Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Dec 1921, p. 4

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THE LUBERTYVILEINDEPENENfTHURSAY. DECEMBEIR 1-,1921. ~oety[1k~independent, Ë:C"m-en"epnei- Waukegan Weeky Sun bj At the Poatoffice aetLiberty-vile, Ï1, as-Seconïd-C-ais Mail Matter. ISCR-PTION PRICE-.WO PR ER SRCL. ADVkNCEÛ. Office Telephons Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. P. &SMITM ,*H, - -- .. Editor e OMOTM ............. . . Manager M& . ONALLEY --------_-_-----.-.-- Local Manager or> tiâtilite lndimenÜ are good in IALL LAWYFRSev'ery îariieular andl Ibat ithe tate la re .il foi trial. It was said Iliat ex- ii 1 tC eii'. c uiosLectiye iln f0 anbegru ai Wauikegan, pas- Invati( May stope RAID o e. ,i Ry claim interest statute is PLI Proceedings CATES STILL AND loy. Small's line of defence in the kbeslement and conapracy ras~es q oi ~aanst hjrn ai Waukegan is lrNiIjINE BOOZE bt tween the state and the deChreo onhàgbid h. Goy. Small'satatorneys are r Careotrens-,ig bid Éff to file witht States .ttoriey pigging and bootlegging, WtS*ler ai Springfleld flot later tban rt Flday terms of motions to ire may be preferred ~ed I Wul<ean.begnnin De. jSeveral gallons of bootch'andamoon- mie two snrmises as ta the pans of sbine stili vere seized, by the Wau- 1r80vernor's8 attotneYs were brought kegan police Saturday night sbortly *ard today. gvro' before eleven o'clock wbon they con- »lé of these In thatthie gvro' & WIl ask for further timP to pre- ducteil a raid on the bouse at 1330 e Irliminary motions of the de- Adamns stteet. Two people, a min andl 06. The reason la salit 10 be the a woman were pacel under errest. mitruction no' Gový Smali's bat- They Zave their rintes as foliows: Ji or N1wer.7"àumors had Il that SeeBtu,3 er l gofflona are in progress to obtain StvBtks30easi. WU ot"sde Illinois. If new lawyers The police bail been "tippeil off" 10,* loto »>O scase the defense wilI that the bouse In question was beng ve a î*itimat rasion for aslting fur. si o h auatrsl n Ir Ume ta ProPare 21.5 case. ue o h auatrsl n May laim Law la Bad. distribution through bootleggers of Èàe second suggestion lis that one moonshino *biskey. 4he dlaims-ta ho put up la Judge Tho stili wbich was faufil was of 0"zd Ia tbat the law gov.rnIng tho ordinary variety, conaistiD.8 of the Mt-Mo state fundë undre wbiclî large copper kettls andl con. Il Iras > ladictuients bave been returneil extremely cradoi. n Wbo@ntitiitional. In a large suit case the police faufil Mm of Gov. Small's frienils silid four 1gallon caesfull of bootch, Ini- kW tbat the success of aucb a dicatlng that this might be the mens àà before Juilge- Edwards would of bootlegging the liquor. Tboy ao I. ny furtber criminal îîroceed- founil two gallon botties, one funi and *la tii.'near future. the. other partly funl of moonuhIne whis- -State Sure of Ground. lcey. The liquor anl was removed ta àeteration came frtam the camp of the police station. The raid was con- ~pyfor the prasecution. tuai ducteil by Policeman Edward Mili .aaein proceeding upon the the- andI Thoma Mcmabon. \I "Oh, Mother,!I'm so Proud" Can't ycu hear Daughter .saying jusît tsat as she stroils down bMe avenue with her Dollie daintily resting in a carliage made ei like Baby Brothers? I's the sanie aId, aid story. The young mg for things just like the grown-up folks have. How often eve you head daughter say: - "Il vnt a carniage 'mat like Mother's." 