Clothingand Men 's 'Made In A Sale se? Than'Manfatrers' Cost These sensational purchases are, now here and combined with our own tiperb stocks are placed on sale Saturday, December 3rd,> at'f ar below usual holesale-egsts. T he variety of styles is so great you are sure to fffid the Suit r Overcoaf you want. You neyer saw suclh values before-you may neyer see hemnaain. 'JERY OVERCOAT, EVERY SUIT> IS BRAND NEW; NO LEFT-OVERS OR STOCK ACCUMULATIONS HERE. vercoats Sand Quaity mits With 1 or Pair of Pantsi 'se Suits are in l'le wanted les for youîîg men and the ir fcllowvs too. -Thley 're [tt you'h! be prouîd to wear. are beintifully failored wsplendid fabries and the trns and shades are just it you want. Both silgle and ible breasted modelsamar in- Oed. Many have 2 pairs of Iackinaws9 combinations and6 9 n'B. Think of it onily9 e 1.n These Saviig SHO911ES .of the "bes t al af.- re on English and -high toe lests, We1t soles and rubber heels. Spien- ~hos. $3.45 SSIUOES -Extra high eut. Fine ini 2-buekie style and have dou- les$ .8 ghoes ...........- ........ -$ 8 SCROOL SHOES, LITTLE MENS BSROU *Bd tan. Bat- :lu black and tan wthi, hibtoe lut&. or wttout rubber hoeel. Iii"I 510 O13 are the 'civ smart'st built. The c bî q Overeuat caluîe vou'vc sueliin îuanyiv r. T' Vire thie prodimt of the lest deugir<s and taiors ini thé eoîitry anîd îhev show Ilicir Ce1w-Zivi e Vý Eue. Th e qslpndid % Us auîd include thoe ENBg Jlîskx- Bolers w ill extra %m~la~ Thure aie limity of alli h 1pIîîitar shades.- Suits With 1 or 2 Pairs of Pants These Suit s are the ve' ecaî of tlie Fail and Wi -nter lincs. Tbev're the hast word infiI-yrbie, tailoriîîg and design. There are models for fail Mnen, short men, lean nmen and fat ilcai. Jii't the Suits thec parficular mnan is hooking for at inueli hss than lie expeeted to pay. MEN'S PANTS MEN'S PANTS OVERALLS 2i95 . 4,98' k1.0 Strong work or difss pants Excellent all wool parits of Our fanious $2.00 Oiti.,jla or of good worsieds In vaî oug pat- splendild fabrics Including serg- ace.Eer nk nûuai. terni and stripes. Ail Fizes.- es. They're In attractive pat- alesEvrmnkowte. Compare the vaiues terns and ail aizes. You gave hait. SWEATERS .SWEATERS àMen's popular Jersey Sweaters in all llcavy ffll-wool Jumibo knit Sweaters ini cohors. Fancy effccts. They corne in all variotis colors atid ail sizes. A real Sen- sizes and are very special $1.69 sation for this sale $ 9 ate _ .... ........... ............ at ...__........... .. ....... 5 9 -. ~ sy and MENS FIi3ER SILK SOCES in ail the want- ed colora and ail sîzes. special ........... ..........................35 NEFS RATS Gond, stylisit Mats ln soft and st 1tt blocks. Ail %atdshap" , 19 and colore ...-19 MENS SWAGGER NEW RATS of 'xcêp1ionai qti altty.- Sifsi ad stirf blocks and ail hapes. 34 ard 4coorq . 34 MENS WINTER CAPS in ai trartl e oi'and -.a:,____1.39q M.3ENS SIIIRTS AND DRAWERS- Pleece- Ilnd ad ottn ibbd.Very warm and priced Lt each .................7c MeNS SHIRTS AND DRAWERS of aIl. Won]. Tihe wanted wInier weighte.1 Great bargains ai .....................2 BIENS UNION 9UITS-Al wool gai-mente, Weil moeiail good weighte, At ........................... ..... 2 4 MENS COTTON SOCKS-Good quality it varions colora And ail sie.. et pair .............................. 12c Suits and Overcoats $ From America's Master.Designers These Wonderful Overcoats ga - ASII k.- nany thé you bing 738 85c .d.95 1.65 3.85 5.85 1.95 7.45 9.85, 3.15 faulv. 5.65 '4.75 '6.85 ;2..95 IT Supply Your- Furnishing Needs Now MENS DRESS SHIRTS In neglige, and MEN-S UNION SUITS of heavy fine ribbed MEN'S. WOOL SOCKS - Very heaiy collar attacbed styles. Attractive f~ cotton. Alil sze0 warm. A wonderful bargain new patterns ............................... 5C Very tpecial et .............................8C 1eti......................................... MEN'S DRESS SHIIRTS of exceptionally fine Madrasad Percales. Handsome de- *MENS FLANNEL SHIRTS la blue, an4 gray. Exellent quality and aIl sires.19 M4ENS WORKC SHIRTS of very good quailtv. T$rgua 1 value, c SILK FOUR-IN-IlANb TIES la a laudmm arriY of patterns and colore.- oC .-.....--.... ........ .. " C MENS ALL SILK II055 la a wide Color range and ai sizes. See theni at............................. MENS CANVAS GLOVE- wth kni tt.d wrist. Yo'Il rect)gniz, the. bargainlo at pair ............................. ... ...u MEN'S GAUNTLET GLOVES wit lieatiipr palm. A fuature of the. sale le4mm 11-li;:*à . 1. ----- --------- 9 1 -- ................................ ........................ - - - - - 1 OF C.LOTHI