Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Dec 1921, p. 2

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- - - - Great ibtofe Fairly GlUtiens , With à~ Sale- WonùrIuI foi Git t,- . 00 -who was taken a. nd was operated edto bedoing asi ted., - ' wet toChicago Friday rtandall and Harry Smith, - Wesley hospital. V' aissionary aociety tmct at the f Miss Lottie Jones on ruesday cftnls wek. MUisses Ethel and Lucille Runyard .CMcago, spent over Sunday with i* parents at Channel Lake.1 ,Mm. M. Burke, who la in a Chicago Wpital is reported dong ricely. Leks Crandaîl andi Harry Smith went Chicago to the Wesley hospital Tues- iradon Wednesday underwent an peration for appendicitis. Ltesit oports are that both are doiug lin. bias Anna Haler has returned i, bEr mm here af ter svending thrée weeks fthher siter ln Chicago. Thie Seniors are busy practictng far a -bihthey are to give t the high hol onFriday, evenmag, lec. l16. Weryone corne antieujoy a gooti play. .Thare was a gond ro'.d ai the dalnce ca ylte Yoluug Pe0ples club lii W Ani.c opera bout-e un lai-t Sttur it' evening. The basket baIl teaffi cîtes the aaosi on SatVirday, Dec. 17, and the Sm joureys to Waterford t i)i ay te antee. We hope the loîcal boys T'h. chltren of the Methocit t hurcit re vary busy p ractîcing for a Xmas r Stt te -9» given on Christmas t, Dec. 29, by the grades up stairs ad the little foks will give the exercises ethe. Christmnas tree on Saturday e4t Dec. 24. Tii. sacred concert given at St. pugta Epizcopa,! churcli Sunday alter- un at 4 o'clock was vcry good anti a ig cowd attendeti. T'he Lakeside Rebekali lotige at their u eting electedthetIc following ,=er for the coming year: Mrs. H. Radtks,, Noble grand; Mrs. Osmondi, *i grapd; Mra. Wm. Runyard, secre- ai.1 ,On Monday evening of last week the ide!e Woodmnen met anti the foilow- gË offieer were elected for the ensuing îibt Y. C., J. C. James; Advisor, i"Lplant;BnrWlimR yr- R ,a Wchm n. GereHcny ' b.e Royal Neighbors -gave ant OWer to thir members ait tc Wood- WA hall oni Tueaday evening of this pkat 7 o'clock, after wnich the of cfffioers wss held. The Ewl be glven next week. :Wiu C.ther Stearni entertaineti the $,Oobers cf ber Sunday achool class to 'poty at ber home on Saturday alter- na. R.frshmenta were serveti andi good turne wus lad by aIl. 4ins. Frank Drom of Genoa Jonction, hent pst week witb ber sister, - J. R. Cribb. On Friday evening s sur prise party vs given in honor of Miss Myrtie 4besson at ber home. The chiîdren in S goom at school met up town anti pe ld<>wn in a body to surprise lier, - - - - - - - - - - - - a ARLJNGTON +HOTEL.*t GodMmeals 5Qc WAtJKEGAN, ILLO FRED RABBE AIJCTIONEERINO PARA AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY W4 NORTH COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN PHIONE 2441 1U.uuap .a m .deecb M~me of the children brought a few *aaSons and are watching their growth. Laut Fridy we made our apelling Ilote books for the moeth cf Deeember. lira. William Fr",ch daughter and infant son, of Cary, visîted et the home uf ber mother, lirs. H. Roesslein. Miss Violet Luchainger formerya pupil of this achool visited the Roesei home Sunday. Emil Dianis ýof Cary, apent ThurdMay night with is brother, John Dianis. Cbestney Brooks visited our scoo Friday forenoon. IBERTYVRM UBINEENIENT. T HURSDAY. THIJRSDAY, DEC. 15, 1921. STREET YR. 4iONE-SMITII Mosecijtor in address at Methocjjt church points to "year's record States Attorney A. V. Smith dllv- ered an 'addresa upon law enforce- ment Sunday evening ai Waulcegan Methodiat Exilacopal churcit, reviewiflg vice conditions a year ago as con]- pated wtlf today In Waukegan andi Northi Chicago. as well as other parts of Lake county. 