Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Jan 1922, p. 1

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LIBERTlYVILLE 'iNDEPýENDE' LdAK CoUtY NEEN ~~" ontyes Big WeeklyWUKCAWEKL ý-ýMER 1. 1JBTYVJLLAKE LVW .WS THURSDAY,- JAN&JARY 5, 1922 ~'TI iO'ST e a1qWC a b 'o prossed Xt ImportAnt. se far as the Abe tate o illInois are con- As charge of embezzlement "Ud totaliig $600,00 by (loy w1hiall. vas dismisseti by unr e. Edwrds lait Thurz- sean. following the requeet ,Attorney Fred Mortimner, S' or angàmae caunty. expected turc of the case. loposed o! the lndictrnent the governor with commit- felony, caused Gov. Small's eLeForgee and Besabien to igoroualy. Tbey demandeti 1 aà the inditment wich Me the court's first consider- going ta trial. It reulted le Il friday nlght Isauing a state laiig tbat this vas the only e itients that would give >portuulty to prove Conclus- the people tint h. did nlt Mbie *funds ta i own ad avs oely the. case charging iy which Involves the gaver- Verses Curtis, Grant Park rith a msdemeanor: aft h"aest the embezsiçment »se. directei agaeat Goy. x». Mud dirina tii. tisa he 9tressÀr. for trial 3snaary MtA tediCtliemthrovu eut, as j*1 the coutZtet the rflees lacctic. iare vas eothlug lu 4ta as the resnat et ti. W419 t thaeambesglaiseat gt, nov» lefttula4deuUnas;te Or»dictsemt. The. pros. rw-l equirate liea £ mi odu. sttlng forth the nature 1baq lute acofspracy WCh« ). Thejudge wMl $ie d«6 oft triailentth. latter ~eas atement fallava: wai hkcii ere Dent teda, ln [Ake ceuety imdby the. grand b" of ër Comnn u at juiy. Il Win =fcuit fen the peaple or 1Illl- cu ea ti.ave of Iliiteelig eoused ta flow over theé ate Iaracter of propagmeda that U Vearws e i.destructiona o! na»Me tbrcpitaeit the state "«-ivethe -eole o! my use- ta thoir goyernnr. curse thls afternooe in the. Ount i ofLdkeCoanty WinI lay tb. peUlc slnd the. sethods t t»aeimsllrtiua causlng Netmants; aud. I ame quite be t>uof ethons uho circi- ý Prooffand.a no freely le lut bq sasactIve li glvlng te the g A reat state, a full and et tfith spectacle le the »*rt rocsa of Lse county ýýftl day of December. 1921. ~P boainlig, 1 have been fSUa t havng tii...cases r pubue bsknove that the. = OU I.hargeagiat me m.aa leu vsthe change o! embas- = i1 wu v.athe treasurer cf W *today vas set for trial t. %t*ardq an .iacuary i, 192J. M" 9unnonce t altbey 147-î tor trial. The sfatesai.f W-5agasuceutY and ticý éeeeraÏi af lileas rtusedte t et Ub case, and, aven my oh-' *Xi agafet my protesta aed '»W stateu attorny and tii. 'J Uxaldtuielset thus suit XtW: lAsd vithout affording oretuelty te diaclose andi - tact that ther have no ~UtIIey neyer haf one,,and kà* genoer llegally recelved, ýýor lndla'ectiy, ans pen- 4 ne off fthia tate ville fA if ate treaurer, as a pri- $ItiduMsl or le aey otiier ca- o1raly somewf ai embItter- bis pr#oadura A charge of $,A çbsniter ta ha Inreateti b* ttii. #roecuioii Wbcii r teoteut, debrivlag se ~tUlnI17 ta show fhe -utter 114 h be ge id mladtbtn ~~aacmlii> accepteti S te couies smb. 4poffcution anti le tint -rWdi, andi am nov kthat any 'far mnd ~the preseet Instant. elu fhe ligitest de- tuta have mi casae, ~~cass"ltie anga- ~6~nele! t asainsi r case, p'vich byi e-office, I& sec tJ~-aevc WOULD0 LET CONTRACT IN U SKOKI91DRAINAGEDIST. IL.Ji5l The pfft Skoaite Drainage PIsý- trict commiesaonera Iald a mesi- luie a is-ilsutiPark Prltay anti vent «Ora the >ant taterri- tory ta determia-tet>. ondtofa the. land They VtoliatOlot & 0ii- tractOM Uom etiseletihe sean fui- tua-e for' tha.JieProvemOiit etfiathe ROTAIAS BACK COL SMITIIIN LAW - Adopt resolution fo Comfnen - dation for plàoing service - above self The Waukegan Rotary club has adapteti s resolutîoneo! comîoenda- lion o! the work af States Attorney A.