Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Dec 1921, p. 8

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the tear that ste] AKg -thur eis ornecry ei t lerderon'aiter, Mis. S& J. Young, :inethe death 6ET RIGIIT-OF-WAY shoud beomeA car telierdIOLone$ otMrs. Wright in 1916. December 6th aiiewatt tricken with 1f . -__ The<flânerailevce eeheld tIi ffluInonia. and iropite f tait thatO- I uz (~Thursday> afternoon, the-Rev. Châs -'tlh'~ ang care could do. slip ded four del S OR[ 4WER V flij Dlckey77Paator of Libertyi'ille -Me'th- FOR HISTIK RD. iE T vrCTI-M aerI ecember 1, 1921-lttcklfl udiEkt church being in charge. BurialR . 0F PNEUMONIAîwnÀtht. eis LEG-LLY 1SSUED nakidceeryATUET VIL s s i ýlaves oi itourn iier ge t iband. fi- tl iidr-en-- Mrst6 JohnPortous of rea. a ' and IN. 1). porienus, both Of in afltplfliun under date of Dec. irh.,W N ADSa Company and W. A. Breýwzr- . JonPreu.o r a. 1fz:T .1.J Porponus, of Lîertyville. XWoodi & Oakiey, bond atturneys of1 ton consent to right-of-way toi mmmd~~~~ pyatrhleS~ n p nteu.ý;,li rides on teold Chicago, approvedihe issue of $12,000 M'ANTED-Men or wumen ta take 01 soreocln Ra of Four Days. jtnes %an Plew of aWheatun. li.:; Ubertyvill.whihwere appros-ed b> forthe guindsuand teh oal 1. aiooebrother andi sister in En 'lie vniera a(Ilile general village eleefortegniegaate oir 1an twenty-une grandcblldrt'fn tand, ed atApi.ful line for m«,. women or eblidrt. ofntutthe, Interstate Sand e mosre has fle grimi reallel enter- twenty-,hree greai.granicltifdrcfl. There hiad been a report t0 uhe et-:j fIho rinartedar $6.00we e forl1con Gavci'Tompnury aro a b eer - r ildgi-,taking une of our ldesi -Shle was the motiler f n i chiidrl e, I ha the proccedings taken te s bfult spae lrie 8600a eekoar1 tonedte the rnr> tarf bas enRocb- steMrs Jon Prteus uf Aiea. si ut hem havinz îuiecedled lier telut, i esbonda were net reguint andtlitm. IxereeuneeasYtaedtthrgtu wyorRc-1 ris AnM a Pe a Jonbol o rn î ndbyn codn olw ug e iWrite International Stockn in le 7 AnnVan Pew wa. bon in he lad beynd acordig te aw. Jdge en H.Miland ruad In tPa.laedvillagethe oill Libof rtyvrtvlle mhire, Englandi, Dec. 16. 1841. Thbe tuncrai wasliîeld on Tueaday,.l er. wiao drew up the urdtaance. andi ortw, whicb wili shurten that road and el- alle was marri cd mu John Pur- mnts w rd alra sig ~~k 1870 the>' let t ibeir home in ~Decembet 13. fr001 the ho;ne, huril hadl charge of the proceedings reiatingIHOiRACE BULILKLEY, 905 N. Milwau mnts~' rd alut rsie * êaad sailofo r hounerîcn. b bin I bch Diansond Lake cemetery. te the issue of these bonds, maintalned kee ave.. Libortyville. II, will PaY and wiII therefore be a big improve- néar Diamofld Lake, near tahici The six grandsou f ftedcadthtbeise asrgarnevr tley sînce made ibeir houe. carried the cssket telils finailsestiti way and that te bonds were validcash for iawturs.4-tmeto euttehariodsag Poteu. ws wma u nbl' lce.-e. 