Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Dec 1921, p. 10

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E ÎW(> -_UBERIW'ILLE.-INDEPENUENT, Dluii~,sj1sLi~ ~, ~ M JI BNKRUPTCY I'EITION; NAVY REDUCTION BLA14ED W. S. Elzberg, proprietor of -Navy Taitorses liabiities at $7,500"O Ili ilie fumrlture rnd he-marsive- IDEN «IÉIÀ5 rtes.s fluastnllltiy f tht J Eg ptann fUfure liti n i frein out cenînni oldlWaY nulil i. a lis Vpli mî nas thet tilln t O Xc tcf.v ig pyramils nl iphitîx Ère 10 etryshole il.Art ritles une $SuuwrFINE; quit. aigneedt te lnd Greco-Rtoman lieouses Nver6 bIle mtetperfect Ini Mie, dwisngg. Batiut hy lfrnny ourlentWaukeqan man .must ngetI lt h Yta iiie iqttl!>' 120 daivs in county jail rtan. n lose serco.'î!bouze violation GOÏ GREAT LAKES TRADE WmimeNftr. Bue NoGe is uepu: nie e A pétiton in bankrnptcy was fled native o.f Nova ?t$plla. Haliburtou, In tiOdajla théit.ledi States district "Sain 'Ilck," glves the foiiowiug ac* jeun on bebaif of W. à. Lizierg, pi op- coitat of ils oril; ', Pra>', sir,' saiti itetor oft b. Navy Talios, 6 Twenty- ('liîe Of MY fellow patisengers, cean youi iseond treet. North Chiscago, açeord- tell 10 iiéwy thse Nova Secollns are i*g a pecii dspaîis ~, Uflcalleti Blue, Nose,' It le the naine of tWsl afiernoon. a potato,' saiti 1, 'whielà tbey produce Ettbert stasl.bus liabitiUes ai $7,500 In the g rentest perfec-ton, and bottst »d hs asets t 150. Ie blms tob. t e be -a et lu the. wonld. Tihe antIhiesasts i 6P. le bame ti.,Amerleune av ianlcousequon.e. giren rrUsncisnaeatOf actfVities ai Great henlekaame eBie Nosesf.'» lAkkes for bis finacial dlfficulties. Elz- berg bas ieen recelvlng practically al W&s trade from enUlaied mienaitishe Windows Once Tax.d. ila assièteaAà%y camp. but ths bave Jusi au batbtubsa were once leilse. &i raaalferrd 1tO thfmain Station. la tetIagninat and heavil>' laied, go were u'Itb tise reanlt of great )osa of bual. iidowsInl Europe. lu olden listes, "ea luo h. claisset as a luitur>'; enci s quare Aitys. Miler & fler, of Wauiaegan Inchio! a wlnulow being required to twpreseated Elzberg In thse fllug of psy a heavy luix t the ste-te. Even tise peétiion la thse féderal court. now there are sueur buildings lu En- nope which were built under these co. Tweuty- flve eer cent discount ontillions, where windows are chIelly con- every floor lamp, table îamp. goese- splcnous by theïn abîsence. fleek iamp. mets) lamp, ilk shades. lai our entire dlsplay. A more appre- clatetI glft connut b. gven. Youi You cannai 1e-l a better assort- aidii here Io nothiugo home-like ment of what to give, than rJigh here. as a pretly iamp In tbe home, sa do Oui Special wludow diîspiay wiil aid not b. In doubi i'hat io give. Andi you lu solviug whateven problein our very complete stock, th. largesi confuonts youl at tbis lime. make It asgortment even shown la thse couniy, your business io look us oven. Vouli maltes thé pisten of slection an easy be eniirely saiisfied andi so wili the on. for you. Schwartz Funniture C'o., persan who gels whttt you select 216-222 So. Cewrsee Street. Opten here. Schwartz t'îrniture Co., 216-. eveningq unti XmAS. It 222 go. Ger.esee street.i ARMY AND NAVY GOODS SPECIALS for SATURDAY Brand new Government Hip Boots, pair.. $3,25 Civilian Suits and Overcoats. (These are Suite loft by the boys on onterig uer- vice. Most of these corne in âmali sizses. 200 Suits from........ .... .$2e0to 4.00 50 Overcoats from ......... $2.00 te 10.00 BLÂ.NKTS BLANKETS BLANKETS Brand nov U. S. N. BisEkets, al v6ol, 1ayge mise, 66x88, veight 41/2 ibm, worth $12.. 