Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Dec 1921, p. 2

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THE LIBERTYVILE INDEPENDENT. THURSL)AY. DECEMER 1, 192 1. _____________________ CULMINÀTES IN, WEDDJNG NOV. 26 *èu Alice Aletha White, of Orayslake, becomes bride of Asa B. Groves Tehome o! M r. and lire. David G. 4elto at Cnylske vas thea cn It &pretty wsdding lest Saturdsy, their eldest daugtter Alice LAis vwas manied to Asa 13. Grovea Id'adbmo. Wsconsin, Dr. Chidlester ýSim*effl, officlating. eirnâediate relatives sud ivo rtbree out oftowu Irienda vere AfMis. Groves la vieIl knwulu Lib. OdjDVle,, snd ber marringe la the cul- mMulm t s !a romance hegiuuing ffe he vw" a student ai the Vni- Oqt fWlseonsin. ý-*. Gruvs..ei.a member où the QIVta-Cretney campany o! Madison. greaduste a! the tirst officer'. train- 10 Camp ai Fort Sheridan lie served la varWionslocalitiesa luFrance until »A *adiof bostillities. Returhing 10 ltIdon be visa placed Jb charge of 101sconsin cavalry sud contmiaaloued Mote», whicb post he iecently re- jIt. roves i.a àgraduate o! the tweraity o! Wiseouain sud a mema- bt et Phi Gamma Delta. The Tocung IlitaM wiii spend the vinter aet.Port bxtIMw, TeXass here the Groves Co. kWbusiness lnterests. About April M lr. and lira. Groves will be at NM* eo e ier lrlends. aI 404 North xOdOMtreet. lMadison. 'TMb bride's faiber le a member o! U *Liae County Board o! Revievi. Ibd!siught school lu North Chicago but yesr. bose 6.000000000000 I. GRATSLAKE e 800606000 006666000o s Sornuelius Wagner lsaspendlni short M«9" Irlth relative. ai Pond du 4II Win. »A lillred Lusk of Làbetyville WM1 Iat eek wlith ber graudmother, a . mlth. 9~LLB. Coulson o! Elkhorn, Wis., S e tai, lMr. and Mu'. J.'C. ~t veelr. meWllmlngton, vwho ban been '003 nS~ietUme ai the soldlsr's W» t lauflUe. vusted lu Grajslake të* dffl before entering upoS hie O ulsai Allen Dale Farrn, Lake ý Bdsme. Anale Darby, L. 0. HooS, Ai.P1lpMeade leIt Monday for iccaVlle, Fla., where tbey ~4. Mà is ai pwo'haaed tbe bowling &. M. Leslie spent t.he week at ber bome ne Morrie recelved a telegrant Waab«lungton. D. C.. lait Wednea- Woeulng ha Ibat be vasnsue- -%%"ldte for the local post- -ff b.uannot decided vben he ttek.charge. For the pIut twq bonthe office hbu paid asa.lary of! »SW vith " allovance o! 3700 for M& bine. ljs Du »mWagner, vho ila.atending &OU St DeKalb, spent Tbankoglving IdcMillen end Elviu Wight- Vm' home freim ChsinPalgn for veek end. A»cftobSer, Jr.. lse1the regular mommogr on the lime 10 lthe St. @plaot;- b. havlng been the lovest JOu for the coatracî. ,%et osaaday afternoon Miss Aie- àÏVhite sud Ams Groves of Madison, 01,ver. martled at the borne o! tbe ý e parents. Mn. sud Mr$. D. G. cm tý nWsterfield Placé. Dtails Il vO eddng yull be found lu anot- ý euhmn o! Ibis issue. FRONT CENIER o 0000 900 oo 000 0*0 0OS N ias Marie Fredenick spent the paseL s& vlth Miss Rosalie Wagner of buflo Grave. AiVa. Age. Dorfler la very il al nt ling. George Obeusuf and son. Ed. ÇGood Meals 50e ~WAUKEGAN, ILL mRED ORABBE AIJCTIONEERING iiltenc t -Oi i lt~.<l-t t vong SUnîta, nfIllet littt t.iughier ut Mr. a.nd tIrs. Jue Ilîobn(. o fWest Fiijont. Thte ew t *'%;l1a. nariicd Sietia Elizabeth. 