'lib ienonh'odoliain the village. His con- FOR lIENT-Garage, electrt-c llghtcd routes of Lake Couwty it was iearned Ordinarily wht W(Ir, devoted teulber familv, a! sonuoflMr. snd Mrs. Ben Porteous îtefti0on las ustaîned by the opinion outliait block trom business district, - WeIn teeyday aeBlf i conscientiaus neighbbr. ýeci ibeing the culandon aOg tl' od& Ok ,th xetbond a, knlwakeease.Rockland and a stage madele amil to lend aid wlterever heu> ws twenty-one grandsodrns torneva whose opinion îs asfos : 1.6 Mlwauke Ave. easonable inqure 10 the earny a sae umasein.~efai It-and lier saund and heipful ad-;-. a c recorda hveexm dally trips from that point ta Liberty- vacation will hel ma ever te guide of! those whu 1ined acopy ofthlItecodufthe cPro O AETrpdesrkthnvle twste nw sRcln te er or ousl. f lte.she FI AST UN LAKCE COUNTY -- The: ceedings oftihe President and Board FOR SAe-t h areeesso 04 era then vIll. watInkuvasRca toa tber or ouIeaitOf , er ie penO!tofutTrustees of lteé Village ut Liber.>y- ~Ille. gas range. Box 5O4 aLîberî>' road i chiropractic spiin -.-----~~~~~~~.---- ~~~~vilehIllinois. paased preliminary 0vle514 SiryrsacnvtwrkItee the issue by aaid village of lia storm WANTED TO B'UY-Direct tronm the Khusgenos n îvue fhsw ns - -~~~~~~ s~ewer bonds taete amount of Twelve wera6or7rm.od ue avenue. where It meets Park avenue. - Thousand Dollars, dated May' 1. 1921, -in Lîertyîll.oTatniorna;15f0 h bu rea alne due serially 1922peerd ala h needn t 1931, inclusive.,ngo octo;cmetbnaow a continuation ut Rackland road and and bearing interest at the rate of fieepeerd al itIdpne48t wil make a new road leadlng taelte NOVED--HE per centum per annum. And in my Office. .8-1t asitframt Lîbertyvîlle. . opinion sucli proceedings show lawful FO AENwhrebdIvrot Proceedings are now' complete for BREAKDOWN authorhy for the sald issue undr FRSLENius dee overcuthe Paving of Par kavenue through laws ut the state utf Iinois now ini Address "A" Independent office. býeyvillage te Ares, te wurk 10 atart I was afflicted i% f ore. 48-5t pext ospring. l ttberculosis ut the ~~ for ~~XnnoUnCe mcind fie furmof bond prepared for tw FOR SALE-A Hoistein bull. 1 year ULRT~LCUE~ s-l e o - saîdtind ht-inaeot, frd.tra a30 pound sire; giving 70>, 111 fer,- ot oons. Cnt Ol Dagans Indue forin of law~. tihd 1in myopinion pounds ut milkpetr da>-. E. Wilcox, ei N'îTuésday-ve-ing, tt-e,-nibei 20.,!, t .i. iiiak andp menfflar ai nihat sit issue, lu the anunt aton- IArt-a, 111. 19-2i (0001 Anthony Ma, n- lK. -S Bfi, xitî ý "i 1 was adit ýa( s alt l a-sudandi legal> binding uti n linnifthle L,.rtur-e liiti n i. I N A? ex"Ia t tt-ilît iVillage of L.ilerlyvilte ..andî1NOTICE Naîu. Sor:t , i, t., 'i A' t-t liii,- ta' ait li- taxaible lnprr in t Xii the jît-son a-iho - ook li nt b- i -t h i, its Ui iI ' t, G.roceries and Supplies vj _ei ujeti h ey11s li Ie l),ioe%ýI itlJ& j-subei ti ie t--y 1il troint te- Nsît ic ,r. lat~ ti- ,h a~ it Aitîlittii,. ____________________________________________ i tit], - le saine ils) i-a-îning kinili>i.tloin s,i. - iIe tt ausp t ice t 1 i l, tl, .