Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Dec 1921, p. 6

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Editor in-Chief-Eleanor Wald* 4%ulatant Editr-Mavi. Caloway foi SusinessManager-John Thies. Dekbd"4r-7Carolyn Butterfield. KaffWyn Morse and Ethel H'annon. ANNUAL FOOTBALL BANQUET are listlessness and anl inabi1lt3 10 con- Once niore the walls of 1. T. H. S. ceu:rate. ýt#ur,n bM'~shape 1jesouuded with te cheery latigher, lIn1theIeerfleld-Slields H. S. they ah. a:. stte, of tlhe achool who had gai bered ta pay art, trying ta combat Ihese weakuesses b" Um nt ae ,.I1 - borage te ils football players and es- and la build up the healtb of the scbaol 1,1t« t shwseemed coach, as welI as ta help cou- cbildren.'lTbe 1H. S. la equipped e'ltl aume ample portions of roast duck! iwo hosptal roonis eonaining four 4 i.Dec. 17-Weatber and accessarles. . beds and mny comfartable chairs ý. eutaîar for fanS i Asbar titme waa speut in reminis- Thçy aise bave a achool nurse wlioge gýtb M gt*tat f Decenb- cencees y those preaient, tben ai the duty Il ls ta .aecreathhel i l"Otba.l'Y ta1 Pic- sbrill whistle of the releree aitl ined the atudents. If .0>-ane feels iII or sU ot tle crop stili up around the spacidus tables. prettily gets burt hie or she gaes ta the bas. Itie So, ac«dbzte alaid for onc bundred guesta. Aller a pital mont snd 1lataîended ta by tibe 1)%**U aid crop estimatet shar. Invocation by Rev. Earl C. Mor. nurse. gai, tbey began bo. do ample Justice At the beglnng of th ichool year a r a h sledd eu.reaed ew weeks are devozed ta examlning Mw aoeu lbt vey lite Whez the annbilation watt vellîun- studenls. Carda are made aut for each aludent andI sent te bis parents. telling crop bas been moVIi der way, the honorable toastmaster. thsdfééad ugsigapoe t éot"l.Aban Llndratb. itouedtef remey IIèB«t la vgeOally ln bIne speaker, David Flagg, wbo, perbapa. be mea omoyeecsfta r 'IbUtthe growtb la RoI due ta epîcurean proclvities sud in- Thesimnt adenald wbcb afte lames ~ioutbo5i iOSSOdue. teapirètI by the apri: aof the gathering. casels0fnuds e raus, w ilî tnes t misture eaniler la gave id a very--leaaing andI forcefu caero aIb e s ein s aveben exm- 'a aod i the nn-r, a drearn of greater L. T. H. S. Sail ecton. Tb.e co hsdemcnlte !teesuî ined by campetent ,physicians. al Wu to bave bool m cm.bat hsden oase fteesn*a hs h r nevegtaepr Cdtlm YeRr. ta the better physical and mental de- itth e o tar e unchwelsbîearee- lb. e j. aexcellnut. velopmegt of the L. T. li. S. studet. midde It o t e lunn hrmaIte etterÉe crop, bovever. I. e., a building erected on tbe north made o! the lnoo il nd aber*-b 411allhr thai bad! been ex- aide ofI Uberty field o~ pravide ada-argveagas fmlanIag- quatte space for agriculture. manual hmcakr , M or l clamse of live training and physical culture. This bas been a grea; help saddglu- gâelày 1g900(. There ila st'Il Then foîawîng *'Dave" gaents lnY" dents bave madIe marked intpravement ýIea but tbl& la fast dIs- ab h uîerepaie h even in,.saes where tii>' ere grally ý £5o 4dable corn stalk pol ohwofrhrepaszdteudre lt bf ore as been reor-uecessity of sucb a drean; building. udreat ~bosesMare toasts were rasponded to by Misa Carson, schtool nurse of the Medn utNr DUbaý Mr. Tend. 