s flDT'Ittv iNnI'DrNnI.IT fl1»(VMBRi'. 1 I~4 ~IA LdDL.U~ A C V Ii~...L. 8A~L~8~.A ~ S~ ~ - iucitiasise â1iETS ORDI3RSTO - -- AUTO BJMPERS Allen 'factory, although .flot ready to opp, musi Increase W Lt. EMPLOY MORE MEN Alîbougli btheccru le net yet lu opeletion and probabiy wll net ha foi tbe ncxl several days, tbe aulo- humer coeccru hadcd by H. V. Ak- JenutfWaukcgau. Promises tu become ene ut lb.eineat pispereus concerne i lthe. Waukegan-Nortli Chicago ia- dtrial ioceru. SIl became knowu leday ilial e large ceacccru lese favorably iaulîreseed aIlb the bumper wblcb was invented Sby Mir. Allen thaItbchy baie given hlm an order 1er '250,000 ef îbcm wtb instructionls le hurm tîeni eut eit the'carlilet lpossible moment. '1hey are tor use on Fod cars. Mr. Allen aduittcd loday that lue was unprepared for sucb s large or- .ier on the tart and sallid uat it wodld necessilate an inumeuiae ia- creiiaifgof thie maeufacliiriig facill- lies. . We bad lpanneà u 1 telcu ie on a e-enprativcly amal seaie ai brsi," lue.sail. "lu tact we bcd tlanneul te make eur daily output tuo itl le- Iseen itty and slu.ly eoeplelcd bunprs.Natiilally use exîîected te e.,îpand ase business grew but ste did c fot anticiliate suclu a sîroke et luck as r-ecels lug sucb an immnense order. i. twli be uecessary ftro s 10 instail more niaclinery 'et once sud make ilans tu produce on a larger seaie. 11y uIll irst ut the year. perlualîs ae wili be abe te miaulactuîc on a Snuecl larger seule." The proposed expansion e1thIis planttill menuthue empioyinent et many more men send betome long the coceru sbould lbc eueeofthIe most prespemous and lmuet desiable lu tbe comlnunity. CONFESSES MUR- DER 0f lIS B0YZ 1100D S WEETIIEART * Waukeu, leows, Det, hil.-Eaiu Thinsi conleiîscd Iodsy thai ie nmur- deî-ed Miss Inga Magnusen iiuettY 24-year-old school teacluer, la lier iso- laîecuntury sclîel liouse near Der- ceter. "i- kilied lier beesuse abe turneul sie- down," Threet tbld Alanakee eeucly authorities. Thriat's confession cre leter ix leurs' of grilllng bY the ceunis'Y au- thorltîca. ater is larresl late yestcr- day aI Posîville. Throal wss a chldhotid trlend s of Misa NMaguuson aud the twoehld t * tended country acbool together. According te Uic confession, Tlrost 'sent te these alent bouse laI. Mon- day sudasakeul Miss Mugnusoli te marry hlm. She retused and lie beat ler te deelh. lier body 'sas toued by bier tether, lie cerne te aeek ber a bcD cie di! net returu freni sebeol. Threat la belng kept under close guard a etb.Jail lhere because et * tears et a lynching when is confes- sien becomes generally knowu, -, Fermera tbreugbeut the. country- slde are aieunacul. A moli et 200 * grceted hiuî pluen lie was brouglit te jaîl lest nlgbt, but ne ettempt et violence was offered. The'ýprosecutUng attorney eneoune- e d a-charge etf Irst degree murder wsould lie lodged against Threet. PRuîiUTED .JHITE aONE How People of Eastern Algeria Guard Themmcelves Agaînt thea GlancI of the Esil Eye. L: Pllîle %%ie lise iii ea'îerîî Agerlu ai a a. s luhave a testbeuli'. CC tcr Iluelr * liuu~. îuuueuiuues thelie ulier uit pl.uue ui' î uuî.onu tue roiofof lts 'liiwIhuîviknuuw lies se e li aud hue lier., s iiîiuu)u101t lat fronuuuenrîist infancy ilucy look the ble lceas e frleiud IVlue lulueit tuec unrdeul andl need nt le feieu. Tlue Herberm lusewilie fak-~ gret cure oft lier bec's. Sie uiakes sure fiat aut]si t.irul sulden- ly svtuýeIî1ig 'acrous tire greut deset cy 'nuthu e irkeres Who alte filie beîîey by coverîiug the hi'es wl.t mllel. t'nderiuentitirehueheuves, ln plie ~- sifflt off evcry ope wluo passes.,an'ite, boure swinugsl tîe breexe. Thec Ber. ber Us, uIerttiei., andl bi3chlettet la danger frontthie tes'Ill ee. Fear oftheb.evîl qcye bas comae devu tirougb thse ages. Itlal commeniLn -î many otiier countries.P, particularly the soutli of Europp. In 411 these land% varIons talismans ove - 'snppord tii ward-off thoe dangers of thae s-ILe*Ye Thé chIet, rellancaefthtîe -erbera hà pîscaul lu a uw-ite boue. .AnX blier wslit serversolong au iltao»Ite, tn4 lm pluceul Oit Ilcatches the e ye et thse passerby. 