Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Dec 1921, p. 3

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m tin n early 4I a bd vor %piasgse*. erefuse te k lnsteat Of Lo- thseeffect u»e I*ortcî mi ftarlo >e scale han mag capte poël %itiiou os godade be 4 -eatii Mis$a Miltireci Porteous *Dent Sun day îigbt vith lils Edith G(oulti lÀbertyviie.11 M lr. aid'Mrs. Chatrles KuebkeG rý -f Grayalake and Mr. and Mrm. Pbifil Morse and faiy of Giier spent Mot day wlit Mr. and Ms-s. -Fred Vieiker ln %rs. Louise I'aidy ii apeningà few days witb Ms-. aid lira. Il. F Rouge. Miss Rachel Heckeîavmiles- of Aul r. gueuLa, lit., aid Ray Heeketoweller ai a- Michilgan are upending the halidaya TY vus 4isir parents, Ms. aid Mrs. Jacob Mir. aid Unt. R. A. Einit aid Mr. aid Mmra.Oeargo Smth andi daugteî, 1 Miss Nellie, upent.,Cbriaa vîth id Mr. &aid ~i George Smaîl and fini a ly at Lit.yville. Mé. aid Mm-. Frank Mitchell -enter- Wai, tise folowiig Christmas: lir' anad Mms. Arhur Kiestard aid fanily ot Deertield; Mr. aid Idrs. John Dol. leumelea-sud zana ot Liberyvîlle. aid Mr. &bd Mr». R. J. Lyon4 and daugb. ter aid Mis. Mary Lyaia. Morts Wilcox of Evanstan, le upeid- 4iig lthe hlitisys vitis hi* parefits, Mr, paid Mis. B. IWlicox. r Mr. andi Mis J. H. Rouse aid family enterajod lMr. andiMms. Bakeli aid taImuy af Evanti MaidAy. Mia. Mli thsli, Mis. Rmma Rome 1aid Levi Scarboýroughsupent Tuqaday vils Mr. -and, Us. Fried Luebkermtan ut Diamami Lake. Thursday oveiag Mr. and Ms-s. Bar- is-y RboueOitrtaied t a fareweli par- ty la houmi a1 Walter Simmois, vho loft Fiday morning for Madison, wls.. viser. Se is planning ta take a six veeka' apecl courue ln agriculture.ý Ms-. aid Mm.. iay Wells eitmrtained Mr-. andi Mir. John Wells. Mr. and Mrm. E, A. Wellsanad tamlly aid Mir. and Mrs. Meyer- Weiia Mlonday eve- aig. Mr. aid Mrs. E. V. Smith aid family aid Mrs. aid Mrs. Paul Rouae of Ro. chselle, apent Cissismas witb Mr. aid lir. J. J. IRoue aid family. Ms. aid Mmi. J. K. Aynsiey enter- tained Mr. aid Mis. Dean AYîsley aid s011. Cain aof Highliandi Park aid Mr.z andUMia. George Raseanad son. Ayria loy, Sanday Miss Nus iRouge aid Mrs. E. V. Smith voie Waukegan visitais laut M;lu Ethel Haines la apeingthtie holidays' at ber home in Guruee. Ms.aid Mms. Robert Gatike eiter- tAined the faloving Christmas: lMr. Iaid Mma. Lelanti Jarrett. Mr. aid lir. William KiugmUanad taniuîr. George Schsultz af Graysase, the Misses Aima Schuîr.a aid Bia At-eeka 0fraiivau. k.. aid Robert Schultz of Des Pl'aines. Mr. and Mis A. C. Buraidt aid Mr. aid Ms. Heiry Kubîm an ad family o fUbertyville ppeat tise Cluistmau bolldayu at thse Gaseli farm., Misa Lilîlan Russell Of Austin spent the -enod viti s&e relatives. Julien Harting aid Herbert Nocei aPeit Sunday lviii, Mr. aid Ms-. Hen- s-y Kublank andi famlly.., Ms-. B. W. Lenier was a Waukegai visitas- Tuesdax. Mmr. Emma Rouge entertaineti the flloing on Sonda3r: Mis. MeLaugis. lin aid family of Chicago; Mr. aid Mmi. Fred Luebkerman of Diamond Lake; Ms-s. Mnnie Schneider and son. Kenieth. aid Levi Scas-borougb, of Barrlssgton. 