Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Dec 1921, p. 5

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- TH LEETYVILE Dem)Rr, TURSAY. DEC. 29 192 1. iq WIWM speat Christmas 9 at Rogers Park, ut ot Waukogan vistted r*Uli "d idaughter, Miss NI »PeSt Chrietumasday i *ttk 1r. Churcbill'a son, béa, au i amliy. Bernard Doécker of Waukogan calleti on Liberyville friegpt i uday. Mc. andi Mc.. Robert Speilman and fsaniy vers the guesta of Waukegan relatives Christis. Mr'.&Md Mc., Benisain Clyboiirne eutertaiued fifien gueute at a Christ- mas dinner on Suuday.i Pay AsYou Gô end fay. Yourself First T1~ 'chugcit,"tb is keepi nmy a workmng mo'am eeon the grindtone. kts a bad habit because it breed woory, cscntent and hapuq3. Yeu Cao be free of 6wkaniap if you Wîin follow a sémoepha 1*-aieq>y7rm d lolive faf eweks niD*3.0, wt*300m the ban.You W-«p"up for tSn pua a yW n wil have thé anmut of meim cà n I1 3 d-Mhenby careful buis for =à hyoul'II bie befter on$37.0shan you diden creditN for $30.00. Pay yenraef the balance Put it ins the ban i rst, em a sycky, before yom TRYTuB is A W U. u WE' EPYou I lr il Lute CoU.,nty NaionalBnd LIBERTIVILLE, ILLINOIS MM PPREMITM Lyour eminm a a ping that 1Pleasnt reiomam ,vexingmgetween ms Wil cotiue, we Wieh -YS machHap- pnaeus and ProSpeciy for the New Year,. Schunck Hardware Co. UWERTT VU a, dçsfre' to extend to a tho Complemients of easeon, am~ express 1 incere aesfor 4rjwo.pstyte Coln- rYa. r with a continu- o-the Oerdia.IreIa' » eistig between lus., lu umber r e JC 0 ýre4 PMof4 47 Miss Minnie Jé-chhelm vas a Chf. Mies LilliAn Kohout vas a guesm os cago visiter Chriaimas day. Waiukegan frientis Saturday. S Mc. andi Mc,. Herman Haunacbild lierbect Paddock of Chicago calIc. visiteti relatives Aln Chicago Sunday. on frientis ln LiA*rtyviif letienesda:. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Carlson andi fam- Mr. anti Mca. J. W. Brown andi Roý Ily were Chicago visitera Christmas Titus were Waukegan vis t ors' Monday. dey. Miss Auna Grabani of Chicago s, Clarence Coiby las 11 at bis homo visiting Mr. andi Ms.. Den Clybourne. 1 OU Broadway viib a ight' atiac k of scarlet fevor. Miss Lenora Boes o! Chicagos vis-i C. 5 Wbelok, akeCouty armItIng ber grandpareff;s, Mc. andi Mcm C. . hee1 oc, akeCoatyFainHerman Meyet S. sAdvuo Aet nfnei évishoe ii Lelanti Watson, 0f Lake Forest Col- scacet fver.loge .caîlei onu Ubertyville friendtsts Mr .and Mm,. F. R. Tripp spent the Tuesday aflernoon. Cbrittmas holiday. vith relatives ati c niM. .I oln n DoversOroe.daughter, Mises Virginia. vere guestsà Mr. andi Mc,. James Brown enter- of relatives n Sycamoce over 'Sunday. -taineti relatives fromt Chicago over TbMissGaentGaysGnr tIse eek Olti.o! Rensselaer, lad., are visiting theirt Mr, andi Mca. Frank Huber spent: graipar enta, Mr. and Mrs. Rober t ,the week endtIn Chicago vitb cela LI, * sicr. anadairs. Chlarles Kiepper andi jMiss Mabel Langi uo Evanston family voie guesis of Mr. anti Mis. Iseut Montiay at the home of ber. Fred Schley lan Waukegan Chrietmas j ne, W. B. Decker. Idey. Mc. anti Mca. Norman Madole 0or1Mc. anti Mc.. W. S. McCiain and Mulvaukea, vas the guesi of Liberty-: famiîy are spending*tbe holiday. vitis ville relatives Santiay. the former'. brother in Indepentience, - lova. IW. 1. Colline, tbe veil knovn mono- *men man, made a business trip toi Blyron Prooser sbent the Christmas iChicago Weduestiay. holitiays at the home of Mr, anti Mrs. * - John Fielias antin famlly at ladianap- - Mr. andi.Mrs. F. P. Di'mond