Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Dec 1921, p. 7

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Tl£I LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENT)ENT. THURSDAY, DEEBER 1, 192 1. FIVE IENERATIONS IN TMISFAMILY ARE ALL WOMEN Are ai the oldest in -their famnilles; two reside in Waukegpn Tvo o! fie-e gînerations, ai eiîag the oidesl uneniters of ihein îspaeût- Ive familles, anîd ail wvomen, ana rep. .«uened i %Va yký - u- .iJ. 5 GE UL ls. to 7 P. M. Lad NDAYB ýNLY. F. Itanemann, C-22 Hickory streel, and lier daughter. Rosemary. The oldest 0f the tive generatlons lia M~acgaret DeYo 0flrlnghurst, Ind., sged IsI, tle oext l 'irs.Wil. lam CCunnlngham of ('uller. Ind.. agedj 60, nùxt la Mrs. Clyde Alkin of rlng- hurst. aged 40, her daughfer', Mrm. Hanemann. of Waukegan, ageal 21, s,nd the lalei's daugiter le hie youngest, aged :; months. Baby Rosemaiy lias iL'l grafidpai- enta, namely: Mr. and Mrs. K. liane' Mann, 1,0s Angeles. ('sut, Mi. and Mrs, B. W. Alken. Bringitut t. lîd, and Mr. and Nus. 'aVn tanaîîbi Cutler jifdand mrs. I;uieL'nbecke 0f Holyoke, Mas§s., as greait grandpar enta,.and Nmr. Margaiet I)eyo, 13;aîng- hurst,,lmd., se gri-at cri-s:granat mot her. 0 AREA s Mr. and 3mr. M. Ji. WNel, George j. Saillih and Miss Anna Habtricla wi'r. the gueis of MUr. and Mrt;.Geforge Gros. and famil> at Lake Zurich li".( Thuraday. Mrs. Belle t'grban of Eigi as l, ' guast of Mr. "sd Mrm. Frank Miicteill several days i set week, Hasrold Weil@ and WVarren ~ye spent Tlnirsday vitis Iriendis in An tloch. Dean Wells Of Chicago spent hle veek end at home. Mr. and Mm'. John Hodge and family aPent 'I'hankiglving '.111, Mr. and Mn!. George Ray ai Jilamond Lake. Mise Elma fleaumama of Round Lakie sPent Friday with beher r. eHar- ry Mcflrlde. Mm., F1ankVlckey was a Lberty- ville vîsitor Monday. !ira. George Ross s on the sick liat. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rouse and son, Stanley, apent Thursday witb Mr. and Mra. R. P. Bouse. Mr. and Mrm. A. R. Roder were Wau kegan viators Saýurday afiernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Jarreli m.ewn Thanksgîvlng with Mr and Mm. Wm. King-az -d fa-ily. Ur. and Ms., H. C. Meyer and lamily vere the gueula ofMUn and Mza. W. F. Meyer and fanilly Thursday. Mmr. andl Mrs. Bert ('hamberlin ,and sons and Jullus Chambertin were en- tertainedai t the C. G. Small homne laat Tburaday. Mr. and MwI'. Frank Baurxasmitla en- tertmned Ur. and Mr. Wm tIchuma- cher of Drue.Lake. and Mr. angMrs. Oreil Hibbard of Waukegan Thankfe gilig .Mr and Mns. Tovnsend Smili cpi-ni Thankagivtng wthithe forirs par enta, Mr. and Mm. Ira Smth of Round Lake. Mm'. AI"a Jones retuîned bomne List Monday. alter spen' a few days with her son. Roy, and family, ai Beloit, Wlu. Walter Meyer vas a Chicago vs.e itor Saturday. Mm. John Coswller sî>enft Friday sit he home o? ber son. Edvard Gos waihr. and family atilnamond Laike, Mis } arriet Bradinerd of Wast,ýr tos n.Ili., vasa entertalnied at the.,liard' ing home ove-r Thankegiving. Tbur..