!IDSELVEs-I "BAD P#FDrIc&MEI ,th closine of Nestie Coi baày plant they have no place to market milk te ciosing down of the N'es k eompany at Grayslake leaveî ber of the.rnltk proditrers ln tt Xity in anytbing but an envia' Mon foi 'c. nuniber of them doi S wliere they are golng ta dlapi kaeirmilk. base producers were lnduced M.2th. Marketing ComfanY vWh .en blylng their mllk by1 ter ffet made hi' the Nestle Cc ,. Tise' were informed at e that sonner or ltler lte Nes tgany would gel al $ôe mlkil ,"d and would shîji down, teavl 0raducers luIn1bc Iurch. A ]ai krof the producers did nol hE ý,*rbing as te promise of big] ~W& de iy the Ngstles was *- tbeY cauld ee.I Is saidt!t btirketiug Company uow la t ra- i all i the mik àl» Ù;d la otprepsred ta taket r ivrItfeh te a ber producers n, Iadyi t a si. Just how the si Q ill turn ou! no nue is able 00U000000 00000 Ç RAYSLAKE 90000000Oeroooo o De Patly and Lord Higti Ciîami M .Pesteras hait Friday evenii aNber 201h. r and Mrs Maurice Munrie ent 9d friends froni Kenoctia ai th' 0 1ma Sunday. ke tarmers tetd a meceting in iii "Y afternoan 10 dîscuss the m uSou. WMa Annabelie and Anita WV w *ere Chicagô visitors Salurdý b. J. H. Barnet slended a lui MM raelIng at 'îbe lvanhoe c, 9tiai church Priday afternc 1* lcalbasket bait teans were s bd Ifn Iheir flrst game of the s, b»t Batsrday evening. when th bd the Seuimeides Sportsutan Ch L. Cartletd Monday purchasedt ent wesr ot bis storýe front th, Mi iltan Cburch Association. Beat Picture Wire. ày have r beîrylec,î exf."ei Inlaiiiî 1.11:11dtolith.-lies t s fer pictiares, and thii.ueittil ri9a sYs l was fourigi ibatlui or wlre ini oue 1traijît !S far SUI) to twisted brass iireî, ad 'oppl is of course Itot lhable 10 rust Attorney-ati-aw LIENIRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Teiephane 33. M .C ILNEY Voterlnary Surgeon. gie ai Reaideisce Opposite Ree Mtor Co. Garage. .Phone 35. WiBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. J. E WALTERS, MYSICIAN ANID SURGEON. W&M aOf Wemen and Chidr.r - - a IejcJslty. 'WAUKEGÂN, ILLINOIS. IV. W. JOHNSN. D. D. S. DENTIST One 841. 112 No. Gonesse St. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS, BR 0. F. BUrrFIELD VTERINÂRY SURGEON RflItant State Vttrinarian. L.IBIRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. DR. J. L TAYLOR kt in Frist National Bank Bic 09M-1 to 3:30 aud 7 tu6ý p. tu. lnce on Broadway, opposite Pai LIBERTYVlLLE. ILLINOIS. OIHARLE R. WICKENS ksgtO-Couuîy Sic. Phone IM 1WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. OWic Acecountarit and Auditor. tatng Systeuis, Audits, Book ià Periodicali> for Firma wb X need a Yieruianent Bookkeepe Ho2r l-iiini o b ).. R ,MS. NIXON & DAVIS .afropractc Physicians Oiste-Correction of Deformitiei Wvéutansd Chronic Diseases. WIe 10-11,!'New Castie îlot. i ~2~ET~~LLEILLiI6NI nRf LIBERTYVILLE INDEPEiDNr THURSDAY.THU!RSDAâ. DEC. 15,. 1921.- MAROON AND. WHITE WAKEANiEs Edioor-inChief-Eleanior Waido AsistatEîtrMve Gatioway 1- Business Manager-John Thies. N V L IE E Y Desk Editos-Carolyu Butterfield, Kathryn Morse and Ethel Hanison. UNpFO(OU T I ïT BETTEF HEAL-TH WEEK e ii,.is ~ eno UNI FOR OUrV W et x . 