- V. Smith -ind asaithei-Peortle Of the couely ta co-opeiate with hutin l hi@ prosram of! 1wen tforcements. The esolutlac follova: The membera o! the Roter> club 1 o! Wauitegan. fully cognizent of the-- diffiçulties whi ca nfront public of-I ficais in the strict performnance of thein dties; sud appracietive o! aey service redered by thase le viose keepIng the people have piaceti a sac-- rat taut. hlleve. as the yaar 1921 drasho a close, 1h la au act of duty, as velI as a matter a! pleasuna.el canvary la aur !.llow citizen. A .lzr Smith, aincer, congratulations and hearty approvai o! the conduci a! is offce. and lI£ vise selection o! an able assIstant. Abert U Hall. Masate'. attorneyi af Lake couati. Mn. Smith bas exespliftedtheii truc, spirit a! Rotryr"-Servica Ahave Self." He la entitle to te .cas- mndalion andico-pemt"lofa!ail civc sud ldcai erçmdttflahe [ceuati, as ccl » as al ,*IavIdU i- dîviduais. Tiiea»Wbe It Resievei. That ve, the côiimiltee tu vhom ivas asais-n th le bonar of eztendlig ta Stahe's Attorney Smith L. ni UI uh staut vii..asd congratulationsLO N a! thie smen 0 oftie tatary club oa!m Wauitagae.unqualiistily Indarseansd cemsent ils wovansd express ths hope tint the splendid service given m m!" leg the.put ien, may continue ibmu- out is leaune le office, sud bha h fur- N W T N f essolveti. That lhe meneýers o! this 1t'q, BYBo club as tedividuals, an le club as an anganlastian, pie-e .l moral D Al support at.ail tises, toa ai sud R F RS L ever b mayendetakeIt.lethe Inter- es flwenfarcement. anld bha t United StatsS plane theae Reoa ed Th thesa resolution ons.onfle here durlng bspi-sadtiupon ithe recorda a! tha thia year Rotary club o! Wauitegac, a capy of aamesent ta Stata's Attoaney Smithi, Waukiegau investors-men, vosen anti0 te .sevaral nevapapers pub-at vnc»ie-iih ht e lisbe InlaiLaits caunty. adee hde-U eal o u DAMON ALSHLLER, Usd5 Bam's neav "baby bonds" durns PAUL B. KELLER., 1922. JAMES M. WOODMAN. Mre tmn $100.000.000 vartii a! tiase bondasyuha bsaldtisi.yean hy the gavaremant, the nev issues bes ff ,LÂ EV1LÀA fferedtu t encourage peace turne firifi Tiey cas ha purchaseti for as loy as CAPE;NINE AKEN Milliosof Arerican euildren are ltea emo tie aoy ueea issoues. Secretari o! the Treasuti Mellola. Raiders are alleged to have vbe la ans o! the richesi men te Ame- found two poker games in learnsd on. o! the.lbmitent men le progesa Président Hardihis cabinet, la giv- Ing persau attention to the. offertes-sj Fréquent complate.lotigeti viii of fiabonds. Pastmaster WiII Hays la ths stat4es attorney tint C. H. Keler,. astins- is. praprietar of a restgaurat t Laite vil- Pecadnt Apprevea Issu la. vas conductins a gamblins- bouse President Hardig through tii... resulted int a raid Sundai afiernoon officiais. appred tbe baby bond Issue by raders vorig. ouita!ftthe prose- befr, thy vers offereti publicli. Tiie cutar's office. -,111iiighsst officiais o! the .niedtateiasa The raiders *r* aflegedti t have govrenment are caoperating lia a lia- fouedt tvaPoker gaies. rhnlng In full tlon-vl<e, campaigai toecouraga tIis syis- ln a ide M-ons at Kelier'. place. tbnift andi savîns- amoeg aIl the. peOple The. -offcssei.d