wkkN1mwm Ny Setew*d en Thome %VePfl Vounig Or ciAfe Unouly Olgnlfleà LA Dfbase la ,ere Important matter ln Jmeut households, and of cours.eit 4, flehoàh consldered sufliciently to 1w- noIlsure thé. poor -heleso mteb of bu- ear minltybaving a label that it wll fDot be asianiedto sgthli e tet fIii lte. Any good plain English name vil do' paratuem that. But. a matter even more Impor- avion af tant and nfot no easily dspoeed of la lhe [é- -thatof ethe nicknaie. Wiiatame le O"t8 wtlltietsYoung person ocquiro as ho le la the 99« ethrousb lIte? That depen 1ds t atu mtyggon blseli nd the. kind of as- ZO 1 , secintes ,'lihe h. . Tivory lit tlilnc Me 0 t b wlshod for hlm la that ho ehould »Ver tc le nticnamed. Ustialythe t oter- oaly peupe who are never nlcknanied aed lot are eltter very unpopular or ver>' 41<- liai off uifled, thougli there am re xelous. ed ltat But thée niekume le a sort of expres- sie~eaon eof affertiobd. nnd those wiieo at >:atatlon «mmlte mati>'asa Uey go.througii lite [h ut! ultould regard then> ai Inigula of ý h -frtendahip and bencé of honor. The MOU. uAnial word on nicknameo was iwttOi the t.j. 1001Y Yift o y >Oliver .Wendell ea thO U«6100%e: Q eflaMm»..fadmet lenigth Qur llagelngd"Y. Coe*î Wo. carme *biat pompoust If>batone le City,.affd inathe beau rta iilove usnitiLI- me badAile l acet be; hie lacet B318" t omera--Oblo tate Journal. 4 ont ut l btnWORLO HAS CHANGED LTTLE las the e o e Wlucti.nueing Netbede la Old Ponipeil Mini> i. Thoee in V.5. lan Installa- Our O'4vtTime. vo*" bIe tit 41WN* eOfbo Ottat Omew aoldosilà wu seboafor.,m W* wo f eidar e nue ii tmrovt or i et Autadit MMM athe m lerul eouhel j«»atéefthot t ovée a. sela *lstod t e c M ad i. tpe et e tveter cndt 1 sof lm lnseait . Iice ahove -the it cicor for. tie ti sulmirnne Antenna enna used vas a Ioor an- listing et a sile vire rua tuayt!on the aid.etfthe efed ai eacli end 10to t. The iteol tins formnetiport MoMa- l'b1 lastuliliar 1tii.h boep unteina -that vas de- P tembera etftiie staff et a of Standards duringthie as M Our navya aubma- la e.Iected liaItih. radie im the lteaving bots con ln suc)>L - aa as.hoon- *rte oe ii en tho eaOl wtr badî>'Ila heavy @eai. sar> ,experimontu. ýbetore 09&artus vas instalied on lest for thie demonstrahion. 04 on a moter truct aheb Standardt ai Washington. cit vas drivea over lte e devie vaa teated. bctd liat thb'radio lele- mikatu onlthe ife hoata [t&nyt horse iiardshlp for t the Ceait (huard aid-vill Ofvli of0<lifte aW eil. Often - vol go eut hoo a hhp ln 4 gmatroi the ss lanleavy 1 nigit ln search of crev Sers vItehave laientot teo retur ohoen lathé 110.1 tiat 1theahlpvrecited I i'eacied laid tu aatety Ws the. vrk. Constant OM* h6tOmvenCoast Quart!1 lton m vil liminate aucb 9andi danger. Thi yul ai- pfflible for thé shore sta- let o surf boat wvilc ig ýor Survivors. MOT SCHOOL e Mliu paohis eru perfect hn Ir lia PMat eei: laira B"la Rocitembach, Irme Alftrd Bekion, Beryl MMr Ba. Chesier Hagle. IsIhOt!, Catherine lieren- Ma locienhaciand! Vernon WRas pressasand parhy Iwig evqning., oec. 22, vos mêmw et Our moinde la lte be progrom vuas a folova: 311qe," by ficheoL la sI.," Re. T t. DMIÏM" Richard Dscitmn. OlY Si. Niclea," laver *MMtaasCke.-"Bileae ag- bgu nsCernes."» Loveil StMa Sim Bd«,-."violet tome Bat., Mr loota." Lover Grades. Mr Wb" ot oed Sa>," Ba Io Dolly,"FranceWilson. jIm 1E.Io ast o ge " IVCetoss.