'vu-b igthic aws or t wae zi ustliîopiug thait uy selI ci, m- iîhoali I.h 1salol the butter- solernnly. 'ýYOLt sec. Armory Iocated at corner of Dle chevirut Breatise deeply. Eatlih- died an itour or IWO ago.* Sheridan Road and Madi- seu.sibI). Laugli iîeartily. Sieel res son-0t-eet ularb and baille. tîequeuîiy. Tti eANDi BElNAME M'AS-so tes wil ief]). [ Hear youu et a nev',a-ri. es siteI w i The Lake Coutnty Naval Reserve Un tu sie St utidus aire u ri.d 'o take trlier 'i t e Ifltb7'fre adWuea;la tat îîrecauiions tb keep velil hemsel e Ritc i a ieiaie onsi beiug foetmed asudh loaion of hes abie iuOrdler flot 10 spread cieecSta> tike a sketeon ttavini_ a chili on a lin be eetda h oaina h noî ai borne and resi i hs weli ventitated roof.- Atîterican Legion Weekly. armoo-, which wiliin l lte MeCak- Tt )ose roconi. Est uourisiîing eajtv- digesled-i ney building. corner of Sheridan Road fonds. iSOLII IVOît- iodge, it vas annouuced todaymi t0 Ail sludeuls Whso are oui ot scisool He said. "Lot me iîotd your Patiin The new organization bears the ba iich three days or more muet bring a cer-.Oive"same relation tu lte navy departmnent teilficate front itie famlty jîbysician lu; She îeplied: "Nulo our ite that the national guard dues tu thetisM, osde î b e;diGdbouts%."-Science sud Invention jarm>' branch. There are 200 ex-service1 elte fi s-ee tu[lai ipeupîlédo ni îeaîize i m ~~<0 > ran frtramWaukegan. u inte new or- Il: uic[li i aluje of wholesotue food. frest 00 11o qo o o g000o0 ganization snd every ex-service man fo 7ing air, pîituî of steet,, sud kee >ing file L A KE ZU R ICH o lunttis coUnty la eti-ible tu member- ho orge body,.w biel is the uist wonde!rtutusa1 ship. ieed chine cleaiO 100 O00000000 000O00 01They vili meet eoery Friday ni' ht cedchne cisu -busnes1 Lieut. Henning la ln charge. Dr. E. E. lher The body nsay be dit ided imb 1 wo, GeîsùNfIPMereî raiisii bus oks xsrvc nu Ii ity i ai tiars, aud echart muis h1 aie a gretîl iu Biringlun ïhîîitrsîlitî'. Boke-e a ft iy h thtdeal of es te and consîde-carion. The IMis Lydia Ecutli as.a -odi - as iargeîy resffonsible for tht organ- re- first pirt perains t10thebea cn iizaIon sud location if lis Unit. tesisîing ut the yes, hait', teetb, tn Miss Itose Tonne Stda> tor dinner. Th armory wilI be open ai ail timies Hç Mrs. F. larkness vas- t Chicagos for members sud arrangements are tro .ow etc. Then ihere la ie ickin wtîich shpe Tusa.alob leaet ae oil vt ilu-veytede ndnistb èea n 1-1i7-l ,.John Irving sud dauhliet, Neo t Ie to ofoncion iroiscriï. Dresais ilif- tions, sucis as dancc-s, etc.. for theai portant because If clouses art? kepi and Maigart of u Racine crietîl t I 1 îteck ntertainment of tito members sud ci >0 dan.aneeauavod tie grmewtsciieud a li liiîioii.e utCtîaseTonn. tiseir familles and fiends.c aire the cause of many dIiseasea Tiiere M li i ciiiu-cet a ____ 0 are commuon alimtents, that wullîl oî iuaun auît' eeung 31>0 00 0 n<><> tilt be comnnon il'eî erytîî,-w woutl douflsi"wFr nîl i Chiicag i C)stien w m 0a VLiA, dîîy ui ccltîe ti-cib>r>in io Tii Woîm-týl*s Sîciîivteitifried) t> o o o I ) o n a a o outn anono'o fai k"î-1iaiuthe beotiutlietuSimt IlA i a i ing A char, w il e cive i .