r ~THE LIBERTYVLLE INDEPENDENT. THURSIATf-URSDAY. DECEMBER 8, 192 1. ,oný and two daugbters. five of whoui o r%'ive l'h lIp H. who resides atiî T \Yaikegan. ant is intire in4uranci, II EL'T AI . ho ;ieil in Jadftlar,. 1890. at the age itîtirtt un: He-iaitE. w-iiîîonlucts irs loting an(! genemal furnishiit f"E NT DEC. 4t1-'unnhb> tirs ___Wauconda, Mn. Mainian r-e.iiing fron in!, business tite er g;L ~SineSS i Wauconda for wis s îruggist. résides at Wauke bey Ysars ...Was Born in gan: and Henry sud Mary. wbo livel i. aaironie witb tbeim father, *ermany In 1840 Due brother aiso survives, Herman - -H., wbo lives aI Watentowu, S. D., snl 0 fflasmai o! Henry Maimaun. tire came iree 1 attend lire funeral. Smerchant o! WauconrIa. wiroMns. Maiman lied u"n Septembem, M tire home o! lis son. Le<i E. 1905. and eVen since iis tire.bias à là Waukegan. Noveniber 30.' been a blank suace lu tire lite' of the- short utînees o!fiuraùnia. yr-ji leceasel. wicirnothing sernied et jý atra-Deember 41ir, at f il ~' n Ctirollc churchir ý He wasalaways a ver>- urogresei'e 'd.tire Rev. Faîhen palaganaan, sol altbougb iu later yrinwas gtire Requiem Higir Mass, ilut1i noniIn rlbust healir. ire waa about tire L--- au eioqueut seron fuit of.smure nearly every day, looklng after Zr.,.*'for tire bereaveai (ami>', tire tailorng work, sud had juil laid gwir of St. Joseph'- cborcb of Lii-: Ou. two new suibdivisiotns on tire laite. .t4 under tire direction om Nis1 has tlîliie piaunel wouid bake up bis -Hapke. a niece o! tire deceas- - bue during tire sunimen montira. He 8tire requiem tnassa always assistel wilir every public en- i »i beren vwere-old frientis- of tervrise. anti saw Wauconda develop eboeoed. and were setecteti iyl trom alitte burg te a progressive lit- ltfW Yeara befone iis destin, From tlie ciîy. H e was a niember of tire vul- là home ta the cirurcirtirey were: h age board for seve rat years. aud il !V -Geary. James Murray, . waI durrug lis tertni lia: thirulage ýkY. George Bauer. John Freden- park rtas purchase asd tireivillage bx luner Murray; ant iaItfire irait erected. - ai Fremont lliey vere Gen.1 h Nilelire iedttoasripe olti tge,lire 00f, 00 Hertel, Frank $lnlart - was se active up 10lire imie of his Aem Johnu Deinlein sud Midi-! deatir he wll bi regeatiy missel by ~muf, wba met the Procession att, iii.s fanîrl> sud iris man> iienîs wlro Bmetery sud caniel tire remains t wiil rurniber hînli, i,î u.sterling i !!IlY lot. wirere îirey a-ueelail sonr'Il mi bailleiis %vite. ivioprecedeti ('ontrîbutetî. 14 yeans ago. Re". FathriBIay Wiedth lir vuice a til]tuegravec b deceased wasa aself niade n ni brninHaovrGemayT1REE FU61TIVES Mr 25.-.,l4bî. sud vas the eude,i >f a farnlly ot fiue ciilîrenu tw RE TAKEN4 BACK canl diel in Gerrany. uctie l1ii. r-Alo lied aitheii'age rf 53 t cri, Wtirtand lire two yusrngc-'t. tIi. -- tit -' >ritI!,h o iaescalleti fi anr Caoieanl He 's.cme~ tti i trtln sccIil jrr 'e-e iba ire>-er fltoing 'be Etl ntrrtseian FOX Lnrk,-.andl taken 10 à= thue 'yre betiveef.11 b r. Mainanis fatirm, anti rade 1-etvw,,hédi hum W-ut iimiut hlhiheidrath Ilmer b otser wi mOcutilre in 72: f.r4e ni-rt 11 su k _Nîondti o 1w MM Of 6ervrci or elnnt8 lh - nr itta autirriic,e mue~~~~ o!61 yan th tie cchiivea at-e S'u.e Paîv Ktaran fr-oi tire tUg1 oî 1 mnil,- - Mil - Riukovskt tandtiWilliam Vu viaY l im i)@ 'orll. At tirat j it >e iregan an appren-,icesiiiwilit ) misaI talion, seniing a terni of M hmirugh Geranvy He male 0 TRIPP SCHOOL o W Along lire vine-c illsl. on- '0 **00&00 0 thre beautifut Rhime. to the ciîy0 00 0 6 0r 0 0 0 chédre. vire renistefle ire onMr. and Mns. Jack Sirelley, Mesdames thairera, sre On10 ir ~1>JM. Shelley, J. Sweeoey, G. Feiseiy anud %i% virer.'lhe isitel ulie grand Miss Elizabethr Doyle o! Wadsworlir, slty. 1. spent Wednesday with Mn. sol Mrs. ires veut to Coblenz asol irs- A. O. Rackenbacir. w 'Giraltar of Gemmany. Ebren I Mrn.dolMna. Cook snl laugitrle MIL. làs Coblenîz liet workedtia. tppeol Sunday wili r M. and Mrs. i~ for a wiie. afler wlîich ie ire rell. lea sick and confinel inas iros t Mn. anti Mn. Knoll oni Wisconsin, V tvn monthe. Ouniis recovet'> Wb() were visiling Mr. and Mns. Pirelpi 110sfl home, anti afler a short Jieft for boni. isat weeku lpted Oldenburg anti lremen. Mn. and Mns. Nemmer are visiting br, virencelire vent te Hani fiends iu Wiscmunsin, rain employel lu tirar ci.y for1 Mn. Rockeubach apeul Thursday in il. On lthe expiration of that1 Chicago. Mni. MaiMan returnel 1teiis Percy McLaughing is workrng for «d stade lPrépar-ation for iis tMr Clavey. R% frmi tireFaîbertanti lor ieia." Boardiug a steamer The SI. Paul Evangeircai Ladies' Aid 101MIn 1865 t Bremen.lire founr illma wilh Mn.ld t »Mter fOureen laya lu Castlu i- HIs ouI ife Iad now enduni Goge rhsirfrwas a Chicago l fairly embankel oponhisrista the 1. ntel Site Be'atket We are witiug examinaîrons this or aI once to chîlcago. 'wiere hbel e Ir0 4yeran d a bal! inlietn Miss Sireehaur spent Salurlay and Of mereirt ariuslor. antiuen- Suuday in Chicago. M" lu te St. Louis. wirerelIre________ breor fouinuonthi. visiting ou *M trip ai the pnicip ciisIaO 00 eooo 0000 000O rai Illinois.i bg I 1867 taÏl ire establimîhul0 G R A N G ESALL o OibemsInWa couaan sice 000000000 00 0000 ç4s hie home lu tins beaubifutl We are iraving oun examination s i 01age. week. Soie coîpetbosi is being shovri le 22nd of Octoirer. 1872,. Mn seen waho will secure thre iighesl e BUs "sted in marriage wilir average and wio tire pize. (li47 Gleseler. who vas bornuIn We are planning a Christmnas pro. 0 MAY 29. 1856, and was lire grain. «I smnlly of silx chiudren.lire Misses Lillian Powis sud Evehyn 0 daughter -î'liliu ant I loro- Dinîniore visitel oun schoi lait week. f iMoAer. ,Mns. Jack Kaluf visitel Mns. Beckey r bUten gravel tireir union, fouti lsat weuk. - ~ i Mn. anti Mms. Duniap spent Tiranki- t ivim9g with Mn. and Mrg. H arr-y jieaaon ofLibenfyvitle. Mrss ituby Wooiey apeol tire week-ri LU tleo11n end wth b ler cousins in Waukegan. Mra C. Woiey is visrtnliuhem dsogb. ter ru Renosira. MisJohnson o! Gurnee, la îisiîiug lier sisten Mn. A. E. Real. S a le Artirur Johnoson iras returuel home frein a visit up nortir. MM. OB. Whitmore, Miss Aima -X FOPP WILL SELL AT Rose, Mn,. A. E. Read and Ehmer Rose mir asurTinm nN -were visitons nt Wsukegan, Tuenlay. 6& 4Us-1l 5Un tiil 53 L3 VIT Fs SOUJTH- r' I Gus Clan Gui persoi heum Icago sough circul charg, that r slina1 Kupbi rSauts l He Edws el ai but p cause place' Hot bier $8 his v twas after mîllie: propei which on tbq llred came, 10 do clarnn woutd Bot] miiiddle Mn' for K fiel ti tirmee keepei anyî tirings lies i suit Il tire cl rainle1 ing Mi for wn 000 n0 0.1. bnrsine consin Ni r. -rîr. an M r. > ears, Monlt MNicir Fi"nday Wrh daugiri Mi. ; Sundri; tunire M r. rainel P'arki i'îte-s( Miss P'ark sa on bel- erger, three sons-lienry, George and JU & i Sunday afternoon with Mr. .and rs 'TENDANT O ous-ali Of Deerfieid. 