000000000000000000 Rdvisasas& mah eyaria, diich tlisbilding up of an ni d't*W or unt aid afrord a M"0 the long vogue 0f, eges in admit", as oves-y oie 'EUs CashÀte ,yarnu Dot oasly et litAismore beautiftl colora h- harder tvilted vaisted MEd tis%. nakîe possible sults, lad dresses reflocllng ail of afl e a atistie calorings whIcb NWW OrbsStal rugs, for axant ii me des. eof uany. ime Uflaacturers, vus a SMW truap of nev passîbhli- F'penstam l tisLe Production 40«8 Moi id coalls, wilWMe" o~~ ifaurica vear tisaItar ve. a~0 n calas-ng.equaitishe loasssiby forigneras e- wad ar.-Dry Goads BEaU' W àËM. M. A: Chsaer enter- Or. i Mrs. W D Prteoss Md ier ma, Ted. speni qWg wfts Mr. and lira. W. A VW& Wfflisas the gubtof ýhs. Jo. Peddle af Higlland Iber tiaige spent Wetines- Il ber irlatipmrents, Mr. aid ëpeW Cbrlsuauaavîth Mri. aid »M M afmuly. @ààl a Tbauaa Russell aid, otmrtaaci Lke Parest rela. or tbc 'week-end. d irx, linMitchell $peut tht W.iu bcllahys la Savanssab. o4 Mm IL M. .Wells. George ad Auia or.ris spent IROui e Xr. «Md Mm-..erge Grose.. t 1 C.Eme unmy mEs.wilI vtfa "à idi t si i zurieiI Rv. f.R. i.Kethahi spent the hot. I Rodies-and sans dayvacation viaiîs- relatives in Mich- Loag Grave rela- lgan. The Chris;rnas exercisPu veeeveil vas a Waukegsî alteide-t anti'tht chiltren titi fine. 'Santa Claus atide a brief stop and lefi suVolkrni pent a large aack of presenta ta be deliver- zocis relatives. ed by the ushers. aid everyttoti vas ly speni the pat nost libemaliy enembemed. tientis andi s-ma- In behaif of the building conmittp.e. r, speit tise veek thet iseasures- wishets to etend thanks o oui entes-pmlalng meschant, George ai Milles- of Belvi- taicliff, for the pietige ant i ffty dol- s et lii. and Mh. lai checks vhich vas founti on tise famuiy, Chroaus iatres. Aisa taulis. Keliogg, han anti fauili vho "valuntartly" doubled bis previaus gis Mr. and Mis. pletige ant sent a fifty dollai theckr 1009e via Christmas mail This la a fine bol- On le, çi theise auiiday upi-lt and ve hope ihat Il might b. cOûaiagius. We iseedth ie fonds ry Kane entertain- VerY muctinot au -he building la jut riétmas day. Mr. about camploteti andt tirefore appre- katisova f aiLke ciel$ ois tfavrs himonuoty. I alSO i IoR«y vinan iss tisai tisse visa have not s-el palti Banc anti daugis- heir pledges wviicithey matie,wovuîd s. BinBaie anti do 80 et ai eaily date, aid tbes-eiy . 1 g&eaty oblg--C. J. H. f Wauisaoo. Win., 'Tise Cooks familles enteitalaml a ,ý,cala 2 er. j house fâli frelatives anti f-ends for Chrbiuai diinos-. e: si'panti-Ur. Tb-s*o aUng gentlomen" visa usent , a tioe speuiz1 t bavre a mania for leufes-ing vils à £orne ihe. j aussi peapm'Éautomobiles isatibsetr i 5pom vos'.r en- Wtiatnjie tlier trite, os- :ey ma MMys John (l'oves' am. day b. given a fs-mmride to L, ïudlira. Paul Marsal chractier la spenduig bis vers tom uent# atholiday vacatldu ai home.. 0 li I liUt. Bert O&»It enterluine<i cam- Oi f Ulgilauti pmW for dia sr euiday aid Monday. Mr r ls. Pectean andi tarsliy spen t tic bla- flatig la Chicano. *nàd Cho Ir ps-aches aI ie home aorMia. "OUt o r Mil s J. G. Cook 50*1 Thiraday cvenhng at Md ofLlbobyvfflo7: 3oclock. SuPdayOcisoal ae suail ise Tovwn 1*4 Boises Peo Hall, Evea lVgice at 8 a'claek, W lt tise lterg mter the »ser-ice soaiîual reports 0;HORry