- te ciri " su l'ii- n lt îMi Mi-Sn l OiesKerir. i tAiisîn dent tor thé turpuse ofi curt sing I Mlir'in lii \t-JaIIni- it rs. Williams Web, r, Jr , revM te-r- data rai e ut 111- teeti, tinOize utîis ue-i.l w110,111- 0 11 ai'r1,îisiireas r:ie cii etc Ati b'h -nil ut ii,- w cek i liic ii tiiile 1,1 i tii Fa ii lto.a 'is oid ,Aan. wil i > huaw lieti r t i* r îloi at 1ai -ii 1,1e 1 M. î i i r" V C Becknacc t, ii rtt Uttth ge ît il tnt tiirs )%, n waisîic ,iiNiov the question is. 1iîiii« Pî it.Mnd MilNrs.Wiliiti lt% isI uni. w ii t 'titailrtn pil Wat11 i, going :i tiiî. liebest i ti 1 J i Ntandti sIlMIc . W bi li iase hallIaýýlasb t Sl iiii el Tîtte ;culalla itlihob. uic a- inter.01 il tue tM-- i e,,.î'.a niîeai 13iiusiabiî S-alltut% ti-tji îîî liiettinz aseilgJioiian. il i.î cIl'ei Hartiiianu ani sons w i..-ques! tehm eaiadGinc etle nL il-ut palticipsie sud d'O t ail e t Iet-Ni tnu i] t -.GeOiigr Keiîlni -s aiAr- th ieteu tt ne.ilîîîu icrtliiw iolu ibi wi lee 1hei ii~jîipy i i tiug ton lieîi s ai as innrt.i-duesdu . siciitcGre ri ci i-ita obi'Ilipowr tobegn ii18 o 30). Rush Husý-%ib n ursing ja nia con bas ni already begon. ou fie rotsd. i-t eing.boi îgca eîl tti-gl.h Coun ta , Setier ody beau blay p- to i-tnayigi t Iues-ti tuhi.ii1aci) Tise Ladies Aid Io-u ciie ti iîauk!' Cous ou.ever bos ic s lta>iii Ou aîs~is n gu teccc il- iii n-thiose wiîo 5v i ei r p,î i i iflîem or detua li su-galle of ipali h ci ct>- fai i bLanîdwel c it.îîîTiieni '-îigi ad rlions. ctised ta usake ihiir Ciitiris-uas La ses .M 2 o alesds.Isre.hsd~ , u ale sucîs a succeas. f$1 'als realiz.d Th hy GIRLS' ATHLETICS lut r-ain audi arnis insliieis, . re iosls seadci-i l uîe ()n tirniday. lieccîsîber 9:11. ai asseni.,f ousumed. Tii, i'tilil itfte itre wIlfroticcisaleband are ditejlieils,' bois ut the hi)'lime. Miss Bry-ant caiied a meeting 1unknown, ,ýCeda Creal fare sd i1iiit oys wtfsii 1S ic o is-grl tL T iiogniPFiie'ening. fiecenîber 23, ai ýneetle work. as wei-lsii otbei tornîs ibhi aGicla' Ailletîc Association, Tisepur- l lalititciurclî,il cantals, 'Wtsen ficieof ccntributiug.t pos5e oait'icmeeting ils iii cieci ai Sa ioi (Camie,' bv the Sxnday Scliooi The Boys' Club, unuici tue niaina.i uslenber trontl cacliî Iasot (Icri v>ujland chour w-utl e gien An iittiu on î-uIet of r.MCose Niitîl constitution under w hidli hies asoci i- i-. u-'c ral tt tend.ed Mr. ai tC s-cb Stirallera U ri ti i Hwllbe coaducted. meetig i- zil cto ail tordaattend. m~ elresut ii c wluiw-. Anus Gieske sudduson omoge. lno. oet. 17. ai 1 'cluck. Ail boye up- he cass eprisenttivs Wh we-t-(.i viite, inBariongln Sauidticfeligesee f ut ags an9 an 13 îre i gi hiiC elected io the boar-d of controt tire.: oo 1csd1e00s1dt1.i tlsel an Senior-Mildred Lusk. bl nieqetdtob rset h pe- unir-Mael olinot'1lCarles Kellogg tis iosing frontsalie Fred Bari-' as rcem'ulm lurchas- i JunSliiio Met JoissVaZan n ainîftrîi. asi t ruw-n. to j îtîrîî lc IeHenry Kocîstra fbouse, occupied PW uer sohoîxiOreonEî ightanandi thue miles souîb ai Paltinle. Sy ,ohn MeYet-. aud Nets Stelteuburg i la Frlesegrsl 8ismat M igsra nt Miss Adeila Norton was ai homîe lis purcbased the -Axet Norrien home.