1 He declared that a year ago there were hundrade of gambling joints and blind pigs In' Waukegan andi North Chicago, and that In certain places there were dens almost every otîter door, while today moat of these places have been wlped out. Thiee were 100 more arrests for violation of the prohlbitory law dur- lng the yesr than in al of the 29 other counties In the portliern part of thie state and In this terrltory Lake county recelved $3.000 more fil fines titan te other ceunties com)lned. The Rev. Chas. A. KelIey. pastor of the chtjrch, declared that lie would like to trade off a number of men for another like Col. Smith, .wholio at lived up to lus promise 0f cleaning up Lake county. The prosecutor plédged hie contin- ued war on law violations. MM athoCic ,ad W. M. 3* 000000000000000o bis sieinity attenàdd the 'play"land Was a' 'Ciao- rwr dance given by tle Deerfiild T. A. Wash tiddyagh.r of iu Hen ere o BIG HOLLOW 5<HOOL 0 on Saturday evening. John Courtney and frientis of Oak 0 0 G 9 0 0 0 0 0 Jh .Wdel h e aae Park, were reeently fishing in Fox Willard Toyan, Earl Daîziel, William of Lords fa-m tiek ipossession lasi river, John Courtney suceeetid in ]and- Norton, M ek JonWdlJrisa ew ing a 9Y~ pound pickcrel. ati anc, Tonyan, Viola Dalziel we.Jh atel r.i e i n Vers Larkin weré perfect lu ,Pell- pupil in the sixili grade. Etiw Johnson is erecting a garage i, ing ibis week. A spelîtitian andl arithmetie econtest hts home. Viola Daîziel, Dorothy Daîziel. Ean Wu11 be helti at thi. echutil Fritiay. Sam Pesz was a business calter ail Daîziel, Albert Hucker anti Vera Lark in Everveone welciime Ladies please hring Cary. Fritiat-. receiveti a italfi holiday Wednesday for cakin>. 1 heing perfect in atteudauce this montb. i5ani it(nwx niLlii Misa Dorthea Rossina p eut last'i(eadRt owyadLod Suturtiay evening ait te8. W. Bacon' Mr. ant i Irs. James LiaIziel client Yîîrs isited oitr i-choisi tast Thursday., home. Thanksgiving with their ilaugitter ifl We have inishel tur tri-moith'îy -Chicago. sxaminatiiu. Mtiss, Marian Lumber of Itîgle-ode. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 spenrt the week-enil wtîh ht-r siter, Mizý. Tittley vt-,u, ijr - Tîs u,. Mrs. ;uy Daîziel. day afternîîun. 0 M I L LS'S-C H OO L 0 Mrs. Frank Rîîsirtg andchttdren i-peuT co oooooooooooooco oo isi Nl(pndav witit ler motiier, 'lr. 00 0 o oO U Oo oo EdItoir-iin-cliief, Fart Buesching. MNartin Frienk oFORT HI L SCHOOLo Assistant Edtor, Iretue lusiiek. ,Mrs. Charlest-ti llintg spent lVednt,.- oooooeo-c Business manager. Paul Ilsuer. iday with beirniiter, Wr, Williamn 000DVG0 1)esk edittîrs, L -t h ickman. Ellen'Tonyan.' Thtise wbo were -l-sTfrni schiivl Masun. :M rs. Bl N ortoi lindildaughtc-r vsltedth Iis wcek svre:t Ilii aliDa% i ,A îr '1-le schoiîl rnnth for Nîts umber was noon. Ver-e4ayite-Dtler nd. rdti(- -ne endeti Noniiay. Report cards mere . n jTis recels ing theî- hghet asultîgi givýen out Tuestia..Mr. landilrMs.J. iH, IalziA -nt il, tht- irsl tri-nrtiti i Satîtinati 'r Wvýedine-ty aftarnîtun tn Waukegan. %ster-- Florence Wagic-r 1,7, Durlcuy Elîcu Mason, Harry Mason, Frances ( urr;tn Si7lnd Olga gb, ,tl 4. in