î îi 1 "HIORACE S<iKL\ na-- i li icekez«sa n lot - i- m T Sli'it,, iluti mien for the Qll4rtmtuuu NOTICE______________________________ ltî-1<nu , îîi- F.lHarris, collet-ni ftit ti, M p u ringli ait - tii-tir-r îof tilti- tiii. i l-t,t i dinne in ext w ek'sPIONEFR RESI=nuac o.wilh-a h an Mire, atri eti' nae (Il .i -t il din rin x e ksBureau office ail day Satuiday'. teceiti thet- lecture- îîiaiforni tla>. WHEN HU bt-r 171 h. 511. l Hf,- taa fotediit rta-'.lt-r. as Il- t.à DENT IS DEAD -______________ __ ;bt-en in et-ry civilized tounrtr tii lwW}en heali IN MEMORIAM Iwurld and bas st-en Ilite Passion ia' edso luvepL4uuLnuu. Si II. Wright, a tinneers te î,ienî JACOB SCIILEY at Oberanîmergeau. and. as rnany peu oO- uf Lake counta- passcd away Tuesday Tuda>' rectfassaitntreuriesl eacaa1 teet utiafi-îi oeN 0f loed ne oneta eal -ture oft;le genuine Passion Pla>. but i murning ai his residence on Brainerti falvdoe oet oiatosapite Avenue, afier an ilinesof several And those who tbink of bit odav th onl miaion Slifyound h aIst-aonteme llTla.,~..e vi -weeks. a* h dane g o "yars Are those who luecd hitebt-st. lIeeaPsioPayadhr lxtinlwi theeddvenembeag14of1920. ,eplained b> a nman e-ho bas oeen the- WWU M U M Uand four months. Several weeks age De embr1,92.prfurmance, corne tu the- Auditorium DRS. NXI W TflL VI lron dII Mr. Wright reUndfon ii witb From Lving Wif c and Chiltren. Tueaday- Dec.'20. i8 oclnck in the relhumebcsIenerhDakby, ies.At. U N MEMORIAM evenlng. There la nu admission teei- CHLROPRAC1 two weeks at-o le was cîrit-ken with MRS. HENRY NORDMEYEII n veyn ainON.Servoand-C 4 paralysis. and gradually grew worsAe In loving memor>' ut our dear wife,- until relievcd b>' death Tuesday. mother and grandmother. who passei GRAYS LAKE THEATREl Mou 1: 1 tt, ria Mr. Wright hall been a resident ut away une year agu. December 7. 1920'1 Dedicate4 ta the silent dcaa pe- d Holiday& liberty-ville about thirleen yeara. mue- Farewell, dear mother. seet tliy rest. senting photo plays of known merit. Suite 100-1 b n is home wilh an adopied daugb- Wear>- with years and worn witlî pain, Fine featurea ana daissy eomedies. i LIBERTY, ingFarawell. tili in soute happy place. Every Wednsday. Saturday and Son- --We shall bebuld your face again. day,evening at '7:30 and 9-10 0'clock.t Mm 'Tis ours lu miss tht-e al lte years. The Star- Moderate Prires And tender mmeries uf tht-a keep.N ThIine b lt> Lord tu rt-st, for so1__0__ He givellh His beloveti aIt-tp. Loving Husband. Cildren andi -~\~LL~i-~- ~ ~ ru-ï-i? /I (/' /Grandehlldren. 50 l ____ v Gifts, That Find R.eady Welcome GFI of an Electrîcal Appliance 's one that wviIl find most ready welcome ini any Ahonme this Christmnas. A gift of this sort is both a practical and an ornainental one-whether it be an Electrical Toaster. Percolator, Chafing Dish or any such contrivance. Stic a gift is practical in the convenieiice it renders, and in its labor and tme saving effidency. h s ornamental in that its appearance is such as te make it a welcome addition to any t"b4 or cabinet. Note Our Prices On Lamps Dresser Laxnps.. -$2.85 te $5.00 Bouidouir Lamps .......