'Cap." Parker. D.-S. H. S.. vlslted L. T. H. S. Wednes-* Sifttie Work ta I oe e Prof. Ray. Followiug the toast pîro- day aiternoon snd explîinedl the n> s- le oetheY'arus and the suis- trio-KeigDefedF,* a labor ln mucb lunexcess o! gramn. the letter men were announced. ti f KelaDeilI I 1 ThonE recelving irs; ieam "L's were: Ofarad nîany useful suîggest ions for, Capi. Parker. -Hagert, llook. Chaud. preventiug antI cariug for cantagbotîs Labs oCuty- Te INDE 1,r, Swan. H. ODe,,)alion. Lane. diseases. The students were very IPuîteous, Fitzgerald,' Englebrectit. îiuich interpàted sud *gave atenti, n WValroud, Wighnan. Tegtmeyer and to Miss Carsau's suggestious. -~~~ ~Voelker. Those receiving secon d teaul .T H v h-tIers lere. eu. GCose. Liecal, Fridsy. Dec. 9tb, the boy s of L. T. Ba.uîugartue.Akr rner . SaAz H. S. met Ià the auditorium. Sex ara! Iman,. Rlcb, Bulterfield, Hianea, L nestgtoi wrdsue. O'Dell, Wiridge. Case. McDotald and iiretu tpc eedsusd Heue.' Aterthe atZe me werau- Mr., TeetI bas alferéd te take classes Hene.' Ater he lLer en vre a- lugymuaslum eaork the seventh aud i koumed they uuanimoualy elected egt orbgnlgtescn e bm;Donf"cusFi-tsgrsd scataufq t mes«er. This proposition met witb show te93fl Hem. munIt ethuslasm f ro, the boys. This ~1oluyugthe election angs sud vîll kive the boys vbo do not play toisera In~ ldlged lu, after which basketball ao- footbll an opportuuity __fryn depated bea ngfond men- te"pep up" antI trengtheà their mus- ýf IJjjIJ( and orles of the banquet. so capabiy snd cles. Il villIlbe necessary ta bave seine wellpreare bytheDomestic Science equlpmnt for tblis but il la boped 'Zhat clas ude i hesupervision of Mrs. the achool board yl belp lu securul IMat an>' buoielaces. plenty le est for everyone, pretegt. luin. manual training classk mand clas- Va ye a iard Luck. GilU>! 1 es lu agriculture vas alsa tilacussed, *ý-ldoun Kitchen, '22. Most of aur uetghbbriug achools bave Frft a course lu agricubture: vby. not L. Fi.. TubS.BASKET UALL FRIDAY P. M. T.HS? Tira practîce games vers played lai AT.lH. S l etv n h aaa - ' FrAdaarga ter scbtai. Tfetgirlsysndf ~ QJ'jj jMisa Bryat'a capable coacblng played UL abc CU"a peppy game. The teama vs ere picketI AUseMeWat- _ f rom a Il foui classes. Frosun auinldica-. MTMUJA. CLINOIS. ions lb. girls vHIisoon be piayin Teopame~basksetésall par excelence. 1 -The boys' ftînins ea shl> trounced 'be second teasin. i ~ ~ ~ I C.B LNYi as ecourgiug la ses the greatÉ bi y >'sajmesn . number o! studeuts vbo remnained ta 'bagid.e Opposite Jlee ee tbe gamea. The internalant aue- WÀsr Co. Garage thusiasun vas.very good. 1Phone 35s TYVILLE.ULNGIS. What la a better blessing than per-s __________________fect beaiib. Riches, lame. bonor ailf E. W I..'ERSieau noîblua Il aue's beal:,h is pool. L WATMAntI 1v us>ay aperson acquire Ibat 'iN0 AND SURGEON. perfect hiessiug? Perbapa il dosas ual ,et Women and ChiIdren i al le lu the banda o! tbe indlvidualf s àS1111e,1111l1ty. but vbatever be your condition. you 11GAN. ILLINOIS. are sure ta lie greati>' benefîtad b>' ad- bering lsthbe propar ruiez af heait JOHNSON, D. D. S. tTIis la Good HIeah veek. Let us then DENTIST get dovu ta the causes o! bail haallb 1. 