THE LIBERTYVRIE INDEPENDENT. TI-URSDAY. 'THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 192 1. r'UINERAL SPEAKS TO0BOYS AND lIRLI l:Mid message to Postmaste - -rady for them on playing Santa for 100,000,000 Petuaster General William I- ~aabas sent a melsage te al l ansd girls lu Waukegan, aIse tl P*wAstelliug thent vhat a big JO -e -e "sM has te pay Santa Claus f. NOpeople, sud therefore b U_ them te b elp by flloing th a ho bas made, sud vhic eutte 0Potaaster Daniel A. Grair Z~ tbe Beys and Girls of tht U7niti -C t ~b ians laalntost bhe-. ITou groat Post Office Departmet -à a big job abead sud uteds Yot (ig" vitet it means ta be Sauta WM tu oeor100,000.000 people sud Boiver Christmas peucela t etvemY ily la ibis greal ceuntry vithin tht »t epàfe of a tev days sud vithott appointaient. %"ua ho dont, sud ve aue ging to kItf we mfty avo yeur help. 1i vent 461Lst te active assistance Ofe euY t- m=4 girl in the sebeela et 'tur gwy lu getting psucela maileti !W WEEK te relieve tht rush that Nèa direc t ero Christmas. WDl yen go homte today aud take ýkeaague te your parents sud youm "t l"i Poamator bas asked us te IOur Christmas parceis TMIS WÊIl, for,, uies vo do, Uncle Satua id ma e, osebeavy the lest iev M belore Christuas, that he ven't ý1e te, deiver oIl the presents bY 1118MUov." N@ Weela mut be veli wîapped ,ff1. tSd addreased liny lu ou- t hey ma arrive lu goed COU- -sd lte Cbrastmecy aPPea5ll Mil ed yoc eu put ou yottr peck- mtito mot openu ntilCitridoM," rpl thom muet hoe s nuntor on lÎM@'eand a mail recoptacle, tee, Si thm olt, tata Claume's nmes- yen l ettes carrier, May fBot be lo flud the bouse vhere the pres- rea e ne other things, to.lun ye aialassiat in improving mail service sud lu sa'ving Our pt Goveroment millions of dollars ï«- tatare mev vasted because Pf r srelmsnesa-yoUurs antd mine lf7 day tieat you drop a letter Iu o atbox 40,000.000 alter letters aheAdy pushing and jamming titru po@Wm machineu-y. Ont letter a dey *Mb fszniy of ive peusens In the e6St^tes la given te Tntle Samt ta The. ion senti a parcel te the post M. for meigag sy day tberesau-t LO oher parcels abouti of Yours Mua throutb te postal ItoPPer. le iu lu ordinkr tdeys; et CrIelunas j t ls mUlied mnany tîntes. ftA»' lu about evory Ion puts a ,iàd«ud eadletter lintho mail 0v- day. This mixes up aveu- 2.00.000 ' letteon vitItthe 20,000.- *Dy7 adirsseti lettors. taI meunas t* Mly faili dresseti ltters muet IC# h G o 1v oving poorly cd- qo leters hst 1110 tht raugr in and girlsaeg tlayeti hi a bunctu 'W4 hids-' tagglng &long. gM boys snd girls eu nelp tht. W Bervice andi save your father ie money, beceuse he bas ta Iel» 'lb.e cool o!, searciai atidresses on Nu and partels sent out by tIis 1«Mouean sd Ihoughtlesa fantily In op teu. Ml adtiot if your isally le the MOs eue, teon beau- lu md that ÏW jetteronsuibe hantiloti hY skllt- jeain dstributors standing inulthe it offices anti on te saali ptal sor s mile-a-mlnute mail train, unltter poor ligbt. the aidrensiou ever letter, cart ou- dkffl muet ho correct, complte anti @We, Inluding tht bouse number Wý name of itTeet. aud the "Front" roue shoulti Ie in tht upper left d cornter so that the mai yul te e- iied 10 yoIain case it it- n i eliver- . o flot ahitueviate namt ofut Sates sua. go mauy loah aluker ben ah- Pet tht proper amouat ut postage- on- bW lettera anti wrap youu psu-tels ifully. Avait fancy vu-ting. wicb issu post office- cerks ana leitttrcs-- ig5 te stop anti tudy, anti thus loe ARLINGTON SHOTEL GooSd Meals 50cl (AUKEGAN, ILL -RED ûRABBEI AIJCTIONEERINÛ PARM AMD STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. WAUKECIAN MM PON2441 hwnue~aMesm mm ecju. t müý.4" the addre.