n£ LUBEàrTYV IAENDEPEDNr. THuRsDAY.THRSAY, DEcEMBER6. 1921. ,FEN po-llt met Wifli.sUWUnO 'go t. randi Mn. Curtis on embezzlement. îplracy anti confidence game. lttlp La Forges preseoted ceî'tiflcd pe of te proecedings ofthie boardt supierviaors ni SaagatrtnCtîCeoîît thse April and ti ie se3ssIons fon, eyear. State'a Atoi ney Fr'-t C.c )rtlmet,[rosecutiO. a..td tIolia%.' certifleti copties itir r,uceti uîttn ement taIlIte % be controversial il could te arc, lt] i t Jtii t eu 1.i er. Jutge Edwarsis tuiliai ltse lus be atimittt- ui at i lî.,r lr slate could hlar c te iiglîrte tî .kLhu titan l ieyo eiei- U Forges adîinessed te court int .axgtity oteniogstsate-tnî itni1i li 't o! te goxrinitu le txe a; d Impartial Irial tr itte tnarr.-. tlt' ~eted not onU hits libet% 1 iui tiie te admtinistrtiion, pintin.- oui t h. la entled 10 ail te 1ttvil es anti protection taI woulti lie ac- red any othen citizer tîlits ,tart' an attacklng te legality of! le ralu- i o! te grand Jury foi tiie A.Xilî m Le Forgeasnitargedt lt at te "-h »ssion te rommlttee on jun- ','and jury liaIs'tu witnoîwas an Wted te Pirking of te grand jur>.E >CDflrnttee waa not lagaliy organ- ý u lte supervisons itad nol been aMiset, andtir report aiso failed, state ia whal >ea rlite boardi ses- la was iteld. îhiceferc leaxiiilte W'iadetinite andi con: to -,'-ta; lt8 gareti taIlite starute piox idesJ tt a girand jury rouh.- slected in ,aîcertainmnner ant i iat t.. ti- M OChu a lemlonany <iratn llitti M appoînteti andt iat somte of te Iw>' alecteti upervisons itad ont> M fiietithein certificales tol e-. 11, and Ilielone no conmilree on. rie and JurY lista itati bern i-ga Ij' organizeti. rie contenton ituaIit LitnotL1-n Udi Vas udot ndteetib> a egali> utIiled grand juny but nieIel> ac id b>' a "lowlt nîetirîg" aestii- a atternoon b> rounseltirotlle go%- ga viten iearings anti argutients lte case were i'esîîmed in Judu.- wsrd's court. Grierno' Siail i-i rged witit consirnati'>and e r-tbez- ment Of tale inleremt r utîts. me govennors utot -y> atiacked eh ant i al ofthlIe intictmtenls, de-~ J. E.WALTERS, PHYSICIAN ANDi SURGEON. lassa.. of Women and Cidren as pecialty. WÂUKEGAN, ILLINOIS, W. W. JOHNSON. D. D. S. DIINTIST phoue $41. 112 No. Gene... St. WAUKEGAN. ILINOIS. DR. O.F. UMERFIELD VUTEINAIIY SURQEON Assla11tant Stal.. Vterinarian. LUMTYVILLE. 1LL11401. Di. J. L TAYLOR Me in Frit National Bank Bldg. U M 1to 3:30 anti-i tu 8 p. mi. idence on Broadlway, opposite Park LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIN4OIS. Q4IR SR WICKENS 'mtgaCount> ts. piton. 1892 'WAUKIIGAN, ILLINOIS. le iCAoCountant and Auditor. POing «SYstemsa, Audits, Books 1t Periodicajll>for Films Who >ai eeti a Permanent Bookkeeper. bo e 6 Houas to8 P. in US MI. ON & DAVIS aopatic PhyncaMs W.M"atg-Correcîion of Deformitilt Nes'vous and Clronic i»aea. Su8ite 10-11, New Castie Motel. LIBERTYVI1LýE, ILLINOIS. F. IAIRSOW MA)LFACTU!RER 0F E : LISITED 0000000000000 00000 o LAKE ZURICH o 000000000000000000 Mr. anti Mn-. W. C. Bicknasc anti tiaugitter, Pearl visiteti Sunday with Mn. anti Mrs. Chas. Dean aI Paatine. Mrt.. Wm. Prabor Jr.. ta ententaintng ber itnxther ant i ufe, Mn. anti Mns. Rl. