Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Dec 1921, p. 13

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TR~I WAI h e Mm.Ai MOU avel tjaat she1 cept for p lucky. v Lest Fr] borne lu tour wtb etefiped bt lstan.. Mm.. Jl tbre. >ear tii. weddl btmband. the Cyclom «.* the ni *On@ nni work 8and bore aai trushlm later the m. Job the 1uppoi 31re.IL road, who souri, ii We liad .%Ir. Joli Y>sma aie cerday, DE ta move0 Corne]lu Wesley GC .School las Johmon e atalied an Misa Be Mn. Horn( ucere vilil Miss Mo for Chani M r. WilJ atret-t Patriyk Oison bom Four ut, to the josepbIne Katiiertne l3otb te witltie 'listiiiag decorationa (hIs Mr.Jon iirdl sas a Piairie Vicw egoil îlis. saneioter Jli id by husband neary Mn. and Mis. M. IL Scolas ofIXe- VISeil'atth, brneofMn. ardi years ago; fails and MNirs ('bas. Hoi:idge of Lewim ve breaks armn nue. - Mn.. Henry Bflulnge~r lias returnoîl o erhome on Lewis avenue, aler HTS SMALL CHILD tvlulUtenrgfriends luniDetroit, MIdi, A aeeipanty as giveni at tr Uel Johnon formierly et home of Mn. J. Il. Oould lu hopor of ete ouldtelan, woidGilbert Keedwell, wbosalIs for Eng- tnu, wnldtel tk wo-ldland (hie w tek. lia thact hrdsmedig. ton Those bevlog peret attemilsice Ibe act(ba sh latoofor the îuonth o! Noveiber: Dorothy 'ray, white retu,-nlng on lier Rasmussen, Helen Gustai-son, Leon- Winntka&fir asoing' at-flTaube. Alice Bouman, Euc Ir ber lîttie son, a ed 2. Phe JlnoUia(.samn lwr ackward. tell and hroka ber Wedge. 'Esuiet Johnsou, Wlia Dowman. Edward Wagner, Mary ohnsoj was married nearîy Wright, William Baaman. Wesley ira ge.andonemonh aterBer-ty, Luella Wall, Lemrn Adami. ing @lie wag desertefi bylben mot an. Johnon as.empoye at Robes! 'MeKenzie of thse lower meJoncesowa*nloand lias montlias been absent f rom, achool ne~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o Fec opnai aa ccount of bit syts. lie lès Dow iiit sbift.-inaCiaohsta.leoe t Iglt lie falefi to report foi-lr hcg opia.lede o i b. never etu,-ned to bis expectIo1 corne beck to achool fqi- a à bis wife bas mcxci- liai-il ew da>s. à0 IbIts day. Elglit months Mn. P. Il. Bacon lias erentcd e new son was banend ince Ilien garage. huson ha. mad i a plîîcly ToriitGrahiam 'as in Chicago lest -an lvig q hnaîfsu e ta attend (ie funerai of lits oii of the child. cousin. James Harrison. ________Frank Noyak 61 Washington mAi-et. las.moI g on bi, oew home on MiI- LDINEi SCIIOOL w'.%ira.Vidlarn Itaumai, lias returnefi o liua' t er homte on L.ewis avenne rafler I IL I~ Ir ~ laiting l-r daughter. Mis. Chas. ITEM ofNEW 'Hlodride. Miian I.- kê o! McAree rosi!. who 1. . Wilson or itwîîeelas beoxa il] witi icluiStoesi ho, i tIÀîýs lihas been visîting 1 in Niaetk. si icturned Ionie. Mi\K. Ltaa'ws a N . itOr St tut- , exaniiinatt oo las, 'e"'. l l1 pto1ie 1lits la Dcvlt1a and 1-fîauid Eînimg-t Jîh ii. tns Gwifafsýon e hrixgl ave a sale M'ed- dWilitiitoxî,taot.dIc ec. Ye ysmai s "gotng fîts.tag i îlîgftii iît ou a fa raitri Gui us-o. of Nos îtî ýUS Bîi'riiin Rean.l.100~t lAIu-ted of Chiù to s tlihe u.fon %i re ah ci-t fioiîi notiier of Grand ave-nu .i is week lit Sc"uofi 111i- A nc es lte idiatulias hi' n in- teilet'on G. att sand I,,- a i, aienu-. P. lti-niiisïtm-n td Ernea! NIr. Ii ilI;t-akitiaPU litsie uîuhei of Green 13a), rot-I.hli;-il,iîc îf-tuined froni Niagara Palis. 