12 grandelmîrlé jIJ dJarret. tdcfltlren {WU--1M ITilH. C. Meyer left Monday Mis -VOLIVA'S R16HT UPPENi_---fF=JME_ - _ JI___ USBAN 'EL S I IANin for Iochelle, 111, tu attend a week Ti Unied' vn"ialChurch w'T L SItb er daughter. Mn. Paul Rouse. O H L IA The purpundaOf wir SMr.aa s DIVORCE , fraple 0f or Suday ser IceMr. and Mrs. FredZersen adEdw CIR U,1IU -Elq)Kitucion ndprye. f o'dû 10W SUE 601 '[ M rs .Wulff and famipy'at uni' H R 9IS U sir any ofthe above, you are niot -1- Cornerj. [ave Hidor Hobrg de-cordîally invited to any or ail of u Just crazy about Soldiersarid Mr,,. Charles Kuebker, Jr., spent lastZinCtcaeweeOeee res wife called remittance e s ubat evi for next Sunday morn- Sailors,'" she says; got their ulaihbepretM.adM.bokd hrc bidng a- "ib mne"ing will be "'Our Home Missions." lIn allotnerrts, charge R. J. Lyons was a Chicago visitor en to state supremne court stave Hildor Hoberg. who was tire the evening the subjec. will beo!fipe- Monday. )na]attndat t Lns, uppn- al intereit 10 ail Sunday Scbool schi- Whonu lttle Mitr. Helen Ferguion,- Seveïral fron Ares at.ended the ba- Springfield , Ill., Dec. 6.-Wilbur uloatatt a oha upe- gr ied i35lane o! Paulillessoinsîat ail o 22, lgs -Meh Wukgn girl zaar and supper at Ivanhoe Saturday. Glenn Voliva's right as overseer of cthig anufacturer, Saturday wt 5iueniieioigaJo 2 H ~uh before Capi. Thon, lit a divorce in the Lake county of tire main Incidents o! bis life. ai 1. Porter of the secret service yes- M.a r.Gog mt dM.ZO IYt lc h osrcino ýit our aiWauegan frin rs. At tire Christian Endeavor meeting terday. iris agents chargeai that si. , and tMrs. GeOjZe 811111,1 were Wauke- a ri-ai church lu the religions cm tht court a, Waukegan Pof romn Mu. lait nîi '1.l feusouliers auin,j ir;jgan visitons Saturday. Mwle wîîî bedetied by the llxade Ksas . c l-o rg wboteatitftrcPe sue," egle icted.PO:u Our In quici; ',iacû-,,ssdivorced- noue. I-M$. E. Wilcox, who.ha. been tak-is. sureml h ecor tisnbt hil seb ucelh &gm teave fce ldg'wlib dsuie.Ou aonhall adrawc $500 a nuontlrin ai-1 Ing treatiment at a sanltarium ai WaU- expected. Islnd comeledhlo eav tenCdi eol'ssevcei poin0ee mr llenti f rom Uncle Samn. kesha, returipe t Wber bomne last 8-S Wac& a bnonwr n t.e Iilnd.whee h wa atend nmteresting and heiptul. Corne ouI and1 "What," exclalec the captain; urdy. 'edifie banoHurd Clenemar e n h e im e r , a n d g o w ith l e r to b e c o n v in c e d . A t r e l a t b u i n s s " m r l e1t n e. n b r e e a i flîrbara. CaL, îm'e5 taion n 1r.and Mns. Thomas Russell enter- of Zion, tbe Orace ?liîlonarY church testlfied before Judge Claire C. netn e ebeswr ae upossilîle p Ilrrl-Ôa!T talned friends from Elpaso. III., sel- iras appealed to the supreme court for rds that whec Itrs. Hoberg s ar-andtire officers for tire colning year "But mn' dearoi*' interupted Helen eral days lai week. an Iniunction againît lntertering. rgigteewsntigt owere elected. Unden thein leadership "You bavn'î ireard thre balf o! fitRealiy lu thel, &lea tg the aat's blghest packulugtiaredad otbiddng, to, h ege domie agrpan o o hvntMr. and Mr@.George Brainerd spent rack upihad do ber Fdring, ttire Leage wiil maeMrarernlans forHou CavW.tcourt the race churc'h Officiais de- oshe tbneatened to "bust up the the carrying on oflils work during e ed o nte.Sndywt r n n .C.clired tirat Overseer Voliva, thnu iiHe cbarged desertion. comtiug year. "Wby durlng my cancer l've been Meyer. domination and controi of the Zion èent teîtitied lie offerel to pay Sunday nigirt, JPecember 18, tire weîî marrnled to sîxteen men, and if your Miss Mary Rinau ttsent tire week local goverfnneflt, ieads a conspiracy 200andgie br 20 wek ut nou son byVanDye, Th Otendam aild agents badn't arrested me b end with Mr. and Mns. Rittler at Ra- to prevent tire growtir of a chuncir 1200 apndielie t2an eae but nwis Man," VaulDybe , ThenudIlutri-would bave made it seventeen before cine, Wis. foliteîed by persona who wyul not bow wif sprne fianddecare ifWis Ma," illho ive an ilustai-the end of the week. RealIy t wotld." ,Mn. and M rs. F. L. Baurnemiti were tuolitis l. "bribe maney" Hoberg looked ed with stereoiptican sifldes. We gladly After llîtenlng for ifffteen minutes to Waukean visitons Saturday. Haittd Dy Lack of Futide ' mupreneimern as tCaalinIbeextend 10 YOU thre opportunlty o! both lber, storv Carp, porter ahonir hia Mn .Alice Matinalleu-. several days Construction of Grace cuurcirh - nre belng tohau bi siageMnhearlng and seelng Ibis beaulîful story- ireal. 