Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Dec 1921, p. 11

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lL~ SIeeve RUSIAI ~mbe Made WI-'thar can e* r V r y BA D 2 1.--Judging frein "I on eW Uitsala tie *$tn aluIe famine- mm luiseltulacan Meiurng 1111e oet he joY t *ich leionIlyChac -baten oet lio eative iter verds. viliibave te à4tmîe present ibis year of whtever feodâtuff% 94 tirougi tie, xooneqs Ly of these more tortu- itÛdde warid. As for hel- tbey do' mean Boy- "Y parieq et Ituasia luti lb ta.qqantltes a he baie tedevateteti re- »hi c t ttu et8fl. But augcr4ii to steable dis- r»Mo usuad aeia.tance «dotber counîrie* i'ter see inie Io order me" n ilslani paI this 1 eëlace. w4éang are planning to 1 lplrt of tic gI-cal het,- teagenenoslly anti tous of Rtu zians. affcî- tirtring 'drougit. viii Sthe best ot a vcry bad tey wIll even 'have tb eat fj "0. ruelle up aîong or hait txem lb. tgv lega lutieir. ccighborbeod. w uole cties andi vi- een dylveni froma heir pela e ustenmflce. tas wie bave reatives ai AmerlOsa hi feel ftbe lues. tretcblng serons bol, atay thie ravages of rI bave.11.recciveti Pack- lue Hoover plan o? sefld- Mittinees viich vill $es.tli of viiere tier gMt food for Chistmas. tbese reut ittan ces bave ýsîmi andi m51i7 Ofthe re alteatiy been dcIIv- Yeuve seei thmenint, iig, ras.. ally.. talngon a ltle mur ful ne. and a litile nore fulineu uutil t thIis Poiret model w. have wth usn a uleeve ef orne proportions.fI f o.f course. wth the other 'tancie. e are borrowitiSfroni2u- ripean pe-asnte. ESTÀBLJS1MENT Off'COOPRATIVE BÀACIW-àESRUilT State association interested, in establishing more like the fii aro kt taboveser. remaiiis un- IIue IeIe .buaudreda of Ibouzands tien thec appeal for Pur- 1ie to thc needs et Itue- AID AGRICUIT URAL ASSN.' &>s. Aditional belP muet Tte -sn olrshnbe bSOIs as possible. îIlte9tnt- Tlreheani olrabs ee If ourse. tiaItiese Rus- Contributed by action etfIbe execu- est te live-anLai io ean be ilve Cemmttee ef the Illinois Agri- ý t la tirne 1k thiI.te a calilCultural association te th, fuitlisring WMa tarving populace. of the Investigations Oethle Commit- bi miloliot usannchiltren tee et cieven tiarYmen vite are verk- *t'1eIi ted bY tic Aneis-- ng out tie detaille eta national ' mustratlon, ieaded hy marketing Plant sîmlar to liai "yul»- lofflr--tistSrougi the cd for national live'stock anti grain et UIc Ameican public. producera,, k 1»W of 0 Anericans, but Thii. conmnittee, aler lis appoint- %et »ff at nlihti. Plie ment by thc American Faim u ueau lei for furiber relief,. tiFderation, tic farmi-je national or- tbermanter ofet icYoung- gafization. Letd its Oirst meeting in "»at b. ted. but the grean- October. divldeti mb suhicommoitess Wa .VirtU&Ily as aâ and nov la invesigating every plisse M la tier toodiens statee fth lie' national dairy marketing oit or oAmerica viii hue uaiOîIt ja expectedthtix ilmonth2 ý lu muchi tie regulan viii hie neTared ferlils invstigationa. Bdht5dly. Chiretinai In i Otier sote farm ýbureau fsdea- i.a oliday Io vilci thý. liens intereates inl dairy producta ,4v adle tecilter. ie*are, ie addition teIllinois, îeîping le tu bolu relief. inance lie prjeci. C. Larsen. dairy 19-11 bas alvays een ei 5 i'. arkè'ting direclor of the agrictiltial '&e. Tite Onty difference association la lie Illinoisa eleis-enta- liY"ua tic Rnestafl are con- lis-e on tie committee. v bailer of watt atid In- turîng lie pa year, tie essor-la- -lvltb uJttiemean.g at hanti lion bas icipedt teestabisi ce-opera- 4 vail., r mt areig opni1u <.