the soney the o! lhe Unitedi States and aspecally faunti on the table anti aisa apprapr- aniong ithe cbldraaotheiiUnDitedi atedthe tamoao inytle i. "tty" vwhl Biaiesa. hati bPan raited off the tabla as t e Thqa-e are liva valeties o! the, 50- proprlatt'soblinie fon conductîns- the cailedi baby bonda, nase o! vhllt are games.baed an sumo largde aeugh ta attrant Tgaie iii. lwoe tedollars o! adulte. Pi-ei, of course.. CThEL ffarst et ve s epr. cames thé etee cent savingassmp, d. C.nHy lelene, ake Vasilae. signe«t ta encourage chitiren ta tievel- Mike Jenen, s&q op habits o! ubifi. Tiiese ua be pur- JaMbt MXenieLak Vila. chaseti ai acy pestafffce. Wlit th Jame MoKnsis Lai. Vila. tiret staanp purchaseti goes a ltile James Bulord. Laite Villa. boak. vltii placas for tee atamps, Law Fabre, Lake ViBla. oatii, ian filleti. just $1. Tie plan Heny Nàdsn. Lait. Villa, of the goverement le ta ancaurage tbe Athony Fratnn Racine, Wls. aupachase o! -bodits and stampa until a Hfery uiienbers-, ÇhIcago. boQk.,Ii. 511.4 ai viiich tîme Ih cau bu The dfndanta vire ail iakei ta exohang»CI for.A$I Trsaury atamp. Watkegn. viens they vers arraignedTis lna aZ,(l.sure anaus-lagovarn- hefare .Tntlcc Rai-n Hait. Thai vers ment bond,1k. the. Liberty' bond, only piatet i uder bonds andthein caas -ssusti le a smali denomin&tiani. Nezi ver. cantInueti. camas the $25 Tresui s jvIngs cen- The stat's atiorusi Tu"%~y fIled tificai,, tien the $100 ce - tiOcats and information le onnut court chars-leg finally the $1.000 certficate.. Keie iSa oduttesng amblins- Tiiegaearaneeet 1nov lo seiling ai a - bélid iii0. oter men dis=ont .11 tiesa bonde exCeptIhh 10 po*rt. stî-.tamp agitha $s4i a ptà le -Get Over the Fence? YFAA--M AL$3*500000 P- irI EAL ESTATE DEALS ByA. K. B0W ES O CMTX Assistant Secratsry sectirlty Ttle Trust Company. Thairci outofie uas ussu- LNSTOB A 24. 1921, 780 cases ver. fflcd, vWbftbR U TI UB includeti 136 bil for divorce sU sep- arate maintenance; Ir buis te unz Deputy Colleotor A. N. Tiffany bila to quiet fJfle; 19 ielarelcane iform tion nd es mchae' lileu notic.neeSuitates delay in the. naturalisation division h.aoewh ol ie hi cM records ahov 260 déclarations for citi- t s. vue ia vntifil uoirlucMt aeaishlp xaxers sud 29>2 ietitlaes forjhaute, as A. N. Tiffany, daputy collac- Second paPerB. tor for the. Waukegan district vith As ex-officia recorder of deeds, Mr. beatiquarters te the posioffica build. BrSc~aysoOffice shows aorna sery i tcg le Wauitegn, anoucadti tda tersetipg statiatica. Durng the year that it probably viI ho mare thas a endt« esDcenaber 24, 1921.,9M20insir- month befone the. eacasary blanita menU» ef ail iinds were filet.Tiie to- viii ha available, due ta a change tal amawit etf bans vas aPPro XiMaiely ram laat yaar. Mir. Tif fany statati that iiie revlbetl $315 N1000. g i sat easblanits would ho avallable abolut ]cb.. ver. recordeti. th tapayrsoulti ha ProsPtlY In- The foiloving sumumary Includes omd only the. more Important deals: ,Whule the. exemption for.- mariled CiITy ()PWAUEIIGN:- Iparsaea bas bee n aised the i, minum linfiae do-onaidistrict several jfor azamarnisti persans roase t important deais ver. coasuinmatad. 