enter- olis, Ind. tIie Mc.. Bertha S. MorrillifBu Iliand several days lest veek. Mr. anti Mca. William Schley enter- FrdJrhiJ. fnsa I taineti a number of Long Grove rola. i FredJocbbem, Jr, 0f Knosha ives et lheli orne on Nevhecry ave.. I teti ait the home of bis parents, Mr. andi Mr. red Jochbem Suntiay. Sunday. :Mr. anti Mc.. J. W. Hutchingi spent The ladies' Aid Society o! the Pros. SChriast.. Anca vith their1, byterian church vii meet n the par- IMarsba1jý Hutchings and family . n l' orso! the churcis on Tburstiay aftec- * 1 nooIn, Jan. SAi. jMist Marie Englebreçht spent last; iSunday ln Highlanti Park et the home Mr. anti Mc.. C. A. Knigge. Mssi- o f ber siater, Mc.. Joeeph Petdile. dreti Evilsizor anti Bernard Deitisorn spent Christ- n nChcago, an"d 2- Z Barker's Superfine Flavoce. non- tendedth tise&ter. E aicoholie, gve baking the ceaI tait. » that satisfies. At ail grocery stores. Mrs. Thomas Sage la a patient et 1 Mc!niMi odnY el ni'he Lake Coùnty General Hospital, anti Mr. nd M. WodenY. Wlls ndunderweni an operation at that insti. son, Cbapman o fElgin, spent the week tilan Wetiueaday. on itis the formera parents, Mr. andti SMc.. E. H-. Welli. Miss VirginieCollAne of the DeKalb Normal fichool, las pending the hal]- Mc.. Anna Doithocu anti Mrs. Rob-'irvctinvl e prns r j ot Spelîman vent to Waukegan Tues-, aýaaiI lhbrprns r c day evening to iOO "Over the Hll" et 1anti Mm. W. . CoMin. 'tIhe Majestic Theatèr. . Sitter Vtals. Sfluer Seraphine anti Mr. anti Mc. ufeHtisoan t Mr. anti Mcr..Thomas Varney ana'so, . ee usetuthensonAt Ison, Melvin, of Lake Forent. vece ueî hoe otn4ay jChristmas guests of Mc.. Varney'sHthnm oeWenga. It moiber.r. Mande E. Lusk. Miss Stella L'angvortisy ia speslding Chritu da Mc ant Mc. E W.tise holidai seasn vith be'r parents, Criustanti yM. ani Mr@ . U W.tMc. anti Mcs..& T. Lsngwortisy. Sis Parhurt ad M. ad Ms. haresyul resume hec studies at De Kalb IG. Elveli of Highiandi Park vers the Nma colnX ek Idis Isabelle Cartuon, vho lastoab- The Ladies' Aid Society of mthe M. E. ing Sebou] la BM±aVia, -o. i pe- ntuchurch in l met et the churcb Thuce- the oliays i te hme o h luday afternoon. Jan. 5. The membese 1q * te hlidy. i tse omeo! er ar.are requestedtu tonote change of daýe Ain Ienta, Mr. andi Mc.. J. 0. Carlson. on Novecy aeneanti plan to attend ibis meeting. $820 E Helen Mary..the iittle dsnghter of 1 .Mri, fAevil ifigu IMr. anti ïM-.W. B. Docker. han- . - mbWaukegan On Wasbington street o cuvera!e, frou attack of diphtoherie, lait Sunda'y n1ght 'à hi. automobile, I ani tse ~anue hu ben Iiteddiaputedth Ue riglis of vaywvIth ans ai andthequaatie hn ben irtd; hbstsreet cars. The cenit va f rom the Docker home.m e ws 1causer baffly battereti auto. No one * Mr. ant ireic. George Carrolof ma-, vas njuceti. MFplevooti, NeW Jersey, anti Miss KaZe A. P. Wellsp vho bai bean absent Cr o!l o San Francisco, Calif., ar. from thse county for about tventy-tvo civeti Saturday ta spenti the holiday yas aiglvdi otnalta cnonW h their ,parents. Mr.and ya. alglvt nMnaaalta W. Crroi. ' 1 lime.las back foc a vAuit wvu Lake county relatives. Ho la a brother of 8Mr. anti Mc.. E. H. Wells entertain-' Nathan Wells anti Mc.. Thomas Sage d oti a a fumiy rmtion Monday, Useir of Libertyville. Ichiltiren anti grauticisilren ta thse Diim- Mr. anti Mci. J. W. Brown entortain- Ifber of tvenly-four bAing prenant.On hflivngut taCsitm. *or thoseeceai olti Ume family lace e dnnr: Mc. anti Mca.. roebm, Mcs. w as sorvoti, anti everyooe pranet. ce- Kbrhff