11i-ý. Xike Obenauf entertaînsd lier brother. Ililt e lliî, tromn Sheboygan, Wis., o'.er the veek end. Mr. andMrs. Henry }ierbiss and lit- le daughter of Chicago are apeuding a few dasata the home of the former's sister, Mca. Baruey Amann. Adotph Oteaauf, viho is atteudiug a tracior echootlunChicago, sud Miss Loretta Hertel, 'sho is a student at Fair Oaks colege lu Waukegnn, spent the 'see kend aitheir homes here. lira. Minais Schneider sud son vis- lied relatives aud friands ln Wsconsin over Thsnltsgiviug. Laut Thursday eveuiug the alters aud pupils of St. Maa-y'asehool gave a surprise entertalument lu honor of the pastor, the Rsv. Father F. M. Bay. A large number nf the parîshioners were prest. who vicre pleased with the programn. Mucla credit la due the is- ters for their untiring affina lu make the affair a succese. Everynne present seemed to enjoy thas exercises, -mîlch ho the detiglit of both sialers sud.the Pupi te. lira. Henry Tekampe epeul ithe paat week lu Waukegau. Mn. 'and lira. Je Titus were necent iicHenry callers. The sistera of St. Marys achool spent Thanksgivlug witb the sistena ,of St. Manya 0of the Lake at Ares. 000000000000000000 0 NILLBURN' e 000000000000-000000 Rev. sud lins, S. Fonks, lils À. Fooksansd Alice Fook apent révérai daseiluChcago the pasi veek. Thé Ëey. Norman A.-Mililerd died Nov. 18 at bis home lu Long Beach, Cali!.. at tbe age of 94 yeans. The re- mains v-ste brougitt to Chicago sud but-led ai Rosebll Saturday, Nov. 26. Mn. sud Mn,. William Thom,, sud Mn. sud Mn,. Wil liancellis, nov living at Long Beach, aîiended the fueraI there. Rsv. liildned preached a51MllI- burnuabouttirty yena sago. Mies Bertha White o! Oak Park apent the paut vsek vitb the home folk@.. C. E. business meeting vilI be beld Friday evening ai the home o! Miss Alma Cannon. Miss Irene KIdd'nl Hinsilale, MI., vie- Ited front Weduesday until Suuday vitit ber parents. Miss Inez Pollock o! Chicago apsut1 the veek snd vitb ber suais, theJ Misses Watson. Mr.insd lin. D. M. White, Mn. sud lins. e. R. White sud childrnmaSe Tbankagivlug dinner vlth Dr. Jarnison and ftanlly. Mu'. and lins. W. B. Stewart expect to leave for St. Petesburg, Fîorids, lu tbe near future. J. B. Bonnier li. h11 su!ferng viîh erysipelas u la s ysîs. rTe Pather sud Son banquet beld isere Satnrday eveang van atteuded by about !onty. Martin C. Docker sud -son, sud W. 1-1. Harris o! Waukegan anud Dr. Jajulson of Millbun vers the speakers for the evsulug.- W. H. Harris of Waukegan gave an address at the moralng service vhlch van fine. Mr. sud lins. Justus Dépite o! Anti- och speul thewvesk sud vitb lMr. sud lins. Warren Hook.9 Thse children sud grndchildrsn-o! Mrt. sud lins. C. E. Deuman apeut1 aitIhe old home. 9 Ml'.. lzxie Stewart o! Gure sud1 li. nsd Mra. Horace Culver sud chul- dren o!flionavîlle vlcînity, apent ths Tbauk givlug holiday ai ths home of W. A. Bonner. 0000000 00000000000, 0 SAUGATUCK o 000000000000000 000i Aberi Dé lMeyer, Editor. Ar. lir. Schreck sud son mn- iored tn Milwiaukea Wedueaday ave- nueg.and returned Fnlday evening. R. E. Thomas vent o Chicago last Friday 10 attend the Iternational Live Stoch- Exposition. Mr. sud lirs-Reibtick and Lenoy' vis- lied Mr. aud lire. Hangkebrovi of Wau- kegan for Thankegîs ing dinner. Andrew Wtaman bias returned Io lus1 home in Grand Rapida. Ilicti. Catherine Rhiode sisited lhec alater. Anus, lu Waukegan Thut-aday sud PEu day. Mr.insd ira. Mack snterîained com- pauy-Thursday sud Suniday. Shirley Thomas vent in ('bicago vitb ber sunt. lita. May-, Saiorday. li. nsdlirs. Thomas sud fsmîly sn- joyed a iurkey dinner aI Mn. Simpsona home in Wsukegan euuday. Audrev sud boulsVan MasSeansd Victor sud Leo De Meyer vers perfeci lu spelling for the week., Scbool vas ctoseil a week because -o! lilsBeckwitha