- day evening Mr, andMrs. H . C. W. Me>t'r. Ge'orge Mte>er and Mi. and Mn,. George lrainerd were al,'O the gui-cia of the' Harinîg famiY, 0. A. Ne'lson 'sas a 'aVaukeaîn vs- itor Frada>. Ni's..Garî'el;Ni a oua s a.'s ral' I lia Itudlphai. .Nlaod> ayiriini to 0ai tenld thi' lamerai taf lier isîber. ssiacla1 vas helîl Tuesda>. August andl Louis Kniîge ofcititii1 @;pett.Sunday evenang vîth NMr. and1 Mars. H. V' W. %Iyer- andi taiiily. Fis. C. shadll 4S'ais a aukegao visitor Friday.4 Mr. anîl Mrs. Fred Vaalkî'r wei'y'eau iertained ai the iaomeof thriibda.ugîa ,'r, Mm.s iPiiîjaMaîse, and tami,. a1 (llmer arm Tbanksgiving. Mns.Jlia C'handla'r iofWes' ('acaago Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chandler and soni SJoe I ver. entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris 'Chandler Tiank- glvlng day. Mia. W. 1), Porteous and son. Car- rol vere Waukegan visîhors Friday. 1 Mis. Tlioniasw asselI and childri epent Satuîday vltb relatives in WVau- kegan. Mr, and Mms. Fred Zersen vere vis- Peirs in Wheeling Saturday. Mi .A. J. Coasu of Prairie View spent sevemal days lat veek wilh Mr. and Mrs , P. Mitchell. [amon Holmes spent thse veek end. wiallaMm'. A. Hulmes and son Irvin. who are staylnig vith Mr, and Mn..j Wade. Uttle Saran Morse spent the veek' end citi her grandparents, Mc. and1 Mr.. Fred Voelkem. Oacar Bell of Belvidere spent the week end vlth friends In Ares, bIrc ad Mm.. George Mansbridge were Waukegan vielons Saturday. Mr.and Mm. Winl Zersen vere Pal- atune vaitore Monday. blise Coma Hodgkln., vho lue taylng at the R. Wilooz 'home. vlettedat the bjeiGefetUM. and Mia. W. Lochieal IN ADDRESSINGi so, Norris, Mr aa! ir'a. Wta %tr'.. H.rnîan f'rehm and Mrs. lPiohm and chidren spentT '-;t Nlr-cand Mr'.. llenry Kru Loang Grî,',e. aý,nai '. I lai kini- a'lai'ai.",' lUÂa U ir-f1 1-- A-YSMAKE RubGO M ECOR FOR LIBERTY VILLE '.% anD 'lia G-a:.. MaIith tili fl. .;I tdM uaiM'I iaii NO UA IN BUYING WAR SAVING SECURITIES M;and Mrs. Gtorge a i taaitband a i liONbURA Morris Wlcox ueno %,o Wukesba, P S =O E I trz iI ii-1ý 'elfe ng lm ti1 \aVis . 'lhanksgivang II lu v5isit lis J ,uî ilaitht ir ri ai 1*,a lu an,,0.o finca ant i a ....n iiothler. who el n a sanitariuaiî t acc. -v.araavings secur'i jt, an 19Ibt(ia lu: I- ta' i- i as r'1 r %rs. N'a lcox as getting aiong as weil Says they can be remioved quota liad been bel ,, naa~îîîiaiuniîv aaa la.,. a olbcexpected. vle h epe0h laebuhL. zA-,NA,.1 j Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zereon and when placed too near a 1 u'repope0 a blg ogcIP L.'IN 1 Mr. nd rs, redZeren eteraind hihwa imor'e ihian $60.000 s wIitti berîysiîîa' o Mr.andMrs Ped ersn etetaied ighaywas tbe only LOI -,i any size ini the tllftlt-TMAS i L"rTEUS~ ANi) M r. and Mm.. H.- Wulff and ?emily of - aItywhîch mada jý1f- quota thal (A -IS OF bNISI'AL lZ Quentin's ('ornera, and Mr. and Ms Colunmbus, Ohio. Nov. 24.