-3.40 te $7.75 Floor Lamp ...... $17.50 te '$26.OO Table Lamps ................$10.00 te $18.00 Select' Such A Gift Here. Oui Assortment Is Complete. TITUS BROS.- - 620 North Milwaukee Avenue OPEN EVENINGS, UN MEMORUAM In memor>' of. Ourbeîoved vite and muther, Mrs. Thos. r'ratz. vho passed away Dec. 14, 1918: A preciaus one front us la gune. A a-oit-e ve oveti is still'd; A place ta vacant in aur hume. Which nêver cao bc filieti. We luveti ber, oh! no ,ongue can tel 140w mucb we iovcd ber and bue- weil iGod lovectibcr. fou. andi aaw 'liras hi-sti To take ber wîihHlm ru resl. Husbanti andi Chihtire.- CARO 0F THANKS We desire tu tbank ail those who su kindiy assised us durlng te sickness anti deatb o! our belua--eti ife and muther. J.lioP.rleous, -Mrand Mrs. C. (.SOm* t Mr andi Mrs. MW. 1). Pôrteou Mn. and Mrs. J, J. Purleusa M Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Porteotis. hNOTICE 0F SALE 0F REAL ESTATE ISTATE OF ILLINOIS. COUNTY 0F LAKE, SS: IN THE COUNTY COURT 0F SAi)IJ COUNTY. In the malter o! the estate ut Carl IMeier, eesd SFrank J. Wrtght, adminisîralor de bonis non ufthlIe estate of Carl Meer, Sdeceaseti. vs. Sophtie Meier, Marie *Meier, Chicago Tille & Trust Com- Ipany', truste. and Jessie B. Davies. Order Io Bsol reai estate f0 psy Idebts. Public notice is Itereby given tuaIý b>' virtue ut a decretal order made tand enlereti o! record b>' saiti court ln tIte above entitieti cause on tht- 28tb tday ut Novembes-, A. D., 1921, the saiti admlnitrator de bonis non wyul ai tht- t Iour ut il o'ciock a. m. un Monda>'. "ec 16t day o! Januar>', A.D. 1922 ai te East Iront dour of te Cour; *House. in the Cil>' o! Waukegaut. SCount>' ut Lake andi State ut Illinois, o ffer for sale and saell ai public vendue lu th(, higbest and bt-st bidero Scash, .o pa> the tiibts ut saiti caat-. ail titi- ollow--ing descrlIttd rt-ai estate situateitthe u-Village ut Libartya-ille. ICounty nf Lake and Stale ut Illinois: Tht-e.-Uighty 'fi-ct ut lot nineleen inb Coun>' CItrks Subdivision accord ing lt te pi,; titirt-ut recortict in thc IRecrder's office of Lake Count>, Ili unuis, in Book G o! Platts. Page 18.1 Terras nf sale. cashi. liTht above , "cnibeti îroperi>; wilI bc a-nId fret- andi t-btar of al liomest-at and dower it-i cssIberein and o! ail lient anti incumbrances. No det-d will' be dliveredt ipurt-hast-ms until sa id sale bas bt-en repurtedt l and sppruv eti b>'saiti Canot>'Court. Daled Dec. 13, 1921. j FRANK J. WRIGHT, hAdminstrator de bonIs non of .hte Ilstate of Cari Meer, deceaseti. THE RUNDOWN NIA Y RUÉN UP IN HEALTH HeaIth TaIk Ntoniber 9ý (13Y (Charles 1). Nixon, 1). C. Pli. C). A run down physical condition is the invariable resuit of a chronic weakness. Constant pain or drag- ging weakness wîil rob the suifferer