th' - Towner, Irene I)ushek and Farj Hoesch- jMrs. C. L.arkîn anti taughter acre luntigbth gradle andi J-tu Mit- r I-7 iuthe îng were perfect lu attendance. Waukegan last Titursday. if th grade. Harry Mason tand Frances Tî,wner Mrs. Guy i)alziel visiteti ber motter Ls Brewer ant i wfe i-er L.ibierty- bai perfect in spclling for the rnonth last Wednesday.vleclesMdy Thiàs is the ninth sseek that Harry John Mycri- andl sons, John t'tti Fmit Mason bas had 100%. eeWuod alrStr'ry EarI Buesching and Irene Dushck oo00e0000 o000 o000 oo000 o er Wucniacate-i0a0r0a- have been perfect in attentiance since BROWE SCHOOL 0 James Curran wain nlgside lai-t sohoolbiegan. Saturday. Ethel Hickman ii stili absent from 00000000000000 000 Mildred anti Clara Davis werc n' sehool. We hope that she will le bark. Alice Hobach, George Beselcs. Waukcgan Saturday., Montiay. Editors. Wilford Grover is 1apending a few Wc have been sery busy witl In spite of lad ronds anti distance tisys lu Wisconsin. examination ibis week. The lowest from school these pupils were perfect Lloyd Wightman of Highland Park, average was 83. in attendance, -Helen Young, C harles spenitIch week-end at the Lusk home. W. 1. Wobdin frorn tiis district was Lucas, Alite Holbach, Kennetl Clark, electeti president of the Lake county Miltiren Young, Dorothy Leable, Leo fair. Christiansen, Leter Lucas, Fremont 00000O 000000000000 O c R. A. Griswold celebrateti lis forty- second birîtiday Wedneaday. A numben of bis friands came te belp eat bis biribday cake. RelI Buescbing visiiedet i is home Sumday. Mir. anilirs. V. Dushek were Deer- fieldi visitera Tuesday. James Matiden anti family spent Sun- day wiîl W. J. Buaehing. lira. James Towner anti lra. Vincent Duahek callati onlira. MlIs, Tbursday. lir. anti lra. Vincent Dushek were Waukegan visitora Friday. 00000000000e000000' 0 LONG GROVE oi ooeooeooo oe<OÔ0eo Miss Cora, Gosswiller anti Miss Sytian sent Sunday viiting wilh lMr. anti lr. Charles Gosswillcr. Mr. anti lra. Charles Hersehberger ententaineti the following ai dinner Sundayt lir. anti lrs. Heny Tonne anti Mr. anti lra. Herschberger, Sr. A card pariy was given asat Wetines-' day evening aitle bhorne of Mr. anti lira. Frank Holije. Mir. anti lra. Charles Fsher spent SondaZy visiting ai tle George Umbden- stock home. -The following wena entertaineti at the Victor Sauer home Thursday even- Zing: Mr. anti lra, Henry Tonne, lin. anilra. Charles Satier and fainly lir. Charles Heraebberger anti daug. ters, Helen Lafrentz anti Ralph layer. Henry tCordes speni the week-end with relaives lare. Miss Mabel Hans visted wiib Miss Ethel Umbdenstock Thurqday evaning. Ralph =ean George Ramiers anti eorge eligvisiiti Suntiay witb Emr layer, wbo la in the Palatine boupital. George Umbdenstoïk, Jr., la serving on jury this week. M lr. anti lra. Charles Herschberger, Jr., 'pnat Monday with relatIves ai LaIte7Zunrib. Dy Our Own WaIt Maton. Mite stood up in s trolley car and tlied 10 dling to a strap; but île truck was rough andi ai avery jolt hsua In a yoUng mat's lap. Down Î>.~ clown up-a«t lait site tireti, and smld with a weary aibe: "Wiil somebotiy klndly tel me, peaae; bow fiaay ,lpeo e emile1'-Bostcu Trsesenipt, Ama arliBeshal, Evereti Céla rk,q Cyril Dietnmeyer, Barbara Diètmeyer. Evelyn Hagerty as absent two tisys on accouni of sickness. The pupila are pneparing a Christmas prograin. Visitera for the montb were: lira. las. Hagerty anti Marceline Ames. Frank Clark las purchaseti a Samson tracter. The chiltiren gave a 'short order" program for Thanksgiving on Wednes- day, Nov. 22.