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Hemman Flsiax o! Chicago,. ucre the- guestScf Mn. anti Mrs fil. Schnetier over te week-endi. Mn. anti Mrs. Hiernian Kartch drove tii William-s Ba%,s. to i tit Satuntlty antI Sondai'. ît.Wmn. Shultz s il! at ber lîîîrîe n--an Fainield. Miss Quentin is vîitling ber cousin, Mms. treti Kropp, Mrs. W. D. Hartman entartaineti te Bunco.club Saturtiay eveniag. Mrs. Chas. Diel anti Mrs. Wm. Eicitman wera Barrington callers Salurday. Thte B. Y. P. U. o! Barringitn wcra entertaîneti at tte home o!fMrs. Jamas Snetsingr, Friday eveniaKg, Dec. 2. Carnes were playeti after whith refreait- menti were servati. Everyone, reports a mîîst enjoyable linte. Etimunti Prouuy has nenîti lte bouse anti store from Wm. Tank ant i vill take possestion titis week. Rer. Sciteppa arrîveti one day ast week t- take lte pasterage cf St. Peter's citurcit anti detixereti iis firsl sermon Sunday, Dcc. 4. His sister, Miss Annita wilh mako iter trime witt hii titis winten. Mrs. Henry Hilîman entertaineti ber Sunday scitool class Wedneadax' erentng, tlitiîe jlhks tati a good lime. Misas 'erna Caitlieck attentiedth ie funeral o! han cousin, Aima Naggatz at Palatine Suntiay. Fred Halle ha hl of dîphtherta aI bis home near Quantins Corners. Mms. Cao. Wchnenberg and chiltiren cf Lîbertyvîie. risti ttce p ast week wtth Mfr. anti Mns. Hemman Bller. Mrs. Ccii. Kruegen anti son. Paul wenc itere te attend te funt-ral otf Abert Thias, Salurtiay.r O OGO00 O 0000 O O O O i0 o W1L LIA M S 1o 000000000000000000 We ail ttank the directors of our sctoî district very mort for lte new Caloric furnace. If anyone wanls or ativice about lte Calorie furnace, 1 am aune we wili aay, *'gel oa." We are taving examinalions titis week. William McCann o! Lake Villa, was burieti aIit e St. Palrick's cemetery Wedaeaday o! last week. Mms. Jota F. Knox apent Tuestia> anti Wednesday la Chicago wititem brother, Max Mayer, vito la sick. Ha lias since been reniovedt lte Alexian Broatlerasitoapital witere Jota Knox anti taugitter viitet i hm on Suaday. Mm.. H. R. Harrison lat organizing a Ohml'a club for te purpose of giving lit gilssocalanti attlelir - 'gel t-geter.t On Salurday. Dec. 10, ail lte grl interealet inl titis club will meel aI te tome o! Heary Oison for a good lime at caady pulliag. Ginls dp nol misas Iis. Rev. anti Mra. H. R. Harrison wilI make lteir week-end bornelanlte reaidence on te astate o! William Strahn. Miss Gelling bias returneti home fromt tam- visit in Waukegan. Original actool room bumor. Teactar: (la American Hitoryt Witat was te final resuil o!fte lamperanre movement alarted inla1846? Pupil-Tite result waa te aigliteentit rommantiment. Tearter: (la reatiing classi Wto was Nokomis? Pupil- Nokoumis was Hiawatta's grantifather. Titose perfect ini alleadance for Norembar are: Ida Edw'xrds, tone Edwards. Esthier Winters 'Marian Winters, Etivard J anuz, Evelyn Ilanuz, Lucile McNamara, Emogene OIson, Riteatia Morlock, Claude McNamara anti Alex Smitht. Titosa wito wera la mrire attendanre rewarda for 1last year were awarded on Monda>' wit thlie certifirates due titern faat June. Resl Victory In Lits. 