'But you've neyer befo-re been able te fuI the wish. TRis year fi. q'portunity is yours, for Santa Claus has arrived at our store wMd a cargo cf Lloyd Loom Doli Carrnages Thbey are 'exact replicas of the f amous UoydBaby Carniages tâd are made under the same remarkable inventions wich cut lbor expenses so greatly that better merchandise is proctuced ,lus cost to evcrybody. THAT'S WHERETHE GREAT POWER 0F INVENTION COUNTS. &ibooth. endiess wickers cf the fineat texture now replace the marise, flat îeed of olden days. No longer wilI the sharp. pro- b«Ïng efids tear Dollie7s dreas or scratch Daughter's hands. :UidtY. beauty and service are combined in the new Uoyd line Nd at Prices far lower than other carrnages cf equal value. P'he -MY Futaiture and Pint store a mmMI, WOMMSDY AND FRIDAT NGHTS. Ns& .- IJiMetyde, Embu- IiinniA u a nnjiu' IIAIULJI ANDl>WHIIILr TrHAN KSGiVING DAY QAME Edward and H-ank Case>. s-ar'old I-as. On Tiîanksgi'.ing day L. T. H. S. crt. Christine Anderson, Esîhîeî "e1eam i-llers" adtiet anoilier eas>, Hotige and RaygloMd Goult, i, rginiri vicîory ta their long liet af canquesîs, Collins, Florence Lujce, Jean Schanck. when tboy îro.inced thre "speedy- 11 iîerub Neville. Vane Whecer, Rusell irorn Waadstock, the score being 520, Flagg. Many moCre siayeti St home The tva téams vere evenly matcheti who should bave hein ai thie aine. in w eigbt, but Wootistock iacked thre About 8:30 Thursday evening ihe pop wbicbh hlps to makté a Winning two teams gai totelirer again for one aggrega-,.lan. goati blowout on 'lie football field. Woadstock *on the tom. LJ.I. H.> Here witir a rusing fire, plenty af yoils kicked off., te bal vas returneil toanad songs tbey ai-ove away thre cald. tire 50 yard line. but ta10 oarail. Tfie Even captuieti Mr Tecti tran hib i-c&- ball went over. thie Maroons starteil a ular duty. After speeches. hot dags. a séries of fine plunges but wero finally ew var dances. thre entirusiastas marcir sioppei an Woadatack's 20 yard fine. upi taIn wvirrtire results can lio seen The-y tben punteti ou". Porteous run- an tbe vater tank. ning the ball back ta their 50 yardr This gamte onded a glorious football lino. The Maroma ver, lield once SeaSOn wbicha bas been thre moat auc-l more. Thon Woodstock iwiih wedge cestul one L. T. H. S. lias knawn. sbapeti sbift smashedt tru thee une loi The teani bas had lirne coachlng thiru- gain a.fter gain. aurtle season. Now ail together. boys. I 7inally they were stoppeti on Liber-:Ind girls, for ba>-e bliI ,yville's 25 yard line. Tbe. Tire bal went mver andi L. T. H. S. punted. The At last we bave 'lit return* from tire Woodtock man was downed on thei "Btter Speech" esarys Ail the siboal 45 yard. They triedt tva hakIe smash- Las taken pari in ibis cantest lvo tuat gs but fi was useleas and ibey were it masa ont ytbe vc-ry best ma.crial froni compelledti t punt. Tire reat of 'he the viiole school, e-hich bail any quarter was an excliange of punts, chance to win. 