sors Ibroat. FOOTBALL PLAY- ERS LOSE CLOTIIES The Mofiti Park football leant of! Waukega dîd ni bhave s very pIes- sut lime ai Kenosha Suuday. Not onlk diII hey lose by the score ofr 21-7, but vbeu tbey neiuned to thej Lincols Park clubbouss Ihey touudà ihai severai articles cf clotbiug bad dlsappearsd. David Fukelateîn I. minus a uev pair o!' shees Ihat set, hlm bacS $10. William Smih and ' "Wbiley" Gavin eacb losi a silS shirt and Chai. Webb bal an expeusive Pair of gloves stoici. The playens vho lost clothiug bad te ireturu to WaMkegan lu their football toga. a TORE DOWN MAIL BOX, CIIAR«E, iAS NE16UIBRNABBED Chas. W. Crispin released un- der bond on charges of man named Cabtree Chas. W, Cispin, 2100 Ezekiel ave- nue. Zion, was arested Saturday ou a vannant for removîng a mai] box, the ProPerty o! a man narned Crab- Ires. Crispin is an Indepeudent. Crahires i. a member o! the Zion chut-ch. Ou Thanksgiving day, Crab- Ires erected a mail box on the corner lu front of Crispin's residence. There, are nîber mail boxes on that corner,' il i a ald. but Crispin objected to Crabirees. box. He lots the box dowu sud siruck Crabtree ou tbe eye, Il le chàrged. Crabtree retallaled aud Crispen Iss aad 10 have Soi the worst o! the deal. Ou Saturday af- lenonon Crahîres again Put is mail box up, but Criaplo agaiu pulled lî dovu. Crabtree swore oui a warrant for Crispin', arresî sud tic vas taken io the Police station, vhene bond, vers fixed sud bIs case set for hearng st an sariy date. 0 MONAVILLE o 000000O0000 0000OS00 0 lits. E. A. HonI sud lins. H. J. Rost vers lu Chicago on business one day last veek. L. J. Tveed, S. Barustable and Bsrt Galiger vers Antioch callers receuily. Donotby- Hanson vlsited Frances Tweed and Doris Barnustable last-Sun- day.' Mn.. Thomas licCaun o! Gure sud Mn.. Nets Olsen sud cblîdren o! Wau- kegan visited ai the B. V. Galîger home frorn Thursday until Sunday. Mn. sud Mrs. F. Celipînga o! Chicago vleited a1 the J. Billings home asat, Thureday. Walter Douglas, vito la attending L,ake Forest college, spent s fev days lest veeS vt bis parents.k Art Atvel. van fortunate suough toi catch a fox lait veek. Ws have sesu a number o!ftem lu Our viciuity te1 pani fev weeks. OCHOOL NOTES We bal a vacation Thursday asud Prlday tant veek to celebrate TitanS.-t ilving. We are having nevieva this veek. Some of lte Ibinga vs are !ludiug out are surefy vondenful. Jantessasys lMagellan van boru in C Boston. Some else Ibinka Ibsi IV would1 b. u'stêer a bard jobi 10 carry the eartb especiaîly vben Il la more than tbree-1 fourlts valer.t Mary Galiger i. vearng s nov paira o! glas"e$. Charlea Blllangi vw»absent Mondayo o! lait veek.t 06000000000000000t 0 HALF DAT ,ê 000000000000000000 The play last Ssturdsy uigbt vas vaîl attened sud everybody proclaim-'- aI that Il van weU vorth the mouey vhich tbey dîspensell. The funny part of it is tb4t soute o! them vaut It pîsyed over agaiu, or another equallyt as gool. Ours muai b. a very pîsyful1 communlty. The foks neyer get tireil o! gond moral pîsys. Anyvay. it vas s fine success, 1the players aIl dld vine. barning nous, sud realized $42.16 net, vhlch vas tunnel over 10 te cburch building !uud. And everybody ila happy. Lagt Priday a veak ago the ladiles of the W. C. T. U. vlsiiad the Couuty fat-m sud delîvered sanme caudy sud1 delicacies 10 the reaideuts, vhicb iheyf celIahed ver>' mucti. sud val-y Ibankful for. The ladies vers much tleasedl newy chut-ch. They are uaing the best mat ei-al'there