'lii,'tru. îîvercotulng la nal la atap- InItg ttii rt tiagî ta s-toitiur c'ill. butin fa iving u nom- Ite palipt-nl>' truîtfultîly. andI kinil>-, Iliougit wlat- evem- l0w- rutwam-tlttiîg« imay ite. IN COURT; itîb. t !ldIl , GiRAND JURY!, '-< counsel files mo- îtî.., it ti ý quash indictments, it t':1-gin. i y % teitui î lîe ,ging illegality i .î' t'con-it'ut oliunt'l:ni aki rg ; aSe 4, curt: - tii, lle e ot i u.W11l i quashithle indichnents t J Ilit juî oit:L tJilexit~v i.cn Sîtalil and Ventait i n - gh. e01 il ut. i tho ritn.. f ýrani Park banker. were . 1;c'eîIi hu iti ted 10 iudge Claire C. TuaItte grand jury tireNi"pl lie circuit court Friday af- licai" conclusions'.t id te defense mgde Tit the i.suance.oettii-"pii t e supervîsors titat relun" deprivedtihei- oiè; oto randi jury in Sangamon te constitulional rigitî of a iati th indicledt ie governor, triai under due processes of Il 'l' Fred E. Sterling, state1 t citarges of embezzle- Citaile'.NM. Byret'. touîity cier le funds. was lllegally Of tSantgaiont,'it ubpoetaed b> the1 ta te board ias not -feus. appeared in court t0 gîve nizei ai te Lime. corroboration, il %%as tated by aI- mer iclrneder, aid 10 C. n neîye fori-tedefens, . 0 lie cou- a, counsel for, Governor 1t'rtiontt ti Govertuor Snitaluast' was In court. accoiopan- riot indicteti by a legally cousit- son. Leslie Smail. Kanka- ruled grand jury. flyen,' is ex- presenledti te1h. court officie lerk of te Saîrgarnoti Count W ith reference 10 lite îy board of supervisons ulticit body. lions for change of nen- lte tefen4e coîttetîds. i.loulti have te niotions 10 quasit te draiti i grand jury. -Tii,'gras,- 1, tIr cN il îrdgnr-ti nîti stit l liiigtstd t(ýe dieu' Aiogetiter Ilfe i-t vî-vy iiii-îatntY "Ver> Uit-uant. nito), nt'si," s.ld Miltyt'i *'Vém-y îIertîl tit t'eilrio. mon." atîld Sitgit wt.' "Wie have l.e:urifui uittle caivr-s wit fis Tejt e." 'tuttiMtflhy (Cowi. 'Tiey are la . ieli tir iftul ttît i t-, h 'l i Ii ge s "Not lnteresed.' ai tîî ci> ex rt'ssions'. Tîey ut-e quiet anti gent ii- tutiey une sosesi'tble. Tit.->' et lîke î-xcttentent." "'ut,î tk.-aflen thielr motes,' said Mliii> Cris 'Like x'nsihle ttuts."nui Maggle "Iiîy dont %vaut ttî ie uixx'tys ruait. irîg titis u'uy andti lt," salti Moly Cou'. "'Tite>'rt- quiti- pleaseti antidcon.- t-atedt bstuy silil andticitexi. "W've se-n te spmlngtime dom. wltitoul nieîing. TuaI is, d'e laven'l ,movcd mut-lt Weve sean beautitul white blowsotus on te treas antivio- lets b>' the streani. We've sean lte leaves comae out andtihie spring bau been a beîîutifu i gitî. "We've faIt thea itir warrm aim. But we ituven't goule forth bo meat the spring. WeV havent non along t0 see Il as soion tas i-e conîti. "We c-aited litrtil it came 10 us, as aIl cmetlumî-.sîtoniti de uho iant 10 te quiet l ir lwIascefol as wue are. "l'he- sprtng i oîthtom->' ecause .