'Thar'a tle nmost cti suril lait-week wltir ber sister, Mrs. Frank gan jeu years ago but was bemporari- ?rty and bad soute funture, Practice for the coming Christmas na,-y tale Vr'- i--:,.lnlitfort., itchelu.ly ab Tiroed foudatfian oly waof h Hobeng wanted ta equlp a home program iras been begun and la under ire asld. f- Mitchiondtinell.wa le Islande aas a retreat for world way in full swing by the varlous de- "The finIt man 1 married was an Mma. Raitrh flouse and son, Stanley, buit and on ibis the' flock erected patients and thus add to bis lu- partmrente. Tis la an es-eut tirat ha auto salesman-that was lu 1918.1' asle spent Meuday afternooti with Mns. R. a temptirar>- cover under which they butir caredtirI hereusd lwas ooedfowar r wtbratbegan -'inillied wilir hlm for, a F. Ruse. iret services. Laft May lire truste.'. but lieewhmontîrs.atMye othesewaslwdeadomyeA.oHwKui to e wa gaeWaukegau vis- tartefl tb complet.'th.' job but their ibis and belittled bisfilles, de- anticipation by Suuday Scirool schloifaîberitbad diMappeared, an deamy O io A ura9 . l'reetrrer rffrilitha ntni g tia radin oau tinie. and a, nd es'ery effort is ireing put for tirer was kitted in France. Mi. and Mrs. R. F. flouse entertaru ,'l - t.al,'- or iri t coîri eint be leradng ccuatin. waril 10 haie iis year'a entertaihnment -T was working in a Boston dry- t.n ýr BITniuntad th-l]îîîîrîon t wenî. rî'curt hyin bh Hobert and his wife are paît meut tire fullest exireciations ori "l. goole store when i met %Vlfreîi Tay- Mr, A.i-e and o! Chcartupei, a il anr. i . ttton- ( " rued e. age. Wdls oueep The choir wiimeet Fr rday ci coing Ion. The tdraft got hlm t-He wcflt 10n, d sî 1 crgc iRayofiironi Lakie ýîhitie, iFinl-rd s rci Kur. leie Tiis Wallies. housekeeperronirtly ai7.15 for iti- iractrce of war asu ri00 fter isndînig lunlF'ance -,,,. - bat wben Mns. Hoberg went away t'lit'Christmas anthems. was kilied..'l col an -iloimfent frotSuntiri-'not ;-. Xtt ;i i , iri a iets Syears ago sire tbld tire bouse- Tiý,c iads of the dritî-î rt. il heInn l re n.mooo o oo4 OO to.1r i\, riin hlhiri' gnin, a'm ýr tiraI tirelatter should flot tay irt Cnt -.î--krng thieir i orn ir i ';, ti g Weit-1th ail i ,) git; wirk or tcet 0I00'--00i0000i0011w i titv n inii dirrr ateto onrarried. t goti arrhii Si1-i iiia G R AY S LA K E othi ;'. n. .' rrtls teto 10Hobent or make our s-pkytrayer mrretin -.ert * 1t' otswril ueoninthd i pleasaut forlina". -Mn,;. Wad- Mis. John Str> ker. prest-t-tit f -b. nP uilis 0rt t r 0i0,CIC'Ai0rGrorrr0ri01.t Con- leclared irle took op tire matter' WN .W l aeciam- i ' e tw i l o nfi,t rirli t hi' gi 1nitit Mns. Kuppenheimer withithtire r- atitrseial aubJecrtiror rst t w ni Toîd Anoher Wonnan. IM 'l' uiiMrrr p.ttr . ' t ti-i- bat sire was asked 10 leave. Kuf- ire Our loeg is Ons tuîWi-neii I-Oui' iay itîîld saisornan abouît thre - -' htti-d nK-n-ir ýimer, Hobeng, Mn9. Waddles and liay nigîrî prayer îerîrî i c ftw oaliltnienlt and sire sugitesieri tiat 'N11..'oi Mn-A M.Wlrt.iiir;oý- utfi:ii rhauffeur tiren packed up and i~el a nes a oglmni.