- Grade eighi were *"E"in iDpelling the lasi monil. Frank Ryan las bis barn nearly built.1 George Doyle has purchaseti a new car.à Anthony Hoihiger bas purclaseti the lira. John Bensinger place., t e0o00o0oeee000O0O0OO0O0O 1 0 FOX LAKE o 00 0000000000000000 Mns. Peter Johnson, who formerly 'ran the Johnson hoiel, but who now conducia a business in Chicago, visiieti with some of banr frientis here Thurs. day. lins. Gus Paulsen took a oati of Eastern Stars te Grayalake te attend the eleciion of officers of the loige. The Hendnieks family andthîe Rush- more family were the recipients of a couple of, braces of docks Frank Meine of Ingleside shore, who ta hunt- ing on île Illinois river was the generoua dondr. Earl Rushmora, Jr., of the Fox Lake sehool attendeti the performance at the Libertyville high achool Friday. The Knickerbocker club met atthie home of lira. Laudry, Thursday. The, prograni was flot as long -as usual anti aftar a dainty suppe the ladies 1ayd auetion bridge,.lra. Halpin antilr. Sayles won t he prises. Helen Nagel spent île week-end witb Franoes Johnson ln Chicago. lira. Kirby bas been iII with a very bati coli. lBer cundition is very mue2 improveti. lira. Umanni of Fox Lake enter- tameti eight ladies at bridge Tburaday., 1fr.. Veuta Rae, who las been tyI lg st the. Saupe home returneti home! Thursday. Alce. Ruahmcre speet Saturday andi Sunday ln Chicago anti Gie Elln. T'he Naaofficclub held election cf officers Tuenday: A. H. Meyer wu., elected presidenit, AI Kirby, vice president; Park Hlanna, secretary. The P. T. A. of the Gavin achoal held a bakery sale Saturday. The proceed were over $W0. Mr. and Mrs. Kunz of Chicago, who have a sommer cottage here, were the Iuesta of lira. Biddisor4 Monda y and Tuesday UMr s. George Lestr eter. tainedfor tbem at carde Tuesdaýy night. T~he Manin famîily spent last week in Janeaville and Chicago. 0000*000G00000Q00 o EVERETT SCHOOI oý 0000000000000000001 Those perfect ini attendanoe for the last month were: Anna Zonway, George Lunharm, Elisabeth Kostial, Rarriet' Tulley, Henry Hurzenga, Bensle Kosgtial, Gustave Nemic, Steve Kostial, Corneliua Humrea, Helen Phiip and Charles Vejiover. Chester Lunbsm la able to ait up in a wheel chair a short time eacb day. .dr. Swift shipped a carload of sheep to the stock yards Mondoy. Richard Gibbons who has been ailing for somns time la very poorly. Elizabeth Keough ÏÏi;s one te join hier brother, Henry Keoughîin Wheeling, West Virginia. Those wbo were perfect in spelling asat week were: William Lubeck, Robert Yore, Gustive Nemes, Elva Cramer,' Clyde Vanover, Genevieve Lubeck, Ado1lph Van Landuyt, Edith Sibley. The Rainbow club met at the home Tesaje Dawson on Fridaýy evenlng. Everyone enjoyed a good time. A number of the young people from i-aie ,-in<iniPrri-,- commissiînn rr T( s t- Io Nu; -1, 1916. anti$ ii l'1- ntiplnoi--î by congru---. Guards to Replace Marires. 1i '.si-a -me roiSu - it (j tltinu f Tutuu in n t-uantsd ttthsmails lu T rin. it aliist tînîttilt nt-n. the ptii-- -ns,'t giutt îtinfirms th- rire iti-ut ihlat ilicrri-i.tîtint' rccrttit'i frith Ti it-îiTittTi titelt o takr- Tht- trc (,1T0- Tm;n-s an tît-iiettgTardt &- ia T-i llttnh-liT tianI-ýi r, potaIl --tii i-Iut Mriti t;in 0611700000000000000 0 APT AKISI C o 000000000000000000O J(-hn (!