112 Ne. Génosme et antI vipe theun off the "'map." HealtIt reata vltb cleanlîneas. nustni- [KUAN.ILIJNOS. ment antI sent. Of the furt. h le un- necessar>' toa yai> Iaever>'aue hould ~F. BIT'RFIELD Tbe Ides Is that mont peo- SU.l&RY SURGEON pie are ual dlean enougb. - Some pao- int 81*10 Votoinai-isu. hie tbink it la sufficient tii vaab once 01i Ivice dail'. îStop and tIbnit a mo- ËTMVLLE. ILLiNOIS. mieut. Hav man>'ttea do yaur banda conte la contact wtb aobjecis wich L. J. L TAYLOR somseona lse ba lached sud ou PriaI National Batnk Sidg. vIticl gernsma unslie callIceld hy the -te 8.30 mad 71te 8 p. u. mtillions? Havavar your hauds are nat gâ roadway, oppoite ParkI as "able ta be neglected as ara yaur IRT"Uj& ILLIOIS. elh. nais sud ciatbUtg. They are I.TTILLE ILINOI. msa germ carriers. Eveet person u bould brusb is teeth jS P. WICM 7 ai leaet tice a day sud more if posai- *,fCMM mtyt.Phone 1sba hIe. Cavitles Ilu eetb hauld be talien UWUGN, ILLINO&S. cal-e af as soin as Ibey appear. Undarwight la causad by imîtroper ^«omunit and Audtor. food or Improper combsuatîan o! food,,. g Syrstuu, Audits, îlocss Care must lh aliaen lu building up a uledicaly far Frlruns ho grawing body ta pravide Il vith the oI a Permamseut Bookkeeper. proper elemeuta ta builit up narva. Hauntsuta8gp.u. boue andI muscla. A gravlug child -ni-ad munit more nourishumnt t han ~.UXON DVISa gmown prson becausehle needs If I9S~IC PysKias oakie hlm active, but alto tu lîrovide I-Corraction of Deformtîes, exi rt nouriishateaita lroatote gi-cietii a and Chronin Diseasses. Vitamines in food arv of a great val tell, Nov Castie Halai. uc. Everyone bas tietrd af andi ha &WMVLLE, ILLINOIS. a vague ideatet tai i aine. ai-c, yvt veiii i- tan atvt-c t defijton or hi-ti. Vitamîine.- ai-c- ciiiti-ats c-tntainat-inu M 0w -iou-. buti Nvticlitotite ne-gy AOUR F Lîtk ti via ii.nes uithIl.ficit-ause AIS GIJOTE ki tiee,- andti lint~te hitoi. The itablas, tiaagebs andt i,îlauw- - Hauet, tou, lias ta t ci grea ii-tii ol W0ik of EvrY n o eiihýone'a healtit. Sleap la a rotînt cElthere fr-sh ii is ahunalanandîlst-el ait least ea'ightiboul-s aach night. This maket, ras- chtecks anti happy expies- 5OLI~IED#ilna on the faces ai evaryoma. Se. b thesa defecta mantlouad are ta eau luInalmost ail achool childran. The mout commion sympto i !lu - ~~~prolteilsuourisbrment, rosi. aecsec L. ýT. ;; S. came frountthe farms or vish la b. farmera, Therelore hase boys ueed a thorougIt course lu agri- culture. A veil-equlpped gymuasi un la aise osseullal because no one vanta "sissieo" sud "moilycoddlea" for fu- turs taxpayers aud votera. Another good reason for movlng«manual train- ing and "igym" mb the mev building la Ibat il viti take a great desi o! noise andI dlii air; of the main build- ing. When tbe achool introduced fan-. ual Training and bought Liberty FileldI saune people uns> have thêught Il vas foolish, but Ihese additions bava matIe gaad lust ta the suggeatad imprave- inantsviii nirke good., Sa leZ'Vaail pull together sud vont for the advaucauntfiit o! aur achool. -John Tbies, '24. SCHOOL NEWS An iuîereating letter bas Just beau recelvad fram Rena Roslug. vha id enjoylug bier duties as