~ ersti si- ierdrgir u to Ciicago lu a special car. ieav- uiruîori,,unir. >isofdtire week isiien titi Ir. Hohemg on tire Island. a i'hance .0 give -public exprression tu put the idea of mome irîsiaudl oto my 1JO"- ' lci agt Sunday. frE~ ýge Eward dismssedJuhni Wiit- iefttMîîndayfoE antof quty.eve> hritin wo dsies u d s "JhnKelly tof lt Brooklytn navy Try leelewl oktifý R VES FATAL TO rut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i o!eut.et m>rtia w roedesrs10d yards was tire next. He sigueil bis ai- mrlk a,i -r. *tratèd by ('las. Fen loirnt0 me. t letflhlm aud mar- Ion lrlIisC A . l0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tets tin 's k i thoarn ýe rî riedanthmmer salore na inesr, r1 g or. iict'cr s tbsretoMs oTr Wmn'Miina> ore ieantrsao.tdan eI M B-e bsr-ned i ti ('fC.HUMPHREY D E ER F IE L D titon Fnaniz for tire moutrli inet. "Ftinaiiy 1 came to Chicago. 1 mar- Wt- 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 j O ng. ried tirree sailors ho ratrid succession. It î- -uî',î about tire viliaget; iai Aged painter dies as a resuit 1ROckenbault ieft Toesdaý foi aO--Albert Drexier, a solier nI Camp A-,iu ýC-hsbuh 1,pa '-5 trip irrouihrth r - DefildP abt ia Nws Grant, was tire shxteentir. [Iirad a A -tîtru' lu iFood Co.,ugnt tirîlrnt fnjiesr.--e hr imrî gnorirmo eêe~ .r'mbyerîn Nws sail rikil ot ~for fle net" othl.- i-teii'îl '.sr -l inu o nursrcîeir a arnd Minnesota. Tihe officers of tire Dorcas Society. A!fter irolding Mrs. Ir-r-xtem in bonds larrton.- , 1,,ne and gli'-, and Is. Grorge Ott enterrtarneri il"atrc tu express tireir gratitude tu ail o! $10.00on r citarge ni fraul, Officers a t ,--t'St, Anlrewi, Nîrssio November 22. rd Mlis,. Lecoy tii Dobuque, lO)%iNS Wio were so kind 10 ail in serving atirbeean computing ier hucome. oei Sontiatas tolows lt>-it tînr ýhe wcek cnl. lun- Bazaar, tirose who lonatt frmif "0, t forgot.' -'ire xpiaineil. -I ttUniuifl S:5 . ni it(rîriSunna> 1Charles Humîîhe, aged 63, o! Rld- Kîcakîn. who ir;-been lit mg on anti ail who bave been au faihbul in bal onu daugirter. 1 totî lire goiern- s ,- - , Ilte.land evenue, lied Sunlay monning lerrinran rplrceufom the iras, foutir'ewhng luring the yer.. ment sire was tire child of t-arli of tireaiegthry 'lc aiheLk 'rdasl nTusdy n n'.i ixteen husiranîs. t ouuîy Gent-rai Hospit a wtire m-oul irI tse n iomla.aO Ol Mrs. George Pettis, President. "if ~etaIth" CURL LÂa !a fait sustahuel Novemiber 22. r> 11iosed lih,, lrîil% Io Rolland, Ourpeopile are exîrressly asked o Tir' A rc g $5eira frot îmso ILIIIM. tmprywh asav1e ga.Tepaerifwslir an - - wiîî * L Y pote.Hpr Wke a rnte re-memben tire Home for tire Delieul hotill awtirîi>' srrriserl wberi 1s.-.îouîaukga,'.ell.r-.-h graturrar-,chool001 u i nuit <coiChitîren ru Ciicago <uring tireir îhcy real thisroof tftire T.J. t)avilon home, 3222 0 f seîtool %surk anti a bazaas Christmas shropping., Our young peu- DtiMo-. -Eit a tt b- C ene sretategbD'c -ko-tr 1)e. 1. a th acroo tre wiil make a tu-hp tirere Saburlay sf1t-tirrece years tigr,: Tiromasr Meelian, a ýmurning of Notember 22. lie was re- s Margaret t'tsgge oh Wýord,;- ennon, Dec*17. Tirey deaire some aii sailor ai tire Great Laktes Naval Train- T. J. Sîsir & compsuy report the moveî to tire iropital wirere it was wss ai Ironte over the wcek eul. tîresenl for each chill. hng Station, marmier ihem in %'aukegan !uitowing transfers: faund trat ire iad suffereil a comPound S P. Hluiclîrson Ofltrvi grutPrk Nexi Sunday morniug, Dec. 11, tir- Isat April, Tbe stock anul equipureut of the Hgir- fracture of irotir bottes o! tire, igbt leg Tlrorsday ai ire home t n-hr tîsator irpeaka utron tire pre-Cirristoras "Yeg ire wounî ut), "tire trouble ha îey O. Brown farn west or Zion waî Just abor' tire ankie Infection stt lu tel, Mis. Rtay Reels, suijeci. "Chrnist Longed For." Ilire .'mn jîst crazy about thoqe biuejackets purchasel hy Myron Doyens and Oral and deatir resultel Sunday. and Nnr. F. H. Meyer sudfija.