4.95 * Blanketa, jlouble commercial cetton, reclaim- ed, limited uupply. Puil-aise ........ 1.50 Blankets, wool nap, double commercial. - Nashua plaids, reciaimed. Ail perfect. 2.25 Blankets; Army 0. D. Al vool. Specia .... 3.75 * Blankets; ail wool white and light gray .... 3.75 Blankets; Navy and Army; --gfays and plaides ................. $2.95 to 4.95 Comforters. Brand new, $8.00 value.. Special 3.95 ARMY GOODS - ARMY G00DB Breast Collars, from heavy artillery harness, brand new....................... 2.50 Army Trunks, reclaimed. Your choice..2.00 Barrackse.ags; your choice ............ .35 Wool Shirts, reclaimed; perfect and clean. 1.50 Cotton Shirts; reclainied; many are new;- al ais es . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .50 0. D. Shirts; all wool; brand nov, reinforced sibows and coilars. Ail-ases. Worth $6 3.45 Marine Shirts; al veel. Worth $600. Brand nov. Ail aises ................... 2.75 Wool Flannel Shirta; brand new. Ail aises 2.35 Nov Jersey Overuhlrt; warm and heavy.- AlUBis"e 1................ .... .. .95 Cotton Br esches; a ai ses. Many are nov.. 1.50 Weol Brsèches; alaises; warm and heavy 2.00 Cotton Coats; Army; ail aszes; meut of these SrO nov........................ 1.50 Weel Oqats ;army; ail ases; meut of these are nev ....................... 2.00 Denim Work Rata; al aises; very apecial.. .20 Atm Overcoats; al vel;- about a dozen lof t.. Tour chelce................ 5.00 :Wool Underahirta and wool Drawers, -per garment........................ .75 Cetton Underahirta and Cetton Drawers- per garm nt .... ................ .25 XAVY 000DB - NAVY G00DB ABl vool Navy Swetteru; vorth $650; brand fnov............................ 2.U5 Wool SlIP.overs; brand nov............. 2.5 lkroon Sweater Coats; al *col........ 2.50 flungrees, strong and heavy;no .*... . ..95 Overalls; brand nov; E' Mb. ........ .06 Navy <uimpers; heavy deglm:. ew; 2 styles,1.25, Ponchos; idéal for itfny veather.....1.50 Navy Wool Bocks; 7k< Value; 3& puir, S paii 1.00, COtio Bocks (nov> Speclal 2 pair....... .25, EoWamedS .syurcoiepair .......O.0 NgavyBenu gu. ........... 75c to 1.50 Colpible Cote........... 2.50 Cava Ct.......$1.50 te 3.m0 N~v 81k leu Mat ...e.....75% te 1.50 T8uNK8 SUIT CASES an m N»BÂIS ar , lé pËces. W. bave just boMM he'n.n ie i=1pl e. of BELEER SUIT CAMUS-and x. UN AGS at '.one-third ff- aBee is&befor. ~Navyl _ E- (eOrge ,Stepi't.îî, thse r«oowuid Ltîglis eîgineer tîhto lveniïd tise locomotive, neyer sawe-wusidoif a uuiversily. -He tarleti119 lits cft as assistant llrenian lu ith. collier>' vise.bis father was emPlOyéti, ant il vus due tu self-tencising and nutl- tng applicaitlôn t tis trRde tisati b manungeti to-produce ln 1814 lise Oral reui '1traveling englue." Titis seouOt- classetite cru4. models of. oliers vho liati aijo tacisie th ie probleas ltai Stephsenson veli deservea ta b. cailei tise mn nvis madle modem rellroaîliiîg possible. Thse BI@Ratine Natuons. Amouz modem nations lb. greatest eaters are te Germans, Englisis, Preticliandth ie Americaus, accordiug Io on, antisoril>'. The diet o! thse Spaniards andth ie Itllans la nota-- bI>' lesas substantial titan tbist of tise Englislisand Germans. Tise Amer Icans. tiIs autisort, Isolds, are on lise average lte grealest eaters lu tise venld. Carlyle saiàl 10 Emerson: "Thse ist tîiîîg 1 know, of toicountry' lu, hait luitila man-eais aive ine't tire is labor." Tise Patse pisonoirrapis Ploysail makes of records-no needies ta chante, sud yst caste no more tissn tise ordluary pisonograps. Let Ils shsow you the exclusive