Mr. andMrsW. eton potdas-nddfoe o! Chicago, Mc. anti Mc.. Zou oof Wau, -2 John Cole let Oneiay for Dayton. kegan, anti Mc. anti Mc.. Sullivan of io1, foc a veek's riait &.thUe home Highlandi Park. iof Mr. anti Mc.. George Gu. Hia ietvib hptrOdr1!ts json, Mitchell Colo, ha been n Devînu ietvl CaerOd oth Efor uovecal irontisi. andi la atîendîngi Eastern Star, hbeau en tvltoti 'o ai-4 E ecoolAn tse blo ry. utc.COl tend the installation of officer. of the eoxpects to reiun home thse latter part MyodCatr 0h et ota Eof .bis veek. eveaing, January 2, anti ae has been - . j invitedt taattend tbe ceremony at Use 6: Theodtore anti Timothy Vanticever!? Campbell Chapter the folloving Wed- v ho roside noctb of tbe village on neutiaY. JauuacY 4. Milvaukee avenue. left Tuosday moru-I ing for Nov York, f rom vhicb port Asovabo 1M.aniMs they saileti ibis veekfor Germany. io Mm..U J. Wertilec Monday, Dee. 26. roain about ivo montha viiting, at - iheir home on Lincoln ave., Liber-- tiseir father at Bakbuon, Germany. tvle r etlrA nadtrA , il bas been sixteen yefrs aine eiiher the employ of the Norths Shore Lico. of the~ Vantierverfs bave visltedti beir anti gays Ibis la the tfinest proent ie oli ~olti ganta Claus coulti bave brought, rel&tm a te ol cotryeven If ho vas a day late. Jim Baller, visa for the pont several LutI Baîu'day mor*iag Mr&. John. moths ha beon maser et the »And- Whitney alipiiet on these iy ut.» et lieonsumTheater Inu Ubertyville, han tuben the management o! the Village hec home. tikring oen hbock of her Th~terAu lhett. Tisi. ous.'heud. 8h.cvasrendoeciuneocamoou ereter aon eo tth* hast inors d- Ifor about ivo boum, and for avisile Il erfot aofs te Mrlallsersionrtevwvu feared taeosuffesed internai. n borth shoe n ratu ate bis rceir1jiunies ie. blaunov remoering from un havicng secuteti s orbias fbionsthe etfects et ber fal .ithougis more- vol payinghbouue. Ho vill continue vsIbusi to coSdct Use Auditorium bore. . Mm . arryHopiâ of! u.tbu, A&t St. "Oephs Catholl cisurcb last EngUani, cent a ph=,Ïmpdding te be,,r Iundy, se coir undr Ue j i i-mother, Mcs.. obert lii. 1i1 urriveti reotion of Mc.. George McDonald antid Lbryil ua aUn o hi XiaM. Hapkre, orandat. asng Mfluor.1 tsudAmier, andthUe fsmily vw aou' Mas i Us Aie "dou e lfte. 10 mtut OR Uth et0 lEuBa dol'As ar. ]ILNolo"deoygste ". wliait delicacl'. Mua. oheisluauveil dela" arr byNotllo; "olyNigr"knovu hors, ant inla alatter visheu to (arr. by ; ),Gonnoti'a "0 gain-harem rei1brmayfeu. tariu» anti Roeevig'a"Tantum Ergo."b eebrdtebrmyfins The mâss vua selecteti hacauseofo li isâme, Use iltle d&ugbtér o! Mr. anti devlooal toue anti charactor. Thse M;% Henry A. Boy«,. 1* North jack-. cîchrant vus tise puator, Use Bey. ion atreet, 'waukeg&n, vus »ainfulym "otsr 11-Luttrell. Nearly aIl tho mets. burneillait Tuouay mra«. whilem bers o! thse choir vers cepresoutot inlaDbeuft-abmut the emow. Ue tirl M th. "Mlos irougisouttheb. ervice. Thero feonagimt a boutvet hM alâg berU MVier lAlaebligato. by MinesHUda rlght sUns andile&t huai.TIb lrma* H*Pke. Ut. Joe"laa choir bua arepu.