'V ise boue 'lta beliavaul bteitciî the glauce et tisa person. 'sio may have au aevil eye. , lng attygetoul by thO &lesmlpg vIlle Iboue, the gIaisetfthe *0 egrilae là- baleved te be heli by 1- 004 ket frrou baàctully falling upon thse obaet litl laplaceu ta prolteet.- T»se oua.et tlIuiawprlalctY 0c affl ceePt positi ýwas a mSi * amwptwo -« vmlgh gbmrdçi k *slt ff 4q Mdd .uog stockings A ussmad aidaim *a aeiWbab*." Lb" du dwmi a »o amwhS ao = Moi~'ih Ig .b lia Vil! b, il, MUL >L, G. SIACY, in du Gie. Tmw- Cbrstas flH 1l'tF itg lin Imante perception amonng meni ud nemen fiat1 (bristmis day eught te tic the bsppicst in thé yeor. Ittgledotiitftil li tley üvs'r attcînpt te gnnlyz. tlir os-n hni f-formed idens on the sulject, but It tg oniy n'cessary te turu tu thel a ritlIngs of thoec wbe have been neost Ls1eltilus for the e s'l-being eft tîeir felow men te see ihat this lagItie case. Look, for Instanîce t Vahingtefli r- vint; telling. In "llracebridge Hall," ýhie story or a good old-fashioned Christmas accorlIing te the fiesht, a P!cture that %vas te express lis IdeRI or .'on eartlî pence. good will toward men.' Or tura te the greteit tfal the cilroniclers ef Christmas, Charle8 Dickenî, lhe mon %wbe n ins i. nanY pictures. frein tluat et Dlngley Dell te Iliat of Screege's bedroom, aeVgit te niake Clristînneq a sensen of good deede eîîd oet oed cheer. "Bcssings on yeur kind liuart ," Jeftrey wrote te hlm, on the publication efthte *'Christ- mas Carol.,, Yeu abouid be happy yourself, for you inny hé aure you hiave donc more good bY ibis Ilttie publica- tien, fostercd more lindly feellîîgs and pronipted more pnseltîse actt te benedi cence thoen eau te triced te al the pulpits and confesolonls In Chrîsten- dem since Cliristulas, 1842." Afler that, rend Uic accounts oet lîeîhy actually kcpt Clristinas et Bracebridge Hall and iîîgley Del; contrait il wth the niarveleus slory, told liy Lulue, "the, beloved 1lulusicisl," oettaIitrst d-iruuu,,u il,,,a i.-Crit.i Science Monitor. FESTIVAL TIME IN HONOLULU ",Melîîng Pot of Pacifia" Conisole. lier. oeil for bauck of Sn6w and Oth* Vuletide Fixings. ONOLULU on Chîristmas ave coM. SSoles luersecîtfor tbe iack et snefw and other tradîtienal Yule- tîde fixinges vlth wbst a paper colis "a couglomnerate teatlvlîy impossible ot conuterpert snywberecele lnthe world." Wlllî an abandonincut et hllarily equeled only by thc putre ln- congrulty ofthte thlng, Âmerlcaue* Japanese, Englishmen, Filipînes. l'or- tuguase, Iforeana, soldiers a. mura and civilisa men, wekne sud chlldren. boob partlalb.thepageant ef lbe Streets.% tbrowlng confetti and Iîgbtlnz fie- "Aller asU, lt la the lncengruttY thal mnakéo the celebratlon ef Christmas in Honolulu unique. Here la the melng pot or the Pacifie. wbere ibose wbo! melt are mstcbed by thosie who resist the slchemy. aSl nations et thc earib meet In cenmeon observance." Fallowers et Buddliuanmd 'onfucius take part la the. Cbristian festival wltb mest. just as Chrîstiaus thera lîelp ta ceichiste tbe religions Iuotidays et otbcra. But Ibis la a strange Christ. mas pîcture: "Horus ssere every. wher. firecrackems anappeul and @mît- lcred and above tbe din et tumes ceuld b. hurd lbe plaintive toue ofUuiwai'o ukelele and the steel gultar." lIe tqeb~Uu et lIe two a~s~my sce amtb'.ty dWswst la gbsp~ lIe Gis !rFor- *Men SikHose 59C-854600O Mufflers $1-1.50 toff4. Tics 59c to $2 See the New-- Jiffyon Hand Embroidered APRONS 75C to 2,49 We belleve these are the prettiest and Miost practical aprons we have ever ceen eiiown in really clever new styles, lîand-trlmmed and -in a wide varlety off color comblnatlens. Slip p eira for Xmas Gifis 1.49e,1.98e2149 S2. 