Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Dec 1921, p. 6

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tFARM LESS TIIAN IN CITIES Wvorkers Igcking jobs to cemparatily tew next oere Handschin says a>toyint on Illinois fartms ismucit amaller thin la Illinois, -1ket yeam ad the number of titotera ont ai wark viii ha ou'. FaàaiI.ý . l the Jqigment of Prof. W. F. 1an. Professar af tarin ar- UA Mid management aithet Wt, of Illinois. lna sauer ta, = f'bot arin tenants golng itjty.Prof. Hanachin saldt ,Wfarinera. wto bave tlled pe- baaktuptcy lu the elght tai- t courts ta Illinois dur-ing 1~ 911. mare than 7o par cent bakr'tptcy, aitho a gond mois farinera are ln financl 1ai he rasent time. bÉngderah1e proportion et the Wun blîiIbis fall no douht rap- .Asntis vbo arc liquldathng ln to Ws tîi reni tidottier oh- &a. Manv more Fuch tenants > dobt balle ta oeii théir stock iattlnery befure spring ln orier st titr tnitatednaso in spîte tact that banicers geueally be ha rving to carry tenants Ias ne itfsm- wio tba %ita ot-rf whq*eVer. là due ý" "' mpii lne ta ( ii-r~ ilîpete liter wnrker, fori, own lobis In qand-in ever, mlite, mcl I I SgIiitit iii t ir- itcwi' rilasl:,-s 'J i " rtesfarimed V'r- tii',' 1mt'-il l ie, a i, -re Thtis occurs unit- ln l"tof Isci r-Pntlv lrouehtitt 111euý s-mla.dwhietî is Ver! O.dulvivNaturtilly witih 4m mné-a i-,nd vil! ha t ,in l ffl onstuîaî? wit animais 'o l*m te exvsjnqe -f lebor and "4S esi pi'oitrtioli. e, PmhJbbtt t~ntany af [ha cfeuerus teti]5055 whu have t d oviete Rnis wfIllieh 1'i su-go nd wiltlcontinua tu amis. Tenants ,eh( <ara iorced P f-tmng il via mnny cafes lui 4h e tatuq of tain leborer. IvI casas owuars vita hava ra- mas ttrfarina wil vrobabiy Md ta taire up active farminu ~i oriel- ta malte «iliving. A trIt Iab<srrs ite oc re about' 'o, ec. tenants viii natu'- mce ta ramain as labarers. «f fls. tandanclas twtll resuti ~Whait increaslng th? ralta of rXa labarer an aur larma. in- ,: towever. as the damani for mii Doat dite'as a mtIy'in~ l bt*pttnfsecflpa e rlatlvaiy Iportion a arnlaburers vili îý Qtemlloymentt rinur1922. be i.proportion ai unain- Mtla hite farmingu sections viii b. uaucli sinaller than tIo linl alalhY, if city wages shouhit *é en a much bigher lavai [han itiés there yl h. anome tan- fb' tarai> anda ta cosPata vif b bOrO.sis. aiB prasant, hav- ie Prospects for te fgrrn hani Ufectz ta go int tha city ta a Job lit contotitton wlth titase e ut o a hi lo>-ment, ara no- - . .WALTER, ,»MUNA AND SUlIGEON. ffs 01 W1. n and Chilire n - a Speeity. «AUKgAN. ILIÀNOIS. W. PISOND. D. S. bo 041 112 Neo ene St. $FAUKNGAN. ILLiOs. ýâNARy BUECUON %%WM t SaisV.tainarian. U..L. TAYLR la FatamoqNatil mk aide. M-1 te 830 aMdat iciP. M M rcedvay. oppist»par& WO<W t Ot. PhomallU ~~~ Wssntn am iutr. 00 ia" nedto, Ewm > Poooom&ur fer 1iafs V*te eFalhlmet Eeekkcpce. Mmua 3 b8 P. m W éNG DAVB lw Ee welot I DAI .Y 1 POINTSI Req SIJNFLOWER IS MADE USEFUL Experiments Net Sufficientiy Deval. oped to Reacit Defnite Conclu- sions ln Northweat. Crepared by the United States Departm.flI * "o e; Àrliture.) Suloesare likeIy to become good for silage mnaterlal for farmera on lr*- gated land [n the Northwet accord- Ing to reporte received by the United States Department of Agriculture troim Montana. The Mammoth Rus- Sian la u ucb tasor, althougb expert- ments bave been tried with tomne of the amaller varieties. The stinflowers were drllled ln rotvs 20 Inchesaspart