-pl.ain-aad.4ss' "fît re, .ant way!A use peM.An(lljoi Ior tl.iewi-iter and light-colored cflvel- opes, so as io cave- the eyes of the l;ost-office clvrka5 Do flot use envel' opes of unusiaisize. Thettl11ee ne s that are- so lrequtntlîY useel for carde a nd note., at Ciristn;as and other hol- iday limes cause an untold amount of trouble and labor, as tbey wilI n r ur cancelling machines and muat therefore be cancelled by band. Be- cause et their sise and tendency te slip eut ot a package, these small en- velepes are more liktly ta be over- H. loeked or lest.' 1 te Mail yeur letters and packages early te in the day, because Ibis avoida over- b loading and delaying mail at the end or of tht dgy. he Your local posîmaster and your te teachers wJll tell you more about tht eh Postal Service. ly Do these thinge and yen yl vin tht grateful appreciation et the people in 'ti your pot-ettice and especiaily of t Your Postmater General. MWILL H. HATS. Mt P. S.-Von't forget te mail your Mr Christmas packages THlS WEEK. 000000000-000000000 0 - VOLO s 000000000000000000 Mu. sud Mra. Jack S:adIleld and son. and Mu. sud Mu-. Wmn. Hironimus, of Round Lake, visited relatives bier on Sunday. Mu. sud Mus. G. A. Vasey and chilel- ren spent Sunday 'witb elatves aI, Gurete. Mus, Abert Kauienheu-g of Wauke- gan, spent the veek end i vth ber par- ents, heu-e. Mu. antiMus. George Vasey if Meý Henry' vert Sunday visitors ai tht home oi S. J. Wegneu- Tht many friends of Mr. and Mus. Join'MWalton viii be pleased te hear site vas able ro returu ta ber home Saturday. Miss Es-a Baxt'u-, erganizer fou- tht iength Of routes, 1,168,165 miles; of iLet veek 1ota h aiso ural citurches wil visil us SundaY, yeau-îy travel on theat roules, 362,636e- tht contmunity badl a surprise Ou December 18, ai 1:46 P. M. A larget 235. Mus. Berfielel ai thtebant Ot Eau-1 atiedanç ii e8ird. 1mont Gtasen, il being hieu- birtbday.1 Res. ame mde afy dll aOur 60000000009 0000 Ater a social evening. re!reabmonta tht. Jeo ae mtiscntmully h am ILL RNver serveti. Eveyene hail a gotitiine veek. su-0 0 0 00 0 0 :ad Mrs. Berfild vas viflted ntanY1 Miss Beatrice Wilson is au the sick mou-e aucb occasions. sud tht e oltavIng Mus. Cleveiatnd Is having a sale ai Tbursday eveuing they called on Mus- liaI. heu- heusehelel goeds this veelsd nesdtemi l itr.opthem 1 Tht yaung people of tht M. E. expects te go Ia Chicago soon. tîther. Brave lot ot vemen au-e tbey1 church art planning au gis-lui a par>' Mus. Harry Lavsan su ont of Chi- ual? Mus. Jensen vas s-eu-y nuch at the chuch on Satumday esening, cago bas been vlsitiug ber mother for- çleaseel vithbhem visitars. Se mucb se,1 'December 17. Came and enjoy a social ses-eu-at days. that she Xent ta work sud puepareel a eveuing. Word eacheti hirtMandas' of tht apresel for thent. -h.. heing used ta lis-- Those vho vssteti tht home af Mu. ]eatb of Mu-s. Elsie Thain Leonamel of ing in tht city, and] tht countr-y lufe and Mus. Sidney Russell tht past veek Kansas City, vho titi] Sunday ulght. ge,.s s bit lanesome ai timetu. The vert: M. and Mus. Clyde Wright sud Funerai Tuesday at Kansas City. Mu-s. e-eniag vas pleasantly sptut. litlte daughter. oi Wauconda, Mu-s. Leonard was a ister ef J. A. Thaîni1 Thte1ev. Walsteai] saym Ibat the- boy Clar Smith, Mus. T. Bacon, Mus. H. sud Mu-s Sco;t LeVoy oi Muhîbumu. hei l gettini along fine anti is aireatiy Pasaltelti Mus. E. Fisber, Mu-. Leslie leaves (bu-te sous sud ont daugbter toI good campaaty. We vonder lu vbst Davis anut daught'tr sud Mus. Sarah mauru hem bass. i way' Russell, of Waukegsn.1 John Aý Thaiu lef t Monday uiight toi Harry>-Newel did flot tuastI auy far- attend bis suaers funeraliIn Kansas1 ther tbsu Chicago, aud ta aI present 00 0*00000000tJ O OO O ê City. 1 in the Cook county hespîtal asking 0 LAKE VILLA o Mu-s Enuna Thata Fisher et Kenoul.iatent. 