îly one h i m-tm-.if tter il. Anti now ive ciliiset- t.,sîlîner snd I il yl ha a pleisattmtsgir "Wie la -i miliylu>'ttercsslanl!f.. We d tIt ( -te Ifor ty.,on garnes or sîtytiting of ltha -t. 'i' tin't care 10 do lianit> ung.s. W(ýi're ot inter. esieri lit a ttt ries utas .-galndl rat %i hrt-. n, i t-,itî, d ' ii. iign andît -il'î ttwlt , inîtlit- aimerix tt'e the l'î- ta .ît do iî. vir". -t' d Iloe foii. iitegm n golt<ig-1i, Itettelî Iter :1tl lts e>'g sîtck fît. lnî'nlt li fagu1 vernor's >ns to c char lotion 10 Lint (10v. Ourtia Gr la, pieset fards in tl nom, san irgea taI sud te g inty, whicl rita andi ceurer, in ,t o! sas va. anti ýally organ Ltt1. wer Le FPorget L. eito 55 of pali alto t 5c5m-- s a îr. quîieîteoui. jilsI t Spec Conoaring tIhe DraIn. tiîaîuî g-,)b>" Wiethem- a person's brala b *Sprinu'woit tome 10ttaîti any larger atter Intellectgal 'develi sooner ian msilter yl simmar, beW lsLIla tilapuleti queson. Smi caulse thiy go rllsillg along ais lhey 3511f..an autoritiy Cothe>10i do. tiIsl fur tetter 10 lie quietlndanimy: "Welgii t ofbyB owev peurefl llkp te cows ant cRItVe. ami' 4 idIect, relatiu With andti Itihuw o's ihappy,. caba Ut>' gece,a idiot' bÉ2) u u Ibrotughli lfe i' bve "ve(l ijustUl e!t the aitest men. lilele Twisting Joke. zuedty costtin b i t "Hnow tdt yotîpronounce --ke' pllelt7 o! nerve oIl ecul4 "Anti f-n-I-k?' t la tructhat a ~ q "And the white of an eggT' o! recognîzetibaJpd tnvam-ably allr ve rtng DSthse l9i * ebraina, theeifW Iwo questions ltae Permis v iz té., l c~qM apac T *11k' te te titir&, DU tltbeen0 COWS AND CALVES. 1t cun'ît tiemrlardIi ..' saili Moily Cow. 'Wat 'ot peliuttii-tallasked iliy Coti' "I faîicy tht-r- la sgood that'à a joke t" "Titl l oi e, îîtto, ni.o."saiti llaggie Cou'. "I imaginre, Ioo. tieme la agooti tiîai iou cat Vt îtierstanti, as there I-s a gîtotildeal eî-ery ittîx canto undersandt. Wtit i . I.il.àoiiy Cow? [),) relaits." !.lly Citu îttrrititer ittal arounti antd iii%%,u fliilion lt'ier hak. Titai site swilietllier lait antI more lte tly aîvay. .hIOttimt- lîtck tîgain. but ils lime Mlliy Ijoxi'didnit tolter rilt Iti. 'We have ta livel litte liera by tItis qutiet broo)k or sîreamît or whtevel' it is caileti." saiti Moily Cowx. "Qitite Iriît-." salit Miily Co)w. 'Quît. Inn,'." "Qulle irue,'ý agneed liaggie Cow. "Qule t-ut-.", "Tîte Itrook is s0 peacefiii.'rTe rocks zantI îtchleq andi atoneslie Bo ppau.efuity nt ltth ttinof lthe brook. Tht- xviiei-nis t'lîzum- tnti ritepetibies crn look uip at rt- s'uy If titey u-ao le. "ad t :I i't-ttîtîbluei Ioti! teil, At XI:.i.' dt'e ikal ibb ro tii;t~ t it .. ri-. f lt sabiNto tir. -> s'-"fittiqutt tIti 11"torlîîî t-. Mily v:11, 11M 'otie- t1itî'-. rîts ilow abtiti il bitr itr ex- tpmrent, itur tit ofîtei. VARIETIES OF HMAN FOOD Erpptêyed, for-tiie Purle. Oof Pro- viding Nourishmnent Irtfi Intî'resinz rt î'onsirnsouîte Of the nitre or less odîri liiterheil wilicli mnt titis been led to choose for the purp~e of food. Eîrvinoîment. 