and trrlgated. Tbey were put la about the middle of May, but trom their trost-reslstant qualities it la beileved tbey coutid be put ln at the same tinte as grain las own. About 15 pounds of seed were usesi to the acre ont lrrlgated land, but It was sated that If saunflow- Gatherîng Sunflavers for Siloge. ars is ce t.. lii iai- il aiidor iiî- îil esoiirti îîî ist-e ccii siîuld bec1put lu ros t4) to 3d tuhs-b--apart. Oru the rijectideiilr îobservation if w-,,,, iuteuded fis lct tise uttlowers gel faîrly %voit maturiid, tabut tite sane as cor-n. before putlug titein lu tue silo. but as ealoi-m bnîîke titeut dus-n if vas necessary ta put thent iu the silo earlier.. Thte yleld wvasttrm80 fo 40 toua per acre. Cows ted on sunflower siuage kept up tae usuel lo0w nifrilli as weli as those wlîicit were ted ont the grain slage. Some of thte big Hosteiu cowes te as much as 90 pounia par day. No untavorabie resuits could ha n.ticed lu the fiavor af the ailkI. White titis exportiment lias . nat gone fer enougtgbl reach delinife concluonsit, Il Indicutes ftat auulowera may bie cou- iderai a good crop for silage lu anme localitles. FIGURE OUT DAIRY RATIONS Fermier& Given Better Undarataniing of Valu. and Cait af Varloue Feeds Avaliable. A Bores of 26 dairy fcedlng scitouis were ciuducted durlng te spriug monilia lu six New Hampsire coun- tien by couuty agents, worklng ca'i)p eratlî-eiy witlt the Uitad Stattes De- pertinent of Ajnlculture sud thea State Agricuturai college. Ses-eu more are pIonnad.Ini carryiug out thse scitoals lecturlng sud formal talk have beau prsctlcaily ailmlnatai sud lte dairy' men are saated et tables, whare thay figure out for theiselves te compo- sition ai verlous rations and compute codas. Mch entitualasinitlis beau araused. Thot thte resuits are vorti white is Insdcated by tb. statement ut a Hoak- saIt former, Who reportei a aaviug af $1 a day, white anotiter wbo atteudeti te achool nt Warner vraIe tie coan- tY agent that hlaI now saving $38 a înOnth as a resait of feedlng a re- lion titat hae figured ouf thare. Thte discussion provaked by lte fermera irngt tese rations give a botter understandlng of the value and mati Ofth Uicvarions fends avaitbie tita anY amonat of lectartng conli posai. bly acconiplisi. WHIITE SCOURS CAUSES LOSS DIaSaseC.etarctd by Way of Naval or MentitSec.> Attar Urth- Tablais Worth Trying. M&Ay Calvez dia of vhite acours or pnenmoentrltls, vtlcb lo a dcciii toet usseebor a th flt ansd com- tractai by vay of Uic naval or mout aoc.Biter birtit. Mediel treatineng uaualiy talla, batt fb malpio-caL, bolate tablets are veil vortit tritm& unaer diretion of a qualifiaival- crlnafia. BHa sould aé o mmunise eeh nevitom «If w itit polyventd anti-diacataie seruin and likevie DU Itlnl double doses atqid a cas accut. Preffic a nev ci.ota na-bon calvma At brth saturate the snMP aiflte naval afi eeit vIt tinctume of iodla. aid titanapply pavier a ei. ,leptet tite trust' zmutdmly natif lte navel la antlrelg heaici. 40o, e ceate téamIs itit a saturtei solution ofetasi slitba. forMlte eau la allw ova e uk tar te irSt Une a"na dsly -for ton imys If lilcontinuas 10 nuise.0 AIlLES FOR FEEING SILABE 4sci Pis» la te Alav 7hrce FPm"i or lMatarilte Evau'y,1% peaui ot LivesWeilght. A raie for hedlns alIA. t e a dairy cava la: Pfeaititrea pounia ai mus. for -ery100 ponads cf liva valgit .A cov vegU~ng-1M00Pound@ oauli reculve &btot 80p ouais.