às for both inside andi out, which wilil n crack sud la guar- anteed 10 atand the test. Mfr. Cash- m'ore is an expert in tItis hune 0f work, and a fine Job la as.,ured. Thanks to our Creator for the mIld veather, we expect to have the building comPleted hy New Year. Boy Scouts meet iSsturday aftennoon at 2 oclock. Sunday itchool aI 10:30 a. M. Bye- nlng services at 8 o'clock. Subject "The Llght of the Wold." 0o- HA-LF DAY SOHOOL NOTES Hot lunch vas firsi served at Our iBchool -Monday. Nov. 141h, wlth two of the elgbth grade girls as cooks. The cocos vas fine. Mamie Bock vas absent irom achool Monday. On Frlday afierpoon we have"Br Study." We draw and study the bird.. Some very gond wonk has been doue lu the drawIng of bird.. We are Preparing for the first ex- amination week wbich vlU soon be here. 000000000000000e000 o WAUCONDA e 0000665000S04900090 John Murphy of Chicago sp-sut Sun- day vlîh bis lamity bers. li. nsd Mmn. Walter Mieyer sud their daugbîer of Caryý, viited Wauconda friends Tuesday. Mi'. andit.Mn.. H. J. Scbaffer aud son o! Mclienry, sîtended a dinuen Partcy Thauksgiviug day aI the home oi li. nsd Mm.. Henry Geany ia Grays Lake, sud 1lu the avening al vent to the theater lu Waukesgau. li. nsd lir. Ctarence Daiey sud daugbter mnov.f'o G-ifmer Sïturdsy.- Reed Geary o! Kenosha la speuding the visek atthe borne ol bis moîher, lira. Alice Gery. lins. Loreta Seymour, lins. William Clark spent Thaksgiviug vit.h Cbi- cago relatives. Misa Nettte, Murray apent the veel< sud at home bers. ýA change lu the afternoon train schedule vent imb effeci 4onday, the alternoon train nov lsaving at 2:30, inatead o! 4:45. At a meeting of exec- utive comniltîe Mouday, Manager Putannas iuatructed to have a uev body built for the b!g gan car aud 10 ltrchae a. ev Fond motor for te w4ite gai car. This practlcally as- sures the imorning min durng thb. vin- ter montia., sud ilI mesu much belter service next aummer. <Ton Laie for Last We.) Mn. and Mrn. Walter Meyer sud daugitter of Cary speni lioaday wItb Wauconda friemds. Edgar Greei 1ert Monday for St. PetersbuargIma., vhere b. vilI spend the vinter at t.he borne o! bis uncle. sud suai. Mu'. sud Mma.FrakPearson. li. nudlins. Ray MurphYsud Su o! Gary, Ind., spent the week sud ai ýthe home o!ftseformer's Parents. Mn. aud lira. D. H. MurPhy. Henry MliauSr., Is visiting rela- tive, lu Chicago sud Waukegan ibis veek. At the annunal meeting of MizPah No. 142, liystic Wankena o! the World, held aItse Mysiic bal, taefol- lovlng vers elected as officers for the euulg year: Ptrefect. John J. Brovu; Monitor.. Mn.. Alice BaseieY; Secre- tany, H. E. lisiman; Bauker. R. C. Kent; liarehal, J. E. Ganter; Warder. lias Kathryn Mess; Sentinel. Jantes Cant- Fay; Manage-,. J. M. Fnller, J. P. Blanck sud M. W. Hughes. The su- muni installation.sud banquet vilI be beld WedneadaY, Deýc. 7th, sud sacb memben may invite s guest. Work on the cernent noad bas been called off Ibis year, sud Contractor Nelson bas strsd bis toolsansd ma- cbinery, îakiug bis bomes. 