-Indlorme- easdiprtywilnli CR R Herman of Diiamond Lake tant nient lias been gitven b> Postmasten- we-Ar. Na loddc't ,î a11 General Bays to the rîîflng byt .n 92,btv nn' ligs eî Please urge i' laUbict tala at ',a raow Thurday.neyGeneral Price o? Ohio. that po. !n 1921. We have t,'auaahi aaly $313() uting snifI Sia Cads .,nan a'eoîaa-- ARASHC.NTS er tg vested ln the Ohio highwav ae- wrn O? these seailiib tis yFai. we-bah ai.' riiiîntan a lie taiiîa ARASHOI.NTS partment 10 remove rural deliser wib only one menti.lI't i vawsb Lib' îa,,riod. We hopae ht, aaîoner. sit D.orirhy Dolton. Edîtor-inChief. mail boxes when placed too niear i ertyvible 10 continu. hi-a good record, flot stock liii on hlit sIs sizes. An Helen Russe]), Assistant Editor highwsy. ai possible, unI i1,1 'Oaunt(Itl 11wi>ai -iaed n0 'an Ralph Rusesel. Genevieve Huebsch "The Post Office îlepartient is;in Do you knov tha. Illinois aind Inda clCug ucli mail b'. band . aea. i ai and LaVerne Swan eacb recelved 110 îerested in the Improvenient of Polsit1 ana are running a lai, an 'he- buyjng flot pass tbîrauglh i', canitna. i an the test fifty-virai spelling lest, roieand will ot support any unrýas ai 'hese securities, atnd.l'bat Indiana fl'aa. .ýs ich kt"i' i¶lu '.canta lîlm Ethel and Ridgley Ray returned 10 sonable atbemît b>' a platron o? aiî leedîng ai tue prt , nit taniea. Wo'i lroler sizes oai nefltuîea, a' laie1ax echool Mondsy, ler an absence o! a rural roule luo naintain Iti.,box iiia .luseo? >ou wbo aii able, jaease Cali imum IIr.eo? 50,000 an LouaThe land week. position wiîich tLe autiliritiea O o " Paul RI olrreaurneal to echool test yeur State beiese nüontitutes an ô a(rhi n ltuob-su rdr?.Li1il 10 it a-a. lii a ls Monday. struction," Postmastei Gieraj flîsys You are mot a.ked iuiiakea' ,jjvsaêri-j,-ait size cards and ena ba'.lu' Monay.wrote tu Attorney Genelnai Prica', abo titi. asthough 1 knoe aaou ayhl able also delaits the other auai! hia i ai- fI>.atrice Ilogan i-nrolled in the sec- bad Eubmitd bis rsling 'o the Posa J to make invesItment. I i ii yieid a uv,,. aînd grade last week, master General heffoce nîalaing il pst- i titue rate of inte sit Bul woutd In tuisconnecion wi- iap.altoifi l ,daHodge vas absent rom school , lite.ea a?.Arila ngm" .afiiisprl~ta vi H ob Mon idrn o? 1I 'Box"s meut ta' llaca'd :0 thai luI on the-m and takin;. a inss nov anal Of bandwriting. Ieub., tuff."a The chlrno he grammar recrum1ai deivery dri'.cî., netdl nol Ceavýe iben. youvwould bie n'atbing ahe-ad. one postal vorker ratils il. anal use ai are busy making baskets. the sehicle ln deti.eringthie lina," W- rsa 1ng98eecun r, are' et ,n; llain il ntut o lretiy'in. Mn and Mrs. F. J. Keiroy andl chi. Pcamaster (jenerail iassiad. "Thi . îbev do not flufctuab i. h the nmarket Poatitashers wîli be granted puermis- drtn spent Thurlay in Antioch. dîesni'i mean (liativraeis must bc and can be casheal î.raaeicaliy ai an> asion taio of-c ta) the pub]li c iaciiities fii Mr. and Mrm. Muilholland of Liber. enabled to remain on the Paved ror i 'na.-- no questions i il Xou neyer wraplaing and i>ing )iai kama'.i jreiOai. Ityville- slsited Mr. and Mm.,J C. Dol, taon of a highway.," lie stated. need laIte legs. for iba ni ;han svhat you to the Chiasaas iush. Il is .iig9est'as fier Thanksgîvlng day. The Atorney ger.cîî'sruiiîig liai.