â. A. R. A v it! pro- ltanmkmeraret. oisgFcemportlrv Ituichristiiaieheer for anti Waueg t usn.AFarer' icpy rs uferalinte land ofeît-lise rueany Asfemebee - ail-n 'tie Ibousands o! re- ieeemr a enýatda * 1 oMb bave becit sent marirMt. Carieli. 0S-be abe te keep them- 104fra gond F peli BO RIP pin~1t is--tfiiat lmake hAlBYeR M 1ý And_ Christmtas sae»T BURNS TO DEATII Smetu tic IL 1s for reubittalices, nue eons or by mail le lie if..42 flrcadvAy. N. Y. oliant-racei>re a blank ist f111 eut acnording le in dm rettu to lb.A. R. A.. Iof enter or certîfieti ittanfes May be purcias- , r. $10 up tu $50 for il(- ýuvitials andi up te $500 te recoglzeti Instltutiom packages rentalu a gen- üet of fleur. condeeaed ~bean, ttoliny. rookingi tea or tocca anti coup. Wet U*ubrellSs> 4q ome Fabit ps lî ?bl hws Agte wneC eush antWilrie umet, hun Vtt f sbfi e Detroit. flec. 2 adiO uni 17, a cripple. vabîîîned 10 deati and tire>' otheis njuied ln a tie rai!Yte- do' in thein homis- t River Rouge. Suiifmog SI ucI:te o li A Iig tîîîiîirg .a t 1... tiglii îiîîîiî%te'd, to-il> ua liq irn nialrhiliiiltà in, l'ii'j Ippiiues, .the tli'pilîl 5"ans uîîîîîe4 atîîll liii,. .Out Intolie tuelîî.lhi'ý e est-i lholluIa lie performîe.] :1: the itimis ut 0 .,'t eiîit ~DEENDNTDECEMBFR 22. 1921. ER-ELEN Sbi le Arroiý LiinoWay- Direct Deliveries from ClIieugo to and ?etuî n. Tlhe economy cun'.» lience, and eafety or ,,ipng by truck Ioamn tem whPehhundreda oet manufu,.drera ibrugbout the. country bave trecognlzed. 1 il tg chepper tItan ex-resa.feter titan treight or. boat, and jUbt me rellabli as any. rTe Arrow Lino wll eaUl for your gooda and, de- Ilver tbem te miêttr deýoIqnipn lChicago (or any point eu route) In thee slorlest possible time. Raies are exceedingly 'nominal. based on silpments et 100 Ibo. mnd up. Arepresentative, of The Arrow Une is iùi Waukegan eVery day. Drop ua a postal, at our Chicago office, and ho wiil be glad to cafl and diicusa the matter vitho-ut ob- ligating gou in any way whatsoever. 408 Ný. Dcaî-born St.,Oicg *~oe With the Crowds to the -Globe There's OnIy One Gift For the Kiddies s~Toys of Course AND TUF, TOYS THAT END YOUR GIFT WORRIES ARE IN OUR TOYLAND.. Waukegan gu chrge sof I was viotini of 0ohe e Love, sued fi o ;Ô$0, LOVE NOTES Rý EAD .ac biter Wyn. 1arvard grad-1 nata and emcut Rf obert Wynhie. 