'He la puogessini slovly 000 ooo...oeeoooooosa, anoîber aiter ai Mrs. Leonard. anud the doctom asys il vilIl ake a long> vas unable te attend the tuneral, as titt for hum ta recover. Our sympa- Mus. PotIer vas a BurinUgLan viditor Peter isher is seriously Ili. thies are vitbhlm during hie Mllesi. Tuesday oif lasi veek. Nrs. W. 0. Clevelandi sld bier home Mu-. J. G. Cook snd Miss Lydia Mey- Miss Maitel Faîcit vas a Chicago vis- 'o Mm. sud Mm. Warren Hoek tht past er mtndemed a fine duel at tht evenini Itou- Satuu-day. week. services tat Sunday. Mus. William Weber, Su.. la in Chi- Mu. sud Mu-. George Stmang sud Miss Avis Haytard vas alighýly ilI cage, taking tueatmtnt lu tht hope ot baby of Waukegan visitet Mu-. sud the tIret ai tht veek, making it necea- impoving bis heaitb. Mu-. W. B. Stewart Sundsy. sau-y fou-heu- ta close school fou- a ftw Mu-. Buford sud dhildren attende-ti Mu. sud Mus. Scbupîeu- Deumnan ' v isdys. tht stock show lu Chicago las*, Fr'dav lied ses-eu-aI dys un Chicago sud 51-I The meeqIug aI Mu-s. Glisuas Satur- nlght sud uematned witb Mr. Buford teudeti the stock show. day eveniug vas a decided succesa. efs- tilI Sunday eveiug, when he retu-net C. E. liunan vas a Chicago sisitai pecially as fou- disposini af the cake, hante vith thent. Thursday.. sandwiches and coffée. Wender if Amoug those vIte attedeut tht stock Mu. sud Mm. E. A. Martin vert Chi- Chester gai is usual Piece oif cake uihovinChîagalas vek v rMu. cago visitars this veek. vitb bis brekast the nexî memniaug? FhovinChiagolan wek wre; Mr. sud Mus. W. B. Stewart leitlalet Mu-s. G. Cook attentitt grand opera and Mus. T. P'. Ficeler, Sm., Mu. sud Mu-a T. F. FovIer. Jr.. Mu-. Daube. Tucaday fou- Si. Petersburg. 'Fis., fou- lu Chicago Manday eveniug. Fine: Mus. Murrie, Mu-, antiMus. 'Simpson the vinten. We wisb mou-e could tinti thelu- way audsouPbiip.A nuiplitu in ibis viinîty art abireci cIear Iu st-e a, leasî ont grand opera adon Pi fugl ttLais i Cult ding cou-n iis Sinter. (bis vinter. They su-e sa much mare Don' fogettheLades'AidChrst- Hot lunches yll hi- strved ai the elughtening than thteaudinau-y movie. nias sale of aprons. tancy verk of sar- col eiun i ek ehv eie ohv u hit oua kînts. 's welI as other thingil'a! Th-egnoir a n thiswac. W"n'isexbecie o St ba e r hisi tht chuucb on Fmltsy eveniug of I Tbicsur lsI Suduy ii5 Ont24t.i ias at-eut-es au S themday tsa ve-rk. Tht men viii serve a chicktn ut umen and] îhe)sert fint. Came ec 4Il-s ,iebrttdta tit apaim ! e agate. a gouatipuograni is being puepsu-ed. On know host .tey eau do things. This \Vid:eached bau-e tuntiay of rhei tuuda> .vening lji-c.25, th(-Wbt i irooti place to huy orieof >our deatia of Charte-s fluniplu-e> of Wau- 1 GuI" '>sersice - iti he field. 