of vitality. Quite often the appearance is unchanged, but the sufferer knows a difference. ýen a man finds himself in such a con- ly physician advises a vacation. The Ip. perhaps. if the sufferer is takjpe- lal adjustments to rem~ove the cause s. Rest annd adjustments wiIl restore, wuli only postpone another breakdown. EALTH FOLLOWS. CAUSE IS- RE- with what was called tebips for hree >cars PISDONSIA six monhhm onl two (tif M~E n IfS"M 1 war, runlown in WSl n E o paiý- .tfl ifcl(.abie f UEni - OM oni tttl i 'Il iil NOS! il .iîI h, *tT1RAT ~, ~-ARMS UVER STOMPsCI MTH BGINSPANCREAS th begins de- BEL when you tel- SAOKNI o. 26 for an sm OiRue ent. Consulta- 'H LOWER NERVE ithout Charge. Uwou T$hE'MAGNIFY- (ON & DAVIS N fiisPNCE ýTIC PHYSFCIANS PUNCNIDILRVESCA100 rction of Deormiities, TR"NMI HEALTPUI Chronic Dises, IMPULSES. CNIROPRAC* ad te S. Sundays TICADJUSTINO RE- by Appointm.nt. MOUES Toi PNES"UUf -Newcatle Hotel THE U"«E NERVIUS YVILLE, ILL. JiKMtlTNS Ray Furniture and- Paint Store Ope. M@day, Weèesday »ud Friday Evemms TELEHONE NO. 9. LIBERTY VILLL 4 LA NORTI -ýrn alinistra puor>ire water three' ;IdAYOR DEAC la n e of the bot 8Id In North Chii ti00 of puire water ,ivy. ote on Tue&> elltî admninistration ~9-tbuttae Plan $*toýýitbe ins pjmnib station a d" el~vls, carnet, 19S* vole$. Foi, Ine l'tau.. .. rIe- resuit of tt -.i:-eas a see-lîlO 1-11try ast-ou. v% haîi andi conilst iWittir.'Te contidi -t-n urgeti by te nowiedgment ofut1h tecurtog a redutl vater. Tht- rate tilousand gal lons. coedeti laigetlng 1 ~9 cents a thousau, I ddltituiai drop tu #Md providlng tIt. elllds one millit Tues-e la aise a P etlt of lIce Per i jiddilonai valer. The contrat-t foi -pDmiping station i the .weias bas been H. Caler cunupani reatiy baa sut e ta turniahling lte t unother wel la Iâ Present Utie. Il aind jiruhably weill a .onst 4h11 t1--f- t v;'v. iii ut,ytle tc -pure %aler for a The alutquated -wutks bave serv. yetara andi are te b Io be replaceti vit lically drIven -wIic-b .vii.iump Wells. Ra-h utflthei a çcady af two _-4ay. 'iro tnt1 31ayor Deacnn.W Yaide oft liree ras .Naturglly 1 a£ mayor feacon sa lalnly ila acause ".aoIze ltaIvo9re lte fev cities 0t wbich viii reallY Ve are golng ta *abondance ut Il i atippi>' V.aukegan MILBURN DIST The littie fOîkO Chîristmas gifttaIt k.Amothers met- nasdayet ternoun. 1- liaitlune Mec tweek. The Fourti t gr rverage in speli t lieyididinl'avi Thete ollowitig à bt-en absent durt Roberta Huok, N% ard- Larson, Jean bilie, Clara El Hlauser, 3Jo liaus and Vernoni Wet TISe Schlo15 Christmas prograi Mr. and bMrs. A -Hanse spent SitÉ home. Those perfect ii -wera: Ethel IMCC lGutre. MNIa. Pearce vis b ome Satisday. Frank Kimbarit -Wle., vilited at 1 r Gorge andi At s i Wm. Kubotus Anpla Kubotas i Overthad No malter tah&a t.n ale-SYS -ave r- n~rts for the Pt Amas 5spectai. ft cet Inçindti tisticahly tiM bIne. An idea 0,oWOcly Il 0e.216-22; LIIERTVI LINOIS

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