.AM- ANAVY GOODSý SPEG IA LS for SAT1URDA Y Brunit Neî-e S. N. Bkinketa. &il véol, large nixe.$9 46%88. velgit 4% pouahe. Worth $12..............«$ J lankets;, double commercial Blaukets; vool uap. --doubl cto.reclalmet. 50 commnercial Cottoni 22 *la.rge site----------t................ 22 BlAnket5k; irn> . 1.3D-Maet;alvo Ail vool. speciai y1 nt lgriay 3.75 . Biankets; Navy unit Airn> - Blikts; nov commercial du Gi-mi" unit ble. large site........39 plaids. ....2.95 o499 $8 .01 vlu Jersey Overîhîri - Brand nov. ]Ext-a qualit>'. fast color,9c ail sizes. Oui- stppi>'-ln limitet .......................... s O D. Wool Shirts, brundnitew. 0. D. Wooi Shirts. ieclaimdt Reinfoicet elbows undt colili-s. perfect undt dean 35, Worh $.0 ....3.45 Coton Shirts, ai-rn> 5 Man> ai-e nev ...._ s c cottn;- brad 1new Socks; cotton unit wool $ocks. otn- iui o reclimot. Yoùr choice iv C fitetvy work socIt 2c Oerls lt i 5 Ne No................. Navy Jumpers, boas>'eim £ocks: New icavi voo - $1 nov; *orti 75c; 35o pi-. 3 fo to styles 12 Wool Nnvy Sweaters. Brand new. AU aises. Strong andt ionvy. vorti-----------------...........-......... $ .9 sweater Conta.- new cottoni-.......5 Ail vool navy sllp-over. new -&Il sises, Worth $6.00--------..... Wool tva.ersblrts a .. . .- . -. . . .. . . . .. .. Ai-my OvercotsQ teÊ ai-. ..... $ ,Îjrm-er Coats, Seul iand coiton. maroon..- 2.50V Wooleii reches- iduai for ,vaqn .....h 2 r n Wee Dav 5 Ctto4iDraver .... 75c $f' O54c '75c 8e reu Collars front heavi- artillon>' barn"us. re-mi ew $ 05 'oiti #16 te $20. 5peiai . ..... $2.50--.-. hyvlian suite and! Overcoatu. (Theme ar suite left by the boys enenre service. M,3(« o!09 tbe coe iu"aIl m13«.) <eSi.$2900» to$4* smgovercoats $2*> 00$ WAUKEGAN ARMY, audNAVY,STORE Stwth adnof tBridge. v~ j çe.! frie a"t a thi Ciytoday. TaLd** ÂIa aeetetye «tlb. Noa- edisi church vii mât tomorrow aleo 6TJES AT R T ÀRY nome it thehome of mmi-. .W. CeokI M n AT RO.ÀR 0f Or lxteoiiuh st-eeut ft 2:30 P. M. AiU CLU B NQ ET members #»ures ob. présent as -~Suts Clis" recelveità a uaibur o 200 attended notable event calaisyeteritay ai the. Auditorim but fast evening at the Salva. as he hait not airivéet yet, hlisucre- 'tion Army tary took th.edors andtsanie vili b. North Pole. Youngters keep vatcb for JAMES HERRON, SPEAKER lim and. dontýforfet he ot i hlm ii - 0à wanl bilm te put la your stock- une o! lhe mot enjoY*bie meetings 111& of the year vas bed by the Wauke-. fNorth Gicago vus velà auprelteit a Rtary Club lut evOnIR1 5 ube th ai the Rotai-y club banquet ai Wauke- haffuet roollu0oflthé SalvatioB A gala lu.t oea.ing. Fatal. The. meting vas dehntl Thé Opeka AU Stars viii boit! hirg as Ladies Nlgbt, ithe viveR lot Rotaii ek> ukliul rcioIi v &n'eini the. suents ef thi.evqninîg. el bsthalpci@ti ea- The Cub vas furtiier honotuir bylitaes ai îl *begyltaiah101coc;the P the,, presonce of Governorsunit ms. Aiercal Légon viii bave theeSoirait SmIl, Mr.unit Mrs. Vernon utizl.8:11q p. n. for their caim et athletios.n LellieSmal, unit C. C. LeForge of Tii. NorthaChicago club belli a very b the Gveruoi's part>'. Theé otror sitesnd alentbueutic meeting sund his son, Leslie. are both Relurt- lait evenling ait he club roois uitetr- asa iii Kunkakee. ,The '.o orerlm el tra* Rotar-y style entered istehtthe lm uldiing-wii a Véry lasrge atern sii of the. meeting la a a vY lthitan». g tblngdefinit@ vas $rrsne<i vos the admiration of aiU menbers atthO, a gestera g4o04 disCU-5l0 Of thie and- guesttpresent. plana Vas jbai. The speaker o! the leveulng va. T-bene are ueo more