- Frances Wil- Gerits thie Box," Ver- CU brlsmauing," Entipe Tii h. givea F1- Sf p aaime late wS h4» sve rt- Archeologisa have uacevered ,oa Pompeil a hsrroom singulirly ruilaIs- cent Of, the neater sort ot driuit places that were to ho touud lu Amen-ý con cIlles before the dsys of. pro l;ihiltlon, snd 11>0>' lve found the drled le*of the lquor Itu the'jars. The outside walis of the saloon are evered vthi appeals te lie votera efthie, city to "Vote for LIlîlus fer duumivr"The duuimvir vas a sort of seetman or liait nayor, an oficiaI viiose povers or perquistes msde the office one liat vas much toveled. The eletion notices are everyviiere te ha touuid on 1the w voIlretPepei, usuall> la ret! peint, sometimes la black. They seetnile bave been- hie costomar>' m«Eana etnotltrtng thee ctîsens et noMilnations liaI had heen madie. The craMs MeM>te have acted in Place et Part>'calluse.&."Thei.bai- bers nominale Treblua for aedtle.' says one placard. " Ail the geldtiltha nomialoe . Cuspîns Pansa for aedîle," ara another. Sometimes s man lu referredti t as v. b., whicià mesus vi bonus, or a gond man. One la certi- Iled os "an bonest youflg Ian."' 0f onother ht la saidthalti "b. willl aave the. people's moues."» Dumb Animal@ Psy Taxe& Il vili ho surprisiag t o n>.e people te boara thot ail Income-tax payers are net humai belnZs, and that em ofthle Canadien geernîmeut's lucomne la derived from pet animaIseviiose bu- mou owans aid henetaCters provided for their future eamfort b>' au endow- ment. Sud> lu the. case ai Lendon, Ont., vbere mveral such pets are annual contnthutors to lie <ty's cot- ras. One.large dog ln that cil>' re- eives an annusl lucomo ltai lan> SMRll ftidillles wuold spprecite, due tu the <act thal ithe aulitnnliegacy sai a large one àmd grew from >ear 10 >eàr b>'the îterethooary procesa loeid boud%, deposlted lu trust. keep hlm ln comtort andi aise yield a =aili seturn tote b. cil>' o fce 1t3 Inceme 1ev>. A beautifui Ponton cal, nov sleePili> rouudlng out a lite er adven- tare, Biao recelves an Incorné left b>' af eceetrlc master. There le n par- rot, ton. Ail these are cottributors, t1-heglene eelse bas,10 111I euh thie tax tern, for tin>. Tien. aam deubilens mon>' Beih animais I n tier countrle.. J1J3L V]rI IVLW TO BR PERMANENT This was the assertion made rtoday by American officiais 1and experts Washington, Dec. 23.-Thé place of pislon gas as a veapoli of unr le per- moanent, It vas saidt oda>' by Amer- Ican' officalsanad experts. Iespiýto aiy ban which may be plac- ed ou Mos, thern la nothing vhich vill abSolutely prelent a recurrenc eot ite use tu jwar;illltory experts declaro4. Té roI>' on such a ban ai protection veuld b. tehIvite tradgedy.suc» as eIi second battle of the Ypres viien the Canadian and 1rench. troopé ln tIi ,liite vers deiuged 1là goS-for 1the ral tii. la the a. Rega-rdIsu of aiy bAn on the :ellot0 gai, mee gh odictal ofthte cenfereilce pointet OUti, troopo yl nover la future b. safe fin dlaater without the neveat type 0f mas masi. la talng tila 1) d, American rep- reseatlres nl ipreTsa eevore de- aIre te seô gos retrweet! a*d. if Pos- sible, li limilnation. but theyhold that thîs latter la a prancawiImposai- bity. Accordlagy vbat Amercan .relire- Sontatives desire la toe e nwueoe auin ho vr edged about seoai te pro. teot every no-ombant and tovua, but te leave ansfrue te use il ai a legttlmote veapon. Atide fronmcil- li& opinioR. mitary exPert_saunab shtratProposition. regard gâa a me humane thon shelilgre. Tii. loferaI attitude ot the Ameni- con OfficIaIs lu backed by Great Erit- a. and It ln underuteod, by, the Frenchi aIse. This i. contrary to thle rePresentatlonsa mode b>' the italian delegotion, vblch.placed Amorican re presontativen as standing aIoe. for the reteatton Of thl. weapon. The. useo0f gos ln var was forbidden b>' the.Hague convention of vbicii Germaiy vos a signer, it was pothteti eut. and despite tbis genoral prohbb- tion, evor>' notion ln thie vor fnally retorted tà tt, aad at Prenent the. eOmical experts, et every country' are experlmenîhng lu effort. to develop eT- on More terrible forma of lethal var- fore, thon vas gueased ah hi the lait Var. 0000se000C0000000000O e NADDEN.SCROOL e O O O O O s I5 O O 000 S Mr. Simpson vhated Dur sciiocî Mon- day, Dec. 26, Inspectai! 