Wlft et'u i e Ilderti - CeeAïd er vbat mautey bas Mres IiMig4m"p asst la «d b«W Il vaaspent. et Uw ar enuciMd'anti aiy uaed trams "'ti IL#"aihoueé i* - os ae«iedi by wsu am, UIL, siMi ooilait Tu»e ip )f Ut A3LAM NM > DESTROYS MNY 0 FINJURIOUS ,cUtrw(Rpds Fig.i-Vlegted'ostwe'( Ped"ema mar-gartoas>, a. Moml; o, normal fesac'tà»sapilar. cbieview; 0, saine lmCurvatiPosition; d, dam-k forai, VIOW of bftk. 0, gmatlY enfer§"i eue mon fi mlai sde; f,,y mass oM toe > (M file). r Prompt action la noessry for con- LefuIati visiter piowiîg af trellint cutvormi sites- thoir preamice igraaaida, altisougi Dot as effective hmis ioa. noticeai the apriig. ait eurly plovlasg. viii destroy rnany of Wbeu the coin or otes- toisai bau bis- thse hibernating cuivorma, as weil ais gui ta »Prout, viitEsla the tnte a cliother imprtant persa avisite Woa- uMMaly bÇb nthirs depreda- grube, and abouti bepmaticed wheu tiidoer la applyiag reciedies may eouier ploving la imps'lcable. prodvo dilotrous ta tise trop. XTtln Une ofaHoNa nd Peultry. nenal! ton otlaint write ta tihe depar<- Pasturiig Saga upon laid supposeti ment af agriculture. for ativice as ta ta birbar cutvarme te a beneflciai contrai messures andi avait saseply. practice, as thess aimais rani up aid TIimportaaice af î<cffnizlng Ibm,. devoir Insecte af many kinds, incluti. iunecte and knovIng isav ta contrail ng cutworms, ln large nimbera. Faim uhern la tboeefore evident. pauitry, If traine t ta tllow tise plov, Cutvormsi Inury aimaut fiwsasiably iVll i ro5 0fhIestimable value. acctaisln the spring. the, plants uon. PoIsoid Saia& aily Seing eul off at theseusface Or Ia .Wheî cutworms as-e foun'1 10 be littie belaw tihe srfate at the gsouîd. aisundat on cari laid tise use af a As atateti, Ibis iîjurrybeginsas58 5001'polsoned ti aitisrecansmended. This sitise trrt plantesEprant aid continue$ rnay he prepared asa tollava: outil lots Zone or eariy July. wben the worm. bave become fu gravi e. ~W5eat bsan................. pounde 60 ing bttkes place ai nigisi, the vorms Parslaeen or crude arsaase.pounde 2 resin duin teý4 bneth ebisBackstrap molassesa.....quartsa retug uii tse'aybeeai dbrsWater ...................... quartsa tu04 Or la thse sailit a dephisf artrm ae.- os-moies as îeded. hl!ittu osélacis beiav ithesurface anti dmacthey ClOWeY rosemhae the Mix tiarigtsly togeuier in a dry clai of teus.itsalihmoet case. tise staIe ibepoison andtihda.bran, tien caise o heIijury la aten not ap.. add the dilnteti molasses and 5Um- vig. parent. Irftie »salisunîding tise oreusly unt thsoraugily iieti. cnt-oit plant Se emamlased carotiily, Distribute tisl hait over the lofent. isa*ever, dae cuiprit 'viii qulte il emd Ifid broadease tsking care ta Sie fonti urleti p nphtie sai as ilius- apriakie l spihngiy arcend each bill tratsd <Frig. 1 . )hIncase bras tannai b. readUly ai- Lite totry et Cueswernaa taiet miditup ore altasiealmy Th* varions s tiverasare kiovu Seésuccsfnily substitutsiL entier a Dernier of popula» ames, Wisere brai aid otdaca Mile for pat- matis asuise glasay cutvarm, gisessossetiballa are prabibtIvely expen- cuivarni, variegatad culvor <FIgI. 1). sire or dURifcit ta obtela n meut spatted cutvar ig. &2). etcý but the q-Uanuîlc, Ihey May lse Mtteti vida inJuries caused liy lieu are ery M . u4" Parts af freili isardvOOd&aav- jar aid daeir hat e» MI . .