à con viticit vaomta cuitalm Ioumda abouti!MSree.about 46 Po"fdaof 8ftUpar dai. Silmgt e lu IIy ic ovie. a dal, l lte h uoabt>gami eV* @bua stua Uaikla 1921. isemblance of Purebred Sire Wthin Three Generatiodi. Under Skiliful Manatgement and Bre4 ing Former Pesa Stock le'Oradai up Wlthln Camparatively Short Space of Tir». Once the use af purebredaiesa@a becomne general tltmughout tae cana- try the proce s of grading up vîli ha rapild. Ilany experimants and prac- ticai experlence show titat vîthin tbree geneations mosto f the lndividuals la the scrub bard beaded by a good pare- brai aire resembie purebred Mimais la appearance. la a tev mate gen- erations aunder akîliful breeding and management, the former scTub stock la gradad up ta sa great an extent titat for production uofmat ani atiar animal producîs tbey are practlcafly a s aetul as parebreds. The chiet dit. ference between a bigb-grade animal and a purebred la la thte vaine for Beef Cows, th. Product 'of Proper Breeding. britrcî uphrpses. Only thte latter î'iîu li usei In produciug purchrai trieding stocrk. Slqeiirc-4)ver, oml. pure- itreds tire eligîble to regstration ln tite silferent purcitréd associations. Tite'Deîîartmenî af Agriculture, thîrougt is co-operatis'. state ageaicles, la jireparci ta supply stock ralsers witit printei Information that tells lnt pupu- lar language the itest animl ree -,io FALL PIGS ARE PROFITABLE Food Sow Sparlngly et Firat, but brin@ te Full Portion in> Ton Day.- ulve Exorcise. lPropand by I,*JiRed tts. Deartmosat Tva littans of pigeas year trom one aow la Usually practicabie, andi adds materlelY ta the succensaaf ltae tarin praject, te United Statea Departmnt Of Agriculture b as damonstatei. SPrlng Pigae sbould b. tarrowai esrly la Marcit lu arder ta finish far martet lin the carly vlnfec. 'Falilpige usualy arc tlmcd ta arrive ln Septeniber, viticit gives tem a chaoine to Set voit Startei beftrecold veather arrives. Affer faravlng and before placing' lte pilla viti thte sow ta nurse, cut Ont thte elgitt arnali tuaklike teetb et lte aides of lte moutit. These are very sharp miii migitl test tlhe gmay aider or causespige ta hart eacb atiter at natslng lime. Tbey eu te brokea vitit boune feSps, vire nippeXs1 or a iife, 6 ahonîaa vir b ulled ont. Au a tale lte env abouti not te bdi for te ral 24 bouta aftt.,fer. Crop and $.if-Faader Permit Little Piga te Food Separate From Sow.1 igmethods and te advantages to he rowing, but sholi ha gîven a literai ienlved fr-Ont their use, Iu addlllop drink oi veler. If the veather la, titi departmnt taruishas au ambiain cati the vatar sauld bhaslgbtly Oi recognition. sultabla for îîapîay, -varnnai. A tim slop of bran andiraid. es-er3- tanner vito agrea. ta use Onîy ings ntay ha, gleen If site shows ac- purebred ires sud ta co-oparate a tuai igusai ofhangar. The feeding otaer ways lu the baller lve stock cf- for [ha first tbrce or four day> aitoni fort. To abtala the amblen thelita . - hailgitttd fte lima consumai lu er dr breadar Ila skedto f0 ii out a getllug the m aon fuIl fard shouli sImpie btank showlng tite nunîber aid h front a waak to tan days. kinîl ai stock ha PoYiýsssss and also ta It is ai the greatest Importance la declare titet ail bis mnale bradilng anl- reatagtpiga faorlte market that tbey miIs ara purebrai. - gain wetgbt as rapidly as possible. ______________Thc fIrat opportunily ta force tite pge TOMAO SEDS AE WATED cames witan tbey are a few waeks TOMAT SEES AR WASED ad. Up ta this turne thay bava