98 Women's slippers for bouse and ALEXeUIG "17he Store'ot the Christmas Spirit" DoIls,' Bears, Dressed Animalsî 69c, 1.49, 1.98P 2049 -to -3.98 or course it la qulte Inpoîble te gîve have, SnYwherO near an edequate description ot ail Yeu wlli itnd la fies. varlouB'sasartmentla but theme are many elevai' noveltle3 in delta, bears, nionicles. dresse animals, etc. lhousands of People Give- For Gifts- Handsome New Ivory In Sets, and ý- Seperate Pieces Very Specially Hadkrcies.for Xmas I>riced at Handkechiefs25c,39c, SOc, 79c 5c, lOc, 15c, 25c,'50c, 75c, $1, 2.50 Pretty littie landkerchleta fer children ln plain and tlgtîred ef(ects wlii motlier Goose Rbymes are priced et lie, 10c, and 15e. Womuen'a handkerchlce. single or witlu 2, 3 or oe-hal! doxenln l a box ln lînen and ilik. plain andi Madiara faricy cornered and edged ettectsata 19c. 26c, 39c. 50e, 75c. $100. $1.50. $2, 12.501. Mein's baudkercblet5. plain or colored etteq$s et 15e, 19c, 25c, 39c, 59c. Mra 1? Sale of Handbags- and Purses In Velours, Satins and Lealher atj $l' 1 QR 9 IR -$.r%-7'gq 1 $1,e1.49, 1.98 2.98, 3.98 $5 to $35 We tabe a greardeal of pride iln an- nouncins 1h18 remarkable display Of Ivory Combe. Urushes, File@, Shoehorna, Bufars Trays, Powder-b@xeo4 frIirre- ceivera, Cdocks, Mirrors, fletties, Bute* hooks. issora. Picture framesasnd »se sI thîs wide range of prIces. boudoir suer in -aconpiete range ef - Ay A. a m#q, 0* - "%.Ve0%J e For Xmas- colora, sizesa nd styles la sott or utifffo m s 3oles. Some are fum trimnieul et the Appreclnted Xmeas gifta for suy woman or uuit- may be mel(tted above prices. t rom thua wlde range et styles lu bage anud pures et sillk velours and Children's Slippers fieBabrbakadcls oudofr Caps- 98cChild's Handbags 39c, 59c, 75c and $1 Special at 98C ~ Most 11111e girls 11canI rent" unîili hey bae a purse like moîei's Chlre' oueaipeslu -waîuud sud berse la agoofi ascoilmenî oe tyl>mes t very reasonabie pricez. tyles. izes and colore et 98c.5 c i,.~ At each et Ibus. three prîces there are unuitl5U- BlousesXmas Sale Sweaters% lncludinig Button, Slipover &1 7 uxedos At 2*89 -3*98 Woen'a and Misses' wool sweaters are ottcred ln relly aeesatlonai prices, lu slip-oe-r. sutton sud tu- brown, bisque, uavy, green, lu alsal. One large lot Including Obme efthtle seaaou'sin ost hecomleg styles lu tb. mosl popular malerlals aud clors for Dur great Chistmas sellng et $5. 1.50 & $2 o&Blouses, $1 Women' s veliblouses lu thseta-. mous Wirthmore brand lu petty styles aud ail sîzes. Sik -Blouses ta- $12 -At 7.98 le this aesortmett lera are blous- es of silk georgettes lu a rcaiiy mnac- scions dlspley ot captlvetlng et> lüs specialiy prlccd,,tom lomormosv. $4 Athletîc- C.orsets Very.Special Tiacorset- la - espectsliY desîgneti te support. viwthoul 'iniderlu ts-lite- f ig- ure when cngaged tg rthîleW, work, dancing, etc.'-- Womers's Warnr- 195$5 At alti« et. - U Ihu e ea, y-u MY a»m ti s o ie hul valueti, -Pretty paISain âde sa olors la U aitI- ess&Bd sgetimates-ala. - 5.98Pretty Corsage spectai Xras setlig a Bouquets, 79c ,--A- fr.ect. A . pk i Wool Shawls, Special 2.98,3.98,5.98 IXmnas Sale- Wool & Silk Jise BOXED Womçu'a ullkiho", Up te, $100 are bcbng aold aI 69e. 1111k'houe up te $1.60 are marked tle saet-*$1.00, an aaet $1.49 tiser. la sllk - lieue vorth up te $2-50. At $3.49 yen May slect -trou tb. lainons guaranleec or- tiselle andi glove sIlle bouS werth te 34.18.- --TIssu tIera, la woei liose aI $1.00. $1.4é and $1.98 snud - mille andi wool boa., ;loçkad or Pila 'St 0 Aron bouquets and bullonares are speClal- il ipricad at 69c, 79e. 1.00. $14,. and 1198. Sil &W ..I Dreses Newest Styles, Values go $25 at Tis spg dres slé e ha n.'Tay pifl udta ke élegrua pc. ea Qg-e v r. Judas rme of or 0.0t he i Lu*glo or bompia Dom be ilk mmr the. -w that 1 th"aI 1118j 0l PuWOs 'rcJug id -0ead uKlemlemwmm - h'- 7-À Fë .1 Ot Silk, 70 38.5Q At ýiedo effects In red, black,