~am lu dtI.The formula fa o peieti bait mmci the lmm. Tc permets eit on- DiPe tu MaISismn- la as 8015ev: Wotiruis as- re aS l tis"" lai 0185Paris green or vhitearasenc.paad "1111111-1-»,"Wh" btfl-alW jOMM rs issrdvodd mwduui-..poussé. S n et Igite u derngaummer ec-..h. W beau..................Pund&. a Bacth mots suai lay trou zi M Iae ..-------------....quas s ewg, eltiser la masses or clay, la WaesA.----------------qua.. 4 t a and boucs are t.haefoSnar s o tas Ths mirture la nat quite seef.8- in cultivated iefled% wvIsitibave tbeon clot uaIe cpaisanet Sait tantalug tlm gras o eda lie -ce4int fÉLU. damentire amaunit oabban, betl il bas Thse eggs attis16 the fal, a few shavi goati resuIt.s anti mal ho useti weeks asuer ticy are laid, nunsliy dur- ta advaitago *ben netessary. Plie lut September, anti tise'yonng tut- savut sautiflot be esed ase ibis vanms, suter footing an grass anti aemlsta repel tie fumects. .- ailier vegettilon, pantise vinier as Wbere oîly a uaisi[qeaty et pal- partiy gravi caterpillaru. If sucli saaed hait la requlred Mee tollaviig lnfested fieids as-e leftita grenS no no. formula wlli be found mont convert- ticeable Injury la Illkely ta accus-. Sul lent: ~ . .1'Wite arsensic orparia geen..pouns j FIg. 2-Adui or Mauth of tcd Cutwosmn, lhe spot- visen Il lu bs-oison up ait. piantd ta taras os- thor vlte-rav trapu the, wos-me, being auddeniy placed on "short rations," afien injure'severeiy theo nevîs- planteti trope, the nearly fn-gravi vanna teetiung greediiy and cmauntng large amouils ai food, lu notiseri latitudes tisey aMain feR grovtis anti stop feeduig ln istm liane or «asly Jniy, andi change ta thse pupal af resting stage. The lnjury ailen taseno s asdenly ISal taries mas-eta a lois ta actouil for the fsct. tu tisewesteri ntindartisestean vsates a ditinct group of etwlornis aceuis, the Intividuel members ai visicis bave been atudieti Sut- aligity. Sncb sttues bave aboya ts ane of lieu ai icasi bave lite histories quile tutoirent fri tisse oaitIbm cevrmn of tee maitenor more Sumiti rogiona .of tise UniedStates, as autilet abave, Tisese vestern cuvris have basa known umier the namnes aif"as-sny cntwormeu"ou the "veste-ta asmy eut- Cultural Motitods. Laid ta Se plantedto taocrithisio- lovisag epriig. especially sncb laid as bas lau ILgraus for s ansiuderable tlue and la Ilkely to cantals utvornia, silaetib. -plaveti lu mldnnmer or flriy 1*11 aboutUthle dîne éeggarase laid, -or, Stier, Setare dam eggs aM laid, for tise. voematian ibicis tu suit- aiq fMr tise mtis taeIsy Ibeir eMg upu la rernaveti, Tise outer tise pre- * edlag year grasslands te be plaîleti te- cen are ioed ,the lau ail be the probablity.tisai thc celversa mous vi bave laid liet eg*m dams-s eM. Sud thse lue, eomaegoe.iy, vIl ha be. danger 0frtMw* euai" the ieiievi ea. xol&se-----------at 1a -o-moeas needod. Ifte uoaten advartageous toa show Ibm masthus abtainedtitastandi for several baurs hefore usins- ilaa Ibis saccueta resait In greater effective- ne"i. hn ilds known ta o eliistedthtis distsibution ai this Sait aisonit be starteti as soon as the coin heginu Io ippeas- above tise <round, go Ibat tise cutvorn may bc elimînateti au quickly as possible aid tise lîjured ilbui promptiy replaiteti. Caueian.