0cr ';oys andi thinga tiat vo bave mode, ont! theugit tho>' vore Tory good. We volecltd a varlety of triings for lie Salvation Army le use in Christ- mas cheer. Thoso vie received. tîve perfeet marks la spelling are Agnes Guri of second grade, aid Gladys Muidor aid Gertrude fScivandi of lhe tifli grade. Misa Ethel Stolzman visitoti friends hn LIs.ý Foesnt for thi e eit end.. Marie Schvandt feIl viii, sie vas valklng home f rom scbool Wed6esday and injureti ier leg. An automnobile vas deiroyet! by ire aiout 10:30 'clock Thuistiay nah»Ini front of lie Gilbbon Halama faim. Mr. Bocitman, by lhe tourtes>' ef Mr. Simpson, is representlng the rural schools at the stale convention of teachers ai Springfield thîs veoit. He Is a dlegale fron> lie Laite Shoedl- vision, ef whjch Laite Count>' formsaa part. School vili reopen Januar>' 2. 1922. Our tiraI grade yuil tien b. dîvîdeti aid vo bope goed voatiier vIll Permit rapld ativacement b> ',i dvisions. Second and thilt!grade. vilIltaire up vont in supplementary readers. ltadlng Circî books bave beon atideti tote librar>' aid vilIlie roady fer distribution next veet. .Noieuho. Mylh hUniversel. bi da Vid T ia I The boethoelu ls moal primitive form lu Of grent ontiqui>'. An olti ON SHE FF iREEN' ad very peplar superstition. ciment I &scibs e hehoseho (q)t4UyINALLEN CAÀSE tueuore icIt han heen founti la tie rot! b>' chance) the pover of b.rrlng Attorney charges- Edgar R. lie Pasagaeoftthe. ForedSepr-tA len was remnoved fromn court posM i stheeocla naîle tu te orf tb. Ilirubioli, s*at! Hon. ln hie "Tear urisdiction toc soon Beet." saga, "Mailing ef honesbees - semas te have baeu Piaeticedsau veil Cenatable PettUclair lgat. veek servei te bàep vîliteln bas te ieep tleiaupon Siierff Imer Green la varrat out. 'la Mionmouh sireet. Lombes, issuet! la Justice HerveY C. Coul- M.n>'bereesoesnslledt! te tesma- son's - court, -coaimanding hlm te S&Ma ver tg 4bene la 17W?; ln 18U8 produce lu tie circuit court Bgd- Mr Heur>' UIMeentaid sevecteen gar R. Allen, Of 320 Wllilams '8h., ilresbIneealato street, but ta .M on a., habens corpus bearing. Allen enly eleveu reumlne. Th'nt w 1 ~ as reieaued by Sierif Grea and son vufas osuperstitions turc, ait!turned over ho Deiiuh>'ilertt B. hoving <rusht aîthla he b.lucit et àA. Gauldit!t ofetFort Worth. TOICS, borseehe. b.d coin. nlleil tte mail nîgit before lait upon extradition et lie ~papers Issuet b>'thie governor et Of te «etor." llinola upon the. request oet1h. ev- ernor of Taxas, ant! Allen, Iu oui- Meeldian ef Oremwlei.. hedy ef Deput>' Gaulding la. nov on Tb. anilon 0 Orenvîc l ien.ii a>' te Texai lu face charges et erali>' occptat! as lie *Uant s. s teallng an autooie from vhich te reciton longitude sud les otere , es tern£2. WiI- HIme aUover theearti. Buh objac- he IhIs olk t tewaraentsiat splnat lie universel adoption «.uthe 0uOt azainat .Bherl f inern ermeevcmeidlan for uci P% r .sergeant Franit MManamaa, poes. EOealy Italen savants h-vo0oftle Woukegan police departuent, umphazlsedth le»eobJetIons b>' point' chargiag tliea vihi taise arreat ïfor lug ontthlat on th. meridianf et en- thaving tbien Allen' loto hsody viel cloda and bat! vohier are tre- WiliIaasCharges thai 1he. ottes quent, Int«eirng vili aîtronSuiesî reiatlng tu habseascorpuas uvillu observinohCs. Tue>luigestt 11>1 lie et!. claimiag lathâ . thenlhOIff kte wlii5vSld uhgud are tle adopt liat such action vus te ho takIen.BO4 lb. je atdoe f uma as &a com- clalma the lb. ifi M kae tbo am nelmes eline, houns. he-o habeas corpus mittet eeUld ho taies *» uew d »pnssq l ltho court t i h en mboiag bM Isa Im Ro"peilticol objection& -hat depertoti vitilis M".