fsatures tisat vîli convie-ce you of Il$s siperlority. Schwartz }'urnniure (30.216-222 go.. Geuesee street. OPen eveniage untJi Xnias. it Barrow escape frein dealh. HIin- juries were sor serions that bo was contfned 10tite boajiltai for a long time. He lai .wheu Ilite cane vaas tricti le Circuit courtIber. but won whenlite appeaiedto thélsehigSer court.. Cattacu cf Winde. WiutIa are lîadattî'îl by a i tl tris suceo uthiéieequiliibritîiiî liu scîn ot ot the ainuosphere; a tilsttriainvo ai- wnys res ultlng front a diffierenteela temupeiatiire isetwecitadjaenit mec- tdonsý. Tisas, itthie tentpelure of s cerltitiexteuti ofgrouni be-coies lilis.- er, tise air tai contact withlitI ecue beated. lb. air expantis ainilgoes In- ward lise colder. or biliser regbouis of Use atmosphèere; wbettce It 5ows. pro. dunïugwiads wblcb bllow fit hiot. 10 colt coualtleU.But ut'tlis sute t ime lise equiibrlum la destroyei5ute surface o! tise ee)t1 fur the fressure ntise colder aîce et 1 it agrenier tiss en tisai 04%*cblshAt nhefletI, Moi bouces a curt w* vti) produeed -nut a velecIty ddeist on tise dîffer. ence isetu'een tises. pressures: Ili tvo dIstinct vindu vill hbe Iroduce- an mpier oue seing oulvard fron thte leuteti region, nti a ioweVeue settiug lnward lowardl h. SUPRflE COURT ËI3HJSI3S TO R IIIAR DÀ1MAGE CASE As a resuit Joseph Goldsmi th of Waukegan wins an im- portant victory' WAS STRUCK BY TRAIN Joseph Goldth ofUs0!Waulçegan won a .teelmiical vicIer>' ioda>'vise- tise Sumrme court refuaed tise Norths Western rlrd a re-isearng la lit case& Tisaction ila een lunlise fol. lowlng dispatoeit thie Sua, îprisiaild, HL, Dec. 1.-Tise Su- preme court Iodai' denle thétsepetu. tun for a rehearins of tise cii= & NoMbiweearaIlair«od compai t a vieh thlie court at tise ocloser tera Iteaded down ae opinion reveraing tise C CIr ut tOf LaIs conat>'andI remaudia tise cause. ît istsrito. tid1là tha41110 tise avard of the Indus. trial commission af Illinoltis e .7e. epis Geldmnstit damage case . oa" amitis 'as atruck b>' a Norths Western train S a a"esau on Januar>' 13. 1920. and vas bail' Injured. Tise accident vas on. la wisicis tise Ntg fruit truck. beloaalng te tise Greé Lais.s Fruit compan>'. aud drivea b> Mr. Goldhmiths. waasimduc b>' a train àt thse Madison sire crOaI813. Thse truck vas isadly aaiesbed andI Mn. Goldsmiths bad ai SENTENCED THIS MORNING Frank Leonard of Sprlng street. vho vas found gullty of vilating tise pro- hbitiory Iaw, leday vas sentenced by Juilge P. L. Persons tu, serve 12o0 days lu tise couni jolil and to ay a 1 11e-e of $500.1 Leonard vas couvicted on tivo countsansd the sentence vas 60 tisys and a $250 flac on escli count. 1 Re bad made application for a new trial but Judge Persons today' ove-r- nuird tise motion and pnonouuced sentence.1 Leonard's bortisen. William leonand,. vas found "not gulity', ou a giîaili#r charge. State's Aterne>' A. V. Smitll oda>' Ouied Information la tise couaty court Otaiast Josephs Blelaki. cisarglng hlm villa possession 0frltttoxlcatlug liquor. Bilskl's place vas raided severai nigis ago by the states atýtotuuefý's dry squad. MILLIONS IIELD UP IN CLAIMS. COURT -CASES PostPOne Meeting Until third Tuesday in January; Patter Palmer estate up EASTLAND DISASTER CASES Springfield, iDi., Dec. 1.-l'h. liii- nois court of claima. titis whjclh ane pendiug appnoxmaîing millionts ut dollarsansd wbiclî vas to have met ber. toila>. postponed lis meetings util tise thîrd Tuesila> in Jauuary, 1922. Cla of belir andl relatives of tise hundil'eis of people wiso lest leil, Uives ln tise steamer Easslanil dis- aster lu Chicago lu 191X totailng $3.