6191.. mat and Moce Potmuater Cesseralof lie United, t&t«u vspictltreaias e& "love, pitusopher» y.sterdmy la ati- tional lettesi alleai.publiceity Florenice Heler meceaanay. f Wxukega, whom he Iosailegedtatehave levet- tien tossed ude. -Miss Manay yesterday fileti $50,000 breach of promise suit aginet hlm in the BSuperior Court. "Loe maklng ad love phrasing are bie career." saitiMiss MXcVannay. ferced te leavehbo*,ue. sasys, bew cause er bis attentions te lber. I Lîves In Clouds'l '*He livet on Imaginatlen--believea that is nanan la on thieleud-buit ber. le ont little girl who wili brlng hlm down te earth." Tie new leters follow: "unDe 22, 1921. "*Thinklng of you. **Deareat Girl» 'i love Yeu. lîttle girl. for telins me te gave. 1 know one must gave te b. prepareti te take aivautafie et oppor- tunhly vie it cr09. 14P. IMake me gave, littie girl. lTeu catdedotIl f YOU keep stier me. , PIease dent talk of long. A veekle orpasenable. but afler hat tie, l'Illooek aI everY PreftY girl 1 cee and perbaps l'il flirt. Affectionaaliy. your boy, 8cm. Love Philosophy. And hber. ln ene in viici "Jack" tipalt viti phiIleeopby of love: *'July 8, 1921. "Derst Flerence: "Yeu bave told me. and 1 wendered at your frankneze andti vidoni, neyer te lt a woman break me or Interfere wth my carter. If t1aam le amount te anytbing. If 1 amn to continue te have the love of voman or vonien. 1 ImuetB inake someiing of mysolf. But yen dlarogard tie tacithtt 1 bave yet te make my vay in the wvend. lh is my nature te love andi be loveti. Cant You aet bew bard à muet struggle te keep My headtin ucontrol nt my heut? "it la indêeet bard te plepse a vom- an lkg yeu, Florence. Tiey wani ai man Iiey cari admire anti yêt one vie wyll devte bluseit to ber atone. make ot binaseit a ptappel In bier bands and then aie natsiraliy loge interest and telle him te go te b-. -0f courge ve lway% shall b. very wondertut fripnda and a great deai more than tbat, if you will onty meet me hait vay. But youre splted. oh, ao spole4._ Please write me a nce let ter nov ant if lyeu teel that yon are going te be a regular pal and sveýt- heart le me, say an. If You're ging iQ compain, he diFsaa afted. jeu eus, faultfindiung. wphl. tien unquestion C1 abiy youre orer yout love for me anti I iow Iothl ceftable wa h many sad thonais and a more c -nj d boy tian alien first 1 met Yeu. Misa NIîCannays suit waa tîleti v w Attomney James tÇ. O'Br-en of OBrien. Prymta Iski & Owen, lier home te atit 127 N_ Sheridan road, Waukeégan. but" hhe %a>sa he was tcixcPd 10 mose te Chlcago lrcause of? 'Ynie's atten- WEAR ASBESTOS, SANTA, OR AVOID CANULES, FlRES!;E Baria ( lais houldt I e ht-i'sirs- beto' w itkei s and i iiîiiii.. <or tes-p usway frona canule> >and open tires, according Ht) a waining -sîi inday by John (',. anber, sTate tire rnarubial. ,-*,litle care andt pieesution nl make ltîristmus utile as 'elanier ,y," Mr. damber rail ald no oI n> iference iîa' un i inie a îlay o! nicnrflitil."W Partiteutar cure sbnîildhe lts-let aw>ay trouil nflamïipble ibailsil taind set securely in a fîrna foundai ion. 0, naanents Fllollil d hof ot i-bîrnin-,E mat-niaI. Electii i ht outîlts in- sts'aqof, inndles shoîild bchieîs'î nwherev'er 1o ofe ,îe Ithe ne- iluçcît 0are tazaid. Main Floor Suggestions That Solve Your Gift Problenis' French Ivory Mamicure Sets Five pleces ot Fi> n-h lsory ln pretty îa"e Ideal Chrieimaîs gifli- at eaci, FRENCH IOYTRAYS For sour dîlîesel. Splç.nditid uiiy fîtl Cbrisiinas 50e to$450 FRENCH, IVORY SETS Beautiful Toilel, Manîicmle ant i Sa' ng Iut Ideat gifla thbat iaie awa',a aelcome. $5.501 to $25.00 Silk Hose Woinei'.