boakkeaper for the Tibhlls-Cameron Lumber Ca. of Round Lake. Il surel>' doas everyaue n v'orld a! goad ta recelva a latter sc full a! pep sud good spiris as thjs ana. Aside ýrom ltaeunan>' lnterestiug de- Isils of bar vork she ait: "i loit farvard ta seelng tbe scbool notas avery veek. Il makes me gladtI t read o fat] the gamnes va bave van." This saunds good. Thte teani ougbt ta ap- preciate ibis spirit. Il la var: h soine- lhiug ta, knav the>' have ual ouly the support a! the presai aludani body, but aiso ot the-loyal alumnl. The Libertyvîlie Tovnship Hlgb ScItoal Association vishes ta thank thosa organisations sud indivîdualq, vho generoual>' loaed dishes. ailver- ware anct oZher equipmeuî whlch help- et ta metke the football banquet a auccess. L Bassai.Katchion. au attractive inem- ber of the Ciasa a! '21. vas msrried Saturday. D)ecembar 17, la William Cruickahank. Supt. a! tha Oak Wood Stock Farun af Prairie Viev. L. T. H. S. cangralulates the far.uuate groom, antI iaculty antI studeuts lol ina wishiuig Mr. andI Mmi. Criî!kshank niurb bappineas, about $160.00.. Ves! Bah! TItanka t'vert anc who itellidta maka lt go. Miss Loulisa Hoffatan antI Christinie Mi3câliln of Et-anstan. former Ieacb- ers ai L. T. H. S ., tel ha guas;s ai tha Chiristatts liantt tils ltursday ave- ning. An impott Soîthoînore. ta suiffing euil> haired blonde, bais just learnad bhat tRi-aBeach la not a summenrasort as hi- liat alvays supposed; nelibai- Is George Ada a mamber ai the 1cmu- onade or orangeade familles. '.Isn't is seet Innocence patbetici Bit: there is hop for hlm yet. .ýHave yau seen the Better Healini osIers? Thte>"re fie, Il v. ail vaUîd. 0alla the advîce vhich the posters gîva va mlgbl b. J ealth1,e r. The stu- liu T Secretary Louis L. Emmerson desoribes it as a state - Encyclopedia Sprlugled, lilf Dec. 16.Isuance or tbe "lth Illinos blue book "giOvu tram wbat. vas Uittle mare than a loig- lalatlve rooter ta lte Promegt volume et a thouuadpge.pcd Itl- fory .atins arebtedt oo "It lu a at ate énen lopeda etMSe fui luformallon tttthis volume in- vite.s@PooW iattention." writes Sec& rotary' Umiioseala iniupréface. "*he scope ot"Information lucluded In Il la mach vider thé bas ever before béeom attempted in a bIng book."1 Afler notig1httis " 7e. book de- scribes l é eat étIdes made la Il- ilinoi roa building, the developinent, of the extensive Park aYgat.begl- maiat orkr on the. vatervsy, and bu- Mme methoda ln use ta tbe aats mauti. tuIlons. Secrétar>' Emmersonsasys: "There la lu addition ta other bel:- fui informnation, a.d«ernpllvê article1 au Illinois, United Siates emelus i- ures for coulleas dUtes cf lb. state, sud a table oholug tbe date of Incor- poratIon o! cilles, a liat of public libra- ries, giving the lbrarlan of eacb; a table gvug tatiabîca of coult aire,1 extensive statistîca af publie achools systeun. University of Illinuois sud the stale normal schools: a lIaI af colleges sud universîlies. bistorie; Ëffher da- ta relative ta the 102 counties. crop statistiesansd Vital alatlstlce. Has List of Nawepapera "Il givea lacis relating ta uaturel bistory sud geological surveyd. a bine- raphîcal article On former chiel clerba o! the bouse of, representatlvesa sIlt