005 iUiil~ai cliot.Mx. A. 3. Wall mnotored te Lake' taîtrix King cf lji uç-. Lake, yo 4-t i business F îa of DeKaib andl Mr. Sinîlsout Mr. idouimaza and faiily a ete Lalie lors ait vehool (a-rt week. oetiorSudy ýore. nstu lias bcce>workitg York lîouse chui-ch are iet iiin bei ins ss illkecîllbouse fora ugatfo(lnim. ,der sut %%est Wemhîngton ,g;n orCrrtns hlall %tas s a ii(lithe ie Wedne'sday. Adjuat Wlhi Speed, Please. - w puits ]liave tucen addeit Mo' i,.- lit'r .ttttii.) -l- eiroltmient luis 'set-k. l No-uîi,11-o iss Ttu tit-ni Z-e. ,Anne Filibani- t Vî>il 1h) ii lueOrlty ore.- * Exîbane, Maly Zen e. 1jti ."ti taîr oms have been s-ciy btisy iri AN OPENLETTER Youig5town, QOhio. DR PIERCES INVALIDS' HOTEL, Bufialo, N. Y. Gentlemen :-I owe rny good liealth of to-day to Dr. Pierce's inedicines. During rny early xnarried life 1 de- veloped iiw ard %veakness whicli catîscd ime to become al run-dowîî iii lîcalth ;ît; I would staffer so w ith pain that I could flot stand or lie witli any deigree of confort, and at tiîncs I w-ould faint aa.I caîtîiot begin ta tell how niuch I suffered. 1 cloctored but did flot get 1- any better, anid w-as told an operation was neces- sary. To this I would not consent. A friend of mine ~advised nie to try Dr. Pierce's iiiediciîies. I took the "Favorite Prescrip- tion" ana the "Golden Medical Discovery," alternately, and was conîpletely restorcd ta health anîd strength, which I ain stili enjoying. I always recorrinend D r. Jierce's inedicines to my friends when t.hey are ailing. Very truly yours, MRS. J. W. SMITH-, 5W High SfL NOTE :-Thiese medicines cf Dr. Pierce's contain no alcohol, noxv sold in tablet form as wcll as in liquid by al drugists. Send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce, Invaiids' Hotel, ~ufalo, N. Y., for large trial package of either, in tablet Ship The Arrow Line Way- Direct Deliveries' from Chicago ta Waukegan and retuin. 't The econoiny convenience, and aafety of shlpplng> by truck ia an Item whleh bundreda o!fimanufactures *througbout the country bave reeogasd. * il la ohespertiien express. reter tban frelgbt or- boat. an6 luM M reliable s4 &al. The Arrow Lics wll oei for your sottieapad de- iiver tlim ta their detination lu Chicago (or amy point e ou tla thl Ie alortest possIble Urne. Rtes are exceedlngly nominal. bimcd on mblpmeutm et 100 Ibo. 'sud Up. A repreaietatlne of The, Amrw Ilino is i WAukegsB .veq d4ay. Drop us a postal, at our Obidqo offioe, aud b. viiib. glad to calliààanti4Iou»e matter without.ob. IIgtig yQi 14 aciway wbatuoeve. ULxiL x VILLE INL)Lt~NDELN 1' HURSDAY i 11< 'iMÈUR 15.192'1- i -. Goods Purchased Here W:/l Be Packed Ready to Ship It Desired. THIS SERVICE IS FREE ýelBcd SYove - On théVôrhShe OnLy Nine More shopping' days before- Xmas. For bester service shop in the morningS Gift Suggestio ns to Those With, Limited 1Expend itures-Penty for Ail Dollars Lîke Men LoseI Their Value When Idie We behieve the greatest service we ca do to restore the in- dustrial heaîth of the nation at this time i. to keep the dol- lar in motion. Tluis it has been the policy of this store to place. unusaullY heavy orders for Christmai-merchandise and by so doirig help ta spurt up the wheels of commerce. Weknew that only by marking this merchandisé at the kwestý possible margin 