'r'ire Seniors are uer> with thé Waadatack puntor baving the praud o! tirir nrember,. Carlyf But- etige on Englebrochit. Seomîingîy an terfielti. who carrieti off tire tiret off day for 'Wallie." This quarter Wa prizo. Those wbo wei'e givon honor-1 untiabbtetily the beat fought quarter able mention were: Wilson Olendorf. of tire gaine. Score 0-0. f ront the Juios Myrte Htibbad, of! Wilhthebeginin o the ecod le Sopbo.r.ores. and Luchle Golding quathe T.g.innipng e seFond irom the Fresbmnen. Everyfine vis giad9 quaterL. . H S.opeed p. romwbon the essya eit completeti, butî tiren on tire Woadstock line withered il utire studentz hav'.,d,,rived a gréai bel'ore flire onslaugbt of the Maroons god tra iis conresi as ail bave ai backs andil inesmon andi witb a séries glesfrtanlmet sntoiie of Porteous' passes tre bal -as car- i'auîts in speech. Whbile it bas not rîed to Wootitocks 5 yard Une virere been an easy àask to write auch an Engiebrecbt vent mer for tire frst sateforbabenvymul toucbdovn. Liber.yYille began its on-asa>'. th effort bsurbtenaler>' muclq ru',shronce more. and witb Englebreclît. writîng Dot. 80 diflicur .1an undertaking Vocîver .uid Wigbtnian altorriating on1 in the future. smashes tirru the, pivot position an -. mier taeklé carrieti the hall inside thre OUR NATIONALIt-Y AT S-IAKE NW'oodstock 10 yard lino. 1"Wallie" vîiti As ter4pa one know,,. oui- language a terrifie smash au-or tackie covereIol a composite of Anglo Saxon. Liri ,lire nEedoil diffance for a second toucli anti French. Ilias beefi said tirai. "B> down. Porteous kickcd goal. Wood- virtue of this union of aPPOsites Enri- stock recoivedthie kick anti vas down- lish can bie ruggeti. .-r.mng, torse, sur cd weii inside. their territory paving pIe and direct, or it can ire sonorous. ibe way for another toucbdown b>' floving, majestic and inelodioUs." -unning t'ne punI back ta their 10 yard I But Our language tîougb il is 80 lino vbere lhe vont out of baunils. vonderfui andi sa expressivie, is 1118 Vacîker on a vide end run covereti sucir an everyday part ni our tbe remainlng teui yards for a 1bird that wo faitl mia tle habit ni neglecti toucbdown. but Porteous misseti the ing it, o! being slovcnly and Iazy in tire goalTire rest o! tire quarter vas ln use o! f.LWc Amerîculins are so busy favor of L. T 1- S. anti thehaIt enti- getting ricb in tir e .-se ai dollars- ed vltb tire score 19-0. tisat vo are becoming pour, beggars in At the begiriîing of thre second bhitire sense o! being able .0 expîress ou" Woodstock kiekeil and Uàberlyvillo's selves fluently. 