th îe Highliandi Park hospilal where h. tii.d. Brandt vas apprelendeti at bis homle la Chi- cago. Brandit toak tle vititess stand anti tienieti Iaving participatoti in thte en- counter vhicit resuled InlaLoahy's dealfi. He testifioti that Leahy fireti te first alot. He maya le thougît Leahy vas a labo andi ran to, sgve lis ov'n akin. Be tienieti pasitiveiy thatt le stuck the detective on te beasit or lIat h. Inucheti him in any vay. Evidence vas put an by the. tefenset te0 show lIat Leahy vas a large pover-c fui mari anti- te reputatian ta Chticago et boing a bru.ise'r. Many vitnessea vere put an lte stand te provo ltat Brandt posseaseti a geaticharacter. RESIDENT 0f CO. 60 YRS. DIES ON 89TH1 BIRTIIDAY Gottlieb Heimervinger dies in San Diego, Cal.; formnerlY of Barrington WVord lias -just been reveieto the deatit on Novemiter '23, ai ies home, 3014 Grace atreel. San Diego, Calit.. et Goltiiebli timersinger, a formter resdt lrrofLlake eoutysfor sixly years. i-ils det'bhî ecdrreti cti ies 891thbirîiîday. ForItie lasItlîhree y-.aîa Mm flet- mervinger iîaîimarie ii.-homnt t Sati t)iegtI Foi- three seore ci yvars prieott hatlfie ladt lived in1 tar- ringtori, lAke county, vlere for forty years lie conductetia anlmes 11 il. îie gave trii.lils htaness makitia bus- incs tvnty ycars ato. Sleri lie teal1- izeri taI it voTidt rie long tbefore tile auttomoilte -stitît i .klacetli hose. Mr.Ieitrsite aisa tievît etî, as îiabibt,îin1 îîelitics. For r tVhier 1.50 oi-tlire. telrnis liec heIn time office of village 1trus t eof .tlarringtlen Ie aIse wg ,14asessor . ot tivr iet ofCula anti vas a tiemecrateiritige et etection for twenty-eight years. , Besides lits wldev. Mmi. Kunigunda Heintervinger, le leaves tva sons: -edwgrd J. Heimervinger, casher et tle Uninzr National tlank et Sýari Diego, anti Charles Hoimervinger o! Menominee,, Miel., passenger agent for the-Chicage anti North Western rail roati. GRAIN IS IIELD IN FARM liOE WANT MORE!M Sitertîf Elnier1,Green and hie- dol ly. Elvin ..Grittin. ver. nufled Dleep Lake Suriday evenlng. il t qg .s thtuaIurglars vos- fl~t off ilis futnittinge of tle aM î-ît l ige on the Peacack -esiate, oit- eeisî haîîk a! DeeD L.ake. lrMd ;A sh mulook.- aiter tîleenciOk #PlO ty, ht'i sî restdos on anothr- pa ot thié ntales reporleti ohe ad ma litlit. ti'lite cottage and tin Iletl ty, The ottirdîs iMade a thoough seffr cf the cottage atnd trampedth îe Wood wurrooriding iit but toundi no on.AI parentiy noîhitîtb inte ccttage been îittii.ed. ý%qas aslemai, lDaniel Gmlpît. resenling TrIme. Lots & Ce.,. 184 I prospects salie eld eut a IOns MM lut firialIY chosculthe desl. u»d to- in sReanner, é2 Yenre O Ema. . tinshp.w. 6R, lotit0 get a niarriakze. hteenso LU WaUkf 4. iL Lake County'-s Big, Weekly Q.hdmemMOetsmoeWki n GoutyCo.biad WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN IL i 1 Somne farmers are disposimg of it but tho 'se able are holding on Fartets klo are not compelbehtï t liquidaie are riot putting corn an t ni arketý Tiiere ta a feeling that 04 grain Otartýalaonot gel ln mbol ssorse condition than they are-fla" in. andi Ihal there ta more prohbad iJ s of inmproventent. Neittier is theîs any satl ng tende* Fy tost.rin ..-armas*it feedlers,. .tin 0 sortie localtitbui ifarniers a-, a inclirietito turm tiiels 1cornini b!4be l aujPork in greateq quantiteestitisnlias been preduceti bl thhintin r.ncPnt Ycat a Pa t.. R dgcr ton . .\line- farz a" ise mc l! i,)ulîpt the Wa t. r Pla n so fa r its !ilsos.n intereat ar.>ý conertied, and i tsa cieap cart wIil!b lic te.bcaile on lîls lndlam ftarini "lt itut. soulewiere tintitis ml» lot ili- the farmner is 00W expeariene ing rn.vylic a.blessrmg .n dilsgulte,5 saiti %Il. Edgcî Ion. Itlray bnlgo about more dis er.iltJet fat-ming an4 cause the farruer te save himself LWe do liasve more diversifled iteM ests here titan are found oin fari dosto thru central Illinois. Titeel lthey have lieit itependingyrpori t"e grain crops year afler year ta pfl thetr lnteresîs and te make tbh profits. Atnd. during lthe Ist 10 yos.fl il bas been îprofitable. Now vo liv - overîIroduetionricorn, and eiM grain was raised i aIheavy iqps. Tli farnter who lias imogs andi cattle hahý chance. but the othter mari hazsat Indications are that th. farmer fl gottug 10 dig tri"and stay iumq freight rates, cota prices. abo. pié steel Prices and tiller prie..' back on a les ci vith prio.. «1cU producîs. H-e cao furnshe. tg table vîit t three goati moiaj day lrom lis cellar and barnar andi wail, ttil lthere ta a better e» cihange salue on itis îtroducts.' 't that respect ltc la in better pSumd, than the cisman vIa ta waittaÉ M Ilhe farmer o sturt tinga Mo-Ti CO-EDS' CHARGES OUST PROFESSOR. AT LAKE FORI3SI Dr. Burnat, instructor of, hW, tory at college 30 years,la out of ajob Dr. WViiam L. HurnaI, for qffl than tbirty years a professer cf M tory lit Lake Forest University, te longer affiliatet i wth that lnatitutide- Yestertiay lis classes wer. confWd hy a succemsor. chosen by the cur* cuium committe. Abrupt relirement o! the veteiio pedagogue. who te amore titala 4 years olti and univorsaliy =ow among the alumni of the achool, lova* an Official facuity invnattetj lnstilrîted upon format compiaista four young vomen students. "Tactless famt 'liarity," vas t1W mariner in vhlith the Rev. A.M Zenos, a member of the outior00 trustes. dlaraqtortzedthet .con4ug&, vhich preeipitatedtheti.realinattoll the protessor. "lT la a Tory delicato Situtio.* sait Dr. Zenoa last night. '*Thi. »- fesser te mentaliy anti physicaliy0 andi simpis. ha t t take a rest. "wu* vere several complaintle cf t9et8b fsmiliarlty on the part oftih. proNé: sor tln lis clasrooms." The compIýints. vere suimtedt% tle faculiy on i"riday. Tii. pr««WfOVp resignation tolloweti BURGiLAR SCARE, AT DEEP LAdM LIBEffrALLE L.AKE COUNTY, BIMIS, MWAY, DECEMBER 1, 192 1. SI.50 PFR MAR IN à 1 ai p