-Paiaoned haltesbeouiti b. distribate tinuîy. Prevent tiam«ei animalIs, Inciudirg fowls, tram catlig Il. Arsenic ait pas-lu green are pal- sonous t ta ali. P oteotIve Bars-er, and Trapplng. FIrmquoitiy cutornas mîgrate to eultivated Bids ram adjoinfuafgrass- laide, aid lns aucis cases the et . ea Se piatectcd by iunihg anase .bant af tic polsanet hall a-ounu lie edge af thfie ld oai iang tise aide nous-est the source aofsta«tion.TM@ foas-f ni i lifollimont treqiesiy accuis hiliste sesilil M ft h 0a ie1 West and *Nos-iÈ 'WIq cnt- vorms occur la hardes moving ta- geIber tu aie direction tisey naay bc trappet hy the fallovlng-sotisot, visicisofîci la uket hi army-vesu con- trai: AÀijirrav or dittb <*II.8) le plaved or tieg completely roundth tie Infestet ares.. Iattemli tu acros Bantisditobes the Wvams MIfai atiemi aid tan eashlybSmdeutroyed l, Cras. Ing tliem vitis a log dragged bath aind forth darongis tise dttt or frw Il slalov pont bales a- an sIn tise batant ai the dilcisetatintM %%la af about iveniy feel, tise vgt i cravi alang theo ttu bottorn adteul lita tise baie*% p#ese da.y sa bq de- strayeti br ci'hg or- atboam an. If thIbm iaU i. el sa »st lat vantet ,uhetatee Ilbut MOI& ytie pou Woseu ap ha pmaeslhy mm l iti vaiuen e. tictpciiie a « crU no lira. Sani Wakeofield and daughter. ai Des Pleines, visited Ms. W. H. iltancliti Manday. Miss Eleanar Priess apeit Christmnas at home. Miss Emeline Cook apid Lydia Meyer called on lira. C. T. Màaon MoidaY afternoon. Mm. anti Mis. C. M. Gilian and farn. ily sPenr. Chriatmas at Des Plaines vith Ms-s. GlIman's alater. Ms. C. T. Mason aid Ted apent Christmnas itilMr. anti Mmi. PFTul. ley anti famiiy. Alfred Moline anti two friends, Wil- lard anti Carl. viaited. vith Nlr. and Mms.L. L. Maethe- Moîday. Mr-. aid lirs. Guatav Sioeup ente- tained Mr'. aid lmas. Williams l3ock, man Chrismeas. Mr. aid lmas. L. L. Mlaetlier speit Christmtas with Mr. aid lirs. A. G. Maezher. Mac Mason sîsent Christmas with Mm. and Ms-s. Caikins ai Cbicagd. Misses 0110 antiEs-ma Bienthaler aid lDen are apenidns- ihei- vacation ai hsome with Mm. aid lmas. J. P. Ritz- enthaler. Wafaaeiigttvk Misa Rluth oft pnigtew- with bier auit l Chicago. Mr. and Ms. Chas-les Vasa enter- 'aluetiAs-tisas-anti hie vite anti baby of Chicago aver Christmas. Mis. B. S. Kueger la spendung tise toliays vith ber son, Chas-les, anti famiy. Alfredi Staitilff la mail ta-rie- on Rout oie vhile Eriest Ochroctier la on ais vacation. . Ms-s. Prioss's ftuler isapeîding the aalidays hers. lira. Bimeti Fry aid daugbters calleti on trienda Tueaday atterioan. Americon Women As Nestesses. Il han ofien been sald t"st American s-amen sîmake tise auai delliiul au&l succestul Isastesses lntihe. world. E'er-laps this la because tisg mcenaf our laid, su de0ply abaorbed, as they usually, are, ln business os- prafesaloi, son adays generally leave the dulies aid pleasairea of liaspitality ta tii wivei, daughte-s, maiborsanad aisteis blaiy a mai la like a guesi ln. sus 1ouse et a tunner or