'man u',as downed on tire 50 yar'd lino: n%.,ifen vo tbink nifi3etrcr SlCt'cii Here Voelker squiî'med *:raugh tackle, we naîuraîly turn to slang ai tir ecVii side-ateppeil a Woodstock back andti hat bas infiltrateti on Our speech Until an opien field ronrped 50 yards ail finees of diction iras been baët. Tire for a taucirdown. Parteous againi kick problent, ot slang is indooti a difficult ed goal. Thon L. T. H. S. wirth a coin- ans. The youziger gencration is grow- bination of trick pîsys again carrieti ing Up viLb entirel>' the vrong viol'- the hall Juside "ndstock's 10 yard point in regard tafit. Tbey consitier Une, wvire Porteous Iront over for a it an abeolute noessity to ieh able to toucio.un, but ire inissedtheIbogual. quote the laiesir slang. For tbey must Woodstock kicked of, for the firsatlbe up-ta-date. tirnoin tire haîf anti belti L. T. H. S. an Teby n il fodyd o downs anti the Maroans punted. Tberie The boys antigirl ofotay do nt ppiÎgeleven vas ithn on oiiz .a i sîguugrcre oppoangcompleilanguag4, tue> art' t ulganiziflgandi ta, iunt. Once mare Liberty-ville car- eanngtermts.Ter'oa- ried th. allinside Woodsiock's terri- cheapenin a stock of înc pher oaes tory, where a ahart, over anti pass. Pa lr y ith uc.y rtcklyftricprasequ,, teouii ta Englebrecbt. va§ completod, lion. Tîtese îphrases are sodn vot n But Waadstock nelti andthIe quarter ou -n uîi ovestn os endoti viti Libertyville on W'oa~ttck ptran(to etin cton esangLOIasois 15 yard ino. Score 32-0. ponto reu ninctistrerspeh n On opening of fourth quarter Par- i semsimpossible .ü procure atfillU- teous openeti Up vitir passes anti an- oessfuî antidote. aIrer short pasa, Porteous ta Engle- -- ...-- A-- -- A.- - . The gchools andi businless bouses.non.rsie n acav.rr teota tiissei gol. ust ho efficient doctara on the case- h T.H. . kiitei of. WodackFi-rntirhe proliar>' grades, thiaugite man was downed on lus avis 30 yard U niesit>'. tire esaia usn ghe< line. Here Woadstock suravedti eir stuEnSh sof evprda usae. sThetr oni>' conrehacit aluen îhey carriot ileasuet tîtao vrrdyts.Tr baIl 40 yardsmIrto L. i H. S.'s terri- capaign siroulti ho carrieti b> ire tory. 'Tie Mai-cons punteti and wuod- cirr o usitirhrougir 0<50 ICOAsv stockt rerurned rie puni. buti brougliourtirhe entire ytar. Tir( Port-ous nairbeti tire puntand i vtir uc <,1pour ranguage siraultiheCor- ipecdy tiatgine- surinîtid 65 yards for a rl' ytejahri vr l touchdown. living tire apectaiors onegartiless of tir,-subject. chance for a little exciternog i. -e iziOvcver uurîcas tire tudent teisdse Iben kieketi goal. Thîe balance of tireiris yul, ta Lhe teacher's, sire fie-bt as quaîici a-as in fri'. o0f t, T.H Ila SI he.î. ilit.r lissagainsi a atone Waadstaek vas heaten andi L. T. Ii. S*..11.I Bu' 1,,t iî realize tirai a fine ,tiddai'î-uentiui ycai- oifootball. diction. Irigeci 'ocabulary. lire cors vcr scorie 520. use o1î1tIre ,xrerican langtraee. not. Tir- outstanàiiî-iîg taul-es rlo irle! siane-uttgt-. wll ho iis greatoat aida la senior six madie up of CapI. Pai-ker,î Ir--oequ.itkr> clirnbing thie ladditier o Porteous. Vacîker. Hook, Dalton, ODll sucCcebSa ant i rie teaciror vîliscoon find anti Hagerty. Thins lathirirlasi gae-smo,4at an> niiî ,laced aiubbarnesa lia.- for tire 'Olti Maroon & White" ant i tlaaîpeaied. tire>' wre aitiroeir irot. Y(at i air! MWat goorI are idems, unlesa you can Seniors! Enklebrecirt's lina plunging pîut 'lrew enue tire' people un farce- vas snîîarb anti Wigbtrnan alsa de fui, expressive languaga? If you caný berve.. honorable meontion. Tegtmeyer no( express exxactly viratinusIn youra a.