0f couirse, itîîst lie a factor il) regard ta titis cîtoice. uand îecessily alsi>. It ls ar tiri ,Imagine tat cartit would beu tsed i rs foodi, and yet sucit hasl beet te crase ini malts cottries dur-t ing famîllei. Thte Laflaîîders mnix caltli wiîh their bread. lte Miîssiaon uses R "rock flour" and the poorer classes io Hungary (wliere now îtearly every one lo poor> are drîven occaslonally 10 eat an earth wieici coutains on<11t a trlilng proportion of nourlshlng" prînciples.à Thte use of seaweed as food la an1 example of lte determlniig factors of botit necessity and envîroomient. If la flot a ittle jastonisiîg to findt ltai a number of aeaweeds are really edlible and uourislîing. l'ertîapls te best kîîown example is laver, xth is a khnd of stew made froin a weed, an algue. The laver magire on te De- vonshire colât 0f Englund. andi to be fond in some London abolis, la said t0 lie excellent. Thte sea algai>. In-1 deeti, prove on lanalYsîs to contain a considérable proportion of nitrogenous malter, aînd as tiiey tire usq~ally ten- der. tlîey are dig4stihlIe. Thèrè ieare alsit 'evertîl sea mosses whiclî are as- teentt,'l for temr esculenît uproperties. Agan sttgtîr la another exitîtple of a sel itiltt1g a nutrietîrj'ii3. If lS suslît.e, talt tet-diflue hirtI"'[lest a') lii gily îesetued xx lt-ltrt'lîr,'d in tio'&'iritf stup ity tut itiî isu ugt rin tfile h.î. î otnill Sail 11Iti' Ii'-iltrî't'thexfii.i. hte îîe< ti,.titt-, - -ir-r 1r-.îîi vr- tain lît .jt..l, l i.re- i. t ur- le','r l11w ftîi'r ir tirrnxîtr BEST THAT LAWYER CAN DO Discevery of the. Preponderance' of Ooubt la About Ail Tirat He4 Can Hope For. A member of the bar tells of a Young înun froinithe West wlto. srtie 3'ears ago. was an forlunute us u> be enableti to enter te law offires if a well-knowîî New York irîi of iaw- yens. Very soon he wu' iltrusteti witit a ciase, ultitougli a xî-ry sitrîlîle une. lie %vas asketl 1,3the liead iof lte fimi. a tlistiîîguisliei jugris'.tkîîown titrougîtout the landti. ,give artntvin- Ion in wrlling. Il wîts olîservei wieî r lt ttopinitort was subiitted flit, witiiflicto 'ucing confidence of te novice, the- Young tuait ai begun dt the .-vltres-ion: "J uni cleurly of îîî,union." Tit-he ti ttf ltetitrot anulîctiast, eye cuughrttitis anti le suiri "M'soit. ocrer tale tal ytu une cleuniy otif nionfltflon a flu-îtointî. rTe most you caoi hoig- 10 discttx tr i4,te prpnld.-nance -of te ttoi.-I chanîge. Pigure It Out. Hou'llil iinn pl.tx tiAdaug tandi Eve eut? Sontg- 5u3 Evce Pgitt anttAdaiiiti w, -a total if tell oil3y. Noir uc figure te tlîing gut faîr dif- fererttiy: Exe elgiti andt Ailurît ciglit alsoý-tti 16. We tiîk te aitove figures tire en- tireiy uroîîg. If Eve ciglît uand Adam 82. certuinly te total iill te 90. Scicittîfli-mein. iowever. on lte atrerîgtlî of lte tieory ltaIlte unIe- diluviarî- wene gialîls. reasitî somte- thing lîke litis: Evc 81 and Adiam 82 -total M'4. Wrong aguin. W'ial tîtîlti te clear- er titan If Eve 91 andi Adam 812 lte total was 893? 