- in Planning tbc girls' attieles .ý. over fise week end. Mrs. Rudoilui Wendtaud. 'trs. Her- Eacb one imust Se up in ier ecîsoias-Mu-'. %ai'ei l'retisPuetîtîswas calit tissu Wendtaud sud triend front Eum fi cstauding in -order to îîarîiciptie d to Chicago Fridaiv Sy the aerionus it urst cause las, Friday for the Ladies file ganses of the association. neas of ber tonifber. Word was ceceiî- Aid bazaar sud supuler. One aloiwiii he Io tisve uwo leanîs i d Sslurday ut ber deati The con. Mr. _IcCIoskey came oui iront Ev-ans- - if Piossible lu each chiais anîliatter the minuit% caleuds s . iips:%ti o Mis onTburaday for the fumerai of Mrs. Liiersry Societieloar reocgauîzed cu Pretîni in ber tuas. Lund. snd was nuialle ta returu ta 5isi baie liepiy, interaociolastic aud inter- The cantractords art, building ilic. wock until Monday hecause of ilinesa. society ganses. bridgeesud cuti-eutaou fle Rand Tloa.t Mca. E. Barîtei lias returned trous e Lets go, girlsud gel in the game thtis week. Severat cars were stock a tbree mouthsa' i-lit lu Engiand and for L. T. H. fp., your cîassud ftise goud ait hie bridge jusi Soutli ut Lake tr reports a peasaêt .lime. il witi du eacb one of you. Jch.ou accouni of the soIt eartiî. - Mrs Ge-urge (,ooding ut Grsystako, Corne ou. Frealinan girls. lo'ts show Onue ut tic fanmers arouud the take speut lasi Friday witli ber motbeî lisle schtîottai cii-n h if e se nult i-c.nvivcd a cînaît îiony one dao-lat ansd ailended tise bazaar. bail experience, sic(do baive iu'ercct 1 w iek and ftle cillecson tsotghti Mrs. liendilcks ut lugleside viaited teamst. adnihr ufceifrIii îs amk ai tu'as> Sa tpiii er utothet lier.- Friday sud Salurday. M ean1 stars' goca. lie proceeded ta ride mie -Mr aud Mrs. Ray Kerr o! sîpier, Came ou, eiery girl; iisl 1ln uanisal,.sud mueS ta the dlscomfarl I. r uasatts ae ei tlurtunity la proie abiiily ta Ilili.team ut tise Youg man. toînd biniseif ounlise home. siuck. ground sci eral tistes. The pou>yl A Christusas pragramn, tu be given - Ves! Rîîtî! Miss Brysut! s1lil utbraken, Nul said. isa;1the churchi Suuday eveuiug (Christ- o- - ~William Tank is contiuc abs15 ilt a en riae s h NATLSVAUDEVILLE MOVIE iiiissewitti antabcesa In the ihi-nat Suuday Scbot. Itils5 to Se s pageant. The Natîtîtua Vaudeville auit Murie Mrs. Emma Soderberz sud uauzh- '«Carryiug Christ ta Ever>' Chid' and - was belid at the Auditorium t)ecember Pr'ethaie relîirneul tram au exctended thibisiisti laiîed. - 9. under flite auspsices o! týhe studenîs t tilt ~i Wyoming.Wiii the Modern W'oodmeu make s of L. T. Hl. S. There were ebicr~. specisi effort Io camte ouItae the meet- torînances-ai 3:45 p. s., 7 Io ns. and 0 000 001 >0000< ng Tisursday eîening. Dec. 271hs, as 