10 Union for ths vinter. The complstad atreet tis nov openl. with conditions sud aurroundlngs at,*0 00 0 0OO0 0 0 00 our counîy Ian!. 1 ' FOX LAKE 0 lins. J. G. Cook iu'îlted liter Ounday 000000000000000000 Schooi ciase to ber home Weduesday Stewart Schultz, Edito,ý. asat week for a sort o! informaI nevievi School closed Tluursdsy sud Frîday on tb.' tife o! Paul. Miss Auna Gerberit ftihe usuai Thauksgtvlng vacation. anld C. J. Harschbcrgen reçeived the The -wîgbîng-sud measultniiççatea lirizas. afier vibichthe aveniug vaslissebt-en ttaced lu our acliooî by the speni piaying samies, sud averyonc boai;L o! education. tda Joity gond lIme. About leven J - stIen -Nagle vise absei4i Mouday, o'clock a flue luncheon vas senvel, det iiea whicli vould be a credit 10 sîmosi any T' hîao visiiols IonrlIse PaSi "Cook." Wbsu are you goîng ta hava week vere: Mn. anîl Mns.. Howard, the next exantlnatin, leachen? Mr.l and i Mcx Boyasu sand daughter, The Camp Fine Grls vers enigrtain- tlin,. J.. Buts, lira. É. G. Weau, Liîîiàn aI vuti a panty ai the home of' lilas Kazlanki, Earl, Rushmrr, Sr, Pari Blanche sud Florence Shulan ou lani Rustimore. Jr.. E. Otlen, lins. J.P Tbun.sday nigbt. 1 auna, Edîtti Petenson, Mu'. sud Mns. Charles Kruger la baviug a garage A. Bulbbies, lns. G. P. Laudry sud sud machine shed erected on the Fred NlIrs. G. Kqctb, jr. Sebmooder !arm north o! lova. lin,-sud'lji-a. Langbeiu And family Miss Buflel suterialuad coxnpanY speut .Tbahîkegiving vith relatives lu oven Sunday. Kenosha,- C. J. Henschherger mails a business Isefling ver. perfect in s§Pell- trip te WaukesasIsat Wednesday in lng lasI t-k: LeslieRlggis, Lennea the intereat nf the chuncti matera. Bn inan Jîtî. Cuaker. Helen Tetour. The Paterson lamily entertinal A.:unainaLan sud Bertha Wiukler. cnmpsuy !nom Chicago- oven lIse veek_____ end. li. nsd lir. J. G. Conk ententanielU thse latter'. sister and husbsul !rom FL I F M TO The Suuday Schonl 'teachens vilI JAN TJN3 The Sunday -Sfchool, teachers vlll À IN OU meet at the home of lins. Glman nexi Satunday eveuing tu discusa tIse Pro- mtui s 8s y m' gramt for Çhristman.lfraioINýýi1db tt li. nsdlins. Bert Small aVe turke Atloi'ney Su ititin tIse ceuutY court' vt relatives aiI Des Plaines Thanks- lait Fnlday. l., igHretJus giîn.a lacemnaka i Zo in.vtb asssultlng gvnox ulayeeig i.coi i'Wllur Dahîtîtan, 1813 Hebron ave.- practrd fr 7 to8. the ch wllnue. Dahîma - j,- stIlI lu s crIttcai Cea- pratie fon 7 o . gte -,hibtelillon as, a Of ail e Is ick be re- Parent-Teachena -ili hove s meeting. çeiveil (ront joues snd for dayis to* )l.,Onthnore Sand bism <5!Wood- n nurunlbmeiit.Joues là oUt 0n-1a stock ane lard-at vork platerlng,-11e $2,000 bond. TRIED TO KILL' HlM CLAM, MN SERKS DIVORCE' Another charges husband is bigamist, seeks annulment of marniage Atuong a large number of divorce cases filIedisat veek lu circuit court vas that o! lÇdwiu Mal Tracy of Hlgh- lang Park, agaiust Vîrginia May Tracy, vhç, he charged, threatened to murder hlm. Me sîso dlaims that big vife 1s not a fit pensons to have tb. custody ot their Infant child. lins. Frances S. Pniebe e! Hlgb- vnod. formerty Frances -Creet, brougbt suit for annulmeut o! mar- ringe te Fred W. i'niebe, wbo she dlaims, vas already nssrrisd, sud tha1 his first 'sîfe la boule C. Alder- man Priebe, whom he married lu Adama county. Wl... Dec. 12, 1912. The alloged bigainous marniage took place ai Prairie Vlew. Aug. 5, 1919. lin. M@Igron Moore Ilied suit for di- vorce front' Joseph Miarshall lionne, ckarging cruelty, sud daimas that on June 20, be struck ber sud knocked ber down. Mins. Moore formenly vas a stenographer at the iaw offce o! Martin C. Decker1 sud ber husband lnas cook at Great Laites. They were maried-ivo ysars ago. o 0 DEERFIELD o o S0000000000ooo 000 linrs. Baiter sud ivo sons.,lilas Con- rad sud Peter Ferry o! Chicago sud lit-,asd lins. Ferry vers the guesîs o! lira. Edvard Becknsu .on Thanksgivlug. Rev. Stewart, paston of Christ clnurcb