5'ith sarine Chrt-"tLts guIfts ke.gan, o toe ofilMiliburo vicinity.1slieciai nuurbtrs. .oii.e of ithe Royal Nehgibors of Inti-minen t Wednr'sdav a; tht- Milîburul Lust tunday es-togMr il. Wiu anti ('idar Lake- Canmt No, 46t.. LNA. cemetery. NMr. Schu-Ô-eu- vertetecte-t as dele- havse iiisundeustood about thse raise i i' u Iù hsrnte i amgîtes tu t-e annuel meet-ing ai the èc %st-Il bai" , aIt le-c. 9 Chirago tCîty Missioaay anti Exten' pl apia. e d notpayin ) 1 Char" Dnma wil hae asalithon Society, tht meeting btina htli bli un]Juin-, tithifuît. but heginnunt 'insIertn utbseatae Januaî'y. 1922, it s paiti witb tht us sý r meiii~ itO lhu antI mo,,,' awayl in tht Stevens buildling, Chicag~o, on seetec othlttert i ront btrt- Itr'c-mber t3tb. essntie-cets a month. h iatOjTii. "elunîî et t-as- aitetc Wedne',- Tht> lad'es utprairie Vitw are hart' Word was receiveti hi-ni-Tuesday oi dasit), N!s Fookt 3at tht parcsu.. - ittheia, btaaaranti salifer Fu-utuy ou the- deaili tif Mus. PM.- Lundti aIth -thitweek. We hope Ihur many Vuonu luit- oflier t-un in Chicago, vbere 10 0 0 OO0 0 000000Oo0o0thîs romnaunity msy attend] anti thus she antiher busbautl *ent ta lis-t luo A N TIOCH01 hli-p onteanother. Nothiug .tike- ce te faIt. Hem healtb bas be'-m failiflu oliîriciofl. iru kuowt. for corne taie-. The tun-rat s-as bel] 0 0000* I' 000 00,Nex'i Sunday monitia ve vit na-ce Thursday morning iroui tIti churchi 1Mu-. atiMns. Levis Sacs-gt left uni edictiot i chuu-cb and Suuday Sclî)Ol Moulav nuorailng for Ltt-sbuu-g, FIa., oflici-rs for tht camiug yeau-. Sa corne sut tht body vas laid ton-at in our wîîeîte' - l Itnltereane u n oeifyuwn odmni heu-e eu-e wh exuLud yiph ad tht, utda f Wnteu-. i Off ice-. - Those- to be are ont her hee wo eien sypaty t th 0Si-s-tintfrint hi-niatteni]ed !lehtiSn- trustee for a te-m oet (bu-e yesrs, ont wMu-- tli y-tig aIe(ulro ay Srhool In,-ititute heiti ast thoeeacon lau- ont- yeam, tressurer, clerk bisNich., Satuida> anti viI eIn-h Mitdit1îu-i I aiaVla n sd Sunday Stioot supemrntttdtt orvlaefor awhiîe eo gi -t Saiuîday itternoon sud e-seing. AI Choir puactite et tht haime ai C. J. Oregon s'In the eteu-tigo lesbanquet n'as h-Id at 6 'dlock. Hersfilierger Ft-lday eveulug at 7. Mu. ad Mus. John L, Eau-an spttit Boy Scouts meet aI thétowtnv hall s ,inthue leleplioue Offilce.- Mondla>ofltactsi -î'k lu Chicago. Sa;umday eve-ning at 7:30. Mus. itasen ai Anioch bas argan MFS.EPol, fPaenset izei aciss l nasiramigi-e- îesaîs Me. . EPol<îk e Paethe, Pi-l uoi]ay Scbaol at 10:30 a. nM.. iz.- achmsy nmscadgie eslslue i-- ek îvnti ith ber daughter, Mus. Suudsy esenini service at 8 a'ertock. il E. Hmsaiy anti P. R. As-ir>' aime Au-gît-tNalilethori), andi Miss Ruth Subjedi., -'A Goat Santaitan.' Es-erY- Mu-soc. Mstr Tti pu tepa bodiy weli ome. Many "Trreasure Islandis." st-tk an 'ifi, urg New Kind of Cicck. A hlarge- lini', r o iff ls ntari- Mu-. elete Peti-rain visileti relative-aài A c-k u-i-'î-ttly hsInente(] 1D Eno. 0115 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i hleuti- irl]tas-tîlho nChuictagio the titist veek7 it hl- ti-- e îî-- leo reu-tîlutittn otftholdinog tuurh-el l-asul-e. Mrs. Wilson MeGet bas heen quite lithe,lmiliant tee- 'littOtf lte doct Sttvensoti'i. "Tfre-astae liiit"liai] ne litItht- pastî vtk anti bas been confit-itelîeîthte îuovîng forcer whIch actît- tounîtion in tact. but lim stuledti -i ti]iiiter home-I. aies ti- rnee-bnigm, the elock slidlltg b.- tht meul recuIt ot bis reading e!f tics' Mum ,tomi] spent lait Tuesday down .tsi, sertît-ai piarsi; te wlod torI-si b> Defoe, Washingtîo tuvtng and,. ledntsday In Chicago. Il, therfître, al i hat in ueeessau-y la anti Poe, aIse, Jobianos I"Lives of Pskk Dury, vho bas been cenfiueti te puah the cdock op tb the top agaîn. Pirates anti Highwaynîen,"- suppie- rZo bis het vltb ueuspalIsIt, la nov Ont atisantage attachîni lttis sys- Menleti by bisaonexpeeriece ou sait. able ta sit up lu a chair. a shout Une le ntsl addition to ils ntntpliIty