8:-45 p. m. 0 00 00 00 00 here is business ibat needsatatention? T-hie OIsve waa Bebe Dauie-t sd - HUBRARD SCHOOL 0> Mr. and Mrs. Paul Avery were Cli- Harrison Ford in ',Oii Lady. Lady'!" j 0on 0<>0 0<>00000*0000,0 0 cago i'isitoî-s Monda>-. -It was a tip-top play. Sane cîassa1to The Royai Neighbora beid their su- tic-le.1 Mabel sud Pearl Pabiman visitemt nusi electian of officers 1'uesday, sud Tho cin ttý1 nd% fle (h oy -u1'ns ei3rgbisru Suday. the foloitn-ig iere cisoseur Oracle,, Thîn Ile u sohsîe(iibyiMartha Valing uf Chicagu vlsitcut Georgis Avery; vice aai.Mr. . \itîîlis quarîf t Elditu Ki'ciiî'u. 1itihe fanîlis'oaiAtex ~utiglasi Salut _____________________ ri iieuolorf, Alberf t .cr aniItbi d (ay and udar y __ .a. *FyaaKnuk lb, Augusi Buescbiug ibad tisefilt uck Satn.'Fs nav.aKn yiiks lsS?'"(, ufhavlug a fine, lrge tuog staien. tîft Viîsî i Dan cng 'sut ougid ? Ze ier taiig Just tutcbered if. The thief li11Pgirls cuuld look an (oisti th I -grleelO tewr fPp l92 ile' ý ureEveyn iiii Ajýijd furing ;f.heso,, trc cumsttption. ]y,'fisc> su, i i MoEse, ItitAijsGallou%- .a j Lilt uSndas- Richard sud Robutii t>, E' lîcrîtne Mondrse a i siutî,j Iic it nwhtitî' untina witi ttîîir lii rt'i ututîs tnu leu'Landis j uua .. c-m-- ciiiit c- stirpîel tshiei %i- A monologue hy Gîtbcc' Vîic-kec uitreahel nîîulî tndI eitdgiss ,ks iumssd. H-e gaveu-"Leisuky ;ti i b- Wd\Vmnt Iirdo lli b0 uing" anti-Collit non tsfl -Iic to n g. ~Neatirl a-relu ttîtei thf' animsal -r in fls iiisti ioui cal a> -, ýilas foltuit caliitii n tfi , n u 'vlc Lihe - Te iiNi su rieî l 'a>t teCluiti Ltîs t ixeek end G, N G 1r05. bj.l ii r -~~~~~~'11 in i>-iiîîNue tm'îî dElqunI -latgfoFrdGiseutGmr 't t itiinoo IIg. i-t l- Ciniciil fnîii eunin wsi-icheil t ileîî ititîdi .îiîî.e ul ieutou i rer utat l'uri1 U'. Gi-usehomie on Tliorsulas cveninI- ' L '~ lo lits i as ie ite b br :1 l o ).cn n isnor a! Mr,tiios' birtiulas-. .'l A aThO'Ugîtftrij i f1it tînd ,liit 5cm (Donald -izgeisid) M-101at iae fj MART Luggage s a gîftl Monill, hitr ofhoIfilun Tue ciglîti gradie dîdthd i. bse'l ci o1ti t a r I t ' P a r k 1 t l o o k l t h , i i i î s r a t 8 .S t h a t s a t t r a c t iv e a n d . - or CahoWiccl.c toute Ai flicboys anuI li'ee girlsr-n-jo) uil usefujl, Onethat shawn tbo't Hamlu; past oracle, Ella Taibott; -lîsuceilor Margaret Gatiger; record- r, Mabet Cribis; rie~terg- -ý - miet, Liiilan Hoaper; otr.euui Pearl Keller; manager. Mat>' Datrymi ple t iuiosiclmn, L'eiiu t itiixisi,- tl iii>ly sclan. Dr. Ttîtholi Lake Vilia Schoot Notes. Ivette Eanmes w-as out o! sciiiui tis! week hecause o! lituessa Chiarles Williamns bas Seen cliosen to take care of the weattier maius foc- amontm. The set-enîli sud eighuii grades nait.- isauksgiving lposters, Harold CrISS Isas beeu alîlilin cml tadlager for tise Lakce Villa erbuai basket ball teas. Guy- Willamson rcîurned 10 ichool Mouda>. Der. 5. sîter auniinee-s outîwo T. C. Bailinge-, 'Ai.>îta s ecn vusit- ig amui M. S. Milter. tf-iuirtned -luoils orne iii Vitginia-,Wcdû.