~ center vas ai bis heigbt, wile Lane immd, iltun the idea, nover reachea ai riglit guard vas a fittiag ruiitg 'Lire outsitie world. It la a sharne, virai mate foi- TegLmeyer. Tire mon aboyaI aour wande-rtul lauguage stands vat the tient team vwork of any gants thoy< ing ta serve us. voe cannot use If. andti bave playtd ibis yoar. A great deai must remirin silent. The ability ai o! credit muei go tai Mr. Teoil for hae speak !lucentlv anti write expressivel> iras givon tira toani mosi exceileu' puis a man in far greator paver tha coacbing. Yea! Rabt Teeti' if ire comniandet armis. -The pen We muet Include a teî loirds con- is migbtier Iran -ire svord." 1r cernine- "pop." Tira spirit shaîf lait Vire Uniteti States us known ail aver -. Tirursila> vas tise best sprit a! tire tic vend ai teibe ]Pot." Greati Ysaer, botb fronm the tudents andi citi- numbers of toreigners came bore vhosa vens. Tis aplmeciation front the gooti do not speai aur languago.. -Tboy bave Icitizena ai Liber1yville andthIe entisu- little apport unlty tc, Iearn t properl>' lasm io! Oui- loyal Aluninl la spientilt., anti alva>'. speak Il brokenly. Tbeirt Keep if up. foiks. Il chld-an tepenil on thse language they -Eldon.Kitchon, 22. bear at echool or on the street as a o0- bais for 1hoir English. We, as Amer- Thursda>' vaâ a regular 4y in ail lcans, muai set the exauple, apesit respects, ant i i ceriainly seemoil gooti proper language ai ah limes, In order tai use ail the 'aid" graduates baek thanthles. forelgnera miay not degf'acle Once mare. Il Is oniy a short Utrn t beyond recognition. aines thoy left L. T. H. S., yet nome Suhaierdtm sbincr-oi bave achieveti considerableo tam.'on In the Philippine Islandis. James Megillen leade -lbia lunch Tise 8'tiinoe bad no national ian- Re~ ias bore andl took In lb. gaie." guarge Irbonelie Tîiteti States 1001< Eve*rYbOdY vas gladti ' pee Poker,.contraI. Ansenicn teuehera vcre sent1 LeilA MioMillen vasu eeM too, 606anlsd itmediately vent to vos-k. Tf. doen'tloo0k tl1aIt bit older aflea- chIdr«n, under the. strict supervision1 teaching tWOýyemrsHouriand Vola,6lueMel UUe h oorreMty. But nov for DEATI -TOUL 0f AUTOS IN U. IS ONINCR t ASE MET1IOIIIST EhIlrtCOtAL Chrarles J. l)ickey. Pasior. Sunda>' Scirool ai 10 a. m. Public varsbip ar il a.nm. Sermon subjeci. "Mary tire SymîîatheîîC . ho ing tlîe second sermon in Ili, i-eab on -Tiose Wliom Jesus Lrcl Good niuaic b> ire ucir Epwortb Leae-ut ai ni Il 11,nimlin votional meeting. 7:30 1)i. nm. A pîirite-tI.n t--.t1ine 1lmlUlai t-î' E ,hilortseriontb> tIi" kastor. L.'t'ely cion-rlegar jonIîl -une-sfi rOid irood nurnicl'b>tire choir. If you liave nu ciurrir home un ILb erty ville you ai-e mu linil Io make uir chut-eh your churcli. DIAMONIj LAKE 'lt'1wH. C'har'lesJ. Incite> - 'astur. sdgintire coninfi:y rte inviteti. plte'sake tireat teacliers have be-en loi-ced fiozntire Islandis. Filitîlfa wo- men whîa speak Englisi wiiir'lire Latin accent are attemusinlg ho instruct tire youngsters andtihtire 'sults aS i-Oîiiul.I People bave. not realizedtirat in be- ing 'hip-lazy Arnericana" '.hey