good basketbali lamée@ Heron of thi evew oi-k Club games on the. Communty fl>r Batur-t vhg'av a mosi muunl Interpréta- day evening. As curtÜli ralsèrs. lthe tîoamof t he meunlng of iRotary tii-nU tii. tse of i playlet entitleit "The City girls' tean yl play a Waukegas 0 ipUifo Rotar>." Neyer bu tii. local girls- teain. Tii. girls' teaints are mot.L club. eeon iven -a more graphic pic- asm yet £tily organize but the drector 1 ture of sisat Rotar-y meuRs tm the nu pîckeit rive girls to msst tie Wau- busInees mon of tiie future than vas kegan teain Satui-day. a givent by "Jiummle." Tiie Wauconda boy's teint viii play t _______________ Ute city teint boeeolloving thé gils s ane. The borne toant la expecting a bard tussie as the vtsiting teaint l iso [N O-rth Chhigh standing in the basket bail fieldq ~ -No th C ica~ and bave contpeted vitir such goeat as the. Waukegan Anterican- Leglop. L. C. WVilson of Milwaukee visîted Grays Lake, etc. liowever, the local friende; ln Iis cil>' yesterday. team la iu a position 10 meet vei-y Tihe Recreation Association Gainse srong opposition unit as they bave Festival wa& veli attendei luit oven- walkedf away vih practicali>' ail the. lng and a ver>' goot tinte vas had by teanats ie>' bave played iIbis seasoli. ail present in spite of the. tact that the. rooters ai-e ietng on the home several' of the members of lhecont- teain. There viii be a amail admission nie were unabl, to attend. Mi. Tir- tee for ibis veek's gaines which le neC- gi M. Smith too charge of the gantes essai-y on account of the expensePt inu tbe absence o! the committe Chili- brngtng the. viiting teant over. Tii. .maua. Miss Estheor Nelson. Mrs. Dort- Atbletic committee contposed of F. E. tby Auli. mouiler of tbe commi&à. reYoe, John Tidy unit J. Lester Kiema sistei Mi. Smith lnaithe eveningu en- viii bave charge of the. Satui-ity ev- teitaiiiinit. 'Ju-oua active gàleniCogges gaines hereattes'. as the FOUi -mmu played. folovet b>' a ev minte iPark Boardt are flot permitted. ho laI and tiie Grand Mai-ch. A shiort buil- spectatous. Tii... gaintes promise ho b. neisu meeting, conitucteit by the pies- nomtIînîerestlng und it iii e veil liètnt. - l.Davis, vas lelit. Miss Est- vortintemmli tee. ber Nelolon office us seci-etai>'wu J.. B. Wittrup of Chicago visiteit lu contirmeit b> members prebent. The Ibis ity yeteritay. folloving conunttéeevus appoistoit Tii. mani frienits of Miss Jennie for lhe .anuary Gants nljht: J. Lester Noyers, foi-ifl io! tua lit tt, 00Vi, lema, Chairman. -John Tily, Mis reilîteni of Waukegaii. viii bc surPris Belle iHughes unit Mi-. Lester BulL ott ero e a-aeh ol The. date foi-saanme bas not Jet been Druba. lite gurd ai Waukegaui. The. décided- upon. as ibis meeting viii young couple announeit lasi evenlngi _bave to be governeit *y the varous that îbey ver, secrelY mariled In -holiday acîivitiem v h i iieb car- Chicago a wOelL ugo. Mi. Drul>. saveit rie.! on, ubrumiout the ciy. An bour ils brde's lits ivo yeurs agtinl the ot dancing vas onIoYed b>' a number Waukegan lHarbor authie lime of lthe , ofet ti oumspeople vIich compieteit double lragld death of ber Ivo Noith thé et oningas programt. Chicago chumls. Mi. Bei-t P. Minler of Chicago visit- 500,000 employps on 95 tai- .roads, maintenance of way,, workers, affeoted MAY MODIFY AGREEMENT DY lnteli.atp.flal Nov ew- i$e@ Ný Clucago e. è. 7. - Tii. Tllted States rale4d labor board today b. g"a ooncldertuon of disputes tu r- gard tti.rules ad vorklnscondi-1 Ilnt ttbd* mantegu*adet ot "y . iiioyes. Mort bi 500.00 ernpî.yeaon ,5# railiroads wiI b. affect.d, by the board'* final décision. SEmployez of &bouit 3othér rouit. bave Corne t'Oagreements vtth theirI employer@ and auch agremente viii itan, it tot Interference from tbow labor board., i, t4s .xpeted that the. board'.acs- tion la the. present dispute wili re- suit lnithe modification of the, na- tional agreement betv.en the rederai ratlroad, administration and that or U7nited Brothenhood of Maintenance or Way Employes and Railway Sho.) L.aborers vhich hecame effective Dec.; lé.' S$0. 