-r~. fie. Qulitea tew-pueoisi lîenîed ihe mn- Iitot1e meid ai the clmîrciîli erý 3 sud 4. tisa iaxti'r sud Mise tw-hu-u a 1arge outh#,ie iet-"in?_ lu lime 1-icinz Lui i$u(îansd NMi iewîirt spoke. Sunday %Mr. Alibriglît ons Evaustan 1usd charge a! the spr- ce. Saluidas ci enine lti hniu.- wit- hano given, Thie !ifsi-iiîasd sixxîb gradiie-, tuss rînmled exansintît ians Tise stackings arc latîtdv hiong mn lid hutirmediate îîmuîs. The i oturinit sr cun oîgin. S erry hi-itgei ni i île-i î-- RuhuirKulluig a ciwi itioi \iir-s. mcli tui îuu' ttand-ni.u-l ichu I:li.ieiu hii..i n- iiiki o n di cý oid ;il., h o nihi -i i- u'Ro Sititi., li ulilif-i.tt ,eus Setîoî.i.Mar ii> Eiizalu , Nmi ii su . Nitîsî- i l iiîuuîn, ilîtrui i- nan. Nocini StI-iiuua suta'ntdil %V~il iaineon. The Ltake \'ill ltueii h a-luit l eani iii lutply a gaine' 'itluliuRinet site ai Lake Villa. Frittay. l)--(.litt Hie wiu-stasiu-e ho setue(ulu-.ta g.iiiI- vith auy icani. Il.t. Crubb Nigr-. Rtound Ltuke diletteuthei,-La.ke Villa mesket Sa hi tcatu Lii'r7î i - mli.- rîîr- )ing 11) tîs 8. Tii- oniioroîs îmîîthe.- la-km-i tutuh -tîsin liavu- tmr il 'fh-are a tnatu> ltti cohiri. a itli t gotld'tip~e. 'fougue Of the Frog. Tii, tii ,fmu I i ti- t ta i, i\-î o1 the ttîîu mtofu utmiiittt i rloi- Iip; wIî n mî i l 1 1W t .hi i ia ii li'ei-.iik. ýltiiuiilig mi t'hi. l.tîtît. Thie'frug i u,.-> - iii iim tef' iitus hmmigue. i . lY Mi. Sophia Tonner and son. fluai sei. anld Fred Tonner and famiiyvi ited4 .titnda. ai the home of George W.Wh , t ni Geike.W e h oybgn oOW Mis Alla Hait aVent the week end oed movoinent becrnes palafulit at lierihome. à& uauafly un indication, that tb» Ed Jones lias been helping t0 shred kkw am out of order. Ka"P coin ut John Ilarbara's. teeOro hmbay btU George W. Gehrke went to Palatine la-i( week on business. Mra. George Gehrke and children vlsi:ed reltves in Palatine. Hanfiah and Huida Schwersnan Ihàv*î- been released framnt hequarantine on j ?* w àd.USaard 11wy f- s Wu.. account of scarlet fever. useav. bladd ea. m o de aMU eab Clarence and Cora Jones attended a IPt sn S&T fla àyM bunco iîarty ai Iamond Lake aumanod pm emd Miss Mildred Underwood spent thel cu » Caroline Scbwermann bas been ab- sent traits scluooi for several days. Edwin Vauderwaod bat aiso' made a bird ti unse. We aie patientis' sai- Ing foi, tie Sirds ta make their win"?cr nesidenci' wit us The iutils si- hlai-cnat been ab-1 sentlI foithe tirai Ilirce moflils are Elsie C.iiike IBeujamin Anses. Edvini Underw-aod. Philîi.Anire ma S ein hclîîiug E i Uudeî-sood t. siack coam. Auuiî isi Amaun o! McHenrys-at trîenda tiere. Fru uiScbweri-nandiîîsous cil Mil wstli' s we-Suuday visiturs ai ilii Wocth Whete Lives. Lit r ic u';,v ii.'imto iithe"a vit- i--'t- t ht- im- ca-ainsd ter ,i i t - 'lite cm1.n0cii ii ut« (eriy il., .î~ .X î- c, "f. o .tî 'h- - iii I - iim-t, - ~, tt ilulu xi . - i. ' i iiilii ti titi.i . idi DR. WM. LEVIN IIENTIST Located lu Merchants sud Farmers Bank Building ai GRAYS LAKE ILLNOIS. -Office Houm- Fioni 9 to 12 a. m.; Froni 2 to 7 p. m. Ga-, Administered sud . Nerve fllocklng. 