'would we be able ta dispose of such beavy stocke, consequently our prices in many instan- ces are much lower than quality justifies. It's time to start buying. Men's BOSTON CARTERS, DOUBLE 1 CL<SP- 65c E.ieh pair in gift box, Every maxi lunows the quality ai the Boston. Ail citors. BOSTON GARTERS, SINGLE CLASP--50C in fanoy box, ail colors- Mon en ai- wâha uae an extia vait Of lose suit- porters. Silk Shirts REMARKABLE VALUES $5.00 Shirts of al ilk in beautiful strip ed patte-rns a qualitytiat usually senls at muchi more than this low pnicing, $5. These silk shirts are splendid for gifts. FOURA- NHAND TIES at 85c,.$1.00, and $1.50 fleauliful1 cohor effeels, ttc- - aile end lies are neetly put up in gii box s, lion dreds Io ehoose tram. MEN'S SUSPENDERS MN GIFT BOXES-75c Strong eleelie web. A suspecîtWr.- conioi-table ta wear amil drc-cýý in Slîpearance. ARM BAND A CARTER SETS 75o Set IEacla set in gft! box. Choice tua-. bp lied of ail desireable coloxa. Coud qualty elastic web. <FIRtST FLOOII> Luncheon Sets, $9095 MADERIA EMBROIDERED These luncheon sets are ail pure linen. They are unusually pleasing in pattern. Set consists of centerpiece, six plate and six tumbler doilies. This low pri cing, $9.95, is Most timely for gift shoppers. , 13 IN. MADERIA EMBROIDEREO 24 IN. MADERIA EMBRODERED OOIL.IES AT 75c CENTER PIECES $300 Lage size linen doilitin xc adeiia Pure lineunfew iauerfls. A splend- î'aneri s jU-t to 'idi i lue for dît 14055 aisoliing. (FîîstFloor> C hristmas Stationery IN FANCY BOXES We are a bit proud of the beautiful line of etationery we have secured for our patrons' Christmas choosing. Station- ery that expresses refinement and reflects the character of the donor. 21 eoi clopes and 24 heîets Ii n fancy box. %Vhite or a complets lins50 of colors, box ...... .... ....50 24 envelopes and 24 sheets of linen fin- ish paper lu gift box. Choice of pMi, bine, yellow or White 75 per box..................75 .Little Dotes for tlny folks, chIl-25 dien box stationery et ... 5 (First Floor) SPECIAL, WOMEN'S Lamb Skin Gloves, $ 1.50 A special purchase bnings into ef fect this Io* pricing. These gloves are to be had in aIl sizes ia several shades of brown only. SPORTINO OLOVES FRENCH KID GLOVES For girls, gauntiet stYie* made of Whte and ail des;ireable shades. brushed wool iu a %,atiety I Ail C)~ $ of colore, pair ........... .591Lengths ....-75t $ - - (PlirsFloor> Initial Handkerchief s »9c Ech or B«x of %ix Mr $1.50 This is a Value seldom equalled at this price. These fine handlkerchiefs are &Il pure lincn. The initial ia neatly work- ed. 29c'Qr $1 .50 for box of six. WoanM's tInitial landkerebiets ot nes 8,1..quaiity. ilagdworted min- ti aad bernstltclied, )Ien's Novelty initial Ulandker- chie!., colorful Plaid bord. -i ors, aChb............... uuN S Women8 Initial lîaidkeltchiefs, orked la Colora. 6 baDdkerehlets, la a box. assorted eoloru.~ff ---------Per box . ..... <FInI Floor> Perfurnes ig, Gift Boxies ýTes;aIt flo er f uFranc e reand o the Oret.T eya e t t tepu Toesofdainefudmteaari enadoft.he ae statedu DIup fýr pif ta in fancy cogntainer. and gift boxes. IIIAL AU REKIOWN MAKES Toys for good boys&girls Santa- Claus Is Here Every Day From 4 to 6 P. M., Special emphasis is placed on the low pric es throughout this toy section. Montha ago when we were selecting our Chîristmas stocks from the lines of many manufac- turera and importers we used the greatestprecaution ta select for your approval only values we believed ta be above the ordina ry. The resuh 0of this cireful choosing is now immediately evident ta those who vis it our third floor. AUTOMOBILES f automoubiles are pi îcd !