1 telleve te followiîrg tbli lte true solution: Eve 814 Adam andi Adaîti 8124 Eve-8938. StilI sîîotî-r ralculallon It as foi- Iowa: If Eve 814 Ad.tîî. Adam 81242 obiîge Eve, total 8205.-E5x- change. Expiaintng Lunar Banda. PuIseux, the dlsliîîguislited selenog- rapiter o!fte l'arias ohservatory, nme lime ago reacitedth ie conclusion ltaIlite curlous raya or banda ex- teoding In straight fines away frooe many lunar cratera, audit as te cele- brated tycito, are produceti by te deposition of volcanlc salies carrieti 10 greal distances by te wlnds tlit happenedti l prevail when lte erup- lion occurred. Hie accounts for lte relative nurrowness of tigllee banda whicli are neyer moître titan 30 mle. broati, altiîoiigiither m tglaismre- Urne. many itundreti mites, by nue> poslng ltaIonly te central axis t deposit lias remJned, lte 1W dqe bordes hlavlng bee de.tro bo the denudlng fore" o!fie i thp moon bail a consideabe a1. p ere.-Washington star. Plan your next Chicago trip the con- venlent North Shore Way. Know the pleasure of traveling on this Road of Real Service. Speed is combined with Comfort and Safety on North Shore Trains. Alert employes and modern safety appli- ances safeguard your journey.' Trains leave Libertyville at thirty-minute intervals f rom,5:48 a. m. to 10:48 a. m.; then at 11 :48 a. m. and every haîf bour thereafter until 8: 48 p. M. I then 9:48 p. m. end every haif hour thereafter until 12:48 a. m. These trains \make connections 'at Lake Bluff that take you tb the heart of Chicago. Baggae, Under 150 Ibs., Camfed W'thout Extra Charge. Chicago . North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. IBERTY ILE TICKE OFMIE PASSUM I SATIO TFIDOM 74 LOCKED UP FOR Me TWAS IN DION Father of lad arrested for> fighting iailed by Justice Schmalfuss Titere is sucit a thing as comlng to lte defense of one's sou too strong in Zion. Levi Keeling, 'youtliful glad-1 lator, residlng at 2614 Gdeon Ave., la citarged with liaving put a dark ahade on te "lamp" of James Henry Par- ry, son of Policeman Isaac Parry, andt lte two lads wete up before Justice2 Schmalfuss this morning for creatingu a disturbance on Zion's otlierwlse1 peaceful streets. Keeling's father was in court and l is claimed lie argued with thte judge 10 such an extent that he was lock- ed up for alieged contenîpt of court. Thte excitange of "'.cou tesiea" be- twen te Justice and Keling startd over te latters failune to nemove his liaI in Court, it la claimd., OOO000000000OOOO000 oFORT HILL SCHOOLe ooooooooooooooo COW TESTING PAYS By Durley Currr Thte Làke Counry Cow Testinr Ax-.o 'ittion is nfow undl- .u îatt Thas, wistnut t'. jotn . tit.! "t't Swt', r-ijua: l".,iii litun L.