>I laid, as they IncreaI inaaluleyi-svtliai a caocessioîn ha- ara' n ti aai' lon, 0. A. Neleon sent ta LOoI Lakte lastpromuuied l'y a reqifat OinStala-1 monih you hold tuer,. ho viii talit, spasce an tiue tobb>and Mssnday Highways [ircrtor lb-ii cd i. ilt o rauyS nr 'riiaa.gvooreu adlrsaial-i William T. Zersen andand William L. sated ihat pelionfs placte niailJ boxesIinI etiia gv ortosad rpiateto Zirsin o? Milwaukee spent Thankegiv. on the dirt ptoncan u roadwithlu tan ebuh u anhtc$40t)teneao i ahi.aamgn îng viîh the former's parents in Area. a fo. 0,lms !ia-P~d1c a ? hso 1". I meieoth lon oaT $u 844.00. Yl -i >auc inlar. and materials used. This arA. itiy muai ics. L WV.Knîgge and children vsa._____e__ist -discounted wben .jou lake the be'c t:tysulsi-aIota aie- 'talth-,. lted Frlday at Grayslake. Albert rni--Iluirhase, 4lj% if 1,ld i10maturiy, jpubliie is thorougii lieas-ca ad sa: malud fr Ie- eso? he eek ~ O O O01i and tt'«'if cashedal an carlin date. sfide vith the service. anîd chnuid ha Mr. and -%ra P. J Keilroy and famiy 1o A N T 10 C H o ou may open a sai ngs accouni oy diawcntinued following the rui'i. sia-ni Fiiday ln Millwaukee. .O000 000 O me000* 000 0,:he puirchi.5e of a i li t t Sianîp, s $1 WILL H. HANS. France-s and Flora LDolton visuta-a 51 Mms. Marie Jensen and two children Trcaeurysaylas. stahuula tac a war sav- Posimaster Gteiral. hie- Ii. 'aellé home Frlday. ! spent tue pait week in Chicago, _______ ________________________ Sir. and Mrs. Thomas Russell spet M dMm.Wln ceantv'I tefI Sunday afternoon in Lakte Forestp"iMr n r.Wlo ee n w it extensivellti ai yte etn Mr Nio dMs Nlo llden amd Mrs. Duddley vent to out o? shubbery. bPOSTeLsettin NesnadMs esnspent Ch'icgo Satuiday t~a ee Mm. McGee's P S A FI Thanksgiv-ing ai LOoI Lakte brother froInMexico, Mo., Who ilu sit- Walter Dougisu vaihame froni Lake Th0 - %lsses Edth andEizabhDol- i.9 . Chicgo for a fev days. Forest for bis Thanksgiving vacation CIL TO ILPL lnvthrsd. te hak l omelit MisaaMargaret Dunn speni over Sun-i lait week. CA ST E PL Tbunday. ~~ ~~~day vith frienda in Wsukegan. 1ThLais dwl odter Mc. and Mr,. J. C. liorfier sisi'ed ailMrs. Laurence Hofiman and Herald'reLaduiness Ai vii o d eir ayCATE O T O the hevori r and . Gog ot spent a few day. tant veek ln Chicago! aftemnoon, Dec. 7, with Mme. Paul viEeei udý.i ihrelative.i Avery. Evemybody la very Welcome. 'aiss Haines SPEni , hie Tbanksgaving 1 rn od dtro h nic m n n.E e The exensive facilities o? the poit sacation an Chicago. Nv pn vraddy atvct Tae pn fiedepaitmeni o! the United Mass Marv Murra> and Lorette. DosJ uNaw i et bis Thankagiving an vetîts ekwth relative. ai States goveifllfent are to be opened le vatedai Se- ome0f Eely 'Mismd family ai Evanston. Evaton. for tue nue of relatives fiervist e the hoe o EveysiMr.andMrs. John Clark orpenlJ Mm, d Mm.. Oscar Douglas are friands on persans vho 'dlsàppeared Miler and Harriet Putms4s of Liberîty. mankegaving in Chicago ýwith fm,. moving thia week to tue upper Nadr or Were swallowed up ln otuer cItles ville Saurday and Sonda>'. Clark's alter. liai,. or parts of tue country. Rev. Munifordand famiîy ehtertained Frienda of the L. W. Rovîing feznily la a bulletin recelved by Postmasi- O O OO O OO O 00000 O 0thei dauçbter front Evanion over who formeily liveal here, iIherGad o!tWukanpsot 0 QUENTNS CORNES *Tbankugiving.j intemeted to know of the marriage of fice, Witt