are tas-r terme- tire degenenatian a! the race.I slo'.enly speech anti suggestive slang- are imperiling aur nationalit>'. Unloss strone- concertedl action is taken it niay suun îîcrisb. Fortire sake o! our race anti aur, country lot us develop anti presorve aur language. We must keep 1'. frec front aovenly, meaningless varda. Lot us not he o lurrled witb tbe problems - -ai ,ire day that vo fo;got ail rudi- ments o! speecb anti an a dra*baCk ta uar nation, If we are patriotkr. lay- ai Americans, vo aboulti ho villing ta give some time, some energy In aiderr --o pres. rve aur language anti nation- ality. Our lanpfage shoulti ho the bond b.' wbich ail peoples o! tbe Unit- edi States koop Usis glorlous country in the-tari-mail posituon, vbore ebe rigbt- fuily belongs. --CarolylitButterfiold. '22. -0 Bill- James said yaur singing vas heavenly. ,r'i Neili-O, the dear! Tell me exact- ]y alia ,ho salid. , rjt11Vel, be sahil it Iw ueartby. 10.4 Per Thousand in. 1920 as against 5.8 in 1915 Ac- cording to Gov. Figures The foderai department of com- merce, ibru the bureau of the cenguE- announces that tiuring tbe year of' 1920, 9,103 deaths resulting tram acci- dents cailsei by automobiles anti other motor vebicles, excflaing motorcyclea,- vers rocordeti vitbin tire deatb regin- tratioù- area o! thé Unitedi Staten, vbicbi area Cotains 82 per cent a! lb. total population. Thia numbor repre-. sents a deatb rate of 10.4 per 100,000 population, as against 9.4 lu 1919, 9.1 In 1918, 8.9 ini 1917, 7.3 in 1916 andi 6.8 la 1915. Betveen 1915 andi 1920, therefare, tire deatir rate per 100,000 population frani mator vebicle acci- dents andI njuries increaseti by about four-fifths. The actual number a! deaiba re-. sulting ftmmotori'elîicle accidents In tIhe 25 states tram vblch data for 1915 are availabie ncreaseti tram 3,571 in tthe year Io 7,433 lu 1920, lb. rate o! Increase being 108.1 per dont. Dllrlng thse same ptêriod, according ta data obtaineil (ram the bureau a! pub- lic roati of thse departmnent o! agri- culture, thse number o! registrations a! automobiles, motor truck<s anti com- mercial motor vebidles In tbe same atatos increaieti tram 1,767,055 t0 6,085,150, the rate o! increase beung 244.4 per cent. The deatb rate per 1,000 mator vobicles if use in tbe 25 Btatisanquestion tiocreaseti tram 2 in 1915 ta 1.2 in 1920. holng anl>' three- fith as gi-ast in the later as In the oarlîer y ear. Chuerch erzpce: itaibaitirScitool war 55a. nm. lîi. W; \ells, Surit. l'ieaching at il a. m. Juniorco gregaîlon. Topît toi' tire marning. 'Hainess, lecomielli Tby -tout-e. O Lard" CGfot music. A cordial livta ion tir aie publie. <Our inorntng sE,- vices are alwaas de'.ottanai. Chrîi-stian Endeavôr at 6:3-) p. M.A gooti meeting is assureti on tir. te-me, "il.>Will ire lIne: V.itliîMy ln P'ieaen ing sir 7:30lI îý rw Topic of tliw -sermon, A S'tartling n - J'r'ayer Meein. Wedneîda>. Dentm ber' lîi. Topic' h1 fIRegin Ilul" Wiry do people care so litte iri l? Corne anti sec if you van rîdu an> .lius ho il.