>- eveuing tirere wlire a wonrhwîriî sandiloughboys." thnee year lease on Mr. Bown's 150 Tire corouer's Inquest wtrs bell at lieetegesso r n evc.-acre !arm. tire White and Tobin fornerai home oni wVl Mlere therueAta0f m. s servghice.00000 0000000000000 ~G. ". Evans' bungalow on Asir street 1 Suudav. lb waii conlurteit by Coroner l'l!Mule- r nlngonIl hiir Tire Cirurchr Scl4ooi is running arn ,t bas been sol to L. R. Sisty. Taylor. A fuluow work .nrsn testifiel ro i numbem' a nd ln intereat We îîav e A R E A Tire Mary E. Scirooiey trruperty aiý to thte nianuer in wih r lumphrey Tifoirra ndrs.ieit-etlr tri tir-o-classes for ail ages. Tire Choir rs mal t- 0000000000000~ OC009:123 Etmwood Ave., bar, beco toltojhad fnîIen on te oo. hë te i itel ai lb. Ni. Vaný's Tucada> ing splendid progreas in their rejicai George NI. Wright, o! Burke &WM*ig'iiet wt-Aa Ockedut'fwstordta .Rober t "li t nt nertaîîred t ta5sais for tire Christmas cantata. If >ou Harol Wells t-puni lt ,e ek enîtstore. iroth fractureil hçrfes were protrt.ring 'n Wednestitr> foi'rs.u-Ray>wanl to Isee a meal live young people'e,-, riii IrlendsisnluAnlioch. t-ro- Ni e 1-ra uo . Hmhe rc cil. meting you siroutd attend ,ire Christ- Fetrdinandl sol Otto 'l'-gtmieyr-rnand By Our Own WaittMaton. breNi et egit Mas a re o!srad- sud Mc.Wiil sur Neville enter ian Endeavor service ai 6:45 each Sair- Joei Chandler 'weme Waukegan t hart- Sie storat fil) in o trolley car an fat]. Mi. and Mis RO> Liobbhns arnd bath evenlug. Tiiere were 34 in at- uiaSrrodayaflernoou. trie(] tii iliig Iin a sttrrpl; but tire track Funeral Wedueîqday momning aI ten- of Alinngtou Heigirta Suda>, tendance tast, week. Mmis. \'ol(;kman r-nicr amine a týitrrirrhfinî taIeî-ery Joli site mat tirtny o'clock af the home, ylth Inter. Edward Tirerrien orf -ighirautii Remember birat aspsat and s wsrm lire Tiursday aflernoon cucire club tm or"','î r lai's t-p. )ONitn ti'Pnient lu ihe fsmlty lot i atMilibun w~as 7he guesi of Nrs. Fraînk welcome awaiîs yoo 51aire Friendty clu basat a'eek. tiisior ismt sire tireri, a an ut! cemetery. ;o Strnlay. circt. Mrs. E. J. tjmbdensbock and M,.s. whh a si-t-arntlrule: ,Wý91 son,,rI:,y Isabel Iiedi-isial. uofl-ighland 1 Bt-rt (irarbertin speut Sunday asftem' kindly t-ll tue, tuease; irow nrîon FirtsI n Lake County-Tih. INDE- lient rire wer k endri athIe home 0000 wilh tireir parents, Mm. randl Nrs. lapls 10 the le-BtnTasrp PNE . . airer. F. C iedeh.rtai.ît Lywrf N'rU j Taa À l t: l I m.lC."-B'i'ib A nurlber ul our trru8ic-loinig puo rlie enjoyel hjierecilal by Miss, Ids Knaak anti hem Pptils it lier home on Saturday evening. Mn. solndîrs, Josephr Mulligan snl haiily vere tire guesia ut Mr. sol Mrs George Pet tis Suudsy. bt-en sick 'a irtî neumouha, is inipros- ung nicely.t M~r. antd Mis. AI Kn-se loue Edna N rckias) of lii ing Pltrrk iradas tirer iinntr gUears Suoda', Hisses Jua aid Maymne Karcir. P. W. Kersten or Chîrcagu tis tire .ttiests;il tire F. t'. Iiaggie- iomie Sun- da>. .Nui. anti lji-aEl Gagne tand daugi et Ws Chîicago strcu tire week end ut .lrr Ihomie or- lim seuts, Mr. anti MIrs. W. F. Piaggu. Mia. Ray Gunskýl arndison, Leltoy, ol Rrrîenswod tre isiling Mu-. anti Mrs. Ray Reels. A vaudeville enertîiient aud a dance uli irecien h- b.th efie (jt'~ SCHIOOI, DISTRICT rrink Ruan has bri ibarn nearit George Doyle bas purchasel s new car. Anthony Hoitlinger iras porcirased thie îîrpert>- of Mrs. John Bensinger. Fmarnk Clark liras porchasel a trac- tor. Haroltd Lucas is iepatring tire car i wlii'lire tiptiel over a tew weeks IrZelyn 1-tsrp-ty %as absent fmom sciroot na few tinys asat we.'k on ac- (,oiofillniues Tire pnîils liai-e starlel b gel resti> frîr a Chrismas programt. Therelcgiîîrgtide were gradeil "E" ho sgrelluog ibis I-esl moutir. Tîri' visitors at Btowe scrool for the montlir uerc- Mus. James B-agemby sOu Marceline Anies. .".