a! tbe nevapapers sud perlodicals of the ulale compiled by counîles. s lint of the presidentsansd secretaries of the commercialasociations, sud much more 0ft almilar nature. "The book la ver>' profusel>' Ilustrat etI. Amang pictonlal features lu addi- tion 10 tb. usuai portrais are hoit toues of scenes tte state parka. monuments làIlilinois aud ou ciIv ar battle-fields vbere Illinois soldiers fougllt, the 51510 buildings tS prg- fiel, sade armories lu various cîties, buildings sud offIcias of the Univer- aity o0f Illinois, sud tbe Ove normal schools, typleal scenes aI the. lIte Ils. stitutlons and mapa shovlmg lbe pro- iress lu roed oulîding. lte douaIt boundarjesansd varlous, semtortal dis- tricts lu cook ceunir. Thé tronîlaplece lu: coloa. reproduced front a photo-. grapb. shows the atate group of build- ligs vlth the exception of tbe arsenal. ý ý d M là W 6 10 . ~UetWOMXUu, 2/,dlIcouut ou .every fluor gemTISîon lIt 8tuimy. table- lmpË g 0 1 np ampmetle '1'e-e4mrleo Dunmug home> la tiuar- lainp, sllk;jodelu auretire dlsplay. antlqed On account af à case 9f searlet A. more appu'eciaLed git cannqLhe fever lu the laimly. given. You'liadttrit aI Jhere l8 natw . ilÉ nohdinIle ss.aoretaylampltte .aoee n 000000 lte bau*, &0 do not be in doubt What.0009009*00,1 toglire; sud*our ver>' cdMpete stock, Q SCH0JLIZ SCRQOL o the largeaI assortient ever #boWjU lin o the cany, niakea lOb. mater or se-. lection ai easy on* for you. Ocbwrartz The -PSthe Pbdnegrs.piloa sail Furilure Cao.2 2Sa. Gemesue St- k1ls aIo records-mo edles ta ehaige Waukegan. Open ,eveulis eunlil na, 1>571te, cbange-and yet dostsa ho Christmas. 51lt moe(ban the ordlnry phopograp. Walter Schvermaa. Editor. Lt unsiaov Yeu th.exdleutse ealureb VernuHall., LilUai Gois, IbMa Ta? * î lconvince Yeu 0f )ta superie-. bell, Frsil 1in Groçi gs dvin U(nder-tr. db'Vats PlFuuure Coi. 2te0438 woaFýedrtit Prdercjý Dnt S u W Gençues et, Waukegaip. Open Ames sundBiaie Gehrke 'w«e e ftber ., 'Orvîhle ieler andd Mlldred Erutthi tardy uer absent lust gient'frounsebo 01lutasI eek oui W. bave tarted a ;Ibeth cede' seount 91 Blckness. luoù au sbool by brn«ngfrea illk. 1%e pupils viSa vere builber;*»éemt six ont o!f fu>'Ieen have doaeIl th# %or- tas-y.for the month 61 Novenîber pasI veek, W. itope he rest viii foi.*aie:' Alma andmi sa pau*inlw. low suit sous. fronce Leonis sund )Kd*tn Dutt.ù- liveryoue bas) reportetI gaad sktnt ..W. a"e uarl i>' absd vititcaur ex- on the te Ibis veek. .amtinatlons. Barne>' Amanu sud Barme>' Odett fiermiatl Pankoulnui4,vis Raylord vers an the ulck liai lust Thursday viblted ait the Juliba Paikonlu home anld FMlay lest Sunday. .Caroine Schverman luis l tthelb. John -Oberbte and lamliy spent mev- scarlet fever. W. ail sympathise wltb e'al da>'a lut veek vtb relatives ai ber'. Itla sbti a llgbt case. Palatine. ,Miss Mal'ella Keller vlslted vltb Mldred Umbdeustock. Cars Joues, relatives in IthecIl>' over Saturday and Edus Tiese snd Estber Marlack apen. Spaday. a ver>' pleasant aftertooan vth Alla Mr. and Mns. Fred.Kruger ra&dea Hall at ber home. The>' vere rehears- bsns rpl hcg uTuua' li;g sane sangs for the Christlmas eu- Wtllle Cordes la aI home for a fev teitslulien t. tIys.1 Mr. sud Mrm. Fred