1 Elghty-th ree -es ln theè national agreemnent. vblch l is . eentire agi-e- ment. are ln dispute altbough an agreemnent bas been reashuit-on Most or the rulea on a ntajority, of the lETRCARRIRW SPORTOON, CLAIM. ELECT OFHBS- ~6 Annognoement that bring hmm AI ti. eguia~ aapnbuiback to Giants starts 9088ip meeting o! theONatlla oaS gol or Letton Carriers et Wauk.ga. mrsneh Ne. 409, vhieh vasbeld ailDTOI -GR BS thm homef oe.. c aàÎeen. isDTIMIEIS BS Pbull& tihe i.follovingag feers -Vox* é iotecKXV19100K * Rebt MgrVice 5ii. fEnfIex<.y. leu. 7.-Traitd* Jba EL Jhie Sen m. ,-To . sien *4. S. Spebrs tg deraue zeht IL ohu.. ts e.at re ai tas! ieis bi- ldu'usdi b usi ~ ~ mbama fl ntesgel vumel UP le _ _aIvo int omr PUto 'koeTh 0Mrs tliatsfront Clinti for George G I¶sii i-esritvt Bulas Mille Geules uni mt l*hilî thie vib- "boralif md frein ibis, by!lQk. 109.000 la coldmil . 1,olIar nag- vai ottlm e *~sprintgs Corr me ités ioéseii.d no viti sanonad for tbïe bi-it. The. cuckoo nrnilm- mepts. self~ Tii. Cioh deli thtibggent pulei off la basubal i aIge lhe Yankee bot Su.peded Atimltet. Blluth trefi Bouton. The uîtie Inseetu viici 4*end ia th@ft gjtht-t baqoimtubesaiii place untoai ilive liAa toi-put ôr sentltoi cu-l. ebligest pi-ceit bau pliyers hinithe ditioti- are soldoent injureit nind eyer bluter> Of the gan-Te .del vusnDot killet b>' being frozen. There si-e unexpodted. Il hait been taikeit of for- numerous instances of travetleru lai muni aonths. Concensuiot opinion nountaîn reglons baviu, ouait bel. antog basobalmesn Im e al i hies a il butterliles siiovo the 5iom "makea"théiiGluntsind w ilirsverival lnjchweie*tff, frozen su Pii> clubs nometis nuai>hgho pa d~tead carrnet qovu. teshoont ut ifttc>'hope 10 compete viii le ..Wei-air uie'nhey, hovever. McGraie' te&muszomt segson. te> evitl co- lotlime. 1 The feu-oit Tigers are still lookilg, Tlis 'L a Great Opportuflity To Secue Imu * Gifta 0f the ro~a hd T-hey Wl" ieu Mi a When We Announce A Sale It'a A Real sale. Anid You Ca» estAaue The Mferchandise atchâ'ý Up With te Advertiaing. Unprecedeitedl* The Wonderful Sale 0f Our Greatest Purchase 0f Clotbing And Men'sFurnishings Hasl Astonishied ail Lake County -oý These are remarkable days in this great clothing- store and hun- dreds of enthusiastie men a re securing the biggest clothing values they have seen in years and years. It's a sale made possible by tremendous purchases of the overstocks of Ta- mous Clothing Manufacturers at iou than the makers' coat. They needed our ready cash and willingly pocketed a lots to get it. If you, want a Suit or Overcoat DON1T MISS TRIS SALE FOR THE VALUES ARE SIMPLY UNMATCHABLE OVERCOATS Overcoats Ane in stylish aingle and d ou- hie breasted modela.. There are Ulosters, ulsterettes, e. Some are in big.belted back styles and smre 1have'*belte, ail arouînd. - Maxi>' are plain effee. Thxe pat- terns and> fabries are Most at- tractive, at oui>' $19.00; 1 or 2Pants Suits Stylish Suits for both mien and young men.. They're.,well tail- ored from -popular fabries and are lu the Most wanted models. You'il find both single and dou- ble breasted styles and som f, them have two. pairs o!.pants jThe price is just $19-04- OVERCOAT se The Big Warm Overcoats are in very swagger modès that every mani deliglits to wpar and~ ,cornein -models, for young fel-] Iowa and more, conserv *I'te stylés fo~r oldcr men. Tho" ae *Belted m2odlaUters, àot- with big colr. Materials are~ excellent mtues and -Plain ef feets at. ouly $24.. 