beeu living salely on lithian's mik, for Cam Be Convcrtad Into an Edible 011 viticIt no perfect substituts tas beau and a Press Cake or Mi for fouud. Afttr about titr e aks thc Liv. Stock Foad. Youug pige hagin te develop an appe- - tite tor coma acceasomy taci ta sup- Front ,000 0 2000 tans aif omalu plémant lbe sow's tmlik, and tbay seais go t a -ste eacit yaar lu the big shouli ha given somea aditianaituaio. puiptng plants east ai the Mississippi The piga vii cal froan lté 5'. river. Investigations by te United trougit, but it Io baffer thet a pan or States Departmant of Agriculture Indl- "craep" ha arraugai adjolnlng ltat ef cale ftaf ltey cenulie profitably ta- lte 50w, ailowing tite pige f0 have ac- covared aud convcrted Intoan edibie ceas f0 e seit-teedar lu whlch shailed 0il and a press cake or meai for stock corn atone la ted for a couple of feait, wiliî a grues returu hi mare titan veeksansd aftarwards shorts or vitemt fS.'i000 sud e net ut about $M,000. iliilga. Plants would opel'ste two moulus a Pige sholi ha castratai vhiiaetey Year an lomato sardesud mlght te are yauag, preferably whaa sir te egitt usai for grapeansd purnpklu seeds [n yacks nid, and batore veaulng. De- addition, edaciag the ovarbeai. tallai Informion on Ibis subjccf la gleen la Farmea' Bulletin 780, vicit EFFICIENCY OF COTTON DUCK may te hait on application te the Di- vision af Publications, Departinnt of Materlal Made More Servicable by Agriculture. Simple Mthoe o f Watcrprooflng an'ldwProoflng. GIVE BROOD SOW V&RIETY Lite af caftan dack, usai for pratcct, ,hageiauaMixture et Fasaid prope.- lng tarin iacinery, aacked i t4f, ^MounI t f qrohas WiIOct market fruits, dcli crops, etc, rnay bte l no.m eal prolonged and the clatit made more- servieable by a"ple maltaisof va- Tha btooai ewnosed a vaity la lerpmaoflnt and mildev PrOafintber.- food aid eeime. XInexpeut- varkcd aut by the Unted States De» lamt anodacta atthttcNortht Dakota pertinent of Agriculture, Agd«UJttird a.u unier Uic dire- PRICES RECEIVED FOR CORIN md tht mm ~ill rel est alfIic b"y, md ltaItea titis la bed wlth a Rqely MeuflIain andj p«M 8«tu mnturefe about tait bmrley aud hait Heu Ramai Frn 1NS15 shorts et the rate aof32% peunftda dm1 te lemêuLgOtefr e 300-pauzwi 5e, apludil tumlte - bavec tee.sememiEquel par tc Corn prlcaset thetetrins of produo. b«101. eat5 a4i 6rbu or shorts aim cii have b hWbhigineethe OeICk nmaa e s'a eegod ftu&. Eebe la. Mouatain and Paclflc tales la secragasmisev«Y IMPOtat. Il vWstouai of perlida ai yre5 rom 8188 5 I t 0t:thelite aey te give the grala iiOO.1000, a ter viiattché ghasi Ssci usate smépttc foot cdm «ma place btasbaensheld by UtchenthitA- iacatr thegroina. IM.Titis mre Imttie fermer@. ha teove spuadnthoums entbcf r Nei t og titir fM& Obsareale IMMUENSE DMAGE BY INSECTI miUet aya ics iedsavallic t tood an gielàplmty of czardas arc BItais Tosse MWi Omnmatir m b mehdu atI likcl e piaduce haWmrica gils lajuusi t. a twm t Ton 11111 Doiln DaNsas eAneffuliy. P OFIT 1IN FEEDINO STEER ade" tam. s"it sameanta situw s mm »terny *o it cm â@ in the Uniteit State-am m citéa velus : é, Tt" Wirnehwgm et 0» billon dollars acortlagte te o"apin mmàiluut f i unr"am statua bolpm-t met ce aercuiturs.TuoMMlIlo "c- Iâaaatenu «nmi> te tsiaa pffl lus emnsgc ldoie mUsl, bylties Mg Mumjeltse llot cM ML ,ki trac insectL. u s. e» Zou te«, fery « h a7busheadidiV§a, EXERCISE IS 0F IMPORTANCE u .amwa ci Aet ltute. iNhaseoway tforitKM oft gavai 0W