o! Chicago, exxchsuged pulpits vîtti the Rev. lin. Thomas of the Pnesby. tenian chuncti. lasi Sunday. Dr. lionne, president ar the Lake Forest University, preached lu the Preabyterian church Suuday eveuing. lins.. W. Clark sud ber daugbtec Lois atteudel a concert ai the Art lu- suinute Iu Chicago Sundny afiernon. Misas Elizabeth Knuz o! Chicago vas the gueat of!lber nieoe, lim. E. H. Slg, Thursday. Mns. E. BleimebI sud son. Robent. wer. the guestés o!li. nsd lin. tg. P. Hutchion o! Irving Park. Frlday. .. George Kancti, Su'.,ý spent Sunday vit relatives lu Milwvaukee. Mu'. sud Mu'. Pbhlp Scully epent the lnut o! the veek vith relatives iu nothera. Iowa. lim. George Oct esuîertained t ha Young liatrona' Club Wednesdsy sft- Mn. sud Mn.. Edvard Brenuen sud son are laklng a trip to Seat le. Waab. They vill stop severat day, ai Spok- ane, vhere Mn. Brenuen li. in ha a it- mens lun aralîroad levsui. Mns. L. D. Kellogg le! i Weduesday for Minneapolis, vhsne she viti visit ber mothen. The directonut o! our achooi bave se- cursd lilas Cochfie.1d,.gf thse Academy, o! Fine Arta, Chicago, to imainuci the achool ilîdren onusday in eacb yack lu art. lins. R. M. bord o! Raveusviood was the guesi o! hanr sisier, lirs. Emil Fred- erick, Fu'lday. Miss -E. Gertrude White, wbo bas beau a teacher lu the Evanston sehoot for 25 years sud us chairman o! the Amraiconization committea. vilI ha the spesaker ai the P. T. A. meeting to ha hll ai the achool Friday aflernoon Dacambar Pib. The Ladies Aid o! St. Paut's Luth- cran chut-eh vîll meet vitti lra. E. H Wiliman Thursday, Dec. 1. lira. R. M. Voa sd lis Laura Muhîke 's-ra the guesta o!rlira. G-eo. Bt-sud o! Higbtsud Park Tuesday. Mn.. Louifi Osterman of Chicago sis- ied Mn. and Ire. E. H. Willmau oser tlue veek end, lic sud Mca. R. M. Vaut en'ertained atghte.-n peotip -Tbanksgtsîing day. TIie oui o! towu guesis were Mr. and lirs, L. 0. Brockws> - iusEva Witmot, Mtiss Cilcra Raves aud b-vis Thackar. o! Waukegan. Mr. sud Mils. George Petifs. c.and lits. Edwin-Johunson, Waireu Il'ail andIMitss Alice Fart-arpslent Thauk,- giviug vitti ,he Arthur 1.ikinsou tain ily, o! Jafferse.n Misa Faith fteiche-t-,-Wtio i sattend- iug ths North Western L'niversiiy, vii,- Ited at home over Lt ek ch -nd. Misses Sosie Easton. sud Eht'anor lieyer, who are heaehing at Harvey, vere i-be guesîs o!f Mr. sud'lits. Ina Gardner Thauksgivlug. ',- Albert Anieso! Highland Park vas csllng on i. fieul Saturday. . A numnben of oun ladies, atteAded the bazaan given by the Aid o! the Shen- mierville Lutheran cbunch Friday ave- nîng. lir. E. C. Becker sîténded the con- cent given at Libentyville Squuday ave- niug. Tbsuksgivlug lins. Julia H. Pelenson sud chlldren w.teuded hs a nnual ne- uniop o!ftseHutcbings famlly, vbicb vas held lu the I. 0. O. F. hall et Waukegaa.. ,Mn. sud Mn.. Roscoe Wessîiug and laughton speul Thanksgivlng-vitb lin. sud lins. *Edgar WeBsllng at Shermer- ville. ' Morris Reicheli returuel Tuesdayt eveniug !rom bis trip east. He vas eue o fthe football plaYers o!