- 500,000 ma>' be set aide wheu the claimts court boldo Ils next meeting, it vas ane-ounced toila>. This action, If taken. however, wnuid. nul caucel lthe caims but more of a formality in wiîcitiseir records mîgisi 1* clear- edeti. Tise clama oubl be 1.11 open for einslatement. Other clalis pendiug before thse dlaims, hoard were aunouned by G. F. Witson, chief cerk of the serre- cary of slate'5 ex-ufficlo board, as foi- icw-s: ý Hlonore Plmer anti PollenPlmer, beirs of tise estate o! Vrs. pottcr Palmera kling refuuil of iniseritauce tax Palti anounting to $262,683.59J.; Hosepis Tiller, itimate at Joliet, for pet sonal injuries, $15,ooo; Elivrel Cariroll, Taylorvilie, exeru trix of te estate of Cepites 1,,(,. roll, deceaaed, tefuud of nheitance tas. paiti, $JS.2.; J1 S. Lavette. lujur>' snd leath or vife, Grace. klleti by intaes of the' St. Chatrles Scitool cf Boys, $10,Ooo. -Theé. Mailandi the bey vet 9trliiiçe to the litle Prk t4' dtîwn Ilb.leis btogetItef lad ami lquestloned l Mn ie trouble.,801107' look l1ke you'ti heen lu a wveo "Np.Been lu a llght-i lioicihlm cnrelegssly. t "L'eei hi a ligNit, eh?" the. i peîteid. -Andi wilq wlslp»ed?1' 11i tlidt, of course," tise boyel coilîeliteglly. *lf Iisadn't whlî g ou Od111k 1'd be teliiny93u abt .1-KsîssS it>' Star. eurers Australie, DtrIng one et tise Drillis tiln o ulte nauerelle t'egloui, na) tuait sixiy observatIons were imm of le alinona usîrnls, lte Southel countei'patin t!of n? n ortisera li Tue îîPpcranceo Oftise lîglt i'ft 1)1(41ti hiti isr5seeiin utise DarC Y pionts. îlut bbe maximum frequee titi utt cutrndurng tise roçittits0%j long po*lar nîgiti, endi the piïium non matis miostbItense ut theitei the eqtilitcs, ailien tise sun laIN penfilîcitir over t e<utor. antI de ligtlit 8situlianeouts 1ut lise cor stîtl t1'.-'utis pole. Our stock 0fkid's delîgtisi aTg le andI complele. Auie's d.sloii rockolng isonmsa chairs, tAl>le, m, ers, desau, naikers. &Ioda. b"i isorses, etc.. lactdlng dois cetts.1 ail fliabe3 andl styles. Schwartz 3't nilure (Co.,,216-Hi Su$. Genesee Mmr Se, window dîspis>'. Shop At The Globe You- Want Toys for the Kiddies of Course and Here Are the Ones 7hey Want--Al Specially Priced -àth Basemsd sesth Visit Toyland 1 Imiles sad mies of Toys. Desk Sets $4.50 to $20 Consisting of Desk sud Chair.- Ecbfinislled 1 HERE ARE SOME 0F THE WONDERFUL TOYS Automobiles Booke and Games Toy Stoves , Varieu d is at sug états 3lAD>LEY'S FMOUYS GA= S Uc AS LOTTO, BOOK, PIT, complete lig.et1 ias Md ins and rubber tire. Just nisat thée OVER TI PEMM PUZZLER GAM SAUD DRAWING, wnuls idesud coking uitemuil. Kidiies M va YICTURE AMM STOI! BOOKS AT1 $6M5 to $22.50 10e to $2.50 50e to $7.50 Velocipedes TEs .Blocks whsels & mu onerile resm. J ) j ad Pxpft BlocksI st $3.5 to$2'.50There are Domestie and Iuiported 25e to $5.00 Saoumiede y rn cs. $1.98 te $5.50 American Flyer Traù Mm. fitio Mid mm .elec. trie P~erSom.bave tiais bridg esttiotunadoetcu_ $1»0 to $10-00 Tool 4Chest ,.. mtvaiOvM' iw sats.- en MWs0s viti pue"aited. $1» to $25OO lai sudPs koon imas Toy Di"he Of Chiam,àlimamu.or TIa& Dinner Setsud i oeihugUtu- 'l.9rui rfi Doils, dressed and undressed Doils, Walk. ing DoIls, Kcevpie DoIls, Little Doils and Doils as big as the littie miss who wiil get them. -' '25c to$25.00 K. fuit fine of 1) ol Headis and W iu'- 1 TEDDY BEARS of excellent Plush. ÂlI izes nt 75c o $5.00 DOLL BIJGGI& Some genuine Reed smre Leatherette and some Fiber. Rubber Tired wheels and ,'arious izes. 9ete $22.50 DOLL BUDS and Cradles. Wlite Enaincel, Mahogany and Oak,,wti»~~rs and Pilows 75e te 5«50 DOLL FURNITRE Parier Sets, Book Cases, China Closets, Chiffonie-m, Dreaers,-in white enamel or pinký and T'ables, Rockers and Chairs ini red and. natural, te 01flûib Shoo Flys Some npholstered mats .mnd ema plaa, rocker aid platform $1.25 to $5.50 Kiddie Cars P u ma cmplet. stock lin sU due. Somearuier tires. $1.25 to $10e0o Iron Toys' of au bias aoels s »Àmers ligs Mnr ApMtus, Atos.