-WiJUaM aise chue a hi. Ox.eibdb !IIo w keyGernot une net taSpined àt the ne ad tint therot'ore ft uWi I fot propedly aigned.. No w;qrrantè have been I ssu(-tl Iagainst Justice Couflsoî Desi<Spi, Igent tlecMaàiu.tiL4n o lý~ .î this aflernoon. Adviisors of Sheric tGreen .deelare, tIiel he han nothlug ta fear becase the statute Provlded that an officer i, liabIt oni> if a prîsoanet intention- alIy secrets or kidnapssuch peisn. 'fw ho:-j sditated Ihis alîCîfoon thai il is net necessary for thegovernor té) ii'i aia extradit ion, nlid that ini t; ai. cases the seûretary o! war doca s5. JastiiL, s~declanud tis-:af, tcrnuoüiithal Allen wivastaken into txutody under an act relatlng to lu- gitIves f rom justice, and that Depoty (<-qilden testlfied Allen vwas lndicted la Texas. LOWDEN SEEN AS CANDIDATE FOR OLD »OB IN 1924 0. k OL4wdon la morethoa ào" slbillity for the pU"bono minatio for sovernortla 1134.,!ntormiu alethat rohescleeely baelk tte oamer o orner tendts to a conclusion, tiat i t. Levden vilanmtobjeot te gettlns I*to the 1924 campedo "Mtb h b" tbat thero la to lu rehbiltotoa of state offies under the administratIv code. senators Bleui CIUIorwk -and W11lam IL MeKWne> aru due te ar- rive la Chicago on Chriamas dy. WILLIAM 6. FLINT, LAKE BLUFF, DIES, William G. Flint of Lake Bluff dled at the Lake county general hospi- taI Moaday Imeraing, followlng ai Ill- ness of titres veeka. Re vas takren to the hospital luit "rdey. lir. Flint wvas 77 years old and Up to bis recent Mlnasehaid vorked steati- iy. Hie bad resided Itn Lake Bluff for many yeara. Be,%lde», his wife. hé leaves tvo daughters.. Ëuneral servtces wero held Tuesday morntng at 10 o'ciock f rom the resii- once, 326 North avenue. Lake Bluff. The remains vere takea to Genoa, Ii.. for burtal. * Mount beolo'. Many OMiroka. There - have lieen 28 erupttops el Mount, Herin, te famous Icland vol- CDo,' -Ince tl i lsr','y of lte lslau& A FAÀILURE Elevtric raitroad, after many1 experiments, has ta aban- don theplan, The llmited. trains on the North àhore Une.-vili flot be oqutfped vitii Thre.ea Utlpheno aiepedila vle h e ha eic eiu n i e l t .10hfe0 ýàyer tal veki a ho m»nys hopé aiM p lihne.Cave siiovu ,wtbot ti pio cehoineythbe lpal no epattondsuc- tie ffcars ere ta aencoth untrell ad trolley tii. heî ex iirtol-s le're vichrs. eat oefr 1phes. Cari o elan ta wi Vrelea a eed on t thrralthelveenEv -torth S hoe " a hicago 1180 Laovn spleni rela buth a eoau lies U ars verearoleysîhleaver- hisese tolyvire the oxmpuonhe Thl e failon 0fhe m e pln te von l lipPreint thîr air ke bgl cousndr vice fthe oe a trollhes rteerare densfe vitaesvtreee phofe cae nt the loal tee enofiel Aprent toreatpaeAtg a. tecLeco f ake Cid nt dopro- viso wu1 lmae pproahes for the poy- keeplnthe localcotr' office opnmruta twoukega nth-en ailt d ofheones moreh ond tmOrapparenft.Ahingi . N.Tt la appaentichas ppontedo ti. olletor of luae tteundnotro visedsio v s oe by txes.vrmett Bu ee lab. loca offie pengloe ta b tvo idays a menti-lie laity day e eu Wholesale Co lb. Collecter ve0re oùn"40eJob .g t». lime hhat ho' could colloh zonai ta«e that are Dot bOIXg recelveti b>'the. governunept tbýr.ugh las. .