mn »Ma Ql ots, teog00sttc. a nut Weil am tee pcciutbn eof mgs& 4bSe.tcw t um anacotila ffl uttar. bhoilm= t bat uset plaisarc tend -- t t he qtiniui t & Ataw t- mm th1e am taa e a4tii.Us111111tUdflla 06 sUfUmWS itoui maadinei temW0"hua dsul11110 a a ff plti an vil < smut sutmli l*iC INIII3RITS 61900 MARKS BUT DON'T BECOME EXCJTED Joseph Gedmnan receives cous- in's pension money from» German gomerment Josapht Gedman, employad by tbe Chicago Hardware Foundry company marks f ram the German goveru- ment that lie dldn't knov vas coin- lng to hlm. 1 sounded Jute a latta money until he laoked up the prpnent rate of excbanges and dlacavered that it la eqalvalent ta $203.33. Be- fore tha ver ltwauld have amounted ta about $15,000. The money represents the amaunt man soldiera who 10st thair livea ln tbe laie var. Oedman'a cousin behng klled li tbe Prussian army , Gedman intenits ta keep -t1~ draft ln a North Chicago bank and cash It wben the rate of exchange increases. 0000 u oo oo oo o 0 oaGURREE o 0 00 0 0000000>0000000 Warren cemetery sacistv vili meet with Mr&. D. Patter on Dec. 7. Picnic dinner vHIiib. served. Visitora are velconie. The basket hall season opened Tuea- day eyenîng vîith a doubie-hesiier g aine. The Warren town teants easiiy defeated bath tomeatsof Warren township hi gh achal. Dec. 2, viii he the date of ge nexf gamne. Wauconia vili play the Warren tovnship high acitool. Mr. and Mrs. Rowley McClure motor- ed to Belvidere Sunday. Dr. sud Mrs. Young have returned from, their trip to Florîda and Indian- apolis. Mrs. James Sneesby is seriously ill. Owen Barnstable snd Miss Main- warring ntotored to C.hicago Sunday. Frenk,3ooder of Delevan, Wis. sperit the week-end with Gurnee frieuds. Mr. Dixon and Mr. Stedman are an jury service. Among the folks who returned front school for Thanksgiving holiday. vere: PAUL Mac GUFINM LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Telephone 33. DR. C. B. OLNEM Voterlnary Surgeon. Office at Residence Opposit e Ree Mator Co. Garage. Phone 35. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Dorothy Comneil, Lila Wirtit, Esther Henley and Evelyn Fanion. The Ladies' Aid mat vith Mia. Wili Floodi on Thursdsy. Thia vas the cont- ntenclng ai the ail day meetings., Mr. Fenloa ban been serioualy iii. Gurnea grammar achuol. Mies Mainvarring entarfaineti the upper ruant and parents an Wednesday wlth an excellent Thankogiving, pro. grant. Retreshanents af cocaa and cake ver. servei atter the pi-ograin. Basket bail practice commenceci on Saturday. Tri-manthly examinationa atarted an Wednesday. 1 Hat lounches ver. mote, interetjngr on Manda y vien Ruth Suman sed sait inhtea tg ai ugar tinprepuing cocas, vas Rut ta biâmne? fNo,Iutb John and Melviii Hock vert mixed vlth the Mix-up, Mina for tida veek: Manday. beau-,;Tuenta! oca;Wednemiay. «. cso ocoba sa d applea; dyed aeet potatoca. Cama ta ur supper on Dec. 9. On the ame cventeg ve aloo untena to organise a Parent-Tederîsaaoutiong MIBURN SCIIOOL DISTRCT NEWS Edwin Kaboltia bai a perfect les- son la apelling everyîlay lutI week. Roberta Hock and Anna Kuboltis bai perfect papera Int.e Arititaetie drill an Frlday. Frances and Mary Clark, former pu- pilis of the Milibrnu School. are at- tendlng echool In Dixon, Illinois. Warmlunches viii ha servat inlathe school la tb. near future. Mont of tbe necessary equlpment bas heen pur- chased. The aid woadhnuse, viticit stoad on the stbool grounds, vas suld at sur- tion an Saturday aftennoon. W. McGuire bought if. Misses Loia, Inathe, and Blanche NicCartby, LeslIe Glllengs, and Riay- mund McCarthy atlanded a dance at Twin Lakes, Saturday. Josepit Grumes vslsted hiîs brothr, John Grumes. J. H. Gould and son, Herbert, were Milîburn caltera Baturday. MAN'S BEST AGE Amm as.old asaMe orgme -,ho Pefonnlng tlesr fanctions, .p YMu vtlorpS Iuhy with vwem Ajcu m edm; siMM&i suai * cma. i duha ite aa DR. WM. 