Grass waut 10 Mn. Stephen Keler vîslted' vitla Wsaukegan Wednesday. Tbursday sud Mni. William Brackunan Thursdsy ai; Saturday ta vieIl ltte danti. ernoon. Mr. sud Mrn. George W. Gehrka Henry Butt sud sister. Minute, ai- went shopping ai Long Grave Monday. lended lte party ai the Elasler home 'Untr. EtI Joues. Coa antI Clarencee'an Ssturday evanlng.' Janeq dd t tîta'li Crisithas -loalîng Xmas speclal, Ibree jlace breakfast Satin-day. m et, lncludlng round drap lea! table. Hé rman Sch wermnan sbipped a. càr two chairs palatet i hgt gray. arUmt- loat aI oga a Chcagof ro CI cally trimined vith barmînuslng blue. loa oflàos t Chcag frm.Gliti. Au Ideal Xmas glît for someone for Neigbbars assîsted luntIrivine lIhe hogi, Oui> $1786. Schwarz Furlture Ca., ,a the car. ~ ~ stlo. Oeueseesr aoun Mr. sud Mir. EtI Joues sud fIsil>'iS akiu spent an aujoyable Sunday evenlug a* the borne of George W. Gehrke - *Miss Alta Hall spen, the week end at ber home. Qeorge W. Gehrke and Ed Joues were Area callers SaturitaY. Mr-and Mis. Oscar Yaeke, Mr. and Mrs. ail 'Castes. . Mr. and Mri. Adolpb Caste,. anAMiu gIarriet Kas- sert ef Aurora; Misses 'Lena, Anna and Ldkise Scbverman; Bir. and Mis. A. G. Schverman and chlldren. Lîllan. Carl sand Earl. vere Sondai afteniiaau iiltors aithe beorne ol Hermnan Scbwerman. Earl Sch*errnan, who la one of lbe btudents of -he Concordia Collage at 8'rom 9 ta 123Ie Non ?RURSDAI Br APPG tUas nemâ- -r U4fý Pïum t te 71p office s u m nceebAlfa" LiiMTY'VULUUMNOIS, MARTINC. DECIE si shi Sot - WAUKEON LIOS office Phonoe848, Rue. Mhae 11W LYELL L I M Attorn.yat-Law- LIBERTYVILU, ILLINOM8: '-gdmt le. Phse ilê. Ofite Pbca 18. HAVE A GRADUATE»- TrO CONDUCT YOUR SAL ERNEST ROSINGà Phneo u a JIE Wià blve the I.5 Holiday Excuftion R AýTES- Excursion' Tickets On Basis 0f Fare and One-haif for Round Trip Between Ail Points. Minimum kound Trip Rate $2.25 Children Malt Fare .Excursion. Rate, Tkkets Good On December 22nd, 23rd and 24th Return Limit--January 4 1921l Chicago North Shore &MJIW'aukee R. R.' LMIIETYVILETICKET' OFFICE PASSENGER SATIO' D Art Ache«. pamins, arvom culty in uritinfg, iii serious cdisordors. Thi stadard rvmondy fa* id bbwdeyms *k' remedy cf He oMI Umes w DR. WL ýLEVIt4 Located 15 etîdElsata sUdPr Buak Bahidnt a TELEPHONE 74 * M1 C Can tu for the 7 thle uew rev « lte itevei ,. wreenu AcI 141150to lut tito Commlim t-r e nocu octgtrmlnietIl ubelatspaye f!rosent 1 l«tbaI lui t etber 'o viibever la p«Ie& r bot *aIl. i bu obeir lu, lhu la 8 bom !vithfi M.tbo rol obtie, t.rei il te etd mwe... the le * erdbffou Sor n Maes ltu'. oa the c %W' meen " M ad sus pioducttou, Peepertion or bu t e ii os goeering i . -r Mtaxpayer ma*et- #ab eul y soi tha t tory um The vill 1 te Ibe tr or a aflor tii t actual p 'be valui vmerynay -tiré stock un aU bpsisb5 lieera!d S t5e Commie et the prle prepared 10 trii market cluded inlath . 1*n the tc ness. the u eve,'>'busine on col-potaIl vlduai. shai oeil of receli lai s#ystem, t - il the Burt ,bt the boa inventories. Uar Ienms r emn.- tàs re Nias isyt Aibenrt Km to tîîelrmevw ýwoîk ln-Chi YîîkDa osi ýaturdaî Mr. aidi Wt loT'hured Wl itr i cWilogo vif ?iss10it 1 . 1 Ili

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