H. Rays, "aotmateh-general Mimu Belioa Buacian o? Wakega their eldeet daughter, Misa Eva to Ber-t teleof the service to b. o! fe'rd hy Mine Bee.da Bs5hmanof Wau if 1 Clubb of Eugenes Oregon, vhene they the postal department for distressed pnt a few days the peut veek vîth; ill mùe thefr hom. familles. B> Charles Ruffing. ber parents bere..M.adMs opretoCiao Psiatr r die ntebt A fock o? gesese and one duck vere oThe bazaur given by the Ladies' Guiid fMn. and Mme.Hoopnwit eatives hcago P omaesarnvlela iens "fuit "cen migi'ating north Tuesaa. ifothe Epiacopal church tast Satuiday and Mm. Hoopen and the childien ,vîsable," la an effort 10 find Ioved One o? Herman Greve's cildren badl afternoon and evening vas a decided remained tilt Sunda>' evening. Ionea vho have dropped from ,sighit. an attack of croup lai veek. Wsuffragvse.Cb ao n ue'Thoueande o! familles have ltci- ýÈle&nOr Sturmi visiteail ln Palatinîe A. G. Wateoni attended the funemal ilTWebe a n byg o ui dren, young men, young vomen, and of i.atem'in-iaw ai Manitovoc, Wi., nesa usiy man>' husiande and wIves have dluap- las wee. lnt wek.WilI ail Royal Neigbbors kindi>' peared. the bulletin etatte,. Ae the is Lanek. visited in Chicago ~remember thai ailI due. muut lbe paidpotlsriegs t enycnr Mn. a da n .Mm. Tom Sullivan and ebildren and befor. the. end of the. year? On Tuies-potisrieoslaeemycnr Daiel daSumJ.. iie th Robent Belter epeni several day. the day, Dec. l3tb a picnic dinner wil be o! the land lit can lie o! practical ser- Ds.leiStrniJr. vsiid I bmvpait veek in Chicago vith relatives. semved at 1 o'clock and ait memblera are vice. Thie departmnent dons Dot Iniend Sunday. doMrs. Jensenoweyarein1h.vproudf Mr. and Mra. Andrew 'Landman and a Dr.anlir.Jse aeth ou cordiailsv elcome. Meeting will follow 0Itree oee.l nvt i prente of a little daughber tuai arived and the election of officera viii take faire or aci as a collection agency. chiidren visited et ihe Schultz home ai uheir home on Sunday o? ]a.t veek. i Place. ileretofore the postal authoritiei Thansgiingdey the Xriaagft hop pen etthehi ave fovned on the departznent'a Mr.nkagn Mi>. Vg ii d h Mms. George Mitchell and daugbler I aysace o esn h Mnm n.Vg aiela h o n i gif 111op.oens:0ai m.iaedhi thee 'k vith berpaients. maknv d' edace o esn h Graff homte Sunday. aMro.onDe. l, aî :3 1iniW. asoutorStud hdave disappear. Mrs.Stockel and daugher Mabcisreadated Sunday. tfrStra n andl Mr. and Mn.. Graf? vent to Chi- Mrs, George Kuhaupi reîumned home Mn. and Mrs, N. G enzero PortM KEC PL NT0 cago Friday. on Tueuda>' evening froni Jackson. Waibinirtn, Wis., cle nfinshem.1À EC 14 L ITO cagoFriay. ChragiviatorWia. wheme se. a. called b>' the lait Friday. Mr. Berlin wa ia goviit lUnensanmd death o! her mnoîher, Mmc.. M.Mcosyacmmne br la u eldr Frida>'. gveca alr.huaband to the ciby Monday and ipent VI1II'S M JIEIN TheZueedo? cilden avea pnty Mr. and Mns. George Kelly and the day there.