îî'xî $8 to $29 WHEEL BARIOWS The industrionai boy miuati lie a %% bt-ci bairow foi Clix ictuxs. 50e 10 $2 HOBBY MORSES Euei utre-al boy loi os aip3h r hobby iorses ia.e roîn $41110.50 CHRLISTMAS HOSIERY For Mca'ý Women and Children' To give hosiery of such known makes as Van Ra- alta, Phoenix and Rad- man is to add a guarantee of satisfaction ta your gift. These makes are sold at Ruba'.. WOM ENS SILK AND WOOL MOSE Titese home aemxuch in demend, they can be liedlan black, coi-do» van or bine mixture«. Prie.2 ed at pair ........ *.... WOMENS SILK HOSE Phoenix boss of pure thîead ailk assplendid value i~ apair ..............15 WOMENS LACE HOSE Mide of gins e silk, twu lovely patteras. Van Itaalta 45 meke, pair .. *.-. MIEN'S 1405E Phoenix aîlk hose lu ail wauted colors, priced a t,'R c $ tlie pait-..... A nea sled et Ciiiaaa lme is a Jo) tht-t the boy ne% er foi-- S6.50 DRU MS A t uliiftîilctine ixi illi siss. ii l ed iloixi loc "'$8 V ELOCIPE DES Att are strongly made aund silo,- sid saîues. $5'o18.75 I %lni on the Third F-'oot) Dolldomn Dolsefor eNet iy ittie girl, ne. foi: the lutte boy8 ion, lor e, eîy chilxi ucesiiee tuat na- miiai toic tut a dolit. fere are the nii extensfve essort- menîs i-rouis hicli one may hotp 10 choo5ielit prices r-ang îîîg; au l ie 553 iroxu 50cto $22.50 Fine Lingerie IS AN APPRECIAiED GIFT At the underwear booths on the second floor these pretty underthinga are scen in the most extensive as- sortmrrent we hav e shown. The values are really sur- prising when one notes the low prices. SILK NIGHT GOWNG À reinankable value, made or pink crepe de chine of fine quai orted Val, lace ...... %70t. SiLK CAMISOLE$ Two unusual values, each In ev eral styles, are madq of viuk 'wash125$ NANO EMSROIDERED IJNDERGARMENTS Tèe sher and dalnty nainsook garmeuta are beautifutly .nîbroid- erdby tiie Plilippimo vomen andl iaîlorcd and sewed by baud. rellect (lie quelities sud confort which the weii grooxuei woniau demanda. Nigbt gowns and chiemise are priîcd Itoin 2.89 ta 5.98 <Firat Floor) Corduroy Breakfast Robes PRICED FROM ".98 and $7.98 0f sof t velvcty corduroy these Iovely bath robes are fashioaed in a variety of aew styles in many brigbt colora. Onljy.L5y"ee1ng them can one realize whit je- fihfl if hewudmake. GIVE 6"HER" A FUR -COAT' SIPECIAL BALES ÂAM IN EFFEOT AT THIS TINE Not for maay Christmas tirnes bas an oppor- tunity the equal of this. preeated itueif to give mo ber, îwife, sister, niece. or sweet- hatht lustrous fur coat that femininity longs for. Thi. apecial sale of fur coate rake buying no* moat advantageeous. SPECIAL Coney cogt,'hlned throughî out bell sheped aleei'and'- large oaaulcoller. 49.75 SPECIAL Guamnteefi seal coat a lii a lan-go Martin collai- andi deep eofis, 4-905.OO -H}udson geai <dyed musk?ý rst) coat witb squirrel col Ian si1k lned 8PEClAt. Seul coat with squirrel col- 1er and cnffs. I L7 'ash- i ser- elicy ts Iay be ice 1 . 1

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