% beauithi if'l 1k Ilie ai-e alisuye weicenîe anîd here's n great array ioxed fer' gifla. T'hyre plirp- îhîead >11k le gond veigit anîd colora. $1.641 to $4.98 In isanteti rolorns and Il sitýes. Vry wnand n $i1.98 You'11 Find Mai Silk Blouses ', Beautiful talîored blouseîs ot Crepe de rhime Pumsy WiI- -~$4.98 to - $9.95 mbDDiEs Jack lar MuNlddies in red, gr-een& bine fer the girls $3.50'to $5*95 ny A Gift.ion th, BATH & BREAKFAST ROBES A qpectai patichase ot Corduroy and flearon Cli Robes in. a worideifîîl aniay qt pattel île Sperial asI $3.95 to $Ù.5 WOMEN'S SWEATERS The nsw-eaITu'ird o, llPsei îîîl Juni bo linit. J ut thety-140for ma t- $350 to $10.95 FURS ARE ROYAL GIFTS .Fur sets or -Tep'sale acarfe. cholter'- motte etc. Fox. colt ansi mik. M.0,ta $100.00 fi 5NDKERCHIEFS îeyit i h . speedallv . 25c 0 DAINTY KERCHMEFS Ort heautititl Mienh 9Iî ha- tîvie. A gît-at aiir~-i boxed tfoigifla. Prict$ raiige firont 25e to $1.501 WOMEN'S PURSES For ciirirtinas gitt. ' by ien a varliety or lîtit niol 0 ethait ---.9 WOMEN'S C LOVES WONt ENS KID GL1OViS wsilb elibirriidered ha' I -- B> xiil andu w.hite. Sî diii -ilfi-îut 2.50 . . il GLiOVES litihlak wshlite. AU it e. ucceptabtî tt- 5 .SO [e Second Floor SUlkUnderwear t diîîty cre pe de chine 8 r anîd 'Trousseaui ciepfe , 7 cheniiîe, gos'it, a. tttki- moles inîîîî buîîîuint , foi gif t-. $1.95 to $7.501 SiIk Petticoats if 'laf'feta ', ilk ,Jer' utlSat iî. Ail colors aud siu*s t $ 395 to$.95"ou bis aiff N. eet!l 1u*o sit entay Io tu the ration ai labo t: M1 ikrmn liing fbt'i ei ln saal'it es su 4 m lijai vec8, medico w»ho Icine lia l'al unfotultnw z ire u e.1> , t ec* AUTOMOBILâES Hanàeome cars in varions colora andi gooti size. Strongly madie wltb rubiier tired Vey âeil ... ............ 5.50 Otheis up te $22.50. VELOCIPEDES Very strengly madie and easy running. Juît visat every littIe boy wants fer Chisltmas ai ............. .. . P.5 Others up te $27.50 DOLL BUGGIES In gond ize andi well made. Prements that will deligiat cvery littie girl. Special ut .98uC Others up te $22.50 ]KIDDIE CARS Ail you ]Niddie s ant a déie esaiand here's a dandy. Speclally priced at 9.8~C Otberg Up 10 $10.00 SL1PPERS The Thoughtful Gift Women's Slippers CoiifY ipp ùstt J'elt 1Ios au>ids izipq. so ille ith 1.75 Women's Juliets Ribl>oîîanîd furi' hua- PîeIfit oa leather dî.Ait 1.95 eviois & sizf's Men'a kid Slippers lit the i >pf>tlartLvit StY le. lBrt>wîtkid in ait sîze-. .9 Sphîî-Idid gifts .9 's Flexible Flyer stpering sleds- $$1.75 to $5.501 TRAIMS Somne fiction, some eIecetric $1.50- to $10.041 TOOL CHESTS Filled with practieai tools $1.54 to $25.041 DRUMS Mutt andii Jeff anîd Boy h ott- fiSc to $6.40 5100 FLYS ,%m e tiphofin'teed, soine plaiti- $1.25 to $5.50 '- ff . DOLL BEDS WVhi te cuamnel, inahogan y, oit- 75c ta $5.501 TECDDY BEAU of exeellent plugsh at 75ý ta$5»5 IRON TOYS of ail kinds Me ta $7.501 FRICTION TOYS 50e ta $10.00, TOY DISMES .Altiîiiiii, tinî or rhina at 25e to $5.004'

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