ani lng sîipa. Stevenson ittotatit dieach day. tht absence et keys, ta that eod th t the gerni of the touy vas te A ard receitetilst eek ro nt Mr. fou- vni ng la visible t a gl. te uap dravu for tht e ail erbis te,. ChalstsBluet, vhe la spending 1h. nencu titis utcesssry egerattoit la s»t sons plsyroont. vinter vith bis tiaugltor, et Detr-oit. liktly te bu oveu-ooked. --i. t CACKLES j AT HOME 0f lis BEST'RETURNS FROM PULLETS DOUITER IIERE L t ý9wY a arc. în e Mis. George Lewisl andl baby of Wau- POSTOF ICE HA 1ztgan, sîîen! a iw- dàys laat week DONEfOR BIZ" utile er partne, NMr. and Mrs. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. William Ziegler arel Will Haye, potmater general, bas entertalning the former's ister. front been on the job. Wbat bis department Indiana. bas deasaadtebses nce Titeme vas a good attendance aI the ba assumed office ls summed UV by Ladies Aid Baaaar held ata the M. E. Mr. Hays ln Ferbes Magazine as foi- cburch Tlureday afternoon and even- love: We are sending market reports afl ng wegtther bureau reports ftru air mail The funeral of lu-s. Jacob Savage radio stations ta pointa ail over tbe vas beld aI ithe home lasI Monday country, especially into, the tarming morning. ?4r. Mumford officiating, ceminunities. vith hurlai iu Hickory Cemelery. Mr. Nearly 200,000 indemulty claims, Savage la qtîte ili ai bis borne. one-baîf of wbich came front the prev- Mr.MleFxaldugtrL- foua administration, bave been cleared Ms ilrFi n agtrIu up.ilec, pent several iiays the past week We haveasakeel the vaioua pstms-In Chicago. ter$ to vomk titru the civic bodies. Mus. Marie Jense-n ande twQ choîdren bfîardgý of tradte anti chanbe-s of comn.1 speni ilut week in Chicago with rel- miercein iirproving the postal ser- atives. vire Iocaily.i We bave concluded a number or par- Miss Marguerite Savage was a. cet post and money order conventions home last Monday and atteudefi the witb foreign countries, which will af-i funeral of ber grandfatbtr, Mr. Jacob ford better apportunities for encourag- Savage. ing trajie between the United States Mrs. Belle Kellog. of MIes. Michigan and t.bos counitries. Mail relations withi spenit Satumday withl Antioch relatives Ruasia have been resumed atter four and f riends. years vithout any mail service. 1 The sea-Poat service bas been re- Mrs.James Steat-ns enter.ained the eslablished, ater having ben diacon-i -500" club Friday afteritton.. tinud during the var. This yull speed The Junior Guild heid their paty Up the dispacit of mail, because It wl at tht home of Elsi.- Rusehiit. bhave been distributed for dlspatch Up- Aatfute on epeo h on ils arrivai aSt port. Aatfute en epeo h A bureau of information bas been es- M. E. cburcb are planing te attend tablished ai Wasbington, vitere ont. the Pageant St Orcbes',ra Hall, in Chi- aide People baviug business vith the cago,. on Tuesday of titis week. various t4partments ot! the governt- Miss Cacbimome bas been laid uxi the ment cati secure Information as te tite. past week, having fallen and injured location efthte brancb deslred. ber sidealtho' no hone ere broken. Tbe rural delivery service bas beau extended by 206 more routes sne0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Marcb 1, 19 21, and 30,000 additionalý familles are being supplled. The te-:00* a H A L F D A Y o taI number of familles nov being mcmv- 0000000000000 -0 Chicucens Grow Ropidiy Whon Theyr Art Allowed Free Range. they gel pienty af maîh. 111ea a help le keep itlnl hoppers, vheme tbey tan bas-etuet accetti tu Il. A ight teed- lng et molat