1or 2Pantst for yiouxig meni and the. ler fel- lows.too. A#lare beatjely tai- lored from elndid fabrîca and the patter'a and!"shades are, j 9t what you want. Both single and doubli breasted modèe are in- <ldeEa>have 2 pisof pons. hoo 1 "itOnly$2. Is.~J- SUITS AND OVERCOATS $ These'Wonderful Overcoats are1 the ver>' smartest huâlt. - They 're~ the product. of the, best designeUi and taiors in -the cou.ntry and they ahow their clama lu every liùe. Thèy're as.lendid Coats and luclude those 11g 'Eûsky Belters with extra léc.ollais. Out theéy go at l 01r 2 PatsSuits These Suits are the c reani of the Fail and Winter lUnes. They are the last word in fabrie,- tai- Ioring and& desigu. Models, for tali men, short men, lean mien and fat menl. Just the Sits the particular man igi loolcing for. WonderfUl, i'luèst$-29; .6!! h . I ' 'i -a' b.,, 'I ~ STORI ladlaxfrcahadpaes TRtIS SESSION IS wlth mitior Ieagge Insui andt ladian- O fR S IP ON E Illueiits aaer -iMc(frav 10 nante ~ ~ ex . ..... 0 h > gIg o x chase erOnulde Siner. -Legîsiation toward this endis to betaken up by waysanld ,FRST PIRES Means commîttea FOLLO AW BLAST ACf-0N 15 ExpEED osoofti Eria . e.1.-Vorest gros iwere lw Dla c.àb7.-Selier b.i I. bz tgk.n U bhe bonm< ue NarlolsRhldih Pi-ti bouse Waysad mans codimittes #ia. tU ai fIO MWla*l g n plo sls lu an d àbonus vii l e authorlsed ' bi dysale faciovy vbli klklled sixty C«#;ffl turing the. prefeet ueeehsin, perboneand Wlre ui M yOtierU. T h*. cemiji-essI al leaders predie flt&. é .1*01GB vws met et br a buuqmg oit , tht e r 7 1 tank. Heavy daage u 0 d ose e îthe elra tb Wahington le. pi-opatiy - day of Cliarau TordeY o e b.bous ______________ ays anit moinscomite p1 Seuns.et the Young Konguree. are espected t 1<ho WPerfetelfor eârig Tooug karbgqroo, ville living ln îIboeonaheeration of ¶h eu ~sto do ot tik nllkfr nte .form o( h. bill tusref Imaternel peh.eb-'ntsc lkfo 4 together vltb a ta i 1v>' 10 fW" the motbes bréis, but Il uied the ~l. necessa-ry none>' te puy te dowvfitet hiroati by the. action et bonu. thii ulesothle ithar. uî la the. generai belisf utt the il- _____________ternalte plan, vIch induites a max- M Q M un ca h p y pà groi t oi v mr5O i 141e L its. an 8 S e. IL ,lce e.t 500 vii hW adopted. 1 admire them. ýtoh lashicit hela b. rients. -of the. alternivetlla laê. bero lâ*W« es jEib0bii <Pu, 40O<C Wbhîproviti sflr cash, W iome, taras pQr.- Bftï t[8sow tI t 90 Pet ad paît up nsurance. esati. eent S& , us nevip!eut-a tuai M-so0.- lami year nt about $400,000,000 votild, .LouuulidCourt,' nnsl.borequireb 10 meet cash bonuis l- manda. lIf vas stateit thut about 34 Lay ' iof £§goau. per cent of those entitledto a bouta !II ay s may n lewould take cash. the others elèctiliS viiiIay s nouîy~ 1 to take on. or the otîser o! the aller, Mé- zî och ln one senson. native bontises. Tour $2. Excel twil Dr PLMe Si1 Enve ec4 f g l and t l jk NII îg<1 trliqmnei unit square sviout stbew iea ýAluos* s or wubite nus wtlh embtoiý umbri-oltret 4 Absoltl l -------- ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tomar omht we nm Agaithis . Au a