- is, leu Caivmg, afl s, 50c to $7.50 Friction* lé» î tu, uab, Atos, ocuttvçs, Latomatoi etc. 50c to $10.O0. qD serve ýifer Shop At The Globe CLEANLINESS IN OLD RUSSIA passage In Nevoi Woulà Lead One to Inter Il Wss Not Consldered Important. Tite qottou u Inte ('otpanin- from a pubication of 1640 unging tiltt «uver>' dey oue abuulil balte paens t vasis osteis bhuend aone sisould siso wasis oee'@ face anosttas.often,;' e- mndau contribultor o! a passage le- Tnisto>'a "War and-peae2' Tis 1r>', viîil folovste fortunes o! ('unt Rtostov, pictunea the iva>' lit viici tise ladies of bils fatal>' reitnred lu 1809 for a bail gven -hly a grandie of Catis. erne@s tiuc.î '"it 'vas," wrIles Toîstoy, '.tise IOsi greai bail tisaitNatasîta Jiaitiever ut- lentiei. Bshe be-i got up ei elghtt o'clock tue-t morsting anti iad iseett ai day long lu a claie of tise tililesi ex- citemeni andI bustie. Ail isen enengies troni einletqt morang ise-ilbeen eX- pende Inlutise effort te, havetiierself. Sony. anc.ber ua~ad esséi'ilo per- fection. Son>'a st tise c5ottess trusbeil tisemselvez eut nely Its lter banda. Tise countlsa w" te wear a' dark ned velvet gova; lte togirls *ite crepe gowus vîtis pInk silk ove>- shirts. ant roses In thrîr corsages; iheir he ave-ws te be arraugeti a la "Tie meut important part bail ai- reat>' been doue; titeir feel. tiseir buds, ttefr arma, tiseir nedts andt tem rs rebad benen nuued. perfuned e-il powdered wilkptrordunM cur. on tisait fet tUney nore opeuîeork illirswktocan 1pâsdniltq i wth bons. Tielr toiietp vers àli2ct l labed.- aura a inead>' dreseil snd ce vas tisheunIe.." Tise reader inter s titiseir tee were luciaded làt' e comprcierui WS*lutg onl>' ona niât epor frsucb a ben nl 'fltim a low âd .wis day'*b>' day'?-Yontis's CompÉ lma Speclal free oSer of a 11 piece aluminutm eookig out e osapile vihs ever>'kitebsmn gtutal rene vils ev«r ' e mtitoaruas solI titIsmots.À a mn dupomt grIll lai gour se OLeetion fer yn niS-je«s int 'Ro lelvartu Futire . Ou 0& ong G MOT lISTE a.i~ ~ esiit eat - 4clock i totheu Duval Irai ~Ite foret ýEti a . al "et' I it0l'ding tu0Bi ba St a Iisu *Is Witacd on fi b.' ronheav> it et' My w ~dow d '0nt Ru ouaI Itix*unemd me. bbitQ was Ipdo be at îiesi i5el l stani il 0 et tefais FA frtuan eilateiy. 1: h Wpreycle bail lie Icetd Machine 9 re station' o] 4lie vletini vs 9.SCriliter cuti b. ldenîttiti' 6sîed by Mcl' 04M. Pelerson liRe saidlite la, Ieiandl b, Sb>' Tiisi, Iiiard chool, Okefu sud Zt V« t li e conne 1braiten to t 4 te tinte onI W dailutic <ha 'bae been se 13 Ieved Ttr Imaleruon lise ha damage <o Sitaclient ihe l e wouid ho 0 1 teru nqt Mea atterroi Woes, il la salil btlduliving a le It a peuht t Si clerque, My> have iseen Youag noman merry Cbnilotn Ib phonograpis. fmee poI>ui tise Pathe 'rS Fiu'niur Ose Street. -Qui The 1 lierS -Ir Let Us Ilave-Peace en garth. people are alwftyqs epeeling 10 gel peasce lnlu hevenbut yeu îtnow mlai- e,.? pesce lue>'gel: thene viilbo iready,.made. l'itven or luakîna pence tii.>' -au ise le.tti for rOt1.1> on l" <salt lucre. -Runskin.

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