-the Des.n field-Shields bigh achool. - 1 tNeXi Sunday uorulmg Rey. B. - ter, of *ibo Adanti treet cburcb* Schlcago, wl eachetthe Unitdd - Eangelical The Wo6meaWs Foreign Mssiouany e! th Evauttelical clourcli ilttm. ni 'v tZiS Mcan. Milton Fr,întz Tueadlay, 1>, c jt; II N -E D The C. E. of ths Evangelical (.hui,'f will hold the in.onthy busineFssin,.:1111A ing and social Friday * vening. AIE CLOSE ËN OF u The pastorexchaijgtd pulpîts tast R N E M T Sunday 'sitti pastor of Christ church,- Chicago, on account of it being the H. L. Burnette, of Mion, is a regular Cburch Extension exêhange u day. Friday evening of this week the cosin of future husband of Christian Endeavorers meet ai the Princess Mar home of Donald Easeton for 'heir reg-- ulai, montbly good tine together. They Two 1*8e cunty people are inter- are planning a trip to the Home of ested in the coenlng marriage of Prin. Dependent Childrtn Saturday after- cess Mary of' Zngland and the Vis- noon.' Dec. 17. couint Lasceli.& They are Harry The choir is gettiig the Christmas' Lescelles' Burnette and Harriet Las- caiata.La well under way. If there are celles, third cousine of t he future those Who contemplats joiuiug for thié huaband of the princess. They reslde It Ought to be at once. The cantata ai 2205 Enoch avenue. Zion. City-. wIll be given Tueéday evenlug preced- -r aselsBunte18fnn ing Christmas. -HryLselsBret afun The comrn±Utee 'hppointed by Ille clal expert for GrIswold & Walker Board of Trustees 10 secure plans for and restdes, whlle lu Chicago, at 721 the new church, has received soute N. La Salle _mtreet. lis .1.1er, 'sho very artlstlc aud beautlful plans. Il la still unes the fanîlyparne, la at prfs- hoped they' may he-sûbmittedto the eut living at the Prince Geêorge lintel cOMMu4lty scion. -In New York. The nexi Issue oi the Deenfleld Mes- Nr. Buruette also la a writer of seuger is expectod fromt the printers note. He ha. a new book, about to withlu a week or n. The editor fouud be pubIlshed. whlch lie terme "the it necessary to omnit the November fia novel of the yesr. Hils sister in ar. sue because o! the lack of timte t amateur Phiotographer aud botaulat. edit the paper. Time seeme t0 be at She came intothe11wllmellght lu 1902 a premium for mont of us these days. when site ia. lost in a storm lu ttw)ý As Ibfs goes to the prtntzer. the Doi'- Colorado mountaina. cas Society la worlilng bard for the "Do You lnteud 10 go to the viei- annul bzaa tobe hld hurdaydIng?" Mr. 1Brunette watt asked last aunul hisa tobe eldThuada nlght. -l don't suppose 1 vilti blinl evenfing o! this wetk. Great credit la vîîed," he replied, 'sud donit thlnk due Mm. George Pettis and ber -co-1 wouldj go If 1 viere." workers for thair sacrîflelua spirit dur- Mr. Burnette admit. tha; i wii!p lie ing the pazt year. If î ias ont for Js a member of the arIstocratic itrit- ,he Dorcas ISociety oui church would ish famlly (the Earl of Harewoold be ]u., aud the l.abscellem of Yorkshire belng Itemember the îi.oruing aud e.-ýniug hi. kinsmen) hp' canes notbing for service@ the comlng w's.Eau t s kt(-Ie socieir. the ood ork p. M brother. John H. Lanceltes o! the ood ork p.Buffalo. probably 'sut go abroad foi the weldding.%IMr. turnetta isaldl. lie 000000000000000000 bas kept lu dloser touch witth i, faluîly than 1 have." 0 W 1 L 1- A M S 0 John H. Laacolles la chairman of 000000000040009000 othe board tif dîroctors of the Marine Bank o! Buffalo. Miss Esther Morlock bas beeu et And as for the litt1e BDurettes, home a week on accoui of a case, ni theY seemutilnspired by théc fact tbey scarlet fever lu the district viher'- she are 10 be nieces co! PrInce»g Mary. teaches. Mrs. Burnette'takes the sames ati- 1Alice Smith vise absent <vin (laye ou tude. accoui Of visitug 'sullib bnr51.1er.