'LEVIN - DENTIST LocatedinlaMerchauta and Farinera Bank Building at GRAYS LRKE IWNOS. -offce Heur- Prom 9to 12aa. m;Ftan2 to Gau A4ainltered and Narre Blocklag. THURSDAYS AND SUNDAYB BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney.atLaw Office et Home, on Coak Avenue. Telephane 163-J. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. MARMI C. DECKER Attorney-at-Law. 315 Waahlngton Street WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. Office Phone 848. Res. Phone 1100-W t LYELL H. MORRIS LIIERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS. Lace Building. Res. Phone 136-M. Office Phone 18. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -So-id Comf ort .Reliability,-- Speeding along on a North Shore Train yau The "on finie" feature of Nantht Share Service are scarcely aware of the momentun, se wilI prove its value te you when you are in a smaetbly do te heavy cars glide over the htumr. YoDu are assured a prompt arrivai ai rails. Andi attentive employes are always an youn destination, ne malter wltat the bour hand te serve yeu. % or weAtber. Trains leave Uertyville et tltirty-mimute intervals fho 5:48 a. m. te 10:48 a. mi; then et 11 :48 a. m ni.d every haif bout thereafter until 8: 48 p. m.; then 9:48 P. m., 10:48 P. m. and every heur tbereafter until. 12:48 a. m0 These trains make connections at Lake Bluff for Chicago. . _ . . Chicago Northb Shore & Milwaukee R, Ré LIÉERTYVHL ElE OF ?A8mumà STATIO TEENGum74 HAVE-A GRADUATED AUCTIONEER TO CONDUCT YOUR SALE ERNEST ROSINCi Ingleside, Ilii.' General Auctioneer Phone Round Lake 33-W-1 To Chicago on the North Shore Une FIVE Are ai fani Tva ai the aides Ive famil resented F. len ei and lier c The ci, M Nlrs. N lnd., site4 laintCîtnl 60, nùxt I hurst. ag Haneman and the youngesm. Baby F enta, flau Mann, 1À Mré. B. and Mr. Cotler ln af Halrul enta, sud horst,.Il mot ber. S 00000 M r.and Smith an( the guest Gross and ThurÉday. Mrs. Be guati fj several de Haerold spent Tlrt lioch. veek end M r. and spent Thal George 1Ra Mise Ell> spent Frid ry dcBrid, Mr%. F ville visita il rs. Ge( Mr. and StanI4->. al Mra. R. P. Mir.and kegan visi Mr. and Thankagme Mr. and: vera the fi Meyer anti lir. andi sonsand tertaineti a Thuraday. Mr. and tertmned citer 01 Dr Orell Hiblt gilg .Mr antd 1 Titanitagivl enta, Mr. a Lake. Mmr. AID Manday. al wîth hem Belait, Wls Walter: itar Saturd Mrs. Jet at the bonu wiicr. and Mise Hia townu ., - ing hiame , day eveuir * Mrs. Geori gue-îta of t 0. A. Ne itor Frida> Nu-s. (lar ItUdoi0. Vs tenld titi- fi was belîl' August a epent. Sune airs. H. t. Fi . ( visiter Frî( Mir. anti tertained a 1.-r, Mrs. i Gîluier tun Itrs. Juli * Mr.and M glving day. M ire. W. roll vere N mis. Tihi spant Satu kegan. Mr, and lirs ln W Mi -. J. q severai da M rs P. M 51 -- ---------------- ---------------------- - - -------------- - - - ---------- ------------ -- - - - --- - -------------------- - ---------------------- ----- --------- ------

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