çiOnt lune lai "ing fthe ltoessary invoitlga- Tt is understood liat the govere- ment tu 10o ing mbthe, motter et keeping the=e .o"nmoeand! a de elsion je exbecheti n ti.4earutur. MOTICE 0F SALE Ô), «lAL STATE STATÇ OF ILIJNOISI COUNTY Or LAKM e. 5 !N. TIM COUNTY COURT 0F BAID ln the, mtter etf the estate or Carl Meier, decei. Irank. . yrlybi. adiinuîator de bonla Bonofet ,estale ef Cia eler. tieeased,, vs. Sophie Meler, Maie Mei1er, Chogo Title & Trust Coin- Pany. truste., aid Jeusie B., »avis.-. Order teoe Il real etate te par' debti. Public notice la ioreby <lysa Inat b>' virtue ot a decreot eder Mat!, 0114 eteret! et reoord by saisicourt la te -aboe.entUtied 0ca4son tbe inhi day 09 Novomber. L- D., Joli, the ai" admlalstrtor de bonisenon vili ot hei heur oet Il o'clock o. m. on Monda>, ,lie 101h day etrJamuany, A.D. 1ion, at the MNiai front donr et lie Court Rosse, n hé i.Ciy e1 Wauk.an. County ot Lake oWtte ot Illinois. offer for sale ManIl at public vendue te tiie higiest ant beet bidd.r for ceuh,.'o PaY lte'debtue oi d estato. a&l thie flleving d.scrlbeti rea eshate slhuatedIlathie Vllaog.etfLhbertyville. Ceunty of Lakeoand State oftIllilnois*] The. veat,-oigityft etoflot aineteen ln County CIrks Subdivision accord- Ing te the DI&' thereof recorded If Uhe Recorder'a office of Lakte Count>'. 1111- note, ln Book G of Plats, page 18. Ternis of sale, cash. The above describeti property vilI be aold f ree aid clear of ail homesteati aid dover.interesti tiierein aid of all liens and Incumbrances. No 4.04 vIl b. doivered te purciasers ountil said sale bui been repoitedte t and approv- ed b>' aiJd Cdunhy Court. Dateti Dec, 13, 1921. FRANIC J. WRIGHT. Admiaisîrator de boule non et .he Estote of Cari Meier, deceaiet!. '" " "00 000 e e PR ALL THE NEWS 0F kLAKIE e COUNTY, SUISSCRISE FOR THE 0 INDEPENDENT-h41.50 A YILAR OOoOOeOoeooeoe voIh. lii 83-lt C.LOS IN G e e In and See FPor'YV 3. ' T.LXce pu, 27.U NUGI *The co-epratlvle .Z&- «t Io meeting vlhh "prv.j.- Produce ga*wers fet-tii. ý ln# t0 e W*nt ind1tiso.n The. more co-opes ahve associations 01 prdue the étate bave been fos-me 'Org4wition et vegetable centorlug ab çut Peonla snd 4 a compon>' 0f anionse i@ o 'the vetgetable <revers ,ergéut tien vili ho caIIlieteP duce Grovers, lac., and ill fruit andi Vegetaiiiesfor rwo liai tmritor>'.Tiy utiaisation teda>.'. Th la started et $21_00at i are sling coatilets t. uo4ofi 'tire. f6ars tirOogh the Illcow *rvý cultuirel ONOlatIOS WhIIe the aoàoclatlooa A"thei. x; eveil Counfy Farin Bureau.hi dors, a-Mog ts o IIIII for thi. <moin eOM tu Une for mesu il, or beur spore tinse, or.$" SI* a HORACE BULKLETY, M0 N. Ml*mo., kee ave.. Lihertyvhlle, 11., viii p.p cash for rav furs. tt FOR ItENI -Garage, eleotric flgte4& bait blockt tront businessdistret.au Milwaukcee %ve.-RIoaomoble. lnïXjt5i 336 14. Mlvaukee Ave. FOR SALE-Nov r saIbide e.e #ddresu "A" alegendnt tflee. FOR SAL-A nev sors>'. Tels> phone 288-W-I. 1cji FOR SALE-Barred Plymouthl£ cociterels. lira. Frank Fre4stb phone Round Laike 18-W-i. 5>2C FOR SALE-Fine Plymout Bock rooster. Mrs. Mary Motion. Wads. OUT type ot rdimar>' Conten, becouse tons te in alsa ie declt hrowlng W" hie Io vormas t and V( mld mu a clartis 16 elgit. anacounci Me5 deCil wtabt à Entire Stock of Furnture --AT - Pries AND LESS- We. have rented. our building *for 'other purposes, and the entire complete stoc.k of furniture etc., will be sold out I3very item of Our stock Is Included, No Exception, * SsUI Wil Be For Cash'OnIy li- em -