ýii e s' ,u t - t ;\ \'- - on biusinss. INîrs.M. Wagîînel îIas 'y; bt undtr the- weh-iber lateîy. but att liresei- et h-t--r tgain. Frc-m ttc rush arunth te mile plt- furtu sonne mcrniugs it would niake y-ou think tth- mii-,train ianm-- head -'f scledule lime. Thc airîag ut Albert Stabli, i uiitiug,- is ctimîleted andti hcy are eujuving one- nI, the greatest cumftîrts nfI hf, -gn ligitt alwaya. - NIrs. H-. Pott8a-eut to sec lt,-eitrist- 0 MONAVILLE 0 a islyo toys at the stoire ot 0000 6000 0000 000oSaur & ano .Charles Schley la at'borene cw. te lirs. H. Dobbiv anti baby, Donald of h as been working for Et i Gss for Chicago, visited Mrs. B. Galiger last several years. Tuesday. Mr. anti Mrs. Raîpli Halvrerson from lir. anti lrs. Tweed were Antioch Chicago visite0a att he home tif G. M. callers Tuesday. 'Wedtner. Mrs. S. Bartistable anti son, ErwinMn. E. Gis anti daughter attendeti in orliChcao n buinss th bazaa'- ai Prairie View. Fritiay Friday. ntght. Mr. anti lr@. S. Sorenson anti dauch- Henry Geest. a former resident bere, ter, Blancli anti son, Ho*ard visie&aut] now living in Virgtnia, calieti on rela- the L. J. Tweed home Sunday. 1ttves anti frientis hare ilijs wcek. Haroldi Wells, Morris Wilkinson anti G.M. Weiiner was in thc city last Vern Barnatable were absent one day week on business. last week hecause of a bati colti. James Maionsek anti Caroline Buschi Mary Galiger lad a prfctwek in- went to Chicago Saturday 10 attend a spellipercestwwe tn dance. speling ls week. frou ete -1Alice Bunton anti sisier, Mrs. Millet Wamenare bsketactal.orouren er-wntto Waukegan Saturtiay te bave taloent nti aske ~ocal.their teetit treateti. Wc arcetiecorating for Christmas andi lra.N. F. Buschi anti Mrs. Ray evcry grade is lusy making something. Busch«went to Waukegan Moueay on a _________________visit. Point for Picnickers. Daiy Thought The- ding tif a hec, ttct-ortiiig to U' The-truc iivt-ri-iting la notl lu sbe> Betitfir tly olie-lblrty- Ieg outwartl iiings tIi suit our willi. recon oftl tan lInc-blonîg. Your iottigi. but Inlilvinig oi u i îî fs lltien îly, nat iîtî tîceq the ret-Hoston Tran. IrusT futll-. mtlt iti iîi tîl l tii rtiglt oh-. script. axer te iti- twtlrtlthitginay lie. F Y1 POSTOFFICE OUiHiT TO MIP[ET EXPçlNSE, SAYS WJLL HiAYES~ Gain was $26 000,000 but i departmnent had de! iciency of nearly $1 58,00,000 Poletlng to contlnuing deticits Ie Dbis department, Pos5tmasterGenerail Hays, in lis fîrat annual report to the prealdent, made public to-day de- clares that "If thie present gauge of axpenditures shall continue there eshould be sudh a readjustmnent of Postage. rates as wil the affects -of Increaslng volume of business, pro- ducesaufficient revenue approzimately tto ment Lt" Mr. Raya declares emphatlcally that 3"If It vere., a question between the lest practIcal service on the one hand and a poorer service with revenue meeting cost on the other hand, de- cision should be resolved In favor of renderlng the service." Ha adds that the deparîment should net le con- ducted for a profit, but that It naed not ultlmately be run St a lons. $26,000000 Gain in Recelpts. Revenue of the postal service for the fiscal year ended st .Yuae, Mr. Raya says, totaled $468,491,274, an In- crenne of $26,341,062 over the recelpta of the preceeding fiscal year. Bal- anced againat this were audltpd expen- iditures of $620.993,673, wltl the total 1 àudited àeflciency at $157,517,688. The increase inth îe deficiency over that