-k, lia- 1" rt - 'i' t ti'o 'i n t t h bA tt Lt I i - ', j t , t' 1 atid b, Atti ornya a LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Telepitone3. DR C. B. OLNEY Vetertnary Surgeon. 010v."al Itç ardent,' ottîsîtt. Mlon rCo. Garatgp Pihone 35. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. ('onvet'.-, Ex trîtte i t înTio i)i . . iIil,; atti Conserse'. delu-% ite~ Vtvilcc , 1 andt wat'.buri'ad Dlit ', in Liii.- 'r>illi Mi., C. t. Tiioniasanti sonCeorgu.. atnd Mits itiant.-were in NWaukegan t'. rîri bts Nul,-anti chidr.-n ut llebrtnVis., apent tht week end aL teme of t'Mr. anti Mn>. Bert Troni- blet' %Il anti Mrs. Foni-st Titomtison lipen' dite week enti witit Cari Atterbur), oi Wuukegan. About 6:30 o'clock Salurtiay ev-e nig a Ford louning car going wr-si on lte cernent road between te Wagner and D>avis hontes, lumneti comîiietely aroundti.ten tijîpeti over. Thte driver tati losI control of bis car. probably because te nunterus jugs anti boulest founti lu lie car were 100 nt-an empty. One of lte nien was injureti i theli fait and broken glass. Titey weret akt en 1,' te office of lDr. Shaffen iIn Grays iltke, for nietiicâl atternrion. L. V. Lusk aîndiA. J. Brewet shittiet at eut' Ioad ut Ca.tle ta Chticago laît Jolhn \.> -.Ji., w a.absett itit itcitctil i'i-t W t-k (n accouw it 'rk Loango Say Biood Red. b r el ' (.*Intirth Whert lte "Lttie Women" Ptayed. ran ,ti l - t11". i -1i pl HAVE A GRADUATED AUCTIONEER TO CONDUCT YOUR SALE ERNEST ROSING 1 Ingleside, Ili1. General Auctioneer Phone Round Lake 33-W-i North Shore Ln e It's Handy The North Shore Line plumbs the center of town-withia easy reach of alla I Chicago it circles the Loop, at the very dloors of the big office buildings. theaters banks and business houses. And the frequency of ils service, coupled writh ils speed, eliminates the need for any extensive schedule arrangements. Women -Made Wun,è,îg Bright eyes;a clear skia and a body ffofyouth ad a bea:h yourm if you will keep Your systerri tin order by reguiarly takinit Tbh* worâ'aM sndard t.iuidy fo0r kidnsy. livua, bduer nduric acid troubles. , tâ ennias a1lits and loks. lin uas ir-e 169. Ail druggi.tu, thrv .ie. L..l. fw *0 . e CoUdGela 4.1,,*-ybb. DR. WM. LEVIN 1)ENTIST Located ln Merchants and Farmers Bank Building at GRAYS LAKE ILLNOIS. -Office Hours- Froni 9 to 12 a, in.; Froml 2 to 7 p. rm. Gas Administered and Nerve Blocking. THURSDAYS ANDi SUNDAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. ELHAAN W. COLBY Attorney-atLaw Office-at Home, on Cook Avenue. Telephone 163-. LIBlERTrY VILLE. ILLINOIS MARTIN C. DECKER Attorney-at.Law. 3 % V .,.iington Strect %\AlRE4;AN, ILLINOIS. Oti.hou.4- R~les Phone 1100-W LYELL H. MORRIS Attorney.at:Law Llli'lti XVILEILLINOIS Luce' Building. Reg> PhlOn,136S . Office Phlone 18. - 1 - M - - M - . --- _-i- - q Q - q - 1- qq --------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- - - ------------------ -- ---------- - --- - ------------- - ---------------- - - ------------- - -------------