___ Thanksgiving. daughter of Racine, spent a fev days Mr. Ballinger o? Washington, D. C,, Madison, Wis.. Nov 26-Charges Oscar Pohinian Is the proud ovni-i tbe past veek viih Aniioch relatives1 la 9spending Bornie tume vith the M. S., that Wilbur Glenn Voliva. overseer of! a ne vear. and friendi. M iller famiîy.1 o! Zion CitylitI., wrongs scboi chl- Mica Kainpert vas an Elian on a On Wednesday afiernoon of lait weak businefss mission Satunday. occurred the mrieo isBnh Earl Poiter and famnil>' of Hubbard .dnn, corrupts the young, deftes state Mua, Kmpei vs h' gi-s oîLaPant aBn rury.TofhMe Bere.a Woods, alient Thanksgiving viîh theauihority, makes crîmînals. rune a crienîs ail Spring LaIte Thankcgavaflat marmied at Waukegan by Judge Walter i cniec ae n ece oen ______________Taylor. cousin of the bride. After alJ Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Murrie apeni i mental duloyaliy are containemi in a short wedding trip the>' vili he at homeI Thankagiving vith Mmi. Murries communication received ioday b>' o 0 0O00O 00O 00O 000 0 O 0 0 O0Oto their man>' frienidaset Cedar Lakte. 1 parents near Russell. Mayor I. Milo Kittieson. o! Madison, CI PROGEMIVE S OOL CiTheir many frinds extend congratula- ____th_____________s'Proect O pncIh~Iç J,1~F>L tions to thehap couple. Ive- association o? Zion City'. OOOO OOOO0000000 On Fida aftmnoo tatcured te]1 "Zion City,. wilh nearly 6,000 PEoI PHIIGItESSIVE SCEOLdeaih of lire, Jacob Savage, one ofI i ' hrub Vlhasiflecl 3.1*., fluseofDiaondLak spnAntioch's oIdest nesidents, She hailfares tu' sai- andvih Mc.Jee aig l'or soeatame, but had ben 1 0e0 0 00 00 00 0 00 0 h re0' . tîî'ocIt-aund r.Jt confined to lier lied for about a yack, ; A Buanaoýto a ine h Brcsi.death vas due to a generai breakingpat'vsçen ite Cceciii- Aniana client Frias affti dovn vhich aomnes wuîh oîd mga. Mrs h omne Of Hennie Epker, Thanksgiving noon 'sih Rath Holdridare of Levis." Savage vas the daughten o? the laie night. nian>' riends vama prasant. aiseue.Thos W.b ofHicoryandvas i JAfter va piaycd Bunco. va played some etage. She is survived by bier aged s ont ale fnia .Z 3 M E 'aIr, anal a 1r. I. Holdinige cpi-ni uaband and one daughier, Mrs. j wih deiicious refrashments. Lcna Tiianksaising ssih Mn. and talcs Ed anteWls fAtoh adtre1Miller von tiirt priza o? the nl ad DayJaWnlltamWNeusao? AoniocbtapdZtcfee Gi~i-ni-s olWasingon irietsons, Austin and Mortimer of Hickory' Willia Nau man von iite on-a, San Gýenea o Wahigtn tretand Lee of Anbioath, besides a large s bo.Ena iz An rseledaue ni.~ Waoka'gafiospent Tlîursday vihb Mr. number of othen relatives and friands slto nz.Aie upnv acd anal Mca . IVNa. Green. The funarai vas held et the home Mon'- and sang.I E.B.DoltteofGrylaI pntiday morning i1:0ocok Rev. We are going to write our firat tri- Monday in Chicago. Hickory.. .Nrs Caa olrdg addaughten icorMn. [and Mrs. Albert Schwai it ofMis. Court auîdiageand petTue- Mr.and Mrs. Samuel E. Machs and 1m' ldt Ci a i]et F'idayto vieit M1Wsn. JuniomtoredChCcagoo nus>',QUININE 1 oyi MijCort, 1.W.uke g . et sn unoo h atao pent ovar tMn, Schvandi's sister, Mis. H ansena Axel Noien oh LaIte Villa spenit tlie Margaret Davis. serilster kr . 2NnhLVreAevoi e> Thanksglving holiday wvus Mn.and Mrn d Mr Arthur Hadîock amd sGerrudeSchwandi and GIadyu Mlder A ts 0M1%0spot Mrs. Lawrenca Amatin and famîl>' son, Howard spent Sunday vith Antioch 0 etuaJLt ii m relaives J o the fi!fth grade and Ireue Schvandt relatives.