bouse priy and lesven anti-mis-ta bis ivife o ae hat lie cauta ara Intiatineti aidt ilat bhey are matie ta féel ai oas. 1 t ________________laa"m a uua r u a Mvni* a o d A e * d. Dr. F. FC 01 vis e O * W~s , ta- aba t m Bs dlp 130 Wiahlflgtan là ~ v the wh* o le IfWA, mi bww1 hinueVcsmi. w». AK' ti fe 'l iltutu, iota 6 ta 16. black 4. Nos-tir Chi. a hait tuiles away. "JIM'S" Auto Repair Shop SOIL MAGICIANI IN TEN THO W. ý BAux NIORlT IN 1.W. C. 19LIS NEW MOVE -IN ÇIOTP -M New York- boys are given an, OPPorttinity te meet. girls in their club 'Maire narriage Dleasanter and inore agreeable and Yeu wv11i salve the much discuased question of modern youth'a questlanable moderni vays,' Baya 11r,%. Gertrude J. .Amundsen' Misa Amundsen la kiowu te the boys and girls of New York as.- the Valing voani ho Plans good tirnea for thens. She has introduceti Satur- day dance nlght and nov la launch- ing "beaux nlght" at the H*arlem Y. W. C'. A.. where slip is girl'a club sec. retary. "There is seo little opportunity," boys In New York te meet and b"e carne acquainted. Thére la na. ,place for a girl ta find a beau aid no place for ber ta lake him if abe dons. . Baysanad girls go ta separate higb $clieots aijust the age vhen they should be baving good tintes toge- ther." Sa the glius ln Miss Arnunaren's club. started Saturday dance night., Canducteti by the boys and girls thenaselves, ihese daîces bave Borne. thing of lte tîcluaivenesa tound In expansive men's and warnen's clubs. Young men rnay corne ta Saturday night Parties an the invitation of any girl who la a itember of the associa- tion , or they inay camp introduceti by lettes- tram a chureh or boys' club aecretary." At tiiese dances the baihful ynung man who bas admlred the girl tin the red bat every mnmning et 8:15 ln the subway may learn lher nine, bie prob- Prly introduced by a member of the dance cammittee and may find that (hey bath likp Ethel Clayton. The girl f rom Mt. Vernon, Ky., wha didî't know a soliWhlen sire arriied. may dance every ,)umrn and forger about being away front borne. 'We expect yaur progrant carda ta bie full," la the oniy lUne ou canduct ln the printed tolder about dance nigbt. S And Nov "Dàesux Night." The plan ta bring the Young f6lka tagether bas been aa succeasful that "beaux night" la no* taelie lits-o- duced.0 "Qur beaux parler viii b. a place visere a girl may bring a Youig ma vismaisie lîkes and, they cai enjay the evenhng iagetber." sati Miea Amundsen. "There viii b.e a hosteau who enters Ile the spirit of the boys and girls. We viii bave muit and »nY athr eitestainmeît aur gliensa rnay want." Thebeaux parlor la anù attractive place wiih crner senta, brigbt curtains abaded iights and 1i casy graups af chairs.2 With daiea. parties aud "beaux fligistu" Mise Amundsen tinku yaur taika reaiiyaeî't sncb a prablei. altes- ail. 00000000000000000011 0 PRAIIIVIEW 0* 000000900000000000 00 0 0 00000 0 0 0 cage; WI)S2300, stamp $3*lê e IREAL el U IA Herman lLag to C. ]. Hublr4 Sy A. K BoOWCOs block 1, MarabaUide uni, ~~ Lake; Wl) $10. stamp SOc. R. W. Burnsanad wife to ,Il W. M. liuest and vife te Am*i Sebvarm niad vite, lot 9,' b Poppert, lot 89. WiJuoi'a 2nd sUb, Waahington Gardons.; M) Long Lake; Wl $01700, sa5iP $1. etaunpt 60. Amaida Sandmau te Aiiold J. S. Hasu andi vite ta H. L Schauble, lot 2, biock '*K" Barriig- ment -and vite, lot Il. block 6, il ton; WD $8500,. aDp $1. Park, Wauconda; WD $10. aigu H. B. Peabody Bat ta R. W. Bornai P. C. Niemau and wvite tJ lots 8 and 9. block 8. and lots 23 and Kaecher, lot 20, Hovard, 1116 24, block 9, Waukeua Gardons Dee iFox Lake; Wl) $2.000. taw U $11000. etmap $«. 