for 1920, Mr. Hays statei, i.s due rt' large increases of expenditures int ttwo principal Item,, wilhout ttny car- resjiontling increa-eisn The reventues. The ta n Item-, are $76,11(il for in- t crua-cilcomnpensa tion in rztilroid ts on th,- tjaesi o'an oider onf the întc> ".G I B S O N" Mandnolins. (jutatis and Banjos. I Saxophones, aCornets, i oller band ,instruments. BAND ROOIN, \'ILLACGE HALL LIBERTYVILL ILLINOIS. Dt~I I Established l185 PiIiJ aeger s i 'ie; a-'A i essed!lt ____________________________ luttin, ' " I oultr>, ides 'I-t A 1.i (, B tit,î and Er',s l' r o c e d s of îonslgnmnn Gieneral îîromptly remitted 7109Ig tb iEý oIdtiltouee on the str-& 1T ~I J1iTiS îO T,lu i i 1'i'i 'urnsbh.1 n Stat1. 1 ar"td 3, Fýfto Street Whnltel Markai - e ch h CHICA GO, ILL. Back To Pre-War Prices. At this tnne evervone should do their ntmoit te assist in bringingt prices te a normal level. 1 arn trying te do mv bit. ý1 YPRICES ON GIJARANTEED DENTISTRY FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS AS FOLLOWS: Goti icZ K Sc;ttîieý Po'cti-tt l Critans. I-i rît T---' bTr t a - Bt t - nîulis Porclain Fllings ......... (ill t I chilingce colon t Gott Ilnlays or Fillingi, tt-cording to size -- -... Plates thal I guarantee yttu cati eatcorn off th1e coit. (Arcording tii materiali Treatm,-nt. tiers e kilîcti tndi ront filleti $5.60 anti$6 00 $5 te $2.0 I $600 13 00 W)> .$15 .00 Up .- $2001 Antd rernember, 1 will ri hurt .tou. 1 use medicine fîrst lthat takeg awa> the pain. THESE PRICES ARE FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. t î -Dr. F. E. CORLISS I130 Washington St Over the Thomas Market Co. WAUKE-GAN, ILL.î "6JIM'S"9 JAuto Repair Shop W HEN in need of Automobile Re- paining try us if you want the best. Now 6ocâted in the Durand Building on South Milwaukee Avenue. James B. Wetmore Res., Telephone 364-J Shop Telephone 367, LIBERTY VILLE,,ILL Theodore 14. Duret, Prosident W. 0. fimlth, Vice Preeldent F. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager. TELEPHONE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO, AMSTRCTS 0F TIE - TflUJ GUARANMEE Capital: $125,000.00 WAUKEGA Organiza bureaus lit great aid te pafit y 'm ade by t by titi-ar,-1 farnners in Thirt3y nue( lnet i n 1 eral Landi wilcl aIl t report' tha eounty tari lsfactory, lthe fain b- tiotillatai I county Cari retary-1 trea- len te oli reaus wztt vd a-- sib i, ;.til t tTî t t i- v eitacI-of il tiiti,ha'I- banli lU. sair'- St, robutitian Il,,. 11an- faït r I, il a greti whl t-'s Krsorte Tbile trî cit (iiitt-.- rbut wuîn flrt 1 at-.t faces tir'- ci verl-hIn r Tf,àe ii to Pl the g Electr brush shades Electy toaster Laboy vacuun Electi increws - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s s ! 0 i m p 0 4 0 Announcement Orval J.-Gause, M. D. Round Lake, Illinois Round Lake Office Telephone, Round Lake 24-R Cals Promptly . Answered Day. Or Night Resident Physician Sunnybrook Sanitarium Telephont, Round Lake 42-R-1 e Make Ih A Musical Chrisçtmas A musical instrument is sure ta be appreciated especidly wben you give TEN FREE LESSONS WITH EACH INSTRUMENT and it doesn't cost much right now when your, pocket book, is ai its Iowest ebb. THEY CAN BE BOUGHT ON PATIENTS THAT YOU WILL NEVER MISS Don't wait until the Iast minute to buy, but drop around and look them over. Phore 133-R or 382-J Ici- an Appointment. G. E. HUBBARD CHAS. D. N[CI-OLLSI

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