1$1,000, ho daclareti. "The Ibet daY for whlch includedtheii.faliovlug: I filins thi. individual incarne tai nei langeai transaction of Wanita- setuile is Marci 16, Collecter Tif? ga busIness propertyi te ahitrY Of fany B.aid."but lI Order fa avol th fe the city vas the purchase ofthé Mur- usual lust mactet rush and ths- Im- rCy building by P. G. SWi nitisd Ali osliig Of pealties, the. taxpayeris Hei. WaIe ii. ctai ranfe vii h:uld file as soon as vaeget thé lien. hïl th acueltrasfe wll bank, viih viii bc e fIniUe ta not occuun mil afer Janaran lut, eev- preveet eleventih bur confusion sud artheleass h la a 1921 transaction, con- disappointmet.' sideration. 155,000. 1Mr. Tiffany nov bas his beatiquar- Win. J. sud P. 0. Smith baugitt he taraInaiEvanstan but ho. vu appoint- C. B. Wattel building on enth aide eti vitb the. uaderstanding uhat Lakte Madison Street, jusi eaut the. Tele' county ha lie bauntiari cf hl% activi- phaone building, for $15,000. fies. As it is nov the Waukeaan of- W. J. au4 P. G. Sith bousît th fice liaopen aniy thc laat tva andtihfe Jienutle iai ontii vlduc SetifIltva odairs ef eacii mont>, but ho Benestrefats fannome inal canSodut-la eaiteavong ta nsaeW&uiem a Gaýnm Sree, fr nminl cnsier-sepanate district. vhich viii anable ation. iru nta ieep the. local offiee Open Jacob Blumbers- & Sons boughl the evëry varkinig day Of the mOnth. Dou las ockt on the *eat side of This voulti ha a big ativantage ta (leneisee Street, accuiapet by thé 16v- local taxPaYers, andi Mn. TiffÉiy a- lae ti usiness le the coulfty ia (Coafinuati on Pâàe 2) sifeeto tararanitiihe re-digtrlct- Ing. MOE $8,000 BOND LAKE POREST ISSUEAT iI~I~DEALER IES t At a special élection at Area Tues- .day su $8.000 bond Issue for tiie pur-. ltoy Vogei, a pramlsectdealer le »pose o! Street Improvemena in the. automobiles o!t .Aite Parait, dieti ai rvillage vas carrieti hi a vote 'o! 77 ta le home in tiit iy ilis mornng L5, itw vanaounceti. rovlng an operation for appeedl- The ardiflAnce for the 1is8asce o! c s. atter vhici pneumonia set I. 1ii teimprovemeait bondsevuis passad by yagai vas ýonly 24 years of age a vas an. of the >nost Dévier mon the. villages on Dec. Mf, and the. monayInletii. cify. lis- IlInsovas iteove i ii he useti fan p&yvIais- itb-cnuiid ta but faO' (rienda and ihl# detth 1.. a stan, or gravel, gr4ing. flraieinÈ sud shock totathe cIty. The ftmierai viii ruaui M"i'. ~a. 15. 1..a-euaa erîuy iI a.1. l ar BROKEN RAIL DELAY&S C. & N. W. TRAIN 4 HRS As the resuli 0< a braiten rail on thi. Nortbvesterai sisteM nenar Ban- ringuox.' Ill., a train tram madiseu due at 6*56 p. M., vas dalayeti for four hours-..hvile thsrail vas haing repaireti Tuesday. MEDKGS PROMSE CLOSE# CHJECK -ON BIRTiIRECORDS WM d a#in #Wer powt gim.j prove birth registration'in #ate The slata depariment o! healtiir-- ports a heaany aespffa>shu-a bçen matie by mamiierso! tiie medîcal Pro ,feasion lin theetahe te give assistance 1~ keepteg a eser cheoit an iilnhireg- tnqnstiiat Illinois mai taite lis place alnong lie ather 9tatea in the Tire deperîmeait sant oui ain appeal aecntly urgins- the dociors -4i sacl- elles ta cnoapoet ithe, ie&t- ment in ibis respect. ltb a latter ta evm ery ecai sqçje t be 51.4e anti practcaliy evani pla'sa aceuffl ta practice ie tète et Illinois vas avarfictia cOPi of r.aoletiens ren- Ing te, birti reghbstto e iiih ver -adiopted bi' the hilInoUad et Public Halalub AfiviÈM. Nurnalous replies bare becs ree*' ai by the deaenisat CWgi-g saune tbat the faijeet ceepeisMsa vii haOF e n, The drive vii s A« e mdcdthe dapauient My, 'Mtý fi1t l'e$dmt tbiis. tloa se 0per et ril births la thoceè* *r srostogo lqmr ý *1. *t x*U»rZ kfeps tiie ato I gube frocsthé roi Ubtzatlii ares. Ont t !thie satire nucberar cfanavra recelved by