___________________ dnr. Thomas Albrectit. Some receut vietors al. our, achool viere: Dorotby Leable. Mildred Young Miss Louise Schroll. f'rinclPal Goudy W ooUA .9cboel. C6icago; NMiFs Helen Mayel, Mise Elsa MaYer. Mies Anua Gruber. C: Mnr. liazel Leable and Francis Lea]ble. sw Wt, are enjoyiug our Reading Circle books very muci, and on Frlay ier- o Afl nns vs are going 10 gîve oral ne. cm aSa. m&," Ports On books vie have rend. 1i.SaU..». iSMa The eightb grade puplsB are painting ___~ bIrd pîctures tor ilîcir Nature Study Y.L ELDRI . I>.. boolare making arrangements 10 pur- _"'~' ALDRUGO ISIlS chs.e a flag fur our echools. ~ EVERYWHERE Back To Pre-War Pices. 0At "tin ie everyom. modd do à* " ulm out »W a i n"gimg picu to auoM"aIIrl. ImoetryImod&oMybit M PICES ON, GUAIANTEE DENT&RY FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS AS FOLLOWS: Gold Crowns, 22 K Seamlesm............... ............. -- 3-- .5.0< and $6.00 Porelan rowis PiotTeetb. True Bite Moulds -----...... .......15.00D PorclainFillngs.... ............$2.00 ta 36.00 (Will ni change color) Gold Inlays or, Fillingg, according 10 size..------.......... ......3 00 aç Plates that 1 guaraule You can est corn off the cob...... $15.00 up î (According iD materlal) Treatment, nerve kilted and ot f illed _........... $200 And remembtr. 1 vilîl nt urt you. 1 use Medicine fit-at that takea away the pain. THESE PRICES ARE FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. Dr. F. E. CORLJSS 13 Washington St Over the Thomas Market Co. WAUKEGAN, ILL. " JIM'S"9. Au4to Rpair Shop W HEN in need of Automobile Re- pairîng try us. if you want the best. N>w, located in ibe Durand Building on South Milwaukee Avenue. James.B, Wetmùore Res., Telephone 364-J LBR YVLE L 1Shop Telephone 367LBE T V LIL 1,AlfflAN IWNOE TRIAL .EL -Admits she 000 pool del Orlando, Fl W. Clarke, fi West Palm B .dern lucone( PreditA. Mîttii bad approprie fonds to reps: the laies Jost sportsman. Elveli. wvi Nev York, ut stances, adva Clarke ,aid. i by Millinuone dnugged *ber mnot go loi di weli malter. ltimore v a local hôtel been reserved Tsaifying toc - aller she liait glasso!of ata dered. she be< bered uothing - in the romi. %fias Cl~arke' witîe i4ee as aitnvied tylivlb i-le coutil con, 0 000000 o LON 0000000 .%li sud lIc. trs Et Rejeler day ~ai ele' tinu Tonne. Ma.n) of the- Gmtv- ' ltt.ndt.d 'Of St.-iii-n Ke daugbiter.%lias Ralî,h Meyer brother. licClut Palatine bospi'. Robfert Kalkb an su iirrsit liev sud lire. lîrs. Richard tlii ' e.-k aud W~olffi.of>1 Ic i-, tiarrN Vribdeçt ut bhetpîng hus .tock. Mi-e .-us Long Gi-oie sp" -st Hofîmelet- I Misses Ehizai sud their suis 'sera' Long, Gm lins. 1Wtttiain fago soni.- jaî Then.- s.tun't thîe daur.' Wedi cotant of tte' ba( Arnold (lIl 'choot since ha The Poils hani ont- neigtîborboî We att tî.îd a short vacatin 000000010 0 AM ES Edltor-Wi The primar>- * tbuslastic abou making as a gît Christmas The sixtti. sevý made a ThankE shape o! a tut-k. Ruth Mieyer 'w Wednesclay. The seventt i lu the spetliîg also the aixth gi Eisie Gehnke1 last vsek. The primany c veek makihg ct ous kinda for Schvermaun. Miss Morlock cia.. at Mn. Sin urday. Venu Hail. LiI dervood. Benja Gehrke vers pe veek. Many of the 1 hond sttended Tueeday evenint able ta carry hc key or pig. Pst Ormoud b the lasi 1ev day o! E. L Unden', G-songe W. G-e an enjoyable Tbi the hôme o! Bd Miss Mildred 'veek end vitit Mxia Mîorlocli home of PhIlip 'Thankagtvilnsil George lispk. released fnom t L atine. S Frederlck Fr -pu'slty bird bout Venu Hall bai raes.tio ducks bitp th. s sion a -coou tn death quit.- a mark«s Mr. Mns .dnugbter. Irene, Barey AraUR Pleutle LAM

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