-' 'i't Li rite itorrir ieaturer anti 'nc WADSWORTP 1 . 1.OOO111OOOO OO 1.T.Aatu'acol srnr1 bi he1 dulsne from scirool. these o S CHU L TZ S C lO O L o Satuirtia', evirgec. 10. lupisere îrertecb in aîtendance. Ef FMII.LBURN. 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0-0- Heleo 'Young, Cirarles 'Lncas. Alice A~T F O 000 00 0 0000 000OBJTUARY - ltolirmach, b<nnetir Clark,, Milîrel The ri-ontly xamnatonsbegn LuisC. olferwhopased wayVounne forotir', Ieairie. Leo. Cirnis- 'btMi-ouhi eamnaius e a( L ou aC. e so thowro thesslageay iausen, tLester Lucas, Fremont Aies, Moody. ! irs ioîri' n unt' suth utlitevilageHaroldlBelit vereit Clark. Cyril Eimer Ernmsing was absent saveral 1 on Not'. 26îiî. ifter s short ilness of 10 Deiir'.er snd lBarbara Dlebmeyer. days lasI week un accourt of sickness. titr>vs, iras irn in Kunhessen. Wester-- - i d yFive o! the pupils were perfect in hWatl, Ger-rIn -Oct. 3Q. 1841. 'riday, nglait m anti lie- taile ;otrilis country in 1860, R TIE SM E i~ ~ j j 9 were perfect in aih>t"sts ee. lo een et e oet Tht-sixtir gradelu-tpiha bave alartel aiir .S4ril.iîeri ,a a bird sîudy. r r idun NMdrcli lCr 18-d2,irai ing liveti 0"!at a11Ila.M, Msmîeiia Keller spefl*the wee-end in th~ir iciniitoi, 4yas iu elira. R23Y S CAIL.HRE.in 'hicg, alrhi r3tbieti-r lajovial ndisposition. tutti I. rRSS an - .î I iusaIohi rir'ndsFor i-t'e P'u 1r 1 ofi t- rToinaliayk, is.., . . 1 *.....Nlràm. William Geecaka sud daugiter t--r 37, > ciri c 'had inibt-tn engaged in ie a gusit tirhe home o! Mm. anti FàW IMMIfl Y 1'rns tre aisiting nuIst-ves inr Chicago. (- i'ý arminnr. rs. W'. D. Lambert. County St., Wau- n L. Jefferv mati a short cal at bis Thrl.-funet-sisei c-aarreltretiltr kegan. Tis is the fins ime the two Jfarm Suda>. tlI.- lnr,în' Nocrîrbir 3h;, wir4i intermuent broIrera have met In twenty-tirree - hMrs. S. Keie andi i-n are spentiing n 'mti- Norrhflî'1l ceeer>y. lic- eaves t cura the viii b rotir havl-ng Spum. A..cioaeer. tire week in Chicag.. . - wijui - i.m n litm îi' iFioren- 'Pr-el tri- loti,- in the western stales ;'Itro , -.et-l-u a -ra in Alaska. Miss Nina Rouie wasa bbeweek cul gui-itfMm. sud Mrs. Geo. Rtoss. Carroll Porteous was s Waukegan i isitor Saturday. Mru. andn Mrs. Roberi Garike slient FOR SALE A 17a etfarn Lake county, ho mirles iuom one rairoal toitn. 4 ironi another. 1 iles froni siipinit station,, 50 mi les fnom Chricago, THIE GREAT- EST PRODUCE MAR=If IN TIIt WORLD, irai! mile lu rural actrool, 5 miles f ron tire North Shore neighbor- bod, withir is rapidly increasiug rpopu- ltion, iocaterl on s yery Iropuiar pub- lic roati direct .o Chicago, sud is-iich la soon to buclavel 51 state expense. Tis is of tbe very best quaiity of sou., level antifree froni atone. 35 acres titel sud cultivated, tire balance tii- ber Prasture land. It la well fentel wilb woven wtre. ils a.sgood weti- huiltisud weil-finiaired 8 rooni bouse wlir ceiiam, welI anti c?stern, south front, fine yard. witir ibade and f low-' t-rsa. Has s new combination honse anti tiainy barn, cernent floors, stalis and stancbiona for 14 lread o! stock, large iray loft anti grain rooni, deep welt, wind mili, milk bouse witb -concrete tank, new poultmy bouse and an abun- lance o! fr-uit. Price $200 per acre; casia $1000. balance $500 per year. Pos- session any tume 30 dsys aften sale. This i sdeciledly a one-mn d îaimy tari 1n s dairy commuoity. Tis fan willl carry ten couva andtihte