iti. iepartmenttrms " tors andi soctte onIy four diposede Adverse cesment. Thag' acored the. de. pastact for atteuiptlng te ««put aver &te a ediCine sd thersby gatenasal- Iae the ptcumdcn. The departnicnt on cammaantlng on fia... tour am: "It strikes one as beiuig vary dd tbat comploe.blrth règiatratlom siiouid aven spget such dire couse- guancs en l inos viienocnsl4enably msratisa a score of éthier sta±#, b.h ,t &d ta the cradit et the naudlcai profession, have i'aeordad mors thax 80-par ceet af thae&r bithsa for ycure" Five hit Alger F. Robinson, one la ainat ay Preganzer of Grass Lake Lake Farent people who have been mlssteg their automobiles. a dosen of thanI, yul learia vlth leterest tli.t Agr P. Rbison o! tiiat cilytoday grand jury ai Waukegas n alcharge of larceny. for the. allcged theft of autamobiles. five indictsecta being rsturned against is. Robinisonlai.le tho custody .et Sien- lit Elmen <Gree., and Jutige Claire C. Édwards ha. lxat i bs boed at $2,000. Anotiier ane of the Beveai triie buils bits Ray Pragansar. of Grass Laike, proprIetor a!ofeona!ftii. hst kuoi rssorte le teke ceunty, vba la ciiarged vitii unlavful possession or letoxicatlng lîquor. Préganesr's bond vas 5used at $1,000- One lediment vas supprtssti bacaus Assistâant state'. Attuasy Albert L. Hall vants ta gei service] on the defeedant. The gand jury levestigateti laine casées. The Jury visltedti te oounty lail andi racommeeded that botter ta- cilities be provideti for the admission o! visitea for visita vitb pnoers The grand Jury reportadti tat the oaucty aal la beiaig condUiotati tea &ç cardacce viii requiremsansd fliat the prisOflers are suppliiaê vlthe ii tiecessary foodandam clothing anti are receling aatis!actory tiesiatet. Tii. teaclQro of t.he IL.'»« Sne&y Sciio61 hiild theix- businessmeeting at the. home af Mrs. Fre4- UnthItiai Tuesdày night. Atter the fasintee>sa sion a-soWiabéeur vas spentt, a.U lunch bol" "M& ti~Ail proton, f at izflSt t. a pigeonhole et tihed year's activities led te ti Abdulla Sadula, -retiditqr stret andi &owgJ1lg tIi tle of whlskey, the oie the. dlacovay vien UM" a roll-top desk. "ýGue§sa tu a lthe l year-to tuice a2iflnv et# officer C. A. Brune. "i vwet goods wlalle 1 do'a' stock taking." Matthew Hoffrman. harn fieldi hat a strango k$R4,-U that rouses thei. splicm raiders, and altbough the grôwing late the. ofileer tu Wankegan ta telliHt t No raid seems te, b.e days. or nights. wiiiboqui rive Paints,, where the i offiers daasled Jos"b, a that he couldn't put *- Ilquor or part af a 8Mit0 He toe. vs. asked te MM NIck PaveUth adA igrerod CM t At RWW. »«hu»autu ireere e" Peuplé vW" 'Mei raiders .duaao*ve,.t Juga of uwmadâsiihtgxvl vmaraw -bo» me =àd vare piudsU4 ptovde boaa" udves ceuty JOi. Al arav 1*4i ebaxga otoofdt4uctAg0 halas. say b A p44re tira, te addition te bt-vi la .beir pomboim Sla satga rid on U MnI. K. PàalevICk. tu atreet, Netu Obleaào,1 tounti a mocsaliue t»i oruias M sbud Ic@5da ,,o Th# proeeht0baslm tien la tba euzity c0Ur" $ttslAttenci 11 a"d lohnb rea" a~ agaeut 804Ula. eU sanuigatura, 'wuia a* bg vas IcIWaais of .Imke VIla Attorney file cuit oourtin Atti. MAlbet i geai. tu uhé cirue 0b o! se Zicat yomt u*0 ditirt et t pb,'" f a uw4# c aftitbcut U* veakaqau fsUd *cthom are Ù4eu.1fr~ vies vel Slu for -# be be - Iin ter .e ý,-! f à fore in4utg9ýg ta- sa-o> utree o palm .. ens bw . _P The- tiinai 41.50 A Y -ta» Diane vmdAy, in L*XÇ Foýet

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