___ of eighhh gr-ide received fie-e perfect HIIC B. Q. Ta"meSa ustib, tui. marks in spelling. . lv s l 511d 11.. RO N IL O O O ::::::::.: Joseph Guerin is having mlk houa. waer 4IUI AR IG 00 LAKE VILLA 0 built on his farmin oomdistrict. Lloyd. 1- O1,-. rmlinl' nv Mr-.II d IM m ~iPester spet Mn. Neal has buili a chicken bousge 1 11m1- -1slesumiisu Round Lake Office Telephone, RoundLake .24t Calis Promptly Answered Day 'Or Neg Resident Physician Sunnybrook Sanitafiuna Telephonc, Round Lake 42-R-1 BOLIDA MAIL arl Ernst was a Chicago viat Mrs. Chas. Diehl and Mrs. 'W« man spent Saturday in Barringlèl Postoffice department makes Mg. m ad Mis. Henry BiliIad suggestions to lessen the one day lutI week in Chieae burden of carriers shopping tour. - Mr. and Mn. John Prelo "Think wlaî it means -to be S'anta Thanksgiving with. Mt. Claus to 100,000,000 People and tii de.' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl liver Christmas parcels to every fa- their home in Chicago.S il in this great country witbin thi Mrs. Chas Weaver and d short spae of a few days and witla' were Waukegan visitors ou disapointment," esays Postniaster last week. nGeneral William Haye. in a Christ- ,mas message to the boys and girls Mr adorsfE!B ýthe United States, asking thtymf?ý Emmitt Branding spent - theïr co-operation and help. M n r er rnig elTwo of his suggestions are: "Wrap,. Nire Wm. Prehm, Jr., ea" lýie, and address parcels Inl su Il a the Bunco club Sunday evenrng.. jmanner that they may arrive. 'Il OOd NMr. and Mrs. Walter Plaggé condition, with their Christmas ap peaanc unpoied.Do lotput<,~chîidren spent Thankagivmng et pearnceunsoild. D no Pu onListhartke at Barrington. vour packages-, 'Do flot open bhefre Christmas!1 The community wa.saudden e, ýj MKE ADORESES COMPLETE of the audden death of Wrn. UW4 "T5 adeso veylte adat the Palatine hospital Thuauudry orTh pcage mst onevcory et, ornpiting. Mr. Sandmun was utmué or ackge us bccorec, omplteengine Nov. 8, on the firet ca and legible, including the house flum- of-Lake Zurich on the watu be, and the name of the street, with' ton. He suffered a compoant ie sender'e address plainly wrltten of hi. riîht limb and vue Ion the upper left hand corner. the hospltal. He contrae$e P."Do flot sbbreviatethie names Of last SaturdaY, lhe has - ,.ates. Put proper amount of postage witb asthma for the paut yet. 1on ltlters and parcelq. Do flot ulse hie grew worne and a trailned auOi 'taancy wriling.' Do flot Wiead- called but the end came on b dresss wat pencl. U e anad Mr. Sandman han lived in Via inu ideelopes andcardt'e qan ardanuniber of years and na4. ail etere sand cages arlfrienda who will miss hirn. . -Mli] ettrs ndpacage ealymother, Mrs. Mina Sndman hi in thie day to avoid the overloading three sisters, Mrs. Elmer. l5q and delaying the mails att he close Amnanda and Tillie and tvo b.d o? the day. 1 Leo and Auguit and two sisteru. NUMBER VOUR HOUISES. and Anna 'have died withia % -Be sure that there IR a number and four years. MisagAmanda Eu vas in Globe. Anîtoau, Md a mail rc-ceplacle on your bouse, SO Monday to