masb, i-speclly If mi litt witb miii.. may itduce theai to eut a litIle mou-e, If 25 per- cent et huck- vîteat mIdings la atidedtol tht aliot- ment of mutsh to ehounoittineti vitt milii or stater Il wiIl be enten eagerly by tht puliels. A lihemal aiount o! meat scrapla the- îuash Is ativisable et tIs tinte, particuîarly If plenty ut milkla is tal aabit. Cou-t, wst-ieu outîs anti lartey are tht p-Invi-pul grains fed. Katir ain(t buckwue-ut aIse are useti, but urenoct so generuily u-aiahie, andi usuatly tct taore. Cari a îndti t arnue tht tt-ce ht grainsuni] au-e about equal ln value, althetugli sbtat rabe ted albt eru-thatucorn, whilch la lu- claedt Ii le tutteahug. Oats ani] bar- iey. on aceount of tht-Lu-hls ant i hgh- ou- liber content, art not se got as dora or wbeal. Ityetla not weIl rat- isheul. uni] isseident ted. Corn menl. whent brun, vient rtiti- dliiags, anti meut acrap tort the hasts et a gooci uash, s-bIlectant cbop,'cou-n- aud-cob meal, greundtos an d loy- grade- flour may tue attiet or stîusti- tutti ed natvantage. Nheu on fret range tIhe fovîs eh- tain a li111e of several diferent kltti o! teeti. Grain aboutdtine omatie te sole teti], for tu t an sd nol eggs la tht uaual resuit. Place setting hens lu celouy boumes or other rat-proof buildings. Buoôd, coops vith tigIti ffoora are usefut fer attlug hens. Many a prosntsing Itattih bas boen ruineâ by the rat that atlg the egg. Old bons ntsy pay their vay luit by produclng meal for tho table, but vity bave a flock verkIug het-tlime t@ pro duce ment-viten it migitI op veil vos' fMl tinte, produclng bath itatt M Retired railroad Man. who was p entioned six years dies at aue of 76 ý L .Menard. aged 71). a t itiî conductor, passeti away Fîilty night at 9:45 o'Clocli at the borne ut bis daughîer. Mrs. Walter Wiard, North Ave., Waukegan. Mr. Menard fractured bit bila about tbru.e aitnfiheagoeaurd anti tien contineitltu haut bed i eer 8 irice.Filis deth lowvfr la drp.ctly at tribu table 10 diahuete-. lit waq i-l the age of 70 Ytst. und, alter lie had been employeti by tii tauread fort> two years. Mr. !tenard. aho waQtü i.Oi .i Ia.z Troy, N. Y., had zmadt. bis itout in W'aukegan for twenî,- two >tate. Iii- cause ofthfeiiinature- of FIJIî,sition $0 many years. Mr. Menard Wab ont Of the betsî known, bt-st liki-i and Most îigiily rempectti mails ,t iî kegan. Besides hic v.idl<w utMi. îicjaro Itavet, four tilugiters: Louise' amîi Gladys Menard andl MiF. atiet Wîi ard of Waukegan. uad Mi>, J, t. tien. ecker ef Seattle, Wash. P'untral Monday aflernoon at 2:09 O'ciock at the Walter Wiard remi. dence. Rev. il. E. (ans>te-r uit <'lirit chureh officiaîing. niermntt in Pins, View uemttery. 00000000000000000 o EVERETT SCHOOL o Maturity Cen Se Hastened by Riglit Klsd of Gars and Feeding-Renge Doslrable. (Prepélredby the ltnited States D.psztmeat 01 A fiock ot pullets that enu ho brought te laytng in tht fait viii give the lau-geaI yeuurly profit. Tht average poultry kepper faits cither te, hatch early eneugh In spriug. se file1 the pul.' lets May meach laylng illiaturlty in Oe- tober, or he dots itot kee-p thent grow- lng mapily enough to blring Ibis about. Pullets that dlo net got to laylng Weil befome tht arrivai (if col wealher sud the shoirt dutys of, lIletu, vili sel- dent start egg preoductioni betore Feb- rur-. Thus twfi or thi.ree months ut ludeitional fêteding are requu-ed. and] the idvaîttage o! ibis peu-lad et blgb- etst egg prîtes Is bat. .Very few tggs are secumed ounite average tarai during aulumn ani] eerly winter, but experleniceI poultrymen by