- discussion. Boy Scouts, Troop No, 2, aili meeh for a short meeting Tue-tia>. Dec. id A niglit hakie ylblleld on Fridir>, i)oc. 9. Corne ta the- manse a' 7o'clocic preliaroti to irike and hime your flashî lîght. Be sure ta gel pe'rissbonf-rn your parents. C7hoir lractlce Fi-idaîy evenîng. F J. Wright. clioristei-. Mns. Sa> ie, or- ganîst. Tire Club Rooni vilI ire opecn for th,'- younger boy-s for ir.fî,frst tume Frîday. e-ienine-. hec. 9. Goodsuî,ervision. Tfir Irouis lire iront 7.30 to S45. APPLE CROP- SUFFERS SLUMP rît ii-p o f a bo t i 1 ' ' . '-.'-'-: i rets. î'- ta 4t2sr i,, 'f tq- -f1 2 ba rI . 't ,rl" 1 1 fiit- a ,et g.- ci11 1 .fii 9 iSii(i spi ingfli l1- l. ' .' i 1 1,'l" the natti-r, i 'ri ' t.......... rop .suf. 'c i (I' .- "irp h i t aaa . r- ow ' ý i i !e'1. 0)h i florniai Yi.-id1.,,u i luu.t t S. Il . " u &,ti cn f!il the- United sendicO. tniltd sZ.' .- .i'. r 'ialùs wat o; j ia,- i- s'.radh saj'.alrr ici . t 'r . ,. jeahîp ý lIF .111:. i;_, I . . t. 1,.S52 t,.. brl u i 1 :. -ru. ai .i's aci.ofi-quai e (unt of h h !'î ','.n,-r. s r *i, e-il, ~ ~ ~ C 0s..0.h 0 0; V'0'ir-0 o0 oo 0 o 0ooô c o o 0 <tVilli utIti""s-ci FOR ALL THtE NEWS OF LAKE o 1-11 Off te, 1 i5,lai rO.':Ii, ' oCOUNTY. SUBSCRIBE FOR THIE e lii. 14,2 2ti'..1'o lu'n 'r' 'r iof r cINDEPENDENT-Si % A VEAR ce urtatns11 1 lyeai m larIe a te-oîo ',Ote00 ,0 c c o C c o o n spîte of the generi iîcs, stomnen feri kin x4t" thlJàe ng wîil caler up th. nest of p.mfles and pl e~VifWfli where the stomacha out of order. The cause rnay be glujttrin>, but wherc in flot overeating, and yet the tiny. dIsfîý es corne, the cause ja in> ibe spîne. Tht an spinal nerves to, the 5tornach ànd kic faulty dîscharge of îvaste through the practic spinal adjustmnents will rernove the trouble disappears. FEEL A NEW WOMAN. 'Fit. nilK- ,1prq* . E n iii e i to a , iI. ropret o. tir n. 1I rt t17i1r.s aoir but ga'.e if a thiai The reszu1r.tji iiLe betn littie short ot arrîazrng !, ha.s Praiciically matie a new uwonian of nie and gave me jusitbe rfL 1r1iWaz look- ing. for."-Mrs. J. G. Tiiompson. Cihi- ropractie llesearch Bureau 'Sîaiernent No. 1288-H. W.HENHEATH BEGINS Wben bealtb begma de- pe" ndscwhe you tel- ephone No. 26 fbr an appointmnent. Consulta- tion is without charge. DRS. NIXOrI&aDOVS CHIRtOPRACTIC lPHYSICIANS Specialta-Correctlon of Deformitlee, Nervoue and Chronic DleOaaa,- !4ours: 1 to 'i and ôOto S. Sundaya and Holiday& by AppoIntinent. suit* 1O.11-Newcaetle Hotel LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. in Diseases Ik No 7 n, E' '. r riuse of cosmet- Sdisease . Noth- le eruption of a. pimpies wxilCorne and kidneys are ce there 1'. ie gurnng iploicli- lere is pres.sur-e dneys, causine ýe skin. ('lio- the cause and HEALTiI FOLLOW CNIROPRACTIC CORRECTS PRESSURE 01N SPINAL NERVES IN MES OF0 THE rOLLOWINGORGANS: H EAD '5, YES EAI1S NOS[ - ARMS 11EARI WNES LIVER STOMACH PANCRUAS SPLEEN KIONEYS UOWELS SAPP!NOIlX ~ :~rUIN INO @USS S PIWCHIES SWAPIGNËO JOINT. PlUcHE VES CANNOT TRANSWIT NEALTHPIS INPILSU c FBEEgmm euuIls FRRT.Da e - e A sr VrON take for long LET 1 TIE'I~ o arE ua wi pei Sn Loci Adc OURV Coi Wh3 flooa Enjo 10WE give you SIALI TUS TI cus.' 1 i cý w

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