necessary ac- companying sock. A year anti a hait ago I 'aouid bave considerel il rn.a - prit-ilege to have offenel tbis tari aI $300 per acre. F. M. HARDING 11 Arta, Miînois. Phone 184-J1 I WANT ADSI WANTED-Men or vomen ta take or- dens among !nteuds and neigibrire ton lire genuine guanaateed hosiery, fult liue for men, women or chilînen. - lllnatea darnn. We pay 75e an holu? spare tnme, an 136.00 a week for ful finie.Experience unnecessary. Write International Stackhng Mille, Nonistowu, lPa. FOR SALE-Ford touning car and noadîler; tool nieciranical condi- tion; gool boy. Snow's Auto Livery. Teiepbone 306-M. 42-tf HORACE DLILKLEY. 905 N. Mlilwau -1 kut- ave., Libertyvitie. Ill., witl pa>' cashr for rsw fors. 45 t! F O R S A L E--Pure brel Toulouse geese. H. A. Smithr, Prairie View, Il., or phbone 269-R-I. 46-41 FOR RENT Garmage, eletic Irligbtd. lirait block frontrr iusiness district, on -Milwaukee ive.Reasonable Inquire 336 N: MiliNaukec Ave. 45-if Philip.,, Jaeger General Commission Merchant w 0 0 000 0 00 00 0 0000 o FOR ALL THE NEWS 0F LAKE o o COU NTY, SUSRIBE FOR TH4Eo o INOEPENDENT.-41.50 A VEAR o WvANTE> To n'Y-Direct iroor the own,0r a 6 or 7 rooni. modern hourc-. in good location; ct-ment bungalow 1 ,i*uren id. ('ail ai the Indeçiendent oft ir ý48-tf rFOR SALE-New horse bide overcoat. Addre ss A' Indlependf-nt office. 48 5t FOR SALE-Two full size iron beds; reasonable. Inquire Independent. 49-It FOR SALE--A Holstein bull, 1 year oid, from a 30-pounil sire; giving 70 irounds of miik lper day. E. Wilcox, Area, 111. 49-2t FIRST IN LAKE COUNTY -. TIS. Ifldepen<Ien. Entabîlieh.d 1858 sPECIAL attention givea ce th aie of Dressed Hops, MotIon, Veal. Poultny, ides. etc. Also Butter aud Ega. P n a c e d a o! coasgumeut pronipty remitted, 'Thiis la tire oldest bouse on tire street. Tans anti prIce lista turniaired on à;- -plication. Col tonage IE. Staia.. and 3, ' Fulton Street Wtioiomaie Market, CHICAGO, ILL. -P i. 1100,00 Ln nuits .latoiusleosed before ecernber t of the teocahh Wueshewlu fous- bais oftire làail tiere ai are to have tirai feeling,,moôme mi miàhiman bringa -tirni!tipess tirmou of thiIndividu&l loto the buadmedi of them i viiibe fr as have beau gai flot realizlng tira ey*aside. liany pald iu a quarter. a week, tl ave 11:h pliasune thl. Mc cbeck for $12.60. money ucedel tl. Virnstmas *avini '£lie figures gt Wauk.gsbaki savinga club.Vi exeed 111 Off iciels of thre trs Christmas S tirai tir. aiount cireck e hare l mucir arger tiras nie mont farni systeni conld nou .Waukeganltea tir Chrnistmas sasint ed tira value of lu other policiest vides them vitb -*seed fitndsudiai Tb Io anticipate< of tire Cbrhstmsu tovards sihl trade ince man~ bave been vaitir conte ln" befone utar tours of thi, Wi- WtBu> There [à anotir nolire avanlooket ey ta lie ent ol haa a mucir grea Iran a alightly t bail nu prevIbris or her Chnistmn Chrlstmuas shappe lb works wvouder Claus lu the loi have secod Ch. vire net-cm surpa. revhew of tire. $img paver o! mc sas, per cent SIm vere miled a Wanttct Another Drouf Chrristmnas Salua fact flirnt Score cehling checks tir begu» 10 laquir. new clubs for i next Christmas joyfui as they a: bauks have anti and eaci o!flbh stait mew savinga ad on the same tsars. Thiene ney lu es of deposutons afferd tb put assiI more eacir veek tire baby witir tir fisc or ten cents. NIEMI 1ML TOJi Springfield, IlI renme. court lads tu %zMdeas to tire *écuttou of caseta yhlch I' tire apjelate cout -k-IcI -u'ilciraffins lte cult court 11.alrýNietni 880 fatenl hlm te Coust lait for bouse. DEVMY MO TAX Sprngfield, Ili came of rfsk County 01 loke Brocher. irl-u niedthre matem ausethre Pinas 1 the «camela vMeS d