better management mt)euu-e a fair egg production during these sien.ona. It la advisablp, îbough not essentiel, filet the corkerels and putiets be separated as early as posstible and given sepa- rate free range. Avold overcrowdtng ut ntgblt. A coep ltat wili held 100 yeung chlckene vili Dot bouse propeuly more titan bal! as many grewing putiets. Ther maturity Winl le retat-d. if tee many are kopt togelter, or if -they are anneyed by lce or mites. Frequent Inspection ef the bosles, especiaily alter the put- lei bhave gaine te recul, h; advisahle. If mitep are meen rravling on lbe perchest-rame feund by a ereful in- spectje of lteboum, prompt meas- vres muet be taiten tetailtltent h spraying te intertor of lte bouse, se advlsed by lte United Slatos DepasI- ment of Agriculture. witb crude po- t-oleunt, kerosene. crentl aolotiôn, cal- de0 dip, or lme other offeedve solu- tion. Body lice freqnsuntly calu mucit annoyance sud retard crovtit ad ma- turity. Individel treatment o! tacb pullet uviit sodium iiuerid or imercuriel oùineut wviicNean up tues. pesta on the birds tlluemselves. Feed freely et a good egg-laying ra- tion; gît-e plenty of range. and he sure WAUKEAJ XV'illianr Lnea'c- Calvinl Cariener, Elva ~ euevv- Lu- S.'>. ,. na Luhe. CoruellusH fuir.. enga. C> rit Van Lund anti Georgc Ltunhani. 000000000000000 000 oe, FIt NT CENTER o OO 00000000O0000Q000 0. Mr. and Mu-. Mike Obenauf vert Lib- ertyville calleres atulday. Bernard Pedeick and Mr. and Mme. George Fredemick and dsughteu-,Vir- infis, speut Runday afternoon vith relatives am Round Lake. Mm. and Mrs. (Jtorge Obenaut and chlldreu entemtalned friende trous Wiuona, Mfiuu., the tiret ef the week. Mrs. Aines Domflem vbe bas been seriouaty iliIthe 1ust veek la Impros-- Ing. Wi Himenimus at Round Lake vis- ited Tueaday at tht Willow Fart. George Schmitt et Grayslake , form- Piy of ibis place, who has been il1 fou- 5,e-rat viekàa. wil he taken te tht Vicîary Nemortal Hosp"a I te latter part of this veek tu undergo an aper- alion ta determine tht cause of bis ilint-as. Last Satumday momulng at St. Mamy'S Catholc cemiettry tht buial et Henry Malman of Waucondo took place. Mm. Malman diei W. tbe borne et bis son, Lea, at Waukegan, Wednesday, Nov- ember 30, aI the advanlced age ef 81. One Good Thing Abou-t Moiies. 31.1t1Tuliîkltis suuuie ta. ikes mCotIOf pictures le-cause the girls cen îsik about titim vithout gettingInlto argu- menta about wbethem te gay. "drahmam or "*du-yme." Awfut Moment. Anilous Ici gi-i to ciharth ounte. ab anltiterextliig e -îti onaigambli was qchedulted, I huatled smouud gel- ting ruiady. Oppeulng a butueau draver 1 grabbed wluut I Ibeught vas my pra-s-r book and ruseti over tu the churclt. Marchh,îg dowa the toileît1 sccldentaily tioppeel my muat, and, le! lusteati -tf my pr-uytu- beok. a dock Of carda (,ti- tuîaiblltg out and ieattemsd In ati direc-tiîtîis' To tuake maltera verse, the hack ot tht tardu bore te adi of a prîîminent hewemy!--Gril. a hole- eut ln tnt top, and the rear l__ gears vüe stripped Later tht cari 7wo CoulPlay Thot Gamas. vas taken a Chicago garage. A hundre-il ear, lugot a wiîltiîy bacit. lDons Coiby le bath In school and elcr otimeil Iag ot-ll rîenar AI- minjiroved. bionr. R.I.. geut il j'Outrly; une or the ilernian Zaîian is bi k in si hoo1, yotng tidiles J.-ft ai g i r. laalge aft t-r laiiig hein linit or a ¶ ew ia tt'lurxil h wiii h* .li ra nnote« w'ork. "If front yîir t.. tutake the let- Sunday e;ýinn, i d., tuit-al atel, il thuti g;oe t.. . ii'andlthait I t ruck on itht' c,.nt'-ni roi t he. I odg g hbute fuir T *I. TIt i é I c ifi.v re- having the hi-ad lîthi.