1. M. Flynn te Mary 4Oies rYT. Wray and vite ta U M. RAser, 17, block 8, fox River apriiaau lot 62, Ravina; Wl) '$10. stainP $9. . Antioch; Wil) 110, stamp SOc. W. C. Arcbdale and vit, ta 0. A. John Griffith and vite tQ' J. a. Johnson and vite, 66 ft. S front on pesand vite, Jots anad 8, Gai Belvidere street, Just B Of Besley sub of rot 344, Lake Forent; W Place, Waukegaî. stansp $3.50. DcC. 13, 1921. Joseph Savage aid vifs ta W. K. Gray aid vile. 50 ft lai on W aide Lake Cathes-nela SOc J2, W. enhIaci vwp; WNM 1, stantp $1. Banne- Realiy Ca. ta Henry Eh'- feldi. lot 8. Waodbiîe Park ln Sec 1, W. Antiacs tvp; Wl) il, starnp 2.50. 1 Murphy Famiiy Trust Co ta A. L. Travol of Lit and Seoa" Sosînila1,3 id b more ai lia of 30 miles a minute, aid. cai ta ligliri, hIla lowcr ilian a If ve sisould hear a clap ai th b au sa mu t a ter a fla h « , ans, s-e could colcuiaie tiat tb chirg-e of electricity vas about i ~XHEN in nèed of Automobile Re- YV pairing try us if yuwn h beat. Now located ini the Durand Building on South Milwaukee Avénue. James B. Wetrnore IR«.. Telehone 36 BE T VLE Shep T lpo.367 BRYIL Back Tg Pre-War Priffl At iis I"s.eveyos. akodd do> h ml te . in peto ao»mallw.L 1-m byhte de UTyNt My PuCESon GUAIAIrIBD DffUTI FO MTUE0 30 DAIS AS POI0WS - Gld Cravua, 2t K sudu... .......450mi Porcelain Crowîs, Pivot Teetb, 'rue Bite maulda s.. Porcelain Fillings ................ .......-. .......k-8.0.t <WiJi Dot change calai) G(ld Inlays or Fillinge, accordlîg ta asite -.......... Plates that 1 auaraitee yau cmaeat cari off the o.-_fl (According te materiii) Treatmeat, sierve killeti aid rot filied ...... Aid reniember. 1 viilnot hurt you. i usene Mçainê fkM t I4(1 avay the pal& CICAG.O-i'. vr rs brora ali km and "v ia. Ver crovuet t te lsnuînatibnai rl A m*a Show in whicb housuis ofAmrcan andi Canadien am. Competotifor thpt hu.o l rm liai affered by the Chiicaga oarof Trade htait.eintereat aibotter e iirize liai rndtag$ the ex il in h hcise Uut Statua and Caria n zverun àRriutural colle es. cropaoi- tmaid farmers' otanisations l.WeWorkman, Maxwell DL la thc nov Wos-ld ('nos-fl ng. his ttua-oiswaeptI the field and for tise IIrai ure broueht the titi. ta li r*ie. >Etivrd A. Lux Waldm@ bdst., van bies-hhonnrs for thse &;U 11121 aInglP a' , and Frank, Lui, là, IMM crovuei Cas-n Prinee, Miste.- nigthe junior eonioagla =00 boy-s compoed,& GKee ra-it. Bosenaiu gint, von thc oîd viseic i Lm la,.i I tise second ite.. living Saudh Manitou Ilanad, >icis., chapkuLILn.. A hisbaim, Norie, Calo, won tise tvi. barier anti Carl RassiSes-g, mas, liat,, tise.i-rao4 coniet. "Otto WOU, La .0b Wls., «xlibiti this1ut b nlWWUgv4i rd claver. A. W. a Jr,,m% li 6.,buth.,àiat.. 1 à

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