'li ai 1SI)AYS AMI) SUNDAYS B1ýý APPOINTMENT ONLY. ELHAWA W. COLBY Attorney.at-Law Off ice at IHomie. on Cook Avenue. Telephone 163-J. LII3IIRTYVILLIE, iLLlNO1Sý MARTIN C. DECKER Attorney-st-Law. 31l5 Washington Street WVAUKEGAN. ILINOIS. Oftie Phione 848. lies. Phone 17100-W LYELL H. MORRIS Attorney.at.Law 1,111ERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, Luce Building. HAVE A GRADUATED AUCTIONEER r TO CONDUCT YOUR SALE ERNEST ROSING Ingleside, Ii. General Auctioneer 'Phono Round Lake 33-W-1 North Shore Une. A Restful Ride on the Road 'of 'Real Service Seule back in your wide, comfortable seat and watch thse cauntryside slip swift- lY and noiselessly past. Note the steady, uniform' rate of speed-the air of quiet- ness that prevails-the unobtrusive attentiveness of thse employes-the ab-' selice of smoke and cinders. Ail these things, and more, go to make Restful Travel on the North Shore LUne. Get Acquainted With This Convenient Route. Trains leaving Libertyville every bour from 5:48 A. M. to 12:4-8 A. M., counect ut Lake Bluff with Liînited Trains for Milwaukee. Trains leaving Libertyville at thirty-minute intervals fi-ons5 :48 A. M. to 10: 48 A. M., then ut 11 :48 A. M. and every Iaf bout thereafter nuntil 8:48 P. M., then 9:48 P. M. and every hour thereafter until 12:48 A. M., make connections with trains for Chicago. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. Re. LIBERTY VILLE TICKET OFFICE PASSENGER STATION TELEPHONE 74 DRVVES EIRE A. J. Merel from, total f ire 1 When tbe fi tirelou docs tisat it visat a posed ta do. Bust, vlieuil ed. and tisefit Partment ther about. TItis la jusi Waukegstn f ir day atternoon. WIten A. j. coal dealer, di mobile vas ou excited. He i miles West ofi neansd reailz tas'lms-on ti he vas outside Tisa onIy tht te the are de] To thlak va later ha stepi and vas raclni tbcle of an througb lise cit smoke streamît rions uigisl fer Marchant dhd n canîpiete exi Wihlu a v dravu up lu fi station ou Ma the fire-sn cu Wltb the ailci men senonlisad A o-rutmiats T,'ctur Iii tion wirlî vwuc rar I'lu1,,.i'îif -it lsi uilti- rciutd tîfî-tl it'- sui1 t i un nu lice x îiiîl i-i PIlhtîl h -, i i mati, - ý- wrîina! iýs u.i.ri fruit OlcFirîday Mil of %Visriýn 1tu.t the ate..c H. s.eaeîIc i!--f. t.eam Inet \iîitrI W.T. H S. The teaiit t. Villa sttrilay ctLîJie tbe cuinqir ceimriy r- a arti-its. Amîîng the ClI were. Mra. J Hart. Mrs. Je-r Flosod, R. B. Dii Vinrent,, Miss 15 Miss Clara F comung, you kni Muss Mabei Sc pition witls ..ptal, Wauke Many Gurue lu Waukegan ta Small. Ou Dec. 4, ' met at thse li Tiirty-five vere vas ted by 1s Dec. Il, meetin; of Mrs. Il. Fredinand Harts Florence(tisai attendiug higl is vas taken t4a thi and a:doctor cal tisreatened with GRASI Mr. Simpsonc noon. The primar>' baskets. Mr. Howard three chcludreu w averageminte Il following pupîts 97; Robert Star 93; Ruth Johusot Ruhy Wooley lIt. Grange Hai WVednesd gv . Edward Gilli and Kennett Si from, scbool beci We lbat aur fii bte seaison Tii ýs freshmen f rom viii illa game Thte grade set day night. TI masbed potatoei