- trokin. the.. PI'f -i : Ir ft-I; .. .,ua. 3i te fron, tender tom and 'he radiatot u I the-tfI. 11i 'ive ' g-, Pg. and lthâ-t smasheel Noonewashuni. wori'l :"for iai. 'lhestory in Thoge peuet in spelin,< tor the- las[o,t uiied tuith: afri.tai or the (>utiook, week vem: Roberît Yreý Betsjp K os tiliou- r,ti,eiier lnad Il ut first lial, Ambrace- Conway. Lorettd Yure bEi.Ti iîiii 30 DAT S AS FOLLOWS: Golel Crowns, 22 K Seamless ..... ..................... 15tiiand $600 Porcelain Crowns, Pivot Teetb. Truc lDite moulds 1 ý5.00 Porcelain FiNlings ...-----.......... ............. ........ $2.00 to $600 (WUilot change color) GoId Inlays or Fillinga, according ta size --. , 13 00 um Plates that 1 guarantee you can eat corn off the cob ... $15 00 Up (Accordîngt 10 natemial) Treatment. ner'.e kîlled and root fîlied l ....-.....$20 And remember, I wil ot hurt 30u. 1 use inedicine tirst that takes ESaway the.pain. THESE PRICS ARE FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. Dr. F. E. CORLISS 130 Washingtoni St Over the Thomas Market Co. WAUKEGAN, ILL IAuto Repair Shop W - IHEN in need of Automobile Re- TVpairing lu-y us if you watat the best. New located in the Durand.Building on South Milwaukee Avenue. James B. Wetmore Res., Telephone 364-J Shop Telephone 367 LIBERTYVILLE. ILL ILLINOIS rwn Thoodoro H. Durt, Pu-eidont W. B. Smith, Vice Presîdent F. W. Churchill, Sei ' -amy and Manager, TELEh-INE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO., ADSTRCrSOF TITLE1MES GUARANTU Capital: 5,i 2:5,000.00O -'CUTS Li Operation te gthree tim S Berlin. Des. Jest abeut keel frssh home-gro every mou-sing stages. Slîing Up a test evemy mort olution tibat can surgical operati Prussiens ha Stage succesatul teiniug fueab la The second s tht cook out i vith a carving atlestbetic andl & back haIt a dos. viNt dePend on stand Il. This nev sol lem crimes tu-on Schietchegriebei deant evert *First kilI -our genius b car, avine .vi'tirou I l li al ldon'- kindnpgq. Tiuitla iuuhw nar ,, 'on ua ris-,ci Wti Tii- î'eauivfoi týe p -étîi t t t' ruiuý . t h'. h à - , i", likîruTht, i.;,', yeam. Th,..P:t1-:-tn us the-nuniiii-t ir survives Ti,, ope fat ID P-a;,at,;p tua, te hi- '4tlvk agi-of tes-lfi-i Rave hlin ' - 'l hi-t nîtl . 0.0 o o o 0 o n 0 0o C0URTN o oo t oo AHburiJ;" ThiiidIi ii- Tii.i i. ,, , j ht-liu p;î h-lIa, l% rut-S uvs L, h Lahi (u t. Clît, Lat"Im bexah ur,. n ia Ml'Ut-tli a ii' Lià. aiu lm, Dla a. i li l car ii I- - he.I bRay u:ii iii w MisbA-. Ju ia littip'oNie e t-ii [u--i Barligion tarota Louî- Jut--i!k,. Pesz one' uiltuast mi" bIou ottiel Monda) est-ing R. W. Bacon on 1 000000004 *RUEALfSA1 8.. y A. > Nov. M. S. Phitip an 'Turk. ioi 19, hI Spuinzs. Waukega C, . FWashbuu-n line andl Wm. Le SuIt. Gi at' L.ake, Henry Kottatra 0. Barrleti. loSe 7 -~netts Add. to Laki :Stamp $2. F. B. Harper tte vIte, lots 39 andi -Chicago. deep $5( Nov.' Vm. Gauger an' iSchmidt. lot in V Qr C. r). $1. gtan, Dec. * W. M. l)ooley Uuisýeppe Lenclor Highland Park. 'V 12 . ' Wllbelmina Lue 0000000000000,. Mu -. Kappeuhoeeer vas quite stulouti ty hurt vhen bis car vas un Juta sud oveturutd near Arden Short. A car leati et cat'Je cansigneel ta Mr. Swift vas recelveel by Mu-. Suetidotn fron theb stock yards Frlday. Dec. 2> Ht sent hack s car Joad]ot abtei. - aunday nîght tItreeomen lu an Inclosoti Bulck. about haIt a mlle soulh et Evemett, an lte Waukegan rosi]. at contrai o fthe car. They tumuti]con, pieely sround, but luckity the occu- liants were ual injureti. Tht- car hait il