-voietreateti hy & physianlla% ,gr ttimof etbeing oe of the but la the noteoouud«ere er@d Mr. M i. (liieagoarohiiooucandi thonse vOIe ne e vre f«oreoy ieio«mtu et lj.1 verUlaut*eaiauo at thé Christmsu rtM> an sd are kaev 1 te, evrym muas PrsOMUmotise choir et litubeut. la oui 'nwugc Teleî sel, The at 45 afterx clerk, gram goTuestiay mrigbten*Gv Sma 1. Russell ant State Treaeurer Miller. This Je fdve cents higher tan At vas a Yser ago. It i. 45 cents for eacb $100 valuation on ail landi but dose not ap- ply ta lots. -Thse conference vas belt iAn Chicago because the Governor notifieti the Ivo tUber members of the rate fixing body Abat It voulti ho Anconvonient for him tO 0 oto SDrlngfieid for.their scisedul- oti meeting totiaY, anti askedti em 10 mneet bim at a Chicago hotel Instead. ~~LTE~ T XR T ja NOTICE iAIMUAL -J &TE TAX RA E 1 A U)e i etilfing of Liberyvilitc i Tht 1annms< No,492A. F. & A. M., will bé The ana ledon Thursday evening, J"an 5, 1922 jMuitUg aso L.1 FIXED AT 45 "Om'y(t7oiOcln thljoW , ,ÇENTS TIJESDAYi Prof J. AIpihonzo De Tri po' wiI pre- ary 1h,12 m21f CHAS. F. SMIALE Sec'y. act any otbsgl tion otof MM ýram' from Andrew Rus- PUBLIC NOTICE li HEREBV GIVEN Al Smbeisu state. auditor, ta County - 'at the second 'nstailment on 81*e-; IerkHende rceivd tial Assessment Warrant No. 14, Vil- M1l1burs JM,1 fl e r , H e d e e e c ei ed lage o f L iberty ille, for Storm W ster l estate tax rate as fixed today Sewers yull be due January 1, 1922, 5cents, t vas announceti thie and payable at lhe Cllecorls office- omn by Loy A. Hendee. county LYEYY H. MORRI, wbo bad Jilis received a tels. 52-tf Mlco from Andrev Rusgee, state Anti- C>lco1yo rolovinga acoflîeren'e Aln chies- i -- PUNILS SELL 18,800SERLS Thse DupIs cf the. Wauke,,an City Schooîh have Rold 18.800 Chrietmas Seals for thse Lake County Tuber- Ctiîosip Society. Thse following num- ber were solti aItbe vacicus secools: GlIon Floca - .._-1325 Central .... .. .452 6 North 4304 Andcew Cooke ....... ..2132 W est .... ........- - ... 1667 Southi-.-... --...-..----.-.--1804 McAlister ...... 2158 Jackson ............ .........784 Mma. RaIsone Tinsobeck, a iifelong reaIdent of Lake couflty, died a. ber home ou Bradley Réai, southeast of LibertYiIle lest Sunday morning at 4:30 o'clech. death beiug ascribed int Olti age. She As surviveti by three sons --Cbarlea True, vitb viSom Mrs. Tirpe- bock matie ber hume; anti Fred anti Harry, vho qoein l Bacaboo, W.. The funecal Was belt i e St. Josoph's Catboltc chuci Tuestiay mornsing &I 10 o'clock. Thse romuains vere laid 10 ceai An fir- Mary's Cemeiery, et Wau- keg1n. At3 pho ANNOUI4CEMENT Shampooing andi round curling doue tmy homo, 117 B. Church St. Tele. honelSl-R. MAPRL WILLIAMS. NOTICE W/ili the Petson vho picketi up p'- irdale dog on Sumday, xindly- return une te LibertYyille BakerY, and rem ve revard. Dark brovn dos, vith ghr brovu foot; univers te the Dame rBelle. 52-lt lEYu_ si PE VD fi n First Mortgage Faim On Laie CoualyFaMs We have a choice assortmnent o f I'igh va First Mortgage Lean Notes in. Deniatiam. i $500 and upward, wbich we rèconimend for inwit ment. We cordially invite your inquiry in per»Rn 0 by mail. STbecause it is aà miboresd cuitom but Lassai of thecssmcexîty of our appreciat im. 1w. tabè this opportunity. ta thank you. for thc part youhae played i ur business prospenîy Uic past twe, montha' and we wish you a Happy New Ycaï Worth WhiIe Dry, Goods For The ,Holidays, Si Jka Crepe DeOhiue- Georgett4w4 Wash Spleid values in WOOl Drm sGoods. Li"nnSheeting, MUB#in, Long OioUth ains Tow.Jing ç>ela Pace Olothem~i>ki Tamble Scarfa ilw ae, ilw Nig Ohoeto, Ticking. Gigbaoms, and Çhambrayn Lades an Oildrens' Hoser yUnderwoir, A 1ey arge asortment of Handk. Î&~ A (odLin. of Ribbonsi. W-. W. CARROLL & SONS' C 0 cal.and Personal--- lain of .Especial Interest ta Libertyvîlle people om rewut *ntaill, ' l a te IMM tà r pou». w to i Td..39 1 6%

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