attendl thse mp that Santa C.laus' messenger. the mail Tuesday at 1:30 at St. Poteau D> carrier, may be able 10 find the house cal churcb, Rev. Bizer from viiere tbe presents belong. officiated. rhe muny friendus "Reasons for care are necessary." the. famly the deepest "Myae Mr. Hays says, "because one famul'y this their ou f orw in every 10 puis a badly addressed rdKopviaoehu latter la th. mails eVery day. Thinfam euât c>Y town Dec. 1. mixes up 2,000,000 badly addressed, letters with 40,000,000 wbich are fu]IY i Mr@. Mabel Adamu and eidu addressed." come fmow their home in 0Co-dih apend the winter with relative OOOOSOOOOOo*êOêOo.i Mrs. FredHoft entertainm l o~~ LA E Z RIH Prs. Welah and Mr. and lira. LAK EZURICH Walsh of Chicago, at dinne,1 to0 e0000000000000000giving. ý 1 Mise Verna Gohlbeck apent Thanks-a Mis Mred aithfinaBien giving at home. -a vrt îhfinu 1 Wm. Prebm, Sr., returned Thuraday 9from a visit with hi. daughtem, IMrs. ,pVertâbrae In the Nuok. James Cornwell at Valparaiso. AIll mamuî,aîs have thi ie m Ed Wiencke in mailing a short vii ero 'tebrae In thelr necem-U with relatives. a 'e He arrived in Chicai-o TheR-e seem adequste enoum 111 1lait Wednesday from, hie home in il ' rn mouse or a tiges, baïli Lorna, N. D. feaw fora a giraife. Yet tbUa. Mr. and Mm.. August Froelich and are-ount them-seven 1 Our Reliable Damp Wash Service A flew service is added to our laundry department. 1 We have inaifuted tits service for those who want tu do &Vae.1 wi th the tubs, steam and mua of washday or of* havlng te hother 1 s'ith Rome one comning to the bouse to do the Iaahlng, profevrtagt to dry anîd l'on It at home. We are giving yosi a description et WHAT OUR RELIALE DAMP WASH SERVICE NEMU; OUR RELIABLE DAMP WASH SERVICE meansu tat yoe gooda viien laundered, vîlllhe returned to you In a dainp (lbot wet) condition. When we Bay damp, we mean that most of the. gouda ame la an imoable condition. Your- gouds are weighed when received at the Lausidry, dry'- -Dot wet. Your goods are waabed separately by themielve., flot marked. OUR REIABLE DAýMP WASH SERVICE meana that yola rail send us 25 Ibb. of famlly ahlng for 125, vbicb ln more. laundry than the average family has. Should you have more than 25 Ibo., we wil then charge you 5 cents per Ili. for each aulditon* Pound. OUR RELIABLE DAMA' WASH SERVICE means that vo sali do your farnily wash in the saine manner as you would dq At yourself. or have a washwoman do il, except that ve wlI demon- sirate tu you that we yull do lb better and cheaper adBsave Yeu tht' inconvenience as 'well as render 30<1 betee service. GIVE OUR RELIALE DANP WASH SERVICE A TRIL.L Sefld us your fimailywaah an a bag made o? ticlclng or atrOnc white malerial about one 'yard wide aÏd one and one-fouîtb yard% long. Thuis hag will be waïebed each time and your laundry re- lurned bIn il. A LAUNDRV GAG WILL BE FURNISHED AT COST. The Reliable Laundry HIGHLAND PARK and LIBERTY VILLE Highland Park Telephone 178. Libertyville Tuluphone 67ZR Avenue. NOIS. !R rois. oe110e-W as NOIS. Phono 18. meer Announcement Orval. J. Gause, M. D. Round Lake, Illinois

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